LHP :: Volume #16

#1579: Qiqi, sorry 【3rd Update】

Everyone raised the head looked upward young lad, probably just like seen a ghost expression. 所有人抬头看向空中的童子,像是见鬼一般的表情。 Luo Family's Sect Protection Great Array, for several tens of thousands years, obstruct did not know many expert, resisted does not know that many attack, in small young lad presence/in front, did not have persist/insist on to live including a breath. 洛家的护宗大阵,数万年来,阻拦了不知多少高手,抵挡了不知多少次进攻,在一个小小童子面前,连一个呼吸都没坚持住。 how exactly did he achieve? 到底怎么做到的 This fellow, exactly/actually what kind of strength? 这家伙,到底何种实力? Innumerable expert, are swallowing the saliva, unbelievable. 无数强者,都咽着唾沫,难以置信。 „Before this person......, can once greet/have seen?” “这人……以前可曾见过?” This strength, according to the normal condition, should very famously be, how an impression?” “这种实力,按照正常情况,应该很有名才是,怎么一点印象都没有?” I do not have greet/have seen, baseless appear general......” “我也没见过,凭空出现的一般……” Young lads are so powerful, that young lady? exactly/actually what kind of status?” “童子都这么强大,那位小姐呢?到底何种身份?” Innumerable Saint descendants Patriarch, all unable to restrain emotions opens to retreat, was for fear that brought disaster to the mackerel shad. 无数圣人门阀家主,全都情不自禁的向后退开,生怕被殃及池鱼。 Their strengths, in the ordinary people eyes, are very uncommon, but in expert presence/in front of this rank, by crush, the ability of resistance will not have even the slightest misstep conveniently. 他们的实力,在平常人眼中,很是不凡,但在这种级别的强者面前,稍有不慎就会被随手捏死,反抗的能力都没有。 simply is not a magnitude. 根本不是一个量级。 You......” “你……” Sees the young lad, float in the air, defeated many Elder jointly with family's Clan Protection Great Array, Luo Family Patriarch complexion red white, cannot repress again, turns around hands clasped together politely. 见童子,悬浮空中,举手投足间就击败了诸多长老联手和家族的护族大阵,洛家家主脸色一阵红一阵白,再也按耐不住,转身抱拳 Also invited Master Yang make a move!” “还请杨师出手!” Although Luo Family has deepest trump card, but cannot easily use, now/current Master Yang in , can only place hopes in him. 洛家虽然有最深的底牌,但是不能轻易使用,现在杨师就在跟前,只能寄希望于他。 no need/not using Patriarch Luo said, I also meet make a move!” Nods, Master Yang raised the head looked upward: When, continent appear such expert, I did not know unexpectedly, it seems like was really old......” 不用洛家主说,我也会出手!”点了点头,杨师抬头看向空中:“什么时候,大陆出现了这样一位强者,我居然都不知晓,看来真是老了……” hū! 呼! The voice ended, step by step to in the air walked over. 话音结束,一步步向空中走了过去 He walks is very slow, but walks every time one step, the under foot will project a ray, the space under his move forward, becomes stabler, probably by special strength, locked in firmly. 他走的很缓慢,但每走一步,脚下就会射出一道光芒,空间在他的前行之下,变得更加稳固,像是被一股特殊力量,牢牢锁住了。 Young lad originally does not care at all, but sees the step that Master Yang walks, frowning: who are you? Luo Family, should not have this expert!” 童子本来毫不在意,但看到杨师走上来的步伐,眉毛一皱:“你是什么人洛家,应该还没这种强者吧!” „Below Yang Xuan!” “在下杨玄!” Master Yang hands clasped together politely. 杨师抱拳 Famed Master Hall Yang Xuan?” Young lad suddenly realize, immediately hands clasped together politely: This is our family/home young lady and Master Zhang as well as Luo Family's matter, but also looks at Master Yang do not meddle!” 名师堂杨玄?”童子恍然大悟,随即抱拳:“这是我们家小姐和张师以及洛家的事,还望杨师不要插手!” Famed Master Hall, having the responsibility maintains continent to be stable, you hit make a move in Luo Family greatly, regards the world hero without the thing, although I am old, but as Famed Master, there is a responsibility to prevent!” 