LSD :: Volume #7

#632: Has the pleasant surprise

Handled noisy, again with other anchor one-to-one chatted a while respectively, the important matter that Wang Yan bought the hearts of the people successfully was completed. 搞定了闹闹,再和其余的主播们一对一的各聊一会儿,汪言收买人心的大计圆满完成。 Probably about 8 : 30, the meeting breaks up, everyone goes back to continue to work. 大概八点半左右,聚会散场,大家回去继续工作。 The live broadcast is one night most has the benefit the netherworld industry, wants to make money, must stay up the most ruthless night, rests the most expensive bed. 直播是一个夜里最出效益的阴间行业,想赚钱,就得熬最狠的夜,睡最贵的床。 On gone back road, Wang Yunxi, Zhu Jike and Wang Yan, assistant Wang Yunxi's Little Zhang drives. 回去的路上,汪云喜朱季轲汪言同车,汪云喜的助理小张开车。 Is high-level, Wang Yan spoke thoughtlessly to ask a quite easy 404 question. 都是高层,汪言随口问了一个比较容易404的问题。 In company, has the relational female main to broadcast to be many with big brother?” 公司里,和大哥发生关系的女主播多不多?” Zhu Jike and Wang Yunxi look at each other in blank dismay, is a little in doubt the Wang Yan's attitude. 朱季轲汪云喜面面相觑,有点拿不准汪言的态度。 Finally, the Wang Yunxi discrete report said: According to my knowledge, should be less than 50......” 最后,汪云喜谨慎的汇报道:“据我了解,应该不到50……” Wang Yan knits the brows slightly: „Is proportion so high?” 汪言微微一皱眉:“比例那么高?” Wang Yunxi quickly returns said: „ Is online anchor is very mainly difficult effectively to control. 汪云喜急忙回道:“主要是线上主播很难有效控制。 Similar situation, majority has on online anchor. 类似的情况,大多数都发生在线上主播里。 Since some city and yellow absolutely irreconcilable, after launching striking hard, a host of professionals spill into industry, atmosphere instantaneous bloody collapse. 自从某市与黄不共戴天,展开严打之后,相当一批职业选手涌进业内,风气瞬间血崩。 But under line that we sign anchor, only then less than 15 proportions, the issue is not serious. ” 而我们签约的线下主播只有不到15的比例,问题没那么严重的。” The nod of Zhu Jike chicken pecking meter/rice, opens the mouth to echo. 朱季轲小鸡啄米似的点头,开口附和。 Yes, moreover various platform styles are different, the difference is very big. “是的,而且各家平台的风格都不一样,差别很大。 To money with the disaster area that big brother rests is, sells the portrait confidential photo the disaster area is Fish Platform, the disaster area of being in love is askew...... has the historical factor, Rome was not built in a day. ” 给钱就跟大哥睡的重灾区是,卖写真私房照的重灾区是鱼平台,谈恋爱的重灾区是歪歪……都有历史因素,非一日之寒。” Therefore our their platform must have an explicit localization, the present social opinion is unfriendly to the live broadcast industry, had that matter, later will be only getting more and more harsh, some issues, you, if wants in front.” “所以我们自家的平台要有一个明确的定位,现在的社会舆论对直播行业并不友好,又发生了那种事,以后只会越来越苛刻,有些问题,你们要想在前面。” Wang Yan nods, has not gone into seriously. 汪言点点头,没有深究。 As the leader, which anchor has Wang Yan does not care about and big brother rested, issue that he considers macroscopic, is more remote. 作为领导者,汪言并不在意哪个主播大哥睡没睡,他考虑的问题更宏观,也更遥远。 For example, the overall reputation of industry. 比如,行业的整体口碑。 And, Royal Court Entertainment has the platform standpoint. 以及,王庭娱乐自有平台的立足点。 ...... …… Now in the society has a sound, thinks that female main broadcasts is comes out to sell, so long as to enough money can on. 现在社会上有一种声音,认为女主播都是出来卖的,只要给够钱就能上。 Enough character profound studies, sounded were full of the attraction and imaginary space very much. 