LLS :: Volume #6

#1058: Who will laugh last?

Yue Yang had not arrived at Silver Maple City City Lord's Manor to report. 岳阳一直没有到银枫城城主府去报道。 Three days of time, he has kept Silver Maple City. 三天时间,他一直留在银枫城 No one knows that he has made anything in these three days, Steward Du Li also made Yue Yang send Diamond Star Castle. Until the dusk of third day, in the setting sun will soon fall, before Yue Yang arrives at Silver Maple City City Lord's Manor finally, hands over the reincarnation card, showed that own status, seeks an interview City Lord. 没有人知道他在这三天里做过什么,杜丽管家也让岳阳打发回星钻城堡了。直到第三天的黄昏,就在夕阳即将落下之际,岳阳终于来到银枫城城主府前,递上转生卡片,证明自己的身份,求见城主 As an aristocrat, and has the Baron in castle and territory, the guard does not certainly dare to neglect. 身为一个贵族,而且还是拥有城堡和领地的男爵,卫士当然不敢怠慢。 Moreover, Silver Maple City Lord also goes out to welcome personally Yue Yang. 不仅如此,银枫城主也亲自出迎岳阳 In order to express his enthusiasm. 以表示他的热情。 Silver Maple City Lord is a beard snow white hangs in the chest floating wears the long gown to grasp the old person of dragon's head walking stick, he seems like wisdom profound Great Sage, but does not seem like lord of the city. Although in Human Valley the emperor of no real power, but that only is responsible for giving Thane to stamp to seal/confer nobility the puppet emperor, Yue Yang felt a bit like week Son of Heaven of Qin autumn Warring States period, in name only. In Human Valley genuine real power, is the kings as well as several King of the Blood in three states, Silver Maple City Lord is real power King of the Blood, subordinate has on ten thousand elites and several tens of thousands of slave soldiers, influence at least can arrange Human Valley first five. 银枫城主是个胡子雪白飘垂于胸身穿长袍手持龙头拐杖的老人,他看起来就像个智慧渊博的大贤者,而不像是一城之主。人谷里虽然有一位毫无实权的皇帝,但那只是个负责给各位领主盖章封爵的傀儡皇帝,岳阳感觉有点像秦秋战国时代的周天子,徒有虚名。人谷真正的实权者,是三位诸侯国的国王以及几位亲王,银枫城主就是其中的一位实权亲王,麾下拥有上万精锐和数万奴隶兵,势力最少能排进人谷前五名。 The so powerful character, goes out to welcome to young newbie Thane unexpectedly grandly, respect for the wise, this obviously his bossing around heart to nearby person. 如此位高权重的人物,竟然对一位年轻的新人领主隆重出迎,礼贤下士,此可见他对身边人的笼络之心。 Not only to Yue Yang. 不仅是对岳阳 To his person is also biggest bossing around. 对他身边的人也是一种最大的笼络。 youngster, I see you, likes from the bottom of the heart. You and your mother same outstanding, what a pity she pursue a higher boundary, has no intention to keep in the valley to struggle, otherwise, a new queen will raise like the beautiful stars slowly. I like you, many my son, these good-for-nothing fellows, did not discuss that actually you, young and outstanding Thane, can make me so hit it off well with one another......, youngster, I have assigned the person to prepare the banquet, haha, I must use most grand welcoming ceremony, welcome Silver Maple City new Thane, new aristocrat. Please sit down, dear youngster, please sit down my side, right, you have this qualifications! Regarding outstanding youngster, I am always willing spare no effort to help him, my liking to youngster, surpasses all!” A Silver Maple City Lord gentle elder, the crane sends baby faced him likely, hints Yue Yang to sit to his side, shows the favor. 年轻人,我一看见你,就打心底喜欢。你和你的母亲一样的优秀,可惜她追求更高的境界,无意留在谷中奋斗,否则,一位新的女王就会像美丽的星辰那样冉冉升起。我喜欢你,多过我的儿子,那些不成器的家伙,不谈也罢,倒是你,年轻又优秀的领主,能让我如此的投缘……来来来,年轻人,我已经命人准备好了酒宴,哈哈,我得用最隆重的欢迎仪式,欢迎银枫城新的领主,新的贵族。请坐,亲爱的年轻人,请坐到我的身边来,没错,你有这个资格!对于优秀的年轻人,我总是愿意不遗余力地帮忙他,我对年轻人的喜欢,超过一切!”银枫城主像个慈祥长者,鹤发童颜的他,示意岳阳坐到他的旁边,以示恩宠。 