LTDWMBD :: Volume #7

#629: Her clue ( 5 k )

One day later, new within Tucker Fort, grand celebration while the human army returns formally starts. 一天之后,新塔克要塞之内,盛大的庆祝活动在人类军队归来的同时正式开始。 Since Deviant War has started, although the human army has also gained many victories, before the war ended holds so large-scale celebration, actually first time in the human history. 异种人战争开始以来,人类军队虽然也取得过不少胜利,但是在战争结束之前就举行如此大规模的庆祝活动,却还是人类历史上的第一次。 After all in the past, even if gained the gradual victory, is temporary alleviation that's all, some actually many Deviant on that Eastern plain no one was clear, even if the great campaign victory also just massacres a number of that's all, perhaps the next batch will arrive tomorrow. 毕竟在过去,哪怕是取得了阶段性的胜利,也不过是一时的缓解罢了,在那东方的平原上究竟有多少异种人没人清楚,哪怕大的战役胜利也只不过是杀掉一批而已,下一批也许明天就会到来。 Similar to the mire with the Deviant war, not thorough draws out both feet absolutely does not have the merit, this once was the universal consensus of human, however today, such consensus is actually broken. 异种人的战争就如同泥潭,不彻底的将双足拔出就完全没有值得称道之处,这曾经是人类的普遍共识,然而今天,这样的共识却被打破了。 King of Deviants that if in this war recovers is the harm entire human race, has never had the threat, then Roel Ascart defeats King of Deviants, is the entire world has never had the merit. 如果说这一次战争中复苏的异种人之王是危害整个人类种族、从未有过的威胁,那么罗亚·阿卡特击败异种人之王,便是整个人类世界从未有过的功绩。 Race King then related to rise and fall race since old times, but kills such exist(ence), definitely will create the extremely serious attack to its race, historically fell into the decline civilization to be not infrequent because of the race King death, the helplessness trend will even perish much from now on. 种族王者自古便关系到一个种族的兴衰,而杀死这样的存在,也必然会对其种族造成极其严重的打击,历史上因种族王者死亡而陷入衰落的文明不在少数,其中不少甚至自此一蹶不振走向灭亡。 Although because Deviant degenerates with crazily, already is not what civilization, even is not the normal lifeform, but, the function of leader especially is it is precisely for this reason vital, because has King of Deviants, King of a Race of each tribe will cooperate, the strength of entire race can condense, and poses the huge threat to human. 异种人虽然由于堕落与疯狂,已经算不上是什么文明,甚至并非正常的生物,但是也正因如此,领袖的作用才尤为重要,正是因为有异种人之王,各个部落的种族之王们才会合作,整个种族的力量才得以凝聚,并对人类造成巨大威胁。 Roel defeats King of Deviants, not only gained the victory of battle, turned around the entire situation, rewrites the human and Deviant destiny thoroughly, this is not the praise that exaggerates, but is all fact that soldiers who are in the battlefield understand. 罗亚击败异种人之王不只是取得了战斗的胜利,更是扭转了整个战局,将人类与异种人的命运彻底改写,这并非夸大其词的赞美,而是所有身在战场的战士们都明白的事实。 But in addition, the Tucker Fort ten ten thousand Theocracy armies are successfully rescued the difficulty-relief, this similarly is also a heartening important matter, the frontline soldiers can get rid of the [Six Calamities] shadow since then finally. 而除此之外,塔克要塞十余万教国军队成功获救脱困,这同样也是一件振奋人心的大事,自此之后前线的战士们终于能够摆脱【六灾厄】的阴影了。 Under these two important matters, Allied Army made an exception in the war condition held the celebration, but new Tucker Fort also welcomed had never had the joyful time. 在这两件大事之下,联合军破例在战争进行的状态下举行了庆祝活动,而新塔克要塞也迎来了从未有过的欢庆时光。 The giant fireworks that citadel artifact(s) transforms rises the night sky, illuminates the trim region in the loud sound sound shines like the daytime, regiment mages is weaving all kinds of smoke and fires together, can display own for the first time in the place outside battlefield. 