LSD :: Volume #7

#629 Part 1: Small tacit understanding 【Big chapter】

Wang Yan meets, remained to carry out a comprehensive inspection by Zhu Jike and branch company staff hardly. 汪言开完会,被朱季轲分公司员工们硬留下来搞了一场全面视察。 The reason simply and came powerful. 理由简单而又强大来都来了。 Strict, the Royal Court Entertainment branch company independence is high, various are the general manager responsibility systems. 严格来讲,王庭娱乐分公司独立性还是蛮高的,各家都是总经理负责制。 Within the framework of total company strategic target big, the concrete operative activity is all decided by a branch company general manager word. 在总公司战略目标的大框架下,具体的经营活动全由分公司总经理一言而决。 Sounds like feudal lords, but actually, because the finance grasps completely in total company, branch manager cannot have the big crooked thoughts. 听起来很像是一个个诸侯,但其实,因为财务全部掌握在总公司手里,分部经理动不了多大的歪心思。 Not big, means or has. 没多大,意味着还是有。 In the live broadcast industry, intermediate-level manages ideally exactly rotten money, the means should not be too many. 在直播行业,中层管理想恰烂钱,办法不要太多。 Broker company can eat anchor, platform can take the recharging sales commission, outside the association can eat the advertising agent, in great abundance, to mention just a few. 经纪公司可以吃主播,平台可以吃充值回扣,外联可以吃广告商,林林总总,不一而足。 However the Royal Court Entertainment Imperial Capital branch company atmosphere is very good. 但是王庭娱乐帝都分公司的风气就很好。 Wang Yan not only and most staff independent talk, but also saw many anchor, the obtained feedback is gratifying. 汪言不但和大部分员工都单独谈了话,还见了很多主播,得到的反馈非常喜人。 Here staff has no crooked thoughts, the work is very careful. 这边的员工都没什么歪心思,工作很上心。 Among anchor is a little small is unavoidable contradictory, because the management treats impartially fairly decisive, the overall atmosphere is very positively harmonious. 主播之间有一点小矛盾在所难免,但是由于管理层一视同仁公平果断,整体氛围十分和谐积极。 The Wang Yan's interest therefore becomes very high. 汪言的兴致因此变得很高。 My another company, is developing a model of intercom software, when the test is completed, our Royal Court must comprehensively promote. “我的另一家公司,正在开发一款内部通讯软件,等到测试完成,咱们王庭也要全面推广。 When the time comes, the troop small group all over the country wraps in the same place, everyone will communicate more convenient. 到时候,天南海北的大群小群都套在一起,大家沟通起来会更方便。 Naturally, the supervision department will therefore also play the major role, I hope that you can treat cautiously...... ” 当然,监察部门也会因此起到更大的作用,我希望你们都能慎重对待……” Zhu Jike understood the reminder, strikes one's chest immediately dozen of warranties. 朱季轲听懂了的提醒,马上拍胸脯打保票。 You could rest assured that Imperial Capital branch company does not add to the chaos to you absolutely!” “您放心,帝都分公司绝对不给您添乱!” Being a guarantor for at the same time, Comrade Little Zhu is also sighing with emotion Eldest Young Wang lofty aspirations and high ideals secretly. 作保的同时,小朱同志亦在暗暗感慨汪大少的雄心壮志。 What will company develop own chat software? 什么样的公司才会开发自己的聊天软件? Guards against Tencent company. 提防疼讯公司 Dares to treat as the imaginary enemy Tencent, start guard early, obviously Wang Yan's frame of mind high. 敢把疼讯当做假想敌,早早的开始防范,可见汪言的心气到底有多高。 What company Zhu Jike also therefore more curious...... is that? 朱季轲也因此而更加好奇了……那到底是一家什么公司 Reminded as for Wang Yan's, he understood, has not actually cared. 至于汪言的提醒,他听懂了,却没有放在心上。 The internal software is used to supervise is the conventional operation, the big data takeoff key words are only on the one hand , will the most important thing is deliver the report becomes more convenient. 内部软件用于监督是常规操作,大数据提取关键字只是一方面,最重要的是,投递举报信会变得更加方便。 Among the goose bumps from anchor, to all sorts of unspoken rules of control section, to the embezzlement and corruption of leadership, Royal Court Entertainment discipline supervision section anything manages. 小到主播之间的鸡毛蒜皮,中至管理部门的种种潜规则,大到领导层的贪污腐败,王庭娱乐的纪律监督部什么都管。 