LISIL :: Volume #10 长夜过春时

#1091: The ruling of life and death ( 4 )

After the strong statement adds direct Eh perhaps, two wife's younger brother innertubes the answer is leaving. 在强硬的表态加直接的恐后,两个小舅子带着答案离开了。 Ning Yi sat a while in the alcove. 宁毅在亭子里坐了一会儿。 Near pavilion ancient wooden dense, in Makaike the wave is serene, as the southwest center, the entirely succeed city at this moment is rippling the auspicious and lively ray in the dim light of night. 亭台边的古木森森,摩诃池上水波安详,作为西南的中心,此刻的成都城正在夜色中漾起祥和而又繁华的光芒来。 After routing sect Han, hoping Yin's Jin Nation West Route, the Huaxia political power helps others do well, rested and built up strength more than one year of time in this piece of place already. Although the core idea of Huaxia army sounds radical, the attitude to the Confucianist makes under the heavens most people dislike including it, even unceasingly some predictions that makes his firm changed/easy fold/break, but in more than one year time, the step of Huaxia political power can be steady in anybody opinion. 在击溃宗翰、希尹的金国西路军后,华夏政权与人为善,在这片地方已经休养生息了一年多的时间。虽然华夏军的核心理念听起来激进,包括其对儒家的态度使得天下大部分人都为之反感,甚至不断地有做出其刚强易折的预言,但在这一年多的时间里,华夏政权的步伐在任何人看来都算得上稳健。 Massive work teams enter the basic unit, the stable popular sentiment, supports the agriculture, to start construction the water conservation, opens wide the gateway and under the heavens all parties does business, absorbed the innumerable gold and silver and commodities strongly, enriched the market. Sichuan Shu itself/Ben is a land of abundance, in such steady training, the Huaxia army supported the political power frame of National People's Congress, captured the under the heavens all parties' attention with the movement of atmosphere, even does not hesitate to shoot lots of Jurchen war criminals to make various group of vilifiers be speechless...... 大量的工作队进入基层,稳定民心,支持农耕、兴修水利,敞开门户与天下各方做生意,强势地吸纳了无数的金银与物资,繁荣了市场。川蜀本就是天府之国,在这样稳健的修养之中,华夏军支起了人民代表大会的政权框架,用大气的动作吸引了天下各方的目光,甚至不惜枪毙大量女真战犯令得各路诋毁者都无话可说…… But in this period of time, under the heavens all parties outside southwest seem badly battered. 而在这段时间里,西南之外的天下各方都显得焦头烂额。 wears Mengwei governs the situation with all might and main steadily, even depends on massive traffic in people to eat one to sate the appetite, maintains the basic dignity ; 戴梦微竭尽全力地平稳治下局势,甚至靠着大量贩卖人口才能吃上一口饱饭,维持基本的体面; Zou Xu as the betrayal southwest, situated in the keenest struggle, asked Grandpa to consider the paternal grandmother to develop itself everywhere, to anticipate that can survive in the middle of the following storm ; 邹旭作为背叛西南者,处于风口浪尖,四处求爷爷告奶奶地发展自身,以期待在接下来的风暴当中能够存活下来; Liu Guang shi loses everything to tie the southwest favor, wants to regain Bianliang, took Zou Xu head to turn over/to stand up one time ; 刘光世砸锅卖铁结西南的欢心,就想要收复汴梁,取了邹旭的人头一次性翻身; Wu Qimei, iron Yan by fair party 12 are the attacks, gets makes on already the spent force, at present is utterly isolated ; 吴启梅、铁彦只是被公平党的其中一两系攻击,就已经变作强弩之末,眼下四面楚歌; Southeast new Imperial Court is fierce, various politics and economical reforms the original basic plate will offend, is almost in the embarrassing situation that is in also dead and draw back also dies is difficult to meet the extrication ; 东南新朝廷勇猛激进,各种政治、经济上的改革将原来的基本盘得罪了个遍,几乎是处于进亦死、退亦死的尴尬局面里难逢解脱; But even most rising momentum fair party, two years sweeps across Jiangnan, inside the from head to toe puffiness, the hidden danger are innumerable, therefore what literary talent sharply is holding the congress in Jiangning, unflustered of however southwest congress compared to last year, the Jiangning congress that his followed a model, was really more vacant much, had, road aheads to be uncertain lively. 