LISIL :: Volume #10 长夜过春时

#1097: When world (First Part) of Weiyang

In September 8 th is close to 11 p.m. to 1 a.m, sometimes when Baofeng second sons Weiyang has become the entire city important personage focus focus some time shortly. 九月初八接近子时,时宝丰次子时维扬在一段时间内短暂地成为过全城重要人物瞩目的焦点。 At this time conference already of Yiyuan diverges, what writing to book club the ambiguous attitude, making everyone in the heart be vigilant that this was sufficiently about the entire fair party ecology, major political trend that the child's play did not get slightly, when what writing revealed clue that this possibility went to war, everyone must prepare dealing within entire Jiangnan range. 此时怡园的会议已经散去,何文对“读书会”的暧昧态度,令得所有人心中都为之警惕起来这是足以左右整个公平党生态,丝毫儿戏不得的大政治趋势,当何文表露出这种可能打仗的端倪,所有人就必须做好整个江南范围内的应对准备。 But some simple important order already sent immediately, in the city the vigilance and acrimonies of many great places, are only the supplementaries, but small mighty waves. But in the such aspect, sometimes Weiyang brings person enormous and powerful killing to „not dead health/guard the station, person who obtains the information, suddenly almost must be startled to fall down close to. 一些简单而重要的命令已经在第一时间发了出去,城内许多重要地方的警惕与剑拔弩张,都只是附带而起的小小波澜了。而就在这样的局面当中,时维扬带着人浩浩荡荡的杀向“不死卫”的驻地,许多得到信息的人,一时间几乎要被惊掉下巴。 Is somewhat dumbfounded in permits Zhaonan who the new tiger palace deploys troops, it is said his face twitched at that time several: I thought in the fair party, only then Zhou business is a lunatic, now afternoon has a look, what writing has not lost to him, this also overflowed two double-hour, when is old also insane...... did this insanity infect Ah!? The entire fair party did not have a normal person!?” 在新虎宫调兵遣将的许昭南有些目瞪口呆,据说他的脸当时都抽搐了几下:“我原本以为公平党中只有周商是疯子,今天下午看看,何文没输给他,这还没过两个时辰,老时也疯了……这疯病传染啊!?整个公平党就没一个正常人了!?” permits Zhaonan sends out fair party when the new tiger palace, only then my normal person supports sigh by strenuous efforts, City All parties, Zhou business, tall Chang, health/guard Xuwen, tall Huiyun, Tan positive/correct, permits Longbiao, Meng the peach...... and even Qian Luoning and left Xiuquan, Li Yanfeng these surrounding influence representatives, arrive at what text person who provokes the incident again even, knew after the news, roughly sent out Baofeng so renounces unexpectedly staunchly sigh. 许昭南在新虎宫发出“公平党只有我一个正常人苦苦支撑”感叹的同时,城市各方,周商、高畅、卫昫文、高慧云、谭正、许龙飚、孟著桃……乃至钱洛宁、左修权、李彦锋这些外围势力代表,再甚至于到挑起事端的何文本人,得知消息后都大致发出了“时宝丰竟如此刚烈决绝”的感叹。 On this day although was what writing the attitude caused the deterioration of matter, but proceeded to recall again, when the after all Baofeng the issue of book club patted the table. He proposed when issue self-confident, thought that what writing will take a stand mostly, finally the matter expands this, this step no doubt nobody expects, but also no one thinks, this always flaunted when the merchant status Baofeng is so also irritable, in the evening lost some face, in the evening takes a palm of the hand to return. 这一天虽然是何文的态度导致了事情的恶化,但再往前回溯,毕竟还是时宝丰将读书会的问题拍上了桌子。他提出问题时自信满满,觉得何文多半会表态,结果事情扩大成这样,这一步固然无人料到,但也没人想到,这一向标榜商人身份的时宝丰也如此火爆,傍晚丢了些面子,晚上就要一巴掌打回来。 This type does not care about the crazy vigor that perishes together, suddenly almost must to think in southwest Ning Yi. 这种不在乎同归于尽的疯狂劲,一时间几乎要让人想到远在西南的宁毅 When no wonder Baofeng compares oneself to others occasionally that Mr. Ning. 也难怪时宝丰偶尔自比那位宁先生 Does business, is mental case...... 做生意的,都是神经病…… ...... …… Naturally, in this late fair party the upper layer sudden accident, has not affected the lower layer life of city in a short time. 当然,这一晚公平党中上层突如其来的变故,短时间内并未波及到城市的下层生活。 