LISIL :: Volume #10 长夜过春时

#1086: Talk of the town (Last Part)

The day east side infiltrates the azure light, continued evening's rain, gradually became gentle. 天的东边浸润过来青色的光,持续了一晚上的阴雨,也渐渐变得柔和了一些。 In the middle of five lake inn, there is a slight and discrete footsteps sound gets up, later, has the knock. 五湖客栈当中,有细微而谨慎的脚步声响起来,之后,有敲门声。 Customer...... the customer...... really does not do right by, at this time knocked on a door...... in our shop to have slightly two, does not know that your also has does not have the impression......” “客官……客官……实在对不住,这个时候敲门……咱们店里有个小二,不知道您还有没有印象……” „......” “……” Did not do right by and does not do right by...... could not find suddenly, was asks you, has seen him......” “对不住、对不住……是忽然找不到了,就是来问问您,有没有见过他……” „......” “……” Um, the customer you also knows that in city not peaceful...... this turmoil of war this time of the month(year), we also fear......” ,客官您也知道城里不太平……这兵荒马乱的年月,我们也怕……” „......” “……” Excuse me, disturbing...... you to rest......” “不好意思,打扰了……您休息……” The sincere knock and gradually continue to the speech sound, to the end of 2nd floor channel, somewhat hesitates slightly. 笃笃的敲门声、对话声逐渐延续,到得二楼通道的一端,稍稍有些犹豫。 „Is here is that two children............” “这边是那两个孩子……是不是……” „...... Also asks.” “……也问问。” Put on the man of azure clothes skull cap to sound, but the middle-aged person of Storekeeper appearance fell back on the one side, crossed one, small rubbed the eye to open the door baldly. 穿着青衣小帽的男子敲响了们,而掌柜打扮的中年人退到一旁,过得一阵,一个小光头揉着眼睛开门了。 Ah...... Ah...... Amitābha...... anything Ah? 啊…啊…阿弥陀佛……什么事啊? Really does not do right by, at this time knocked on a door...... is in our shop has slightly two, slightly was short point that does not know that you did have the impression......” “实在对不住,这个时候敲门……是咱们店里有个小二,个子稍微矮一点的那个,不知道您有没有印象……” Ah......” Small Monk opened the mouth have a drowsy look to stay, then the nod, flatter and Aqing...... were that Brother Xiao'Er named Aqing......” 啊……”小和尚张着嘴巴睡眼惺忪地呆了一阵,而后点头,“阿、阿青……是那个叫阿青的小二哥……” Right, right, is he. In the city the turmoil of war, looked starting from last night suddenly does not see him, we somewhat worried, wants to ask you have seen......” “没错、没错,就是他。城里兵荒马乱,从昨晚开始忽然找不见他了,咱们就有些担心,想来问问您有没有见过……” Last night...... last night went out, does not know Ah......” Small Monk rubs the eye, rubs the blue and purple place, the pain must give a tongue-lashing the tooth the tooth. “昨晚……昨晚出去了,不知道啊……”小和尚揉眼睛,揉到身上青紫的地方,痛得呲牙咧齿。 The azure clothes skull cap is smelling the smell in air, looked at several toward the room. both sides are the inquiries of some simple, just now apologized to leave. 青衣小帽嗅着空气里的气味,也朝房间里多看了几眼。双方又是一些简单的询问,方才道歉离开。 Inn Storekeeper and azure clothes skull cap converges...... 客栈掌柜与青衣小帽汇合…… Feels strange......” “奇了怪了……” What's wrong?” “怎么?” These two children, considered last night hit, you look at that small Monk, black and blue, can it be that in the room is the medicated wine flavor...... Aqing...... azure clothes skull cap to be been pressed by them the brow. “这俩孩子,昨晚当是跟人打了一场,你看那小和尚,鼻青脸肿的,房间里都是药酒的味道……阿青莫不是被他们……”青衣小帽蹙着眉头。 Storekeeper also pondered, soon after shakes the head: „...... Not necessarily, if really hits black and blue, the sound is certainly big. Must really be these two children was Aqing, that should also be the sneak attack, is not three people makes into one group. Moreover you think, if is really they do, how can bring the medicine wine taste to open the door directly?” 掌柜想了想,随后摇头:“……不见得,若真打得鼻青脸肿,动静一定大。要真是这两个孩子做了阿青,那也该是偷袭,不是三个人打成一团。而且你想,若真是他们干的,怎会带着药酒味直接开门?” These two child also rather complicated.” “这两个孩子也不简单。” At this time treated in the city, how many simple? Some many backgrounds, in the evening also slipping out often, is troublesome......” Storekeeper pondered, Aqing folds the possibilities in their hand is not big, now is worried, he falls on the oneself manpower......” “这个时候待在城里的,几个人简单了?多少都有些背景,晚上还动不动的溜出去,都是麻烦……”掌柜想了想,“阿青折在他们手上的可能性不大,现在就担心,他是落在自己人手上……” Several things that he brought yesterday...... Oh......” “他昨天带回来的几份东西…………” Two forms of talking in whispers gradually leave, small Monk returns to the bed to continue whistling to rest greatly, on another bed, stature slightly high form unexpectedly sat suddenly, his consciousness somewhat is also blurry: Strange, last night disappeared, this morning worried to knock on a door on such?” 窃窃私语的两道身影逐渐离开,小和尚回到床上继续呼呼大睡,另一张床上,个子稍高的身影倒是陡然间坐了起来,他的意识也有些迷糊:“奇怪,昨晚不见了,今天早上就这么着急敲门?” ?” Small Monk in a side head. ?”小和尚在一旁侧头。 Has the trick.” Five chi (0.33 m) y demon mumbled one, passes the moment, then lay down. “有猫腻。”五尺y魔嘟囔了一句,过得片刻,便又躺了回去。 In Jiangning City at this moment mixing of good and bad people, many a little this and that small secret. However, can five lake inn things, what relations and small have with oneself baldly? So thinks through, went off soundly. 