LLS :: Volume #6

#1056: Good, I am Young Master!

Yue Yang across Teleportation Portal, discovered oneself are located in a manor. 岳阳穿过传送门,发现自己位于一个庄园之中。 Hundred Flowers blooms, the fragrance. 百花绽放,香气袭人。 A broad Baishi Avenue direct link hillock above castle, the middle is refined may not the local products crystal fountain, the fountain center be crystal beauty that holds Aquarius, the trickle, leans in her fragrant shoulder Aquarius, as if the land goddess grants human world Water of Life...... in the fence, the hillock above castle is not very big, actually designs original, making one look will only exclaim in surprise it stemming from the wonderful brush of Grandmaster. 一条宽阔的白石大道直达小丘上面的城堡,中间是个雅致不可方物的水晶喷泉,喷泉中心是一位托着宝瓶水晶美人,涓涓细流,于她的香肩宝瓶倾下,仿佛大地女神赐予人间生命之水……围墙内,小丘上面的城堡并不算很大,却设计得独具匠心,让人一看仅会惊叹其出于大师之妙笔。 The castle has several high steeples, three, in Lord fort center, glyph arrangement. 城堡有数个高高的尖塔,其中三个,在主堡的正中,品字形排列。 Three, is highest with the most middle steeple. 三者,又以最中间的尖塔最高。 Also most special. 也最特别。 Above resembled the encrust a giant diamond, under the sunlight, flashes magnificently imitated like the stars. 上面似镶饰了一颗巨大钻石,于阳光之下,闪华仿如星辰。 Perhaps discovered the appearance of Yue Yang, the two well-dressed middle age woman, about leads two teams of more than 20 healthy woman servants to come respectively, leisurely however does obeisance. 也许是发现了岳阳的出现,两位衣着华丽的中年妇人,左右各引领着两队二十多名健妇仆人前来,款款而拜。 The left magnificent dress woman silver hair, the physique is graceful, the attire men's wear, the lead(er) wears bowknot, the eye also adds on a single-mirror piece to make the decoration specially, seems like the manorial lord to handle Chief Steward of all business to the aristocrat. 左边的华服妇人银发,体态优雅,衣着男子礼服,领佩蝴蝶结,眼睛还特意地加上一枚单镜片作饰,看起来像个给贵族庄园主打理一切事务的大管家 She well-mannered to Yue Yang good male gentleman ritual, declared: Welcome Young Master to arrive at Diamond Star Castle, oneself Du Li, is the Master instruction waits for the manager who Young Master comes in this.” 她彬彬有礼地向岳阳行了个男子绅士礼,口称:“欢迎少爷来到星钻城堡,本人杜丽,是主人指令在此等待少爷前来的管事。” The right magnificent dress woman physique puts on weight obese, the figure physique is not extremely fat, only thinks that the luck condition may skim. 右边的华服妇人体态发福肥胖,身形体态却不臃肿,只觉福态可掬。 The sound has not first smiled. 未声先笑。 The whole face sweet happy expression, shows a not being able to say kindness, right luck condition woman not like the left magnificent dress woman serious, but goes forward to hug Yue Yang directly, puts out a hand to caress the Yue Yang top of the head lightly, said with a smile: I am your chef Susan, all on life turn over to me to manage, later, I also like looking after your Mother, you raises plumply and fair-complected small Master.” 满脸甜甜的笑意,透出一种说不出的亲切,右边的福态妇人没有像左边华服妇人那样一本正经,而是直接上前搂下岳阳,又伸手轻抚岳阳的头顶,笑道:“我是你的厨娘苏姗,生活上的一切都归我管,以后,我也会像照顾你妈妈那样,把小主人你养得白白胖胖的。” Yue Yang when heard violently sweats, plump and fair-complected that describes good of young pig. 岳阳一听暴汗,白白胖胖那是形容小猪的好不好。 This Aunt Susan was too warm, like one group of fires, is just opposite with that Du Li one group of ice. This Aunt Susan the only name is luckily same, look not before crossing over that Aunt Daren of show Susan, otherwise that called perspiration dead. 这位苏姗大妈太热情了,就像一团火,跟那个杜丽一团冰刚好相反。幸好这位苏姗大妈只是名字相同,相貌并不像穿越前那个达人秀的苏姗大妈,否则那才叫一个汗死。 