The change in situation possibility that on the one hand what writing provokes are too many, when it erupts suddenly, health/guard Xuwen, Meng the peach this class top member, is unable to analyze that the entire situation future trend, the quite safe method, is ready, will wait for the development of situation. 一方面何文挑起的这场变局可能性太多,它乍然爆发时,就连卫昫文、孟著桃这类的高层成员,都无法判断整个局势未来的走向,较为稳妥的方法,都是做好准备,等待事态的发展。 On the other hand, since the martial arts contest congress starts, security situation already in city becomes relatively tranquil . Moreover the progress of Jiangning fair party congress is also quite smooth, before the double ninth festival arrives, in the city even also starts to arrange the flowers and plants lantern, the such auspicious atmosphere, always has its inertia. 另一方面,自比武大会开始后,城内的治安环境已经变得相对平静,而且江宁公平党大会的进展也较为顺利,在重阳节到来之前,城内甚至还开始布置花草灯笼,这样的祥和氛围,也总有其惯性。 After this late night falls, lantern part that daytime Riza has in the city inner point, the Brigands person in groups gathered in Alehouse and night market , the fair party lower layer personnel of some massive idling about taking advantage of the ray of lantern, strolled outside, drank and boasts, the double ninth festival celebration atmosphere, started in this then already late. 到这一晚夜幕降临后,白日里扎起的灯笼一部分在城内点了起来,成群结队的绿林人在酒楼、夜市上聚集,也有大量游手好闲的公平党下层人员借着灯笼的光芒,在外头闲逛,与人喝酒、吹牛,重阳节的庆祝氛围,在这一晚便已经开始了。 When to the Weiyang belt/bring person looks for „not dead health/guard enormously and powerful the trouble, in the city various places the place can remain still not to rest at night at this time, already was innermost feelings wildest a group of busybodies. 到得时维扬带人浩浩荡荡地去找“不死卫”的麻烦,城中各处夜间场所能留到此时仍未休息的,也已经是内心最为狂野的一批好事者了。 At this time the well-informed sources know that in the city presented the change, after all that but regarding the situation complete picture and gravity, can hold are not many. When the movement of Weiyang made many guess have the temporary turning over to institute, immediately then watched the fun from spot near people in the past, lasted Weiyang with „not dead health/guard confrontation provided encouragement. 此时消息灵通者都知道城内出现了异动,但对于事态的全貌与严重性,能够抓住的毕竟不多。时维扬的动作令得许多“猜测”都有了暂时的归所,当下距离事发地点近一些的人们便纷纷过去看热闹,为时维扬与“不死卫”的对峙加油打气。 People by no means knows, at this time all parties' high-level eyes also observe closely the region that this flake confronted in the dim light of night, the innumerable causes and effects circle, concentrate the huge vortex. But when Weillen, by no means knows these things suddenly, this evening, he stands in the city the downtown streets front named cloud Laifang, loudly to opposite „not dead health/guard group announced: 人们并不知道,此时各方高层的眼睛也都在夜色中盯住了这一小片对峙的区域,无数因果盘旋,凝成巨大的漩涡。而时维扬本人,一时间也并不知道这些事情,这一晚,他站在城内名叫云来坊的坊市前方,大声地向对面的“不死卫”集团宣告: „...... Your subordinate criminal Yang Hanzhou! Hit the guest of my occasion! Hit the against Jin hero who came from Yanjiabao, strict Tiehe! Strict Second Master! Now strict Second Master is in danger! If you person of committing murder will not hand over! My occasion, must forgive not to your life “……你们手下凶徒杨翰舟!打了我时家的客人!打了从严家堡过来的抗金英雄,严铁和!严二爷!如今严二爷生命垂危!倘若你们不将行凶之人交出来!我时家,须饶不得你们的性命” His words are sonorous, loud and clear, swarming, then has the busybody on stand in the darkness roof to applaud to shout: Good 他的话语铿锵,掷地有声,远远近近的,便有站在黑暗中屋顶上的好事者鼓掌大喊:“好” Hits “打起来” Hero long live “英雄万岁” Blood debt blood recompenses “血债血偿” Sound sound that bring the liquor air/Qi in the dim light of night, suddenly, the scene is intense, is ready to be set off. 一道道带着酒气的声音响在夜色里,一时间,场面紧张,一触即发。 ...... …… Causes and effects naturally not such simple of political field, confronts at daggers drawn in both sides, permits Zhaonan in the new tiger palace sighed lunatic are too many shortly, he in the main hall, then saw Baofeng old Storekeeper golds brave bamboo flute that the secret catches up with. 政治场的因果当然也不会如此的简单,也就在双方对峙得剑拔弩张,许昭南在新虎宫中感叹“疯子太多”后不久,他在大殿里,便见到了秘密赶来的“宝丰号”老掌柜勇笙。 cloud Laifang confrontation is still continuing, permits Zhaonan also understood the long and short of the story with Chen Juefang and the others, at this time saw gold/metal Yongsheng, the heart put down several points slightly, in the mouth cold -ly snorted and said: „When is old is up to mischief? Doesn't his son's life want?” 云来坊的对峙还在持续,许昭南也才跟陈爵方等人了解了来龙去脉,此时见到金勇笙,心稍微放下了几分,口中冷哼道:“老时搞什么鬼?他儿子的命不要了?” Xu appeases anger.” Facial color somewhat exhausted old Storekeeper said submissively, said 1000 10,000, outside matter two Young Master, Chen Hanya subordinate Yang Hanzhou injured strict Second Master of Yanjiabao no wonder, is many people saw scene, strict Second Master...... the status is special, if for him over, my Baofeng very difficult with under the heavens all parties not to confess that...... Xu must put down this matter, wears Chen Hanya to hand over Yang Hanzhou then, Old Man heard, but is an unimportant person, is it possible that are also has what difficulties inadequate?” “许公息怒。”面色有些疲惫的老掌柜拱手道,“说一千道一万,外头的事情怪不得二公子,陈寒鸦麾下的杨翰舟伤了严家堡的严二爷,是许多人都见到了的场面,严二爷……身份特殊,若不为他出头,我宝丰号很难与天下各方交代……许公要平了这件事情,着陈寒鸦交出杨翰舟即可,老夫听说,不过是个小人物,莫非还有什么苦衷不成?” gold/metal Yongsheng the words were gentle, say in the principle, permits Zhaonan visits him, faint hesitated, passed the moment, said: „Is important matter before, I worthwhile harbors surnamed Yang? Just now Chen Juefang incoming telegram, he person is tracing Yang Hanzhou whereabout everywhere, but does not look everywhere, afterward said that this surnamed Yang is also old rivers and lakes / Jianghu, knows that annoyed the right and wrong, possibly had his money to run, if then can also unable to find in the city, if already goes out of town, then on difficult to say.” 金勇笙话语平和,说得在理,许昭南看着他,都微微迟疑了一下,过得片刻,才道:“大事在前,我犯得着包庇一个姓杨的?方才陈爵方来报,他四处着人追查杨翰舟的下落,但遍寻不至,后来说,这姓杨的也是个老江湖,知道惹出了是非,可能是带着他的钱物跑了,若是在城里接下来还能找得到,若是已经出了城,那就难说了。” This......” “这个……” „When today separates from Yiyuan, I and your master added must collaborate, is worthwhile, for this matter did injure friendly? gold/metal, now Chonsongri actually is what aspect, you ought to be clear.” 今日从怡园分开时,我与你的东家还说了要联手,犯得着为了这点事情伤了和气?金老,今天城里到底是什么局面,你总该清楚。” gold/metal Yongsheng nods submissively: Master sends Old Man to come, must confirm Xu's attitude face to face, since Xu has this expression, Old Man goes back, the master thinks that will also feel relieved...... . Moreover, cloud Laifang the matter, according to Old Man looks like, beneficial harmless.” 金勇笙拱手点头:“东家派老夫过来,也是要当面确认一下许公的态度,许公既然有此言辞,老夫回去,东家想必也会放下心来……而且,云来坊的事情,依老夫看来,有益无害。” permits Zhaonan brow slightly pressed: Your idea is......” 许昭南眉头微蹙:“你的想法是……” today in Yiyuan, Mr. Hé suddenly shoulders the aspect, then our several sides inevitably somewhat are surprised uncertain, said, forming an alliance, jointly is the general trend, but at the same time, forms an alliance showing by not to tie, actually does not have the fault.” 