, Renews the Life Series God latest chaptermostquickly!
The Pao Tang (gun barrel)suddenresembleshaschest cavityshellshoots, the bangin the battlefieldcenter, the situationbecomes a poteight-ingredient rice puddingthoroughlyrandomly.炮膛突然像出膛炮弹似的射出来,轰在战场中央,局势彻底乱成一锅八宝粥。Does not knowTAaboutboth sides of war, was a little explodedmanyto be ignorant.
对战的双方谁都不认识TA,被炸得多少有点懵。SeesfollowingHe Miaomiaoagain, was ignorant.
Is thiswomanah of whichfamily/home?
这是谁家的姑娘啊?Soto be how attractive!
怎么会这么好看!He Miaomiaoat this moment, the clothesare simple.
A complete setNikesportswear+flat basewalking shoe, the hairgripsponytail, reveals the fullbright and cleanforehead, the cheeknoodlesfaces upwards, onlyscratched the littlesleek/moistlipstickprobably.
全套Nike运动服+一双平底休闲鞋,头发扎成马尾,露出饱满光洁的额头,脸蛋素面朝天,大概只擦了一点点润唇膏。Real·makeup-less face.
真·素颜。Butshestillmadewoman of audiencefeel the tremendouspressure.
但她仍旧让全场的姑娘都感受到了巨大的压力。Aesthetic is actually a veryprivatematter, however, the beauty of peak, is always common.
审美其实是一件非常私人的事情,然而,极致的美,从来都是共通的。Onfor examplebig did loli of RussiaandUkraine, how manyLSPcryinternallygreedily?
就比如俄罗斯和乌克兰的大萝莉,在国内馋哭了多少LSP?Enjoys the chartreads the piecetime, has not seen the personto discuss that the East and Westaestheticdifference, mostgood intentionsreminded a warranty.
赏图阅片的时候,可从来没见人讨论东西方审美差别,最多好心提醒一句保质期。WhatMiaomiao'sbeautiful, is the beauty of typicalpeak.
何苗苗的美,就是典型的极致之美。Mentalitypoormale student, evendoes not dareto look, becauseis easyto feel inferior.
心态差一点的男生,甚至都不敢多看,因为容易自惭形秽。Even iftoday the guests in fieldareexperiencedsecond-gen, whenseeingher, emanationexclamation that can still be able not help.
就算今天场中的宾客都是见多识广的二代,在看到她时,也会情不自禁的发出惊叹。„Igo! Reallyattractiveah......”
“我去!真漂亮啊……”face valueonly then93Chu Xin, the moodfrom„is not very good”, turning„was very agitated”.颜值只有93的初新,心情从“很不愉快”,变成了“特别烦躁”。ShewhenfacingHe Menghas pressedstrength mountainto be big, nowjumps a more exaggeratingbeautiful woman, reallydoesn't givepeople the means of livelihood?
她在面对何梦时就已经压力山大了,现在又蹦出一个更夸张的美女,真就不给人活路呗?WhenIdon't have the temperament?!
当我没脾气是吧?!Whatair/QiisDuanmu Chuge.
更气的是端木楚歌。Sheby a motherartilleryright in the faceonescolded, the whole personwas ignorant.
她被一个娘炮上来就劈头盖脸的一顿骂,整个人都是懵的。Has not awaked the god, sawHe Miaomiao, suddenlywas shockedunexpectedlyby the real princesslooks.
尚未醒过神,又看到了何苗苗,一时间竟然被真公主的姿容震慑住了。Who is she?
来自哪?WhatisrelateswithWang Yan?
和汪言是什么关系?Issuemany, moreoverrealizedgradually, the opportunity of unshareddog meatis getting more and more uncertain.
问题好多,而且渐渐意识到,独享狗肉的机会越来越渺茫。Naturally, isDuanmu Chugeis having doubtsincessantly, He Meng, Yu Qiuli, Li Yunyin, Liu YeandXu Jiao...... everyoneis having doubts.
哪儿冒出来的?!Shanghai that He Miaomiaoyesterdayarrived, had not made an appearance.何苗苗昨天到的魔都,一直都没露面。Todaysuddenlykills, trulya littlemadeonebe caught off guard.
今天突然杀出来,确实有点令人措手不及。FeltFu Yushi that has no immediate concern to oneself, is seeingwhatMiaomiao'sflash, got hold of the fistsubconsciously.
The partissurprised, moreis the spontaneous reaction.
有一部分是惊讶,更多的则是自然反应。Nawuis huggingWittle Pwincess, the firsttime, felttying tight of Wittle Pwincesswhole bodymuscle.娜吾正搂着小公举,第一时间,就感受到了小公举浑身肌肉的紧绷。„Shishi, do wedohernot?”
