LHP :: Volume #20

#1923: I called Tianya

The actual combat is cultivation base progresses forever the quickest method, where regardless of being same. 实战永远都是修为进步最快的方法,无论在哪里都一样。 The normal actual combat, was very easy dead and be injured, but here, did not involve these issues, for this reason, the public competition in God Connection Jade Talisman, forever was the project that cultivator most liked. 正常的实战,很容易死亡、受伤,而在这里,不牵扯这些问题,正因如此,通神玉符中的公开赛,永远是修炼者最喜欢的项目。 Also without arriving, saw that countless people pile up be together, looks at present the giant crystal screen, all very is excited. 还没来到跟前,就看到无数人堆积在一起,看着眼前巨大的水晶屏幕,一个个满是激动。 And, two person's shadows are battling. 其中,两个人影正在交战。 cultivation base has Saint Domain First Layer, but martial skill and move, various, hit like a raging fire, demonstrated to martial skill and fight, extremely strong controlling force. 修为都只是有圣域一重,但武技和招数,各不相同,打的如火如荼,都显示出了对武技和战斗,极强的控制力。 Wind Rider, won five continuously, is quite fierce!” 牧风者,都连续赢了五场了,好厉害!” Far more than fierce, his control to the martial skill is simply shocking, each move, accurate of computation, was too powerful!” “何止厉害,他对武技的掌控简直骇人听闻,每一招,计算的准确无误,太强大了!” I definitely am not a match/opponent!” “我肯定不是对手!” Visits him to fight, can study many skills, the ownself strength also increases much......” “看他战斗,可以学习不少技巧,自己的实力也增加不少……” ...... …… discuss spiritedly. 议论纷纷 God Connection Jade Talisman, reason that can entire Beyond The Heaven, goes after like ducks, because not only can make person no need/not using be afraid the injured fight, can observe and emulate the process that others fight, thus there are many comprehensions. 通神玉符,之所以能让整个上苍的人,趋之若鹜,不仅因为可以让人不用害怕受伤的战斗,更可以观摩别人战斗的过程,从而有更多的领悟。 Zhang Xuan has not worried to register, but is the fight of looked for a while both sides, cannot help nods. 张悬并未着急报名,而是看了一会双方的战斗,忍不住点头。 martial skill that Saint Domain First Layer, can display is limited, fight of both sides, looked that who assurance to the time is finer, utilizes the move, is more decisive and swift and fierce. 圣域一重,能够施展出来的武技有限,双方的战斗,就看谁对时机的把握更加精细,运用招数,更加果断和凌厉。 Understood much, Zhang Xuan arrives at Registration Place, card handed over. 了解了不少,张悬来到报名处,将卡片递了过去 Any name...... the nickname is also good!” “什么名字……外号也行!” The one who is responsible for arranging the competition is the 20 years old female, asked. 负责安排比赛的是个二十来岁的女子,问道。 Nickname?” “外号?” Zhang Xuan thinking. 张悬思索。 This competition, wants certainly the name or the nickname, otherwise duel both sides, who do not know are, had no significance. 这种比赛,肯定要名字或者外号的,不然决斗双方,都不知道是谁,也就没什么意义了。 Since God Connection Jade Talisman, can hide the identity, called Zhang Xuan, definitely not good......” “既然通神玉符,可以隐瞒身份,叫张悬,肯定不行……” Takes the net ID to be the same with previous life, where has to make stupidly the real name? 就和前世取网名一样,哪有傻到将真名弄上去的? Yang Xuan, Sun Qiang, Xuan Zhang and Luo Tianya......” 杨玄孙强玄章洛天涯……” Before will have taken fictitious name all flows in the mind, after the moment, nods: Called me...... Tianya!” 将之前取过的假名一个个在脑海中流淌,片刻后,点了点头:“就叫我……天涯吧!” Tianya?” The females nod, in the present books, writes down quickly. 天涯?”女子点了点头,在眼前的书本上,很快写了下来。 The time is not long, the competition was arranged. 时间不长,比试就被安排。 Tianya, fight Silent Traveler!” 天涯,对战默行者!” Follows shouts, Zhang Xuan steps onto competition stage. 伴随呼喊,张悬走上比试台 Is a circular region, all around by the huge crystal screen blockade, the pass through screen, outside people can see inside detailed situation. 是个圆形的区域,四周都被巨大的水晶屏幕封锁,通过屏幕,外面的众人可以看到里面的详细情况。 His a match/opponent, is thin middle-aged person, although same strength and cultivation base, actually a powerful oppression. 