LTDWMBD :: Volume #5

#440: Meets happiness

The following journey is smooth regarding Roel and the others, although the long-term journey let Heretic Corps and Law Court judges accumulated many weariness, when unlike coming, the present team unprecedented unity, gave everyone to hit cardiotonic with the beforehand different leader, making the journey more relaxed. 接下来的旅途对于罗亚等人来说还算顺利,虽然长期的旅程让异教军团裁判所审判官们积累了很多的疲劳,但是与来时不同,现在的队伍前所未有的团结,与之前不同的领导者也给所有人打了一针强心剂,让旅途轻松了很多。 Before held the post of Law Court Head Count Hanks of director, although also dedicated, but compared with Theocracy's Princess Noelle, the effect on the morale missed, moreover what was more important was the aura. 之前担任指挥的裁判所所长汉克斯伯爵虽然也尽职尽责,但是与教国的公主殿下诺艾尔相比,对士气的影响还是差了很多的,而且更重要的是气息。 Noelle after Bloodlines Promotion, although human cannot feel, however the King of Angels aura as if there is very tremendous effect on level comparitively high monster, making these not dare to come in the predator who the winter moves restlessly, the one breath the night battle rate/lead will reduce below half. 诺艾尔血脉晋升之后,虽然人类感受不到,但是天使之王的气息似乎对等级比较高的魔物有很大影响,使得这些在冬季躁动的捕食者不敢前来,一口气将夜晚的战斗率降低到了一半以下。 Had compared with the past enougher relaxation time , the when vigour remarkable improvement of team, in addition the beforehand experience, causing the return trip even Roel comes to be quicker, is even so, before that specific day, Roel and the others cannot return to Theocracy. 有了比过去更充分的休息时间,队伍的精气神显著改善,再加上之前的经验,导致回程甚至比罗亚来时还要更快一些,可是即使如此,在那特定的日子前,罗亚等人还是没能回到教国 On the eve of dawn, in the camp the bonfire was still burning, the soldier who under the flame runs back and forth like had usually not called that loudly the preparation dawn starts, instead talked low voice, often even had the laughing sound to spread, the soldiers of standing guard from were different in the past, was all with smile on the face, but devout judges already started to get ready to worship. 黎明前夕,营地之内篝火仍在燃烧,火光之下来回奔走的士兵没有像平时一样大声吆喝准备天亮启程,反而小声地交谈,不时甚至有欢笑声传出,站岗的士兵们与往常不同,个个面带笑容,而虔诚的审判官们已经开始准备朝拜。 Although Primordial Goddess cultist is numerous, but the doctrine is very temperate, is very loose regarding the requirements of pray, naturally does not have to worship the Spiritual God custom every morning, judges so displays today, the reason only has one, that is today is in the new year. 原初女神教徒虽然众多,但是教义却十分温和,对于祈祷的要求很宽松,自然也没有每天早上必须祭拜神灵的规矩,审判官们之所以今天如此表现,原因只有一个,那就是今天是新年。 Although knows that you stood night watch recently very tired, but cannot rest today, time similar oh.” “虽然知道你最近守夜很累,但是今天可不能睡过去,时间差不多了。” „...... Was sorry, last night was peaceful, finally fell asleep.” “......抱歉,昨晚太平静,结果睡着了。” In the carriage before dawn, blonde-haired young girl puts out a hand to ignite the cheeks of youngster lightly, smiles is awakening it, but the feeling the feelings on cheeks, Roel also gradually opened the eye to open the mouth to apologize, appeared regarding young girl is not here accidental. 黎明前的马车内,金发的少女伸手轻点着少年的脸颊,微笑着将其唤醒,而感受到脸颊上的感触,罗亚也逐渐睁开了眼睛开口致歉,对于少女出现在这里并不意外。 In the new year the early morning first wisp of sunlight, the legend is Sia’s Gaze, is she listens attentively to the time of language of myriad things, has the extraordinary significance regarding Primordial Goddess Cult cultists, Holy Capital of this day every year will hold the grand activity, people will contain the new year of desire in the pray send out, want to obtain blessing of Sia. 