“诗诗,我们干她不?”Nawuis ready to fight, is eager to try, felt that whomayfleeto giveanytimeone.娜吾摩拳擦掌,跃跃欲试,感觉随时都有可能窜出去给谁一口。Fu Yushi can still maintainactuallycalm, the visioncloselystares atHe Miaomiao, the psychologyis measuring the advantagesrepeatedly.傅雨诗倒是依然能够保持住冷静,目光紧紧盯着何苗苗,心理反复权衡着利弊。FinallySister Anplays a dirty tricksuddenly, urges the Fu Yushifate.
结果安姐突然使坏,撺掇傅雨诗下场。„Shishi, onyou! The time of althoughfrom«The Witch»screeningalsoearly, butwecannotlet offanypropaganda the opportunity, suchinterestingsituation, your female leadnotgoing on stagerevealhowline?”
“诗诗,你上!虽然距离《魔女》上映的时间还早,但是我们不能放过任何一个宣传的机会,这么有意思的场合,你这个女主角不上场露个相怎么行?”Especiallywatches the fundid not fear that the matteris big!
The movieshotin any case, did not needto be worriedagain the Wang Yan'sthreatstruck, shestartedto takeWang Yanto seek pleasure.
The opportunityis rare!
The melon seedpeanutmineral water...... the footreceivedtowardin!
瓜子花生矿泉水……脚往里收一收了嘿!Brother Xufelt that forWang Yan the egghurt, urgedonefearful and apprehensive: „Left? Not foreign, no onedaresto photograph, wherehaswhatpropaganda effectah?”胥哥替汪言感觉到了蛋疼,胆战心惊的劝了一句:“别了吧?又不对外的,都没人敢拍摄,哪有什么宣传效果啊?”
The resultis more of a hindrance than a help, these wordsinsteadpromoted the determination of Fu Yushi.
结果帮了倒忙,这句话反而推动了傅雨诗的决心。Isah, not foreign.
是啊,又不对外。Sinceis only an internalsmallcollision, feared that whataffects not well?
怼她!Whositsin any casegood, cannotmakeHe Miaomiaowork!
反正谁坐上去都行,就是不能让何苗苗得逞!Is determined, Fu Yushimoves toward the staircaseon own initiative.
……At this moment, Duanmu Chugerespondedfinally, the air/Qiresulted in the lipto tremble.
此刻,端木楚歌终于反应过来了,气得嘴唇直哆嗦。Pao Tang (gun barrel)hasXingchengdialect, shecannotunderstandcompletely, butthinksalsoto know that is not the word of praise.炮膛带着的星城方言,她没能完全听懂,但是想想也知道不是什么好话。Transfers the muzzle, directtú túHe Miaomiao.
调转枪口,直接突突何苗苗。„Is beautiful woman, yourwaistband the line?”
“美女,把你腰带系好行吗?”Sufficesto be vague, sufficesto be virulent!
The He Miaomiaolook changes, moves towardDuanmu Chugeexcitedlywith stride.何苗苗勃然色变,大步走向端木楚歌。Looks atthatstance, feared that doesn't take a palm of the handto brandish?!
看那架势,怕不是要一巴掌抡过去?!Duanmu Chugeat heartonesuddenly, buthas not been afraid, Duanmu Qinwustarts the to rubarmnetsleeve...... to hold in the armsbyWang Yiboon the contraryimmediately.端木楚歌心里一突,但是并没有怎么害怕,端木秦武反倒开始撸胳膊网袖子……马上被王懿博一把搂住。„Do youspecialwant dead?!”
“你特么想死?!”Eldest Young Wang (king)interrogatedin a low voice,is digging out the shoulder of Duanmu Qinwustubbornly.王大少低声质问,死死抠着端木秦武的肩膀。„Todayshe, even ifcomes under attack is still does, youdo followto join in the fun?!”
“今天她就算挨打也是自己作的,你跟着凑什么热闹?!”Duanmu Qinwualsowantsto distinguish, actuallybyticketGujiaosecond-genquietlytobehind.端木秦武还想分辨,却被一票鼓角二代悄悄的拉向了后面。„Do not be noisy!”
“别闹!”„Matter of woman, does not wantto makein a big wayfollowingnot to mess about!”
“女人的事情,不想闹大了就别跟着瞎掺和!”„YouthinkYoung Wangdoesn't dareto pull outyou?”
生拉硬拽的给镇压住了。In the hall1~2levelis pushingat least more than 200people, originallyis chaotic, poursalsono oneto discover the difference.