而即便是最为声势浩大的公平党,两年的时间席卷江南,内里却不过一身虚胖,隐患无数,因此何文才急着在江宁开大会,可是相对于去年西南大会的从容不迫,他这照葫芦画瓢的江宁大会,就委实令人茫然得多了,热闹有余、前路渺茫。 In any event, separated far promote besides one, the at this time southwest political power, in each aspect, could be out-and-out Number One Under the Heavens, the military, economy and livelihood of the people, stable appeared the stunning full of vitality, even if craved southwest write off, at present these days cannot seek out too many issues to come to attack. 无论如何,除了一个隔得太远的晋地外,此时的西南政权,在各个方面,都算得上是不折不扣的天下第一,无论是军事、经济、民生、稳定都显出了令人叹服的勃勃生机,即便是热衷于唱衰西南者,眼下这段时间也找不出太多的问题来予以抨击。 Because was really steady.. 因为真的是太稳健了。。 Ning Yi sits in the alcove, looks at this tranquil all. 宁毅坐在亭子里,看着这平静的一切。 About the discussion of land reform this concept, since four people were thrown, it has mounted, compared to extinguishes Confucian who” in the Huaxia army has existed and to open wisdom and natural sciences and capital and human rights and so on radical discussions of big frame, it in has not appeared the huge weight. 关于土地改革这个概念的讨论,自从四民被抛出来后,它就一直镶嵌其中,相对于华夏军中一直存在的“灭儒”、“开智”、“格物”、“资本”、“人权”等等大框架的激进讨论,它在其中并没有显出巨大的重量来。 This is because the Huaxia army the outdoor shop is small earlier, Ning Yi can maintain with the domineering attitude relatively incorruptible egalitarianism, after to Liangshan, the Huaxia army borrow occupy, impossible to publicize what land reform toward the surrounding Nepali clansman, but after the unified southwest, the propaganda to the natural sciences idea and occupied its focus biggest end to capital promotion of Huaxia political power. 这是因为华夏军前期摊子较小,宁毅用强势的态度就能维持住其中相对清廉的平均主义,到了凉山之后,华夏军借地而居,也不可能朝周围的尼族人宣扬什么土改,而在统一西南后,华夏政权对格物理念的宣传、对资本的推动更是占了其工作重心的最大头。 After a lot of commodities enter entirely succeed, going to the country of innumerable work team, actually also to everyone taking away numerous material products, the people's most multi-expressions in propaganda , after is natural sciences develops , the material greatly rich forecast, so long as the material enriched, crosses not good people naturally to enter in the rural area the workshop and factory in big city to make money, becomes top dog —— at this stage, this forecast, is in itself quite credible. 大量的物资进入成都之后,无数工作组的下乡,其实也会给大家带去众多物质产物,人们在宣传中最多表达,也是格物发展后物质大丰富的展望,只要物质丰富了,在农村过不好的人们自然可以进入大城市的作坊、工厂中赚钱,成为人上人——在这个阶段,这一展望,本身就是相当靠谱的。 entirely succeed and concentration of industries development near Chinese catalpa state these big cities, delayed other non- core region temporarily because of the contradiction that the land brings. Although in the Huaxia army have at the beginning of Liangshan, some people of also has Huaxia soldier person equality, must kill wealthy person worry, even ran many people, but after the southwest war ended, Huaxia armed forces' giving favored treatment of some landlord to at that time relative coordination and rural gentry, then gave up most people's anxiety. 