LHP :: Volume #22

#2155: Mysterious medicine

many thanks Patriarch!” Qi Ling'er bows. 多谢家主!”齐灵儿躬身。 no need/not using goes to Profound Night City, Clear Moon Trading Company to ownself, two people of so many years confrontation, has occupied the upstream, this matter made known to others, the people in clan the understand wind direction, no need/not using are bullied immediately again. 不用夜冥城,将清月商行自己,二人这么多年的交锋,已然占了上游,想必这件事传出去,族内的人都会立刻明白风向,再不用被欺负了。 Patriarch Qi looks, the eye looks to one side Zhang Xuan: This is......” 齐家主看过来,眼睛看向一侧的张悬:“这位是……” Can lead to the clan, has the unusual relations inevitably. 能将人带到族内,必然有着非同寻常的关系。 The key is, although this one is not old, exceptionally is calm, even facing ownself, the does not have any meaning of shrinking, let alone young generation, even high grade Heavenly God, is hard to achieve much. 关键是,眼前这位年纪虽然不大,却异常沉稳,即便面对自己,都没有任何畏缩之意,别说年轻一辈,即便是上品天神,不少都难以做到。 „Below Zhang Xuan, is Miss Ling'er follower, can see Sir God King fortunately with own eyes!” “在下张悬,是灵儿小姐随从,有幸能够亲眼见到神王大人!” Qi Ling'er also did not return back answered, Zhang Xuan one step, said forward. 齐灵儿没回答,张悬向前一步,道。 Carefully looks to youth, seeing his vision is confident, has not dreaded, Patriarch Qi then nods, said: This follower good/Yes...... you can comprehend this set of martial skill, explained that the talent indeed increased much, since the opportunity, might as well go to Clear Moon Pond, how long having a look at exactly/actually can persist/insist on!” 仔细看向青年,见他目光坦然,没有丝毫畏惧,齐家主这才点了点头,道:“这个随从不错……你能将这套武技领悟成这样,说明天赋的确增加了不少,既然还有机会,不如去月清池,看看到底能够坚持多久!” many thanks Patriarch helps!” Qi Ling'er relaxes. 多谢家主成全!”齐灵儿松了口气。 Our whether together go and take a look?” Qi Yue opens the mouth that had not spoken. “我们可否一起过去看看?”一直没说话的齐跃开口。 Patriarch Qi mood good/Yes, nods. 齐家主心情不错,点了点头。 According to the cultivation martial skill perception, this Qi Ling'er indeed had the tremendous changes a moment ago, really must be able impartial Qi Yue, their families to be very likely to be many God King, really must so, Qi Family this stand erect permanently Nether Soul Heaven peak, no side influence can contend again. 按照刚才修炼武技的悟性,这位齐灵儿的确有了翻天覆地的变化,真要能够持平齐跃,他们家族极有可能再多出一个神王,真要如此,齐家这就永久屹立幽魂天巅峰,再无哪方势力可以抗衡了。 Clear Moon Pond is away from this main hall not far place, just like mirror general embed in mountain peaks, but also without arriving, felt that rich spiritual Qi, non-stop beating, will break through the sky to gallop to go just like at any time. 月清池在距离这个大殿不远的地方,宛如镜子一般镶嵌在一个山峰之间,还没来到跟前,就感到浓郁的灵气,不停跳动,宛如随时都会冲破天空奔腾而去。 Follows on the heels, Zhang Xuan keeps silent, quietly observation. 跟在后面,张悬不言不语,悄悄观察。 entire backing off mountain contain array, covers mansion, but this Clear Moon Pond, is in the array center position. 整个倒扣大山蕴含阵法,将府邸笼罩在内,而这个月清池,正在阵法最中心的位置。 Not only has rich spiritual Qi, but also the fog thunder in lava and sky in communication mountain range, let its contain, water, thunder and fire three strength. 不仅拥有浓郁的灵气,还沟通山脉中的熔岩和天空中的云雾雷霆,让其蕴含了,水、雷、火三种力量 Powerful beast blood!” “还有强大的兽血!” Pure water, thunder and fire three strength, but also is not enough to quenching mortal body, what is more important, contain had not known many Divine Beast blood essence. 单纯的水、雷、火三种力量,还不足以淬炼肉身,更重要的是,其中还蕴含了不知多少种神兽精血 Although the quantity is not very big, but cannot support comes in many different varieties, several hundred Divine Beast blood essence immerse to be one of them, lets entire pool strength, violent is incomparable, Heavenly God Artifact enters, may melt shortly, persist/insist on how long. 虽然数量不是很大,但架不住种类繁多,数百种神兽精血沉浸在其中,让整个水池力量,暴躁无比,天神器进入其中,可能都会顷刻融化,坚持不了多久。 