今日在怡园,何先生突然挑起局面,接下来咱们几方必然都有些惊疑不定,说起来,结盟、联手是大趋势,而与此同时,结盟示之以未结,倒也没有坏处。” Gold/Metal always said that...... hits false?” “金老是说……假打?” These things, so long as above explains, the situation is insufficient to expand, under hits with does not hit, is not the important matter. Feared that does not communicate in secret, each other does not have the tacit understanding, that must have problems.” gold/metal Yongsheng said that „. Moreover the matter of forming an alliance, not in oral, what looked is the future works, therefore today two Young Master visit, the master Old Obsolete is then coming immediately, first shows the card in a hand, secondly also has a look at Xu's attitude, outside matter, when we make a good play jointly, then this matter, not only will not make our two families unfamiliar, instead will make us more intimate, is this idea of master, Xu you feel?” “这些事情,只要上头说得明白,事态不至于扩大,下头打与不打,都不是什么大事。就怕私下里不沟通,彼此没有默契,那才要出问题。”金勇笙道,“而且结盟之事,不在口头,看的是将来做事,因此今日公子上门,东家便立刻着老朽过来,一来亮明底牌,二来也看看许公的态度,外头的事,就当咱们联手做一场好戏,那么此事非但不会让咱们两家生疏,反而会让咱们更加亲近,这是东家的想法,许公您觉得呢?” In the main hall, permits Zhaonan looks at gold/metal Yongsheng, pondered one. 大殿之中,许昭南看着金勇笙,思考了一阵。 In a minute, in the dim light of night spread permits Zhaonan laughing, gold/metal Yongsheng also smiled immediately, after that two people communicated many things...... 片刻,夜色之中传出了许昭南的大笑,金勇笙也随即笑了起来,此后两人又沟通了不少事情…… ...... …… The great people have the world of great person, has to be their causes and effects. 大人物们有大人物的世界,也有着属于他们的因果。 In the huge bull's-eye that this evening, the form of Weiyang calmly is sometimes fermenting appears shortly, but soon, also with their overlapping. 这个晚上,时维扬的身影在静静地酝酿的巨大风暴眼中短暂地出现,但不久之后,也与他们交叉而过。 When Weiyang also has the own world. 时维扬也有着自己的世界。 At that night, he leads the people in cloud Laifang the street with „not dead health/guard Leader jackdaw Chen Juefang has confronted 11 p.m. to 1 a.m, in the at daggers drawn atmosphere, both sides several degrees must start the small friction, but in has not caused the true internecine strife well finally. 这天夜里,他带着众人在云来坊的街头与“不死卫”的头领“寒鸦”陈爵方对峙过子时,在剑拔弩张的氛围里,双方几度要掀起小的摩擦,但好在最终并没有引起真正的火拼。 When the innermost feelings of Weiyang are somewhat disturbed. 时维扬的内心是有些忐忑的。 He must stir a round of huge tumult here, completed the mental preparation of internecine strife, but, what even if stand is the father, is gold/metal Yongsheng these old rivers and lakes / Jianghu, faces jackdaw directly Chen Juefang sometimes, sometimes Weiyang somewhat will still worry, caused the violent anger of opposite party, finally is out of control. 他要在这里搅起一轮巨大的骚动,也做好了火拼的思想准备,不过,即便身后站的是父亲、是金勇笙这些老江湖,正面面对“寒鸦”陈爵方时,时维扬仍旧会有些担心,引起了对方的暴怒,最终一发不可收拾。 Is good is credible because of old Storekeeper, he in behind does not know that what kind of running conducted, famous jackdaw Chen Juefang, although seems like the attitude to be arbitrary, but is maintaining the restraint from beginning to end, both sides quite had the tacit understanding of conduct several rounds to abuse each other, when mediated to several substantive peacemakers sometimes, sometimes Weiyang knows, from now on, he already on rivers and lakes / Jianghu can say was jackdaw the character of same rank. 好在老掌柜是靠谱的,他在背后不知道进行了怎样的奔走,大名鼎鼎的“寒鸦”陈爵方虽然看起来态度蛮横,但从头到尾都保持着克制,双方颇有默契地进行了几轮对骂,待到几位有分量的和事佬过来说和时,时维扬知道,从今往后,他在江湖已经可以自称是与“寒鸦”同等级的人物了。 The similar time, was regarded as military advisor Wu Chennan by him, already led the person to run through in the city the every large or small newspaper office, wore them with posting a reward a new article, printed. 同样的时刻,被他视为军师的吴琛南,已经带着人跑遍了城内大大小小的报馆,着他们将一篇新的文章与悬赏,印刷了上去。 Many arrangements, have prepared appropriately. 许许多多的安排,已准备妥当。 ...... …… Before dawn, in a Jiangning City East hospital, strict iron and woke up from the sleep, feel weak of body. 凌晨时分,江宁城东的一家医馆里,严铁和从睡梦中醒来,感受到了身体的虚弱。 In the room is bean big lights, maidservant falls asleep in the table of not far away, strict Tiehe struggles to attempt, but cannot succeed. 