LISIL :: Volume #10 长夜过春时

#1088: The ruling of life and death ( 1 )

At the end of August, with entering a city of what article, five king already of fair party gathers in Jiangning City. 八月底,随着何文的进城,公平党的五位大王已经江宁城里聚集起来。 In city command head sore order issue therefore tranquil on several th, in those days in broke the internecine strife of dog brain to be missing, transferred buddha permits Zhaonan already to prepare good acting crazy also to repress. When second sons in Baofeng Weiyang in what writing entered a city also to start outside a large-scale group quarrel on the same day, other already re-entered cognition who is the enemy, who was friend serious reconsideration link, because in the following negotiations, this could become the most important issue. 城内令人头疼的治安问题因此平静了几日,往日里打破狗脑子的火拼不见了踪影,“转轮王”许昭南已经准备好的发飙也按捺了下来。除时宝丰的次子时维扬在何文进城当日还掀起了一场大规模的群架外,其余各家都已经重新进入认知“谁是敌人、谁是朋友”的严肃反思环节,因为在接下来的谈判里,这可能就要变成最重要的问题了。 what Wenru the city on the same day, that internecine strife near five lake inn, both sides soon after dispatched several hundred people, makes rising momentum, but actually cannot make what result finally. Probably because extremely chaotic internecine strife aspect regarding catching action actually not many of some specific group the addition, five chi (0.33 m) and four chi (0.33 m) two Y demons flee when the crowd, although Weiyang once saw that several not well-known expert besiege and pursue to block off that two things, hits flees like a scared rat, but also no one holds these two people to bring to oneself to receive an award finally at present. 何文入城当日,五湖客栈附近的那场火拼,双方随后都出动了数百人,闹得声势浩大,但最终却没能打出个什么结果来。盖因太过混乱的火拼局面对于捕捉某个特定对象的行动其实并没有多少的加成,五尺和四尺的两位Y魔在人堆里窜来窜去,尽管时维扬一度看到几个不知名的高手将那两个东西围追堵截,打得抱头鼠窜,但最终也没人抓住这二人带到自己眼前来领赏。 On the other hand, five lake inn people take strict precautions against cling to tenaciously regarding their domain, after the focus of Weiyang changes, the internecine strife in inn front then cannot spread to the inn. Also is sometimes therefore, this action, Weiyang one has not held the person, secondly cannot compare to break the secret that in this inn hidden, finally flies back without any results. 另一方面,五湖客栈这边的众人对于自身的地盘严防死守,在时维扬的关注重心改变之后,客栈前方的火拼便一直没能蔓延到客栈当中去。也是因此,这一次的行动,时维扬一没抓住人,二来也没能勘破这客栈之中隐藏的秘密,最终无功而返。 Naturally, can come in what writing made a such big matter to come on the same day, this Second Young Master becomes the out-and-out topic character when the surrounding friend suddenly, the little friends saw him gives the thumbs-up, admires him to be able not to give the fair king face, approves it for really fierce gentleman. In the Weiyang surface the nature is complacent, turned the head around, was carried out the military law by the father of becoming angry out of shame, beat the buttocks, suddenly can only lie in home. 当然,能够在何文现身当日闹出这么大的一件事情来,这位二少在周围的朋友当中一时间成为了不折不扣的话题人物,小伙伴们见到他时都纷纷竖起大拇指,佩服他能够不给公平王面子,赞其为真的“猛士”。时维扬表面上自然得意洋洋,回过头去,被恼羞成怒的父亲执行军法,打烂了屁股,一时间只能在家里趴着了。 After several days, in Jiangning City white demons in the middle of some broken courtyard of accumulation, one group of women are encircling in the same place, is sighing the wind and cloud change on rivers and lakes / Jianghu.. 几日之后,江宁城内“白罗刹”聚集的某个破院子当中,一群女人正围在一起,感叹着江湖上的风云变化。。 