Although is your intention, but the etiquette of aristocrat told me, I should sit on the appropriate my seat.” Yue Yang hurries to express gratitude, in a murder envy vision, he is impossible really two to compel to sit to the Silver Maple City Lord side. “虽然是您的心意,但贵族的礼仪告诉我,我应该坐在合适自己的位子上。”岳阳赶紧道谢,在一片杀人般嫉妒目光中,他不可能真的二逼地坐到银枫城主的身边去。 First, the probe of that only Silver Maple City Lord, whether having a look at the youngster heart not to know the immensity of heaven and earth arrogantly. 一,那只是银枫城主的试探,看看年轻人是否心高傲不知天高地厚。 Second, sits to the Silver Maple City Lord side, not only does not have the advantage, instead will offend his favored minister. 二,坐到银枫城主身边非但没有好处,反而会得罪他的宠臣。 rather than with be the target of public criticism. 与其与为众矢之的。 Might as well reject this superficial favor. 不如拒绝这份表面的恩宠。 Silver Maple City Lord, whether really likes Fourth Mother's elder sister? 银枫城主,是否真的那么喜欢四娘的姐姐呢? Student Yue Yang thought that this also not necessarily, to various acquired information, Silver Maple City Lord extremely be possible previously hostility Diamond Star Castle original Master, is Yue Yang nominal Mother, Fourth Mother's elder sister, that results in mystically cannot the mysterious female! 岳阳同学觉得这也未必,以此前各种收集到的信息来看,银枫城主极可能‘仇视’星钻城堡的原主人,也就是岳阳名义上的妈妈,四娘的姐姐,那个神秘得不能再神秘的女子! at least does not treat sees! 最少不太待见! No one wants a outstanding person, establishes completely free Will Diamond Star Castle in own domain. 没有人愿意一个如此优秀的人,在自己的地盘上建立起一个完全自由意志星钻城堡 Also no one wants, oneself govern nearby two town, was incorporated into others all. 也没有人愿意,自己辖下附近的两个城镇,被划归别人所有。 The people of no thirst for power cannot achieve. 毫无权力欲的人都做不到。 Let alone, and grasps the real power wholeheartedly expansion like Silver Maple City Lord this fondness power high-rank? 更何况,像银枫城主这种喜好权力而且掌握实权一心扩张的上位者? The surface is on good terms, in secret not necessarily is so, if Silver Maple City Lord is so good, White Sand Town presents the sea monster, Black Rock Town presents thief, how to see him to have an action to perform? 表面交好,私底下不一定就是如此,如果银枫城主真的那么好,白沙镇出现海怪,黑岩镇出现盗贼,怎么不见他有所动作呢? Therefore, greets with a smile also well, is the innermost feelings darkness also to be how good, Yue Yang easily will not believe a person, especially this person is one grasps to live to kill the power King of the Blood. Yue Yang has listened to a few words: Without the merchant is generous, without the politician is clean, without the hierarch is benevolent...... believes that high-rank the good intention, seeks an impossibility without doubt. 所以,无论是笑脸相迎也好,还是内心如何黑暗也好,岳阳都不会轻易地相信一个人,尤其这个人还是一个掌握生杀大权的亲王岳阳听过一句话:没有商人是慷慨的,没有政客是干净的,没有掌权者是仁慈的……相信上位者的好意,无疑就是与虎谋皮。 Naturally, gets angry directly is not good. 当然,直接翻脸也不行。 Here is Human Valley. 这里是人谷 Cannot solve the problem with martial strength, at any time, must solve with wisdom. 不能用武力解决问题,任何时候,都得用‘智慧’来解决。 At the banquet, guest of honor both sides have a friendly chat over a cup of wine, drink to heart's content to continue, in the surface seems like a harmony. 宴会上,主宾双方把酒言欢,畅饮不止,表面上看起来一片和谐。 Until just before the end of banquet, suddenly, sits left Silver Maple City Lord under is ranked the third middle-aged person, stood. This person of facial skin is fair, is sharp-eyed, lip thin Ruren, understood at a glance that is the astute strategist character. 直到宴会快结束时,忽然,坐在银枫城主左边座下排行第三席的一位中年人,站了起来。此人脸皮白皙,目光锐利,唇薄如刃,一看就知道是个精明的智囊人物。 