The man who Gujiaohelpsallremoved, the frontonlyhasfourgirl——He Mengsisters, Li YunyinandYu Qiuli.鼓角帮的男人全撤了,前排就只剩下四个女孩——何梦姐妹、李韵音、于秋丽。He Mengsistersis the enemyis motionlessIto be motionless, Li Yunyinisenemy I am often motionless, aboutYu Qiulihas a look, was dry.何梦姐妹是敌不动我不动,李韵音是敌动不动我都不动,于秋丽左右看看,枯了。numbPi, whyonmycruel fate?
麻批的,为啥就我命苦?BecausetakesWang Yan'swagesahonyou......
因为就你拿汪言的工资啊……Yu Qiulithinks that ownstatus, did not have idea.于秋丽想到自己的身份,没辙了。
The face, is going forwardto drawDuanmu Chugepainstakingly.
苦着脸,上前去拉端木楚歌。„Chuge, no joking, Chief Wangdefinitelyhadhis ownplan, flowanythingbeforehandhad the arrangement......”
“楚歌,别闹了,汪总肯定有他自己的打算,流程什么的事先都有安排的……”Duanmu Chugeturns over toinsanelyinsanely, buthas not really plannedto stir the yellowWang Yan'sopening ceremony, immediatelyunderdonkeytaking advantage ofslope.端木楚歌疯归疯,可是又没真打算搅黄汪言的开业仪式,马上借坡下驴。„Iamask that can...... youhave a look atthesepeople, whoseprobablyImovedlord...... how, Liu Liis not, felt can oneself?”
The Yu Qiuliair/Qiresults in the toothitchy.于秋丽气得牙直痒痒。
The mother, gets down the donkeyyounotwell, whatcucumber picklestripdrawsmeto pull?
妈的,下驴你都不好好下,拉着我扯什么酸黄瓜条子?That sidethatlittle elder sister, youare aboutto killher!
那边那个小姐姐,你快过来打死她!He Miaomiaoarrives in front ofWang Yan, has not begun.何苗苗走到汪言面前,并没有动手。Sheis notthatcharacter.
她就不是那性格。Sizes upDuanmu Chugetwoup and down, sends out„” a chuckle, thensuperficialfivecharacter——
只是上下打量端木楚歌两眼,发出“呵”的一声轻笑,然后轻描淡写的五个字——„Uglypersonmanyunseemly behavior.”
砰!crit999!暴击999!Ifallwomenon the scene, only then a personhad the qualificationsto sayDuanmu Chugeto be ugly, thatcertainlywasHe Miaomiao.
如果说在场的所有女人,只有一个人有资格说端木楚歌丑,那就一定是何苗苗。Duanmu Chugedraws the finemakeupto accommodate, actuallycannot winothersmakeup-less face......端木楚歌画着精致的妆容,却打不赢人家的素颜……Really a sadstory.
真是一个悲伤的故事。Duanmu Chuge the a piecepiecebecomes darkat present, deeplyinspires, is studyingwhatMiaomiao'sappearance, high and lowtakes a look attwoopposite party, retaliated the twocharacter: „Poorbi!”端木楚歌眼前一片片发黑,深深吸一口气,学着何苗苗的样子,上下打量两眼对方,回敬了两个字:“穷哔!”Pū!
噗!cough cough cough......咳咳咳……Brother DogcoveredcommanderLianbieunderhelmetto become the purple red, repressed laughterto bearalmostto cough.狗哥盖在头盔下的帅脸憋成了紫红色,忍笑忍得差点咳起来。He Miaomiao was also scoldedstares, the expressionappearsis very astonishedandmoedull.何苗苗也被骂得一愣,表情显得十分惊愕而又呆萌。Approximatelyis an appearance.
大约就是介样子。Eldest Miss Hegawked for onesecond, againthen, earnestsizes upDuanmu Chugeone, paid attention tohernecklace and ear pendantwith emphasis, later......何大小姐愣了一秒,再次回头,认认真真的打量端木楚歌一阵,重点关注了她的项链和耳坠,随后……
The corners of the mouthbrought backslightly, formwiped the subtlecurve.
嘴角微微勾起,形成了一抹微妙的弧度。Finallytsundereflingsponytail, did not respondagain.
最后傲娇的一甩马尾,再没回应。Pao Tang (gun barrel)wantsto scoldtwo„yourdogeyesactuallyblindly”anything, butwas actually attracted the attentionbyFu Yushi, the browwrinkles a faceboard, is critical situation.炮膛倒是想骂两句“瞎了你的狗眼”什么的,但是却被傅雨诗吸引到了注意力,眉头一皱脸一板,如临大敌。
It looks like inTA, Fu Yushi+Bear Big, is equal to leasttentimes of Duanmubattle efficiencies.