城塞咒物改造的巨大烟花升上夜晚的天空,在巨响声中将整片区域照得亮如白昼,军团咒术师们共同编织着各种各样的烟火,第一次将自己的才能发挥在了战场以外的地方。 - 记住网址m.qu6 The knights who wear the white mail-armor and helmet work as first line, by the bright red rug with the lance composition corridor, the square formation that the main army of each regiment composes also appears one by one, above the soldiers toward fort waves, but the guarding new Tucker Fort officers return to cheer. 身着白色甲胄的骑士们当先而行,在鲜红的地毯两旁以骑枪组成长廊,各个军团的主力军组成的方阵随之逐一出现,向着要塞上方的士兵们挥手,而驻守新塔克要塞的将士们则回以欢呼。 Holy Eminence John and the others who the most center of citadel above crowd, arrives at ahead of time stood in the top, remote watching below crowd in cheers, but in army that another side returns, is headed by black-haired youngster, after that is Golden Generation many military officers, in novas of this time sparkle. 城塞上方人群的最中心,提前到达的圣座约翰等人站在城头,在欢呼声中遥望着下方的人群,而另一边回归的军队中,则以单骑的黑发少年为首,其后是黄金一代的诸多将领,也是在这个时代闪耀的新星们。 Noelle Corlett, Charlotte Sorofysas, Lilian Ackermann, Wilhelmina Comber Knight, four Princess, are the frontline most well-known four regiment commanders follows, only falls behind the Roel half horse body, but behind them is Goelter, Britney, Selina, Juliana and the others, and flag of each army. 诺艾尔·席兹克里特,夏洛特·索罗菲亚,莉莉安·阿其曼,威廉敏娜·康伯耐特,四位公主殿下、也是前线最知名的四位军团指挥官紧随其后,仅落后于罗亚半个马身,而在她们后方的则是格尔特布兰妮塞丽娜朱莉安娜等人,以及各个部队的旗帜。 The group under being a focus of public attention, lead the way in the lance winding corridor, in their front, a Tucker Fort hundred meters great gate makes rumble the sound to open completely. 一行人在万众瞩目之下,于骑枪的回廊中前行,在他们的前方,塔克要塞百米巨门则发出隆隆的声响完全打开。 In the Saint Mesit Theocracy custom, the master of triumphal returning can walk the main entrance, but regarding Tucker Fort, the mountain wall great gate opens thoroughly , is representative unretentive, to high respect. 圣梅斯特教国的习俗中,凯旋之师才能走正门,而对于塔克要塞来说,山壁般的巨门彻底打开则代表着毫无保留,也是至高的敬意。 In the hoofbeat, Roel leads the entire team smoothly to enter in the fort in the cheers, but the entire celebration formally will also start from now on. 马蹄声中,罗亚带领着整支队伍在欢呼声中顺利进入要塞之内,而整个庆典也自此正式开始。 ------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------- Not only the new Tucker Fort celebration regarding Roel individual awarding, is to participating in scorched earth campaign awarding of all officers, from providing to the meats of male soldier to the sweet point-system that the female officers most love, all food do not supply on this day with limited quantity, although providing of liquor is everyone limit, however in forefront also already was the treatment of making an exception. 塔克要塞的庆典不只是对于罗亚个人的褒奖,更是对参与焦土战役的所有将士们的褒奖,从提供给男性士兵的肉类到女性将士最爱的甜点系,所有的食物在这一天不限量供应,虽然酒的发放是每人限量的,但是在最前线也已经是破格的待遇了。 Tucker Fort under curtain of night, the people sang loudly loudly, the soldiers of different army mixed up to eat to the heart's content, each other is telling the thrilling bitter experience in battlefield, but in the banquet hall, black-haired youngster stood in open-air rooftop, in the watching sky the continuous magic fireworks did not speak silently. 夜幕下的塔克要塞,众人放声高歌,不同部队的战士们混在一起大快朵颐,彼此讲述着战场上的惊险遭遇,而在宴会厅内,黑发的少年则站在露天的天台上,望着天空中持续不断的咒术烟花默默不语。 