LHP :: Volume #8

#716: kill him

Also right! 也对! If Half Saint and Nascent Saint, shields the aura by him, seals up acupoint, is indiscoverable, Saint was different! 如果是半圣从圣,凭借他屏蔽气息,封闭穴道,难以发现,圣者不同了! Steps into this rank, has been able with the surrounding environment, Perfect Integration, every action and every movement to bring the power and influence, let alone is only the hidden, even if/considered as hides in the snow, buries in underground, may be grasped. 踏入这个级别,已经可以和周围的环境,完美融合,一举一动都自带威势,别说只是隐藏,就算藏在雪里,埋在地下,都有可能被抓出来。 Saint, the life level exceed Transcendent Mortal, had achieved higher realm. 圣者,生命层次已经超出化凡,达到了更高境界 Was discovered by you!” “还是被你发现了!” Knows that continues to hide is also not meaningful, took a deep breath, Zhang Xuan body shake/sway, stood. 知道继续躲藏也没什么意义,深吸一口气,张悬身体一晃,站了起来。 Should be Eye of Insight appear fluctuated a moment ago by opposite party detect, this fellow and flight spirit beast uses is Beast Language, is not worried to leak the news, has borne patiently does not send. 应该是刚才明理之眼出现波动就被对方察觉了,这家伙与飞行灵兽用的都是兽语,也不担心泄露消息,就一直隐忍不发。 When the matter discussed, decided to grasp ownself. 待事情商议完毕,才决定将自己抓出来。 New Famed Master?” “新来的名师?” Purple Sun Beast looks. 紫阳兽看过来。 Achieves Saint, the life level changes, has been able to say the human language. 达到圣者,生命层次发生变化,已然可以说出人类语言。 Yes!” Knows that in opposite party presence/in front, plays does not play tricks, Zhang Xuan nods. “是!”知道在对方面前,玩不出花样,张悬点头。 Also without entering academy, achieves Celestial Bridge Realm peak, can find here, good/Yes, even if/considered as in new life/student is not cream of the crop, almost!” “还没进入学院,就达到桥天境巅峰,更能找到这里,不错,在新生就算不是最顶尖,也差不多了!” Saw Zhang Xuan's cultivation base, Purple Sun Beast nodded. 看出了张悬的修为,紫阳兽点了点头。 fortunately!” 还好!” Smiles lightly, on the Zhang Xuan face does not have too to fluctuate, the sole actually steps 淡淡一笑,张悬脸上没有太多波动,脚掌却踩在地上,手掌躲在背后,似乎在做些什么。 Do not practice dirty tricks...... not so in my presence/in front, I feared that cannot control the ownself temperament!” “不要在我面前搞小动作……不然,我怕控制不住自己的脾气!” As if saw his movement, Purple Sun Beast snort/hum. 似乎看出了他的动作,紫阳兽哼了一声。 Temperament?” “脾气?” Zhang Xuan shakes the head, a face indifferent looks: Also right, I also feared that cannot control the ownself temperament, kills you!” 张悬摇了摇头,一脸淡然的看过来:“也对,我也怕控制不住自己的脾气,把你打死!” What did you say?” Purple Sun Beast stares, probably looked freak same looks to present youth. “你说什么?”紫阳兽一愣,像是看怪物一样的看向眼前的青年 It is Saint Beast, opposite party Celestial Bridge Realm, wants crush, even no need/not using make a move, solely rely/based on Soul can kill it directly, unexpectedly boasting shamelessly said, cannot control the ownself temperament, kills it? 它可是圣兽,对方不过桥天境,想要捏死,甚至都不用动手,单凭灵魂就能将其直接杀死,居然大言不惭的说,控制不住自己的脾气,将它打死? What life speech do you know you with? 你知道你在和什么生命说话吗? not to know the immensity of heaven and earth! 