成都、梓州这些大城市附近的工业集中发展,暂时延缓了其它非核心区域因土地带来的矛盾。虽然在华夏军出凉山之初,部分人还有过“华夏军人人平等,要杀富户”的担忧,甚至跑了许多人,但西南大战结束后,华夏军对当时相对配合的部分地主、乡绅的优待,则打消了大部分人的疑虑。 After nearby the big city the land price soars, some merchants and peripheral landlords have had the friction of several small scale, at present has not been in the degree of being heavily engaged. 只是在大城市附近地价飞涨后,部分商人与周边的地主才起过几次小规模的摩擦,眼下也并没有到不可开交的程度。 But turns head, many people also know, in the Huaxia army the discussion about land reform, many and land to the tiller even nationalization of land links up with land ownership equalization, at academic discussion, even single whip system and spreads Ding residence these strategies to be considered as the small scale. 但回过头来,不少人也都知道,华夏军中关于土地改革的讨论,多数都是与“平均地权”、“耕者有其田”甚至于“土地国有”挂钩的,在学术的讨论上,甚至于“一条鞭法”、“摊丁入户”这些策略都被认为是小打小闹。 At this representative congress sudden symptom, making many people somewhat ignorant. 这次代表大会上突如其来的苗头,令得许多人都有些懵。 If puts the modern societies of various later generation, many people hear land reform concept, is an aspect thought mostly it is glorious, on the one hand thought that it somewhat averagely not wonderful, people will feel, so long as undersells such Weiguang concept, will obtain most people's support naturally. However, a mountain pass that this nevertheless several thousand years of feudal societies never some people can break through truly. 若是放诸后世的现代社会,不少人听到土改这个概念,大都是一方面觉得它光辉伟大,一方面又觉得它有些平平无奇,人们会觉得,只要将这样伟光正的概念抛售出去,自然而然就会得到大部分人的拥护。然而,这却是数千年的封建社会从未有人能够真正突破的一道关隘。 Even in another world imposing modern history, is first put forward the guiding principles of land ownership equalization by that forerunner Mr. Sun, obtained the support of innumerable successor, but in putting on forest northern ham Mr. often/common leads the fruit party the dozens years in the mainland controlling the forces of nature, such a natural and brilliance great consensus concept, has almost not made any decisive progress. 甚至于在另一个世界轰轰烈烈的近代史中,由那位先行者孙先生首先提出平均地权的纲领,也得到了无数后来者的拥护,但在穿林北腿常先生领导果党于大陆呼风唤雨的数十年里,这样一个理所当然且光辉伟大的共识性概念,几乎没有取得过任何决定性的进展。 Because of the foundation member of group achievement party, occupies in each region, village notables and elite who grasp the under the heavens huge power end. 因为组成果党的基础成员,就是盘踞于各地,掌握天下庞大的权力末梢的乡贤和精英。 But the political party that at that time another was flowing the red blood, reaches the understanding in 19 24 with the fruit party, thinks that already starts to cooperate to carry out, therefore conducted the land reform that the correct matter is duty-bound not to turn back resolutely, they start to realize Mr. Sun advocates livelihood of the people theory, but has turned head, then at 27 years welcomed 412 and 715 the massacre. Great Revolution is defeated. 而当时另一支流淌着红色血液的政党,于24年与果党达成谅解,以为已经开始合作就能够将正确的事情义无反顾的推行下去,于是大刀阔斧地进行了土改,他们开始实现孙先生提倡的“民生”理论,而回过头,便在27年迎来了“四一二”与“七一五”的大屠杀。大革命失败。 The land far more than is the land. 土地何止是土地。 It production resource situated in entire social hugest power end most core, is symbolizing the most obvious target of this huge power ownership. The land reform can be successful, its premise is to this huge power system careful control in every way possible, once controlled the such power, matter that can handle, land allocation that also far more than must come to people? 