LHP :: Volume #9

#880: Zhang Xuan's method (Last Part)

Flight spirit beast from putting the Earth Arteries Spiritual liquid place, is not near, rides dashes about wildly on the back of black spirit leopard, arrives nearby close to five minutes. 飞行灵兽距离盛放地脉灵液的地方,并不近,骑在黑灵豹的脊背上一路狂奔,接近五分钟才来到跟前。 Is huge valley, the diameter is two and three li (0.5 km) fully. 是个巨大的山谷,直径足有两、三里。 Above valley, Zhang Xuan Eye of Insight wriggled, looked. 山谷上方,张悬明理之眼蠕动,看了过去。 With Golden Angry Tiger Beast said that indeed 3000 greatness, moreover these spirit beast strengths, achieved above Transcendent Mortal Seventh Layer. 黄金熊虎兽说的一样,的确有三千之巨,而且这些灵兽的实力,也都达到了化凡七重以上。 So powerful flight spirit beast group, if really flushes away to the Hongyuan city, perhaps also really not good obstruct. 如此强大的飞行灵兽群,如果真向鸿远城冲去,恐怕还真不好阻拦 After even if/considered as, can completely kill/execute, inevitably causes the enormous losses. 就算以后全部能够斩杀,也必然造成极大的损失。 So many spirit beast pile be together, must arrange array, can not make it run away!” “这么多的灵兽在一起,必须布置个阵法,才能不让其逃走!” frowning. 眉毛皱起 spirit beast really were too many, must arrange very powerful great array, can cover it completely, once otherwise has to escape, informing Golden Angry Tiger Beast, Elder Mi to encounter the danger. 灵兽实在太多了,必须布置个很强大的大阵,才能将其全部笼罩,不然一旦有逃脱的,通知黄金熊虎兽,糜长老就有可能遇到危险。 This terrain, very suitable 6th grade iris Yang Illusion Array! On arrangement this......” “这个地形,很适合六级的芝阳幻阵!就布置这个……” took a deep breath, observed a surrounding terrain, operated a little while, array has the now/current mind. 深吸一口气,观察了一下周围的地形,运算了一会,一个阵法现在脑海。 Although without the Assessment Array Master rank, but the understanding of array, has achieved 6-Star most peak, according to terrain predict array, is can complete simply. 虽然没考核阵法师等级,但对阵法的理解,早已达到了六星巅峰,根据地形推算阵法,还是很简单就能完成的。 wrist turn, one pile of array flag have the now/current palm. 手腕一翻,一堆阵旗现在掌心。 Body one vertical, Zhang Xuan arrives at many flight spirit beast sky. 身体一纵,张悬来到诸多飞行灵兽的上空。 Roar!” “吼!” Many spirit beast saw that some people come, all sends out panic-stricken, is planning to fly the attack, the working from before light until after dark spirit leopard fled, the howling resounds: This Master Zhang that is to come and King negotiates, wants to have a look at us to fly the spirit beast camp, while convenient arrangement array, everyone should not be startled, is treating safely then!” 诸多灵兽看到有人过来,全都发出惊恐,正打算飞起来攻击,两头黑灵豹就窜了出来,吼叫声响起:“这位是过来和王者谈判的张师,想看看咱们飞行灵兽的阵营,顺便布置个阵法,诸位不要惊慌,安心待着即可!” What said is Beast Language, all spirit beast can understand. 说的是兽语,所有灵兽都能听懂。 Sees nearby the King aide opens the mouth, many spirit beast do not have the opinion again, all once more lay. 见王者跟前的侍从开口,诸多灵兽再没意见,全都再次趴了下去。 Relaxes, Zhang Xuan within the body True Qi revolves fast, in hand array flag float, straight goes to all around shoot fiercely. 松了口气,张悬体内真气飞快运转,手中阵旗悬浮而起,笔直向四周激射而去。 hū! 呼! Iris Yang Illusion Array forming, one group of dense fog immediately many flight spirit beast packages. 