Today without a doubt is the entire Allied Army of Humans holiday, but has saying that Roel is very difficult to be really happy, but the reason is also very simple, that is this time enlivens in the black-haired youngster heart, that is similar anything in the anxiety of hidden place fermentation, as well as ominous premonition of following intuition. 今天毫无疑问是整个人类联合军的节日,但是不得不说,罗亚很难真的开心起来,而原因也很简单,那就是此时活跃于黑发少年心中,那仿佛什么事情正在暗处酝酿的不安,以及随之而来的直觉的警兆 The intuition, that is high rank Transcendent when oneself are in a state of crisis frequently some situations, exceeded the foresight of truth, it and connection of strength is not strong, what are more is similar to the foreknowledge of some destiny, but even if in high rank Transcendent, the Roel intuition keen degree is also extremely rare. 直觉,那是高阶超凡者在自身陷入危机状态时经常有的情况,是超越了道理的预见,其与实力的关联并不强,更多的是类似对某种命运的预知,而哪怕是在高阶超凡者中,罗亚的直觉敏锐程度也是凤毛麟角。 Until now in all battle, the Roel intuition plays very major role, even avoided the death for it, since receives the Gerlock letter, read Rose Dawn many intelligence the feeling in black-haired youngster heart even more to be worried. 迄今为止所有的战斗中,罗亚的直觉都起到了很大的作用,甚至为其避免了死亡,而自从收到杰洛克的信件后,阅读了蔷薇黎明内部的诸多情报黑发少年心中的感觉则愈发烦闷。 In youngster behind, Noelle chatted with Prince Kain as well as Holy Eminence John, Charlotte side his father Bruce, Wilhelmina with king of Friedrich holy sword in the same place, seems to be exchanging the attainment about swordsmanship. 在少年的身后,诺艾尔正与凯因王子以及圣座约翰聊天,夏洛特在其父亲布鲁斯身边,威廉敏娜则与圣剑之王弗里德里希在一起,似乎在交流着关于剑术的心得。 In the good, this time banquet field the new and old two schools of people reunite, what has saying that black-haired and purple-eyed young girl here, as for the reason, Lilian did not say that needs to handle some business, not detail, but concrete was what actually Roel also guessed correctly. 不错,此时的宴会场内可谓新老两派众人团聚,但是不得不说的是,黑发紫瞳的少女却不在这里,至于原因,莉莉安说是需要去处理一些事务,并没有详细说明,不过具体是什么其实罗亚也猜到了一些。 Goelter and the others, in addition had not known, but according to contacts the confidential report of closest Gerlock with Paul, the Austine Empire internal present as if started becomes not right, surged to describe with the undercurrent is not overrated, but this undercurrent was actually not the world suspects the struggle of a long time snatching the throne. 格尔特等人尚且没有得知,但是根据与保罗联系最紧密的杰洛克的密报,奥斯丁帝国内部现在似乎开始变得不对劲了起来,用暗流涌动来形容也不为过,只不过这个暗流却并非世人猜想许久的夺嫡之争。 Past Austine Empire because of three successor faction battles, but the politics was not steady, Emperor Lucas has not taken a stand, but in any event, these with were illegitimate child Paul have not related. 过去的奥斯丁帝国因为三位继承人的派系争斗而政治不稳,皇帝卢卡斯也迟迟没有表态,但是无论如何,这些与身为私生子保罗都没有关系。 illegitimate child in Austine Empire not possible acknowledgment, moreover on the other hand, Lilian influence also already today we are no longer as we have been, has her of real power at all is not Paul this mere show imperial prince can compare, will not have what Noble to follow. 私生子奥斯丁帝国不可能得到承认,而且另一方面,莉莉安的势力也已经今非昔比,有着实权的她根本不是保罗这种空架子皇子能够相比的,也不会有什么贵族去跟随。 Then the issue came, actually Paul was hidden by Emperor Lucas because of what, causes definitely unable to relate? 那么问题就来了,保罗究竟因为什么而被皇帝卢卡斯隐藏了起来,导致完全无法联系? Answer Roel of this issue does not know at present, but the feeling matter of youngster conditioned reflex is not perhaps simple, because Roel does not have to forget own previous life memory, actually who also without forgetting in beforehand «Eyes of the Chronicler» is protagonist. 