在TA看来,傅雨诗+熊大,等于至少十倍端木的战斗力。Thatistwosuppresses to be without turning a hairto gnaw the green onion the wolfto extinguish!
那可是两个狠起来能够面不改色啃大葱的狼灭!Kills the enemy1000, damages800, tradeshardly.
杀敌一千,自损八百,就硬换。He MiaomiaonoticedfuturebadWitchsimilarlydoublebeautiful.何苗苗同样注意到了来者不善的魔女双姝。„Snort!”
“哼!”Hercoldsnort/hum, was glancingFu YushiandNawuobviously, held the knifeonWang Yan.
她冷哼了一声,明明是瞟着傅雨诗和娜吾,却把刀子捅在了汪言身上。„Brother Er'goutodaygoodpower and prestige! Iwas thinking, Liu Liis without meaningstrangely, finallyalso is really the bigpleasant surprise......, do youelectnot to have? The crown princehadto advocate, the western palacecannotalwaysemptyah......”
突出一个阴阳怪气。However, the personis attractive, to be how reasonable.
但是,人好看,怎么样都有道理。Mystifyinglittle princessstillarrivedlovablyexplodes, Wang Yanevenwantsto pinch a cheek of hertenderwater leakage, comesone„Papato loveyou”again.
阴阳怪气的小公主仍然可爱到爆,汪言甚至想掐一把她嫩出水的脸蛋,再来一句“爸爸爱你”。Chu Xinis not dry.初新却不干了。BeforeDuanmu Chugeshot off the mouthto jump madly, sheendured.
之前端木楚歌乱喷乱跳,她忍了。Becauseshethought that Duanmu Chugecannot pose the bigthreat, againhow the tooth pointmouthadvantageis the ironbaboon.
因为她觉得端木楚歌构不成多大的威胁,再怎么牙尖嘴利都是铁狒狒。NowfacesHe Miaomiao that is killingsuddenly, shecannot repressstrength of the great antiquityat heartfinally.
现在面对着突然杀出来的何苗苗,她终于按捺不住心里的洪荒之力。Goes forwardonestep, speaking softly„reminder”.
„ younger sister, what the crown princelivesis the crown prince, the western palacemakes a general reference.
“妹妹,东宫住的是太子,西宫则是泛指。Ifyouwantto expresslocation that Liu Liis, then the correctviewshouldbepalace——refers to the empressSaintoccupyingspecially.
如果你想借此表达刘璃所在的位置,那么正确的说法应该是中宫——专指皇后圣居。For example the Changchungong of Wei Yang palaceandQing dynasty of Western Han Dynasty, was the palaceis.
比如西汉的未央宫、清朝的长春宫,都是中宫所在。But the western palacerefers togeneration of allimperial concubine, has not advocated.
而西宫指代所有嫔妃,是没有主的。In other words : Has the official rank, without the size, alllooks atemperordoteanyone. ”
换言之:有职级,没大小,全看皇帝到底宠爱谁。”Leapt, the cheek of Princess Miaomiaoshamespink.
The Chu Xinnameis fromShi Jing: Althoughweekoldnation, itslifereform.初新的名字取自诗经:周虽旧邦,其命维新。Hercognitionto the Chinaclassicalculture, hasaccumulated of deepfamily/homestudyto raise, is far from the average personcancompare.
她对华夏古典文化的认知,有着深厚家学的蕴养,远非一般人能比。ButMiaomiaoeldest miss?
而苗苗大小姐呢?Doinganythingis not good, eats the fruitfirstname.
干啥啥不行,吃水果第一名。Was hungto hit the fartfartat the scene, the realityisnormal, is frigidonebatch.
当场就被吊起来打屁屁,实乃正常,却又惨烈得一批。Moreover, finallythat„has the official rank, without the size, whoalllooks atemperordote”, reallya littlekills peopleto execute the heart.
An arrowNvulture.
一箭N雕。Executed the Wang Yanbunchtogether.
把汪言捆起来一块儿诛了。Brother Dogwhole bodyonestiff, felt the deepevil intentionfromOld HeavenPapa.狗哥浑身一僵,感觉到了来自老天爸爸的深深恶意。He Miaomiaois more miserable, is bashful and air/Qi, has almost not had a fit of bad temper.何苗苗更惨,又臊又气,差点没炸毛。Whatis„has the official rank, withoutsize”?
什么叫“有职级,没大小”?Youwere insinuatingIam impolite?!