此刻的江宁城里龙蛇混杂,不少人都有点这样那样的小秘密。不过,五湖客栈这边的事情,与自己和小光头能有什么关系?如此想通,酣然睡去了。 Outside gloomy and cold drizzle still below, in city the conditions in certain regions, in every little bit occurrence change. 外头的阴冷的细雨仍旧在下,城市之中某些区域的状况,则在一点一滴的发生着变化。 City east numerous secure Fang, one row of group of carriages drive in this early morning rain, entered gathered virtuous hall in the courtyard of most core. Enters the main institute great hall from the vehicle, is present „when equal king Baofeng. The hierarch figure that this is controlling fair party most business matters concerned is tall, the appearance does not lose the dignity temperately , from afar but is actually more like Confucian scholar, but is not merchant, many people said, that Mr. Ning conduct of he and southwest is somewhat similar. But many movements of fair party department, including settle the work place to construct in the numerous gather virtuous hall, analogies the southwest Yingbin Road, more or less is also disclosing the such trace. 城市东头众安坊,一列车队在这清晨的雨中驶来,进入了“聚贤馆”最为核心的院落之中。从车上下来进入主院大堂的,便是如今的“平等王”时宝丰。这位主宰着公平党大部分商贸事宜的掌权者身形颀长,样貌温和而不失威严,远远看去倒更像是一名儒生而并非商贾,不少人都说,他与西南的那位宁先生做派有些相似。而公平党这一系的许多动作,包括在众安坊兴建“聚贤馆”,类比西南的“迎宾路”,或多或少的也都透露着这样的痕迹。 When Baofeng entered in the city to have several days, when as leader of equal king department, these days Baofeng is inspecting the surrounding domain, and secret meeting few people. Last night that side gold/metal building matter happened, he first learned of the news, but in the morning just now arrived at coming numerous secure Fang, prepared to see experienced the gold/metal brave bamboo flute of event last night. 时宝丰进入城内已有数日了,作为平等王一系的首领,这几天时宝丰正在巡视周围的地盘,并且秘密的会见一部分人。昨晚金楼那边的事情发生,他第一时间得知了消息,只是到得清晨方才过来众安坊,准备见一见昨晚亲历了事件的金勇笙。 In the time in summoning gold/metal Yongsheng coming, sometimes Baofeng inquired a second son's trail, numerous secure Fangnei Manager on then comes to return, two Young Master called the troops to go out before the less than half double-hour, the guest official who in the work place several can hit was also led by him. 在召唤金勇笙过来的时间里,时宝丰询问了一下次子的踪迹,众安坊内其中一名管事便上前来回报,道二公子就在小半个时辰前召集人马出去了,坊内几名能打的客卿也被他带了出去。 When Baofeng frowns: What trouble does this disobedient son want to cause?” 时宝丰皱起眉头:“这逆子又要去惹什么祸了?” Listens to the person to return, seemed like some people to find the whereabouts of that two y demons.” “听人回报,似乎是有人找到了那两名y魔的下落。” „...... What y demon?” When Baofeng gawked staring. “……什么y魔?”时宝丰愣了愣。 Is...... and Yan Young Lady related that two......” “就是……与严家小姐有关的那两位……” „...... “……哼。” Enters these days after city, when Baofeng disobedient son is quite sometimes unsatisfied regarding Weiyang this, gave the child in secret a slap on the face. The concrete reason is when rash of Weiyang expelled strict Yunzhi, stirred about marrying with Yanjiabao. 入城之后的这几天,时宝丰对于时维扬这个“逆子”颇不满意,私下里给了孩子一个耳光。具体的理由便是因为时维扬的莽撞赶跑了严云芝,搅合了与严家堡的联姻。 When strict Taiwei of Baofeng and Yanjiabao intersects in the negligible, sometimes although these two years time, Baofeng is riding the east wind of fair party, suddenly became in this world one of the power biggest several characters, is dispensable in support already of bystander opinion Yanjiabao, but as a merchant, he actually deeply understands that the mosquito again slightly is also the truth of meat. 时宝丰与严家堡的严泰威相交于微末,虽然这两年的时间,时宝丰乘着公平党的东风,忽然成了这世上权力最大的几个人物之一,在外人看来严家堡的支持已经可有可无,但作为一个商人,他却深深明白蚊子再小也是肉的道理。 In his opinion, stands the pig can fly to ascend the sky in the gusty area, but if flew the day then to lose discretely, no longer the firm foundation, that was this pig to time of death not far symbol this truth, the person who particularly suddenly increased the family fortunes must record sincerely. 在他看来,站在风口上猪都能飞上天,但若是飞上了天便失去谨慎,不再稳固根基,那便是这头猪离死期不远的象征这个道理,尤其是突然发家的人必须谨记的。 But in the second level, he thinks that Ning Yi of oneself and southwest has the things in common. Regarding the businessman, what is the matter of primary importance? The southwest that side has done on outwardly. 而在第二个层面上,他认为自己与西南的宁毅是有共通之处的。对于经商者而言,最重要的事情是什么?西南那边早已做在明面上。 Contract. 契约。 If a person of doing business does not defend the contract under big crowd of people, even if the opposite party is very at first sight small and weak is very good to bully, in fact harms is also the oneself most important foundation. In the future who can also do business with the such merchant? 一个经商的人若是在大庭广众之下不守契约,哪怕乍看起来对方很弱小很好欺负,实际上损害的也是自己最重要的根基。往后谁还能跟这样的商人做生意? Southwest this principle has been defending, his by no means is also ambiguous. This happening to hold the same view, indeed he and southwest the place of that heroes think alike. 