After two is in charge, more than 20 healthy women, it is estimated that keep the servant who in the castle helps. 两位管事后,有二十多位健妇,估计是留在城堡里帮忙的仆人。 Their low status, do not dare to speak. 她们的地位低下,没敢说话。 only follows the two manager to pay a visit new small Master Yue Yang. 只是跟随两位管事拜见新来的小主人岳阳 In castle, without guard, does not have male, all work are all completed by the female, including gardener who in the groom and manor work...... silver-haired man Steward Du Li, to a Yue Yang exhaustive incomparable account book, above displayed various castle manors as well as governs the respective town, forest region mine wait/etc revenue and expenditures. Student Yue Yang discovered, this account book final Master signature, ten years ago , in other words, oneself nominal Mother, Fourth Mother's elder sister her at least leaves the Human Valley ten years. What is more interesting, the record of this account book, for ten years, how regardless of the middle receives the disbursement, always be at a state of equilibrium. 城堡里,没有卫兵,也没有男性,一切工作全由女性完成,包括马夫和庄园里干活的花匠……银发男装杜丽管家,给岳阳一本详尽无比的帐本,上面罗列了各种城堡庄园以及辖下所属城镇,林区矿场等等收支。岳阳同学发现,这帐本最后的主人签字,在十年之前,也就是说,自己名义上的妈妈,四娘的姐姐最少离开人谷十年。更有趣的是,这帐本的记录,十年来,无论中间如何收入支出,总是处于一个平衡状态。 Yue Yang had not asked how Steward Du Li achieves. 岳阳没有问杜丽管家是如何做到的。 In his mind, Steward Du Li and Chef Susanne look like NPC in game, is equal to the newbie village village head. 在他的心目中,杜丽管家苏姗厨娘就像是游戏中的NPC,等于新手村的村长。 Generally online game, the player will enter newbie village, village head Sir will always provide one by one Quest to the player, for example saved him to let the grandson who the wolf said that all player light to ran, killed Wolf King, the grandson who rescued the village head...... never had the person to investigate carefully, village head Sir the unexpectedly how many grandsons made Wolf King say, how tens of thousands of players, after everyone killed the wolf, can rescue a village head grandson...... not to investigate carefully, player who the player who regardless of why entered early entered late, that is saying village head grandson's Wolf King, always and other did the players, prepare to open meal? 一般网游,玩家进了新手村,村长大人总是会给玩家发放一个个任务,比如拯救他让狼叨走的孙子,所有的玩家都光冲冲地跑出去,杀死狼王,救回村长的孙子……从来没有人细究过,村长大人竟然有多少个孙子让狼王叨走了,怎么成千上万的玩家,每人杀狼后,都可以救回一个村长孙子……也没有细究过,为什么无论早进的玩家还是晚进的玩家,那叨着村长孙子的狼王,总是等玩家来了,才准备开餐? The game, it plays, does not investigate carefully, why cannot investigate carefully the castle like Student Yue Yang in the ten years continuously the balanced revenues and expenditures, meets until oneself does not balance is the same. 游戏,它就是游戏,细究不得,就像岳阳同学不能细究为什么城堡这十年来一直收支平衡,直到自己来才会不平衡一样。 He only knows, if the 100 years do not come, Steward Du Li and Chef Susanne have also waited. 他只知道,假如自己一百年不来,杜丽管家苏姗厨娘也会一直等待。 The account book balanced revenues and expenditures...... castle has also needed to repair, the forest region needs to incur the curtain manpower, does the mine need to set up the smelting point newly, the two town also needs to hit the passage road to increase various current capacities in commercial?” Yue Yang reads the account book, knows that own new hand Quest is anything. He had not asked why Steward Du Li does not complete these before then, like the online game player had not asked that village head Sir your actually many grandsons made the wolf say. 