No wonder other influences are unable to make the same place, did not say array, said only blood of these Divine Beast, is unable to find. 难怪其他势力无法做出相同的地方,不说阵法,单说这些神兽的血液,就无法找到。 According to the books that he sees, after God World spiritual Qi declines, the turmoil some time, many rare Divine Beast had exterminated. 根据他看到的书籍,神界灵气衰退后,动乱了一些时间,不少稀有神兽都已经灭绝了。 Even if ownself at this moment, knows that perhaps this Clear Moon Pond formula, does not have the means to make exactly the same existence again. 即便此刻的自己,知道这个月清池的配方,恐怕也没办法再做出一个一模一样的存在。 Only can find the opportunity, enters......” “只能找机会,进入其中了……” In the heart sighed. 心中叹息。 Although does not want to borrow others, but now/current urgent matter, enhances the strength as soon as possible, really is not good, waits for cultivation base to be getting higher and higher, repays the opposite party well. 虽然不想借用别人的,但现在当务之急,还是尽快提升实力,实在不行,等修为越来越高,好好报答一下对方。 Starts!” “开始吧!” Does not go to the manages to follow on the heels motionless Zhang Xuan, Patriarch Qi said. 不去管跟在后面一动不动张悬,齐家主道。 Qi Ling'er nods: Patriarch waits a bit, my also a little matter wants handover instruction/explain his, can go in!” 齐灵儿点头:“家主稍等,我还有点事要交代他一声,才能进去!” Then, two steps arrive around Zhang Xuan. 说完,两步来到张悬跟前。 „Should Young Master Zhang, what to do?” In the eye very worries. 张少,该怎么办?”眼睛中满是着急。 Before said, must enter Clear Moon Pond, but never expected that Patriarch such powerful God King, will personally followed...... 之前是说,要进入月清池的,但没想到家主这么强大的神王,会亲自跟着…… Disrupted the rhythm thoroughly. 彻底打乱了节奏。 Ate this medicine pill, although goes in...... Zhang Xuan to hand over middle grade God Essence Pill on the line. “将这枚丹药吃了,尽管进去就行……”张悬递来一枚中品神元丹 The whole face doubts, Qi Ling'er had not asked finally, the opens the mouth swallows down medicine pill. 满脸疑惑,齐灵儿最终没多问,张口将丹药吞了下去。 Felt that the body has not changed, just wants to inquire, sees the youth once more casting down one's eyes nose view heart, knows that is unable to ask, clenches teeth, plunges into pond within/inner. 感觉身体没有丝毫变化,正想询问,就见青年再次眼观鼻鼻观心,知道无法问下去,一咬牙,跳入池内。 zī zī zī zī! 滋滋滋滋 Enters the pool of water, wild strength welled up instantaneously. 一进入池水,其中狂暴的力量瞬间涌了上来。 A Qi Ling'er within the body strength revolution, pure Bloodline's Strength of contain in blood surges, formed protective film in the body surface. 齐灵儿体内力量一转,蕴含在血液中的精纯血脉之力激荡而出,在体表形成了一层保护膜。 Meets this thing, wild strength is peaceful, not like former that violent. 遇到这东西,狂暴的力量安静下来,再不像之前那么暴躁 Really needs bloodlines strength......” “果然需要血脉力量……” Zhang Xuan secret nod. 张悬暗暗点头。 Before thought that Heavenly God Artifact entered unable to endure/hold on any further, cultivation base insufficient Heavenly God living of cultivator how persist/insist on, what originally dependence was bloodlines strength! 之前觉得天神器进入其中都坚持不住,修为不足天神修炼者如何坚持的住,原来依靠的是血脉力量 In the family, the bloodlines are purer, the talent is higher, vice versa, therefore, here , not only can quenching mortal body, but can also test the talent. 在家族,血脉越精纯,天赋越高,反之亦然,所以,这里不仅可以淬炼肉身,还可以测试天赋。 Here he observes quietly, enters Qi Ling'er in pool of water, then very worried. 这边他悄悄观察,进入池水中的齐灵儿,则满是担忧。 Wild strength, on landed/dropped, bloodlines strength of body surface non-stop being consumed, just like the previous time, the quarter of an hour passes, once more felt lacking the ability to do what one would like. 狂暴的力量,落在身上,体表的血脉力量不停被消耗,和上次一样,一刻钟过去,再次感到了力不从心。 originally thought wants unable to endure/hold on any further immediately, suddenly felt that in dantian new strength welled up, that medicine pill that ate a moment ago, non-stop releasing pure spiritual Qi, holds in this spiritual Qi in addition, outside wild strength, did not come under any influence unexpectedly again. 