Wang Yan since takes seriously this from the beginning specially, supervision by the Wang Yunxi direct management, and jumps the ranks to the power that Wang Yan reports, might be considered as takes strict precautions against cling to tenaciously. 汪言自打一开始就特别重视这块儿,监督部门由汪云喜直管,并且还有越级向汪言汇报的权力,堪称是严防死守。 Without the means that the beautiful woman and money of anchor industry were too centralized, particularly as big as Royal Court Entertainment this degree, is unprecedented. 没办法,主播行业的美女和金钱都太集中了,尤其是大到王庭娱乐这个程度的,更是前所未有。 Therefore, each staff and anchor in company, are undergoing various seductions frequently. 所以,公司里的每一个员工和主播,时时刻刻都在经受着各种诱惑。 Has a famous saying: With the seduction test human nature. 汪子有一句名言:不要用诱惑考验人性。 Wang Yan deep is so. 汪言对此深以为然。 Therefore ceases in the system as far as possible, and often reminded strikes the high levels, is maintaining the chastity of company diligently. 所以尽可能以制度来杜绝,并且时常提醒敲打高层们,努力保持着公司的纯洁。 Wang Yan even was Royal Court Entertainment set one iron rule any staff, so long as achieved the management post, cannot again and anchor is in love. 汪言甚至为王庭娱乐定下了一条铁律任何员工,只要做到了管理岗,就不许再和自家主播谈恋爱。 Even if only the lower management post of logistics department, cannot violate. 哪怕只是后勤部门的基层管理岗位,也不能违反。 If really two sentiments like each other to in the same place not be possible, you leave job a side. 真要是两情相悦非得在一起不可,那你们就离职一方。 Actually this custom in the actual execution, all staff who get down all at once does not permit with the anchor love. 这条规矩在实际执行中,其实是一刀切下去的所有员工都不允许和主播恋爱。 Wang Yan takes the founder major stockholder, he himself does not contact any anchor, your one crowd hits the worker, what qualifications complaint has? 汪言作为创始人大股东,他自己都不接触任何主播,你们一群打工人,有什么资格抱怨? To make the Royal Court Entertainment money, must obey the Wang Yan's custom. 想赚王庭娱乐的钱,就要守汪言的规矩。 Zhu Jike does not care about the supervision , because he achieved in this aspect completely request. 朱季轲之所以不在乎监督,是因为他在这方面完全做到了的要求。 While setting an example, governing under is also very strict. 在以身作则的同时,御下也很严格。 Atmosphere such good of Imperial Capital branch company, Zhu Jike has lasting achievements. 帝都分公司的风气如此之好,朱季轲功不可没。 Wang Yan even felt, exercises again a half year one year, Zhu Jike can definitely be competent the position of Vice-President company, 汪言甚至觉得,再锻炼个半年一年的,朱季轲完全可以胜任公司副总的职位, Complete live broadcast business of beyond management besides sending a telegram business live broadcast. Excavates Zhu Jike, is really a coup. 管理除去电商直播之外的全部直播业务。发掘出朱季轲,实在是一个意外之喜。 ...... …… At noon and staff ate light meal, afternoon time, Wang Yan and branch company level anchor held the small symposium. 中午和员工们吃了一口简餐,下午的时候,汪言又和分公司的级主播们开了个小小的座谈会。 Also without deliberately looks for what topic, is chatting all over the country. 也没有刻意去找什么话题,就是天南海北的闲聊。 Chatted to emerge, Wang Yan felt that rose sharply the experience. 聊到兴起,汪言感觉大涨见识。 Does not contact this industry personally, even contacts thorough words the insufficiently, you never know that here person has multi- marvel. 不亲自接触这个行业,甚至接触得不够深入的话,你永远不会知道这里的人有多奇葩 For example they chatted named noisy woman, was known as the branch company first beautiful woman. 比如她们聊起来一个叫做闹闹的姑娘,号称分公司第一美女。 Wang Yan looks at many enchanting females of full room, things in their appropriate season excels at winning the field respectively, can make them recognize the first beautiful woman, that attractively? 汪言看着满房间的莺莺燕燕,春兰秋菊各擅胜场,能让她们公认第一美女,那得多漂亮? The curiosity comes up, starts the single search of radar directly, finally sweeps a best quality goods data 好奇心一上来,直接开启雷达的单人搜索,结果扫出来一个极品数据 Hu Xiaofang, face value 98, stature 94, special 95, favorability 20 胡晓芳,颜值98,身材94,特殊95,好感度20 I go! 我去! Total score 287! 