介个“够”字就很玄学,听起来充满了诱惑力和想象空间。 Cannot not say that matter, but profoundly studies the person of industry to be certainly clear truly, the straightforward transaction is only a few. 不能说没有那种事,但是真正深入研究过行业的人一定明白,直白的交易只是少数。 Mainly some white Piaoguai, oneself cannot spend to wrestle not playing a card scope, the pedantry soars to the heavens at heart, often saw big brother that brushed money, will recognize others to rest anchor. 主要是有一些白嫖怪,自己花不起钱搏不出牌面,心里酸气冲天,每每看到一个刷了钱的大哥,都会认定人家是为了睡主播 When others brushed a lot, immediately said with certainty spoke anchor to be rested by big brother, everywhere dissemination false news. 等到人家刷得多了,马上言之凿凿的讲主播已经被大哥睡过了,到处散播假消息。 The reason is: Why doesn't give to rest to spend so much money to you? 理由是:不给睡凭什么给你花那么多钱? Actually this is laughable. 其实这非常可笑。 Contacts these top big brother you to understand truly, actuates them in the first driving force that on platform spends, forever is the vanity. 真正接触过那些顶级大哥你才会明白,驱动他们在平台上花钱的第一原动力,永远都是虚荣心。 Truly, many small nouveau riche small upstart rich, spend to rush to the female sexual attractiveness to come. 确实,有不少小土豪暴发户,花钱就是奔着女色来的。 But this group of people are not the consumption main forces, will be harvested frequently. 但这群人并不是消费主力,甚至经常会被收割。 Tries to level the behavior that beautiful female main broadcasts with tens of thousands dollars, the pure brain has the pit, does not make clear the market discipline. 试图用几万块钱就摆平一个美女主播的行为,纯纯的脑子有坑,搞不清楚市场规律。 If some people really can the relaxed artillery, believe me, changes into stewardess and department flower and female white-collars his goal and even other anything, others are also the same can handle. 如果有人真能轻松炮到,相信我,把他的目标换成空姐、系花、女白领乃至别的什么,人家也一样能搞定。 That did not spend the matters of how much money from the start, but is the technical question. 那压根就不是花了多少钱的事儿,而是技术问题。 Returns to the subject. 回归正题。 big brother that actually overwhelming majorities brush to million rank, the goal does not rest anchor. 其实绝大多数刷到上百万级别的大哥,目的都不是睡主播 Because the performance-to-price ratio was too low. 因为性价比太低了。 Really has the strength rather than to divert the public funds that crowd of nouveau riche, which isn't the battle-trained senior driver? 真有实力而不是挪用公款的那群土豪,哪一个不是久经战阵的老司机? Others want to play anything to play to obtain in life, cures and takes a bath fully, offices, business, nightclubs, various public relations and various sales, and even goes to the school to assist students female university to live directly...... 人家在生活中想玩什么都玩得到,足疗、洗浴、会所、商务、夜总会、各种公关、各种销售,乃至直接去学校助学女大学生…… Under the line can play was too rich, many nouveau riche have even started to have a change of heart to grow the soul, is drinking the Chinese matrimony-vine tea, rejects the female sexual attractiveness seduction. 线下可以玩的太丰富了,很多土豪甚至都已经开始收心养性,喝着枸杞茶,拒绝女色诱惑。 The kidney cannot support ah! 腰子撑不住 This person, 这种人, Plays the blue moon/month legend to recharge million, that to rest whom? In the first quarter of this year, various manufacturing in a rough way legendary series page tours, the total recharging quota broke 1,000,000,000 Renminbi, how to explain? 玩个蓝月传奇都能充值上百万,那又是为了睡谁?