LSG :: Volume #11

#1006: Chen Muyun

.... .... Since Blossom Heart Valley one since parting, already has not known how many years, do not know Pill King and the others how, Xinyue and Xingyang, they should have very big change immediately? 自从花心谷一别后,已经不知过了多少个年头,亦不知药王等人当下如何,还有新月星阳,他们现在应该有很大的变化吧? Thought of two people quickly, the Su Yun speed several points. 想到二人,苏云的速度不禁快了几分。 The long separation meets again, heart missing is even more strong, can with the old friend reunion also be a life big happy event. 久别再相见,心头思念愈发浓烈,能够与故人重逢也是人生一大快事。 Su Clan after the Su Clan accident, whole family migration, however Su Xinyue and Su Xingyang not along with it going together, but keeps in Blossom Heart Valley to dive to repair, relations of two people because of Su Yun, believe that treats does not meet in Su Clan comfortably, let alone Blossom Heart Valley is more suitable they to develop. 苏家自从苏家变故之后,举家迁徙,然而苏新月苏星阳并未随之同去,而是留在花心谷内潜修,二人因为与苏云的关系,相信待在苏家也会不自在,更何况花心谷更适合他们发展。 Although left the Sky Martial Continent extremely long time, but regarding here all, Su Yun as before appears like that familiar and easy, he acts swiftly and violently, appears somewhat impatient, directly toward being located in the Blossom Heart Valley long-range raid of southern mainland Jade Swan District. 虽然离开了天武大陆极久的时间,但对于这儿的一切,苏云依旧显得那般轻车熟路,他动作迅猛,显得有些迫不及待,直接朝位于南方大陆青鸿区域花心谷奔袭。 If the average people want to enter Sky Martial Continent from the evil spirit mainland, arrives in Jade Swan District again, non- may not several months, however Su Yun the time that so long as actually a day does not arrive at can arrive. 普通人要想从妖魔大陆进入天武大陆,再抵达青鸿区域,非数月不可,然而苏云却只要一天不到的功夫便可抵达。 However just entered the southern mainland, a strange bloody taste actually sways to ripple in the air. 然而刚刚进入南方大陆,一股奇异的血腥味儿却是在空气中飘摇荡漾。 This bloody taste is not strong, but the Su Yun nose is keen, smells easily, then can hear a clarity. 这股血腥味儿并不算浓重,但苏云鼻子敏锐,轻易一嗅,便能闻个清清楚楚。 How? Under has to slaughter? 怎的?下头有厮杀吗? He lifted both eyes to take a fast look around below region, actually under saw has spirit cultivation in groups to enslave the batches of not any cultivation common people unexpectedly. 他抬起双目扫视了着下方的区域,却见下头竟是有成群结队的灵修者正奴役着一批批没什么修为的普通百姓。 These spirit cultivation clothing are consistent, looks like quite looks like the army. 这些灵修者服饰一致,看起来颇像军队。 The roadside had the people of many dying, had the common people, some strength base and low spirit cultivation. 路边有不少死去的人,有普通百姓,也有些实力卑微的灵修者。 This scene appears very dehumanizing, in person who these driven away, many people defeated/carrying heavy the extremely injury, how long had not even walked, some people will die. 这场面显得十分凄苦,那些被驱赶的人中,不少人甚至负了极重的伤势,没走多久,就会有人死去。 Su Yun knits the brows slightly, looks at these common people, as if has not violated the appearance of any grave offense likely, after all inside also many old person children. 苏云微微皱眉,看这些普通百姓,似乎不像是犯了什么重罪的样子,毕竟里头还有不少老人小孩。 Here already close Jade Swan District, what's all this about? None who does not became some people here founds a nation? 此处已经接近青鸿区域了,这是怎么回事?莫不成有人在这里建国了? Su Yun looks at these spirit cultivation, knits the brows thinks darkly. 苏云看着那些个灵修者,皱眉暗思。 He has not cared, after all does not know the reason, then directly flies away, toward the Jade Swan District long-range raid, when faces forward to set out, actually sees more and more such picture. 他也没在意,毕竟不知其中缘由,便径直飞走,朝青鸿区域奔袭,然而朝前进发之际,却看到越来越多这样的景象。 Massive clothing consistent spirit cultivation is sending under custody the common people or strength inferior spirit cultivation, the skeleton of roadside like the weeds of ground, generally. The bloody taste in air is also getting stronger and stronger. 