房间里是豆点大的灯火,一名丫鬟在不远处的桌边睡着,严铁和挣扎着试图起来,但是没能成功。 Nursing maidservant awoke, comes to inquire that hastily the feeling and condition of his body, soon after went out to call Doctor. In this process, strict Tiehe inquired after maidservant he by puncture wound the matter, later, he made maidservant in nearby courtyard call Yanjiabao member of a waiting again. 看护的丫鬟醒了,连忙过来询问他身体的感受与状况,随后出门唤来了大夫。在这个过程里,严铁和向丫鬟询问了他被刺伤后发生的事情,再之后,他让丫鬟将一名等待在附近院子里的严家堡成员叫了进来。 naturally follows in the home that strict iron and east comes to the juniors, is in itself also strict Tiehe, strict Yunzhi and the others the collateral branch cousins. After young person comes, strict Tiehe wielded drew back maidservant and Doctor, inquired to the opposite party in detail a development of situation, the opposite party upholding justice of occasion will display 1510 places to repeat after that these days, including last night 11 p.m. to 1 a.m with „not dead health/guard confrontation, internal also already of occasion influence spreads now. 那是跟随严铁和一路东来的家中子弟,本身也是严铁和、严云芝等人的旁系表亲。年轻人进来之后,严铁和挥退了丫鬟大夫,向对方更详细地询问了一遍事态的发展,对方将此后这段时间里时家的仗义表现一五一十地复述出来,包括昨夜子时与“不死卫”的对峙,如今时家势力的内部也已经传开了。 Lies on the bed, physically weak strict iron and calmly thought the period of time, soon after held opposite party hand: „Not right......” 躺在床上,身体虚弱的严铁和静静地想了好一阵子,随后抓住了对方的手:“不对劲……” What?” “什么?” „After...... Yunzhi walks, under outside pressure, the occasion person...... has to exhibit a more genial attitude to our Yan Jia, we these days, even can be turns misfortune into a blessing, but...... my yesterday's injury, some issues......” “……云芝走后,迫于外头的压力,时家人……不得不对我们严家摆出更和善的态度,咱们这段时间,甚至算得上因祸得福,但是……我昨天的受伤,有些问题……” Second Uncle you were say......” 二叔你是说……” I could not determine, but this matter, something, have to provide for a rainy day......” “我确定不了,但此事一出,有些事情,不得不未雨绸缪……” strict Tiehe grabs this cousin hand, is hoarse-voiced, soon after asked the opposite party to put one's mouth close to another's ear, urged many words slowly. 严铁和抓着这名表侄的手,声音嘶哑,随后叫对方附耳过来,缓缓地叮嘱了不少的话。 The young person hear the urging, went out from the room. 年轻人听完叮嘱,从房间里出去了。 At this time before being the dawn, darkest some time, in the courtyard the ray is dim, nearby downtown streets are quiet, he leaves the hospital, inspected a surrounding environment on the dark street. What Yan Jia studies is the technique of assassination, young person in light-body and concealing on Kungfu / effort also has the attainments, after having so done an inspection two, he stops in the place of corner, after about looks all around, the attempt leaves behind a mark. 此时正值天明前最暗的一段时间,院子里光芒昏暗,附近的坊市静悄悄的,他离开医馆,在黑暗的街道上巡视了一遍周围的环境。严家修习的是刺杀之术,年轻人在轻身、匿形的功夫上也颇有造诣,如此巡查过两圈后,他在街角的一处地方停下来,左右环顾后,尝试留下一处印记。 Also in this time, he detected matter is not right. 也在此时,他察觉到了事情的不对。 Looks suddenly to behind 陡然间望向身后 ...... …… The city passes through the darkest moment, marble white color of the dawn sky rises from the East. 城市走过最为黑暗的一刻,鱼肚白从东方升起来。 In Jiangning City, had not detected military already that too many things starts early morning to exercise martial arts, prepares to obtain many cheers in the new day of martial arts contest. Sometimes numerous secure Fangnei, Weiyang had the exciting mood to get up early rarely. 江宁城中,不曾察觉到太多事情的武者们已经开始晨起练功,预备在新一天的比武中又获得更多的喝彩。众安坊内,时维扬带着兴奋的情绪罕见地早起了。 Slightly does to comb the hair and wash the face, transmits before the hospital a news that also delivered to his body, after looking, the mood of Weiyang is sometimes more stimulated, then planned directly looks for the old Storekeeper golds brave bamboo flute, but after scruple moment, first called Wu Chennan, informed the success of some arrangement to him. 