What this was really...... that...... the hero has youngster Ah...... is such said?” “这个……真是那个什么……英雄出少年啊……是不是这么说?” How is the hero? This obviously is a big bastard......” “怎么是英雄呢?这明明是个大坏蛋……” naturally big bastard...... youngster?” 那是大坏蛋……出少年?” My God, his did what misdemeanor, entered a city not to have for half a month, this enjoyed the standard to propose five times......” “我的天,他这是做了什么坏事,进城才没有半个月吧,这赏格提了五倍……” We, if holds him, this whole life does not worry.” “咱们要是抓住他,这辈子不愁了。” Right right, holds him to hold him......” “没错没错,抓住他抓住他……” Female's on some that by newsprinting paper one crowd was not usually good at fighting was enjoyed the standard to become confused, suddenly is ready to fight, chattering continuously, is quite excited. First naturally is because enjoyed the standard the price is too high, was really very attractive, the matter that and this posted a reward object violated also really compared to touch their nerves. 一群平素不怎么擅长打架的女子被新闻纸上的某个赏格冲昏了头脑,一时间摩拳擦掌、叽叽喳喳,颇为兴奋。一来自然是因为赏格的价位太高了,实在是很有吸引力,二来这被悬赏的对象犯下的事情也实在比较触动她们的神经。 actually has reminder several in the world. 倒也有人间中的提醒几句。 I thought that do not want to be many, how many having a look at this to enjoy the standard to have? 5200! On rivers and lakes / Jianghu can post a reward 5200, that is the fame big bastard, martial arts high, the method is much fierce. You also want to catch others, be careful cannot catch the person, on the contrary what managing...... did not have a look at others to violate by others is anything, the extreme danger......” “我看你们别想多了,看看这赏格有多少?五千两!江湖上能被悬赏五千两的,那都是名气多大的坏蛋,武艺有多高,手段多厉害。你们还想去抓人家,当心抓不到人,反倒被人家给办了……也不看看人家犯的是什么事,羊入虎口……” The Y demon title that the newsprinting paper posts a reward is quite conspicuous, in addition the high enjoying standard, symbolizing the opposite party is not being is easy and simple character. However, facing such is anxious, surrounding female many smiled at the scene. 新闻纸悬赏上的Y魔称号颇为显眼,再加上高额的赏格,象征着对方绝不是什么易与的简单人物。不过,面对着这样的忧虑,周围的一众女子许多都当场笑了起来。 Such is not good, you look, these five chi (0.33 m) Y demons and four chi (0.33 m) Y demon two people, but said that they went bad the fame and integrity of person, had not said that the person miss killing, us caught him, isn't just right?” “那样不也挺好的,你们看,这五尺Y魔和四尺Y魔两人,只是说他们坏了人的名节,也没说他们把人姑娘给杀了,那咱们去抓他,不是正好吗?” Right right, you look at the picture image, but also very attractive......” “没错没错,你们看着画的图像,还挺漂亮的……” Age not big......” “年纪又不大……” Succeeded we to have money, even was not successful, cannot lose the life......” “成功了咱们有钱,就算不成功,也丢不了命嘛……” Perhaps his method is fierce, others made suffers extreme distress...... that others acknowledged he is the true young hero......” “说不定他手段厉害,把人家弄得死去活来的……那人家就承认他是真正的小英雄……” You look at A Xiang, pretty, otherwise we cause the beauty idea......” “你们看阿香,娇滴滴的,要不然咱们就使个美人计……” Does not suffer a loss in any case...... Hahahaha......” “反正不吃亏……哈哈哈哈……” White demons middle is a female, the misdemeanor that although usually did are many, the misdemeanor that but in the middle of the life experiences are also many, at this time mentioned the matter of that youngster Y demon, in the mouth the also without too many shade, hee hee Haha, was very on the contrary relaxed. Among these females also has to be good-looking delicately , usually most was good at acting by the victim who the landlord gentries insulted, mentioned the beauty idea to come, was rationally, a happiness. “白罗刹”当中都是女子,虽然平素做的坏事不少,但人生当中经历的坏事也多,此时说起那少年Y魔的事情,口中并没有太多的遮拦,反倒嘻嘻哈哈,很是轻松。