Previously, Silver Maple City Lord had introduced him to Yue Yang slightly, said that he is one of the Silver Maple City government official, named model/pattern. This government official just now face belt/bring smile has also respected one glass of liquor to Yue Yang, as if is quite friendly, has not thought when the banquet ended, actually made one to stem from the person unexpected surprise attack. He first salutes to Silver Maple City Lord, raises glass to do to invite to Yue Yang to drink the shape: just now, as of the discussing official business government official, to Diamond Star Castle new Lord expressed that biggest respect and welcome, we wholeheartedly hope, has many aristocrat fresh blood to join our ranks, for example outstanding Thane like Owner of the Diamond Star Castle, is our long-awaited allies. Actually, during former generation Owner of the Diamond Star Castle, I have expressed the similar good intentions, if it were not for former generation Owner of the Diamond Star Castle, leaves eagerly, to seek a higher boundary, perhaps among us the relations, will be closer.” 此前,银枫城主曾经稍微地给岳阳介绍过他,说他是银枫城议政官之一,名叫‘范’。这位议政官刚才还脸带微笑地向岳阳敬过一杯酒,似乎颇是友好,没想到在酒宴结束之际,却作出了一个出乎人意料之外的突袭。他先向银枫城主行礼,又向岳阳举杯作邀饮状:“刚才,作为议政官之一的本议事,就对星钻城堡新主人表示最大的敬意和欢迎,我们衷心地希望,有更多的贵族新血加入我们的行列,比如像星钻城堡主人这样的优秀领主,更是我们梦寐以求的盟友。其实,早在上代星钻城堡主人期间,我就表达过同样的善意,要不是上代星钻城堡的主人,急于离开,以寻求更高的境界,恐怕我们之间的关系,会更加密切。” Yue Yang when heard, does not feel right. 岳阳一听,感觉不对劲。 Here, dares to the person of oneself speech, to be the enemy non- friend, the surface camouflages like this again well, cannot conceal that type to want including the greedy heart that oneself bone swallows. 在这里,敢冲自己这样说话的人,是敌非友,表面伪装得再好,也掩饰不住那种想连自己骨子都吞进去的贪婪之心。 Is this red government official model/pattern the Fourth Mother Elder Sister personal enemy? 难道这个红色议政官范是四娘姐姐的仇人? After can endured the banquet to end, then hits back, the bearing patiently time of this fellow, calculated not bad! 能够忍到宴会结束后,再作出反击,这个家伙的隐忍功夫,也算不错 Does not know Sir government official, what has to lead by the hand my later generation newbie?” Yue Yang never dreads the challenge, martial strength, is the confrontation of wisdom. “不知议政官大人,有什么提携我这个后辈新人呢?”岳阳从来不畏惧挑战,无论是武力,还是智慧的交锋。 As your close neighbor, the faithful friendship that in addition our generation is on good terms, this discussing official business heard that Diamond Star Castle Lord Baron a little bothersome matter, just studied away from home to return recently, takes over control of Diamond Star Castle, meets the sea monster and thief this matter, is a little indeed annoying. Let alone, Lord Baron also needs to study training, has not taken over the Thane power officially. During a at least three months of learn/study, if under the business to governing looks but not see, obviously is not quite good, if Mr. Owner of the Diamond Star Castle Baron, approves my close neighbor to add the friend, is willing to accept the help of hand of friendship, this discussing official business is willing to send out the manpower free, except sea monster and thief, may guarantee the peace of our area of jurisdiction.” This red government official model/pattern just like lives likely Lei Feng. “作为您的近邻,再加上我们双方世代交好的忠实友谊,本议事听说星钻城堡男爵大人近来有点烦事,刚刚游学返回,接管星钻城堡,就遇上海怪和盗贼这种事,的确有点烦人。更何况,男爵大人还需要学习试炼,没有正式接掌领主的权力。在最少三个月的学习期间,如果对辖下事务视而不见,显然不太好,如果星钻城堡的主人男爵先生,认可我这个近邻加朋友,愿意接受友谊之手的帮忙,本议事愿意免费派出人手,除去海怪和盗贼,也可保我方辖区的安宁。”这个红色议政官‘范’俨然像个活雷锋 thank you, this is really a good news.” Yue Yang responded to one lightly, has not been angry, even has not denied. 谢谢,这真是一个好消息。”岳阳淡淡地回应了一句,没有生气,甚至也没有否定。 