LHP :: Volume #22

#2147: Zhang Xuan treatment

Listens to people's dialogue in the ear, the Zhang Xuan brow wrinkles is fiercer. 将众人的对话听在耳中,张悬眉头皱的更厉害。 If these guardians is real, this Teacher Fan Zhe, even the instruction knowledge does not have the mistake, in the teaching still has very big ability, does not have the qualifications to make Famed Master as before! 这些家长如果说的是真的,这位范哲老师,即便传授知识没有错误,教学上也有很大本领,依旧没资格做名师 First has virtue, latter has the master. 先有德,后有师。 Famed Master Continent is extremely severe to the request of teacher's ethics and teacher's professionalism, for this reason, inherits several tens of thousands years of although some/somewhat person, is contrary to the original intention, but the explicit criteria, no one dares to go to touch as before. 名师大陆对师德、师风的要求极其严厉,正因如此,传承数万年尽管有些人,有违初衷,但依旧有一条明确的准则,无人敢去触碰 Attends class does not say well, opens the supplementary class to make money ; 上课不好好讲,开补习班赚钱 Does not teach students in accordance with their aptitude, money that who gives are many, who sits in front...... 不因材施教,谁给的钱多,谁坐在前面…… No wonder this silver armor general does not take seriously the opposite party, even direct make a move. 难怪这位银甲将军不重视对方,甚至直接出手 Was always respected , because pays the sincerity to the student, is unretentive, this......, even if the fame is big, will be taken lightly. 受人总尊重,是因为对学生付出真心,毫无保留,这位……哪怕名气再大,也会被人看轻。 As if heard people's dialogue, Teacher Fan Zhe face turn red, wants to refute, a few words do not have. 似乎听到了众人的对话,范哲老师脸色涨红,想要反驳,却一句话都没有。 Discussed long time on the quiet, an old man walked. 悄悄议论了好长时间,一位老者走了过来。 Yu Feng Medicine Master. 余风医师 I come to see!” “我来看看!” Nearby arrives, carefully looked, Yu Feng Medicine Master the brow wrinkles the lump immediately. 来到跟前,仔细看了过去,余风医师随即眉头皱成疙瘩。 Internal organs are damaged with the meridians are damaged seriously, although treats and cures promptly, the injury stops, Divine Power has actually walked randomly the whole body, just like the dike of collapse, the rivers flows in backward, before wanting to restore, was almost impossible to complete......” “内脏受损和经脉受损严重,虽然救治及时,伤势止住,神力却已然游走全身,宛如崩溃的堤坝,河流倒灌,想要恢复到之前,几乎不可能完成了……” The Teacher Fan Zhe eyebrow jumps. 范哲老师眉毛一跳。 Can cure, perhaps the guardian can also calm down, this matter lets it go, without hope, makes, his Famed Master estimated that no need/not using did. 能够治好,家长或许还能消气,这件事不了了之,没希望,闹起来,他这个名师估计不用做了。 Your second-rate teacher, my today's even if/considered as breaks the rules, was handled by the military law, must kill you......” “你个庸师,我今天就算犯规,受到军法处置,也要杀了你……” Heard Medicine Master to say like this, the chest of silver armor general very anger, once more burnt, a sonic boom roar, another fist attack under. 听到医师这样说,银甲将军满是怒火的胸膛,再次燃烧起来,一声爆吼,又一拳冲击而下。 His son talent is not good, is impossible to deliver to here. 他儿子要不是天赋不好,也不可能送到这里。 But...... even the talent is not good, by his gene, cultivation, could not become Heavenly God well, achieved high grade God, did not need to worry about food or clothing can achieve...... 可……即便天赋不好,以他的基因,好好修炼,成不了天神,达到上品神灵,衣食无忧还是能够做到的…… now/current was good, spends, the opposite party gives back teaches crippled...... 现在好了,不禁花了钱,对方还给教废了…… How under to bear this tone! 如何忍得下这口气! Bang! 嘭! Chest of Teacher Fan Zhe once more by a boxing, backed up continuously several steps, in the mouth also had the blood blowout: Do not think my cannot defeat you......” 范哲老师再次被一拳击中胸口,连续倒退了几步,口中又有鲜血喷出:“不要以为我打不过你……” Knows to continue, will definitely be killed, cannot help, Divine Power surged, at any time can make a move. 知道继续下去,肯定会被打死,也忍不住了,神力激荡,随时都会动手 With is middle grade Heavenly God, moreover as Famed Master, although the fight experience is inferior to the opposite party to enrich, strength actually also must not be underestimated. 同为中品天神,而且身为名师,虽然战斗经验不如对方丰富,实力却也不容小觑 Bang bang! 