这个原则西南一直在守,他也并不含糊。这种不谋而合,也正是他与西南那位英雄所见略同之处。 Under the such truth, although that miss of Yan encountered something in Tongshan, had some not good hearsay, what misdemeanor but can this be? Especially in the opposite party has in the situation of careless mistake, oneself instead can clarify for it on a grand scale, accepts, can under environment that in this all parties gather, to the people demonstrated truly equal king tolerance and openness, is this opportunity of how ideal thousand gold (daughter) city bone? 这样的道理之下,虽然严家的那位姑娘在通山遭遇了一些事情,有了些不太好的传闻,可这能算是什么坏事?尤其是在对方出纰漏的情况下,自己这边反而可以大张旗鼓地为其澄清,予以接受,可以在这次各方汇聚的环境下,真正向众人展示“平等王”的肚量与豁达,这是何其理想的千金市骨的机会? Let alone matter one hear of Tongshan is to talk nonsense, what even if that strict miss really encountered in Tongshan, she came from afar, oneself here should express how could it not be still this/should to contain with the good intentions? Heroic congress matter, displays the oneself image before everyone the time, can other sections, importantly what have? After marrying, is unhappy, goes out to play and that's the end. 别说通山的事情一听就是扯淡的,就算那严姑娘真的在通山遭遇了什么,她千里迢迢而来,自己这边应该表达的岂不也该是包容与善意?英雄大会这种事情,是在所有人面前表现自己形象的时刻,其它的小节,能有什么重要的?娶了以后不开心,出去玩就是了嘛。 Before arriving in Jiangning, he has prepared complete set: To Yan Jia expressed that the sympathy and salutes, exaggerates this wedding at the maximum effort, simultaneously sends people to make the propaganda in secret, although miss already of Yan had some slight defects, although Yanjiabao cannot be regarded powerful to the fair party, when Baofeng will not renege on a promise regarding the agreement, anybody came from afar, the occasion will make best treatment. 在抵达江宁之前,他早已做好了全套的准备:对严家表示同情和慰问,以最大的力度去渲染这场婚事,同时派人在私底下做出宣传虽然严家的姑娘已经有了些许瑕疵,虽然严家堡本身对公平党这边也算不得强大,但时宝丰对于约定是绝不会反悔的,任何人千里迢迢地过来,时家都会对其作出最好的对待。 Finally, comes in the first matter after Jiangning, discovers own this son, because the sperm went to the head opposite party Eh runs. 结果,进来江宁之后的第一件事,是发现自己的这个儿子,因为精虫上脑把对方跑了。 All prepares to fail, Yan Second Child strict Tiehe of also ran up to his front to come the stern voice and appearance to scold him, sometimes Baofeng was mad unbearably, comforted strict Tiehe with great difficulty, on the same day when gave Weiyang a slap on the face, turned into disobedient son to its name directly. 所有的准备都落了空,严家的老二严铁和还跑到他的面前来声色俱厉地将他数落了一顿,时宝丰气得够呛,好不容易安抚了严铁和,当天就给了时维扬一个耳光,对其的称呼也直接变成了“逆子”。 Early morning coming, the disobedient son called people friends readily and runs, in the heart already in the beating of fermentation the child, heard to be related to that two y demons, he cold snort/hum, tranquil some. 大清早的过来,逆子呼朋唤友又跑出去了,原本心中已经在酝酿对孩子的拳打脚踢,听得事关那两位y魔,他才冷哼一声,平静了些许。 The matter of Yan wants properly to be solved, depends on two directions. The main body of matter naturally looks for the strict miss, making this marriage complete, closes with the general situation of Yanjiabao cooperation. But on the other hand, the opposite party arrived here, received the infamy, oneself also had certainly the responsibility to wash off these shames for the opposite party, just now was does the matter this appropriately. If that two what at sixes and sevens y demons can grasp, always some uses. 严家的事情想要妥善解决,取决于两个方向。事情的主体自然是将严姑娘找回来,令这场亲事完成,弥合与严家堡合作的大局。而另一方面,对方来到这里,受了污名,自己当然也有责任为对方洗刷这些耻辱,如此方才算是将事情做得妥妥当当。那两个什么乱七八糟的y魔若能抓回来,总还是有些用处的。 Snort...... this disobedient son, do not do to go wrong again is!” “哼……这逆子,不要再搞出什么乱子来才是!” The anger abates, in the mouth must scold one. These words scolded, outside the main hall gold/metal Yongsheng also came, the Baofeng facial features were sometimes temperate, cry gold/metal, moves forward to meet somebody. 火气消退,口中还是要骂一句的。这句话骂完,厅堂外头金勇笙也过来了,时宝丰面容温和,叫声“金老”,迎了上去。 gold/metal Yongsheng at this time complexion by no means is good. His martial arts Mount Tai plate starts greatly gathers greatly, by the forcing person, the fighting method is always verve, the consumption is also big, who knew met a vivacious tiny tot last night, intended to escape sinister and ruthless also quickly, he pressed opposite party several streets in the heavy technique, must kill the opposite party several times shortly, finally was actually shunted by that small Monk distressedly, hits very tired, to his age, was the movement of ultra-high-lift. 金勇笙此时的面色并不太好。他的武艺泰山盘大开大合,向来是以力压人,打法刚猛,消耗也大,谁知昨晚遇上个蹦蹦跳跳的小不点,出手阴毒逃命也快,他以重手法压了对方几条街,好几次眼看要打死对方,最终却都被那小和尚一路狼狈地躲开,打得很累,对他这个年纪而言,更算是超高负荷的运动了。 But in that two enemies most fearful is also not that small Monk, several times of that young fellow after the street seizing a long blade forget about it fought tooth and nail with Li Yanfeng puts, gold/metal Yongsheng felt to imitate truthfully qualitative killing intent truly. 