不知天高地厚 „Are you very self-confident?” The complexion is pale, Purple Sun Beast coldly snorted, the vision like the electricity glow, as if at any time must its ignition. “你很自信?”脸色铁青,紫阳兽冷哼,目光如同电芒,似乎随时都要将其灼烧。 I am not self-confident, truth that but told, this, gives you an opportunity, recognizes me as the master, can forgive you not dead......” “我不是自信,而是说的实话,这样吧,给你一个机会,认我为主,可以饶你不死……” holding hands behind his back, Zhang Xuan expression is indifferent. 双手背在身后,张悬神色淡然。 ignorance is a bliss, it seems like you do not know that is speaking with whom! Such being the case, I make you pay the not to know the immensity of heaven and earth price!” 无知者无畏,看来你不知道在和谁说话!既然如此,我就让你付出不知天高地厚的代价!” Has not thought of a ants common character, unexpectedly wants to let its accept owner, but also threatened that does not kill it, the Purple Sun Beast facial features are pale, the whole body hair blasts out, roared, thick palm, first extended suddenly. 没想到一个蝼蚁一般的人物,居然想让它认主,还扬言不杀它,紫阳兽面容铁青,全身毛发炸开,一声咆哮,粗大的手掌,陡然前伸。 Hū lā! 呼啦! Vigorous spiritual Qi, formed huge palm in presence/in front suddenly, just like camouflaging Heaven and Earth flies high , as if entire mountain peak in an instant, can destroy. 浑厚的灵气,眨眼在面前形成了一个巨大的手掌,宛如遮蔽天地凌空而下,似乎整个山峰都在它一念之间,就可以摧毁。 Although Saint Beast cannot cultivation True Qi, achieve this rank, had the ability of moving mountains to fill the seas, every action and every movement bringing law, let alone destroys a mountain peak, even if/considered as Kingdom of Heavenly Profound Kingdom this rank, since the ground cancels, is the with no difficulty matter. 圣兽虽然也不能修炼真气,达到这种级别,却拥有了移山填海的能力,一举一动自带法度,别说摧毁一座山峰,就算天玄王国这种级别的国度,从地面抹去,也是轻而易举的事情。 Therefore, this palm has not fallen, melts the snow of ground completely, a mountain peak crashes, the meteor strikes the feeling of place. 因此,这一掌还没落下,就将地面的积雪全部化开,给人一种山峰坠落,流星击地之感。 seeking death? I look am your seeking death......” 找死?我看是你找死……” Facing so the palm of might, Zhang Xuan does not move aside, but is light smiles, palm hit: Ruthless Being, withers his him to me!” 面对如此威力的一掌,张悬也不躲闪,而是淡淡一笑,手掌一拍:“狠人,给我干死他丫的!” Although the opposite party are Saint, but he also has trump card. 对方虽然是圣者,但他也不是没有底牌 In the mausoleum chamber obtained two ten more puppets, has the Saint strength, punches Saint First Layer Saint Beast, should not difficult! 地宫中得到了二十多头傀儡,都有圣者的实力,揍一头只有圣者一重圣兽,应该不难 Let alone, in the hand also said with Master Kong fight strong has...... Ruthless Being! 更何况,手里还有一个自称和孔师对战过的超强存在……狠人 This fellow, although by trapped in Book of Heaven's Path, cannot move, but a strength is, let alone Purple Sun Beast, even if/considered as comes ten, it is estimated that also insufficiently kills! 这家伙,虽然被困在天道之册中,不能动弹,但一身实力是实打实的,别说一头紫阳兽,就算来十个,估计也不够杀得! Bang! 轰隆! Follows his palm, one book is towering now/current in the air, The Heart of beat, appears from the page. 伴随他的手掌,一本书籍突兀出现在空中,一个跳动的心脏,从书页中浮现。 Break! 破! sound/voice resounds. 一个声音响起。 hūa lā! 