今年一季度,各种粗制滥造的传奇系列页游,总充值额度破了10亿人民币大关,怎么解释? Therefore Blackie fantasized the surname trading market that is not always the mainstream. 所以黑子们幻想出来的姓交易市场从来都不是主流。 The real situation is, platform annual running water, probably 15 transactions, 35 individual tickets, 70 big brother consumption. 真实情况是,平台的全年流水,大概有15的交易,35的散票,70的大哥消费 Why has 20? 为什么多出20? Because there is a large number is the association officers brushes, or is „the nouveau riche money that everyone often teased presents also. 因为有相当一部分是公会官刷,或者是大家经常调侃的“土豪的钱如数奉还”。 The running water of that part will circle from the association account, finally still backflows platform, therefore are additionally many 20. 那部分的流水会从公会账面上绕一圈,最终依然回流到平台,所以额外多出20。 Recharges to remove 20 to 30 various platform whole year, is the real consumption digit of all player, anchor, association. 把各家平台的全年充值去掉20到30,就是所有玩家、主播、公会的真实消费数字。 Sees? 看到没有? For that some false nouveau riche that to rest anchor comes, actually the individual ticket cannot even be victorious. 为了睡主播而来的那部分伪土豪,其实连散票都打不过。 Continues to dig up to enlarge the data, a more interesting conclusion appeared 继续扒拉大数据,一个更有意思的结论出现了 Are many with anchor that big brother is in love? 大哥谈恋爱的主播多不多? On first hearing to the issue, many 's first responses is: Multi- ah! Specially many! 乍一听到问题,很多人的第一反应都是:多!特别多! But actually, the overall proportion is less than 5. 但其实,整体占比不到五。 The love affair can continue for over a half year less than 005. 恋爱关系能够持续半年以上的不到005。 Finally enters the marital palace, the entire net cannot count 20 pairs. 最终走进婚姻殿堂的,全网数不出来20对。 The real situation is such counter- intuition and counter- experience. 真实情况就是这么反直觉、反经验。 What therefore the nature of live broadcast industry is? Which point we must from cut into, as we platform foothold foundation? This issue you if certainly wants to be clear.” “所以直播行业的性质到底是什么?我们要从哪个点切入进去,作为我们自家平台的立足基础?这个问题你们一定要想清楚。” The Wang Yan's conclusion comes out, Wang Yunxi and Zhu Jike on the face, were feeling painstakingly a little fresh does not have the love. 汪言的结论一出来,汪云喜朱季轲就苦着脸,感觉有点生无可恋。 Chief Wang, I am your spear/gun, which you finger/refer, where I, making me think that this issue, you are pressing my old vermilion ah!” 汪总,我就是您的一杆枪,您指哪儿,我打哪儿,让我想这种问题,您是在难为我老朱!” After Zhu Jike complained, Wang Yunxi followed immediately. 朱季轲诉苦之后,汪云喜立马跟上。 To ah Yanzi, the question you handles, the tactic charges in my first, didn't we reach an agreement early?” “对言子,战略问题你来搞定,战术冲锋我第一个上,咱们不是早都商量好了么?” Two waste firewood! 两块废柴! Eldest Young Wang is a little depressed, felt when one father become mother, heart tired ah. 汪大少有点郁闷,就感觉自己又当爹又当妈的,心累 However cannot really a point, no matter or assumes full responsibility of completely, they do not grow, how many nails can only hit by Wang Yan? 但是又不能真的一点不管或者全部包揽,他们不成长起来,只靠汪言自己又能打几根钉? Therefore, the prompt of expecting too much said: „ You discovered that various platform styles were different, that carries to analyze duplicate/restores plate ah only! 于是,恨铁不成钢的提示道:“你们都发现各家平台的风格不同了,那就单拎出来分析复盘 For example, what why trades are most is it? 比如,为什么交易最多的是它? What is its existence significance? 它的存在意义是什么? What strategic idea total does company have and anticipation to the live broadcast?! 