而那两名敌人之中最可怕的还不是那小和尚,与李彦锋放对的那名少年人在街头夺了一把长刀之后放手搏命的几个时刻,金勇笙才真正感受到了彷如实质的杀意 Above when the naturally battlefield the fighting method of most ominous offense, the blade light launches, as if must to trade one with Li Yanfeng directly, kills Li Yanfeng subconsciously to retrocede. But during gold/metal Yongsheng is pursuing also withstands such to attack twice, their martial arts naturally is higher than the opposite party, when may face that several instantaneous attack, actually chose subconsciously maintained life they is not naturally willing really to perish together with a child, afterward also in such crazy battle, the opposite party peeped the opportunity to run away finally certainly, makes Li Yanfeng and he, somewhat was dirty. 那是战场之上最为凶戾的打法,刀光展开之时,仿佛要跟李彦锋直接以一换一,杀得李彦锋都下意识的后退。而金勇笙在追赶之中也承受了这样的两次进攻,他们武艺自然高于对方,可面对那几个瞬间的进攻时,却都下意识的选择了保命他们自然是不愿意真与一个孩子同归于尽的,后来也是在这样疯狂的厮杀中,对方最终窥准机会跑掉,令李彦锋与他,都有些灰头土脸。 Li Yanfeng this person is sinister, is not the good thing, from beginning to end has not talked clearly these two is who, but since had collected recently some news, gold/metal Yongsheng has guess to this matter actually. 李彦锋此人性格阴险,不是什么好东西,从头到尾也没有说清这两人是谁,但汇集最近以来的一些消息,金勇笙对此事倒也有着一些猜测。 After he came back last night backbreaking, at this moment underwent the rest, when spunks up met with the Baofeng, soon after said: Old Obsolete is ashamed, last night near the gold/metal building, once saw the trail of strict miss, what a pity was bothered with several other people by Li Yanfeng, finally cannot retrieve the strict miss, but also looks at the owner to make reparations.” 他昨晚回来之后腰酸背痛,此刻经过了休息,打起精神与时宝丰相见,随后道:“老朽惭愧,昨夜在金楼附近,曾经见到严姑娘的踪迹,可惜被李彦锋与其余几人搅局,最终没能将严姑娘寻回,还望东主赎罪。” Oh? Found the strict miss?” When Baofeng drags gold/metal Yongsheng to take a seat, gold/metal told in detail me, is actually what kind of matter.” ?找到了严姑娘?”时宝丰拖着金勇笙落座,“金老详细跟我说说,究竟是怎样的事情。” gold/metal Yongsheng the latter half of gold/metal building matter will say last night: Why does not know, this strict miss left several days, unexpectedly has the strange relation with several young expert, above the long street first intended to shield her to flee, a manpower was greatly infinite, causes to turn the child fist, a person caused five 13 spears/guns, conducted obviously was the past week Grandmaster legacy...... after two people, one person was stature not high small Monk, another youngster, in blade technique had the Tyrant Blade power and influence faintly, regarding the status of these two, Old Obsolete can only guess......” 金勇笙将昨夜金楼事情的后半段说了出来:“不知为何,这严姑娘离开数日,倒是与好几名年轻高手有了离奇的联系,长街之上首先出手掩护她逃离的,一人力大无穷,使翻子拳,一人使五步十三枪,承袭的显是当年周宗师的衣钵……至于后两人,一人是个身材不高的小和尚,另一名少年,刀法之中隐隐有霸刀的威势,对于这两人的身份,老朽只能猜测……” „...... In Brigands rivers and lakes / Jianghu, this youngster hero has long tradition of family learning, these four young person, regardless of places where, some first-class expert skills...... Old Obsolete unexpectedly cannot think how the strict miss is can become friends with their one by one......” “……绿林江湖中,这少年英雄多有家学渊源,这四名年轻人,不论放在何处,都有一流高手的身手……老朽倒是想不到,严姑娘是如何能与他们一一结交的……” gold/metal Yongsheng, the words actually also somewhat are at this point complex. The after person of Yan arrives at Jiangning, rumor that because in the market spreads, he has naturally also investigated strict Yunzhi the matter, initially he knows this miss well-born, was the mistake arising out of chance circumstances is framed. Who knows that this time escapes several days, had the relation with four youngster heroes all of a sudden, making four people be able for its life-and-death to wrestle in that case. 金勇笙说到这里,话语其实也有些复杂。严家的人来到江宁之后,因为市面上流传的谣言,他自然也有调查过严云芝的事情,当初他就知道这姑娘身家清白,乃是阴差阳错遭人陷害了。谁知道这次逃跑才几天,一下子与四名少年英雄有了联系,令得四人能够在那样的情况下为其殊死一搏。 This could not convince, after she by the person one was frivolous changes face, after escaping, went bad immediately? Is this awakens greatly or is deliberately bad? 这说不通啊,她被人一番轻薄后翻脸,逃出去后立马就变坏了?这算是大彻大悟还是自暴自弃? Listens to gold/metal Yongsheng the words implication, sometimes Baofeng also knit the brows, said suddenly: Yan above rivers and lakes / Jianghu, actually has the prestige, perhaps this coming, after there are other friends give shelter to also perhaps......” paused, said, right, gold/metal felt, the behind two young fellows, then possibly are that four chi (0.33 m) with five chi (0.33 m)...... y demon?” 听出金勇笙话语中的言外之意,时宝丰一时间也皱了皱眉头,道:“严家在江湖之上,其实颇有威名,或许这次过来,有其他朋友收留也说不定……”顿了顿之后,又道,“对了,金老觉得,后头的两个少年人,便可能是那四尺与五尺的……y魔?” Old Obsolete thought has the possibility......” 老朽只是觉得有可能……” When Baofeng said: „After gold/metal came back last night, but had once chatted this matter with that disobedient son?” 