它是位于整个社会最庞大的权力末梢最核心的生产资源,也是象征着这庞大权力归属的最明显指标。土地改革能够成功,其前提是对这庞大权力体系细致入微的掌控,而一旦掌控了这样的权力,能够做的事情,又何止是将得来的土地分配给人民? This matter involves, already was one with Confucianist similar big net. 这件事情所涉及的,已经是一张与儒家类似的大网了。 Leaps from Liangshan from the Huaxia army, the entire Chengdu Plain and place of Sichuan Shu, nobody can with its resist ; As the Huaxia army rout the Jurchen West Route, leaves behind place some landlords in southwest and village notables, also no one dares not to submit. Compared to sweeping away the under the heavens Jurchen army, these so-called Confucian scholar, landlords and village notables, seeming like weak, outwardly on enemy, regarding the Huaxia army, is the issue of easiest processing. 自华夏军从凉山跃出,整个成都平原、川蜀之地,无人能够与其相抗;随着华夏军击溃女真西路军,遗留在西南之地的些许地主、乡贤,也没有任何人敢不臣服。相对于横扫天下女真大军,那些所谓的儒生、地主、乡贤,看起来都是软弱的,明面上的敌人,对于华夏军而言,都是最容易处理的问题。 However the land, is relating the thing of under the heavens everyone lifestyle, must change this lifestyle and dominant way, will receive everyone in the heart consensus and subconscious the resistance, the great network of corrosion meets the reversed direction throws, it will make insufficiently firm dominant structure cut the efficiency from the interior, will let the seething popular discontent, when even the entire structure has the problem, people will not realize that it comes because of the land reform. 然而土地,是关系着天下所有人生存方式的东西了,要改变这种生存方式、统治方式,就会受到每一个人心中“共识”与“潜意识”的反抗,侵蚀的巨网会反方向的扑过来,它会让不够坚定的统治构架从内部降低效率,会让民怨沸腾,甚至于当整个结构出现问题,人们都不会意识到它是因土改而来的。 Was the own preparation sufficient enough? Puts regional basic unit officials and retired soldiers, was the exercise enough? They could defeat outwardly on enemy, when the land changes to the benefit to start the solid computation, can they resist putrefication? left Heyou can the unrest contain? already conducted so many rectifications, but can also be stricter? 自己的准备够充分了吗?放到各地的基层官员、退伍军人,锻炼足够了吗?他们或许能够打败明面上的敌人,然而当土地化作利益开始实实在在的计算,他们能够抵御住其中的腐化吗?左和右的风潮能够遏制住吗?已经进行了如此多的整风,还能够更严格吗? Even to say the least , to promote the land reform at present, it is necessary? 甚至退一步说,眼下推行土地改革,有必要吗? One such as Su Wending said, the strong rule of capital will take a path, the privatization and unrestricted flow of land can provide the hotbed of bloody growth for it. Follows this path to walk, then conducts certain operation, the emergence of determination and civil rights of promotion people, already is a relatively appropriate development structure, capital will push to seal the productive relations of organization system by advantage in each aspect, because the big net centered on benefit will be more powerful than that standing net, it is woven by the rule, by far in manpower is. 一如苏文定所说,资本的强规则将自行走出一条道路来,土地的私有化和自由流动能够为它提供血腥生长的温床。跟着这条道路走,而后进行一定的操纵,促进民众的自觉、民权的出现,已经是一个相对妥帖的发展构架,资本的逐利性将在各个方面推垮封建制的生产关系,因为以利益为核心的大网会比那张网更为强大,它由规律编织,远胜于人力的强为。 It is necessary first to touch village notables that standing net by oneself before then? 有必要在这之前就由自己先去触动乡贤那张网吗? Really has the percentage hundred necessities? 真的有百分百的必要性吗? Ning Yi oneself, actually also has the such doubts. 宁毅自己,其实也有着这样的疑惑。 The pro and con direction, has many reasons. 正反方向,都有着许许多多的理由。 