公司对直播有什么战略构想和期待?! Analyses, made clear, based on our demand, didn't have the embryonic form again? ” 一个一个的分析,都搞清楚了,再从我们自身的需求出发,不就有雏形了?” Was scolded by Wang Yan, Wang Yunxi finally starts the brain. 汪言骂了,汪云喜才终于开始动脑。 Is makes the public relations to build up, the initial goal the subdivided market that is to march WeChat loses, focuses on makes friends with the city, therefore the breakthrough point chose approximately soaked edge ball...... “是做社交起家的,最初的目标是进军微信遗落的细分市场,主打同城交友,所以切入点选择了约泡擦边球…… The style continues, causes the live broadcast also has thickly approximately to soak attribute, therefore attracted lots of well-targeted players, enters with the former professional technician of retirement. 风格延续下来,使得直播也带有浓厚的约泡属性,因此吸引了大量目标明确的玩家,和退役的前职业技师进驻。 Therefore there, spending tens of thousands dollars to be able the anchor approximately coming out line to get together under. 所以在那里,花上几万块钱就能把主播约出来线下聚会。 This can also in market share correspondence. 这也能够和的市场占有率对应上。 In a B-list city, the development and profit situation of live broadcast are quite good, was hit by various small platform in the 4~5 line city is utterly routed. 在一二线城市,直播的发展和盈利状况都相当良好,在四五线城市则被各种小平台打得溃不成军。 Because of 4~5 line city few that types to money can anchor approximately, the entertainment demand of players be easier to be satisfied by three vulgar small platform. 因为四五线城市很少有那种给钱就能约的主播,玩家们的娱乐需求更容易被三俗小平台满足。 And because the market with city appointment is not very big, the development of main software also feels weak very much, therefore comes out spatially the tremendous space, had the social attribute quick worker short video to seize the opportunity to sneak. 而又因为同城约会的市场不够大,主软件的发展也很乏力,所以空出来巨大的空间,被同样具备社交属性的快手短视频乘虚而入。 Are we can also from here? 那我们是不是也可以从这里着手呢? Bases the 4~5 line city, the rural surrounding city, principal entertainment sector? 立足四五线城市,农村包围城市,主打娱乐版块? In April the quick worker just promoted live broadcast platform, now we fall behind not many, directly with coming up the upfront, was just not necessarily able to lose! ” 4月份快手刚刚推出直播平台,现在我们落后得并不多,直接跟上去刚正面,未必会输!” pā, pā, pā!” 啪、啪、啪!” Wang Yan applauded gently, praised Wang Yunxi one: Progress is big!” 汪言轻轻鼓掌,表扬了汪云喜一句:“进步不小!” From the past small loan clerk to present Royal Court Entertainment general manager, Wang Yunxi walks to knock to mix, but basically followed Wang Yan's pace. 从当年的小贷业务员到现在的王庭娱乐总经理,汪云喜走得磕磕拌拌,但还是基本跟上了汪言的步伐 Can look from this analysis, Brother Xizi can be called at least qualified. 从这番分析就能看出来,喜子哥最起码可以称得上“合格”了。 Do not think that this is very easy, name brand university graduates not necessarily can achieve, but is the Wang Yunxi's beginning much low? 别觉得这很容易,名牌大学毕业生都未必做得到,而汪云喜的起点多低? Therefore, Wang Yan felt very gratified. 所以,汪言感觉特别欣慰。 But Zhu Jike saw Wang Yan's is joyful, similarly could not sit still. 朱季轲看到了汪言的喜悦,同样坐不住了。 Two leadership display outstanding, was one's turn me, can't be a straw bag? 二领导表现优秀,轮到我了,总不能是个草包吧? Considers to speak carefully, he follows to open the mouth. 仔细斟酌好发言,他跟着开口。 Chief Wang you in all consumption behaviors to live broadcast had made the induction summary, the work that actually then we must do has the approximate direction. 汪总您已经给直播界里所有的消费行为都做出了归纳总结,其实接下来我们要做的工作已经有了大致的方向。 