这个问题的答案罗亚目前并不知晓,但是少年条件反射的觉得事情恐怕并不简单,因为罗亚没有忘记自己前世的记忆,也没有忘记在之前的《记录者之眼》中究竟谁才是主角 Paul Ackermann, although in reality, because Roel creates influence that he has not become Austine Empire King, has not experienced numerous misery, but until now, Roel indistinct feeling, his body perhaps has what secret. 保罗·阿其曼,虽然在现实之中因为罗亚所造成的的影响,他并没有成为奥斯丁帝国王者,也没有遭遇众多的苦难,但是一直以来,罗亚都隐隐约约的觉得,他的身上说不定有着什么秘密。 For the time being does not propose the Paul strange life experience, in Rose Dawn, some people thought that he is a special figure, that is Blood Race Juliana. 暂且不提保罗本身古怪的身世,就是在蔷薇黎明之内,也有人觉得他是个特殊人物,那就是血族朱莉安娜 Before Juliana, more than once has raised, the Paul blood flavor is not very good, has the bitter and astringent ancient flavor, although Roel takes human too not to understand the Juliana sense of taste, but wants to come this evaluation is not a good deed. 朱莉安娜之前不止一次的提过,保罗的血液味道很不好,有着苦涩古老的味道,虽然罗亚作为人类不太理解朱莉安娜的味觉,但是想来这种评价绝不是好事。 But in addition, the Paul growth is also very unusual. 而除此之外,保罗的成长速度也很异常。 In the official document, was discovered beforehand Paul should not know the orphan who in which mountain village lives, entering Saint Freya Academy one year ago formally starts to have various education, however according to newest intelligence showed, Paul strength actually already achieved Origin Level 3, even is likely to break through Origin Level 2. 在官方文件上,被发现之前保罗应该是不知哪个山村中生活的孤儿,在进入圣芙蕾雅学院一年前才正式开始接受各种教育,然而根据最新的情报显示,保罗的实力却已经达到了源级3,甚至有望突破源级2 Misses the golden period that the strength grew obviously, may actually become Golden Generation member, Transcendent Strength is a little behind Goelter and the others, this innate talent is simply unthinkable, exceeded the general knowledge completely, but in Sia World, such exist(ence) often it has some issues. 明明错过了实力成长的黄金期,可却成为了黄金一代成员,超凡力量只是稍微落后于格尔特等人,这种天赋简直匪夷所思,完全超越了常识,而在希雅世界,这样的存在往往本身就有着一些问题。 The change of Emperor Lucas makes one have an ominous premonition, but in any event, Paul takes the Austine Empire imperial prince, regardless of Lucas makes anything to be the internal affairs of Austine Empire to it, present stage Roel and the others are very difficult directly to interfere. 皇帝卢卡斯的异动让人有种不祥的预感,不过无论如何,保罗作为奥斯丁帝国的皇子,卢卡斯无论对其做什么都属于奥斯丁帝国的内政,现阶段罗亚等人都很难直接干涉。 But on the other hand, besides the Paul that side, the Alicia matter also makes black-haired youngster particularly anxious, although Roel wants to look for Alicia, however the young girl position is actually hard to figure out, keeping Roel suddenly some from starting. 而另一方面,除了保罗那边之外,爱丽莎的事也让黑发的少年分外焦急,虽然罗亚想要去找爱丽莎,但是少女的位置却难以确定,让罗亚一时间有些无从下手。 What to do doesn't encounter a difficulty definitely? The past innumerable experiences told Roel to look for the Charlotte help, however this auburn-haired young girl actually cannot give the Roel answer. 遇事不决怎么办?过去的无数次经历都告诉罗亚应该找夏洛特帮忙,然而这一次棕红发色的少女却并没能给罗亚答案。 In fact several days ago, Roel requested that Charlotte passes Divination to locate the Alicia position, the result of but obtaining exceptionally is chaotic, regarding this Charlotte two speculations, after one is to involve Space Magic, the Divination result is unable to show normally, another was Alicia changed. 