总分287! Is only lower than He Miaomiao a point, wants exaggerating ah...... 只比何苗苗低一分,要不要介么夸张…… Wang Yan shocks and wonders, then asked Zhu Jike: „Isn't she unexpectedly the level?” 汪言又震惊又纳闷,回头问朱季轲:“她居然不是级?” The Zhu Jike forced smile shakes the head: She came me to decide directly to the level contract, thinks can rise in less than several months, has not thought...... yeah!” 朱季轲苦笑摇头:“她一来我就直接拍板给了级合约,原本以为用不了几个月就能升上去,没想到……哎!” Regrets the color however, can be seen in speech and appearance. 憾然之色,溢于言表。 Wang Yan was curious: That woman what's the matter?” 汪言好奇极了:“那姑娘到底怎么回事?” The start that anchor talked at once broke off pulls, without spoke her malicious remarks intentionally, was the normal share experience, finally outlined a ten points marvel image. 主播们七嘴八舌的开始掰扯,也没故意说她坏话,就是正常分享所见所闻,结果勾勒出一个十分奇葩的形象。 Live broadcast time, a that woman word not at earliest convenience resentment person, whether or not big brother, has a few words not to conform to her thoughts in any case, immediately gets angry. 直播的时候,那姑娘一言不合就怼人,不管是不是大哥,反正有一句话不符合她的心思,马上就翻脸。 Saw that the low rank the trumpet comes , the eye hides does not bring to lift all of a sudden. 看到低级别的小号进来,眼皮子都不带抬一下子的。 Did not chat two with big brother, asked for it the thing directly, moreover was very fine unyielding. 大哥聊天没两句,就直接开口要东西,而且还要得特别硬气。 You do not help me, do so many do ah?” “你都不帮我,哔哔那么多干嘛?” On a protection, can don't so many idle talk?” “就一个守护,能不能别那么多废话?” „Do you while away the time intentionally my?” “你是故意来消遣我的吧?” When some really people brushed, she likes building not the thin principle, because she thought that you spoke ge not to arrive at her point. 等到真有人刷了,她还是爱搭不稀理的,因为她觉得你说话ge不到她的点。 On the contrary, charlatan title that some have not spent, because the speech is of pleasant to hear, coaxing her is happy, she with chatting of others vigor vigor, actually arrives at the one side spending big brother desolately. 相反,有些没怎么花钱的混子爵位,因为说话好听,哄得她开心,她就跟人家劲劲儿的聊,却把花钱的大哥冷落到一旁。 On such broadcasting law, the list naturally cannot. 就这样的播法,榜单自然不会好。 Therefore she loses the face toward that to sit, heaves a sigh: ah, I too difficult......” 于是她就丧着脸往那一坐,唉声叹气的:“,我太难了……” Once is sad, she can sit there mourning one all day, does not have a smile with anyone. 一旦心情不好,她能坐那儿丧一整天,跟谁都没个笑脸。 Wang Yan cannot bear ask: In her family/home is the condition specially good?” 汪言忍不住问:“她家里条件是不是特别好?” The Zhu Jike corners of the mouth tic, the forced smile shakes the head: „ In her family/home, goes to school for her younger brother uses energy...... 朱季轲嘴角直抽抽,苦笑摇头:“她家里,供她弟弟上学都费劲…… If not our level contracts guarantees a minimum, she has no way to live in Imperial Capital from the start, this, she came the two moon/month, has not guaranteed a minimum with full passed/lived one time. ” 如果不是咱们的级合约有保底,她在帝都压根都没法儿活,就这样,她来了两个月,都没拿满过一次保底。” „When me guarantee a minimum am not broadcast enough long?” “咱家保底不是播够时长就可以吗?” Key is, she broadcasts insufficient ah!” “关键是,她播不够!” fuck, awesome! 卧槽,牛哔 Wang Yan does thoroughly is not clear, asked: What meaning does she come the live broadcast is? To leech on moneybags?” 汪言彻底搞不明白了,又问:“那她来直播是什么意思?想要傍大款么?” No, she does not do with big brother ambiguous, daily in the live broadcasts said that a first object must ask a great graceful to make her happy......” “没有,她不跟大哥搞暧昧,天天在直播间里放话说,第一个对象必须找一个巨帅又能让她开心的……” Mental illness?! 神经病?! Eldest Young Wang first time felt own brain is insufficient. 汪大少头一次感觉自己脑子不够用了。 Must say that woman is not a good person, she also really remains pure and incorruptible. 要说那姑娘不是好人吧,她还真就非常洁身自好。 Must say that woman is great, she had not figured out specially. 要说那姑娘是个好样的,她还特别拎不清。 That face value that stature, is two kings has four 2 obviously, but how to live this? 