嘭嘭! Two people fight, respective retreat, under physical strength attack, the table in room, destroyed 7-8. 二人交手,各自后退,气力冲击下,房间内的桌子,毁坏了七八个。 Does not kill you, I did not vow......” “不杀你,我誓不为人……” Silver armor general physical strength a big magnificence burst. 银甲将军气力大盛 Fan Zhe does not dare to hesitate, takes out Long Sword, strength displays the limit. 范哲也不敢迟疑,取出长剑,力量发挥到极限。 Two please slow, does not know that below whether first to look, can this injured little elder brother, treat and cure, then two do continue again?” “两位请慢,不知在下可否先看一下,这位受伤的小哥,能不能救治,然后两位再继续?” Fights when two people immediately starts, irreconcilable until death, light sound/voice made a sound. 就在二人战斗马上开始,不死不休之时,一个淡淡的声音响了起来。 The people look simultaneously, immediately sees youth, brings fatty, nearby arrives. 众人同时看去,随即看到一个青年,带着一个胖子,来到跟前。 Treatment? Under Qi Deviation, within the body meridians appear has the deviation, how treated and cured?” “救治?走火入魔下,体内经脉已经出现了偏差,如何救治?” Sees him to walk, Yu Feng Medicine Master snort/hum. 见他走过来,余风医师哼了一声。 You are......” “你是……” Saw some people to crop up at this time, Teacher Fan Zhe stopped, has the doubts. 见这时候有人冒头,范哲老师停了下来,带着疑惑。 „Below Zhang Xuan, studies several days later Medical Skill, although is inferior to Yu Feng Medicine Master and everyone, but had cured Qi Deviation, could have the means!” Zhang Xuan said. “在下张悬,学过几天医术,虽然不如余风医师诸位,但曾经治好过一位走火入魔,或许能有办法!”张悬道。 Sits in behind, looked that both really must fight, will definitely branch out the life and death, could not repress. 坐在后面,看两者真要战斗下去,肯定会分出生死,按耐不住走了出来。 Although does not want to mind others' business, but here after all is Famed Master Hall that Master Kong creates, he is also Famed Master, this Fan Zhe loses face, he is also difficult face. 虽不想管闲事,但这里毕竟是孔师创出的名师堂,他也是一位名师,这位范哲丢了人,他也难有颜面 Said these, Zhang Xuan is disinclined to pay attention to attitude of both sides, several steps arrive around the youngster. 说完这些,张悬懒得理会双方的态度,几步来到少年跟前。 17 – 18 years old appearance, complexion wax yellow, because of ache, head very cold sweat. 十七、八岁的模样,脸色蜡黄,因为疼痛,头上满是冷汗。 The finger built on the opposite party pulse gently, True Qi walks randomly the whole body. 手指在对方脉搏上轻轻搭了过去,真气游走全身。 Takes back the finger. 收回手指。 With that Yu Feng Medicine Master said a moment ago, this one, the meridians in within the body under Qi Deviation, appear the enormous damage, many meridians shattered, Divine Power flooded into within the body, internal organs dashing muddled and completely collapsing. 和刚才那位余风医师说的一样,眼前这位,体内的经脉在走火入魔下,出现了极大的损伤,不少经脉碎裂,神力涌入了体内,将内脏冲撞的一塌糊涂 Can live now/current, can only say that is his father is too powerful, used not to know many miracle medicine reasons. 能活到现在,都只能说是他父亲太强大,用了不知多少灵丹妙药的缘故。 Otherwise, had possibly died at that time. 不然,当时可能就已经死了。 This situation, no wonder the silver armor military officer was so angry. 这种情况,难怪银甲将领这么愤怒了。 Trades to be anyone, the metropolis/can anger soars to the heavens, is hard self-made. 换做谁,都会怒火冲天,难以自制。 Can have the means?” “可有办法?” The silver armor guard looks. 银甲护卫看过来。 Although this one is extremely young, making him feel not credible, but the sons, can only hold a ray of hope like this. 虽然眼前这位太过年轻,让他觉得没那么可信,可儿子都这样了,只能抱有一丝希望。 Means have, but......” “办法是有,不过……” Zhang Xuan stopped for a while. 张悬停顿了一下 So long as can save my son, lets he restores such as beginning, pays again the big price line......” dazed for a moment, silver armor general wrist turn, took out the one piece card to hand over: On this card has 100 god coins, but also makes your excellency take the trouble, can treat and cure, surely ten times of repayment......” “只要能救我儿子,让他恢复如初,付出再大代价都行……”愣了一下,银甲将军手腕一翻,取出一张卡片递了过来:“这张卡片上有100神币,还让阁下多费心,能救治好,必定十倍报答……” make a move is 100 god coins, ten times of repayment, almost wanted thousand approximately/left and right, this price, even if/considered as in Nether Soul Imperial City, was extremely precious. 