本以为马上就要坚持不住,突然感到丹田内一股新的力量涌了上来,刚才吃的那枚丹药,不停释放出精纯的灵气,在这种灵气的加持下,外面狂暴的力量,竟然再没受到任何影响。 This was strength,...... helped me comprehend martial skill that a moment ago?” “这股力量,是……刚才帮我领悟武技的那种?” Feels in herb send out spiritual Qi, helped his breakthrough that say/way with before, exactly the same, Qi Ling'er suddenly realize. 感受到药材散发灵气,和之前帮他突破的那道,一模一样,齐灵儿恍然大悟 This is understand, promise/consent this one, re-entering Imperial City is a how correct matter. 这是才明白,答应眼前这位,重回皇城是多么正确的一件事。 Does not come back, is equal to being abandoned by the family thoroughly, once Qi Yue real breakthrough to God King Realm, their branch will receive a more serious suppression, can live, does not know. 不回来,等于彻底被家族抛弃,一旦齐跃真的突破神王境界,他们分支将会受到更严重的打压,能不能活下来,都不知道。 But now/current, not only can treating of open and aboveboard in Imperial City, snatch one a match/opponent trading company, considered as truly had the capital of taking advantage. 现在,不仅能够光明正大的待在皇城,更将对手商行抢来一个,算是真正有了依仗的资本。 All, all are the opposite party bestow. 一切的一切,皆是对方所赐。 Her real talent increased......” saw the quarter of an hour to pass, the Qi Ling'er complexion in pool of water was slightly invariable, Qi Wei'er silvers tooth closed tightly. “她真的天赋增加了……”看到一刻钟过去,池水中的齐灵儿脸色丝毫不变,齐薇儿牙咬紧。 Also thinks that the opposite party said the talent to increase, is only a joke, self-praise is used remarkably, never dreamed or expected, unexpectedly real! 还以为对方说天赋增加,只是个玩笑话,自我标榜用来引人注意,做梦都没想到,竟然是真的! After half double-hour, as in inside, after a double-hour, unexpectedly also in inside, the meaning without. 半个时辰过后,依旧在里面,一个时辰过后,竟然还在里面,丝毫没有出去的意思。 At this moment, not only his complexion changed, Qi Yue expression also solemn gets up. 此刻,不仅他脸色变了,就连齐跃神色凝重起来。 Bloodlines purity degree, decided from a birth, opposite party originally can only the persist/insist on quarter of an hour, now/current actually exceed a double-hour, differing really was too big. 血脉精纯度,是从一出生就定下来的,对方本来只能坚持一刻钟,现在却超过了一个时辰,相差实在太大了。 Is it possible that did not see in several years, bloodlines strength, increased the entire several times, compared with ownself, is not any less/weaker? 难不成短短几年不见,血脉力量,增加了整整好几倍,比起自己,都丝毫不弱了? Really must, the pressure really be so big! 真要如此,压力真就大了! Bang! 轰隆! Cannot believe, sees the girl in pool, within the body thunders, high grade God Realm, direct breakthrough, achieved low grade Heavenly God Realm. 正不敢相信,就见水池中的女孩,体内一阵轰鸣,上品神灵境界,直接突破,达到了下品天神境 Her cultivation base has achieved the critical point, could not find the appropriate breakthrough turning point continuously, Clear Moon Pond spiritual Qi is rich, contain massive Divine Beast blood essence, mortal body progressive at the same time, True Qi strength also had the enormous promotion. 她的修为早就达到了临界点,一直找不到合适的突破契机,月清池灵气浓郁,又蕴含大量的神兽精血,肉身进步的同时,真气力量也同时有了极大的晋升。 hū! 呼! From pool. 水池中走了出来。 If not breakthrough, that middle grade God Essence Pill strength can also let its persist/insist on some time, cultivation base sprints Heavenly God Realm, consumes the spiritual Qi speed becomes quick, on persist/insist on how long. 如果不突破,那枚中品神元丹力量还能让其坚持一段时间,修为冲刺到天神境,消耗灵气速度变快,也就坚持不了多久了。 Even so, exceeded -and-a-half double-hour as before, in entire Qi Family young one generation, except for Qi Yue, the considered as first person. 即便如此,依旧超过了一个半时辰,在整个齐家年轻一辈,除了齐跃,算是第一人了。 What matter your did exactly/actually experience? Let bloodlines strength strengthen so many?” “你到底经历了什么事?让血脉力量增强了这么多?” Sees her to come ashore, Patriarch Qi very curious asking. 见她上岸,齐家主满是好奇的问道。 Regarding the family juniors, increases bloodlines strength, is equal to increasing the expert quantity, can countless absolutely crazy. 