他的对手,是个身材瘦小的中年人,尽管同样的力量修为,却给人一种强大的压迫。 This Silent Traveler I know, although the first time is attended the public competition, has not had the fight experience, but the strength is extremely strong!” “这位默行者我知道,尽管是第一次参加公开赛,没有过战斗经历,但实力极强!” Yes, a moment ago I and he have chatted, even also compared notes quietly several, regardless of responded or the make a move speed, was extremely strong, own strength, perhaps at least was Shatter Void intermediate stage!” “是啊,刚才我和他聊过天,甚至还悄悄切磋了几下,无论反应还是动手速度,都极强,自身的实力,恐怕最少是破碎虚空中期了!” Is so strong? It seems like not obscure generation of Ah! “这么强?看来也不是默默无名之辈啊! So expert, this fight some looked, does not know that opposite Tianya is fierce!” “如此高手,这场战斗有的看了,就是不知道对面的天涯厉害不厉害!” One hear of names frustrate very much, should very weak......” “一听名字就很挫,应该很弱的……” Yes, Tianya, border wool!” “是啊,天涯,涯个毛!” In God Connection Jade Talisman, although does not know the true understanding solid status, but in exchange, strength strong and weak and position height, so long as intentionally does not conceal, can perceive. 通神玉符之中,尽管不知道真实身份,但交流之中,实力强弱、地位高低,只要不刻意隐瞒,还是能够觉察到的。 The greet/have seen Silent Traveler person, knows, is not weak expert. 见过默行者的人,都知道,是一位不弱的强者 Therefore...... opposite fellow, must certainly have bad luck. 所以……对面的家伙,肯定要倒霉了。 Starts!” “开始吧!” coldly looks at present youth one, Silent Traveler smiled lightly: I will not show mercy!” 冷冷看了眼前的青年一眼,默行者淡淡一笑:“我不会手下留情的!” He must make the power and influence! 他要打出威势来! Just like these famous expert, second company victory, three victories in a row, even...... five victories in a row! 和那些有名的强者一样,二连胜,三连胜,甚至……五连胜! Let Silent Traveler this title, resounds through Shining Star City each corner! 让“默行者”这个称号,响彻星耀城的每一个角落! Zhang Xuan puts out a hand: Please!” 张悬伸手:“请!” hū! 呼! Silent Traveler fled, the under foot trod special movement technique, the appear of person's shadow in the arena empty was shaking. 默行者窜了过来,脚下踏着特殊的步法,人影在擂台上出现了虚晃。 Sees opposite party make a move, Zhang Xuan once more nods. 看到对方出手,张悬再次点头。 Beyond The Heaven many profession possibly do not have fineness that Famed Master Continent labels, but cultivator fight fight of comprehensions and to martial skill the controls, are more powerful! 上苍的很多职业可能没有名师大陆标注的那么精细,但修炼者对战斗的领悟和对武技的掌控,却更加强大! Casual, is better than Famed Master Hall's Famed Master, even...... Battle Master was well below! 随便一个,都远胜过名师堂的名师,甚至……战师都远远不如! Can achieve this, possibly has the inalienable relations with God Connection Jade Talisman, after all, even if/considered as Battle Master Hall, must count injured to fight. 能做到这点,可能和通神玉符有不可分割的关系,毕竟,就算战师堂,也不可能不计受伤一直战斗下去的。 Cannot one win, otherwise next a match/opponent was not easy to look......” “不能一下获胜,不然下一个对手就不好找了……” Instantaneously, in the mind had haggling over. 瞬间,脑海中有了计较。 Move although of opposite party is mysterious, but to him, the no need/not using library, saw at least seven and eight flaws, wants to win, with no difficulty. 对方的招数尽管玄妙,但对于他来说,不用图书馆,一眼就看出了最少七、八处缺陷,想要获胜,轻而易举 But this is the public competition, a move won...... second a match/opponent is not easy to look, but also how did double make money? 可这是公开赛,一招就获胜了……第二场的对手就不好找了,还怎么翻倍赚钱? Without money, the wound is not good, the tenth disciple who just received, possibly even/including Jin cannot boil in the evening. 没钱,伤不好,刚收的第十位弟子,可能连今晚上都熬不过去。 understand this, Zhang Xuan body shake/sway, move forward to meet. 明白这点,张悬身体一晃,迎了上来 Bang bang bang! 嘭嘭嘭! in the blink of an eye fight be together. 眨眼功夫战斗在一起 Un? This Tianya seems like not weak Ah! “嗯?