Although is a close neighbor, but the territory is respective, if sent out the manpower by Fan Yi Shi, enters Diamond Star Castle to govern region, as if a little does not gather the stipulation.” Immediately some people stand the opposition, protested that this dispatching troops enters the odious act of others area of jurisdiction. “虽是近邻,但领地所属,如果由范议事派出人手,进入星钻城堡辖下区域,似乎有点不合规定。”马上就有人站起来反对,抗议这种派兵进入他人辖区的恶劣行为。 A few words, this person cannot get used to seeing Fan Yi Shi to use strength to bully the weak to bully Yue Yang such newbie. 一句话,这人并非是看不惯范议事恃强凌弱欺负岳阳这样的新人 But was worried about the rule, once breaks, strength small and weak, will be involved. 而是担心规则一旦打破,实力较弱小的自己,也会受到牵连。 Therefore resolutely oppose. 所以坚决反对 Also several government official, stand, for own benefit opens the mouth. 又有几个议政官员,纷纷站起来,为自己的利益开口。 Some people approved, some people strongly opposed, both sides have own views attack the opponent, attempts to maintain own interests to the full. 有人赞成,也有人极力反对,双方各持己见地炮轰对手,企图最大程度地维护自己的利益。 Yue Yang coldly looks at these people, did not say a word, as if this matter had nothing to do with oneself. Silver Maple City Lord watches, flashes through surprising color in secret, regarding Yue Yang this newbie, his body has too the unusual thing. 岳阳冷冷看着这些人,一言不发,仿佛这事与自己无关似的。银枫城主看在眼里,暗中闪过一丝异色,对于岳阳这个新人,他身上有太多反常的东西。 For example is indifferent to personal gains and losses, as supercilious youngster, this point pole is rare. 比如宠辱不惊,身为一个心高气傲的年轻人,这一点极是难得。 Also for example is unafraid in time of danger, self-poise. 又比如临危不惧,镇定自若。 Yue Yang this connotation extremely good cultivating vital energy time stems from Silver Maple City Lord to be unexpected completely, he thinks the Yue Yang when heard Fan Yi Shi words, will fly into a rage, the at least also look changes gets angry, after all some people want to embezzle oneself property, as youngster, have no reason to endure patiently. However, what is extraordinary, this youngster as if no matter to happen, ignores regarding others' provocation, the attitude also blurs two to be possible, categorically has not definitely rejected. 岳阳这一手内涵极佳的养气功夫完全出乎银枫城主意料之外,他本来以为岳阳一听范议事的话,就会暴跳如雷,最少也色变而怒,毕竟有人想侵吞自己的财物,身为一个年轻人,没理由忍耐。然而,令人出奇的是,这个年轻人仿佛没有事发生似的,对于别人的挑衅置若罔闻,态度也模糊两可,没有肯定也没有断然拒绝。 This boy, what meaning? 这小子,到底什么意思? Did he see through this matter idea fell into a trap? 难道他看穿了此事其中的计中计? Also some people stand to salute upon meeting to Silver Maple City Lord, under this person of precisely City Lord place right is ranked first Black Bearded Old Man, he said with a smile slightly: Establishes from Silver Maple City this free city-state, the brothers allies on the stick together, for ten thousand years, had not tried the internal struggle. Because of us the energy, is never wasting in the internal friction, therefore we until now, can before many powerful enemies, stand firm, sustained development. We first thanked the warmth of Fan Yi Shi, was having this type for the just heart that the friend braved grave dangers and made great sacrifices, we can arrive at today. The however ten thousand years ago predecessors stipulated, the thing of being established by usage, we are not suitable change are too many, in order to avoid takes the wrong path, the case cannot open. Regarding Fan Yi Shi loves us to praise, regarding star city castle Master, under the Lord Baron area of jurisdiction temporary difficulty, we must help, hopes that everyone extends the hand of friendship on own initiative. We help the friend, actually also helps us, our friends are more, our friends more unite, then our city-state is more powerful. I here, some not too mature suggestions, perhaps, we can everyone have one point of physical strength, temporarily the collection in City Lord subordinate , helping Owner of the Diamond Star Castle free, solves this small difficult problem, is we to Owner of the Diamond Star Castle, in the learn/study end took over small encouragement before Thane power.” 