LHP :: Volume #19

#1801: Sovereign Ling palace 【2nd Update】

Robs Green Leaf Yellow of opposite party, this Appraiser, not talk rubbish, is supine the head to walk outward, Zhang Xuan smiles, followed close on. 抢走对方的青叶黄,这位鉴宝师,也不废话,仰着头颅向外走去,张悬轻轻一笑,紧跟了上来。 Had/Left trading company, after walking a while, saw him to enter a lane, flicking the fingers. 出了商行,走了一会,见他进入了一个巷子,屈指一弹 This rampant Appraiser, blacking out, one fell into another world probably, immediately body shake/sway, fainted. 这位嚣张的鉴宝师,眼前一黑,像是一下陷入了另外一个世界,随即身体一晃,晕了过去。 Zhang Xuan now/current is Immortal Divinity Realm Great Perfection, copes with Saint Domain 6th-7th Layer Appraiser, with no difficulty. 张悬现在不朽境大圆满,对付一个圣域六、七重鉴宝师,轻而易举 Soul Searching!” 搜魂!” don't give a crap, Spiritual Force invades the opposite party mind immediately, next moment, to its status and origin, already know something like the back of one's hand. 懒得废话,精神力立刻侵入对方脑海,下一刻,对其身份和来历,已然了如指掌 Wants the sneak into Sovereign Ling palace, a casual disguise status, is definitely invalid, the opposite party definitely meets the detailed inquiry. 想要混入灵皇的宫殿,随便伪装一个身份,肯定是行不通的,对方必然会详细查询。 Zhang Xuan comes this goal, is not Assessment, but looks for the fellow who has , conducts disguise. 张悬来这的目的,并非考核,而是找一个真实存在的家伙,进行伪装 Since like this, how regardless to check, does not have the flaw. 这样以来,无论怎么查,都毫无破绽。 Open Support City Appraiser, Wu Tao...... pass through the test of Sovereign Ling, had been planning that Sovereign Ling palace, this best, exempts much troublesome......” 开拥城鉴宝师,邬滔……已经通过灵皇的考验,正打算去灵皇宫殿,这样最好,免去不少麻烦……” pass through Soul Searching, knows quickly the complete details of this fellow, smile, palm wields gently. 通过搜魂,很快知道了这家伙的全部底细,笑了笑,手掌轻轻一挥。 hūa lā! 哗啦 This bullying Foreign Spirit Appraiser and his servant turn into the flying ash immediately, vanishes from this world thoroughly, but thing that represents his status, already now/current Zhang Xuan palm. 这位仗势欺人的异灵鉴宝师和他的下人立刻变成飞灰,彻底从这个世界消失,而代表他身份的东西,已然出现在张悬掌心。 Goes to the Sovereign Ling palace!” “去灵皇的宫殿!” The disguise talisman sparkle, body appear the change, in the blink of an eye with this Wu Tao long exactly the same, close is unable to recognize, Zhang Xuan then relaxes, in direction according to opposite party memory, to Sovereign Ling palace walked over. 伪装符箓闪耀,身体出现了变化,眨眼功夫就和这位邬滔长的一模一样,至亲都无法辨识,张悬这才松了口气,按照对方记忆中的方向,向灵皇宫殿走了过去 Foreign Spirit three big sovereign, have the respective palace respectively, assumes the font to cover Royal City, the Sovereign Ling palace, from here, not considered as is too far, passes through seven and eight streets, saw that the palatial wall stands erect in nearby. 异灵三大皇者,各自有各自的宫殿,呈品字型将王城笼罩在内,灵皇的宫殿,距离这里,不算太远,走过七、八条街道,就看到巍峨的宫墙矗立在跟前。 In the token of representative capacity the hand hands over, was inspected continuously seven and eight, determine/certain for oneself, this smoothly enters. 将手中代表身份的令牌递过去,连续被检查了七、八遍,确定为本人,这才顺利进入其中。 Wu Tao Appraiser, here please......” 邬滔鉴宝师,这边请……” Quick, guard move forward to meet. 很快,一个护卫迎了上来 The memory of pass through opposite party, Zhang Xuan had not found Sovereign Ling to invite the Appraiser goal, should be this Wu Tao is not clear, immediately looks to the present guard, pulled down sound/voice: Does not know that Sovereign Ling asks us to come, behavior what matter? I am also good to prepare ahead of time, striving to have a good showing.” 