略作梳洗,从医馆那边传来的一个消息也送到了他的身前,看完之后,时维扬的情绪更为亢奋起来,直接便打算去找老掌柜勇笙,但迟疑片刻后,还是首先的唤来了吴琛南,向他告知某个安排的成功。 After Wu Chennan looks at that news, is admires sighs makes noise: gold/metal is really old rivers and lakes / Jianghu, even this grade of detail he expected, dull-witted such as I, then really did not have such to experience.” 吴琛南看完那消息后,也是佩服地感叹出声:“金老果真是老江湖,连这等细节他都预料到了,愚钝如我,便实在没有这样的经验。” When Weiyang is dragging his hand: South treasure does not need so to improperly belittle oneself, recalls the matter in these days, Weiyang is that person who not knows truly superficially, was lucky south the treasure days before to remind me, I know in this world, how your my generation of outcome should handle affairs. The gold/metal always old rivers and lakes / Jianghu, his experience, your I have humble, to its learn/study, this is the correct principle. But only has south the treasure, you are my true honored person, from the treasure south after I plan matters, you look at these days each article the things, which is not easily solved, in those days in my helpless many important matters, suddenly see the light now......” 时维扬拖着他的手:“琛南不必如此妄自菲薄,回忆这几天里的事情,维扬才是真正浅薄无识的那个人,多亏了琛南前几日将我点醒,我才知道于这世间,你我之辈究竟该如何行事。金老是老江湖,他的经验,你我心存谦卑,向其学习,这是正理。而唯有琛南,你才是我真正的贵人,自琛南为我谋事后,你看这几日桩桩件件的事情,哪一件不是迎刃而解,往日里我手足无措的诸多大事,如今都豁然开朗……” He is in a good mood, is dragging the opposite party immediately, said many heart-to-heart talk. After when when is brighter to the day, in the past looked for gold/metal Yongsheng, that side the report hospital feedback. 他心情畅快,当下拖着对方,又说了不少肺腑之言。此后待到天更明时,才过去找了金勇笙,报告医馆那边的反馈。 gold/metal Yongsheng is having the breakfast, hears this matter, sighing of unexpectedly faint. 金勇笙吃着早餐,听到这事,倒是微微的叹了口气。 „...... Strict Second Master was old rivers and lakes / Jianghu, Yang Hanzhou was also used to at will, arranged two people to put in a hurry right, matter was not necessarily able to be done round melts, if he woke up, perhaps will then detect that was not right. This matter has advantages and disadvantages, what is good, has the person participation of strict Second Master, the possibility that discovers strict Yunzhi is bigger, what is bad is...... the matter does extremely, you may really the future wife's parents'family's person offending...... the discretion of this matter, you are this/should consider and act bashful much discretely.” “……严二爷是老江湖,杨翰舟也是随意惯了,匆匆安排两人放对,事情未必能做得那么圆融,他若是醒来,或许便会察觉到不对。此事有好有坏,好的是,有严二爷的人参与,找出严云芝的可能性更大一些,坏的是……事情做得太过,你可就真的将未来岳家的人给得罪了……这事情的分寸,你还是该多多斟酌、谨慎拿捏。” Little nephew listens to reason.” “小侄受教。” For the last few days several things manage extremely carefree, the disposition of Weiyang is also sometimes courteous, when gold/metal Yongsheng nods satisfied, he asked: gold/metal, this matter...... we this/should doing did, you said, then can somewhat grasp Ah? 连日来几件事情都办得极为畅快,时维扬的心性也谦恭起来,待金勇笙满意地点了点头,他才问道:“金老,此事……咱们将该做的都做了,您说,接下来能有几分把握啊? gold/metal Yongsheng is sipping gruel: World many things, are completely the human affairs, then listens to the destiny. Before matter has not fallen to the ground, the mood sets level, if after all that miss already surnamed Yan goes out of town, Second Young Master here then has again the arrangement, is useless. But naturally, if so she still in the city, you made fully the preparation, matter successful possibly is not definitely low also and that's the end.” 金勇笙喝着粥:“世间许多事情,都是尽人事,而后听天命。事情未曾落地之前,心情放平一些,毕竟若是那姓严的姑娘已经出了城,二少这里便是有再多安排,也是无益的。但当然,若然她仍在城里,你又做足了准备,事情成功的可能肯定不低也就是了。” old person, paused slightly, soon after also said at this point: Second Young Master, these days, you truly grew.” 