哗啦 Like as soon as the law is promulgated it will be enforced, looks like the sound of Heaven and Earth, palm that Purple Sun Beast makes, immediately the glass was shattered, changes to all round spiritual Qi, vanishes into thin air. 如同言出法随,又像天地之音,紫阳兽打出的手掌,立刻玻璃般破碎,化作团团灵气,烟消云散。 What......” “什么……” Sees youth took out Magical Treasure, only said a character, its attack crushing, the Purple Sun Beast pupil shrank, almost frightens not to faint. 青年祭出法宝,只说出一个字,就将它的攻击击碎,紫阳兽瞳孔一缩,吓得差点没晕过去。 It is Saint First Layer peak, the true strength, even if/considered as in entire Hongyuan Empire, can be most apex! 它是圣者一重巅峰,真正实力,就算在整个鸿远帝国,都算得上最顶点! originally thought copes with a Celestial Bridge Realm boy, easy, never dreamed or expected, the treasure of opposite party, a language broken attack, a word presses all sea! 本以为对付一个桥天境小子,手到擒来,做梦都没想到,对方的宝物,一语破攻击,一言压四海! Escapes!” “逃!” In the heart has an intense danger, does not have too many hesitant, Purple Sun Beast body one vertical, straight flushes away to the space. 心中生出一股强烈的危险,没有太多犹豫,紫阳兽身体一纵,笔直向天上冲去。 It is Saint Beast, although does not have the wing, can actually fly. 它是圣兽,虽然没有翅膀,却能够飞行。 At present this youth although strength not, but Magical Treasure really in hand was too strong , to continue to resist, certainly must suffer a loss, might as well runs away. 眼前这个青年尽管实力不怎样,但手中的法宝实在太强了,继续对抗下去,肯定要吃亏,还不如逃走。 Has me in this, wants to escape? Has a dream!” “有我在这,想逃?做梦!” Just flew less than dozens meters, heard light sound/voice to resound, rich slaughtering Qi, the direct impact mind, let its blacking out. 刚飞起来不足几十米,就听到一个淡淡的声音响起,紧接着一股浓郁的杀戮之气,直冲脑海,让它眼前一黑 Foreign Spirit Race......” 异灵族……” The pupil shrinks, the aura in body washes out immediately, Purple Sun Beast body shake/sway straight from in the air crashes, putong!” One fell into the snow drift, grips on the ground. 瞳孔一缩,身体内的气息立刻被冲散,紫阳兽身体一晃笔直从空中坠落,“噗通!”一下跌进了雪堆里,一头扎在地上。 Small ruthless, good/Yes, it seems like has not boasted!” “小狠,不错啊,看来没吹牛!” Without thinking of Ruthless Being is so fierce, a few words broke the attack of opposite party, Mind Power makes Purple Sun Beast from in the air fall down, The Heart in Zhang Xuan satisfied tracing page. 没想到“狠人”这么猛,一句话就破了对方的攻击,一个意念就让紫阳兽从空中跌下,张悬满意的摸了摸书页中的心脏 „......” Ruthless Being twitching, a few words could not say. “……”狠人抽搐,却一句话说不出来。 Lies down sees this in ground Purple Sun Beast, almost spits blood. 躺在地上的紫阳兽看到这一幕,更是差点吐血。 Although does not know that in the page exactly/actually of seal is anything, but can determine/certain, absolutely be a character who stands in most peak, originally thinks that is his teacher or the protector, never dreamed or expected...... 虽然不知道书页中封印的到底是什么,但可以确定,绝对是一位站在最巅峰的人物,本来以为是他的老师或者守护者,做梦都没想到…… Touches with the hand directly, to touching pug is the same! 直接用手摸来摸去,跟摸哈巴狗一样! is there a mistake? 有没有搞错 This fellow exactly/actually who? 