这位天涯看起来也不弱啊! A moment ago what Silent Traveler displayed, air-splitting footwork? Saint Domain can First Layer display this rank martial skill?” “刚才默行者施展的是,破空脚法吗?圣域一重可以施展出这种级别的武技?” „Is this...... the floating cotton wool palm? How to have this effect?” “这是……飘絮掌?怎么会有这种效果?” „Are these two moves of seconds to peak, were hidden unexpectedly by this Tianya, the luck or...... really competent?” “这两招秒到巅峰,竟然都被这位天涯躲过去了,是运气还是……真有实力?” ...... …… Commencing of action, originally everyone thinks that one-sided aspect, appear the change, everyone stared wide-eyed, very was inconceivable. 战斗开始,本来人人都认为一边倒的局面,出现了变化,所有人都瞪大了眼睛,满是不可思议。 Silent Traveler with is the same, is extremely intrepid, every gesture and motions that before expects, have the unique might, but opposite Tianya, the although move is ordinary, actually every can evade the attack one time, even also finds time to counter-attack! 默行者和之前预料的一样,极其强悍,一招一式,都有着特有的威力,可对面的天涯,尽管招数普通,却每一次都能躲过攻击,甚至还抽空加以反击! This was fearful! 这就可怕了! If the luck, impossible every only to miss the least one time, but must say that is the strength...... this/should strong, can achieve to accomplish a task with ease? 如果说是运气的话,不可能每一次都只差毫厘,可要说是实力的话……又该多强,才能做到游刃有余? Looked quickly, Tianya must counter-attack!” “快看,天涯要反击了!” Suddenly, some people shouted. 突然,有人喊了出来。 Fought a moment ago continuously more than ten moves, is Silent Traveler not initiative attack, Tianya is forced to revolt, but now/current, the situation changed. 刚才连续战斗了十多招,都是默行者不主动进攻,天涯被迫反抗,而现在,局势变了。 Former continuous attack fruitless , the rash, the latter gradually controlled the entire fight rhythm. 前者连续攻击无果之下,心浮气躁,后者逐渐掌控了整场战斗的节奏。 Sees only Zhang Xuan, empty shook toward left, right hand, fiercely forward hit out. 只见张悬,向左虚晃了一下,紧接着右手,猛地向前拍出 Silent Traveler saw his move probably, not fall into a trap, left hand move forward to meet. 默行者像是看出了他的招数,并未中计,左手迎了上来 When the double palm will soon contact, the Zhang Xuan right hand strokes gently, the left hand extended from the sleeves, among not consciousness has arrived in the chest of opposite party. 就在双掌即将接触的时候,张悬右手轻轻一拂,左手从衣袖中伸了出来,不知觉间已然抵达对方的胸口。 A moment ago, unexpectedly as before was the empty move! 刚才的,竟然依旧是虚招! Move transform false into real...... on considered as Shining Star City City Lord, can't achieve this?” “招数以虚化实……就算是星耀城城主,也做不到这点吧?” Can achieve, a few years ago, I have watched the City Lord public competition, once used this move...... obviously is the empty move, does not guard makes a true confession, guarding is the empty move...... the mixture of truth and deceit only in instant...... this move, countless people want association/learn, cannot achieve, did I practice the entire three years not to have the effect...... this Tianya to display unexpectedly directly?” “能够做到,前些年,我看过城主的公开赛,曾用过这招……明明是虚招,不防备就是实招,防备了就是虚招……虚虚实实只在一念之间……这个招数,无数人想要学会,都做不到,我练了整整三年都没效果……这位天涯竟然直接施展出来了?” Was too fearful, I withdrew the words, this Tianya absolutely was expert!” “太可怕了,我收回刚才的话,这位天涯绝对是个高手!” transform false into real cultivation so adept, this fellow, should not be City Lord disguise?” 以虚化实修炼的如此娴熟,这家伙,该不是城主伪装的吧?” how is this possible, the nickname of City Lord public competition, I know, simply was not this...... said again, the City Lord score, exceeded does not know many, was insufficient disguise to become one not to participate in the unimportant person!” 怎么可能,城主公开赛的外号,我知道,根本不是这个……再说,城主的战绩,都胜过不知多少场了,不至于伪装成一场都没参加过的小人物吧!” ...... …… transform false into real move, although it sounds not difficult, but Shining Star City can achieve, are not many, a fellow of never heard of name displayed unexpectedly, how to be shocking? 以虚化实的招数,虽然听起来不难,但星耀城能够做到的,并不多,一个从未听过名字的家伙竟然施展了出来,如何不让人震惊? Bang! 