通过对方的记忆,张悬并未找到灵皇邀请鉴宝师的目的,应该是这位邬滔也不清楚,当即看向眼前的护卫,压低了声音:“不知灵皇找我们过来,所为何事?我也好提前准备,争取能有个更好的表现。” Then, hands over Peerless Grade spirit stone. 说完,递过来一枚绝品灵石 The guard has not accepted, but is sound/voice is indifferent: Why lets what are you doing is, here does not need you to act smart!” 护卫并未接受,而是声音冷漠:“让你干什么干什么就是,这里不需要你耍小聪明!” Yes, yes!” “是,是!” Zhang Xuan nods hastily: I become friends, without other meanings, but also looks at the brothers to accept......” 张悬连忙点头:“我只是交朋友,没有其他意思,还望兄弟收下……” Un!” “嗯!” hesitated for a while, the guard spirit stone in the palm, wrist turn, takes in ring: not to be taken as a precedent!” 迟疑了一下,护卫将灵石拿在手心,手腕一翻,收进戒指:“下不为例!” Then , to continue stand forth, walks, sound/voice pulled down transmitting: This time asks you to come, needs you, calculates the accurate value of each treasure, cannot appear wrong, cannot exaggerate like outside, otherwise, was killed, do not blame me not to remind you!” 说完,继续向前走去,边走,声音边压低了传来:“这次找你们过来,需要你们,计算每一件宝物的准确价值,不能出现一点错误,再不能像外面那样夸大其词,否则,被杀了,别怪我没提醒你!” Zhang Xuan hurried nod. 张悬急忙点头。 Appraiser, although can accurately appraise the accurate value of treasure, will be different according to the status of treasure master, attaches some special values, since like this, not has been accurate. 鉴宝师,虽然能够准确评估宝物的准确价值,却也会根据宝物主人的身份不同,附加一些特殊的价值,这样以来,就不太精准了。 On seem like picture shrimp, ordinary painter and Qi Baishi, even if oneself of tracing am unable to recognize, but the price meets difference ten times and hundred times as before. 好像画虾,普通画家和齐白石,哪怕临摹的本人都无法辨识,可价格依旧会相差数十倍、百倍。 The words of opposite party, are very simple, this/should valuable, is valuable, do not have these to attach. 对方的话,很简单,该多值钱,就多值钱,不要有这些附加。 Remembers well, I first lead you to pass, as for will arrange what mission, I am only a servant, is not clear......” “记住就好,我先带你过去,至于会安排什么任务,我只是个下人,就不清楚了……” The guard said that did not have the sound again. 护卫说了一句,再没了声响。 It seems like that he only knows so many. 看来,他只知道这么多。 appreciate your effort!” 有劳了!” Also takes out Peerless Grade spirit stone to hand over, the Zhang Xuan brow wrinkles. 又取出一枚绝品灵石递过去,张悬眉头皱紧。 Listens to the tone of opposite party, really makes one come unexpectedly appraising treasure...... 听对方的语气,竟然真是让人过来鉴宝的…… In Temple of Master Kong, this Sovereign Ling is injured multiple, but personally sees, without at that time fallen, had explained accumulated vigorously, returned to the ownself den, did not look for the rule by people wound, looked for Appraiser to come on the contrary...... 孔庙内,这位灵皇受伤多重,可是亲眼所见,没当时陨落,就已经说明积累雄浑了,回到自己的老巢,不找人治伤,反倒找鉴宝师过来…… Made one be puzzling. 令人百思不得其解。 Follows after behind, the time is not long, arrives at a broad palace. 跟在身后,时间不长,来到一个宽阔的宫殿。 On the hall rack chocked up all kinds of treasures, many Appraiser, walk randomly is one of them, careful appraise. 大厅架子上摆满了各种各样的宝物,不少鉴宝师,游走在其中,仔细鉴别 „After going, starts from the first treasure, appraise ends, value that you estimate, puts in the box of correspondence, does not permit exchange, do not talk, once discovered, kills without the amnesty!” “进去后,从第一个宝物开始,鉴别完,将你估算的价值,放入对应的箱子中,不允许交流,也不要交谈,一旦发现,杀无赦!” Enters the room, another guard move forward to meet, the body has the ice-cold blood and iron flavor. 走进房间,另外一个护卫迎了上来,身上带着冰冷的铁血味道。 