In direction, the advantage of land reform naturally, once succeeds, the Huaxia army will jump onto a new level regarding the control of floor directly, compared to all influences, the Huaxia army will enter a threshold of new dimension probably, a such fight, the enemy of core still lies in containing the distortion that the system presents, if can pass, will turn will deal with reliable training of Confucianist that big net in the future...... 在正的方向上,土改的好处当然非常之多,一旦成功,华夏军对于底层的掌控将直接跃上一个新台阶,相对于外界的所有势力,华夏军都会像是进入了一个新维度的门槛,这样的一场战斗,核心的敌人仍旧在于遏制体系内部出现的扭曲,若是能够过去,将会变成未来应对儒家那张大网的可靠练兵…… However in the counter- direction, a advance of big influence must distinguish clearly the principal contradiction and secondary contradiction properly, once this land reform is born the unpredictable issue, for example about the tendency of route intensifies, the interior hits, changes to have the old ailment to the halfway, in the future the strength of Huaxia army may unable to contain the capital seed that dashes about wildly, the land reform that is defeated one time will directly perhaps not create the failure of Huaxia army, but if the future will be defeated, the such one-off, can definitely be big bunch of straws that the camel will conduct the back...... 然而在反的方向上,一个大势力的前进必须要妥善分清主要矛盾和次要矛盾,一旦这次土改当中诞生不可预料的问题,譬如左右路线的倾向加剧,内部打起来,改到半途落下病根,未来华夏军的力量就可能遏制不住狂奔的资本萌芽,一次失败的土地改革或许不会直接造成华夏军的失败,但假如将来失败,这样的一次动作,必然会是骆驼背上的一大捆稻草…… Controls the southwest present in the Huaxia army merely, on troops have the overwhelming control to Sichuan Shu this place on hand, on enemy cannot turn the too big storm outwardly, in a short time pushes the land reform to fall, the true worry lies in long-line and organizes internal change, once the Huaxia army kill southwest, annexes under the heavens, if has not carried out the land reform, in the future is not possibly able official raised this matter, this was the urgency of its upfront...... 在华夏军仅仅掌控西南的现在,手头上的兵力对川蜀这片地方有着压倒性的掌控,明面上的敌人翻不起太大风浪,短期内强推土改是可以落下去的,真正的顾虑在于长线和组织内部的变化,而一旦华夏军杀出西南,吞并天下,若是还没进行土地改革,未来可能就无法再正式的提起这件事情,这是它正面的迫切性…… However, a time has a primary consideration of time, in that great era that oneself survived in the past, the country of that experience misery lost the capital and natural sciences first sends the advantage, the land reform starts mass(es) is recovers the superior a big magic weapon, however in this time, if already has offensive of natural sciences and capital, the land reform is such urgent and necessary one point? own action, is the affective thinking of whether also to a certain extent by the dogmatism with purely being saluted controlling? 然而,一个时代有一个时代的原生考量,在自己过去所生存的那个伟大时代,那个经历苦难的国家失去了资本和格物的先发优势,土地改革发动群众是追回优势的一大法宝,然而在这个时代,倘若已经具备格物与资本的先手,土地改革是否还是那样迫切与必要的一环呢?自己的行动,是否也在一定程度上被教条主义与纯粹致敬的感性思维支配着呢? The consideration of this each article, in its mind, already circled extremely long some time. 这桩桩件件的考量,在它的脑海中,已经盘旋了极长的一段时间。 he himself could not say a categorical result. 他自己也说不出一个斩钉截铁的结果来。 In such a complex matter, Su Family several people are among some most immaterial minor details. 在这样复杂的一件事情里,苏家的几个人不过是这中间最无关紧要的一些细枝末节。 