又有人站起来向银枫城主见礼,这人正是城主座下右边排行第一席的黑须老人,他微微笑道:“自银枫城这个自由城邦建立,兄弟友邦们就一直团结友爱,万年来,从没有试过内部斗争。正因为我们从来不把精力,浪费在内耗上,所以我们时至今日,才能在诸多强敌面前,站稳脚跟,持续发展。我们首先感谢范议事的热心,正有了这种为朋友两肋插刀的正义之心,我们才能一直走到今天。不过万年前的前人规定,约定俗成的东西,我们不宜改变太多,以免走上错误的道路,例不可开。对于范议事的热心我们要表扬,对于星城城堡主人,男爵大人辖区下面的暂时困难,我们也要帮忙,希望大家都主动地伸出友谊之手。我们帮助朋友,其实也即是帮忙我们自己,我们的朋友越多,我们的朋友越团结,那么我们城邦就越强大。我在这里,有个不太成熟的建议,也许,我们可以每个人都出一分气力,临时集于城主麾下,免费帮忙星钻城堡的主人,解决这小小的难题,也算是我们对星钻城堡主人在学习结束接掌领主权力之前的一个小小的鼓励。” Agreement, has City Lord to coordinate, this is good.” Some person of when heard, this means are good, immediately agreed. “同意,有城主牵头,这样再好不过。”有人一听,这个办法好,立即同意。 Must be City Lord goes into action.” The people echo. “必须是城主出马。”众人纷纷附和。 I also agreed.” Only is left over Fan Yi Shi one, his complexion is gloomy, but is unable to contend with the populace, has to feign squeezes the smile joyfully, nods assent. “我也同意。”只剩下范议事一个,他脸色阴沉,但无法与大众抗衡,只好佯装喜悦地挤出笑容,点头同意。 Who then the candidate of team leader is? If Fan Yi Shi holds the post, then I do not agree.” Some people notice this issue, hurries overruling Fan Yi Shi, so as to avoid this greedy fellow uses something as a pretext. “那么领队的人选是谁呢?如果还是范议事担任的话,那么我是坚决不同意的。”有人注意到这个问题,赶紧把范议事给否决出去,免得这贪婪的家伙借题发挥。 Snort.” Fan Yi Shi sneered, the plan is unable to work, he naturally cannot open the mouth to ask the officer again objectionably. “哼。”范议事冷笑一声,计划无法得逞,他自然不会再自讨没趣地开口求官。 Or does the old man raise a candidate?” Sits is ranked the first baldheaded old person to beckon with the hand left Silver Maple City Lord suddenly experiencedly: Everyone is why worried, actually has a best candidate, originally I also want to ask him to go into action, escorts Artifact to go to day for the old man ‚’, but if the Owner of the Diamond Star Castle matter is more anxious, might as well makes him first lead tries.” “要不老夫提个人选?”坐在银枫城主左边排行第一的秃顶老人忽然老成持重地摆摆手:“大家何必苦恼,其实有个最佳的人选,本来我还想请他出马,替老夫押运宝物前往‘天都’,但如果星钻城堡主人的事情更急,不妨让他先领军一试。” Who is? You said who is?” The person present listened, is a little curious. “是谁?你说的到底是谁呢?”在座的人听了,都有点好奇。 Who that is, naturally just studied away from home return City Lord tenth child Zhong Hua.” The baldheaded old person laughs. “那还是谁,当然就是刚刚游学归来的城主第十子仲华。”秃顶老人哈哈大笑起来。 „......” Yue Yang when heard, understands finally the long and short of the story of matter, originally is this! Luckily, in Silver Maple City appears is not Devil Venerable Kai Tian or Ji Wu Ri, otherwise somewhat is troublesome. “……”岳阳一听,终于明白整件事的来龙去脉了,原来是这样啊!幸好,银枫城里出现的不是开天魔尊或者姬无日,否则还真有点麻烦。 The following matter was simple, since the powerful official present adopted unanimously the proposal, then please have Commander-In-Chief candidate Zhong Hua that will lead in the future immediately. As for the opinion of Student Yue Yang this Owner of the Diamond Star Castle, makes everyone neglect completely. Aristocrat newbie that good, just joined, has not studied training to finish, has not taken over the Thane power officially, can the speech be useful? 接下来的事情就简单了,既然在座的权贵一致通过了提案,那么立即请出日后领军的统帅人选仲华。至于岳阳同学这个星钻城堡主人的意见,完全让大家忽略掉。