时宝丰道:“金老昨夜回来之后,可曾与那逆子聊过此事?” gold/metal Yongsheng faint hesitates: „When actually...... Old Obsolete goes to sleep, Second Young Master still at outside......” 金勇笙微微犹豫:“其实……老朽睡下之时,二少尚在外头……” „When......” Baofeng purses the lips, passes the moment, „ gold/metal possibly does not know, today in the morning, some people the incoming telegram news, had said found the whereabouts of that two y demons, this disobedient son called the troops to go out...... seemed like also skillful. “……”时宝丰抿了抿嘴,过得片刻,“金老可能不知道,今日清晨,有人过来报讯,说是找到了那两位y魔的下落,这逆子召集人马出去了……看来也是巧了。 gold/metal Yongsheng nods: „...... Two, although escapes, but the body is wounded quite a lot, perhaps therefore revealed the whereabouts. If Second Young Master can catch, matter from being clear...... Um, perhaps the whereabout of strict miss can also therefore verify, brought together.” 金勇笙点了点头:“……那两人虽然逃掉,但身上负伤颇多,或许因此露了行迹。二少若能将人抓回,事情自见分晓……,说不定严姑娘的下落也能因此查明,一道带了回来。” That is best.” When Baofeng waves, this matter then looks at processing of that disobedient son, does not raise. unexpectedly golds are old, regarding the influence of gold/metal building matter, how you to see?” “那就最好。”时宝丰一挥手,“此事便看那逆子的处理,不提了。倒是老,对于金楼此次事情的影响,您怎么看?” Old Obsolete is just about to mention this matter.” gold/metal Yongsheng the complexion enforces, master, permits Zhaonan rules by force, will not be one will eat the forced to suffer in silence person, the matter of this gold/metal building, it seems like will be only dies the envoy who Liu Guang shi sent, but if permits Zhaonan will use something as a pretext, we have no alternative but to guard. Last night first delivered these news of past, Old Obsolete could not have talked clearly, just now remembered carefully, matter resulted in morning prepares......” 老朽正要说起此事。”金勇笙面色严肃起来,“东家,许昭南性情霸道,不是一个会吃哑巴亏的人,此次金楼的事,看来只是死了刘光世派来的使节,但若是许昭南借题发挥,我们不能不防。昨晚首先送过去的那些消息,老朽不曾说得清楚,方才仔细想起,事情得早做准备……” Haha, gold/metal is patient, you and I think that together.” When Baofeng smiles, old permits personality I clearest, their group of god sticks, are usually all right must do a magnificent scene, this time takes certainly advantage of somebody's authority to go crazy, stands in line threateningly, fishes some advantage. Is good can be threatening because of him, we can show good will, he wants the Eh person, we can the guarantor, therefore you made one hand over the news last night, me has made the arrangement, wears the person each envoy to the city to disclose secret information at the same night, said that permits Zhaonan must move them, so long as today permits Zhaonan has the movement, some people and others will seek help from me surely......” 哈哈,金老稍安勿躁,你与我想到一块去了。”时宝丰笑起来,“老许的性格我最清楚,他们这帮神棍,平日里没事都要搞个大场面,这次一定借势发疯,逼人站队,捞些好处。好在他能逼人,我们就能够示好,他要人,我们就能够保人,所以昨夜你让人递来消息,我这边就已做了安排,着人连夜向城内各个使者通风报信,道许昭南要动他们了,今日只要许昭南有动作,必定会有人向我等求助……” gold/metal Yongsheng hit last night backbreaking, after coming back , when makes one send to the basic news of gold/metal building event to the Baofeng, has not done warns, at this time when hears Baofeng already made the arrangement, when is surprised also relaxes. At that moment expressed one to the admiration of owner, Baofeng is also sometimes modest, two people soon after also discussed some following arrangements. 金勇笙昨晚打得腰酸背痛,回来之后只是让人给时宝丰送去金楼事件的基本消息,不曾做更多示警,此时听得时宝丰已经做了安排,惊讶之余也松了一口气。当下表示了一番对东主的敬佩,时宝丰也谦虚一番,两人随后又商议起接下来的一些安排。 In fact, the aspect in Jiangning City will get stronger and stronger has been all parties' formula, this stage, the people also in purposely add fuel/thin Jiaoyou, each one to manifest a presence toward the middle. These things discussed the moment, had the soldier of report news to clash from outside rain suddenly, informed the appearance of some accident to them, but outside on courtyard street in a business area, indistinct, as if also transmitted some tumults. 事实上,江宁城内的局面会愈演愈烈早已是各方的公式,这个阶段,众人也都在有意识地往中间添柴浇油、各自显圣。这些事情才商议了片刻,有报讯的士兵陡然从外头的雨里冲了进来,向他们报知某项变故的出现,而院落外头的街面上,隐隐约约的,似乎也传来了一些骚动。 When Baofeng and gold/metal Yongsheng stood, is pressed the brow to approaching the street in a business area outside garret. In misty autumn rain, indistinct had massive crowds to move on the street in a business area in distant place, some flags are launching. 时宝丰与金勇笙站了起来,蹙着眉头去往临近街面外侧的阁楼。濛濛的秋雨中,隐隐约约的有大量的人群在远处的街面上动起来了,一些旗帜正在展开。 Fu Pingbo this rotten snake, what things can also do?” “傅平波这条烂蛇,又要搞些什么事情?” On the street in a business area is acting, indistinct, is fair king what article affiliated dragon Xian Fu Pingbo manpower. 街面上正在行动的,隐隐约约的,便是“公平王”何文旗下“龙贤”傅平波的人手。 