颜值身材,明明是俩王带四个二,可是怎么就活成这样了? Real chicken mysterious...... 真鸡儿神奇…… Again later, they chatted other group of marvel, has no longer been able to arouse the Wang Yan's sigh. 再之后,他们聊到别的各路奇葩,已经不再能够激起汪言的感叹。 Brushes the public funds to install big brother, only brings to open mouth wants to rest anchor, holds the big brother smelly foot, clings to tenaciously anchor and other big brother to rest has taken over a business again...... 刷公款装大哥的,只带一张嘴就想睡主播的,捧大哥臭脚的,死守主播大哥睡过再去接盘的…… Is willing with the big brother three batch, to deceive the player red packet, simultaneously raises one flock of fish not to turn over, gains tidies up to a first sum of money...... 愿意跟大哥三批的,骗玩家红包的,同时养一群鱼而不翻车的,赚到第一笔钱就去整容的…… The players and anchor what marvel has, but did not exceed again noisy. 玩家和主播里什么样的奇葩都有,但是再没有胜过闹闹的。 That woman may be called the outstandingly able person. 姑娘堪称奇人。 When the symposium goes on, Zhu Jike delivers Wang Yan to go downstairs, suddenly braves a few words. 等到座谈会开完,朱季轲汪言下楼,突然冒来一句话。 Chief Wang, I planned at the end of the month returns noisily , did you receive her?” 汪总,月底我打算把闹闹清退,要不,您收了她?” Wang Yan was attacked to make suddenly stares: ah? Do I receive her to do?” 汪言被突然袭击弄一愣:“?我收她干嘛?” Zhu Jike speaks plausibly: „ You have not seen that woman, I guaranteed with you, the plate dresses up smooth, the eldest bear slender waist, absolutely is the attractiveness of point! 朱季轲振振有词:“您没见过那姑娘,我跟您保证,盘靓条顺,大熊细腰,绝对是尖尖儿的漂亮! Counted on that she made money unable to count on to us, no one could provide lodging she. 指望她给咱们赚钱是指望不上了,谁都管不住她。 You accept would rather, keep the side to find relief. 您倒不如自己收下,留在身边解个闷。 Although her character not how, but uses absolutely crisply, illuminates in any case gets down, she could not insist that two years, you accepted her, instead saved her...... ” 她的性格虽然不怎么着,但是用起来绝对爽,反正照这么下去,她也坚持不了两年了,您收下她,反而是救了她……” One after another, but also is very careful. 一套一套的,还挺上心。 Wang Yan wonders: Why does each subordinate of my side crave in procures to me? 汪言就纳了闷了:为什么我身边的每个下属都热衷于给我拉皮条? Do I look seem like a sex fiend?! 我看起来就那么像是个色魔吗?! Brother Dog is very speechless, is sighing, beckons with the hand the rejection. 狗哥十分无语,叹着气,摆手拒绝。 „, Such woman, I do not dare to bump. Annoys a show is not worthwhile.” “可别,这样的姑娘,我是不敢碰。惹一身骚多犯不上。” Even if better than Wang Yan, still has the woman who does not dare to provoke, she is one of them. 即使强如汪言,也有不敢招惹的女人,她就是其中之一。 The brain obviously has the issue! 脑子明显有问题嘛! Pulling up is good to pull up, broken time should very be also crisp, but how does the damage control do? 撩是好撩,碎的时候应该也会很爽,可是善后怎么搞? On Weibo disclosed that is light, if cannot look on the bright side of thing to jump from the building, I special split ah directly! 微博爆料都是轻的,万一想不开从楼上跳下去,我特么直接就裂开了 Zhu Jike clearly is also wants to urge again, actually stops talking suddenly, looks up to the front. 朱季轲分明是还想再劝,却突然住口,抬头望向前方。 Three people just arrive at downstairs great hall now, front is branch company glass great gate. 三人现在是刚到楼下大堂,前面就是分公司的玻璃大门 Wang Yan raised the head with his line of sight, saw that a beautiful results not to make sense woman that curls Tingting to walk, shoves open company great gate conveniently. 汪言随着他的视线抬头,就看到一个美得不像话的姑娘袅袅婷婷的走来,随手推开公司大门 I go, is quite skillful! 我去,好巧! Wang Yan does not need to ask, immediately knows, opposite woman is noisy. 汪言都不用问,马上就知道,对面的姑娘就是闹闹。 This woman most major characteristics are white, the face is white, the neck is white, points at white. 姑娘最大的特点就是白,脸白,脖子白,就连手指都白。 That type of leucorrhea a feeling of shiny smooth, like jade, very rich gloss, at first sight, even is somewhat dazzling. 那种白带着一种莹润的感觉,像玉似的,十分富有光泽,乍一看,甚至有些耀眼。 In addition, her stature is also irritable, chest front bulging very magnificent. 