这些女子当中也有长得漂亮的、秀气的,平素最擅长扮演被地主士绅侮辱的苦主,说起美人计来,更是头头是道,一片欢乐。 During the combinations of word of various oppressors, only then that is responsible for reading the newspaper young scholar bent/tune Longhan, at this time still held that to carry to post a reward with the newsprinting paper of portrait, wrinkles a steamed stuffed bun the face, the vision is actually somewhat rocking at a loss. 各种虎狼之词的混杂当中,只有那负责读报的“小秀才”曲龙珺,此时仍旧捧着那载有悬赏和人像的新闻纸,将脸皱成一只包子,目光却有些茫然地晃动着。 How can this? 这怎么会呢? Recalls, has saved that dragon Xiaoge of oneself life in the southwest, should not be the such person. 回想一下,在西南救过自己性命的那位龙小哥,不该是这样的人啊。 However looks at the character in that image, although the appearance is about five points of similar, but as seeing that dragon Xiaoge person, she truly can recognize, above this image issues a warrant for arrest, indeed is that dragon few heroes. 然而看那图像上的人物,虽然样貌不过五分相似,但作为见过那龙小哥的人,她确实能够认得出来,这图像之上通缉的,的确就是那位龙少侠。 Moreover, recalls that evening of southwest upheaval, that dragon few heroes in the courtyard by an enemy numerous, just like the stand melon to cut the vegetable/dish to cut to turn the heroic bearing in pool of blood still more than ten people to come clearly into view, if oneself roams about Jiangning from Nanyi Road, crosses embarrassed, by no means is extraordinary, this dragon few heroes can become famous by the excellent skill rapidly, by no means is strange, she believes. May unable to think through, why the opposite party the such reputation, taking advantage of emanation of this warrant for arrest, quick will hear under the heavens...... 而且,回忆西南变乱的那一晚,那位龙少侠在院子里以一敌众,犹如站瓜切菜般将十余人斩翻在血泊中的英姿依然历历在目,如果说自己从西南一路流浪到江宁,过得窘迫,并不出奇,这位龙少侠凭借过人的身手能够迅速成名,也并不奇怪,她是相信的。可怎么也想不通,对方为什么会成了个这样的名声,借着这通缉令的发出,快名闻天下了吧…… Less than half month ago dragon Aotian the name appears in the list that issues a warrant for arrest for the first time, bent/tune Longhan in the heart leaves undecided, on that warrant for arrest said that he smeared the fame and integrity of miss in Tongshan, posts a reward 820, bent/tune Longhan thought that inevitably is a misunderstanding. however this world passed by more than ten, 820 turned to 5200 suddenly, had with these most ferocious exterminating an entire family thief spelled, moreover on the warrant for arrest also emphasized his Y demon act specially...... 小半个月前龙傲天的名字第一次出现在那通缉的榜单上,曲龙珺的心中还是存疑的,那通缉令上说他在通山污了人家姑娘的名节,悬赏八百两,曲龙珺觉得必然是一个误会。可是这世间过去不过十余日,八百两突然翻到五千两,都与那些最为穷凶极恶的灭门大盗有得一拼了,而且通缉令上还特意强调了他的Y魔行径…… could it be in into city more than ten days, he made many this kind of affair...... 难道是在入城十多天的时间里,他又做了许多起这样的事情么…… bent/tune Longhan has had several degrees jolting in this world, is less than ten -year-old, the parents died, became the orphan, was sold to make skinny horse. Afterward was fostered for nearly ten years by hears Shoubin, regarded as the family member the opposite party temporarily. hears Shoubin is not good person, after it dies, although she said that restored the free body, but also returned to from head to toe to be solitary, again does not have any family member. 曲龙珺在这世上有过几度的颠簸,不到十岁,父母死了,成了孤儿,被卖做瘦马。后来被闻寿宾抚养近十年,将对方暂时的视作了亲人。闻寿宾不是什么好人,在其死后,虽然她说起来是恢复了自由身,可同时也重归了一身孑然,再没有任何亲人了。 