芝阳幻阵成形,一团迷雾立刻将诸多飞行灵兽包裹在内。 Ahead of time knows he wants set up array, many spirit beast not startled, all crawls on the spot to be motionless peacefully. 提前知道他要布阵,诸多灵兽也没惊慌,全都安静爬在原地不动。 Starts!” “开始吧!” Smiles, Doppelgänger appear. 轻轻一笑,分身出现 Two people straight flushed, enters the dense fog. 两人笔直冲了下去,进入迷雾。 Roar! Roar! Roar! 吼!吼!吼! Under resounds spirit beast immediately, howling continuously. 下方立刻响起了灵兽,此起彼伏的吼叫声。 These spirit beast, strength strongest also Chrysalis Realm peak, simply is not Zhang Xuan and Doppelgänger a match/opponent, even Purple Sun Beast and Gold Source Cauldron no need/not using summon. 这些灵兽,实力最强的也不过蚕封境巅峰,根本不是张悬分身对手,连紫阳兽金源鼎不用召唤。 Every time goes forward several steps, spirit beast tames. 每前进几步,就有一头灵兽驯服。 His here Beast Taming, in cave, Elder Mi full head sweat. 他这边驯兽,山洞内,糜长老满头汗水。 Leaves now/current from Zhang Xuan, already a double-hour, opposite many Saint Beast already appear suspect/doubt. 张悬离开到现在,已经一个时辰了,对面的诸多圣兽已然出现怀疑 How to have come back? Your this student is exactly/actually doing?” “怎么还不回来?你这个学生到底在干什么?” Most middle Golden Angry Tiger Beast, complexion gloomy. 最中间的黄金熊虎兽,脸色低沉 Let this Elder Mi student, looks the flight spirit beast regiment, according to the normal condition, more than ten minutes can make round trip, was so long, does not see the signs, will stupidly think again has the issue. 让这个糜长老的学生,去看个飞行灵兽军团,按照正常情况,十多分钟就能打个来回,这么久了,不见踪迹,再傻都会觉得有问题。 My this student only has Chrysalis Realm, has something to be worried?” “我这个学生只有蚕封境,有什么可担心的?” In the heart worries, on the face has not actually displayed, Elder Mi smiles: This student some/somewhat is careful, it is estimated that carefully observes many spirit beast strengths and quantities, my person here, your could it be that also worried that can run inadequately?” 心中着急,脸上却没表现出来,糜长老轻轻一笑:“这个学生有些细心,估计是仔细观察诸多灵兽的实力和数量,我人都在这里,你们难道还担心会跑不成?” Runs? Your this Elder in this, his student even if/considered as ran unable to turn the rough seas......” “跑?你这个长老在这,他一个学生就算跑了也翻不起大浪……” Golden Angry Tiger Beast coldly snorted: Scarlet flame lion, your go and take a look, this fellow exactly/actually what the hell? Human is always cunning, should not be taken by!” 黄金熊虎兽冷哼一声:“赤炎狮,你过去看看,这家伙到底搞什么鬼?人类一向奸猾,千万不要中了诡计!” Yes!” “是!” Nods, the scarlet flame lion must walk outward. 点了点头,赤炎狮就要向外走去。 Is slow......” “慢着……” Elder Mi quickly stands up: „A student, how, is the solemn Cloudy Mist Ridge King, so timid?” 糜长老急忙站起身来:“一个学生而已,怎么,堂堂云雾岭王者,就这么胆小?” Timid? no need/not using manages him, scarlet flame lion, go and take a look!” “胆小?不用管他,赤炎狮,过去看看!” No matter his dragging, Golden Angry Tiger Beast huge hoof-claw lays out. 不管他的拖延,黄金熊虎兽巨大的蹄爪摆了摆。 Sees the scarlet flame lion to walk immediately, Elder Mi smiles, stands up: Hears the golden fierce warrior King strength to be strong early, but dares with my battle competition? Also makes me understand, the powerful strength of beast clan!” 见赤炎狮马上就要走出去,糜长老轻轻一笑,站起身来:“早听闻黄金熊虎王者实力强劲,可敢和我比斗一场?