好吧,一个刚刚加入的贵族新人,还没有学习试炼结束,还没有正式接掌领主的权力,说话能有什么用? Also, Zhong Hua, but Silver Maple City Lord tenth child, just by outstanding result through training, it is said in all in newbie training that studies away from home the return, Zhong Hua by absolutely outstanding result, second, only situated in being known as the peerless talent youngster unseen in thousand years Heaven City Prince under Ji Wu Ri. 再说,仲华可是银枫城主第十子,刚刚以优异的成绩通过试炼,据说在所有游学回归的新人试炼中,仲华以绝对优异的成绩,排行第二,仅处于号称千年不遇的绝世天才少年‘天都王子姬无日之下。 Such strength and reputation, hold the post of small banditing suppression Commander, is naturally a cinch. 这样的实力和名声,担任一个小小的剿匪统领,自然不在话下。 Zhong Hua please come out. 仲华被请出来。 The graceful bearing god steed, has an imposing appearance, really the outstanding person phoenix, really worthily is the Silver Maple City Lord most outstanding son. Zhong Hua enters the stage, the men and women who its charm falls the full house, the especially those follow Thane female slave, is looks at both eyes to straighten, is enchanted by. Regarding holding the post to bandit suppression a Commander duty, Zhong Hua declines humbly over and over , indicating oneself just studied away from home the return, undertakes the heavy responsibility insufficient, however in the situation of people great kindness force, accepted encouragingly. 丰姿神骏,气宇轩昂,果然人中龙凤,真不愧是银枫城主最出色的儿子。仲华一出场,其魅力即倾倒满场的男女,尤其是那些伴随各位领主女奴,更是看得两眼发直,迷醉不已。对于担任剿匪统领一职,仲华谦逊推辞再三,表示自己刚刚游学归来,不足承担重任,然而在众人盛意强迫的情况下,勉为其难地接受下来了。 He said at the scene certainly leads to bandit suppression diligently. 他当场表示一定努力领军剿匪。 Shoulders the people great trust. 不负众人重托。 Finally also guaranteed to Yue Yang, marches does not harass, the logistics military supplies supply for oneself by Silver Maple City completely, does not need Yue Yang this Diamond Star Castle new Lord to spend tiny bit. 最后还向岳阳保证,行军不扰民,后勤军需完全由银枫城自备,无须岳阳这个星钻城堡新主人花费一分一毫。 „Is the opinion of Lord Baron?” Silver Maple City Lord smilingly looks at, has waited for the people to finish finally, the revolutions asked Yue Yang. 男爵大人的意见是?”银枫城主一直笑眯眯地看着,最后等众人忙完了,才转问岳阳 Thanked City Lord, as well as Sir Zhong Hua of Count the righteousness helped. Under the business of district as governing, as Thane, that feared that oneself have not taken over the management territory completely, is duty-bound. These exterminates the banditry time, Diamond Star Castle is willing to have hundred Heaven Crystal, to do to subsidize.” Student Yue Yang naturally claps, extended welcome. He smiles, has the innermost feelings very much completely, because stands in front person is Zhong Hua, is not Ji Wu Ri and Devil Venerable Kai Tian. Makes him feel what is happy, does not know that is the reason of mutual suspicion, or other, Ji Wu Ri not with Zhong Hua mutual communication, therefore Zhong Hua actually does not know itself, does not know that Diamond Star Castle previous generation's Master is actually Heavenspan Tower warrior. “非常感谢城主,以及仲华伯爵大人的义助。作为辖下管区的事务,身为领主,那怕本人还没有完全接掌管理领地,也责无旁贷。这一次剿灭匪患,星钻城堡愿出一百天晶,以作资助。”岳阳同学自然拍手,表示欢迎。他笑得很真实,完全发乎内心,因为站在面前的人是仲华,不是姬无日开天魔尊。更让他感到开心的是,不知道是相互猜忌的原因,又或者别的,姬无日没有与仲华互通信息,所以仲华竟然不认识自己,也不知道星钻城堡上一代的主人其实是通天塔武者 Regardless how Zhong Hua suspects Yue Yang's status, he cannot suspect forever. 无论仲华怎么猜疑岳阳的身份,他都永远猜想不到。 Therefore, Yue Yang smiles very happily. 所以,岳阳笑得很开心。 When Zhong Hua in coming to propose a toast to Yue Yang, resembles the belt/bring to inquire curiously: Is reincarnated person, where the brothers came from? How seems a little to look familiar?” 