In the such node, in only entirely succeed city attended to Big Aunt not knowing that with why saved her dragon proud heaven, in in her heart, actually has the special position. 这样的节点上,唯独成都城内的顾大婶与那不知为何救下了她的这位龙傲天,在她心中,其实是有着特殊位置的。 Regarding saves her, to take care of her in the entirely succeed city, soon after arranged that dragon few heroes of escape route for her, her understanding was not deep. 对于在成都城内救下她、照顾她,随后又为她安排了后路的那位龙少侠,她的了解一直不深。 At first thinks he saves her, somewhat covets —— this by no means of her body is any big misdemeanor, after hears Shoubin dies, there is a person to want her, making her be have a home to return, actually already was a good deed, let alone age by no means of opposite party was also big, even was long is also quite attractive. 最初以为他救下她,是有些觊觎她的身子的——并不是什么大的坏事,闻寿宾死后,有个人能够要她,令她能有一个归宿,其实已经是一件好事了,更别说对方的年纪也并不大,甚至于长得也颇为好看。 Even if he seems somewhat rules by force and is subject to changing moods, but that cannot be regarded what important matter. Was regarded skinny horse is raising these years, she studies then how to curry favor and how serve the husband's household, the hero character in the world mostly kept promises obstinately, so long as looked for right the means that living well by no means was the too big difficult matter. 即便他看起来有些霸道、喜怒无常,可那也算不得什么大事。被当成瘦马养着的这些年,她学习的便是如何曲意逢迎、如何伺候夫家,世上的英雄人物大多刚愎自用说一不二,但只要找对了办法,活得好并不是太大的难事。 —— this is she wakes up after southwest that public health center idea in a short time. ——这是她在西南那间卫生院里醒来之后短时间内的想法。 But quick she discovered that the opposite party does not have the such meaning. 但很快的她发现对方并没有这样的意思。 The youngster named dragon Aotian is conscientious in discharging official duties and gets the physical exam to her even reluctant every day, but the discretion on limbs actually maintains excellently, many need to apply medicine, the covert matter is attended to Big Aunt coming the help to complete, even he is not calling her lowly dog in secret very much politely, she is knows that but feels indignant but not daring to speak out. 名叫龙傲天的少年只是公事公办、甚至于不情不愿地每日给她检查身体,但肢体上的分寸其实保持得极好,许多需要上药的、隐蔽的事情都是顾大婶过来帮忙完成,甚至于他在私底下很不礼貌地叫她“小贱狗”,她是知道的,只是敢怒不敢言。 After a period of time, she knows in the Huaxia army the custom to be stern, he rescues oneself, as if must be responsible for actually for oneself. Although marries to make the wife and concubines oneself is also responsible for actually one, but the opposite party does not have the such meaning, their contacts are not many, talk not much, the opposite party even puts «Woman To be able To withstand/Top the Half the sky» such strange book on her pillow. 过了一段时间之后,她才知道华夏军中规矩森严,他救下自己,似乎就得对自己负责到底。虽说将自己娶做妻妾也是负责到底的一种,可对方也没有这样的意思,他们的接触不多,对话不多,对方甚至在她的枕边放《妇女能顶半边天》这样的怪书。 Reads, has to give a thought to the guidance of Big Aunt again, she entered a new world, had the new view to the way of the world, to that the youngster named dragon Aotian, she still knows little. 看完了书,再有顾大婶的引导,她进入了一个新的世界,对世道有了新的看法,对那名叫龙傲天的少年,她依然所知甚少。 This youngster vicious and merciless, may rescue oneself finally, the specific reason does not talk clearly ; He as if before was earlier knew oneself on already, took the nickname to call lowly dog to oneself in secret, regarding the reasons of these matters, she did not clarify. Her in the heart is somewhat curious, may happen among two people finally is also only some shatter exchanges, his sudden leaves from entirely succeed, probably the simple traveler, leaves the southwest to her, cannot meet with the opposite party again. 