除此之外,她的身材也非常火爆,胸前鼓鼓囊囊的十分壮观。 Moreover mixes up with the skin color, will let the association that the person can not help, is inside so white soft/greasy is also fresh-faced. 而且和肤色混在一起,会让人情不自禁的联想,里面是不是也那么白腻粉嫩。 tsk tsk, truly suffices attractively...... 啧啧,确实够漂亮…… Except for the He Miaomiao constant voltage she, Eldest Miss He was also mediocre. 除了何苗苗稳压她,何大小姐亦不过如此了。 Sees Zhu Jike noisily, stares, somewhat afraid pulls up the hair, greeted in a soft voice: vermilion is good.” 闹闹看到朱季轲,不由一愣,有些心虚的撩一下头发,轻声打招呼:“朱总好。” Then must bypass three people, wants to return among the live broadcasts. 然后就要绕过三人,想回直播间去。 Her action cannot say that does not have the politeness, but emotional quotient is not at least high, is not appropriate. 她的举动也不能说多么没有礼貌吧,但是至少情商不高,不怎么得体。 Wang Yan has not been serious, having a relish sizes up her two eyes, no longer pays attention. 汪言没当回事,饶有兴致的打量她两眼,也就不再关注。 However Zhu Jike actually knits the brows, stopped by calling her: A while! Hasn't seen Chief Wang and Chairman woof? etiquette does teacher teach you? Comes to give regards!” 然而朱季轲却一皱眉,把她喊住了:“等会儿!没看到汪总和汪董事长吗?礼仪老师就是这么教你们的?过来问个好!” Was stopped by calling out the curling the lip whole face is not glad, heard in front several had Wang Yan, the eye shines immediately. 闹闹被叫住的时候撇着嘴满脸不乐意,一听说面前几位里有汪言,眼睛马上亮了。 Quickly looked up the past, when saw clearly the Wang Yan's appearance at that moment, the expression changed into small ditzy girl instantaneously. 急忙抬头看过去,等到看清楚汪言的长相那一刻,表情瞬间化为小迷妹 ah...... Chief Wang, Chairman woof, hello, I am company bamboo slip anchor small noisy, given name reckless Shiya......” ……汪总,汪董事长,你们好,我是公司的签主播小闹闹,本名胡诗雅……” Talked nonsense, you clearly called Hu Xiaofang! 扯淡,你分明叫胡晓芳! Hello.” Wang Yunxi smile response. “你好你好。”汪云喜微笑回应。 Nod of Wang Yan aloof, has not visited her again. 汪言高冷的点点头,没再看她。 Brother Dog truly cannot control the body that moves restlessly frequently, daily in the morning withstand/top the iron vault of heaven to get out of bed. 狗哥确实经常控制不住躁动的身体,天天早上都顶着铁打的天穹起床。 But he is not without experiencing upstart rich of best quality goods woman, will not see that a pretty woman wants to come up to gnaw one. 但他也绝不是没见识过极品女人的暴发户,不会看到一个漂亮女人就想上去啃一口。 Like this type of bomb that does not have the brain, pastes him not to want. 像这种没有脑子的炸弹,贴上来他都不要。 Then...... noisy also really pasted. 然后……闹闹还真就贴上来了。 Two steps rush to front of Wang Yan, kā chā bows greatly, the low chest coat was almost supported the crack by her movement, then both hands grasp in the chest front, expression very admire. 两步冲到汪言面前,咔嚓一个大鞠躬,低胸上衣都差点被她的动作撑裂,然后双手握在胸前,表情十分崇拜 God Wang, I am your fan, can sign to me?!” 汪神,我是您的粉丝,能给我签个名吗?!” Talk nonsense! 扯淡! You only have 20 to my favorability! 你对我的好感度只有20! Eldest Young Wang disdains to sneer, shot a look at panel while convenient ignorant, the result...... the brain one. 汪大少不屑冷笑,顺便又瞥了一眼面板,结果……脑子一懵。 Before only then 20 favorability, looked again, suddenly rose dramatically 80 points! 之前只有20的好感度,再看时,突然飙升到了80点! Especially odd! 就特么离谱! Will not easily break against Brother Dog, put in order to be at a loss by this woman. 轻易不会破防的狗哥,都被这姑娘整迷惘了。 Is brother now...... so really graceful?! 现在……真有那么帅?! Can eat meal by the face?! 都可以靠脸吃饭啦?! The Wang Yan corners of the mouth are twitching slightly, looks that the noisy whole body touches up and down, looks for the pen everywhere, finally only touches to the a piece lonely stupid type, feeling very profound strange. 汪言嘴角微微抽搐着,看着闹闹满身上下摸来摸去,到处找笔,结果只摸到一片寂寞的蠢样,感觉十分玄奇。 This is woman really stupid or false stupid? 姑娘到底是真蠢还是假蠢? Big probability really......, but is completely not much stupider like Nawu. 大概率是真的……但是完全不像娜吾那样蠢得可爱。 