The fair party five kings, say to meet as an equal now, but above, was still middle was outwardly most special most aloof one to exist as leader what writing. But now in city dragon Xian Fu Pingbo, has the jurisdiction of highest public security management in name. In the city other four kings hit unscrupulously, various method uses also seem common, but only subordinates in the strength of what article, when moves as if always has the significance of giving the final word. 公平党五位大王,如今说起来分庭抗礼,但在明面之上,作为首领的何文仍旧是当中最特殊最超然的一个存在。而如今在城内的“龙贤”傅平波,也在名义上有着最高的治安管理的权限。城内其余四位大王打来打去肆无忌惮,各种手段使用也显得寻常,但只有隶属于何文的力量,动起来时似乎总有着一锤定音的意义。 gold/metal building has an accident at this moment, dragon Xian's person moves suddenly massively, no one can neglect the possibility that behind this movement contains. 金楼出事的此刻,龙贤的人突然大规模动起来,没有人能够忽视这一动作背后蕴含的可能性。 When Baofeng and gold/metal Yongsheng looked at one in the garret, the south end of city, then has the bugle horn sound to resound suddenly, during this, there is an inquiry news person to come back. 时宝丰与金勇笙在阁楼上看了一阵,城市的南端,便突然间有号角声响起,这期间,也有出去打探消息的人回来了。 army virtue forest corner nine, leading the light cavalry to enter the city from the south, from city gate, only had five li (0.5 km) “‘军贤’林角九,率轻骑自南面入城,距离城门,只有五里了” When Baofeng knits the brows, soon after waves: Goes his, a forest corner nine, why does not say was clear about me also by the article to!” 时宝丰皱了皱眉,随后一挥手:“去他的,一个林角九,不说清楚我还以为何文到了呢!” gold/metal Yongsheng pondered: Forest corner nine this time enters the city suddenly, may want to press the calamity that the gold/metal building matter draws out.” 金勇笙想了想:“林角九此时突然入城,可能是想压一压金楼事情引出的乱子。” I naturally know.” When Baofeng replied calmly, he also gripped 30 li (0.5 km) yesterday outside the city, moved motionless, this early morning sudden light cavalry came, naturally led a cheer to Fu Pingbo.” “我自然知道。”时宝丰平静地答道,“他昨天还扎在城外三十里,动都不动,这大清早的突然轻骑过来,当然是给傅平波助阵的。” The gold/metal building ancient An River was killed, the next wave of chaotic situation in city will soon start, Fu Pingbo does not blow the scene mostly, therefore that side what article came the person...... these matter by no means is also strange urgently. When Baofeng said, turned around then must leave, after going out of one step, actually resembles suddenly thought of anything, transferred, the vision by the curtain of rain, looked looking pensive to drizzle that side north. 金楼古安河被杀,城内的下一波乱局即将开始,傅平波多半镇不住场面,因此何文那边又紧急来了人……这些事情也并不奇怪。时宝丰说完,转身便要离开,走出一步后,倒像是忽然想到了什么,又转了回来,目光透过雨幕,若有所思地望向了细雨那边的北方。 In the middle of the city, groups of people are acting secretly, when Fu Pingbo team starts to clean up the street, permits Zhaonan that side already threatened the order of each mission in the arrangement ; When north of city, left Xiuquan received warning that side Baofeng transmits, is calling the silver bottle and Yue who last night caused trouble clouds that and the others met ; The envoys who among all parties Wu Qimei in the city, iron Hikoichi of Fang-school weak trend comes fled from the inn at the same night, shifted the place...... some people to wait and see the change on street in a business area, was discussing „after army virtue came , the change in situation of possibly initiating. 城市当中,一拨一拨的人都在暗地里行动,傅平波的队伍开始清理街道时,许昭南那边已经在安排威胁各个使团的顺序了;城市的北面,左修权收到了时宝丰那边传来的示警,正召集昨晚闯了祸的银瓶与岳云等人开会;在城内各方当中最为弱势的吴启梅、铁彦一方派来的使节们更是连夜逃离了客栈,转移了地方……一些人观望着街面上的变化,讨论着“军贤”过来之后可能引发的变局。 The Jiangning City North surface, in the wharf outside city, already has many workers to start to work in the gloomy and cold autumn rain at this time, teams of armies come toward here, soon after, some people raised the head on the drizzling and misty wharf wooden frame, look to as if Changjiang (Yangtze River) surface of the river of one misty rains. 江宁城北面,城外的码头上,此时已经有不少工人在阴冷的秋雨中开始做事,一队队军队朝这边过来,随后,有人在细雨濛濛的码头木架上抬起头,望向了仿佛一片烟雨的长江江面。 The fleet that one row is holding the giant flag, already passed through the surface of the river, the giant large ship, drives slowly toward here. 一列打着巨大旗帜的船队,已经穿过了江面,巨大的楼船,朝着这边缓缓驶来。 Some people recognized the flag, kneels down on the ground. 有人认出了旗帜,跪倒在地上。 „...... Rescues common people Ah......” Some people start to kowtow. “……救万民啊……”有的人开始磕头。 „...... The fair king, rescues common people Ah......” “……公平王,救万民啊……” A news just like the rap in the river bank nearby stone, the ripples that the news exudes start toward entire Jiangning City, covers and spreads, soon, some people have the news, dashes in the city. 一则消息犹如敲击在江岸边上的石块,消息泛起的涟漪开始朝着整个江宁城,笼罩与扩散出去,不久之后,一些人带着消息,在城市里飞奔起来。 The fair king, what writing, came. 公平王,何文,来了。 ...... …… When Baofeng Station in the garret, looked at one in the direction of north river bank, on the street in a business area in distant place, some people progress to gallop in the rain. 时宝丰站在阁楼上,朝着北面江岸的方向看了一阵,远处的街面上,有人在雨中策马奔腾。 He rubbed finger. 他搓了搓手指 Some small things, were casual.” “一些小事情,随便了。” He said. 