这少年心狠手辣,可最终救下了自己,具体的原因说不清楚;他似乎在更早以前就已经认识了自己,私下里给自己取外号叫“小贱狗”,对于这些事的缘由,她也弄不清楚。她的心中有些好奇,可最终发生在两人之间的也只是一些破碎的交流,他突然的从成都离开,像是个简单的过客,一直到她也离开西南,没能再与对方见面。 But even two people contacts so shatter, her is willing to believe that at heart throughout the opposite party is good person, he regarding oneself that meeting by chance and seeming like quite does not appreciate is such good intention, helping and rescue the life, to give money not to seek the return, how probably to turn into...... what five chi (0.33 m) Y demon...... 可即便两人的往来是如此的破碎,她的心里始终还是愿意相信对方是一个好人的,他对于萍水相逢而且看起来颇不欣赏的自己都是那样的好心,帮了忙、救了命、给了钱还不求回报,怎么可能就变成……什么五尺Y魔了呢…… already did not have family member's young scholar, at this time holds that newsprinting paper that diagrams the image, is utterly confused is thinking these things. In this dangerous city, she thinks very much can see you again(goodbye) to the opposite party one side, confirmed these things not real, she even wanted to argue for the opposite party frankly and uprightly. However, opposite party already became this value 5200 great people, at present already hides mostly, by the own status, how also possibly to see with the opposite party? 已经没有了亲人的小秀才,此时捧着那份绘有图像的新闻纸,心乱如麻地想着这些事情。在这座危险的城池里,她很想能够再见到对方一面,证实一下这些事情并非是真的,她甚至想要光明正大地为对方辩解。不过,对方已经成了这种价值五千两的大人物,眼下多半又已经躲了起来,以自己的身份,又怎么可能与对方见得到呢? The surrounding woman hee hee Haha, regarding the young scholar occasional god of suddenly, unexpectedly also without too many cares, said to some people with a smile makes the young scholar cause the beauty idea, she and age unexpectedly of these five chi (0.33 m) Y demons were similar.” bent/tune Longhan faint red red painted-face, lowers the head to continue to read on the newsprinting paper other contents. 周围的女人嘻嘻哈哈,对于小秀才偶尔的恍神,倒是并没有太多的在意,一直到有人笑着说出“让小秀才去使美人计吧,她与这五尺Y魔的年纪倒是差不多的。”曲龙珺才微微的红了红脸,低下头去继续读起新闻纸上其它的内容来。 At once thinks, if white demons these sisters really enable the beauty idea to come, held dragon Young Master, oneself, really can see one side him...... 旋即又想到,若是“白罗刹”的这些姐妹真的使起美人计来,将龙公子抓住了,自己是不是,就真能见他一面了呢…… The broken courtyard people hee hee Haha, many relaxed to crack a joke but actually. But at the same time, in another end of city, enhancement that as on this newsprinting paper posts a reward, other one group of people are also heavy to gather, held the short and temporary conference. 破院子这边的众人嘻嘻哈哈,多数倒只是放松心情般的开玩笑了。而与此同时,在城市的另一端,随着这新闻纸上悬赏的提高,另外的一拨人也重又聚集起来,开了短暂而临时的会议。 How...... can not hold! How to run away! You had a look at this...... to become what appearance noisily, 5200...... the fame was then bigger, obstructs could not block from......” “……怎么能没抓住呢!怎么就跑掉了呢!你们看看这个……闹成什么样子了,五千两……这下名气更大,遮都遮不住了……” „...... Eight masters, had said...... can have what means that the boy temper is wild, since childhood how to teach...... cannot be victorious are not related, more importantly can escape, several Young Master are the such ways, has no feeling in Zhang Village one vs. one, really, knows his does not agree surrender time has slides......” the people of reply helpless the rusticity smiled. “……八爷啊,说过了……能有什么办法,那小子性子野,从小是怎么教的……打不过没关系,重要的是能逃命,几个公子都是这样的路数,在张村单挑还没什么感觉,真到出来了,才知道他不肯投降的时候有多滑……”回答的人都无奈地气笑了。 „...... Our dragon small Young Master this does, then the image drew, in the future will go back...... to be shameful.” “……咱们的龙小少爷这是作死,这下图像都画出来了,将来回去……见不得人了。” „...... Killed......” “……会被打死的……” „...... Said, this training policy or Mr. Ning decide, last year the weaponry fired off, knows that he could not idle, in the second half of the year ran up to the military compound to go to teach especially, but also has strengthened these...... eight masters, was really useful.” “……说起来,这个训练方针还是宁先生定下来的,去年仗打完,都知道他闲不下来,下半年跑到军营里去特训,还加强过这些……八爷,真是有用啊。” Not to mention Mr. Ning.” Was called form already of eight masters to hurt, had a look at this, thinks after this matter fed in Zhang Village, he was what expression!” “别提宁先生。”被称作八爷的身影头已经疼起来了,“看看这个,想想这事情传回张村以后,他是什么表情吧!” I thought that...... doesn't know whether to laugh or cry?” “我觉得……哭笑不得?” Mr. Ning is very magnanimous, won't be angry Oh?” 宁先生挺大度的,不会生气?” He with Tyrant Blade that Madame, one must come the mixed doubles the dragonet......” “他跟霸刀那位夫人,一准要把小龙来个混合双打……” Do not give me to insert funny dialog here!” Qian Luoning whips the table with the hand, your several are red Madame teaches, received the legacy, is the Ning Family oneself person, finds the way to clean up quickly! Otherwise do you point at not to take a beating?” “别给我在这里插科打诨!”钱洛宁用手拍打桌子,“你们几个都是红夫人教出来的,接过衣钵,是宁家自己人,快想办法擦屁股吧!要不然你们就指着回去不挨揍?” Young black 13 grand guardians practice horizontally, I am a disabled person, black little girl......, although does not look like, but she mostly is a female, Mr. Ning starts, will have the discretion.” “小黑十三太保横练,我是残疾人,黑妞……虽然看着不像,不过她多半是个女的,宁先生下手,会有分寸。” Looks at that side!” “看那边!” This sound resounds, Yuwen flies acorss lowers the head hides, hitting of palm of the hand or of Qian Luoning in his head. 这声音响起,宇文飞渡低头一躲,钱洛宁的巴掌还是的打在了他的头上。 Great.” The black little girl nods. soon after austere accommodates in the Qian Luoning vision, both hands pound on the table: Ok, this posted a reward inside most likely (80%), when was Weiyang that cheap person gave, like this, does not follow closely, I am him tonight, asking the person posting a reward to remove.” “打得好。”黑妞点头。随后钱洛宁的目光中肃容,双手一拍桌子:“行了,这悬赏里头的八成,都是时维扬那个贱人给加的,这样,不盯梢了,我今晚去做了他,叫人把悬赏撤了。” Good news never goes beyond the gate , while bad news spreads far and wide, but did, perhaps the role is not big, really when wants washes off five chi (0.33 m) Y demon reputation...... we to let Weiyang to add a money again, posts a reward justly imposing martial arts (social) circles Alliance Lord dragon proud heaven, does everyone feel what kind of? Propagandizes this matter, I most understood, I have several friends am a that side......” “好事不出门坏事传千里,只是做了,恐怕作用不大,真想要洗掉五尺Y魔这个美名……咱们让时维扬再加点钱,就悬赏正义凛然的‘武林盟主’龙傲天,大家觉得怎么样?宣传这种事情,我最懂了,我有几个朋友就是那边的……” I said that you left were too worried, wanted in any case in Jiangning City, can meet next time, when the time comes you gave a vigor, broke his leg, governing slowly two months, to family/home......” “我说你们就别太担心了,反正只要在江宁城里,下一次还能遇上的,到时候你给点劲啊,打断他的腿,慢慢的治上两个月,到家了……” What we give a vigor, your cripple special most useless, you said that the day of the dragonet escapes from your side. Usually also boasted, monkey chicken...... you in little Longyanli were a fruit cake, you had to plant cruel methods Ah......” “什么我们给点劲,就你个瘸子特么的最没用,你说,小龙那天是不是从你那边逃掉的。