Brother Dog quickly exhibits cold face, resists her returning outside thousand li (500 km) saying: I am not a star, never signs.” 狗哥急忙摆出一张冷脸,拒她于千里之外的回道:“我又不是明星,从来不给人签名。” Then nods to her, turns around to go out. 尔后冲她点点头,转身就要出门。 Finally has not waited to go out several steps, the corner of the eye split vision glances favorability in panel whiz whiz whiz rising to 90...... 结果还没等走出几步,眼角余光就瞟到面板里的好感度嗖嗖嗖的涨到了90…… Yeah my trough, did you refuse the face to regard aloof my death mother? 哎我槽,你是不是把我的死妈拒绝脸当成高冷了? I really have no favorable impression ah to you...... 我是真的对你没啥好感…… Impervious! 不可理喻! Zhu Jike and Wang Yunxi are suppressing smiling, sends out company great gate Wang Yan, rides the car(riage) of hotel, then looked, noisy also pokes in the company inside the main hall, crazy is looking at the protocol car(riage). 朱季轲汪云喜憋着笑,把汪言送出公司大门,坐上酒店的车,回头一看,闹闹还杵在公司大堂里,痴痴的望着礼宾车。 amp ; r / two people look at each other one, is meaningful. amp;r/两人对视一眼,意味深长。 „!” “咳!” Zhu Jike coughs, probes was asking: Chief Wang, I plan to walk to return the flow directly, this woman really remains seriously......, dines together to take her in the evening, discussed clearly with her?” 朱季轲咳嗽一声,试探着问:“汪总,我打算直接走清退流程,这姑娘是真的留不得了……要不,晚上聚餐带上她,和她谈清楚?” Wang Yunxi has not nodded has not shaken the head, not salty not pale returning said: This is your branch company internal affairs, you decide well.” 汪云喜没点头也没摇头,不咸不淡的回道:“这是你们分公司的内部事务,你决定就好。” Understood! 懂了! Zhu Jike smiles, after returning to the office, in the company group sends out the one message. 朱季轲笑了笑,回到办公室后,在公司群里发出一条消息。 6 : 30 pm, the chairman asked everyone to dine together, the staff members and having steps above anchor was enterable, the place was Ritz-Carlton building Four Seasons collects the restaurant, asking everyone to prepare for embarking ahead of time.” “晚上6点半,董事长请大家聚餐,全体员工和所有级以上主播均可参加,地点是丽思卡尔顿一楼四季汇餐厅,请大家提前做好出发准备。” Wang Yunxi looks with own eyes he reports the news, sighed secretly, this boy is young, will really handle the matter. 汪云喜亲眼看着他把消息发出去,不由暗暗感叹,这小子岁数不大,真会办事儿。 What matter do independent noisy please go is? 单独把闹闹请去算什么事儿? anchor of all enough ranks invited, was conscientious in discharging official duties, supposed when the time comes really had anything, that was the personal behavior, did not have the melon with me. 所有够级别的主播都请,公事公办,假设到时候真有什么,那都是个人行为,与我无瓜。 Intelligent! 聪明! ...... …… Brother Dog returns to Shang Record in a hurry, comforts several eldest miss, regarding this knows nothing about, did not know completely oneself by selling. 狗哥匆匆回到香记,安抚几位大小姐,对此茫然不知,完全不晓得自己又被“卖”了。 However even if knows he cannot say anything. 不过就算知道了他也不能说什么。 Because this is the social normal state in some sense. 因为这是某种意义上的社会常态。 After a person stands certain altitude, will have tries to please him who countless people rack the brain, has not had the young children of society unable to imagine that exaggerating degree. 当一个人站上一定高度后,就会有无数人挖空心思的去取悦他,未出社会的年轻孩子根本想象不到那种夸张的程度。 The chairman of some capital manages giant was just grasped a while ago, has not opened the trial, however 99 probabilities are the death penalties. 某家资管巨头的董事长前段时间刚刚被抓,还没开审,但是99的概率是死刑。 Industry in knows matter that indistinctly that goods violate big, the digit of direct embezzlement is several hundred million, the benefit transports irregularity several 10 billion. 业内都隐约知道那货犯的事儿有多大,直接贪污的数字就是几个亿,利益输送违规操作几百亿 Lover dozens over a hundred, the best quality goods in company damaged several back and forth, many were even offered by the husband personally. 情妇几十上百个,公司里的极品祸害了好几个来回,不少甚至是被老公亲手奉上的。 When most starts, that big shot not only has ability and discrete, the 20 year was less than takes a seat on location of group vice-president. 然而在最开始的时候,那位大佬既有能力又谨慎,二十年不到就坐到了集团副总的位置上。 