大量服饰一致的灵修者押送着普通百姓或实力低劣的灵修者,路边的尸骨就像地上的野草,普遍至极。空气中的血腥味儿也越来越浓重。 Suddenly 忽然 The form that the Su Yun look flash setting, he once looked familiar has leapt forward in the middle of his line of sight. 苏云的眼神骤凝,一个他曾眼熟的身影跃入了他的视线当中。 Chen Muyun! 陈慕云 Blossom Heart Valley two elders! 花心谷的二长老! Only visits this time him, both hands wear the chain to beat, along with these sorrow people little toward advance. 只看此时的他,双手戴着链拷,正随着那些悲苦的人一点点的朝前进。 He has hair dishevelled, the appearance is very old, the lip is withered, on the face covers entirely the wrinkle, and is dirty, is distressed and sloppy, an eye does not have the gloss, as if the person of dying. 他披头散发,模样已是十分苍老了,嘴唇干瘪,脸上布满皱纹,且灰头土脸,狼狈而邋遢,一双眼睛也毫无光泽,仿佛将死之人。 Su Yun confirmed over and over that he indeed has not misread, this person is Chen Muyun, but he does not have least bit cultivation unexpectedly! 苏云再三确认,自己的确没有看错,此人就是陈慕云,但是他竟是没有半点修为 Chen Elder!” “陈长老!” Su Yun flies high to fall, fell in the crowd. 苏云凌空坠下,落在了人群之中。 „!!!!!” “啊!!!!!” Saw that some people drop from the clouds suddenly, under people had a scare immediately, being panic-stricken retreats toward side. 看到有人突然从天而降,下头的人们顿时吓了一跳,一个个惊慌失措的朝旁边退去。 What person???” “什么人???” Do not fluster!! Do not fluster!! Stands firm to me completely!! Hello, you leave to me! If who dares to run away, father delivers him to go to the western heaven immediately!!!” “都别慌!!别慌!!全部给我稳住!!喂,你们都给我滚过去!谁如果敢逃了,老子立刻送他上西天!!!” Gives me to arrange in order good team, hurries to give me to walk!! Quick!!” “都给我列好队,赶紧给我走!!快!!” Hello, what do you also lie down on the ground make? Feigns death? The father makes you comfortable!!” “喂,你还躺在地上做什么?装死吗?老子让你舒服舒服!!” These wear unified spirit cultivation of clothing to scream, wields toward these common people who on lifted the braid to be relentless. 那些个穿着统一服饰的灵修者们大声嚷嚷了,一个个举着辫子毫不留情的朝那些个百姓身上挥去。 So long as is spirit cultivation, can grasp the profound air/Qi, therefore, even if the thin and small person can also wield the extremely terrifying strength, these thin and weak common people had pulled out bruised and lacerated by these spirit cultivation directly, some people even directly died under that several whips. 只要是灵修者,就能掌握玄气,因此,即便是再瘦小的人也能挥出极为恐怖的力量,这些瘦弱的百姓们直接被这些灵修者们抽了个皮开肉绽,有的人甚至直接死在了那几鞭子之下。 Stop!! Stops!!” “住手!!都住手!!” That side Chen Muyun sees that shouting of shouting oneself hoarse. 那边的陈慕云见状,声嘶力竭的喊道。 But his words are actually the fatigue of saying, two shouted that then panted, his was too weak 但他的话却是说的有气无力,两句喊完,便气喘吁吁,他的身体实在太虚弱了 Su Yun frowned, has swept around eye these spirit cultivation, lifts the hand to move slightly, marvelous Aura springs from the fingers, hits directly to all around spirit cultivation, in an instant, the profound air/Qi of these spirit cultivation whole bodies are close, the person responded without enough time that was corroded by the fierce ache, fell down directly, was tumbling unceasingly. 苏云皱起眉头,扫了眼四周的那些灵修者,抬起手微微一动,一股奇妙的气息从手指间弹出,直接撞向四周灵修者,刹那之间,那些灵修者浑身的玄气封闭,人来不及反应,便被剧烈的疼痛所侵蚀,一个个直接倒在了地上,不断的翻滚着。 This grade of marvelous sight stunned extremely, an eye stares in pairs greatly. 这等奇景让人错愕万分,一双双眼睛瞪得巨大。 Chen Muyun dull looks at this strange one, suddenly, he has thought person, turns head to look at Su Yun hurriedly, the sound a little shivers: Who are your you?” 陈慕云呆呆的看着这诡异的一幕,突然,他想到了身旁的人,急忙扭头看着苏云,声音有点儿颤抖:“你你是谁?” I am Su Yun, Chen Elder did already forget me?” “我是苏云啊,陈长老已经忘记我了吗?” Su Yun looks at Chen Muyun, opens the mouth to say. 苏云看着陈慕云,开口说道。 