仲华在过来给岳阳敬酒时,似带好奇地询问道:“同是转生者,兄弟来自哪里?怎么看起来有点面熟?” Seemingly looks familiar is false, Zhong Hua does not know that the Yue Yang matter, only probes forget it/that's all with the words. Yue Yang smiled, raises glass to respond: Does not dare, Hall Master Zhong Hua grand reputation, the boy has liked thunder reverberating in one's ears, because in outside, the Clan status is not all worth mentioning, does not endure to reveal shortcomings, in order to avoid being laughed by knowledgeable people.” 看起来面熟是假的,仲华不知道岳阳的事,只是拿话来试探罢了岳阳笑了,举杯回应道:“不敢,仲华殿主大名鼎鼎,小子早就如雷贯耳,但因为在外面,家族身份俱不值一提,还是不忍献丑,以免贻笑大方。” Zhong Hua as Divine Central Hall Hall Master of Light, thinks pursues Ji Wu Ri soon to aspire to seize Divine Realm him, discovered the questionable point, is not naturally willing easily to give up closely examining. 身为中央神殿光殿主仲华,自认为直追姬无日即将问鼎神境的他,发现了疑点,自然不肯轻易放弃追问。 Can come, inherits Diamond Star Castle, how can this be an average person? 能够一进来,就继承星钻城堡,这岂会是普通人? Which prestigious family large clan it is estimated that after is Upper Heaven Realm . 估计是天上界的哪个名门大族之后。 only does not dare to compete with, therefore the low key handles affairs, refuses to come out forget it/that's all the Clan school report. 只是不敢与自己竞争,故而低调行事,拒绝把家族门派报出来罢了 Yue Yang was closely examined over and over, feigns to compel under the appearance forced smile, said in the Zhong Hua ear quietly, lets Zhong Hua immediately whole face suddenly realize what has happened, claimed continually is, exchanged warm complexion, nodded to Yue Yang kindly: Brothers, Silver Maple City has Zhong Hua one day, unmanned active your Diamond Star Castle. Fan Yi Shi jumps the beams Clown forget it/that's all, genuine can the achievement be magnificent, is our these reincarnated person. Brothers, so long as your I collaborate, power-and-power union, let alone Fan Yi Shi, is that arrogant such as Ji Wu Ri of rooster, may be defeated in our hands, has behind you to have the Clan strength, some I for the planted agent, the Upper Heaven Realm beginning early am I and other places of dominating. Good, many did not say, Zhong Hua has a mind to become friends with absolutely, the brothers please look at the Zhong Hua future sincerity then.” 岳阳被再三追问,佯装迫不过的样子苦笑下,悄声在仲华耳边说了一句,让仲华顿时满脸恍然大悟,连声称是,又换上一副热情脸色,亲切地向岳阳点头:“兄弟,银枫城仲华一天,就无人能动您的星钻城堡范议事不过跳梁小丑罢了,真正能够成就辉煌的,还是我们这些转生者。兄弟,只要你我联手,强强联合,别说范议事,就是那个傲慢如雄鸡的姬无日,也有可能落败在我们之手,有你背后有家族实力,又有我为内应,天上界始早是我等称雄之地。好,多的不说,仲华绝对是有心结交的,兄弟请看仲华今后的诚意即可。” Made farewell speech with Yue Yang, Zhong Hua ate spinach like the sailor vigorously, whole face red light. 岳阳作别,仲华就像大力水手吃了菠菜似的,满脸红光 He wants to seek to seize a newbie territory. 原本他想谋夺一个新人的领地。 However, present he, does not want such to do completely, because he discovered that this newbie is a buried treasure, particularly his back Clan influence, is Upper Heaven Realm the colossus that is hard to disturb, if obtained his friendship, obtains his help, later and Ji Wu Ri competes, but also really can first make to stamina. 不过,现在的他,完全不想那样做,因为他发现这个新人是个宝藏,尤其是他背后的家族势力,更是天上界难以摇撼的庞然大物,如果获得了他的友谊,得到他的帮忙,以后与姬无日竞争,还真能先挣到一点底气 The thing in Human Valley , compared with later Upper Heaven Realm, the fool also knows how should elect. 人谷里的东西,与以后天上界比起来,傻子也知道该怎么选。 Also Zhong Hua did not have the confidence to obtain Divine Grimoire, he mainly came to here, wants to ambush may obtain the Divine Grimoire opponent, for example that so-called peerless talent Ji Wu Ri. 