出手就是100神币,十倍报答,差不多要一千左右了,这个价格,就算幽魂皇城,都是极其贵重的。 Really, hears this saying, the people all breathing rapidly. 果然,听到这话,众人全都呼吸急促。 Money I do not want, you receive well......” “钱我不要,你收好……” Zhang Xuan shakes the head the rejection. 张悬摇头拒绝。 His considered as understand, why this Teacher Fan Zhe, must make up for a missed lesson finally. 算是终于明白,为何这位范哲老师,要补课了。 spiritual Qi abates, the God World life all floods into the city, the house price and living cost considerably increases. 灵气消退,神界的生命全都涌入城市,房价和生活成本大大增加。 To live, live is better, surely needs a lot of money and resources, in addition the guardian indulges for child's evil intention, formed the opposite party so greedily true colors. 想要活着,活的更好,肯定需要大量的金钱和资源,再加上家长为了孩子的恶意放纵,才形成了对方如此贪婪地本色。 If everyone does not deliver the thing...... this to think that does not dare break/destroy rules and regulations, makes what supplementary class. 要是人人都不送东西……这位想必也不敢破坏规则,去弄什么补习班。 Hits “打我一拳,我看看你还能运转神力吧!” The rejection opposite party, is disinclined to continue to pay attention, Zhang Xuan looks to the present youngster. 拒绝对方,懒得继续继续理会,张悬看向眼前的少年。 Seeing his attitude is genial, the vision is limpid, youngster hesitated for a while, suppressed the ache, the arm stretches out forward, hit a fist. 见他态度和善,目光清澈,少年迟疑了一下,强忍住疼痛,手臂向前伸出,打了一拳。 Buzz! 嗡! In mind appear books. 脑海中出现书籍。 Zhuo Yan, Nether Soul Imperial City person, low grade peak God, because cultivation is wrong, Qi Deviation......” 卓岩,幽魂皇城人士,下品巅峰神灵,因修炼错误,走火入魔……” Looks at the content. 将内容看完。 Zhang Xuan shakes the head. 张悬摇头。 No wonder this silver armor military officer such pissed off, this youngster Zhuo Yan, reason that this, but also is really related with this teacher named Fan Zhe. 难怪这位银甲将领这么生气,这个少年卓岩,之所以这样,还真跟这个叫范哲的老师有关。 How......” “怎么样……” Sees his appearance, silver armor general once more looks like, very is anxious. 见他这副样子,银甲将军再次看来,满是焦急。 His Qi Deviation is very serious, but, not surprisingly/if nothing unexpected, should be able to cure......” Zhang Xuan to show a faint smile. “他的走火入魔十分严重,不过,不出意外,应该能够治好……”张悬微微一笑。 Can govern?” “能治?” The silver armor general relaxes: Also asked your excellency make a move...... to be able the puppy to cure, as long as asked that went to Tang Taohuo below, refused to balk!” 银甲将军松了口气:“还请阁下出手……能将小犬治好,但凡所求,在下赴汤滔火,在所不惜!” no need/not using is so polite......” 不用这么客气……” Also were not many said, Zhang Xuan wrist turn, took out several silver needles: Is enduring, do not revolt!” 也不多说,张悬手腕一翻,取出几根银针:“忍着点,不要反抗!” Said flicking the fingers, on silver needle landed/dropped latter's acupoint, Zhuo Yan in baffled/strange, is feeling that the whole body sudden hemp, special strength floods into within the body. 说完屈指一弹,银针落在后者的穴道上,卓岩正在奇怪,感到全身突然一麻,紧接着一股特殊的力量涌入体内。 Follows this physical strength, before because of Qi Deviation meridians of breakage, quick recovery. 伴随这股气力,之前因为走火入魔而破损的经脉,快速恢复。 This......” “这……” Zhuo Yan stared wide-eyed, unbelievable. 卓岩眼睛瞪圆,难以置信。 Although he is young, after all came from the general aristocratic family, known many. 他虽然年纪不大,毕竟出身将军世家,知道的很多。 Such Qi Deviation, the meridians are damaged, let alone restored, how long can live, after did not say...... may opposite party several needles grip, meridians of damage, not only restored, Divine Power that was scattered and lost, gathered unexpectedly slowly, the personal experience, felt inconceivable! 这样的走火入魔,经脉受损,别说恢复了,能不能活多久,都不好说……可对方几根针扎下去后,受损的经脉,不光恢复,散佚的神力,竟然也缓慢聚拢,亲身经历,都感觉到不可思议! How feels......” “感觉如何……” Sees the silver needle to grip, the son expression is not right, the silver armor military officer quickly looks. 见银针扎下去,儿子表情不对,银甲将领急忙看过来。 Father, my seem like...... the injury is good!” “父亲,我好像……伤势已经好了!” The voice ended, the originally worn out Zhuo Yan station, clenching fists, the under foot rocked. 