For example, can use the big data technique, makes a more precise label as far as possible, pastes the head of each player or tourist. 比如,可以利用大数据技术,尽可能做出更精确的标签,贴到每一个玩家或者游客的头上。 Then adjusts our platform various details by this, pointed meets their needs. 然后以此调整我们平台的各种细节,针对性的满足他们的需求。 What tourist need is whiles away the time, then we promote the anchor initiative and enthusiasm diligently, builds the high-quality content ecology. 游客需要的是消遣,那么我们就努力提升主播们的主动性和积极性,打造优质的内容生态。 But the spending driving force of nouveau riche player is the vanity, then we can work hard in the sign surface. 土豪玩家的花钱原动力是虚荣心,那么我们就可以在牌面上多下功夫。 Major platform of present, were too crude to the Shenhao big brother platoon surface. 现在的各大平台,给神豪大哥们的排面都太简陋了。 Especially panda, of that rank establishment called a rottenness! 尤其是猫熊,那级别设置的那叫一个烂! I heard that Fish Platform is pondering over upgrade title System, but the progress is very slow, we can definitely take the lead. 我听说鱼平台正在琢磨升级爵位系统,不过进度很慢,我们完全可以走在前面。 My preliminary idea is, does one set of unique honored title rank, please the best art designing, make most dazzles the cool effect. 我的初步想法是,搞一套独特的尊贵爵位级别,请最好的美工,做出最炫酷的效果。 million said that the king, proclaims oneself emperor ten million/countless, a 20 million rise god and 5000 ten thousand ultra gods! 百万称王、千万称帝、两千万升神、五千万超神! The name must very dazzle, the exclusive sign must very dazzle. 名字要酷炫,专属的牌子更要酷炫。 The title is the proof of long-term consumption, beyond the title, the short-term consumption behavior also wants to reward. 爵位是长期消费的证明,在爵位之外,短期的消费行为也要有所奖励。 For example, in a day consumption surpasses 1000 to give the nobility memorial tablet to add a star, surpasses 10,000 to give the one flowing light imaginary color, surpasses 100,000 increases dazzles the fire and so on special effect. 比如,一天内消费超过一千就给爵位牌添一颗星,超过一万就给一条流光幻彩,超过十万就增加炫火之类的特效。 On the same day consumption all stood first nouveau riche, our independent gave him again an all day super special effect! 当天消费全站第一名的土豪,我们再单独给他一整天的超级特效! In the near future who fiercest, whose most awesome, is clear when the time comes. 近期谁最猛、谁最牛哔,到时候一目了然。 In brief, frequently takes the vanity, to compete the heart for the coach thought that to the nouveau riche uniquely most honored experience. 总之,时刻以虚荣心、攀比心为指导思想,给土豪们最独特最尊贵的体验。 We ensure does to arrive at the internal service, but you can also invite top Godly Wallet Warrior to participate in the activity of Extreme Speed Alliance appropriately, gives them from another level the sign surface. 我们保证把内部服务做到位,而您也可以适当的邀请顶级神壕们参加极速联盟的活动,从另外一个层面给予他们牌面。 Then, but also feared that they do play not happily in platform? 如此一来,还怕他们在平台玩得不愉快吗? Finally is the investment or the officer of association nature brushes. 最后是公会性质的投资或者官刷。 What they want is the current capacity inclines and official resources, we engage in a big way the platform activity, do to lose face/show off and do to leave the pen. 他们要的是流量倾斜和官方资源,那咱们就把平台活动做大、做出彩、做出圈。 For example hitting of music nature throws the competition, if you have the means welcome to forest evening Vincent Fang writing words, well-known master makes the tune, with the song as a competition first reward, they cannot hit insanely? 