帐本也会一直收支平衡……“城堡需要修葺,林区需要招幕人手,矿场需要新设熔炼点,两个城镇也需要打通道路增加商业上的各种流量是吗?”岳阳一看帐本,就知道自己的新手任务是什么。他没有问杜丽管家在此之前为什么不把这些做好,就像网游玩家没有问村长大人你究竟有多少个孙子让狼叨走了一样。 The clothing that Young Master, in horse stable as well as goes out also this/should replaced, as an aristocrat, we must maintain the dignified status. Various aristocrat studies curricula, must invest the money.” silver-haired man Steward Du Li does not arrest supplements the reply. 少爷,马厩里的马以及外出的服装也该重新更换了,身为一个贵族,我们必须保持体面的身份。还有各种贵族该学习的课程,也必须投入一大笔钱。”银发男装杜丽管家一丝不拘地补充回答。 This flower nature cannot save, that present this/should investment how much money?” Yue Yang gets up tent/account this Empress simply, directly asked. “该花的自然不会省,那现在该投入多少钱呢?”岳阳干脆把帐本后起来,直接问。 This year pays wages in a big way, castle here at least should invest 5000, later every year approximately invests 3000 then.” silver-haired man Steward Du Li replied. “今年开支较大,城堡这边最少该投入五千,以后每年约投入三千即可。”银发男装杜丽管家如此回答。 Very good.” Yue Yang smiles is approving this proposal, but in heart sweat. “很好。”岳阳微笑着赞成这一个提案,但心中大汗。 Must know account book last every year income, but thousand Heaven Crystal, surpass sometimes is insufficient sometimes, the digit could not miss many. How Diamond Star Castle of balanced revenues and expenditures arrives at itself to come, can spend many three times of even five times of disbursements? 要知道帐本上每年的收入,不过一千天晶,有时超出有时不足,数字差不了多少。怎么收支平衡的星钻城堡一到自己来,就要花费多三倍甚至五倍的支出? Also wants to be several days of wealthy family, now looked like is not too possible. 原本还想做几天万元户,现在看来不太可能了。 Has 12,500 Heaven Crystal Yue Yang, puts out the reincarnation card directly, delimited to silver-haired man Steward Du Li five thousand Heaven Crystal. Without the half-day time, is dropped by a well-to-do wealthy family. Smiles Chef Susanne that the staying on good terms with everyone luck condition may skim not to have Steward Du Li is so expensive, she wants 500. Student Yue Yang knows that this money province can not, sigh at heart, but on the face smiles to delimit five hundred Heaven Crystal again. 拥有一万二千五百天晶岳阳,直接拿出转生卡片,划给了银发男装杜丽管家五千天晶。没半天时间,就由一个富裕的万元户跌落下来。笑眯眯一团和气福态可掬的苏姗厨娘没有杜丽管家那么费钱,她只要五百。岳阳同学知道这钱也省不得,心里叹气但脸上微笑地再划走五百天晶 Finally, in does not count the horses that oneself choose the journey personally, does not count itself to equip the dignified aristocrat ritual to play the part of is later studies to pay fee such disbursement to elite school, Student Yue Yang is only left over seven thousand Heaven Crystal. 最后,在不计自己亲手挑选出行的马匹,不计自己必须装备体面的贵族礼饰和迟些到贵族学校读书交费那样支出,岳阳同学仅剩下七千天晶 If the complete disbursement finished, it is estimated that he will turn into a poor wretch immediately. 如果全部支出完毕,估计他马上就会变成一个穷光蛋。 Is worth comforting only, after finally, has the foothold, does not use like Ren Tian Ge Hao Ge them, where has not known the road of under foot in! 唯一值得安慰的,就是总算以后有个落脚点,不用像任天歌豪格他们那样,还不知道脚下的路在何方! To be an aristocrat, must pay a price, otherwise everyone is the aristocrat not possible...... the matter of castle, gives Steward Du Li and Chef Susanne. 想做个贵族,总要付出一点代价的,否则人人都是贵族不可能……城堡的事,交给杜丽管家苏姗厨娘 The matter that Yue Yang must handle now, makes money. 岳阳现在要做的事情,就是挣钱。 Makes more money as soon as possible. 尽快挣到更多的钱。 Otherwise, will make the innumerable places the curses that asks for money compelling! 