LTDWMBD :: Volume #7

#635: The truth of system ( 6 k )

In the dim castle, the body inlays man watching front beauty on wall, rise of heartbeat can't help, but under his gaze, the black hair golden pupil woman expression gradually is also dignified. 昏暗的城堡之内,身体嵌在墙上的男人望着面前的美人,心跳声不由自主的升高,而在他的注视之下,黑发金瞳的女人表情也逐渐凝重起来。 Finally plans, even if this words and expressions in the cooperation programs of two clans are also the top-level secret, although Ayard Clan, because is the formulation side of plan, the matter of understanding meets comparitively to be many, Ackermann Clan that but has nothing to do with it understood the person who this plan should very few be right, especially in this time. 最终计划,这个词语哪怕是在两族的合作计划中也是最顶级的机密,虽然阿尔德一族因为是计划的制定方,了解的事会比较多,但是与之无关的阿其曼一族了解这个计划的人应该少之又少才对,特别是在这个时期。 Once powerful Ayard Clan not present/doesn't exist, the plan naturally was also in a state of paralysis, it is precisely for this reason, on the face of woman will appeared combining surprised and dignified and sigh expression, however is only a plan name, has not made her change what idea. 曾经强大的阿尔德一族不在了,计划自然也就陷入了瘫痪的状态,也正因如此,女人的脸上才会出现混杂着惊讶、凝重与叹息的表情,然而只是一个计划名,却并没有让她改变什么想法。 Finally plans, heh, really can think of this word thanks to you, but was a pity very much...... you sweet talked my already hear to tire.” “最终计划,,真亏你能够想到这个词呢,不过很可惜......你的花言巧语我已经听厌了。” „It is not honeyed words, but is nowadays can effectively control the situation that I found the only way.” “并不是花言巧语,而是我找到的现如今能够有效控制局势的唯一方法。” It seems like unendurable to woman's taunt, the black hair youth mouth bleeding fluid opens the mouth to say clear: 似乎是对女人的嘲讽难以忍受,黑发的青年嘴边流着血液开口澄清道: At the scale as well as its grasping the strength of present Saviour follower, already is not Ackermann Clan can contend simply, but to you, is this also one time initiated the retaliation to them the opportunity not?” “以现在救世主信徒的规模以及其掌握的力量,已经不是阿其曼一族能够简单抗衡的了,而对于你们来说,这也是一次向他们发起报复的机会不是吗?” „The matter of revenge I will do . Moreover the words that...... on the mouth spoke are how good, how in fact is?” “复仇的事我自己会做,而且......嘴上说的话怎样都好,实际上又是如何?” What?” “什么?” In you think that in these time, other imperial princes seized the Emperor throne also perhaps, by that time let alone is your idea, your life also difficult insurance.” “在你想这些的时间里,其他皇子将皇帝的宝座夺走了也说不定,到那时别说是你的想法,就连你自身的性命也难保。” „......” “......” 一秒记住://bu6. The words exit|to speak of dark-haired woman, the youth on wall then fell into silent, however such advice has not made it give up, instead makes him go a step further. 黑发女人的话语一出口,墙上的青年便陷入了沉默,然而如此的劝告却并没有让其放弃,反而让他更进一步。 In that case, asked you to help me become Emperor.” “那样的话,就请你帮助我成为皇帝吧。” „...... What?” “......什么?” The woman who the sudden words let the black hair after was gawking dull the moment stares the big eye, the brow also wrinkles, the sharp degree of line of sight turns time of rise, however even so, the youth still remained unmoved, but emphasized after the ponder: 突然的话语让黑发的女人在呆愣了片刻后瞪大眼睛,眉头随之皱起,视线的锐利程度翻倍的上涨,然而即使如此,青年仍然不为所动,而是在思考之后强调道: If thought that I have not safeguarded, if thought that I do not have the ability, how then helped me win the throne? Like this were all solved? So long as there is a Emperor help of Empire, the no matter what plan does have the possibility of completion?” “如果觉得我的话没有保障的话,如果觉得我没有能力的话,那么帮助我赢得皇位如何?这样的话一切就解决了吧?