事实上在几天前,罗亚就请求夏洛特通过占卜确定爱丽莎的位置,可是得到的结果却异常混乱,对此夏洛特有两种推测,一个是涉及到空间咒术之后,占卜的结果无法正常显示,另一个则是爱丽莎本身发生了变化。 With the recovery of Mother Goddess, the strength of Alicia within the body gradually awakens, to some extent even already was not human, belonging was similar to Succubus, exist(ence) above Blood Race True Ancestor, was close to Mythological Lifeform, it naturally also grown stronger to the Divination resistance, the destiny even more was also hard to observe. 随着母神的复苏,爱丽莎体内的力量逐渐觉醒,某种程度上来说甚至已经不算人类了,属于与魔女类似,又在血族真祖之上的存在,更加接近于神话生物,其对占卜的抗性自然也就变强了,命运也愈发难以观测。 Regarding this Roel it can be said that has no alternative, but with the lapse of time, black-haired youngster is also getting more and more anxious. 对此罗亚可以说是无可奈何,而随着时间的推移,黑发少年也越来越不安起来。 Although as has connection exist(ence) with the black moon/month, Mother Goddess is impossible to injure Alicia, the young girl personal safety non-existence issue, Alicia that but with the lapse of time, Roel knows very well actually possibly more walks is farther. 虽然作为与黑之月有关联的存在,母神不可能伤害爱丽莎,少女的人身安全方面不存在问题,但是随着时间的推移,罗亚所熟知的爱丽莎却可能越走越远。 Until now, Roel cannot forget his shouting of silver-white-haired young girl in that desert facing the appearance that remains unmoved completely, then Roel could be said as by this scene deeply is shocked, even forgot the defense was nearly killed, but after having these experiences, an issue that Roel must ponder why was Alicia can like this. 时至今日,罗亚都忘不了在那沙漠中银白发色的少女面对他的呼喊完全不为所动的样子,当时的罗亚可以说是被这一幕深深震撼,甚至忘记了防御险些丧命,而在有了这些经历之后,罗亚必须思考的一个问题就是爱丽莎为什么会这样。 Causes this situation reason Roel roughly to think of two types, first naturally is interference of Mother Goddess, making Alicia forget beforehand, second was Alicia awakened to cause the provisionality change that but after a ponder, Roel felt latter's possibility a bit bigger. 造成这种情况的原因罗亚大致能想到两种,第一个自然就是母神的干涉,让爱丽莎忘掉了之前的自己,第二个则是爱丽莎的觉醒导致的暂时性改变,而在一番思考之后,罗亚觉得后者的可能性更大一些 Interferes with others 's memory, although this matter magic can accomplish, but uses in Alicia body is actually almost impossible, after all in the Alicia fact has some Mother Goddess strengths, although has not possibly awakened completely, but the operation memory and want to become effective to it related to soul magic are difficult also to be difficult. 干涉他人的记忆,这种事咒术虽然可以办到,但是用在爱丽莎身上却几乎不可能,毕竟爱丽莎事实上算是拥有着母神部分力量的,虽然可能还没有完全觉醒,但是操纵记忆、涉及灵魂的咒术想要对其生效却是难之又难。 But on the other hand, although is only individual feeling, but according to understanding of Roel Mother Goddess, is very that difficult the matter will imagine her to make to manipulate others to remember, if rather Mother Goddess can be so mean, perhaps that Remote Antiquity Period victory and defeat had decided. 而另一方面,虽然只是个人的感觉,但是按照罗亚母神的了解,很难想象她会做出操纵他人记忆的事,不如说如果母神能够这么下作,那远古时期的胜负恐怕早已决定。 „Is in other words the influence of awakening? But how this type of thing should eliminate......” 也就是说是觉醒的影响吗?可是这种东西到底该怎么消除......” Beside watching citadel the thick dim light of night, black-haired youngster gets hold of fist think aloud, soon after shakes the head. 望着城塞之外浓浓的夜色,黑发的少年握紧拳头自言自语着,不久之后又摇了摇头。 „It is not right, must first find the talent line, otherwise this way......” “不对,首先要找到人才行,否则再这样下去......” Enemy who this way, she must turn into human, even Ascart House is unable to shelter her.” “再这样下去,她就要变成人类的敌人了,即使是阿卡特家也无法庇护她了吧。” Dean?” 