新年清晨的第一缕阳光,传说是希雅的注视,也是她倾听万物之语的时刻,对于原初女神教教徒们来说有着非凡的意义,每年的这一天圣都都会举行盛大的活动,人们会将自己新一年的愿望包含在祈祷内送出,希望得到希雅的保佑。 Noelle as Holy See next Holy Eminence, even if already catches up does not return to Holy Capital of distant place, on this day must pass according to the doctrine, devout judges similarly so, but in the new year takes the annual maximum holiday, has the important meaning regarding Heretic Corps, naturally cannot rush through matters, a recuperation day can be said as everyone common desire. 诺艾尔作为教廷的下一任圣座,哪怕已经赶不回远方的圣都,这一天也是要按照教义度过的,虔诚的审判官们同样如此,而新年作为全年最大的节日,对于异教军团同样有重要意义,自然不能草草了事,休整一天可以说是所有人共同的愿望。 首发网址://m..c After was awakened by Noelle, reorganized the youngster of correct manners discipline to follow young girl to go out of the carriage, the remote watching horizon is waiting for the arrival of dawn, but in nearby camp also started to have the sound one after another, came out to wait for the soldiers in morning sun to be getting more and more, east everyone watching, in the eye has compared with previous years the entirely different hope. 在被诺艾尔叫醒之后,整理了仪容的少年跟随着少女走出马车,遥望着天边等待着黎明的到来,而附近的营地内陆陆续续也开始有了动静,出来等待朝阳的士兵越来越多,每个人望着东方,眼中都带着与往年相比截然不同的渴望。 Without a trace that in the Tucker Fort tragedy, several hundreds of thousands Transcendent vanishes, this matter made whether it is Judge or the cult soldiers feels an intense discomfort, everyone as the eyewitness of history, urgent wanted anything to support. 塔克要塞的悲剧中,十数万超凡者消失的无影无踪,这件事令无论是审判官还是异教的战士都感受到了一种强烈的不安感,所有人作为历史的目击者,都迫切的想要什么东西予以支撑。 Rodney and Wood bring the Strength Sect followers to close eyes the pray, Cynthia grasp both hands in the chest front, as mother of myriad things, Sia is Spiritual God that heretic also respects and can implore bless, but black-haired youngster, this time also rare facial features are serious. 罗德尼伍德带着力量教派的信徒们闭目祈祷,辛西娅则将双手握于胸前,作为万物之母,希雅异教徒也尊重并可以祈求保佑的神灵,而黑发的少年,这一次也难得的面容严肃。 Regarding activity that this being similar made a vow in the new year, Roel did not believe in the past, in the past basically walks an interlude, when promoted origin level in a short time ago the sky that shining form made him change the idea, that proceeded from the soul warm makes him have a vivid memory until now. 对于这种类似新年许愿的活动,罗亚过去是不信的,往年基本都是走一个过场,但是前不久晋升源级时天空中那发亮的身影却让他改变了想法,那发自灵魂的温暖至今令他记忆犹新。 It is not the blind worship and hope, but contains thanks and blessing, if the new year first wisp of ray really can be seen by Sia, then at least Roel felt oneself should hold some gratitude. 不是盲目的崇拜与祈求,而是包含着感谢与祝福,如果新年的第一缕光芒真的能够被希雅所看到,那么至少罗亚觉得自己应该抱有些许的感恩之心。 Under the waiting of people, morning sun of horizon comes to emit ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) ray finally, but at the same time, the people in ground also close eyes respectively the pray, pins the own desire in the ray, the hope can the response of Spiritual God. 在众人的等待下,天边的朝阳终于现身放出万丈光芒,而同一时间,地面上的人们也各自闭目祈祷,将自己的的愿望寄托在光芒中,渴望能够得到神灵的回应。 The golden-haired Angel behind Wings of Light natural extension, emits temperately the ray of sparkle, Roel immerses the mind when the bloodlines, was recalling form that once presented that does not know is the misconception, remembers that ray, Roel dim between suddenly has to plant the gazed at feeling. 