只要有帝国皇帝帮助,无论是什么计划都有完成的可能吧?” Cracks a joke......” “开什么玩笑......” If you are untrustworthy I, then although makes good all methods, pledge that curse or Spiritual God that whether it is becomes effective inevitably testified, I am willing to accept, but relative, please help full power......” “如果你信不过我的话,那么就尽管将所有的手段使出来就好,无论是必然生效的诅咒还是神灵作证的誓约,我都愿意接受,但是相对的,也请全力帮助......” Bang!” “轰!” The words of youth have not said, the whole person was then pulled up to hit again to the heavy/thick stone wall, nearby the fierce bellow jumping shoot makes even more chaotic along with the crushed stone and mist and dust that in the mouth of youth also put out the blood. 青年的话语尚未说完,整个人便被再次拉起撞向了厚重的石墙,剧烈的轰鸣声伴随着迸射的碎石与烟尘让附近愈发混乱不堪,青年的口中也吐出了鲜血。 Do not reach out for a yard after taking an inch to me, I had said that your clan is the trash, is owing our innumerable human lives, you do having a face make me help you?” “别给我得寸进尺了,我说过了吧,你们一族是垃圾啊,欠着我们数不清的人命,你又有什么脸让我帮助你?” „...... Perhaps truly is this, but, cough cough, if our collaborations, can save more people, even is the entire human race? Was that your clan once ideal?” “......也许确实是这样,但是,咳咳,如果我们的联手,能够拯救更多的人,甚至是整个人类种族呢?那是你们一族曾经的理想吧?” Panted for breath is saying, the youth hand in an extremely difficult situation leaned on the ground to support the body difficultly, the bright red blood flowed following his lower jaw, tick-tock under falling face, however he actually did not care at all, but is telling the expectation of innermost feelings in a low voice. 喘息着如此说着,狼狈不堪的青年手拄地面艰难的支起了身子,鲜红的血液顺着他的下颌流淌,滴滴答答的滑落下脸庞,然而他却毫不在意,只是低声诉说着内心的憧憬。 Has the action of powerful strength actually not good ruling by force, offers itself for others, protects in the darkness, such as Holy One aids heroes of the world, is your ancestor such a group of people?” “有着强大的力量却不行霸道之举,为了他人而奉献自身,于黑暗处守护,如圣者般护佑世界的英雄们,你的祖先是这样一群人吧?” „Because I knew them, can keep sober in this pollution world, ideal that such heroes embraces, goal of struggle of behavior, even if only a point, I also want for them, , to continue......” “正因我知道了他们,才能在这浑浊的世界中保持清醒,这样的英雄们所怀抱的理想,所为之奋斗的目标,哪怕只是一点,我也想要替他们,咳,继续......” The words sound to half, youth's consciousness then blurred, the line of sight also inverts revolves, the body falls down that moment, his raised the head, what seen is the black hair golden pupil woman stares the big eye surprisedly, retrocedes slightly a step scene. 话语声到了一半,青年的意识便模糊了起来,视线也随之颠倒旋转,身体重新摔倒在地的那一刻,他抬起头,看到的是黑发金瞳的女人惊讶的瞪大眼睛,微微后退一步的场景。 You......” “你......” The woman who watching below youth, retrocedes for the first time as if wanted to say anything, however the consciousness actually already interrupt of man, only left behind more and more far shout to reverberate in the ear continuous. 望着下方的青年,第一次后退的女人似乎想要说什么,然而男人的意识却已经中断,只留下越来越远的呼喊声在耳边回荡不休。 -------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------- In the dim room, slept soundly Paul Ackermann to open the eye fiercely. 昏暗的房间内,熟睡中的保罗·阿其曼猛地睁开了眼睛。 Person who awakens from the nightmare is the same on such as any, black-haired youngster two eyes stares in a big way, breathing rapidly is panting for breath, watching ceiling is lost in thought that on the forehead also had/left the one layer close beads of sweat. 就如任何一个从噩梦中惊醒的人一样,黑发的少年双眼瞪大,呼吸急促的喘息着,望着天花板愣愣出神,额头上也出了一层细密的汗珠。 