学院长?” Hears behind words sound, Roel has turned the head, was seeing that wears Antonio of white long gown to walk gradually, but regarding these words that the old person spoke, Roel also the facial features enforced suddenly. 听到身后的话语声,罗亚转过头,正看到身着白色长袍的安东尼奥缓步走来,而对于老人所说的那些话,罗亚一时间也面容严肃了起来。 Dean, your just words were the meaning of Allied Army, said ....... 学院长,你刚刚的话是联合军的意思,还是说.......” No, is only my idea, after all the matter about Alicia we personally has not seen, but...... in the army already had some rumors.” “不,只是我个人的想法,毕竟关于爱丽莎的事我们并没有亲眼所见,不过......军中已经有一些传言了。” Really.” “果然。” Gently narrows the eye, in the black-haired youngster vision emerges to worry, but Antonio also sighed slightly, looked up to the silver moon of space. 轻轻的眯起眼睛,黑发的少年目光中涌现出担忧,而安东尼奥也微微叹了口气,仰望起了天上的银月。 In this scorched earth campaign, although the appearance of Alicia in the quite crucial time, battle struggled the final result also to create was hard the alternative influence, the time that but in fact young girl presented was very short. 在这次焦土战役中,虽然爱丽莎的出现是在相当关键的时刻,对战争最终的结果也造成了难以替代的影响,但是实际上少女出现的时间却十分短暂。 From comes to leave from the upper air, Alicia only appeared probably was less than a half minute, and was busy in human with Beast god's egg During produced black Deviant battle, in fact witnesses her person, the entire battlefield should only have Roel and the others as well as Goelter, Britney and other high-level military officers. 从自高空之中现身到离开,爱丽莎大概只出现了不到半分钟,且还是在人类忙于与【兽神之卵】产生的黑色异种人战斗期间,实际上目击到她的人,整个战场应该只有罗亚等人以及格尔特布兰妮高级将领。 In other words, majority is a person on one's own side, but this is also so far, one of the reasons that the Alicia matter does not have the magnification. 换句话说,大部分是自己人,而这也是截止到目前,爱丽莎的事没有扩大化的原因之一。 Naturally, with was Ascart House Roel defeated King of Deviants, and rescued the Tucker Fort missing or disappeared people, as well as Alicia has not controlled these Calamity monster attack human these three reasons also to play very major role, but this also only let the Allied Army high level temporarily not to this matter statement that's all, the basic unit can have the rumor to be inevitable. 当然,同为阿卡特家罗亚击败了异种人之王,并且救出了塔克要塞的失踪人员,以及爱丽莎没有操控那些灾厄怪物攻击人类这三个原因也起到了很大作用,不过这也仅是让联合军高层暂时不对此事表态而已,基层会有传言是必然的。 Moreover over time, Alicia will appear before people sooner or later again, the influence that by that time has was inestimable, is the matter that Antonio and Roel most are worried about. 而且随着时间的流逝,爱丽莎迟早会再次出现在人们面前,到那时造成的影响就不可估量了,也是安东尼奥罗亚最担心的事。 Once [Six Calamities] attack human of Miss Alicia or its control, then definitely will be regarded the rebel in human, the issue will be very by that time serious, even if we, want to calm the situation is still very difficult, Ascart House definitely will also be affected.” “一旦爱丽莎小姐或者其控制的【六灾厄】攻击人类,那么必然会被当成人类中的叛徒吧,到那时问题就会很严重了,即使是我们,想要平息事态也会很困难,阿卡特家也必然会受到影响吧。” Un, I understand, I before that her bring back.” “嗯,我明白,我会在那之前将她带回来。” Method?” “方法呢?” „...... Concrete was still considering how the current issue found her.” “......