否则,就会让无数处伸手要钱的催命鬼们给迫死! Only depends upon taxation of two town, an income of a forest region and mine, is not possible to maintain the day-to-day operation, only if Student Yue Yang does not eat and drink does not rest does not use, stays like the blockhead person in the castle makes a live statue. Student Yue Yang like not living tired, the aristocrat, must live moistens, what aristocrat otherwise is also? 光是依靠两个城镇的税收,一个林区和一个矿场的收入,是不可能维持日常运作的,除非岳阳同学不吃不喝不睡不用,像个木头人一样呆在城堡里做个活雕像。岳阳同学可不像活得很累,贵族嘛,必须活得滋润一点,否则还算什么贵族? Student Yue Yang just sat, has lunch, has not inspected own castle with enough time. 岳阳同学刚刚坐下来,吃一顿午餐,还没有来得及视察自己的城堡。 Some out of the door people seek an interview. 门外就有人求见。 Distinguishes the guarding Captain of the Guards of mayor and mine forest region in two town. 分别两个城镇的镇长和矿场林区的驻守卫队长 NPC reports in these Yue Yang eyes said, the coast named White Sand Town, presented a fearful sea monster, made that fisherman human heart is fearful, does not dare to go to sea to hit the fishing, regarding and transportation White Sand Town focusing on the fishery, simply is a deathblow, hoping Young Master can find out the means that the people helps people overcome their difficulties to the subordinate and so on. Another does not have the sea monster named Black Rock Town, but in the mountain came one crowd of thief it is said that calls together the numerous, frequently takes by force the caravan in town/subdues, made that goes the merchant of Black Rock Town doing business to look distressed, threatened, if in a month does not solve the thief banditry, then they all evacuate Black Rock Town, gives up the business of this domain. 这些岳阳眼中的NPC汇报说,名叫白沙镇的沿海,出现了一只可怕的海怪,弄得渔民人心惶惶,不敢出海打渔,对于以渔业和运输为主的白沙镇来说,简直就是一个致命的打击,希望少爷能够想出办法,给下属子民排忧解难云云。另一个名叫黑岩镇倒没有海怪,但据说山里来了一群盗贼,啸聚成众,经常打劫镇里的商队,弄得前去黑岩镇经商的商人愁眉苦脸,扬言如果一个月内不解决盗贼匪患,那么他们就全部撤离黑岩镇,放弃这一块地盘的生意。 Be responsible for Captain of the Guards of forest region expressing that the tree farm came the pack of wolves, bit many lumberjacks, increases the guard number urgently needed, had better be able ask the person to exterminate the pack of wolves. 负责林区的卫队长表示林场来了狼群,咬伤了不少伐木工,急需增加卫兵数量,最好能请人剿灭狼群。 The Captain of the Guards news of mine is not quite bad, only will say because of the mine tunnel collection completely, without new geological prospecting mining, found the new mineralization point, then mine dozens workers will face the unemployment...... the Yue Yang crazy dizzy. 矿场的卫队长消息不太坏,只是说因为矿洞采集将尽,如果没有新的地质勘察开采,找到新矿点,那么矿场数十名工人将面临失业……岳阳狂晕。 It seems like this aristocrat has really not worked as easily! 看来这一个贵族还真不容易当! If the military, Student Yue Yang must do was simple, goes to the White Sand Town kill sea monster directly, goes to Black Rock Town to destroy completely thief, goes to the tree farm again on the way except the pack of wolves, is high-spirited, is valiant, perhaps can also the tiger body shake, making NPC that this waits look at the eye to dazzle the god fan to lower the head does obeisance, says your majesty two characters. 如果不禁武,岳阳同学要做的就简单了,直接去白沙镇干掉海怪,去黑岩镇灭掉盗贼,再顺路去林场除去狼群,何等意气风发,何等英姿飒爽,说不定还能虎躯一震,让这一干等的NPC看得目炫神迷纳头就拜,口出主公二字。 Issue this is not Heavenspan Tower, is not Heaven Realm...... but is Human Valley. 问题这不是通天塔,也不是天界……而是人谷 In this, even such as Student Yue Yang such abnormal talent, still can only make one average person, solves the problem with the way of average person. 