平时还吹牛,啊狙鸡手……你在小龙眼里就是个软柿子,你有种下狠手啊……” How I go to...... me to take my under cruel methods the spear/gun, your black heart also stirs up trouble black, comes to plant our one vs. one, the grandson not under the cruel methods to you, your 13 grand guardians practice me unable to kill you horizontally......” “我去……我拿着把枪我怎么下狠手,你人黑心也黑挑事是吧,来来来有种我们单挑,孙子不对你下狠手,你十三太保横练我打不死你……” Although small black is not good thing but this time I to approve that his words, eight masters, blame Yuwen this fruit cake, this matter our previous times had not said, considers his face, you hack to death him now, come, the hand has the blade to fall......” “虽然小黑不是什么好东西但这次我赞成他的话,八爷,都怪宇文这个软柿子,这件事我们上次没说,照顾他的面子,你现在就砍死他吧,来,手起刀落……” Father hand has the blade to fall, hacks to death your three tortoise bastard —— “老子手起刀落,砍死你们三个王八蛋—— Where eight masters you chatted to have three, they obviously on two tortoise bastard......” “八爷你说笑了哪有三个,他们明明就两个王八蛋……” Regarding dragon proud heaven is Ning Ji the matter, even in the middle of this time team, is not some everyone qualifications knows. A small number of insiders vented an anxiety here, but cannot find out too many good ways finally, can only make patient and persistent work that follows closely to cast a net, is waiting for the appearance of next accident. 对于龙傲天就是宁忌的事情,即便在这次的队伍当中,也不是所有人都有资格知道。少数的知情人在这边发泄了一阵焦虑,但最终也想不出太多的好办法,只能做些盯梢撒网的水磨工夫,等待着下一次变故的出现。 Noisy and lively, regarding Jiangning at this moment, in five internecine strife of lake inn, some sounds that the alias dragon Aotian youngster brings, can only be counted an city corner insignificant minor matter. 吵吵嚷嚷、热热闹闹,对于此刻的江宁来说,无论是在五湖客栈发生的火拼,还是化名龙傲天的少年所带起的些许动静,都只能算作城市一隅微不足道的小事了。 The time since early September, the lively Jiangning martial arts contest congress convenes finally officially, previously in five big struck shows talent for the first time, designated various path Yingxiong of master, or by all characters who other influences, even individual given name arrived at the Jiangning registration, started formally to enter challenge match links. The public security in city is slightly moderate, in the market is in the seemingly tranquil and exciting revelry stage. 时间进入九月初,热热闹闹的江宁比武大会终于正式召开,先前在五大擂中崭露头角,也选定了东家的各路英雄、又或是以其它势力、甚至个人名号来到江宁报名的各方人物,开始正式进入一场场的擂台赛环节。城市的治安稍稍缓和,市面上进入看起来平静而兴奋的狂欢阶段。 Meanwhile, is headed by fair king Hewen, including „the high Son of Heaven tall Chang, equal king Baofeng, transfers buddha permits Zhaonan, „the Yama king week business hoisting fair party various group of big or small influence members of flag, 1 st held the first comprehensive conference in September in the city on this day. 与此同时,以公平王何文为首,包括“高天王”高畅、“平等王”时宝丰、“转轮王”许昭南、“阎罗王”周商在内的扯起“公平党”旗帜的各路大小势力成员,于九月初一这天在城中召开了第一次的全面会议。 In this conference, what writing raised several fair inner-party core issues to the people directly, including present fair party policy come out of many door, what's to be done ; All parties after attacking a city to seize territory the property assignment and strategy policy to have the difference, how to unify ; The regulation and goal of fair party must careful ; At present all already presents massive destruction customs the pleasure mood, how to attack ; How the fair party walked to avoid in the past the result of peasant uprising failure...... wait/etc. 