对于家族子弟来说,增加血脉力量,就等于增加高手的数量,绝对可以让无数人为之疯狂。 Once can complete in batches...... 一旦能够批量完成…… Their Qi Family, will be getting stronger and stronger, let alone Nether Soul Heaven, entire God World, no longer dreads. 他们齐家,将会越来越强,别说幽魂天,整个神界,都不再畏惧。 Patriarch, I have no special experience reply, but took Cosmetic Pill!” hesitated for a while, Qi Ling'er said. “回禀家主,我没有什么特殊经历,只是服用了美容丹!”迟疑了一下,齐灵儿道。 Cosmetic Pill?” 美容丹?” Patriarch Qi frown. 齐家主皱眉 expert as God King rank, medicine pill of this small scale, could not have entered the discernment. 身为神王级别的强者,这种小打小闹的丹药,已经进入不了法眼。 Is extremely fierce medicine pill, took, can remove the scabs, the skin becomes more delicate, the appearance changed...... me just to start to think that greatly can only achieve the cosmetology effect, after has not thought took, but also changed the physique, cultivation also compared with before quickly, therefore...... thought that the talent possibly increased, renew returned to Imperial City!” “是一种极其厉害的丹药,服用了,可以去除伤疤,皮肤变得更加细嫩,容貌大改……我刚开始觉得只能做到美容效果,没想到服用后,还改变了体质,修炼也比以前快多了,所以……才觉得天赋可能增加,重新回到皇城!” Qi Ling'er said. 齐灵儿道。 This medicine pill?” “还有这种丹药?” Not can only improve looks, but can also change the physique of person?” “不仅能够美容,还能改变人的体质?” Qi Yue and Qi Wei'er are also shocked. 齐跃齐薇儿同时愣住。 Especially latter, in eye very envy. 尤其是后者,眼中满是嫉妒。 Before saw Qi Ling'er time, she discovered, the skin of opposite party not only improved, the appearance seemed like also probably was much young, but also thinks, takes treasure that anything prolonged the life, has not thought that was Cosmetic Pill. 之前见到齐灵儿的时候,她就发现了,对方的皮肤不但变好,容貌看起来也像是年轻了不少,还以为,服用了什么延年益寿的宝物,没想到是美容丹 hesitated for a while, Patriarch Qi looks: On you can have this medicine pill?” 迟疑了一下,齐家主看过来:“你身上可还有这种丹药?” Has!” “有!” Qi Ling'er took out a jade box to hand over. 齐灵儿取出一个玉盒递了过来。 Before Profound Night City that packing. 正是之前在夜冥城的那种包装。 Took out Cosmetic Pill, Patriarch Qi carefully looked, the brow wrinkle was tighter. 取出美容丹,齐家主仔细看了过去,眉头越皱越紧。 Regardless of how this medicine pill saw, has no difference...... to improve looks with ordinary God Essence Pill, but can also make the person talent increase? 这个丹药无论怎么看,都和普通神元丹没有任何区别……能够美容,还能让人天赋增加? How unable to discern? 怎么看不出来 Can take, but...... the Patriarch strength is strong, possibly the effect was not quite tangible, but definitely also has certain effect!” Qi Ling'er said. “可以服用,不过……家主实力强劲,可能效果不太明显了,但肯定同样有一定的作用!”齐灵儿道。 Un......” stopped for a while, Patriarch Qi puts in medicine pill the mouth. “嗯……”停顿了一下,齐家主丹药放入口中。 After the moment, raises the eyebrows. 片刻后眉毛一扬 It seems like ordinary God Essence Pill, but contain special strength, after taking, immediately enters the body, under flowing of this strength, the internal injury of in cultivation being damaged, immediately appear slight restore. 看起来是普通神元丹,但其中蕴含一种特殊的力量,服用后,立刻进入身体,在这股力量的流淌下,之前修炼中受损的暗伤,顿时出现了轻微的修复。 Although this restore, is to him minimal, but...... God King expert, least in every way possible, discovered as before clearly. 虽然这种修复,对他来说微乎其微,可……神王强者,毫厘入微,依旧清晰发现了。 These damages, my ownself does not have the means......” “这些损伤,我自己都没有办法……” raises the eyebrows, Patriarch Qi very cannot believe. 眉毛一扬,齐家主满是不敢相信。 These internal injuries, his strength, is unable to intervene, without thinking of low grade God Essence Pill can solve...... this Cosmetic Pill, was too rather fearful! 这些暗伤,他这种实力,都无法干预的,没想到一枚下品神元丹就能解决……这个美容丹,未免太可怕了吧! „Does this medicine...... come from where?” Cannot repress again, hurried looked towards this side, because extremely worries, sound/voice some/somewhat shivers. “这药……从何而来?”再也按耐不住,急忙看了过来,因为太过着急,声音有些颤抖。
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