也让我领略一下,兽族的强大实力!” With my battle competition?” Never expected that he will set this request, Golden Angry Tiger Beast frowned. “和我比斗?”没想到他会提出这种要求,黄金熊虎兽眉头一皱 What's wrong, doesn't dare?” Elder Mi said. “怎么,不敢?”糜长老道。 Has what does not dare!” coldly snorted, Golden Angry Tiger Beast stands up. “有何不敢!”冷哼一声,黄金熊虎兽站起身来。 That is good, this scarlet flame King, was inferior that leave/stay behind observes, I exceed the golden fierce warrior King, might as well also challenges you!” “那就好,这位赤炎王者,不如留下来观战,我胜过黄金熊虎王者,不妨将你也挑战一下!” Elder Mi whole face arrogance. 糜长老满脸傲气。 Challenges with the opposite party, naturally to delay time, although does not know that the Principal goal is anything, but since arranged mission, cannot obstruct. 与对方挑战,自然是为了拖延时间,虽然不知院长的目的是什么,但既然安排了任务,就不能拖后腿 Good!” “好!” The scarlet flame lion nods. 赤炎狮点了点头。 a human and a beast, is in Hongyuan Empire existence of most peak, both encounter, the nature compared with looks for a Chrysalis Realm little fellow, wants many of interesting/has an interest. 一人一兽,都是鸿远帝国境内最巅峰的存在,两者交锋,自然比去找一个蚕封境的小家伙,要有意思的多。 That comes!” “那就来吧!” For fear that Golden Angry Tiger Beast responded, ownself protracted time method lose effectiveness, a long and loud cry, Elder Mi body shake/sway, when first patted to front Saint Beast. 生怕黄金熊虎兽反应过来,自己的拖延时间方法失效,一声长啸,糜长老身体一晃,当先向前方的圣兽拍了过去。 The Saint Domain First Layer peak expert strength erupts completely, the entire cave was filled by True Qi, a palm pressure, the rock of ground cannot withstand on some/somewhat gently, as if at any time will split. 圣域一重巅峰强者的实力全部爆发,整个山洞都被真气充满,手掌轻轻一压,地面的岩石就有些承受不住,似乎随时都会裂开。 Haha, the words of your strength, have the shame ten Great Elder titles......” “哈哈,你就这点实力的话,有愧十大长老称号啊……” Feels pressure that flies high to come, Golden Angry Tiger Beast, not only has not dreaded, instead shouts, huge hoof-claw lifts, chops forward. 感受到凌空而来的压力,黄金熊虎兽非但没有畏惧,反而一声嘶吼,巨大的蹄爪抬起,向前一劈。 Hiss! 嘶啦! The air just like torn, the hurricane sways, makes the sound of sobbing, the attack of Elder Mi instantaneously by resolve. 空气宛如被撕裂,飓风吹拂,发出呜咽之音,糜长老的攻击瞬间就被化解 next moment, the tail of Golden Angry Tiger Beast flew high to sweep, like steel whip, once were hit, the even if/considered as Saint Domain First Layer peak strength was strong, certainly also wanted the severe wound! 下一刻,黄金熊虎兽的尾巴凌空扫了过来,如同钢鞭,一旦被击中,就算圣域一重巅峰的实力强劲,肯定也要重伤! hū! 呼! Did not dare firm resistance, Elder Mi body shake/sway, the avoidance in the past. 不敢硬抗,糜长老身体一晃,躲避过去。 Whiz! 嗖! At this moment, Golden Angry Tiger Beast another hoof-claw hit forward, Elder Mi person in in the air, is unable to avoid, has to knock out the fist to meet hardly. 就在这时,黄金熊虎兽又一记蹄爪抽来,糜长老人在空中,无法躲避,只好出拳硬接。 The fist and claw to bumping, only thought that chest one stuffy, flying upside down, the back hits layer on layer/heavily on the wall, pounds a big hole. 拳、爪对碰,只觉得胸口一闷,倒飞而出,脊背重重撞在墙壁上,砸出一个大坑。 spirit beast and Saint Beast because of the physical quality and strength, want powerful one compared with same rank human, this is Cloudy Mist Ridge fiercest Saint Beast, Elder Mi, although the strength is not weak, wants firm resistance, some/somewhat cannot achieve. 