这家伙到底什么人 That The Heart is Foreign Spirit Race expert, could it be that...... this youth is the Foreign Spirit Race person, wants sneak into Famed Master academy?” “那个心脏异灵族高手,难道……这青年异灵族的人,想要混入名师学院?” Suddenly thinks of anything, the whole body one becomes ices coldly. 突然想到什么,全身一下变得冰寒。 In legend, the person in Foreign Spirit Race royal family, not only can the disguise adult class, even can also disguise become Famed Master, unable to discern. 传说中,异灵族王室的人,不光可以伪装成人类,甚至还可以伪装名师,都看不出来 In the past once such people, disguise succeeded, gained the secret, making Famed Master Hall be almost defeated! 当年就曾经有一位这样的人,伪装成功,获取了机密,让名师堂差点打败! Master Kong discovers ahead of time, strives to turn the tide, perhaps is defeated is not Foreign Spirit Race, but is Human Race! 要不是孔师提前发现,力挽狂澜,恐怕失败的就不是异灵族,而是人族 At present this person, does not have the difference from human, can become Famed Master mix, is really Is it possible that , the Foreign Spirit Race King? Otherwise does how is this possible so strong expert, regard the pug appearance to treat? 眼前这人,和人类没有两样,又是能成为名师混进来,难不成,真是异灵族王者?不然又怎么可能把一位如此强的高手,当成哈巴狗模样对待? I must kill you......” “我要杀了你……” The Purple Sun Beast eye is red immediately. 紫阳兽眼睛立刻红了。 What if guesses is real, absolutely must not lets this person of sneak into Famed Master academy, otherwise, entire academy, surely encounters destructive attack/mental blow, even Human Race, will therefore be confronted by danger! 如果猜的是真的,绝不能让此人混入名师学院,不然,整个学院,必然遭到毁灭性的打击,甚至人族,都会因此蒙难! hū! 呼! palm in ground hit, the huge body to Zhang Xuan rush forward, the powerful aura, the sharp sword, as if must destroy immediately probably together. 手掌在地上一拍,巨大的身躯立刻对张悬冲了过来,强大的气息,像是一道利剑,似乎要将人摧毁。 Lies down to me!” “给我躺下!” Ruthless Being in books, in depressed, planned that looks for the opportunity and opposite party discusses, can put him to come out, sees this big guy once more to clash, an anger, calls out. 书籍中的狠人,正在郁闷,打算找机会和对方商议一下,能不能放他出来,就见这头大家伙再次冲来,不由一阵愤怒,一声暴喝。 Couldn't have controlled you? 还管不了你了是不是? Heavens' Acknowledged Famed Master that even Heaven's Path can control, dares to kill, big guts! 天道都能掌控的天认名师,都敢杀,好大的狗胆 Bang! 轰隆! Follows his drinking sound, Foreign Spirit Race unique slaughtering Qi, once more pricks the mind, Purple Sun Beast just like in the fly by racket, falls directly on the ground, the tread, slides to the front. 伴随他的喝声,异灵族人特有的杀戮之气,再次刺入脑海,紫阳兽犹如被拍中的苍蝇,直接摔在地上,紧接着地面,向前方滑行。 Although his strength with the peak period, differs in 108,000, but copes with such a Saint First Layer small beast, is with no difficulty, does not compare to kill the mosquito to take time. 他的实力虽然和巅峰期,相差十万八千里,但是对付这样一头只有圣者一重的小兽,还是轻而易举,不比杀蚊子费事。 I must kill you......” “我要杀了你……” Lies down on the ground, by a huge strength suppression is unable to move, Purple Sun Beast eye crimson looks to Zhang Xuan of not far away, frantic roaring, brings thick being unwilling. 躺在地上,被一股巨大的力量镇压的无法动弹,紫阳兽眼睛赤红的看向不远处的张悬,疯狂的咆哮,带着浓浓的不甘。 „To kill me?” “就这么想杀我?” Sees this fellow so attitude, Zhang Xuan speechless. 见这家伙如此态度,张悬一阵无语。 