他道。 Prepares to negotiate.” “准备谈判吧。” ****** ****** The time returns to the less than half double-hour but actually, five chi (0.33 m) y demon that in five lake inn 2nd floor side rooms, household register already spreads sat from the bed suddenly. 时间倒回小半个时辰,五湖客栈二楼靠边的房间里,花名已经传开的五尺y魔陡然从床上坐了起来。 Not too right......” “不太对劲……” His eye is still shutting, the ear moves, is listening to the surrounding sound. 他的眼睛还在闭着,耳朵动了动,听着周围的动静。 Rain outside room under. 雨在屋外下。 In the middle of the inn, Storekeeper with several companions are looking for named Aqing small two unsuccessful, has the companion to run from outside. 客栈当中,掌柜与几名同伴寻找着名叫阿青的小二未果,有同伴从外头奔跑进来。 Left and had an accident......” “出、出事了……” What's wrong?” “怎么了?” Brigade person, comes toward here, on the road inquired our here seats......” “有一大队人,朝这边过来,路上跟人打听了咱们这里的位子……” „Who is?” “是什么人?” And Does not know that...... looks at that side the flag probably equal king.” “不不、不知道……看旗子像是平等王那边的。” Does, called the previous surrounding person, came, Aqing did not see last night, now comes the person, matter to want bad...... the things on your hand to bring, I first burnt!” “干,叫上周围的人,都过来,阿青昨晚才不见,现在就来人,事情要糟糕……你们手上的东西都拿过来,我先烧了!” Outside is the drizzle that extends, with trepidation evening's Xue Jin was throwing over the tattered rain clothes, comes up from the aperture of bridge, soon after he stands in the roadside, saw a large military force who comes leisurely and carefree, what is the head is young pampered young master, they cross a bridge, must launch the team before five lake inn. 外头是延绵的细雨,提心吊胆了一晚上的薛进披着破烂的蓑衣,从桥洞下上来,随后他站在路边,看到了悠悠闲闲过来的一大队人马,为首的是个年轻公子哥,他们过了桥,要在五湖客栈前头展开队伍。 Drives away the surrounding person, here encircles to me.” “把周围的人都赶走,这里给我围起来。” pampered young master orders. 公子哥儿下了命令。 Launches toward all around, some people come toward Xue Jin, shout: Goes away to me!” Xue Jin shrinks to the river bank border base and low, his some stutter wants to speak, opposite party already approached: Walks.” 喽啰们往四周展开,有人朝薛进这边过来,喝道:“给我滚开!”薛进卑微地缩到河岸边沿,他有些结结巴巴的想说话,对方已经走近了:“走啊。” Xue Jin wants to return to below aperture of bridge, he walked two steps toward here, an opposite party foot kicks toward him: Asked you to walk you unable to understand.” 薛进想要回到下方的桥洞中,他朝这边走了两步,对方一脚朝他踢来:“叫你走你听不懂啊。” I...... return......” “我……回……” Xue Jin kneels on the ground, starts to kowtow, that person kicked to turn him in the muddy water. 薛进跪在地上,开始磕头,那人将他踢翻在了泥水里。 The inn that side and in periphery some constructions, many people start to well up at this moment, welcomed when toward the team of Baofeng, starts to confront on the street in a business area. 客栈那边、周围的一些建筑里,此刻有不少人开始涌出来,朝着时宝丰的这支队伍迎了过来,在街面上开始对峙。 Does?” “干什么?” Equal king the person causes trouble Ah? “‘平等王’的人过来闹事啊? „...... Doesn't also has have the law of the land?” “……还有没有王法?” The team front, Weiyang knit the brows, surrounding is sometimes blocked, he called the nearby person, in the past negotiated according to the he passed temperament, will call nearby subordinate to hit the person directly, but he grows up , father to come at present maturely, must take the entire situation into account, easily unexpectedly does not need to be noisy the matter, after all nothing but was searches for two not to have outcomer nothing more of relations with the fair party. 队伍前方,时维扬皱了皱眉头,包围受阻,他叫来身边人,过去交涉按照他过去的脾气,是会叫身边的手下直接打人的,但眼下他长大了、成熟了、爹来了,要顾全大局,轻易倒是没必要将事情闹大,毕竟无非是搜两个跟公平党没关系的外来者而已 Here preliminary negotiation, the citator crashes in the inn, reported with Storekeeper, the opposite party must stress two to offend their outsiders, one is five chi (0.33 m) y demon and one is four chi (0.33 m) y demon, so long as searches to them, the opposite party makes an arrest walks. 这边初步的交涉完毕,传讯者冲进客栈,跟掌柜报告,对方只是要抓两个得罪了他们的外来人,一个是五尺y魔、一个是四尺y魔,只要给他们搜一搜,对方抓了人就走。 „When...... opposite seems like when Young Master of Baofeng Weiyang, we cannot offend, if, gave their people enough?” “……对面好像是时宝丰的公子时维扬,咱们得罪不起啊,若是真的,是不是给他们人就够了?” Storekeeper complexion Yin clear uncertain: Aqing missing, the person came, he said that must make an arrest, you search to him, can our withstand to search for? Next time some people will say the home chicken lost, do you also search to him? Does, cannot offend also to offend, what we hit is Nong Xian's flag, does not urinate his equal king that pot! To come, him told that does not have the gate.” 掌柜的面色阴晴不定:“阿青才失踪,人就来了,他说要抓人,你就给他搜啊,咱们这经得起搜吗?下次有人说家里的鸡丢了,你是不是也给他搜一遍?干,得罪不起也得得罪,咱们打的是农贤的旗子,不尿他平等王那一壶!想进来,跟他说没门。” Black and blue y demon two brothers rushed to the inn main building quietly, they observed one in the side, soon after climbed quietly to nearby wooden ceiling. 鼻青脸肿的y魔两兄弟悄悄地奔出了客栈主楼,他们在侧面观察了一阵,随后悄悄地攀向旁边的木楼。 