你是在影射我没大没小么?!Suggestsme, isn't the Er'gouyour majestymostdotewomanI?!
或者是暗示我,二狗陛下最宠爱的女人不是我?!ahpēi pēi!啊呸呸呸!Er'gouandyour majesty, twoword doesn't build?二狗和陛下,两个词儿根本就不搭好吧?InitiallyIamqueen, Er'gouam the handsome manam coming!
当初我是女王,二狗是面首来着!As foryou......
至于你……Mostisrefugee in the counter-rebel army!
最多是个反叛军里的流民!After the deep breath, Eldest Miss Hecalmlostrepeatedlyfinally, forced smile: „elder sisteris good the knowledge...... to be really a pity, the beautiful appearance and wisdomcannothave both......”
经过反复深呼吸,何大小姐终于冷静了一丢丢,假笑着回了一句:“姐姐好有学问……真可惜,美貌与智慧没能兼得……”Chu Xinhas not felt the joy of victory.初新一点都没有感受到胜利的喜悦。
The deepinspiration, is suppressingirritable.
深深吸气,强忍着暴躁。Old ladywhereisn't beautiful? ah?!
The youngprostitutepoundsyoudo not depend themselvesattractivelyon the unscrupulousprovocation, old ladyis wise without appearing to be...... falls!
()damn, is wise without appearing to bewithah!麻蛋,内秀拿不出来啊!
The way of the world, who is attractivewhois loud......
介世道,到底是谁好看谁大声……Grief and indignationChu Xinis very uncomfortable.
The air/QishakescoldHe Miaomiao is also not happy.
气抖冷的何苗苗亦不愉快。Typicalmutual wounds.
典型的两败俱伤。Finallyin a time, He Mengcould not bearfinally, lightflies, the showoneexisted.
结果就在介个时候,何梦终于也忍不住了,轻飘飘的飞出来,秀了一把存在。„Oldschoolmate, Ilearns, indeed was everyoneregarded asChuxiugongto elect the imperial concubinetoday? Reallyinteresting...... ohmyspeciallycuriousmatter: Does showfemaleConsortZhen, needin the revolutions the palaceto readvermilionPiah?”
“老同学,我才看明白,敢情大家都把今天当做是储秀宫选妃了?真有意思……嗳我特别好奇一件事:秀女甄妃,到底需不需要转中宫阅名朱批啊?”He Mengshoots a look atWang Yan, the lookis profound, closely examinesChu Xinwith a smile: „elder sisterwhether to dispel doubtforme?”何梦瞥一眼汪言,眼神幽深,紧接着含笑追问初新:“姐姐能否为我解惑?”Youfirstopen the AOEgroupto jeer, thatdo not blamethismissbeing cruel and merciless!
你们先开AOE群嘲的,那就别怪本小姐心狠手辣!Ruthless...... reallyruthless!
狠……真狠!Spicy...... reallyspicy!
辣……真辣!No matterallied forceDuanmu Chuge, orisenemyChu Xin, eitherisNew ArmyHe Miaomiao, allwas jeeredheavily.
不管是友军端木楚歌,亦或者是敌军初新,又或者是新军何苗苗,全都被嘲得不轻。In the Chu Xinlittle elder sisterhead an intermittentdizziness, has almost not been wild with rage.初新小姐姐脑袋里一阵阵的眩晕,差点没气疯。He Miaomiaocloselygrasps firmly the smallfist, looklikelysmallthrowing knife, whizwhiztowardHe Mengfacepierced.何苗苗更是紧紧攥住小拳头,眼神像小飞刀似的,嗖嗖的往何梦脸上扎。Duanmu Chugenewenmity+hatesto well upoldtogether, creakcreakdid a lot of talking......端木楚歌新仇+旧恨一起涌上心头,咯吱咯吱磨牙……He Mengdoes not haveto fearfrom the start.何梦压根没在怕的。Shehas not plannedto strugglethatlocation, shecannot get used to seeingcertainpeople, launched a round of nodifferenceattackconveniently.
她又没打算争那个位置,她只是看不惯某些人,随手发动了一轮无差别打击而已。Ifthere is an accidental injury, is reallygets what one deserves.
……Nearbymale student, for examplefollowsinWang YanbehindJianwuandChun Guang, alltrembles, shrinksonegroupdiligently.
The woman who beforeweran intorippedto compel , compared with today'sscene, was nothing?
以前我们遇到的女人撕逼,跟今天的场面比起来,算个屁哦?Thesewomenalltie upintogether, do not suffertoday'soneround......