比如音乐性质的打投比赛,您要是有办法请到林夕方文山作词,业内知名大师做曲,用出歌作为比赛第一名的奖励,他们不得打疯了? You in the resources of entertainment world, will play the major role when the time comes absolutely! 您在娱乐圈的资源,到时候绝对会起到大作用! Also does not need you to be beholden, you help pull a line, company buy and that's the end...... ” 也不用您搭人情,您帮忙牵个线,公司花钱买就是了……” Zhu Jike is incessant, the thing that spoke unexpectedly specially. 朱季轲滔滔不绝,讲的东西居然特别在点。 Rare! 难得! Wang Yan realized again, old Zhu's ability, will not halt on branch company manager location. 汪言再一次意识到,老朱的才能,不会止步在分公司经理位置上。 This fellow has not really watched so many years live broadcasts white/in vain, was really attentive white Piao...... 这家伙真没白看那么多年的直播,真的是用心白嫖了…… Idea is very good!” “想法很不错!” Wang Yan has not encouraged parsimoniously, draws a pie: Next time company will hold the symposium, you come out with, mount the stage to speak.” 汪言没有吝啬鼓励,又画出一块大饼:“下次公司开讨论会,你拿份出来,上台发言。” Zhu Jike is overjoyed: Good! Chief Wang, I am certainly attentive!” 朱季轲大喜过望:“好的!汪总,我一定用心!” Chatted here, saw that Shang Record must arrive, Wang Yan also made a long story short, makes a summary to today's chatting. 聊到这里,眼看着香记就要到了,汪言也就长话短说,给今天的闲聊做出一个总结。 You must remember, Royal Court Entertainment has platform, certainly cannot three customs, the entertainment be too excessive. “你们要记住,王庭娱乐的自有平台,一定不能太三俗,娱乐过度。 Especially cannot contaminate on gives money to rest the reputation that with honest price tag displayed sells. 尤其是不能沾染上给钱就能睡、明码标价卖的名声。 The tactical approach can be dirty, but our deciding are certainly high, must resolve to make true content output platform. 战术手段可以脏,但我们的立意一定要高,要立志做真正的内容输出型平台 Why making the best use of the time wants to understand, then advances the work! 抓紧时间想明白为什么,然后把工作推进下去吧! That this, I first removed. ” 那就这样,我先撤了。” Zhu Jike and Wang Yunxi nod in abundance, first gets out, ahead of time gazes after Wang Yan to return to the hotel by the car(riage). 朱季轲汪云喜纷纷点头,抢先下车,提前等在车旁目送汪言回到酒店。 Wang Yan asked why, actually did not need to ponder over thin, two people also understand. 汪言所问的“为什么”,其实不用细琢磨,两人也明白。 The Royal Court Entertainment reputation and reputation, are Wang Yan this name of a person reputation bind in together. 王庭娱乐的名声和口碑,是和汪言人的名誉绑定在一起的。 Although the bundle degree is not very deep, but, once Royal Court Entertainment presents the specially negative event, will affect Wang Yan. 捆绑程度虽然不算特别深,但是,一旦王庭娱乐出现特别负面的事件,还是会波及到汪言 This requests Wang Yan to achieve has the behavior, can refrain from doing things. 这就要求汪言必须做到“有所为,有所不为”。 Can do approximately soaks edge ball, Fish Platform can relax the seduction criterion, Taobao can tolerate the counterfeit goods second quality item, Royal Court Entertainment not. 可以搞约泡擦边球,鱼平台可以放宽诱惑尺度,淘宝可以容忍假货次品,王庭娱乐均不可以。 Therefore from the strict sense, Royal Court Entertainment must have the shackles and all opponent competitions. 所以从严格意义上来讲,王庭娱乐要带着镣铐和所有的对手竞争。 But this is the price that must pay, because the Wang Yan's ambition makes people's Male God. 但这是必须付出的代价,因为汪言的志向是做全民男神 This is also a true test craftsmanship lives fine. 这也是一项真正考验手艺的精细活。 Broker class company that if the processing not good relations, Royal Court Entertainment hatches as principal internet celebrity, what qualifications also there is to forecast the altitude of 100 billion empire? 