老人说到这里,微微顿了顿,随后又道:“二少,这几天,你确实成长了。” When Weiyang lowers the head thanks, soon after also said: These things were lucky south the treasure the assistance of brothers, was lucky gold/metal the guidance...... was right, the following arrangement, does not know that also has more does not need to pay attention, teaches me toward gold/metal some.” 时维扬低头感谢,随后又道:“这些事情多亏了琛南兄弟的辅助,多亏了金老的教导……对了,接下来的安排,不知道还有没有更多需要注意的,往金老多教我一些。” gold/metal Yongsheng nods satisfied, soon after, two people also in the dawn, spoke many words carefully. 金勇笙满意地点头,随后,两人又在晨光之中,细细地说了不少的话语。 ...... …… In every day the similar ray, another end of city, strict Yunzhi steps onto the teahouse that sits, takes the newspaper to prepare with the breakfast. 同样的光芒里,城市的另一端,严云芝走上每日都去坐坐的茶楼,拿着报纸准备用早膳。 This day is 99 double ninth festivals, custom Double Ninth Festival in world climbs up, festivals always make one miss more of relatives and close friends, already makes her who leaves home to decide also to fondly remember the family member in family/home, this walks, does not know that see you again(goodbye) to father in Yanjiabao, when can be. 这一日乃是九九的重阳节,世间的习俗重阳登高、每逢佳节倍思亲,已经做出离家决定的她也不免怀念着家中的亲人,她这一走,也不知再见到远在严家堡的父亲,会是什么时候了。 Soon, she saw in the newspaper the news that strict Tiehe is wounded, on another newsprinting paper, she saw strict Second Master is wounded critically-ill, the occasion posts a reward to look for the famous doctor to outside, enjoying standard that and captures criminal Yang Hanzhou. 不久之后,她在报纸上看到了严铁和负伤的消息,在另一张新闻纸上,她更加看到了严二爷负伤垂危,时家向外头悬赏寻找名医、并且追捕凶徒杨翰舟的赏格。 strict Yunzhi sat half morning in the teahouse, on this day, can Han even and Han cloud two elder brother not come for she brings in some cities the information as the external mission member, now in this city the most urgent information, already became book club, from last night to today, although in market as before tranquil auspicious, but each household strategic maneuvering in secret, already became especially fierce, each quarter in city, the situation might have the change in situation. 严云芝在茶楼上坐了半个上午,这一天,能够为她带来一些城内信息的“韩平”、“韩云”两位兄长也没有过来作为外来的使团成员,如今这座城池里最为紧急的信息,已经变为“读书会”了,从昨夜到今天,虽然市面上依旧平静祥和,但各家各户私下里的合纵连横,已经变得尤为剧烈,城中的每一刻,大势都有可能产生变局。 in her heart harbors vigilantly, but decided looks from afar, inquires a news. 她心中怀着警惕,但还是决定去远远地看一看,打听一番消息。 In the such situation, she is impossible really to visit Second Uncle, she only wants to know, injury Second Uncle, is separated danger. 这样的情况下,她绝不可能真的去探望二叔,她只想知道,受了重伤的二叔,有没有脱离危险。 The time is in the afternoon, the sunlight is sunny, because the entire city the double ninth festival cheerful atmosphere becomes warm and lively, east on the city street, was changed/easy appearance/allow strict Yunzhi to mix in the pedestrian takes a walk forward. Before then, she already went to nearby the Wen-Shui inn to inquire yesterday had the details of martial arts contest, determined that Second Uncle was really seriously injured, therefore after the city made was noisy, she toward here comes, already sized up a situation in hospital by far. 时间是下午,阳光晴朗,整座城市都因为重阳节的喜庆气氛变得温暖而热闹起来,城市东头的街道上,做了易容的严云芝混在行人里向前走动。在此之前,她已经去文水客栈附近打听了昨天发生比武的详情,确定二叔是真的身受重伤,城内因此闹得沸沸扬扬后,她才朝着这边过来,已经远远地打量了一番医馆的情况。 As expected, nearby the hospital, there is a dark sentry post that the occasion arranges to ambush layer upon layer, target that this ambush aims, obviously is then possible to visit Second Uncle oneself. 不出所料,医馆附近,有时家安排的暗哨层层埋伏,这埋伏针对的目标,显然便是可能过来探望二叔自己 The idea of in the heart must give up, she is expanding the inspection turf in the surroundings. 心中的想法必须放弃,她在周围扩大着巡视的地盘。 