However the person who with has the nightmare ordinary what is different, after the breath returned to normal slightly some, the Paul facial features not only have not relaxed, instead is more dignified, his sit up rubs the brow is seeming like pondering anything, long time later watching out of the window sighs. 然而与普通做噩梦的人不同的是,在呼吸略微平复了一些后,保罗的面容不但没有放松,反而更加凝重,他坐起身揉着眉头似乎是在思考着什么,良久之后望着窗外叹了一口气。 At this time before being dawn, when normal is time of quiet and people go to sleep, in this makes beside Palace, the Austine Empire palace domestic protection is actually found in various places. 此时正值黎明之前,正常来说是夜深人静、众人入睡之时,然而在这做宫殿之外,奥斯丁帝国的宫廷内卫却遍布各处。 Regarding already is high rank Transcendent Paul, this had never realized tightly guarded makes him somewhat ill, however feels incorrect, is this week of experience. 对于已经是高阶超凡者保罗来说,这从未体会过的戒备森严让他有些不适,然而更加觉得不对的,则是这一星期的经历。 Nowadays Paul already not in the Austine Empire castle, one week ago, Paul rare was under the order of Emperor Lucas, shifted the palace outside the capital in this inner city, the at the very beginning youngster also thinks that was only the ordinary accompanying transfer order, however quick then discovered was not right. 现如今的保罗已经不在奥斯丁帝国的城堡内了,一个星期之前,保罗罕见的得到了皇帝卢卡斯的命令,转移到了这座内城的离宫,一开始的少年还以为只是普通的随行调令,然而很快便发现了不对。 The entire Austine Empire army then started the condition of preparation after this, anxious atmosphere flood various places, but the Paul situation accompanies, rather puts under house arrest. 整个奥斯丁帝国的军队在此之后便开始了备战的状态,紧张的气氛充斥着各处,而保罗的情况与其说是随行,不如说是软禁。 Good, since arriving here, Paul and accompanying only maid Lizzie was then put under house arrest, if like this is good, what weird is, after entering this Palace, the frequency that Paul has a dream was getting higher and higher . Moreover the third dimension of dreamland is also getting stronger and stronger. 不错,自从来到这里之后,保罗与随行唯一的女仆莉兹便被软禁了,如果只是这样还好,更加诡异的是,进入这座宫殿之后,保罗做梦的频率越来越高了,而且梦境的真实感也越来越强。 „Are these...... really the dreams?” “那些......真的是梦吗?” The youngster of muttering holds the forehead to ponder, seemed just ordinary in wound real exist(ence) that in the dreamland bled, after pondering for a moment carefully, Paul has to shake the head the acknowledgment reality. 喃喃自语的少年扶着额头沉思着,仿佛刚刚在梦境中流血的伤口真实存在一般,仔细思考了一会之后,保罗不得不摇了摇头承认现实。 Dreamland what, this matter Paul actually at the very beginning knows, radically is not possible, because all in that dreamland are Paul not the clear person and matter, even among two people has the obvious gratitude and grudges dispute, does the ordinary dreamland possibly present this scene? Also bringing plot? 梦境什么的,这种事保罗其实一开始就知道,根本就是不可能的,因为那梦境中的一切都是保罗所不清楚的人和事,甚至两人之间有着明显的恩怨纠葛,普通的梦境怎么可能出现这种场景?还自带剧情? That is the dreamland, rather is more like remembers, from, Ackermann Family ancestor memory, but why...... will these appear in his mind? 那与其说是梦境,不如说更像是记忆,来自过去的,阿其曼家族祖先的记忆,只是......这些为什么会在他的脑海中浮现? Wants unclear regarding this issue youngster no matter how, the normal this situation should go see a doctor comparitively to be good, but as going down in the world illegitimate child, because has a dream this minor matter to look for the palace court physician and so on, will also be deceived the assignment probably. 对于这个问题少年无论怎么想都不明白,正常来说这种情况应该看医生比较好,但是作为落魄私生子,因为做梦这点小事找宫廷御医之类的,大概也只是会被人糊弄差事。 For this reason, besides the maid Leeds, Paul had not mentioned to others the own situation, but recently several days, the youngster had some strange premonitions, as if the own brain will soon break what barrier, remembering anything is ordinary. 