嘭! Again and again retreat, Silent Traveler corners of the mouth very blood. 连连后退,默行者嘴角满是鲜血。 Although the person in Jade Talisman, will not die truly, but after injury, similarly meets the ache, will spit blood, to self-confident also has enormous attack/mental blow. 虽然玉符之中的人,不会真正的死亡,但受伤之后,同样会疼痛,会吐血,对自信也有极大的打击 I lost......” “我输了……” Knows to continue, can only lose is more miserable, Silent Traveler direct acknowledgment. 知道继续下去,只会输的更惨,默行者直接承认。 To become famous overnight, without thinking of first defeated. 本想一举成名的,没想到第一场就败了。 Zhang Xuan nods, hears sound/voice of outside female to resound: Is continues to fight, will challenge next time!” 张悬点了点头,紧接着听到外面的女子的声音响起:“是继续战斗,还是下次挑战!” Wins, can continue, can forfeit. 获胜一场,可以继续,也可以弃权。 Zhang Xuan shows a faint smile: Continues to conduct second!” 张悬微微一笑:“继续进行第二场!” fight, although there are some consumptions, was not big, came specially, conducts the challenge tournament to make money, was naturally impossible to go out like this. 刚才的战斗,虽然有了些消耗,却并不大,专门过来,进行挑战赛挣钱的,自然不可能就这样出去。 Quick, second a match/opponent was arranged, this time was not a novice, but was battle competition many, the victory and defeat differed not big youth. 很快,第二位对手被安排过来,这次不是新手了,而是一位比斗过好多场,胜负相差不大的青年 The opposite party as if know that fierce of this one, make a move on rush forward, various methods displays frequently. 对方似乎知道眼前这位的厉害,一出手冲了过来,各种手段频繁施展。 Zhang Xuan moves aside again and again. 张悬连连躲闪。 Is Minute Step!” “是毫厘步!” Sees situation that he avoids, under once more calls out in alarm. 看到他躲避的情况,下方再次惊呼。 Minute Step, dodges the attack of a match/opponent, only misses the least each time, does this to save the physical strength, can a better attack...... but also the extreme danger , can even the slightest misstep the severe wound! This fellow displayed transform false into real not only, even did this move use unexpectedly?” 毫厘步,就是躲闪对手的攻击,每次只差毫厘,这样做可以节省体力,也可以更好的攻击……但是也极端危险,稍有不慎,就会重伤!这家伙不光施展出了以虚化实,竟然连这种招数都用了出来?” This does not have over dozens years painstaking cultivation unable to achieve!” “这没有数十年以上的苦修做不到吧!” Far more than cannot achieve, can say that simply could not complete!” “何止做不到,可以说根本就完成不了!” I have a cousin, most worships was Minute Step, cultivation the entire 30 years, fight time, does not dare to cause as before, not only this controlled fine to strength, what was more important, Soul Depth was extremely calm, has the ability that Mount Tai collapse surface did not change, otherwise simply was impossible to achieve!” “我有个表哥,最崇拜的就是毫厘步,修炼了整整三十年了,战斗的时候,依旧不敢使出来,这不光是对力量掌控精细,更重要的是,心境极其沉稳,有泰山崩塌面不改的本领,不然根本不可能做到!” Many people could not have spoken. 不少人已经说不出话来。 transform false into real, Minute Step, solely rely/based on this difference/two kinds, this Tianya absolutely is super expert. 以虚化实,毫厘步,单凭这两样,这位天涯绝对是一位超级强者 Does not know shock under stage, second a match/opponent, Zhang Xuan same did not use/useless too for a long time, after ten moves, easily defeats it. 不知道台下的震惊,第二位对手,张悬同样没用太长时间,十招过后,轻松将其击败。 Sees a match/opponent to draw back, continued the third competition, Zhang Xuan then relaxed, to the performance of ownself, was very satisfied. 看到对手退下去,继续了第三场比试,张悬这才松了口气,对自己的表现,十分满意。 Should disguise good/Yes, others should not to see my concrete strength, such following competition were many on the convenience...... pulled down the strength, could not only display 5%, to be honest...... was laborious......” “应该伪装不错,别人应该没看出我的具体实力,这样下面的比赛就方便多了……压低实力,只发挥不到二十分之一,说实话……还是蛮辛苦的……” Shakes the head, once more looks to third coming up a match/opponent, is the azure clothes female. 摇摇头,再次看向第三个上来的对手,是个青衣女子。
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