Knows that is here rules and regulations, Zhang Xuan were not many says, nods, follows to arrive behind puts the treasure nearby the rack. 知道是这里的规矩,张悬也不多说,点了点头,跟在身后来到盛放宝物的架子跟前。 Front of treasure, really has a box, is similar to ballot box some/somewhat, can only writing the thing, puts, all around carving has the special seal, Divine Sense is unable to investigate, cannot see the contents of other person of writing. 宝物的前面,果然有个箱子,和选举箱有些相似,只能将写出的东西,放入其中,四周雕刻有特殊的封印,神识无法探查,也就看不到其他人书写的内容。 Looks for so many Appraiser, each does...... Is it possible that to same treasure appraise test as before?” “找这么多鉴宝师,每一个都对相同的宝物鉴别……难不成依旧是考验?” raised the head looks forward, before seeing, Appraiser that comes, appraise had ended here treasure, speculated ownself the value, puts in the box , to continue move forward. 抬头向前看去,就见之前来的鉴宝师,已经鉴别完了这里的宝物,将自己推测出的价值,放入箱子,继续前行 in other words, here each treasure, must by everyone appraise, how be subscribed as for the price, looked at individual ability. 也就是说,这里的每一个宝物,都要被每一个人都鉴别一遍,至于价格如何订,就看个人的能力了。 Thought a little while, not being able to think through, Zhang Xuan knows is not the hesitant time, arrives at the first treasure nearby. 想了一会,想不通,张悬知道不是犹豫的时候,来到第一件宝物的跟前。 Is a dark ore, glancing across, cannot distinguish the material quality. 是个黝黑的矿石,一眼看去,分辨不出材质。 Zhang Xuan palm touched gently, in the mind appeared one book. 张悬手掌轻轻触摸了一下,脑海中浮现出一本书籍 Falls the star stone, the day south abyss special product, has to return to normal the function of heart's devil......” “落星石,天南深渊特产,拥有平复心魔的作用……” In the books recorded the concrete value and flaw of this stone. 书籍上记录了这块石头的具体价值和缺点 Looks at the content, Zhang Xuan has not worried to write, but was the research of act and pose the moment, this took out the one piece blank the card, wrote the price that predict paid. 将内容看完,张悬并未着急书写,而是装模作样的研究了片刻,这才取出一张空白的卡片,将推算出的价格写了上去。 The measuring unit, naturally is great Yong coins and Peerless Grade spirit stone. 计量单位,自然是大庸币绝品灵石 The card puts in the box, stand forth. 卡片放入箱子,向前走去。 Similarly is an ore, the quantity is also very scarce, the price and falling star stone, differed not in a big way. 同样是一枚矿石,数量也十分稀少,价格和刚才的落星石,相差不大。 after walking a while, discovered that consecutively five treasures, unexpectedly is the stone, Zhang Xuan frowning. 走了一会,发现连续五件宝物,居然都是石头,张悬眉头皱起 appraise stone not difficult, so long as the knowledge quantity is enough, is very easy to know the value, is only, a series of stones . Moreover the price differs not in a big way, opposite party is exactly/actually doing? 鉴别石头不难,只要知识量足够,很容易知晓价值,只是,一连串的石头,而且价格都相差不大,对方到底在干什么? After consecutively ten, is some rare and precious vegetation. 连续十枚过后,则是一些珍稀的植被。 Some are fresh, some year number was long, had been dried up, distinguishes, was very complex, Zhang Xuan disguise became Wu Tao, knows that his ability, slowed down intentionally the speed. 有的新鲜,有的年数久了,早已干枯,辨别起来,十分复杂,张悬伪装邬滔,知道他的能力,故意将速度放慢下来。 Appearance that the some/somewhat plant pretends appraise, takes out the books carefully to watch, as to find the answer. 有些植物装作鉴别不出的样子,取出书籍仔细观看,似乎想要从中找出答案。 Ok, ended today, everyone please go back to rest, tomorrow continues......” “好了,今天到此结束,各位请回去休息,明天继续……” Has not known how long, sound/voice resounded, immediately, middle-aged person arrives at the middle of hall. 不知过了多久,一个声音响起,随即,一个中年人来到大厅的中间。
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