因为这个原因,除了女仆利兹之外,保罗一直都没将自己的情况向别人提起,不过最近几天,少年有了些奇怪的预感,仿佛自己的大脑即将打破什么屏障,想起什么事一般。 Regarding this Paul innermost feelings many somewhat fears, after calm got down this feeling abated, after on the bed sat for a moment, morning sun of horizon gradually raises, Paul sees that to cancel the thought that continued to rest, he sets out to go out of the front door, is seeing to defend in maid Leeds and strange gate guard. 对此保罗内心多少有些恐惧,不过在冷静了下来后这种感觉又消退了很多,在床上坐了一会后,天边的朝阳逐渐升起,保罗见状打消了继续睡的念头,他起身走出大门,正看到守在门外的女仆利兹以及陌生的门卫。 Good morning, Your highness, today gets up is very early.” “早安,殿下,今天起来的很早呢。” Un, has a dream, somewhat cannot fall asleep.” “嗯,做了个梦,有些睡不着。” I see.” 原来如此。” Looked at two unemotional guards, Paul turned the head to chat with Lizzie, innermost feelings many somewhat was simultaneously surprised. 望了两眼面无表情的卫兵,保罗转头与莉兹聊起天来,同时内心多少有些惊讶。 Normal, Miss Maid comes to call his time be later than much the present is right, actually today was, unexpectedly will be ahead of time so many? 正常来说,女仆小姐前来叫他的时间要比现在晚不少才对,今天究竟是怎么了,居然会提前这么多? Thinks that this Paul is preparing to open the mouth to ask, didn't expect Lizzie is actually blinking to him suddenly, sees this situation Paul to understand immediately, follows Miss Maid to go to the restaurant. 想到这点的保罗正准备开口发问,却没想到莉兹突然对着他眨了眨眼,见此情况保罗立即心领神会,跟随着女仆小姐一路来到了餐厅。 After closing the front door, Miss Maid looked to Paul, latter after charm sensation for a while/a bout of shaking the head of slowly, the expression on face also lax. 关上了大门之后,女仆小姐望向了保罗,后者则在魔力感知了一阵之后缓缓的摇了摇头,脸上的表情也松懈了下来。 All right, the nearby no one, this time here is very safe.” “没事,附近没人,这个时间这边还是很安全的。” Real? Good your highness, others could not see is, like this you did not need to hide the innermost feelings finally evil desire.” “真的吗?太好了殿下,他人看不到的所在,这样您终于不用隐藏自己内心的邪恶欲望了呢。” „An evil desire head, words saying you today is so early, what's the matter?” “邪恶欲望个头啊,话说你今天来的这么早,到底是怎么回事?” Entered the subject quickly? However is also good, today's situation is somewhat special.” “这么快就进正题了吗?不过也好,今天的情况有些特殊。” Was saying the maid Leeds was slightly serious, later arrives at the Paul side to say in a soft voice: 如此说着的女仆利兹略微严肃了一些,随后走到保罗的身边轻声道: Is Your Highness Lilian that side news, making us be ready.” “是莉莉安殿下那边的消息,让我们做好准备。” Preparation? What prepares?” “准备?什么准备?” Hears the Lizzie words, Paul cannot help but stares, somewhat cannot feel the mind the question, sees this situation young girl to blink, helpless sends out a sigh. 听到莉兹话语,保罗不由得一愣,有些摸不着头脑的反问,见此情况少女眨了眨眼,无奈的发出一声叹息。 Your highness, you should not feel are oneself here a guest?” “殿下,您该不会觉得自己在这里是客人吧?” Guest, is actually not and that's the end.” “客人,倒是算不上就是了。” Thinks the gate guard who nearby every day takes turns, Paul cannot help but reveals the forced smile, but Lizzie kept a serious look makes the assertion. 想到附近每天轮换的门卫,保罗不由得露出苦笑,而莉兹则表情严肃的做出断言。 Although does not know that actually Your Majesty wants to make anything, but your highness you were used that's all absolutely, once after having used, finally will not be perhaps good, now this situation our already is very dangerous.” “虽然不知道陛下究竟想要做什么,但是殿下您绝对只是被利用而已,一旦利用过了之后,结果恐怕不会太好,现在这种情况我们已经很危险了。” I see, in other words......” 