在这,即使是如岳阳同学这样的变态天才,也只能做一个‘普通人’,得用普通人的方式去解决问题。 Good, knew.” Student Yue Yang does not have the enthusiasm to invite these NPC to sit to dine, has not won over them vigorously, has not made a method cause their loyalty increases to 100. His only Young Master such waves likely, where making these fellow return to there, is disinclined to look at their one eyes again. Your younger sister, Quest does not send, how to have the issue together? Who is Master? Has the sea monster to have thief to have the pack of wolves you not to ask the mercenary to solve? “好吧,知道了。”岳阳同学没有热情地邀这些NPC坐下来用餐,没有极力拉拢他们,没有使点手段使他们的忠诚度提升到一百。他只是像个大少爷那样挥挥手,让这些家伙哪里来就回那里去,懒得再多看他们一眼。你妹啊,任务也不是这么发的,怎么有问题一起来?到底谁才是主人?有海怪有盗贼有狼群你们不会自己去请佣兵解决吗? Such being the case, I and others went back to await calmly the news.” Comes to pay a visit Student Yue Yang mayor Captain of the Guards is quite disappointed, this small Master manner is too unusual, he not only has not been angry, and persuaded without the good words, wants to ascertain would-be him to think anything, wants to flatter, could not find the way. “既然如此,我等回去静候好消息。”前来拜见岳阳同学的镇长卫队长们好生失望,这个小主人行为举止太反常,他既没有生气,又没有好言相劝,很想捉摸得准他在想什么,就是想拍马屁,也找不到门道。 „......” Student Yue Yang continues to dine, as if anything has not happened. “……”岳阳同学继续用餐,仿佛什么事都没有发生过。 Young Master, your performance fully conforms to the aristocrat bearing, later, but also please continue maintains.” Silver-haired steward Du Li praised one rarely. 少爷,你的表现完全符合贵族气度,以后,还请继续保持。”银发管家杜丽难得地表扬了一句。 Under these and the others, always likes the cleverness in trivial matters that plays them to think oneself infallible!” Carries the delicious dessert to Student Yue Yang Chef Susanne, snorts contemptuously regarding mayor Captain of the Guards and the others, although did not have saying that but Yue Yang can judge clearly, Du Li and Susan two position, compared with mayor Captain of the Guards anything's high, it seems like Human Valley inside original residents, there is extremely serious social position equivalent as well as a circle. “这些下等人,总是喜欢耍他们自以为是的小聪明!”给岳阳同学端上美味点心的苏姗厨娘,对于镇长卫队长等人也嗤之以鼻,虽然没有多说,但岳阳可以清晰地判断,杜丽苏姗两位的身份地位,比镇长卫队长什么的高多了,看来人谷里面的原居民,也有极其严重的社会地位等阶以及圈子。 Matter that therefore , Young Master, you need to do, many.” Steward Du Li so supplemented. “所以说,少爷,你需要做的事,还有许多。”杜丽管家如此补充。 Good.” Yue Yang can definitely, oneself at least be able to trust this Diamond Star Castle person now, particularly Steward Du Li and Chef Susanne, can absolutely the trustworthy person, because, they are Fourth Mother Elder Sister stay behind give oneself trusted aide. As for other person, but also really needs to observe. In Human Valley all sorts of things, it seems like are not only newbie village make Quest is so simple. “好。”岳阳现在可以肯定一点,自己最少可以信赖这个星钻城堡的人,尤其是杜丽管家苏姗厨娘,更是可以绝对值得信任的人,因为,她们都是四娘姐姐留下给自己的心腹。至于别的人,还真需要观察。人谷里面的种种事情,看来不仅仅是新手村任务那么简单。 Also wants the sturdy healthy woman to drive compared with the man by an arm arm, Yue Yang as well as Steward Du Li previously toward Silver Maple City. 由一名手臂胳膊比男子还要粗壮的健妇驾车出发,岳阳以及杜丽管家先前往银枫城 In there, Yue Yang can contact genuine reincarnated person. 在那里,岳阳可以接触到真正转生者 Also can genuine enter the aristocrat circle. 也可以真正地进入贵族圈子。 That, is Yue Yang will gradually move toward the successful beginning in Human Valley! 那,将会是岳阳人谷一步步走向成功的起点!
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