那些女人全绑在一块儿,都捱不过今天的一轮……Li Yunyinis dumbfounded, lefthas a look, righthas a look, to startto suspect the life.李韵音目瞪口呆,左看看,右看看,开始怀疑人生。Beforetoday, shehas a little regretted——ifthat nightwere notZuo Ludisturbs, Ipossiblyate the dog meat.
在今天之前,她一直有点懊悔——那天晚上如果不是左璐捣乱,我可能就吃到狗肉了。Even ifcannotexist side by sidewithLiu Liimmediately, at leastmakesoutstandingmistress|Little Threehopefully.
是个屁!Nowsheallrejoices that indulged in flights of fancyto giveto frightento flyearly.
现在她心里全是庆幸,那点胡思乱想早都给吓飞了。Somewomen, theyreallyominous!
介些女人,她们是真的凶!Thatgoodself-sensationah where Icome?
我到底是哪来的那么良好的自我感觉啊?Thinks that canbreak off the wrist/skillwiththem......
以为可以和她们掰掰手腕……Mental handicap of mother!
妈的智障!Zuo Luah, sisterwrongly accusedyou, thank youyousavedmeto have the sea of fire......左璐啊,姐错怪你了,谢谢你救我出火海……Zuo Lucalmlooks at the trenddevelopment of aspecttomore and morecollapse, remains unmovedat heartslightly.左璐冷静的看着局面向越来越崩坏的趋势发展,心里丝毫不为所动。Yourconflicts, come from youwantare too many.
于我何干?So long asIlosewell, were too many, Icannot eat up.
我只要一丢丢就好,太多了,我吃不下。Therefore, the managesanyone of youhigh-rank, Iam onlyonenot the ambitionnot the maid of position......
所以,管你们谁上位呢,我只是一个莫得野心又莫得地位的女仆吖……No matter whoupgradeCheng Xiaoer, are youalways insufficientto have the leisurely moodto haggle overwithme?
……Chen XiaccompaniessideChu Hong, the complexionis a little ugly.陈曦陪在褚鸿身旁,脸色有点难看。Fatty Chucomfortsherquietly: „Actuallyrelates not in a big waywithyou, youare the enterprisehelper, hasownroad, so long aspays attention to a pointslightly, very difficultvolumeto go in......”褚胖子悄声安慰她:“其实和你关系不大的,你是事业型帮手,有自己的路,只要稍微注意一点,很难卷进去嘛……”Chen Xiis certainly clear.陈曦当然清楚。Sheis not feeling well, is the advantage of thesewomen.
她不爽的,是那些女人的得天独厚。Has moneyto have the faceto have the family background, thereforethere is a willfulcapital.
有钱有颜有家世,所以有了任性的资本。TheyloseWang Yan'sdote, was still Proud Daughter of Heaven, did not uselike the vine the social climbingbig tree.
哎……Inoneby the envyinfreshlow, Chen Xistrengthenedthatfaith——againtherefore, Imustentanglehimto be tighter!
在一阵由嫉妒而生的低落中,陈曦再次坚定了那份信念——所以,我要缠得他更紧!Without the family background, Igain!
没有家世,我自己去赚!So long asYoung Wangis willingto giveme the opportunity, whattheseso-calleddifficultiesare?
只要汪少肯给我机会,那些所谓的困难算什么?Reallyis not good, Icantie upthatpersonsillyBear BigNawu!
实在不行,我可以绑上那个人傻熊大的娜吾嘛!Strict, ourfirsttimegaveeach other...... does the naturalallyhave the woodto have?
严格来讲,我俩的第一次可是给了彼此的……天然的战友有木有?Chen Xigets hold of the fist, becomes the fighting spiritto be fullagain.陈曦握紧拳头,再次变得斗志满满。
……Another side, Ye ZiwenandYe Yuxitwosistersare huggingin the same placesendslove-struck.
另一边,叶子雯、叶雨汐两姐妹正搂在一起发花痴。„! Chu Xinis good the talent!”
“哇!初新好有才华!”„wū wū wū, Young Wangso handsomeis goodcharm......”
“呜呜呜,汪少好帅好有魅力……”„! ponytaillittle elder sisteris quite lovable!”
“哇!马尾小姐姐好可爱!”„wū wū wū, Young Wangso handsomeis goodcharm......”
“呜呜呜,汪少好帅好有魅力……”„! Goddesslittle elder sisteris quite aggressive!”
“哇!女神小姐姐好生猛!”„wū wū wū, Young Wangso handsomeis goodcharm......”
“呜呜呜,汪少好帅好有魅力……”„Are youspecial a reread machine? Don't!”