原来如此,也就是说......” Un, must run away.” “嗯,要逃走了。” After the cautious neutral tone said that maid goes to prepare the starter, but after black-haired youngster blinks, sat on the chair, not only had nothing anxiously, instead the feeling felt at ease much. 小心翼翼的轻声如此说过后,女仆前去准备餐点,而黑发的少年则眨了眨眼后坐在了椅子上,不但没有什么紧张,反而感觉安心了不少。 Although in Paul and Ackermann Clan the relations of each member have almost not related, because of the Roel reason, will obtain the help of Lilian occasionally, after Roel returns present, Lilian will be will not injure absolutely his. 虽然保罗阿其曼一族中各个成员的关系几乎就是没有关系,但是因为罗亚的原因,却偶尔会得到莉莉安的帮助,在罗亚归来后的现在,莉莉安是绝对不会加害他的。 Thinks that these Paul relax, is recalling the tonight's dreamland, the youngster narrows the eye slightly, that moment that the relieved waiting the time arrived. 想到这些的保罗松了口气,回忆着今晚的梦境,少年微微眯起眼睛,安心的等待起了时机到来的那一刻 --------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------- In the castle, Paul is doing preparation that escaped the birth day, but another side, the black hair golden pupil youngster walked in piece of Chaos. 城堡之内,保罗正在做着逃出生天的准备,而另一边,黑发金瞳的少年则行走在一片混沌之中。 What follows the Guiding Fairy journey is? 跟随引导精灵的旅程是什么样的? The answer of this issue until now no one can reply, even if the Space Magic aspect has research Antonio, has not followed these to regard the space , if no little thing of thing, after all that is no different plays with one's life. 这个问题的答案一直以来都没人能够回答,哪怕是空间咒术方面颇有研究的安东尼奥,也从来没有跟随过这些视空间如无物的小东西,毕竟那无异于玩命。 Place not necessarily human that Space Magic risky ever since the ancient times then exist(ence), Guiding Fairy can go to can also go, for example melts all magma with be able the deep sea that the human body pressure explodes, these are the restricted areas of human. 空间咒术的危险性自古以来便存在,引导精灵能去的地方未必人类也能去,比如融化一切的岩浆与能将人体压爆的深海,这些都是人类的禁地。 However today, to track down in the heart that familiar form, black-haired youngster actually acts willfully, ignores the Ancient God Davilla's opposition of following, while paying huge price practiced this, but nowadays, his also already be entitled answered the beforehand issue. 不过今天,为了追寻心中那个熟悉的身影,黑发的少年却一意孤行,不顾跟随的古神艾达维亚的反对,在付出庞大代价的同时亲身实践了这点,而现如今,他也已经有资格回答之前的问题了。 What follows the Guiding Fairy journey is? 跟随引导精灵的旅程是什么样的? The answer is also very simple, that is the confusion. 答案也很简单,那就是混乱。 Guiding Fairy seeks for the process of master, in fact is not many Scholar imagination such direct efficient, but is quite primitive, that seeks, rather follows the footsteps of master. 引导精灵寻找主人的过程,实际上并非很多学者想象的那样直接高效,而是相当原始的,那与其说是寻找,不如说是追随主人的脚步。 When the silver mist is wrapping Roel, when under direction of Guiding Fairy the first time stopping, what Roel arrives is place of a forest and plain common border, in sky in nothing unusual, night forest also quiet, does not seem like some people completely in appearance. 当银色的雾气包裹着罗亚,在引导精灵的指引下第一次停止的时候,罗亚来到的是一片森林与平原交界之处,天空中没有任何异常,夜晚的森林之内也静悄悄的,完全不像是有人在的样子。 Had Roel of question to frown, follows Guiding Fairy to walk for a while, where recognized here finally is, good, here Alicia missing place, was Roel to avoid [Fog of Concealment] enters the place of Fragment of History. 心怀疑问的罗亚皱起眉头,跟随着引导精灵走了一阵子,总算是认出了这里是哪里,不错,这里正是爱丽莎失踪的地点,也是罗亚为了躲避【隐之雾】而进入历史片段之处。 Detected this youngster facial features are serious, but at the same time, Davilla's voice also resounds again. 发觉了这点的少年面容沉重起来,而同一时间,艾达维亚的声音也再次响起。 