再说仲华没有信心获得神典,他主要来这里,是想狙击一些有可能获得神典的对手,比如那个所谓的绝世天才姬无日 Had strong assistance of this Clan and this youngster, the Upper Heaven Realm many thing, will change imperceptibly. 有了这个家族和这个年轻人的鼎力相助,天上界许多东西,将会无形中改变。 Naturally, the most important goal, how wins the trust of this youngster. 当然,首要目的,就是如何取得这个年轻人的信任。 After all opposite side has the considerably large vigilance. 毕竟对方有着相当大的戒心。 Zhong Hua delivers Yue Yang to go out, made several hint , indicating oneself remember is not in Human Valley, is only willing to develop in Upper Heaven Realm wholeheartedly, if possible, will help one another with every effort Yue Yang. Regarding such commitment, Student Yue Yang naturally kindly accepts: Hall Master Zhong Hua, Human Valley all are just training, the elder often mention this to grasp principles, comprehend human heart, examines minutely the people's desires, the taste life, can understand anything is genuine person. Regardless of the condition struggling in hardship, does not matter superiorly to me, fast comprehend succeeds, leaving this boundary is my goal, therefore, attains such as the big honor to me, dispensable. Cooperation, no doubt is good, after all the power-and-power union, is always much better compared with fighting single-handedly, only Ji Wu Ri Hall Master is unusual, I cannot comply temporarily, this matter must discuss with the elder, determines, can give a Hall Master Zhong Hua affirmative reply.” 仲华亲送岳阳出门,又作了几次暗示,表明自己志不在人谷之内,一心只愿在天上界发展,如果有可能,将尽力相助岳阳。对于这样的承诺,岳阳同学自然是笑纳:“仲华殿主,人谷的一切只不过是一场试炼,长辈常说来此悟道,参悟人心,细察人意,品味人生,才能懂得什么才是真正的‘人’。无论条件优越还是艰苦奋斗,对我来说都无所谓,快速参悟成功,离开此境才是我的目标,所以,获如多大荣誉对我来说,可有可无。合作方面,固然是好,毕竟强强联合,总比孤军奋战要好得多,只是姬无日殿主非同一般,恕我暂时不能答应下来,此事必须与长辈商量,确定下来,才能给仲华殿主一个肯定的回答。” If Yue Yang readily agrees, Zhong Hua must suspect! 如果岳阳一口答应下来,仲华才要怀疑呢! Such important matter, must certainly ask Clan. 这样的大事,当然得问过家族 The Zhong Hua main purpose, does not want to form an alliance immediately, but maintains the bilateral relations, waits for the later good opportunity. 仲华主要目的,不是想立即结盟,而是搞好双边关系,以待以后良机。 Competes with Ji Wu Ri, he gathers to prepare so many years, does not care about multi- and other date and time, so long as this Upper Heaven Realm Son of Heaven spoiled child, this youngster is willing to cooperate with, was equal to successfully half. When this youngster is located in the same battleline with, making Ji Wu Ri discover, even this youngster wants to deny, Ji Wu Ri does not believe. 姬无日竞争一事,他都蓄备那么多年,根本不在乎多等一些时日,只要这个天上界天子骄子,这个年轻人肯与自己合作,那么就等于成功了一半。当这个年轻人与自己位于同一阵线时,让姬无日发现了,就算这年轻人想否定,姬无日也不会相信。 In brief, now looks like travels by boat. 总之,现在就像是坐船。 Waits for opposite side to embark, oneself hoist the sails to navigate immediately, that feared that he discovered this is not that direction that he must walk, that was also beyond control he. 对方上船,自己即时扬帆航行,那怕他发现这不是他要走的那个方向,那也由不得他了。 When farewell, two people faces are smiling, presently shows the extremely good mood...... two people bosom thoughts. 告别之际,两人的脸都在微笑,现示出极佳的心情……两人各怀心思。 In each human heart has small secret, no one has pointed out frankly. 每个人心中都有个小秘密,谁也没有道破。 However, Student Yue Yang felt, oneself this smiling, should laugh last. Because, intelligent such as Hall Master Zhong Hua of boy, does not have to guess correctly oneself are Heavenspan Tower new generation Prison Sovereign, but thinks wrongly oneself are Upper Heaven Realm that mysterious Clan later generation...... 不过,岳阳同学觉得,自己这个笑,应该会笑到最后。因为,聪明如厮的仲华殿主,没有猜到自己是通天塔新一代狱皇,而错误地以为自己是天上界那个神秘家族后人……
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