In the afternoon the junction of Shanghai, she in hospital nearby messy and dirty corner, has not glimpsed the special signal that the Yan male cousin left behind, the opposite party also in the signal to her made warning. 下午未申之交,她在医馆附近一处脏乱的街角,瞥见了严家表兄留下的特殊讯号,对方同样在讯号中对她做出了示警。 If injury of Second Uncle is false, then this matter is very possible is Second Uncle attempts together with the occasion the doing bureau that oneself catches together, but after the investigation, discovered that Second Uncle is really wounded, and also makes the male cousin come out to warn, that this matter had the enormous reliability. 倘若二叔的受伤是假,那么这件事情很可能是二叔连同时家一道尝试将自己抓回去的做局,但调查后发现二叔是真的负伤,并且还让表兄出来示警,那这件事情就有了极大的可靠性。 3 to 5 p.m two quarters, strict Yunzhi stepped onto outside teahouses from hospital two street, she found a place to sit down before the window, waits for the male cousin to come with her to meet. 申时二刻,严云芝走上了距离医馆两条街外的一家茶楼,她在窗户前找了一处地方坐下,等待着表兄过来与她碰头。 Soon, tea and dessert. 不久之后,茶水与点心上来了。 strict Yunzhi grasps to stop the short-sword, stood from the seat, sometimes the field of vision front, Weiyang and Wu Chennan and others walked slowly toward here. Her vision looks toward downstairs, was considering immediately glances through, but on the street several stall vendors are changing players, some people already faint smile look toward here. Near street opposite Alehouse window, already presented the difficult form. 严云芝握住手中的短剑,从座位上站了起来,视野的前方,时维扬、吴琛南等几人朝着这边缓缓地走过来了。她的目光朝楼下望去,考虑着立刻翻阅下去,但街道上几个摊位摊主正在换人,有的人已经似笑非笑地朝这边望来。街道对面酒楼的窗口边,也已经出现了棘手的身影。 Is expert.” In the eye of Weiyang exudes the red ray, his sound is gentle, is gentle simply does not seem like usual him, strict Yunzhi sees him to arrive at the table, sits down on opposite bench, both hands faint shiver bumped several on the desktop. “都是高手。”时维扬的眼中泛动着红色的光芒,他的声音轻柔,柔和得简直不像是平时的他,严云芝看见他走到桌边,在对面的长凳上坐下,双手微微颤抖地在桌面上碰了几下。 Is expert......, for...... does not alarm you, therefore first arranges, is home expert...... also has many people, now came from two head sizes, today cannot get away, when who cannot get away......” Weiyang visits her, said temperately, you sit Ah......” “都是高手……为了……不惊动你,所以首先安排过来的,都是家里高手……还有很多人,现在才从两头围过来,今天走不了的,谁来都走不了……”时维扬看着她,温和地说道,“你坐啊……” The afternoon sunlight slanting title deed enters the teahouse, the street two heads, really has more people, came toward here, in the teahouse also appearance more people one after another, strict Yunzhi open mouth, the sword in hand grasped tightened. 下午的阳光斜斜地照进茶楼,街道两头,确实有更多的人,朝这边过来了,茶楼上也陆续的出现更多的人,严云芝张了张嘴,手中的剑握得更紧了些。 When Weiyang both hands finger selects gently on the desktop, he visits her gently, in the deep place of eyeground, the innumerable mood is only fluctuating unceasingly, he is understanding this moment feeling. 时维扬双手的手指都轻轻点在桌面上,他只是温柔地看着她,只在眼底的深处,无数的情绪不断地波动着,他在体会着这一刻的感觉。 Since the angle of view of Weiyang , he has steeled oneself for revenge and engages in introspection day after day unceasingly, the plot and blasting fuse and operation of ignition book club slaughter Chen Juefang contend with and touch and go the storm vortex, to make each article with jackdaw that” directly the matter, to suppose layouts, to at this moment, him brings the huge causes and effects finally, kills her front. 在时维扬的视角中,连日以来,他卧薪尝胆、不断反省,引燃读书会的导火索、操纵厮杀的阴谋、与“寒鸦”陈爵方正面抗衡、擦过风暴般的涡旋、做下桩桩件件的事情、设下一个个的布局,到得这一刻,他终于带着巨大的因果,杀到她的面前了。 Where you must go to......” “你要去哪里……” At this time, this teahouse, this street, this woman and whole world...... are his...... 这个时候,这所茶楼、这条街道、这个女人、整个世界……都是他的…… He then must her 他便要将她 Receives. 收回来。
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