How rests slightly? If that little thing finds the person like this, after not being able to do well, must go to many places, soul has me to maintain also even, is this space skill price very big?” “稍微休息一下如何?那个小东西如果是这样找人的话,搞不好之后还要去很多地方,灵魂方面有吾在维持也就算了,这个空间技能的代价很大吧?” „......” “......” Heard the Ancient God persuasion Roel to fall into silent, Silver Fog's Devour, This skill side-effect has bad risk black-haired youngster how naturally is knows that according to the frequency and degree of use, it will swallow Roel some exist(ence), but just journey was so. 听到古神劝说的罗亚陷入了沉默,【银雾之噬】,这个技能副作用有多么凶险黑发的少年自然是知道的,根据使用的频率与程度,其会吞噬罗亚的部分存在,而刚刚的旅程就是如此。 Although is not seriously, however just journey Roel also paid the price, that is some blood in body, it is precisely for this reason, this time youngster cheeks somewhat are slightly pale. 虽然算不上严重,但是刚刚的旅程罗亚也是付出了代价的,那就是身体内的一部分血液,也正因如此,此时的少年脸颊略微有些苍白。 Alicia the place of missing, this without a doubt is only the journey | the point, considering later probably also needs to use several times Silver Fog's Devour, Even in heart again how anxious, Roel still understands what Davilla said is right, truly needs to make some preparations. 爱丽莎的失踪之处,这毫无疑问只是旅程的起丨点,考虑到之后可能还需要数次使用【银雾之噬】,即使心中再如何急切,罗亚也明白艾达维亚说的是对的,确实需要做一些准备了。 After all from to some extent, wants to carry off Alicia, meeting was not finished, instead started. 毕竟从某种程度上来说,想要带走爱丽莎,见面并不是结束,反而只是开始。 no matter how thinks, big probability already forgot Roel young girl will not as if be without a fight, but thinks that young girl already achieves the Origin Level 1 strength nowadays, the Roel expression also cannot help but enforced. 无论怎么想,大概率已经忘记了罗亚少女似乎都不会束手就擒,而想到少女现如今已经达到源级1的实力,罗亚的表情也不由得严肃了起来。 Although after defeating King of Deviants Banjiar, the Roel strength is also increased enormously, nowadays already is quite close to Origin Level 1, but with some true King of a Race surely disparities, especially Alicia such special exist(ence). 虽然在击败了异种人之王班加尔之后,罗亚的实力也极大地提升,现如今已经相当接近源级1了,但是与真正的种族之王必定还是有一些差距的,特别是爱丽莎这样特殊的存在 Because of two people relations, Roel has not always thought and Alicia battle, but thinks carefully, perhaps Alicia most restrains the Roel person, the eruption of its continuous cruise capability and Roel can say that is incompatible like the water and fire. 一直以来因为两人的关系,罗亚都从没想过与爱丽莎战斗,但是仔细想想,爱丽莎说不定是最克制罗亚的人,其续航能力与罗亚的爆发可以说如同水火般互不相容。 Must stay certain body condition before the meet. 必须在相遇之前保持一定的身体状态。 After having such idea, Roel will look at immediately because of the system that busily and has not seen long time, later in so-called Glory returns to commemoration Chose carefully, and soon found a seemingly good old brand. 有了如此的想法之后,罗亚立即将目光投向了因为繁忙而多日未见的系统,随后在所谓的【荣耀回归纪念活动】中仔细的挑选了起来,并很快找到了一个看起来不错的老品牌。 Borloo supplements enhancement dosage-form 【博罗补充增强剂型】 【Before battle that one's blood bubbles up to the brim starts, necessary goods, can stimulate physical strength sharply, magic power and other aspect qualities, making strength display comprehensively 【热血沸腾的战斗开始前必备的物品,能够大幅刺激体力,咒力等各方面素质,让实力全面发挥】 side-effect: after battle, falls into weakly 副作用:战斗后陷入虚弱】 Selling price: 5000 gold coin 【售价:5000金币 Borloo blood regenerant strengthens version 【博罗血液再生剂加强版】 Excessive loss of blood people, so long as has one breath, can have a new lease of life with it, but must remember, a time do not drink too, if you do not think that the blood vessel in brain explodes 