Captures upgrade, he slowly could not shoulder finally. 紧接着,攻略升级,慢慢的他终于扛不住了。 The Wang Yan's power and opposite party do not have the comparability, the advantage that but, flows from the Wang Yan hand, enough has promoted the class. 汪言的权力和对方没有可比性,但是,从汪言手中流出来的好处,已经足够晋升阶层。 Therefore Youcai (Rich) is also good, Zhu Jike, is willing to conduct various attempts. 所以有财也好,朱季轲也罢,都愿意进行各种尝试。 Why does the realist always cross well? 为什么现实主义者总是过得更好? Because they not only can adapt to the society, but can also achieve caters to own initiative, regarding the young people, this is actually very difficult. 因为他们不但能够适应社会,还能做到主动迎合,对于年轻人来说,这其实很难。 ...... …… Wang Yan returns to Shang Record time, a group of girl is frisking and scampering in the swimming pool. 汪言回到香记的时候,一大群妹子正在泳池里撒欢。 He looked at one in the past, felt that a little hl continuously, quickly retreated. 他过去看了一眼,感觉有点hl不住,急忙撤退了。 The Fu Yushi body is not convenient, without launching, accompanies Wang Yan to go to the distinguished guest porch to drink tea to chat. 傅雨诗身体不方便,没有下水,陪汪言去贵宾廊喝茶聊天。 How to come?” “怎么都来了?” first day that Little Colored Glaze comes back, everyone was discussing the evening must gathering.” 小琉璃回来的第一天,大家商量着晚上要聚一聚。” Wang Yan understands clearly the nod: Do not run all over the place, gathers in the Shang Record coffee restaurant, downstairs have......” 汪言了然点头:“那你们别乱跑,就在香记的咖啡餐厅聚吧,楼下还有……” Fu Yushi is keen, raised the head suddenly: „Don't you go?” 傅雨诗敏锐得很,猛然抬头:“你不去?” company has the matter, today must arrange the staff to dine together, is late to look for you.” 公司有事,今天得安排员工们聚餐,晚点回来找你们。” What ah......” “什么……” Wittle Pwincess is pursing the lips slightly, revealing one was not happy. 小公举微微撅着嘴,流露出一丝不高兴。 She rarely like this, should be now relates was more intimate, will therefore so act like a spoiled brat. 她很少这样,现在应该是关系更亲近了,所以才会如此撒娇。 hē hē!” 呵呵!” Wang Yan cannot help laughing, has not teased her again. 汪言哑然失笑,没再逗她。 You must make to the midnight in any case, I hurry back with enough time.” “反正你们得闹到半夜,我来得及赶回来。” You said to Liu Li, do not ask me.” “你跟刘璃说,别问我。” Fu Yushi was recovery was evidently calm, actually the tone very tsundere, was still very interesting. 傅雨诗看样子是恢复冷静了,其实语气仍然很傲娇,特别有意思。 Wang Yan goes back the proper business the topic: company how?” 汪言把话题拉回正事:“公司怎么样了?” What he asked was the Royal Court movie industry. 他问的是王庭影业。 Solemn executive, in the case of understanding company, even might as well Fu Yushi, was enough. 堂堂老总,论到对公司的了解,甚至还不如傅雨诗,也是够了。 Wittle Pwincess spoke thoughtlessly to ask back: „Does Sister An have the idea to come our company? Brother Xu probably is also.” 小公举随口反问:“安姐是不是有想法来咱们公司胥哥好像也是。” Brother Xu cannot control company.” 胥哥管不了公司。” Wang Yan shakes the head, Brother Xu only suits to do the public relations and outside unites, therefore he has not raised with me. However after when Witch screens, I will allow him to hold share.” 汪言摇摇头,“胥哥只适合搞搞公关和外联,所以他没跟我提。不过等到魔女上映之后,我会允许他参股。” Li Yixu is top intelligent second-gen. 李一胥是一个顶聪明的二代 Do not look usually does not show one's self, always appears by the follower and stance of consulting, actually he is much more intelligent than Eldest Young Wang (king). 别看平时不显山不露水的,总是以跟随者和请教者的姿态出现,其实他比王大少聪明得多。 This big brother most has the point of wisdom to know. 这位大哥最具智慧的一点就是自知。 Everyone has the weak area, does not have the true versatile person, only if cheat. 每个人都有短板,不存在真正的全才,除非开挂 If a person will never do the matter that does not excel, only attentive operation in own strong point, then this person will certainly succeed. 所以假如一个人永远不去做不擅长的事,只在自身长处上用心经营,那么这个人一定会成功。 Wang Yan believes, Li Yixu can bring many help to the Royal Court movie industry, he can be a qualified shareholder and foreign contact person, therefore is willing to put out part of stocks. 