倘若处理不好其中的关系,王庭娱乐作为一家主打网红孵化的经纪类公司,又有什么资格去展望千亿帝国的高度? Cannot understand the Wang Yan's ambition, does not have the qualifications to be the Royal Court Entertainment executive. 读不懂汪言的野心,就没有资格做王庭娱乐的高管。 Does not have the qualifications to share the glory and wealth of 100 billion empire. 也没有资格分享千亿帝国的荣耀和财富。 Zhu Jike and Wang Yunxi look at each other one, saw the vigorous fighting spirit from each other eye. 朱季轲汪云喜对视一眼,从彼此眼中看到了蓬勃的斗志。 Walks, vermilion.” “走吧,朱总。” Good, goes back to work!” “好,回去干活!” ...... …… Wang Yan returns to the hotel lobby, spoke thoughtlessly to ask Youcai (Rich): „Did they finish eating do not have? Now where?” 汪言回到酒店大堂,随口问有财:“她们吃完没呢?现在在哪儿?” The Youcai (Rich) second answered: Teacher Liu they are singing, can you pass?” 有财秒答:“刘老师她们正在唱歌,您要过去吗?” Sang ah......” “唱歌……” The Wang Yan a little headache, is not wants to go. 汪言有点脑袋疼,并不是很想去。 That day the birthday party, a He Meng back thorn, gripped Wang Yan one with that empty boasting ruthlessly, making him have a lingering fear. 生日宴那天,何梦一记背刺,用那首浮夸扎了汪言一针狠的,让他心有余悸。 Now mixes the song, is very likely to hold down to turn the true by them. 现在去掺和歌,极有可能被她们按住翻后账。 Did not sing them satisfied on that the cruel punishment served. 不唱到她们满意就大刑伺候的那种。 But the issue is...... brother only will really sing that empty boasting ah! 但问题是……真的只会唱那一首浮夸 Ok, I......” “算了,我……” Wang Yan just about to opens the mouth to reject, the telephone rang suddenly. 汪言刚要开口拒绝,电话突然响了起来。 The exclusive ting, one hear is Old Immortal. 专属铃声,一听就是老仙 Meets, the 30,000 lively sound spreads the microphone immediately: Wang Wang, when your did there finish up ah? Everyone played hi, quarrelled is wanting you to come...... me also to think you very much.” 接起来,三万轻快的声音马上传出话筒:“汪汪,你那里什么时候完事?大家玩嗨了,吵着要你来……我也很想你。” If only then everyone played hi this reason, Brother Dog can suppress under the heart rejection. 如果只有“大家玩嗨了”这一个理由,狗哥是可以狠得下心拒绝的。 However adds on that I to think you again very much, Brother Dog did not have idea thoroughly. 但是再加上那句“我很想你”,狗哥彻底没辙了。 Sighing silently, Wang Yan very happy returning said: Real? Quite skillful, I also think you very much, therefore has returned to the hotel!” 默默的叹了口气,汪言很愉快的回道:“真的吗?好巧,我也很想你,所以已经回到酒店啦!” Ha!” “哈!” 30,000 was happy, the intonation had on a very obvious hugeness to select. 三万开心极了,声调有一个很明显的巨幅上挑。 That comes quickly! We in 404! Ahead of time the play passes: Has the pleasant surprise!” “那快来!我们在的404房!提前剧透一下:有惊喜哟!” Un?! 嗯?! Ear of Brother Dog immediately knife edge. 狗哥的耳朵顿时支棱了起来。 404, pleasantly surprised...... 404,惊喜…… You must propose this, can I take seriously ah? 你要提这个,那我可就当真了 Hangs the power failure words, Brother Dog sweeps the dispirited, valiant spirited trend practices the song room. 挂掉电话,狗哥一扫颓唐,雄赳赳气昂昂的走向练歌房。 Uncovers several painted eggshells simply. 简单揭几个彩蛋吧。 First, noisy really has that person, but is not a grandson peaceful, the face value stature unusual best quality goods, the character is extremely bad. 一,闹闹真有其人,但不是孙一宁,颜值身材非常极品,性格极度恶劣。 Second, Liu Li, Flat, Wang Yan (king) and Chu Xin have the prototype. 二,刘璃平之王言初新都有原型。 Third, the to rub loan is produces the reality to hold the course black. 三,撸贷是黑产实操教程。 Remaining later uncover slowly. 剩下的以后慢慢揭。
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