【失血过多的人们只要有一口气,就能够用它重获新生,不过要记住,一次别喝太多,如果你不想脑子中的血管爆掉的话】 side-effect: Body tired 副作用:身体劳累】 Selling price: 50000 points 【售价:50000点数】 Glory returns to commemoration 【荣耀回归纪念活动进行中】 50% OFF 50OFF Borloo supplements enhancement dosage-form 【博罗补充增强剂型】 Selling price: 2500 gold coin 【售价:2500金币 Borloo blood regenerant strengthens version 【博罗血液再生剂加强版】 Selling price: 25000 points 【售价:25000点数】 Examines gold coin to be insufficient, conducts short-term loan 【检测到金币不足,是否进行短期贷款】 [Yes/No] 【是/否】 The question of watching system, Roel chose without hesitation Is, Later after the ray flashes, attained two bottles of Remote Ages Borloo civilization potion smoothly. 望着系统的疑问,罗亚毫不犹豫的选择了【是】,随后在光芒一闪后,顺利拿到了两瓶上古时期博罗文明药剂 Although from infancy to maturity, black-haired youngster drinks Borloo's potion to have many small problems, what has saying that the potion effect that this drugs manufacture developed civilization delivers is impeccable, but the fact also proved this point. 虽然从小到大,黑发的少年喝博罗的药剂出过不少小问题,但是不得不说的是,这个制药发达的文明产出的药剂效果是无可挑剔的,而事实也证明了这一点。 Opens the comparitively pollution red potion, after sipping one gently, the Roel somewhat pale complexion rapidly was ruddy, the hematopoietic system in within the body revolves crazily, because Silver Fog's Devour side-effect was swallowed the blood of defect to supplement rapidly. 打开比较浑浊的红色药剂,轻轻抿了一口后,罗亚本来有些苍白的脸色迅速地红润起来,体内的造血系统疯狂运转,将因【银雾之噬】的副作用而被吞噬缺失的血液迅速的补充了回来。 Naturally, such as on potion said that the fatigue that the accelerated service of hematopoietic system creates is must have, so long as there is Borloo supplements enhancement dosage-form, These were not the major problem. 当然,就如药剂上所说的,造血系统的加速运转造成的疲惫感是少不了的,但是只要有了【博罗补充增强剂型】,这些也不是什么大问题了。 oh? You also really put out extraordinarily the thing, in didn't expect this world also had with my library close exist(ence).” ?你还真是拿出了不得了的东西呢,没想到这世界上还有与吾的图书馆相近的存在呢。” Un? What did you say?” “嗯?你说什么?” The Davilla's sudden words make Roel cannot help but stare, later cannot bear ask, but hears the Roel issue, the kings of spirit clan appeared in the front of youngster, blinking a face was strange. 艾达维亚突然的话语让罗亚不由得一愣,随后忍不住开口询问起来,而听到罗亚的问题,灵族之王则出现在了少年的面前,眨了眨眼一脸奇怪。 What's wrong? Don't you know your ability the situation?” “怎么?你不知道你这个能力的情况吗?” Ability? You refer to are...... wait/etc, is not right.” “能力?你是指系......等等,不对。” Was recalling just Davilla's words, potion in Roel watching hand knit the brows slightly, later opens the mouth to inquire: 回想着刚刚艾达维亚的话语,罗亚望着手中的药剂微微皱起眉,随后开口提问道: You said that this and your library resembles, the meaning is......” “你说这和你的图书馆相像,意思是......” Un, the books in my library included through the ages the lives of countless character, as the death of intelligent lifeform increased forever the book stacks without limits unceasingly, was Sia killed the time to use to me initially, but your, was similar to the collection through the ages each civilization goods.” “嗯,吾图书馆中的书籍是囊括了古往今来数不尽人物的人生,随着智慧生物的死亡不断增加永无止境的书库,是希雅当初给吾打发时间用的,而你的这个,则是类似于收集古往今来各个文明的物品吧。” „!” “!” watching was saying stares Davilla who in Roel's hand potion is looking around, black-haired youngster stares in a big way the eye slightly, pondered carefully after one next, Roel discovered that truly such as front Evil God said that all living things library and system are very similar, is only thing and form is different. 