灵兽圣兽因为身体素质和力量,都比同级别人类要强大一丝,这位更是云雾岭最厉害的圣兽,糜长老虽然实力也不弱,想要硬抗,也有些做不到。 Haha, solemn ten Great Elder, the strength is also mediocre!” “哈哈,堂堂十大长老,实力也不过如此!” A move goes well, person ear some/somewhat that a Golden Angry Tiger Beast Dragon's Roar tiger's roar, shakes is dumbstruck, the huge body, fled forward. 一招得手,黄金熊虎兽一声龙吟虎啸,震的人耳朵有些发懵,巨大的身躯,向前窜了出来。 Dragon from clouds, tiger from wind. 龙从云,虎从风。 Although Golden Angry Tiger Beast is not the tiger, actually is also tiger class Saint Beast one, but also without arriving, just like hurricane to raid, Elder Mi unable to restrain emotions retreat, wrist turn, Long Sword has the now/current palm, fiercely stabbed over. 黄金熊虎兽虽然不是老虎,却也是虎类圣兽的一种,还没来到过跟前,就犹如一股飓风袭过,糜长老情不自禁后退,手腕一翻,一柄长剑现在掌心,猛地刺了过去 The solely rely/based on brute force, definitely could not contend with the opposite party, can only use the weapon. 单凭蛮力,肯定抗衡不住对方了,只能使用兵器。 Whiz whiz whiz! 嗖嗖嗖! Long Sword pulls the sword to be colored, changes to sword glow straight to puncture forward. 长剑挽出剑花,化作一道道剑芒笔直向前刺来。 As if knows that his move, Golden Angry Tiger Beast does not move aside, took a deep breath, the fur of whole body immediately becomes dark, just like forming special scale. 似乎知道他的招数,黄金熊虎兽也不躲闪,深吸一口气,全身的毛皮立刻变得黝黑,宛如形成了特殊的鳞片。 dīng dīng dīng! 叮叮叮 In the sword glow landed/dropped fur/superficial knowledge, kept off outside unexpectedly, cannot puncture again. 剑芒落在皮毛上,竟然被挡在外面,再也刺不进去。 What?” “什么?” The Elder Mi complexion sinks. 糜长老脸色一沉。 If we had known this fellow is powerful, has not thought so powerful! 早知道这家伙强大,可没想到如此强大! His sword, the fur has not even pierced unexpectedly, this defense also was too rather fierce! 他的一剑,居然连毛皮都没刺穿,这防御未免也太厉害了吧! No wonder the Cloudy Mist Ridge ten Great Saint beasts, achieved Saint Domain First Layer peak, actually listens to its words, this defense, can let innumerable Saint Beast only, even cultivator, shrinks back at the sight. 难怪云雾岭大圣兽,都达到了圣域一重巅峰,却都听它的话,单这种防御,就能让无数圣兽,甚至修炼者,都望而却步。 Red leaves 13 swords!” “红叶十三剑!” Knows that even the slightest misstep will be injured, does not dare to stand still, a sword was blocked, the Elder Mi frown raises, wrist turn, within the body True Qi defers to the special path revolution immediately. 知道稍有不慎就会受伤,不敢停歇,一剑被挡住,糜长老双眉扬起,手腕一翻,体内真气顿时按照特殊的轨迹运转。 Long Sword sends out sharp resounding, probably at any time will go air-splitting. 长剑发出尖锐的鸣响,像是随时都会破空而去。 Red leaves 13 swords, he strongest martial skill unique skill! 红叶十三剑,他最强的武技绝招! Initially that fire dragon Saint Beast, defeated under this move, being resigned to would rather become beast pet. 当初那头火龙圣兽,就是败在这招之下,甘心情愿成了兽宠 zi zi zi! 滋滋滋 sword glow from the sky forms piece of red leaves, is howling to the forward flight, brings to tear into shreds all deterrent forces. 剑芒在空中形成一片红叶,呼啸着向前飞来,带着撕碎一切的威慑力。 A little meaning! However, this degree wants to win me, has a dream!” “有点意思!