“你特么是复读机吗?别呜了!”„yīng yīng yīng, Young Wangso handsomeis goodcharm......”
“……”Ye Ziwenispurewatching the fun, the meaning——minimumpresent that does not wantto mixcompletelydoes not have.叶子雯是纯粹的看热闹,完全没有想掺和的意思——最起码现在没有。Shehas not producedmustmarry the Wang Yan'sidea.
她从来都没有产生过要嫁给汪言的想法。At firstwantsto deceiveto sayagain,brokenenough, changesone.
最初只是想骗到手再说,碎够了,就换下一个。Now, althoughdoes not hateto trademore and more, butshewill also marry this person of marryingas usual.
现在,虽然越来越舍不得换,但是她还会照常嫁给该嫁的人。Marriesthisthing, internallytrulyis fewer and fewer, however some familieshavethatto needalsoto havethathabit'seventually.
联姻这个东西,在国内确实是越来越少,然而终究有一些家庭是有那个需要也有那种习惯的。In the Ye Ziwenfamily/home, needsone to haunch the family firmnotdomineeringfamily backgroundson-in-law.叶子雯家里,就需要一个能够撑起家族企业又不会过于强势的宦家女婿。Thereforesheis calmveryabout the presentaspect, is completely the mentality of watching the fun.
所以她对眼前的局面淡定得很,完全是看热闹的心态。——whodisplayswell, sistersupportswho!——谁发挥得好,姐就支持谁!
……Wang Yanhas not realizedexistence of potentialshit-stirring stick.汪言并没有意识到潜在搅屎棍的存在。Was mainly scrubbedbyvariousAOEinjuriesrepeatedly, loses bloodto continue, feelinga littledifficulttop.
主要是被各种AOE伤害反复刮擦,失血不止,感觉有点难顶。Saw that Fu YushiandNawualsospecialstartto be close to the battlefield, hefliesdecisively a concealmentwarninglook.
眼看着傅雨诗和娜吾也特么开始接近战场,他果断飞过去一个隐含警告的眼神。My goodness, was separatedsolidby the helmet.
好家伙,被头盔隔得严严实实的。Actuallydoes not needto see the look, Wang Yanturns the head, Fu Yushiknows that Doggywaswhatmeaning.
其实并不需要看到眼神,汪言一转头,傅雨诗就知道狗子是什么意思了。Butshepretends not knowinghardly.
但她硬装不知道。Coming upisgreeting that carries a rifle the fetters: „WhenMiaomiao does younger sistercome? Yesterdaywealsochattedyou, Little Colored Glazeespeciallywantsto seeyou, originallythinks that youhave not arrived, waitedto take advantage of a mistake here unexpectedly......”
上去就是一句夹枪夹棒的招呼:“苗苗妹妹几时来的?昨天我们还聊起你了,小琉璃特别想见你,本来以为你还没到,没成想是在这儿等着捡漏呢……”These wordscome out, the Eldest Miss He'smentalitya littlecollapsesimmediately.
你啥意思?Youthink that Iwill fearLiu Li?!
我上次差点气哭她,好吗?!„Air/Qicried”to moisten the pointto blowawesome, wasmakes no distinction between victory and defeatat most.
“气哭”沾点吹牛哔了,顶多算是不分胜负吧。However„taking advantage of a mistake”thistwocharacterharms othersto be ruthlessenough, nails tightHe Miaomiaodirectlyin the Liu Li'slower stage, seemsEldest Miss Heto hideLiu Lito install the first year unitype.
不过“捡漏”这两个字损人可是够狠的,直接就把何苗苗钉死在刘璃的下一级,就好像何大小姐是在躲着刘璃装大一样。„Oh! ~ ~ ~”
“噢!~~~”Duanmu Chugesinisterfollowing, a being suddenly enlightedexpression, dragslongoh the character, createdtwokillingtoHe Miaomiao.端木楚歌阴险的跟上,一个恍然大悟的表情,一个拖得长长的噢字,就对何苗苗造成了二次杀伤。Chu Xinlittle elder sisterfollows, makes up the thirdheavyinjury.初新小姐姐紧随其后,补上第三重伤害。„little broah, yourschoolmate is really interesting...... youmustcomeShanghaito developone by oneno wonder, the originalpoolis so shallow, howto raiseto obtain the flood dragon?”
又是一记AOE伤害!Malefemale'sblew, blowsremnantlydozenspeople......
男的女的一起刮,刮残了几十号人……Somewhatrespondedslowly, evenhas not understood the meaning of Chu Xin.