For a long time the controls of Ning Yi or Su Tan'er to these family members are strict, although to the water to the clear degree, but arranged edge ball to fish the land advantage in the southwest range is also only these 1-2 years of things. If Ning Yi directly asked, under their names does not even dare to have outwardly on interests, but some landlord rural gentry may be branching out the advantage on some silver money on hand, changes them in the crucial time, inquires or listens secretly some news. 长久以来无论是宁毅还是苏檀儿对这些家人的管束都非常严格,尽管到不了水至清的程度,但在西南范围内打点擦边球捞点土地好处也只是这1-2的事情。宁毅若是直接问,他们的名下甚至都不敢有明面上的利益,只是部分地主乡绅可能会在手头分出一些银钱上的好处,换他们在关键的时刻,打探或是偷听到一些消息。 Even if two already had the wife's younger brother of certain position, in the following matter, cannot sing a weight of supporting role. Ning Yi meets launches such to have a lengthy conversation with them in this period of time, on the one hand no doubt is to training of nearby person, on the other hand...... because in his heart also is not always conducting the such calculation and pondered. 而即便是两名已经有了一定地位的小舅子,在接下来的这件事情里,也唱不起一个配角的重量。宁毅之所以会在这段时间里与他们展开这样的长谈,一方面固然是对身边人的培养,另一方面……则因为他心中也无时无刻的不在进行这样的演算与思考。 such hesitates and question, perhaps will also continue very long a long time, the future of even settling down, he is possible returning to ask oneself. But ponders to be discrete, he can deduce and can summarize and can engage in introspection, at the last moment, the choice actually must strengthen. 这样的犹豫和疑问,或许还将持续很长很长的一段时间,甚至于尘埃落定的未来,他都可能一次次的回问自己。但思考可以谨慎,他可以推演、可以总结、可以反省,事到临头,选择却必须坚定。 Temporary, he already made the choice. 暂时性的,他已经做出了选择。 , Ning Yi chose the quite difficult that road as always. 一如既往的,宁毅选择了比较难的那条路。 Before the congress ended, even after finishing, in 1-2 months, opportunity that perhaps also has reneges on a promise. But he knows, stopped probability, already was small. 在大会结束前,甚至于结束后1-2月里,或许还有反悔的机会。但他知道,叫停的概率,已经非常小了。 The late autumn Makaike wave light is clear, he stands there, sending a while was dull. 深秋的摩诃池波光粼粼,他站在那里,发了一会儿呆。 The tranquil day wants passed. 平静的日子就要过去了 Occasionally raised the head, he looks at the nighttime sky the point stars, thinks that above this stretch of land other lively places, went to war, the heroic congress, Liu Guang shi and Zou Xu's confrontation may very be wen interesting, Jiangning what to have very complex difficult problem...... 偶尔间抬起头,他看着夜空的点点星辰,也会想到这片大地之上其它热闹的地方,打仗啊、英雄大会啊、刘光世与邹旭的交锋或许会很有趣、江宁何文想必遭遇到了很复杂的难题…… Often has the such news to pass on, to him, already is extremely and extremely relaxed whiles away the time...... 时常有这样的消息传过来,对于他而言,已经是极为、极为轻松的消遣…… Really wants to trade the position replacement. 真想把位置换一换。 No matter with anyone, reopens one game probably starts from scratch...... 不管是跟谁,都像是重开一局的白手起家…… That this/should interesting Ah...... 那该多有趣啊… Without knew well with Qin Siyuan...... 要是没跟秦嗣源认识就好了…… ...... …… Also thinks the travel of rivers and lakes / Jianghu Little Ning envies/avoid...... 又想到小宁忌的江湖之旅…… Does not know where wave, in brief should be very happy...... 不知道在哪里浪着,总之应该很开心吧…… . oneself the brain pulled out for a while, made contact with for a lifetime...... 也罢,也罢。自己一时脑抽,搭上了一辈子…… The children play for several days...... 小孩子就多玩几天罢…… In the future, did not scold him...... 将来,也不骂他了…… ...... …… The middle-aged man named Ning Yi sighed. 名叫宁毅的中年男人叹了口气。
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