望着如此说着盯着罗亚手药剂看来看去的艾达维亚,黑发的少年微微瞪大了眼睛,仔细思考了一下后,罗亚发现确实如面前的邪神所说,众生图书馆与系统很相似,只是其中的东西与形式不同。 My ability, need money or others to my positive/direct mood.” “我的这个能力,需要金钱或者其他人对我的正面情绪。” Un, almost, my words need by magic power as the exchange, the whether it is money, the positive/direct mood or magic power, these can be said as the price.” “嗯,差不多呢,吾的话需要以咒力作为交换,无论是金钱、正面情绪还是咒力,这些都可以说是代价吧。” in other words, the source of this strength is......” 也就是说,这个力量的来源是......” Is Sia.” “是希雅吧。” „......” “......” The words that hears Davilla, Roel fell into the silent, past youngster had not gone into seriously suddenly regarding the issue of system, but wants to come now, perhaps this was only the Sia strength presents that's all in the form that he can understand. 听到艾达维亚的话语,罗亚一时间陷入了沉默,过去的少年对于系统的问题没有怎么深究过,但是现在想来,这恐怕只是希雅的力量以他能够理解的形式出现而已 „Is this Chosen King? Also really receives the love exist(ence), I by the ability of free exchange.” “这就是选王者吗?还真是受到宠爱的存在呢,吾可是以自由交换的这个能力啊。” Blows up the mouth slightly to reveal the whisper of envy, Davilla's expression discontented, but Roel raised the eyebrows raised the question. 鼓起嘴略显嫉妒的嘀咕着,艾达维亚的表情略带不满,而罗亚挑了挑眉提出疑问。 But, I obtain this ability time did not have the awakening bloodlines, should not be Chosen King, moreover...... at least several years ago, Mother Goddess will not give me this ability?” “可是,我得到这个能力的时候还没有觉醒血脉,应该算不上是选王者吧,而且......至少在几年之前,母神是不会给我这种能力的吧?” I said that was not Mother Goddess, but was Sia oh, this transcendence time and space strength, only then once Sia can accomplish.” “吾说了吧,并非母神,而是希雅,这种超越时间与空间的力量,只有曾经的希雅能够办到。” Sia, but she is not early already......” 希雅,可是她不是早已经......” Is a soul that the past left behind, or was surviving in the slight consciousness in world, what situation concrete was I am not clear, but the fact was the fact, although at that time you were also not Chosen King, but how did only several years of time possibly block the eye of destiny?” “是过去留下的一点灵魂,或者是残存于世间的些微意识,具体是什么情况吾也不清楚,不过事实就是事实,而且虽然那时你还不是选王者,但是区区几年的时光又怎么可能挡住命运的眼睛?” raised the head that helpless sigh, the small Evil God whole face refuses to accept, irritable say/way: 无奈的叹息一声,小小的邪神满脸不服的抬起头,别扭的道: Perhaps was your body has anything to change, making her feel that in the future already determined, therefore gave you such strength ahead of time, therefore I said that fellow, was seemingly unselfish, in secret always by the personal relationships about, does not kill my time is also, giving your ability matter was also......” “恐怕是你身上发生了什么改变,让她觉得未来已经确定,所以才提前把这样的力量给了你吧,所以吾就说那个家伙,看起来大公无私,私下里总是被私情所左右,不杀吾的时候也是,给你能力这件事也是......” „......” “......” It seems like she is quite partial to you, then lord the consciousness Mother Goddess to treat as you as her some child degree is also inevitable, therefore...... you continue to try hard.” “看来她是相当的偏爱你呢,那么作为她主意识的母神把你当做孩子某种程度来说也是必然的了吧,所以......你就继续努力吧。” Leaves behind these words, Miss Evil God acts difficult disappears does not see, but black-haired youngster looks down to potion in hand, later nod of silently. 留下这句话,邪神小姐闹别扭般的消失不见,而黑发的少年则低头看向手中的药剂,随后默默的点了点头。 Un, my meeting.” “嗯,我会的。” Replied in a soft voice Davilla's words, Roel looked again to front Guiding Fairy, the luminous spot elf also shivered is continuing, but Roel also took the footsteps again. 轻声回答了艾达维亚的话,罗亚再次望向了前方的引导精灵,光点般的精灵随之颤动着继续前行,而罗亚也再次迈出了脚步。
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