在这场会议上,何文直接向众人抛出了几个公平党内的核心问题,包括如今公平党政出多门,怎么办;各方在攻城略地后的财物分配、策略方针都有不同,如何统一;公平党的章程、目的要不要更加的细致;目前各方都已经出现大量破坏规矩的享乐情绪,如何打击;公平党怎样走才能避免过去农民起义失败的结局……等等。 The fair party two years rise, had had an assembling for revolt congress in the past, at that time to unite all parties, but set followed all parties that «Fair Standard» handled affairs to be the big policy of Comrade oneself, therefore at that time, the entire assembling for revolt harmony happiness, harmonious incomparable, will establish the fair party to sweep across the Jiangnan big foundation basically over the following year. 公平党两年崛起,在过去曾经有过一次聚义大会,当时为了团结各方,只是定下了遵循《公平典》行事的各方都属于自己同志的这个大方针,于是在当时,整个聚义其乐融融、和谐无比,也基本奠定了此后一年时间公平党席卷江南的大基础。 That conference, what writing an acute issue has not raised time, however to this time , he as soon as the opens the mouth, were these involves the basic difficult problem that the fair party core lasted. In these issues, he even took a multitude of support data, made several times did not change, the fair party will die the such judgment. 那一次的会议,何文一个尖锐的问题都没有提,然而到得这一次,他一开口,便是这些涉及公平党核心存续的基本难题了。在这些问题当中,他甚至带上了大量的支撑数据,几次做出了“再不改,公平党就会死”这样的论断。 Although many things sound the new tide, but this class issue cannot actually be regarded in fair party upper layer already in advance, this mainly because southwest aspect these years did massively about the theoretical worker that the society deduces, regarding the deduction of massive socialist system, peasant uprising to first step do not walk to second step will still die these judgments, at least were caring view that system upper layer of these things, already can understand. 虽然许多东西听起来新潮,但这类的问题在公平党上层已经算不得超前,这主要还是因为西南方面这些年来做了大量关于社会推演的理论工作,对于大量社会变革的推演,“农民起义走对第一步走不对第二步仍旧会死”的这些论断,至少在关心这些事情的体系上层,已经是能够理解的说法。 After what writing spoke, caused the ponders of many people in attendance. 何文发言完毕之后,引起了大量与会者的沉思。 Other four kings and various parties of soon after speech, then also conducted the massive inserting funny dialog -type comforts, is similar to this issue mostly is very complex and matter did not have so to be differently serious and we with Fang La compared with and „we are just, justice must win and so on saliva words, within have hit the landlord to be radical and Jiao Wang to” and temporary corruption also no, the expression appears compared with the landlord was much better many and so on. 随后发言的其余四位大王以及各方代表,便也纷纷进行了大量插科打诨式的安慰,多半类似于“这个问题很复杂”、“事情还没那么严重”、“我们跟方腊比还是不同的”、“我们是正义的、正义必胜”之类的口水话,间中也有“打地主就是应该激进”、“矫枉必须过正”、“一时的腐败也没什么,比地主好多了”之类的言辞出现。 Therefore in September 1 st conference ended, parties had the cordial and friendly talk, basically to exchange views, all parties have not been angry, this was the entire Jiangning congress negotiated the beginning, in the martial arts contest congress lively atmosphere, unexpectedly appeared averagely was not somewhat wonderful, in city 90% people, even was not quite clear its occurrence. 于是九月初一的会议结束,与会各方进行了亲切友好的交谈、基本交换了意见,各方都没有生气,这是整个江宁大会谈判的伊始,在比武大会热闹的气氛下,倒是显得有些平平无奇了,城内百分之九十的人,甚至都不太清楚它的发生。 Truly complex undercurrent surges already gathers under the water surface...... 真正复杂的暗涌已经在水面下聚集起来……
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