汪言认为,李一胥可以给王庭影业带来不少帮助,他会是一个合格的股东兼对外联络人,所以才愿意拿出一部分股份。 As for An Xiaofang......” “至于安晓芳……” Brother Dog knits the brows slightly. 狗哥微微皱起眉。 If she is willing to operate the Royal Court movie industry wholeheartedly, that can certainly be the best general manager candidate. However I am worried about her......” “如果她愿意全心全意的经营王庭影业,那当然会是最好的总经理人选。不过我担心她……” Was worried that she will concentrate on that booth?” “担心她会把主要精力放在自己那摊上?” Fu Yushi connection, pertinent. 傅雨诗接口,一针见血。 Wang Yan nods: Right, therefore waits to look again.” 汪言点头:“对,所以再等等看吧。” She and do four mothers break off noisily?” “等她和四娘闹掰?” Continues.” “不止。” Wang Yan duplicate/restores shakes the head: Actually she and four mothers have broken off, but greatly abundant international also has own project, does not touch twice walls, she is not necessarily able to lose heart.” 汪言复又摇头:“其实她和四娘已经掰了,但是大盛国际还有自己的项目,不碰两次壁,她未必会死心。” Fu Yushi knits the brows puzzled: Zhong Kui bends down the demon I am queen, hasn't she compensated two movies continually?” 傅雨诗皱眉不解:“钟馗伏魔我是女王,她不是已经连赔两部电影了?” She with the Zitao cooperation, is patting now called what summer to come 19-year-old sadly a youth piece. When large expanse of comes out, she will lose heart thoroughly.” “她现在正和紫韬合作,拍一部叫什么夏天19岁的忧伤来着的青春片。等到成片出来,她才会彻底死心。” Fu Yushi stares the round eye, seems very surprised. 傅雨诗瞪圆眼睛,显得非常惊讶。 Just now starts to pat, don't you favor?!” “才刚开始拍,你就那么不看好?!” Wang Yan asked back: You thought that Zitao does have the performing skill?” 汪言反问:“你觉得紫韬有演技么?” Eh......” “额……” Wittle Pwincess, very helpless white his eyes. 小公举顿了顿,非常无奈的白了他一眼。 I with am very happy, Brother Tao that Zitao cooperates is frank and humorous, is a good person, can you not compel me to speak his malicious remarks?” “我跟紫韬合作的挺愉快的,韬哥直爽又幽默,是个好人,你能不能别逼我讲他坏话?” pū chī!” 噗嗤!” Brother Dog was teased almost smiles to spurt. 狗哥被逗得差点笑喷。 Your that high emotional quotient tactful circled that a first year uni circle, isn't the result same? 你那么高情商的委婉的绕了那么大一个圈子,结果不还是一样? Ok, I expressed for you...... 行吧,我替你表达…… Zitao suits develops individuality persona that some true colors play, lead who cannot haunch a movie. 紫韬就适合演一些本色出演的个性角色,撑不起一部电影的主角。 The present youth piece fell into suspended the rotten strange circle, tossing about was that having an abortion triangle love broken matter, the upper limit was too low. 现在的青春片又陷入了摆烂怪圈,翻来覆去都是那点打胎三角恋的破事儿,上限太低了。 I do not favor in any case. ” 反正我是不看好。” Fu Yushi nods silently, she can understand the Wang Yan's idea specially. 傅雨诗默默点头,她特别能够理解汪言的想法。 Since these years, the youth piece is really one is inferior to one, is rotten not to have the lower limit. 从那些年开始,青春片真的是一部不如一部,烂起来没下限的。 Because of this, Witch seems extremely rare. 正因为如此,魔女才显得极其难得。 The big female main action movie, the home simply does not have the precedent probably, only part. 女主动作片,国内好像根本没有前例,独一份 Although the market breadth will therefore be restricted, is, at least its fresh unique ah! 虽然市场广度会因此受限,可是,至少它清新独特 Therefore, you planned that what summers and other does get online later absorbs Sister An to enter company?” “所以,你打算等那个什么夏天上线之后吸收安姐公司?” No.” “不。” Wang Yan shakes the head, Fu Yushi surprised stares the big eye. 汪言摇摇头,傅雨诗惊讶的瞪大眼睛。 I planned that...... purchased directly greatly abundantly international.” “我打算……直接收购了大盛国际。” ah? ! Fu Yushi was shocked thoroughly, felt that cannot keep up with the Wang Yan's mentality. 傅雨诗彻底惊呆了,感觉根本跟不上汪言的思路。 Brother Dog calm smiling, asked back: Royal Court movie industry now only then a mere show, you do not think, can I the interview hiring?” 狗哥淡定的笑笑,反问:“王庭影业现在只有一个空架子,你不会以为,我会一个个的面试招人吧?”
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