不过,这种程度就想赢我,还是做梦!” Sees him to display such a sword, Golden Angry Tiger Beast also reveals the surprised color, immediately smiles, a first hoof revolution, revealed the sharp dark claw, once more strike/chop got down. 看到他施展出这样一剑,黄金熊虎兽也露出惊讶之色,随即轻轻一笑,前蹄一转,露出了锋利的黝黑的爪子,再次劈了下来。 dīng dīng dīng! 叮叮叮 hoof-claw and red leaves to bumping, Golden Angry Tiger Beast retreat one step, Elder Mi blood blowout, once more flying upside down, landed/dropped ground, complexion deathly white. 蹄爪和红叶对碰,黄金熊虎兽后退了一步,糜长老则鲜血喷出,再次倒飞而出,落在地上,脸色煞白 These exhausted completely strength, has been seriously injured. 这一下用尽了全部力量,已然受了重伤。 Stood up from failure to sit up hastily, swallows one therapy medicine pill, felt comfortably. 连忙翻身坐起,吞了一枚疗伤丹药,才觉得舒服了一些。 „Can how is it? my strength, return good/Yes?” 怎么样?我的实力,可还不错?” Won Elder Mi losses, Golden Angry Tiger Beast laughed, although is also injured, but compared with the opposite party, many of difference. 糜长老了,黄金熊虎兽哈哈一笑,虽然也受了点伤,但和对方比,差的多。 in other words, this competition, latter simply is not a match/opponent. 也就是说,这次比试,后者根本不是对手 Fierce!” Standing up, Elder Mi thinks that did not acknowledge is not good. “厉害!”站起身来,糜长老想不承认都不行。 Indeed is not a match/opponent. 的确不是对手 Person and beast of the same class, there is certain gap. 同级别的人和兽,还是有一定差距的。 Otherwise, Purple Sun Beast will not be known as Famed Master academy strongest expert. 不然,紫阳兽也不会号称名师学院最强者了。 Good, compared with also compared, the scarlet flame lion, was quicker passes, had a look at that boy exactly/actually what the hell, came to now/current did not return back, matter that if dares to make disadvantageously to Cloudy Mist Ridge, can execute at the scene!” “那好,比也比完了,赤炎狮,快些过去吧,看看那个小子到底搞什么鬼,到现在没回来,如果敢做出对云雾岭不利的事,可以当场格杀!” renew returns to sit down same place, Golden Angry Tiger Beast once more instruction. 重新回到原地坐下,黄金熊虎兽再次吩咐 Yes!” “是!” The scarlet flame lion nods, turns around to walk outward. 赤炎狮点了点头,转身向外走去。 This...... should not be busy......” “这……别忙……” Complexion once more changes, Elder Mi just wants to pass obstruct, sees Golden Angry Tiger Beast coldly to look: What's wrong, does Elder Mi also want to compare with me?” 脸色再次一变,糜长老正想过去阻拦,就见黄金熊虎兽冷冷看过来:“怎么,糜长老还想和我比一场?” I......” “我……” The body trembles. 身体一颤。 His now/current situation, definitely cannot the ratio, really want make a move again, definitely will die here. 现在的情况,肯定不能再比,真要动手,必然会死在这里。 Although does not know that what Principal is making to make him delay the time, but...... now/current could not have delayed, what to do? 虽然不知道院长在做什么让他拖延时间,可……现在已然拖延不住,怎么办? Has not gone quickly!” “还不快去!” Also saw goal that he delays, a Golden Angry Tiger Beast hoof-claw swayed. 也看出了他拖延的目的,黄金熊虎兽蹄爪一摆。 Yes!” The scarlet flame lion does not stay, body shake/sway, in the blink of an eye vanishes on the spot. “是!”赤炎狮再不停留,身体一晃,眨眼功夫消失在原地 Principal......” 院长……” Sees it to vanish, knows that cannot catch up again, Elder Mi face turn white, body like a beach mud: I made contribution......” 见它消失,知道再也追不上,糜长老脸色一白,身体如同一滩烂泥:“我尽力了……”
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