This is whose did Ah? have an accident?” Small Monk curiously and asked low voice. “这是什么人啊?出什么事了?”小和尚好奇而小声地问。 Probably the person of excrement baby......” “像是屎宝宝的人……” Is grasps our?” “是来抓我们的吗?” no way.” dragon Aotian is breaking off finger pondered, we mainly offended health/guard Xuwen, Zhou business recently, fought one with the monkey that side, that side the excrement baby, we have not started to offend.” 不是吧。”龙傲天掰着手指想了想,“我们最近主要是得罪了卫昫文、周商,跟猴子那边也打了一架,屎宝宝那边,我们还没有开始得罪呢。” He thought that oneself is innocent: „......, no matter what kind of is bad person, under the so-called gentleman not vertical danger wall, we first go out to lie low until something blows over from behind, so as to avoid being affected.” 他觉得自己是无辜的:“不过……不管怎么样都是坏人,所谓君子不立危墙之下,我们先从后面出去避避风头,免得被波及。” What is gentleman not vertical danger wall Ah? “什么是君子不立危墙啊? This is an idiom.” “这是个成语。” Is confronting while the front, two people climb up toward the rear area quietly, naturally, stemming from the psychology of watching the fun, they also stayed the moment on the roof. 趁着前方在对峙,两人朝着后方悄然攀爬而出,当然,出于看热闹的心理,他们也在屋顶上停留了片刻。 On the paths in five lake inn front, the quarrel is even more intense. When complexion already of Weiyang became extremely ugly, the person who he brought were many and strong, gave the opposite party stemming from own good intentions a politeness, who knows the thing that this group is holding Nong Xian flag did not yield an inch unexpectedly, what mental case was this? 五湖客栈前方的道路上,争吵愈发激烈起来。时维扬的脸色已经变得极为难看了,他带来的人既多且强,出于自身的善意给了对方一点礼貌,谁知道这帮打着农贤旗帜的东西竟然寸步不让,这是什么神经病 Therefore acts crazy, attacks brutally, in the city on the main road in not far away, some sounds start become obvious, lots of troops and flags transfer in the surroundings. 正要因此发飙,大打出手,城市之中不远处的主干道上,一些动静开始变得明显起来,大量的人马与旗帜在周围调动。 The non- moment, army virtue forest corner nine entered the news of city to pass on. 不片刻,“军贤”林角九入城的消息传了过来。 In the middle of the inn partner the people who help with neighbor is excited immediately, some people even ran that side the main street, started to dragon Xian and army virtue the troops complained and draw the aid. Suddenly, will soon have the five lake inn front of bleeding massacre, restored confrontation. When Weiyang maintained the reason. 客栈当中的伙计与附近助拳的众人顿时兴奋起来,有的人甚至奔跑去了主街那边,开始向“龙贤”与“军贤”的人马告状和拉援手。一时间,即将发生流血惨案的五湖客栈前方,又恢复成了对峙的局面。时维扬保持住了理智。 In the curtain of rain, is one piece of being noisy. 雨幕之中,便是闹哄哄的一片。 Small Monk and young fellow from the side turns out looked at the liveliness of moment on the roof, just now gets down toward the back lane, the preparation leaves this place is apt to get into trouble, matter was too chaotic, was really exciting, if not for fought one last night, for fear that at this moment the under the heavens not chaotic little proud day then must pass by to shout one: Listens to my one to urge...... to fight one.” 从侧后方翻出的小和尚与少年人在屋顶上看了片刻的热闹,方才往后巷下去,准备离开这片是非之地,事情太乱了,真是太刺激了,若不是昨晚才打了一架,这一刻唯恐天下不乱的小傲天便要过去大喊一句:“听我一句劝……打一架吧。” Let me tell you, looked secretly they fought in groups are most interesting.” “我跟你说,偷偷看他们打群架最有意思了。” He is passing on the life experience with Little Brother. 他跟小弟传授着人生经验。 The long and messy and dirty back lane, is placing some junks, the under foot is the mud in rain, some moment, two people of leading the way saw a front form, they avoid toward side simultaneously. Walks in rear small Monk hid behind pile of trash, front dragon proud heaven, faint gawked staring. 长而脏乱的后巷,摆放着一些杂物,脚下是雨中的泥泞,某一刻,前行的两人看见了前方的一道身影,他们同时朝旁边躲避。走在后方的小和尚躲在了一堆垃圾后头,前方的龙傲天,微微的愣了愣。 He heard a sound sound. 他听到一个声音响了起来。 Yo, is really skillful.” “哟,真是巧啊。” This sound is somewhat familiar, came from the plentiful miss of rain clothes next black skin. 这个声音有些熟悉,来自于蓑衣下一个黑皮肤的丰满姑娘。 Her next is: „...... This is not our five chi (0.33 m) y demon that shakes under the heavens, dragon Aotian?” 她的下一句是:“……这不是咱们名震天下的五尺y魔,龙傲天吗?” On the face of young fellow somewhat was flurried, is somewhat terrified, by this moment, on his face all expressions stiffened. 少年人的脸上原本有些慌乱,有些惶恐,到这一刻,他脸上所有的表情都僵住了。 He knows, oneself already died. 他知道,自己已经死了。 ...... …… „...... That! Yes! He!! Dirt! Belittle! I!” “……那!是!他!们!污!蔑!我!的” The chaotic city in the morning, some people in the rain, the grief and indignation cried out. At this time, fair Wang Zhengzai entered the city, the innumerable person kowtowed in the rain, the street is confronting, Xue Jin crawled under the aperture of bridge, trembled sobs, innumerable fight and scheme against each other are interweaving, Ning Ji saw should not exist in this's black little girl. 混乱的城市清晨,有人在雨里,悲愤地呐喊了出来。这个时候,公平王正在入城,数不清的人在雨里磕头,街头正在对峙,薛进爬回桥洞下,瑟瑟发抖地哭泣,无数的勾心斗角正在交织,宁忌见到了不该存在于此的黑妞。 He died. 他死了。
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