金发的天使身后的光翼自然的伸展开来,放出温和而闪耀的光芒,身边的罗亚则将心神沉浸在血脉,回想着那曾经出现的身影,不知是不是错觉,想起那道光芒之时,罗亚朦胧之间突然有种被注视的感觉。 Although said is the gaze, but the youngster has not in fact felt the vision, but is the feeling that a warmed ray surrounds, after dodging the strange feeling of passing, Roel cannot help but opened the eye, finally discovered that nearby crowd has completed the pray, the time seemed like already to pass by for a while. 虽然说是注视,但是实际上少年并没有感受到目光,而是一种被温暖的光芒所包围的感觉,一闪而逝的奇怪感受之后,罗亚不由得睁开了眼睛,结果发现附近的人群早已做好了祈祷,时间似乎已经过去好一会了。 Rodney and the others ceremony already conduct, judges also sets out one by one, morning sun already of horizon raises completely, Noelle back Wings of Light does not know when contracts to extinguish, is bringing some to gaze at him surprisedly. 罗德尼等人的仪式已经进行完毕,审判官们也逐一起身,天边的朝阳已经完全升起,诺艾尔背后的光翼不知何时收缩熄灭,正带着些惊讶的注视着他。 didn't expect you are so unexpectedly earnest this year, was completely different from the past.” 没想到今年你居然这么认真,和过去完全不同呢。” „...... I prayed is very long?” “......我祈祷了很久吗?” Yes, time already was my two times, words saying that you haven't felt?” “是啊,时间已经是我的两倍了吧,话说你没感觉到吗?” „......” “......” Facing doubts blonde young girl, Roel silent the moment shook the head slightly, felt perhaps oneself saw the memory in bloodlines, but another side Noelle curious inquiry the desire of youngster. 面对疑惑的金发少女,罗亚沉默了片刻微微摇头,觉得自己恐怕又是看到了血脉中的记忆,而另一边诺艾尔则好奇的询问起少年的愿望。 Making a vow is so long, what is actually thinking?” “许愿了这么久,到底在想什么?” It‘s nothing, but hopes the surrounding person to be able safe and secure that's all.” “没什么,只是希望周围的人能够平安而已。” Also is really the ordinary desire, but......, although ordinary, perhaps may not calculate in this time simply.” “还真是普通的愿望呢,但是......虽然普通,可在这个时代恐怕也不算简单了吧。” Was recalling departure of person of close relative, blonde-haired young girl said on the face to reveal to have some sad smiles, Roel to see in this heart a pain, was pondering how to console, however has not waited for the comfort the words saying that the slender white hands then seized the cheeks of youngster gently. 回想着至亲之人的离去,金发的少女如此说着脸上露出带着些悲伤的微笑,罗亚见此心中一痛,思考着如何劝解,然而还未等安慰的话说出口,纤细的玉手便轻轻掐住了少年的脸颊。 Although is the good desire, but yourself? Why in desire including oneself?” “虽然是不错的愿望,但是你自己呢?为什么愿望里连自己都没有?” „...... Also really forgot, should not relate.” “......还真是忘记了啊,应该没关系。” How not to have possibly related, the person of making a vow has an accident, the surrounding person will also be sad, but forget it, me already had after all.” “怎么可能没关系,许愿的人出了什么事,周围的人也会悲伤吧,不过算了,毕竟我这边已经有了。” Un?” “嗯?” Princess that watching said that black-haired youngster appears the expression of question, young girl sees this to put down the hand, bringing back corners of the mouth gently under shine of morning sun. 望着如此说的公主殿下,黑发的少年浮现出疑问的表情,少女见此放下手,在朝阳的映照下轻轻的勾起嘴角。 My desire is...... hopes that I with people who love can safe and secure happiness.” “我的愿望是......希望我与所爱的人们能够平安幸福。” „!” “!” In the light words sound, was hit by the sudden attack Roel unable to bear opened the eye slightly, after silent moment, youngster watching Noelle deep blue eye, cheeks slightly red, like a promise replied. 平淡的话语声中,遭受突然袭击的罗亚忍不住略微睁大了眼睛,沉默了片刻后,少年望着诺艾尔蔚蓝的眼睛,脸颊微红,如许诺般的予以回复。 Meets happiness, certainly.” “会幸福的,一定。”
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