This Foreign Spirit Race lackey is really rampant! 这个异灵族的狗腿子果然嚣张! It is estimated that is looked that the ownself talent is good, wants kill/execute, by never recurring trouble. 估计是看自己的天赋好,想要斩杀,以绝后患。 good/Yes, does not kill you, my even if/considered as dies, unwilling......” 不错,不杀了你,我就算死,也不甘心……” Purple Sun Beast roared. 紫阳兽咆哮。 Good......” “好吧……” Listens to say this words, Zhang Xuan consults a sound to refer, finger forward: Comes up, does to me- death- it!” 听它说出这种话,张悬磋个响指,手指向前一点:“都上去,给我干-死-它!” hūa lā! 哗啦 In the surrounding snowy area, jumps out two ten more puppets immediately. 周围的雪地里,立刻窜出二十多头傀儡。 The sole stepped on a moment ago, the palm back after behind, once will put storage ring of puppet to hide in underground, waited for the opportunity. 刚才脚掌踩地,手掌背在身后,就将曾放傀儡的储物戒指藏在地下,等待机会。 Since this fellow wants to kill ownself wholeheartedly, that left nothing to be is also polite. 这家伙既然一心想要杀死自己,那也没什么可客气的。 Roar!” “吼!” Many puppets, obtain by intent, simultaneously howled to make noise, all fiercely rushed over. 诸多傀儡,得到受意,同时吼叫出声,一个个猛地冲了过去 hū! 呼! When nearby a puppet first arrives, tramples on the face of Purple Sun Beast, its trampling flew, the latter has not responded, has stood a puppet, fist hit forward. 一头傀儡当先来到跟前,一脚踹在紫阳兽的脸上,将其踹的飞了出去,后者还没反应过来,身后早就站好了一头傀儡,一拳抽来 Bang bang bang bang! 嘭嘭嘭嘭! Purple Sun Beast was hit flies back and forth randomly, black and blue, spits blood in gulps. 紫阳兽被抽的来回乱飞,鼻青脸肿,大口大口吐血。 Foreign Spirit Race puppet? Really is the Foreign Spirit Race King...... dammit, dammit!” 异灵族傀儡?果然是异灵族的王者……可恶,可恶!” Sees him one puppets who throw so many Foreign Spirit Race, in the Purple Sun Beast heart roared. 见他一下扔出这么多异灵族的傀儡,紫阳兽心中咆哮。 Can let the expert leave/stay behind Mind Power protection of Foreign Spirit Race, there are so many Foreign Spirit Race puppets, is not the Foreign Spirit Race great person, is what? 能让异灵族高手留下意念保护,又有如此多的异灵族人傀儡,不是异灵族的大人物,是什么? What a pity it does not have to look earlier, make a move strikes to kill it, now/current said again many also late...... 可惜它没早点看出来,一出手就将其击杀,现在说得再多也晚了…… Puppet who more than 20 Saint First Layer disregard the defense simultaneously make a move attack, let alone this it, even if/considered as Saint Second Layer and Third Layer expert, only then escapes a road to walk! 二十多个圣者一重无视防御的傀儡同时出手攻击,别说这头它,就算圣者二重三重强者,也只有逃命一条路可走! Let alone now/current it, but also was stabbed with slaughtering Qi by that The Heart, cannot move! 更何况现在的它,还被那个心脏杀戮之气刺中,动弹不得! Does not know many fists, many under feet, Purple Sun Beast thought that entire beast blacking out, the head soon exploded. 不知多少拳头,多少脚下去,紫阳兽就觉得整个兽眼前发黑,脑袋都快要炸了。 Admits defeat? now/current recognizes me as the master, I can forgive you not dead!” “认不认输?现在认我为主,我可以饶你不死!” When it felt immediately was killed, youth light sound/voice resounds. 就在它觉得马上就被打死的时候,青年淡淡的声音响起。 ( End of the month, asked two monthly tickets!) (月底了,求两张月票!)
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