话音结束,本来有气无力的卓岩站了起来,拳头捏紧,脚下晃动。 hū hū hū hū! 呼呼呼呼 in the blink of an eye, one set of fist technique displayed, all around flap flap makes noise. 眨眼功夫,一套拳法施展了出来,四周猎猎作响。 This...... my eye not blind!” “这……我眼睛没瞎吧!” „Does Qi Deviation, grip several well?” 走火入魔,扎几针就好?” Too shocking......” “太耸人听闻了……” ...... …… for a split second, the surrounding everyone was ignorant. 一瞬间,周围的所有人都懵了。 This Zhuo Yan Qi Deviation order of severity, they saw, even Yu Feng Medicine Master also came to observe personally, originally thought discarded thoroughly, the possibility of again not restoring , simple several, not only thoroughly restored, but also before vivid victory,...... 这位卓岩走火入魔的严重程度,他们都看到了,甚至余风医师也亲自过来观察了,本以为彻底废掉,再无恢复的可能,没想到,简单几针,不光彻底恢复,还生龙活虎更胜之前…… Too profound imaginary! 太玄幻了吧! Little Brother Zhang, this......” 张小兄弟,这……” Silver armor general very cannot believe. 银甲将军满是不敢相信。 His biological son, examines cross examine specially, how long treated and cured did not know, was suspect/doubt and this one, joined up to deceive him. 要不是他亲生儿子,又专门检查过,救治了不知多久,都怀疑是不是和眼前这位,联合起来对他进行糊弄。 Zhang Xuan stands up: I have walked randomly him in Divine Power in within the body, combed to dantian, the meridians of damage, restored!” 张悬站起身来:“我已经将他游走在体内的神力,梳理了到了丹田,受损的经脉,也修复了!” Teacher Fan Zhe and Yu Feng Medicine Master the eyebrow jumps madly simultaneously. 范哲老师余风医师同时眉毛乱跳。 Then Divine Power of riot can comb...... the shatter meridians also to restore...... how did he achieve it? 那么暴乱的神力能够梳理……破碎的经脉也能修复……怎么做到的? You can cure quickly, knows his why Qi Deviation crux, he and other scholar instruction is the same, cultivation is completely also same, why can like this?” “你能这么快治好,想必也知道了他为何走火入魔的症结,他和其他学子教授的都一样,修炼的也完全相同,为何会这样?” Also cannot help, Teacher Fan Zhe asked again. 再也忍不住,范哲老师问道。 If not make clear, his second-rate teacher charge must certainly carry. 如果不搞清楚,他这个庸师的罪名肯定要背着了。 Why Qi Deviation, I indeed knew the crux......” Zhang Xuan looked towards this side: „Do you really want to know?” “为何走火入魔,我的确知道了症结……”张悬看了过来:“你真想知道?” Yes!” “是!” Teacher Fan Zhe nods. 范哲老师点头。 Others also look neatly. 其他人也齐刷刷看过来。 The Qi Deviation crisis is infinite, can know the origin, good to guard ahead of time. 走火入魔危机无穷,能够知道根由,也好提前防备。 With making up for a missed lesson related!” Zhang Xuan said. “和补课有关!”张悬道。 Makes up for a missed lesson?” “补课?” Fan Zhe doubts. 范哲疑惑。 Yes, although I see this general for the first time, but has not guessed wrong, the mood that you hope that a son will grow up to be successful is very anxious, wants to make him become outstanding, turns with your same expert!” Zhang Xuan looks to the silver armor general. “是,虽然我第一次见这位将军,但没猜错,你望子成龙的心情十分急切,想让他出人头地,变成和你一样的强者吧!”张悬看向银甲将军。 This fighting intent such as middle-aged person of dragon, nodded a moment ago, did not deny. 这位刚才战意如龙的中年人,点了点头,也不否认。 A general as Nether Soul Imperial City, position and prestige are big, originally thought the brave or vigorous do not father cowardly children, who knew son's talent is too bad, tests several academy unable to be accepted! 身为幽魂皇城的一个将军,地位和声望都不小,本以为虎父无犬子,谁知儿子的天赋太差,考了几次学院都考不上! Unavoidably has the pressure, worries with very urgent about his cultivation base. 难免产生压力,对他的修为十分着急和迫切。 Even does not hesitate, delivers to here, on various training classes, goal, only then, can become outstanding, become Heavenly God, is good to inherit the family property and position. 甚至不惜,送到这里,上各种培训班,目的只有一个,能够出人头地,成为天神,好继承家业和地位 originally latter success breakthrough God, cultivation base also increases stably, making him satisfy many, never dreamed or expected, the low grade God promotion middle grade God small rank, can Qi Deviation like this, and almost died. 本来后者成功突破神灵,修为也稳固增加,让他满意不少,做梦都没想到,下品神灵升级中品神灵这样的小级别,都会走火入魔,而且差点死掉。
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