Su Yun???” On the Chen Muyun face flood doubts, as if are recalling anything, suddenly, his facial expression one tight, calls out in alarm: „Are your you Su Yun??!!!!!” 苏云???”陈慕云脸上泛着一丝疑惑,似乎在回想着什么,突然,他神情一紧,惊呼而出:“你你是苏云??!!!!!” Good, Chen Elder was remembers me to come finally!” “不错,陈长老总算是想起我来了!” Su Yun said that but also somewhat is surprised in the Chen Muyun present situation. 苏云说道,不过却也有些惊讶于陈慕云的现状。 Then looked that Chen Muyun sized up Su Yun up and down, spin nodded again and again, a feeling appearance, was sighing the gas channel: „Haven't these many years, thought that will meet with the old friend here, are the good fortune 便看陈慕云上下打量了苏云一番,旋儿连连点头,一副感慨模样,叹着气道:“这么多年了,没想到没想到,会在这里与故人相遇,也算是造化吧唉” The Su Yun heart flood doubts, looks with losing, strange [say / way] that sadly on the Chen Muyun face that is hard to conceal: Chen Elder, this what's the matter? Why why your does cultivation completely lose? Moreover ends up to turn out so is out?” 苏云心头泛疑,瞧着陈慕云脸上那难以掩饰的悲伤与失落,奇怪道:“陈长老,这到底是怎么回事?为何为何你的修为尽失?而且还落得如此下场?” This Chen Muyun has hesitated little while, but subsequently smiles bitterly: This matter has been a long story, Su Yun, do not ask, asked that was instead disadvantageous you to be quicker to you walks, perhaps went to Blossom Heart Valley, the valley advocates them to need your help “这”陈慕云迟疑了会儿,继而无奈苦笑:“此事说来话长了,苏云,你还是不要问了,问多了,对你反而不利你还是快些走吧,去花心谷,谷主他们或许需要你的帮助” Hears Chen Muyun this saying, Su Yun is not happy. 听到陈慕云这话,苏云可不高兴了。 Chen Elder, accident sentiment of? You said that is.” “陈长老,到底出了什么事情了?你说便是。” Walks, Su Yun you cannot control “走吧,苏云你管不了” Chen Muyun sighed once again. 陈慕云再度叹道。 Su Yun stares slightly, has thought the little while, lifts directly starts, treads toward the ground maliciously. 苏云微微一愣,想了会儿,直接抬起脚,朝地上狠狠一踏。 Thump!!!!!! 咚!!!!!! In an instant, entire earth suddenly sways fiercely, is similar to the earthquake occurred, the ground starts to be cracked, the mountain peak turbulently, people directly swayed leaning this way and of this ground, the station cannot come to a stop. People panic-stricken crawling on the ground, trembles, these spirit cultivation are also terrified lying on the ground, their many person cultivation are insufficient, cannot fly. 刹那间,整个大地突的剧烈摇晃起来,就如同地震发生,地面开始龟裂,山峰动荡不已,这地上的人们直接被摇晃的东倒西歪,站都站不稳。人们惊恐的匍匐在地上,一个个瑟瑟发抖,就连那些灵修者们也惶恐不已的趴在地上,他们很多人修为不够,根本不能飞行。 Chen Muyun also had a scare, Su Yun this foot at present occurred in him, that fierce sound as if can shock his eardrum. His ear humming sound the straight sound, crossed for a long time, the talented person restored. 陈慕云也吓了一大跳,苏云这一脚就在他眼前发生,那剧烈的响声仿佛能够震破他的耳膜。他的耳朵嗡嗡直响,过了许久,人才恢复了过来。 When sees in this all around all people, only then a Su Yun person is standing, he understood 当看到这四周所有人里只有苏云一人站着的时候,他明白了 Present Su Yun!! already was not in the past that Su Yun!! 眼前的这个苏云!!已经不是当年那个苏云了!! This stamps the feet, the earth really shakes three to shake 这一跺脚,大地真是抖三抖啊 Chen Elder, can you say now?” “陈长老,你现在可以说了吗?” Su Yun gains ground, tranquil saying. 苏云抬起头,平静的说道。 But can my I tell you, Su Yun the Chen Muyun tongue ties a knot to say. “可可以我我告诉你,苏云陈慕云舌头打结道。 Then looks at Su Yun to lift the hand, according to his shoulder, mild-mannered profound air/Qi has injected in the Chen Muyun body from his palm, this Aura has stroked the hearts among the spring breeze, such as the young girl sprout caresses in the cheeks, is especially comfortable, Chen Muyun injury is restoring at the naked eye obvious speed unexpectedly, the moment time, the whole person is changed beyond recognition, does not have the least bit pain from top to bottom! 