有些反应慢一点的,甚至都没听懂初新的意思。Xu Jiaoasgoodbosom friend, tacitfullincluding the jokeshead, makes up those words that Chu Xindid not facilitateto speak: „Turtleessencefights, fewparticipation.”徐娇作为好闺蜜,默契十足的含笑点头,补上了初新不方便说的那句话:“鳖精打架,少参与也罢。”
To to!
The templesmallevil windis big, the pondshallowtortoiseare many.
好诗好诗!Ongetting upruthlessly, the good wife and loving mothercharacterChu Xinlittle elder sisterleast bitis not bad.
论起狠,贤妻良母范儿的初新小姐姐半点不差。Duanmu ChugeandHe MengsistersandPrincess Miaomiao, and eveninnocentLi YunyinLoulouDumplingTang Butian...... allwantsto explode.端木楚歌、何梦姐妹、苗苗公主,乃至无辜的李韵音楼楼饺子唐不甜……全都想炸。Brother Dogcould not withstandfinally.狗哥终于顶不住了。Hewantsto test the little elder sistersbattle efficiencyintentionally, thereforehas feigned deathhas not been blocking.
他是存心想测试一下小姐姐们的战斗力,所以一直装死没拦着。Now, could not install.
现在,装不下去了。Does not break, will really die!
再不打断,会真死的!cough cough......咳咳……Coughslightly, thenmustmobilize the hiddensubsequent hand.
轻咳一声,便要发动暗藏的后手。In the Sucleareyeflashes through a joyfulmiraculous glow, slowlymoves towardin the field, andis adjusting the conditiondiligently.
The expressionandlines, must perfectbe good.
表情、台词,必须都得完美无缺才行。Forat this moment, herhas preparedentiremidnight.
为了此刻,她已经准备了整整半夜。However, whenshejustwent out ofhalf ofdistances, on the Princess Miaomiaogruffvigor, oneupset the table.
然而,就在她刚刚走出一半距离的时候,苗苗公主倔劲儿上头,一把掀了桌子。In the peoplestunnedvision, sees onlyhersmall handto fling, starts to walkwith stride, kā kā kā kā kā, fivestridesrush tobyPorsche918.
在众人愕然的目光中,只见她小手一甩,大步迈开,咔咔咔咔咔,五大步就冲到保时捷918旁边。Opens the vehicle door, thensneers.
拉开车门,回头冷笑。„Idle talkare very many. Wang Yan'sco-pilot, Imustsittoday! Whohas the opinion, is suppressingtroublesome!”
The a pieceeyestares the dogto be dull.一片目瞪狗呆。Especiallythatrealdog, the presentisreallydull.
The young peopleyoudid not speakmartial virtueah!
年轻人你不讲武德啊!Othergirlsrespondedfinally, did not speakmartial virtue, each oneis speakingmotherat heart.
其余的妹子们终于反应过来,也不讲武德了,个个在心里讲马德。However the performance of Princess Hehas not ended.
然而何公主的表演还没完。Beforeboarding, shepats the vehicle roof, cancelled the fingertoWang Yan.
临上车前,她拍拍车顶,对汪言勾了勾手指。„Driver, boards!”
“司机,上车!”Neat, overbearingrampant.
干脆利落,霸道嚣张。Eldest Young Wang that compelspainstakingly, the vision of a pieceimplicationprofound meaningstared atsuch as the burrbackbya piece.
The silenttwoseconds, ship out an appearancecalmlyhardly, easetrendprivate car.
沉默两秒,硬装出一副若无其事的样子,悠然走向座驾。Otherwisewhat to do?!
不然怎么办咧?!Except fordefault, I? Alsocando?!
除了默认,我?还能干啥?!Oh, walksas far as possibleleads......
唉,尽量走得帅一点吧……Has【Extreme Sense of Beauty】Inbody, what the bystanderseesisMount Taicollapsesinwithstand/top, butaloofconfident and freeMale God, as ifwhataccident/surpriseis unable to affecthiscalm.
The tearshave been dried up.
*********Alwayswas worried that Icannot write the Asuramurderous intentions of topintelligence quotientand many manystandpoints.
总是担心我写不好顶级智商、多人多立场的修罗杀机。Reallywritesalsoto assemble, is much more tired.
真写起来还凑合,就是累得慌。Moreoverahead of timeandeveryonegreeted——
另外提前和大家打个招呼——Today the hemophthalmia, went to the hospitalinspection, is the blister+chronicconjunctivitis.
After returningmakes a round trip, used the eyeto be excessive.
回来复更之后用眼过度了。Did not say that certainlywill ask for leave, but ifdeterioratesagain, possiblyasks for leave.
The relatedpictureIwill send to the group, onsauce.
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