具体的还在考虑,目前的问题是怎样找到她。” After hearing Roel silent for a long time , the reply that gave, on the face of Antonio showed the expected expression, after pondering the moment, said: 听到罗亚沉默了许久后给出的回答,安东尼奥的脸上露出了不出所料的表情,思考了片刻后道: In that case, me the actually method is worth attempting, but there is a certain risk.” “那样的话,我这边倒是有一个方法值得尝试一下,只是有一定的危险性。” Un? Dean do you have the means?” “嗯?学院长您有办法?” The sudden words pull out from the ponder during the black-haired youngster thoughts, but said these Antonio to search the hand to enter the bosom, took out a small basket. 突然的话语将黑发少年的心思自沉思之中拉出,而说出这些的安东尼奥则探手入怀,取出了一个小笼子。 This is......” “这是......” Forgot? You have also used is right.” “忘记了吗?你也用过的才对。” „Have I used? Wait! could it be is......” “我用过?等等!难道是......” Good, when entrance examination Guiding Fairy that you use, but this Alicia.” “不错,正是入学考试时你们用的引导精灵,而这一个正是爱丽莎的。” Antonio that said shows the smile, but as if echoes his words to be the same, in small basket also indistinct twinkle luminous, lets see that these Roel stared in a big way the eye, understood the Antonio method immediately. 如此说的安东尼奥露出微笑,而仿佛呼应他的话一般,小笼子中也隐隐约约的闪烁出光亮,让看到这些的罗亚瞪大了眼睛,也立即明白了安东尼奥的方法。 The Saint Freya Academy entrance examination is held in secret realm, in some sense is another special space, is very similar to the Alicia possible place, but can lead the student to enter Guiding Fairy to have sensation strength that spans the space. 圣芙蕾雅学院入学考试是在秘境中举行,从某种意义上来讲就是另一个特殊的空间,与爱丽莎可能所处的地方很相似,而能够带领学生进入其中的引导精灵则具备着跨越空间的感知力。 If pushes in turn, so long as can have the Space Magic ability, then follows Guiding Fairy to have in a big way possibly has arrived at the side of his master, can satisfy this condition person scarcely, therefore Guiding Fairy has not always been used to look for missing people, but regarding having Stone Crown Roel is actually not a problem. 而如果反过来倒推的话,只要能够具备空间咒术的能力,那么一直跟着引导精灵就有很大的可能来到其主人的身边,能够满足这个条件的人几乎没有,所以引导精灵一直以来没有用来寻人,但是对于拥有冠之石罗亚来说却不成问题。 Miss Alicia took Saint Freya Academy Ring Wielder, Guiding Fairy is taken care of some time specially, because her magic power was very special, Margaret has taken the note, can therefore look for from the countless elves it.” 爱丽莎小姐作为圣芙蕾雅学院持戒者,引导精灵被特殊保管了一段时间,因为她的咒力很特殊,玛格丽特做过记录,所以才能将它从数不尽的精灵中找出来。” I see.” 原来如此。” watching glitters the ray elf, the Roel vision is gradually strengthening, although uses Silver Fog's Devour side-effect is very terrifying, Guiding Fairy sought for the duration that Alicia needed still is not indefinite, followed very dangerously, so long as can find young girl, so long as can in most important the girl the memory retrieve, then Roel is willing to attempt. 望着闪烁着光芒的精灵,罗亚的目光逐渐坚定下来,虽然使用【银雾之噬】的副作用十分恐怖,引导精灵寻找爱丽莎需要的时间长短也尚不确定,跟随起来十分危险,但是只要能够找到少女,只要能够将记忆中最重要的女孩寻回,那么罗亚就愿意去尝试。 Is so thinking Roel got hold of the fist, simultaneously opens the mouth to express gratitude to Antonio: 如此想着的罗亚握紧了拳头,同时向安东尼奥开口道谢: Help thank you, Dean.” “谢谢您的帮助,学院长。” No, where, Alicia, not only Ascart House member, similarly is also the Academy white wild rose, I help her should be, but, actually this time my also news must tell you.” “不,哪里,爱丽莎不只是阿卡特家成员,同样也是学院的白蔷薇,我帮助她是应该的,不过,其实这次我还有一个消息要告诉你。” News?” “消息?” watching puzzled black-haired youngster, Antonio nods, facial expression serious and excited say/way: 望着不解的黑发少年,安东尼奥点了点头,神情郑重而又激动的道: Sir Astrid, will soon regain consciousness.” 艾丝翠德大人,即将苏醒了。”
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