便看苏云抬起手,按在了他的肩膀上,一股柔顺的玄气从他的手掌心里注入了陈慕云的身躯内,这股气息宛若春风拂过心间,如少女柔荑在脸颊间微抚,尤为舒适,陈慕云身上的伤势竟是以肉眼可见的速度恢复着,片刻功夫,整个人已是焕然一新,浑身上下没有半点痛苦! The Su Yun current profound air/Qi is especially formidable, the energy that the interior contains can bring back the potential in any life deep place easily, even substitutes any life internal structure, is ordinary on such as the flat peach regarding the ordinary mortal, the life and death flesh bones of the dead are easy. 苏云当前的玄气尤为强大,内部所蕴含的能量能够轻易勾起任何生命深处的潜能,甚至替代任何生命内部的结构,对于普通凡人而言就如蟠桃一般,生死人肉白骨更是轻而易举。 Sees own this change, Chen Muyun believed firmly, immediately Su Yun, arrived at one type the unsurpassed peak that is hard to look, on this method Sky Martial Continent who can achieve? 看到自己这变化,陈慕云更为的确信了,当下的苏云,已到了一种难以仰望的无上巅峰,这种手段天武大陆上谁能做到? Which these year of did Su Yun in pass? What did he experience? 这些年苏云到底在哪度过的?他到底经历了什么? The Chen Muyun heart has doubts surely, but he does not have urgently to ask that he looks at the common people who around the eye these have been wounded, opened mouth, appearance that starting to speak but hesitating. 陈慕云心头有千万疑惑,但他却没有急着问,他看了眼四周那些负伤的百姓们,张了张嘴,一副欲言又止的样子。 The Su Yun book thinks that Chen Muyun tells him exactly to have anything immediately, but actually finds his appearance so, after the moment, suddenly. 苏云本以为陈慕云会立刻告诉他到底发生了什么,但却瞧见他的这般模样,片刻后也恍然了。 Chen Muyun stems from Blossom Heart Valley, he has harbored the heart that practices medicine to provide relief, now have been saved, how could he looks that helplessly the side innocent person is also in the pain. 陈慕云出自花心谷,他一直怀着一颗悬壶济世的心,如今自己得救了,他岂能眼睁睁的看着身边无辜的人还处于痛苦之中。 However when the Su Yun preparation said anything, Chen Muyun puff passed to kneel suddenly. 然而就在苏云准备说些什么的时候,陈慕云突然噗通跪了下来。 Su Yun was scared. 苏云傻眼了。 Su Yun Sir Su Yun Chen Muyun does not know that what cultivation you now are, what strength but Chen Muyun has my presumptuous request, if you can also rescue now again even if a person whether whether also again to cure therapy for that person??” 苏云苏云大人陈慕云不知道您现在是什么修为,什么力量但但陈慕云有个不情之请,倘若倘若您现在还能再多救哪怕一个人的话能否能否也为那个人再疗疗伤??” His already appeared very old, the life of Sky Martial Continent person could not compare the Extremely Military World person, their cultivation was low, the life was short, Chen Muyun already was initially aged, now obviously old. 已经显得十分苍老了,天武大陆人的寿命比不了极武世界的人,他们修为低,寿命短,陈慕云当初已经上了岁数,现在更显苍老。 Hears Chen Muyun this request, the Su Yun heart has had not seen you for a long time move gushes out once again, what matter regardless of perhaps has, where is, Blossom Heart Valley will practice medicine the principle beginning sect who will provide relief does not change. 听到陈慕云这个请求,苏云心头久违了的感动再度涌出,或许无论发生什么样的事情,处于什么地方,花心谷悬壶济世的原则始宗不会变吧。 He held Chen Muyun hurriedly. 他急忙将陈慕云扶了起来。 Chen Elder manner, really provides relief for the bosom, the kind-heartedness is the book, admires below, Chen Elder, if this request, but said is, does not need so, Su Yun complies is.” “陈长老为人,果然是济世为怀,仁心为本,在下佩服,陈长老,若是这个请求,但说便是,无需如此,苏云照做便是。” Su Yun said with a smile that afterward then starts to stimulate to movement the profound air/Qi, the manner therapy. 苏云笑着说道,随后便开始催动玄气,为人疗伤。 This comes, how many such people does not know, even if rescues these well, other people? Person who many Su Yun could not have saved? 只是这一路过来,不知多少这样的人,即便救得好这些,其他人呢?还有许多苏云救不到的人呢? They know that this is only not goings to the roots of the problem. 他们都知道,这只是治标不治本。 Saw that Su Yun also in saves others, Chen Muyun sighed, starts one and said the long and short of the story of matter 看到苏云还在一个个救人,陈慕云叹了口气,开始把事情的来龙去脉一并说了出来
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