名师堂,有责任维护大陆稳定,你在洛家大打出手,视天下英雄与无物,我虽年迈,但身为名师,也有责任阻止!” Master Yang smiles lightly. 杨师淡淡一笑。 Such being the case, then on make a move, makes me have a look, the continent first person in this legend, exactly/actually what kind of strength!” “既然如此,那就动手吧,也让我看看,这位传说中的大陆第一人,到底何种实力!” raises the eyebrows, Tong Zishuang holds to interlock, at any time wants make a move, at this moment, light sound/voice resounds. 眉毛一扬,童子双掌交错,随时都要出手,就在这时,一个淡淡的声音响起。 Ok, got down!” “好了,下来吧!” Luo Ruoxi looked towards this side. 洛若曦看了过来 Yes!” “是!” Does not dare saying that young lad palm receives, renew returns to the girl behind. 不敢多说,童子手掌一收,重新回到女孩身后。 Master Yang as if also has to dread, sees the opposite party to call a halt, no longer said. 杨师似乎也心存忌惮,见对方停手,不再多说。 Zhang Xuan, we walk!” 张悬,我们走吧!” Light snort/hum, does not see any movement, Zhang Xuan felt immediately a whole body loosen, oppresses in strength, immediately dissipates. 轻哼一声,也不见有任何动作,张悬随即感到全身一松,压迫在身上的力量,立刻消散。 Sees the young lad not to offend somebody, Zhang Xuan relaxes, nods, turns around to look to not far away bright red, in the look actually the some/somewhat confused girl. 见童子并未伤人,张悬松了口气,点了点头,转身看向不远处一身鲜红,眼神中却又有些迷茫的女孩。 In the heart hurts, nearby also cannot help, arrives again. 心中一疼,再也忍不住,来到跟前。 Qiqi...... sorry!” 七七……对不起!” Really is unfair to this girl. 是真的对不起这个女孩。 Zhang, Luo two families marriage connections, makes such greatly, innumerable family Patriarch kiss, outcome/in the end ownself actually turns around to walk, regarding the opposite party, absolutely is the huge injury. 张、洛两家联姻,闹得这么大,无数家族族长亲至,结果自己却转身就走,对于对方来说,绝对是巨大的伤害。 Why?” “为什么?” The look is blurred, Luo Qiqi non-stop shivering, as if cannot believe to now/current. 眼神迷离,洛七七不停颤抖,似乎到现在都不敢相信。 In the outsider eye, she is the talent unparalleled, breaks the super talents of innumerable record, but knew truly her person knows, is only no security sense, the thoughts pure little girl. 外人眼中,她是天赋无双,破掉无数记录的超级天才,但真正认识她的人才知道,只是个没什么安全感,心思单纯的小女孩。 For this reason, Luo Xuanqing is protecting always, for fear that she suffers a loss, or was deceived by others. 正因如此,洛玄青才无时无刻都在保护,生怕她吃亏,或者被别人骗了。 I......” “我……” Zhang Xuan does not know how to reply. 张悬不知如何回答。 He does not want to harm the opposite party, therefore, regarding her to confess, the formal response...... originally thought, two people of the world has never said goodbye, never dreamed or expected, can be this result. 他不想伤害对方,所以,对于她的表白,从未正面回应过……本以为,二人的世界就此别过,做梦都没料到,会是这种结局。 Does not want to injure, actually made the biggest injury. 不想伤害,却做出了最大的伤害。 Does not want to mess with, actually messes with deepest. 不想沾惹,却沾惹的最深。 I have thought, you are the Baiyuan Empire princess......” “我一直以为,你是白远帝国的公主……” stopped for a while, Zhang Xuan said. 停顿了一下,张悬道。 Initially, the Azure Origin Empire distinction, Yu Fei'er said, Luo Qiqi went to Hongyuan academy initially , because had the Baiyuan Empire faith token, should be there princess and so on. 当初,青源帝国分别,玉飞儿说,洛七七当初去鸿远学院,是因为有白远帝国的信物,应该是那里的公主之类。 How unable to think, can have the relations with Luo Family. 怎么都想不到,会和洛家扯上关系。 For did not make the clansman find, I borrowed Tranquil Spatial Beads strength, the seal the bloodlines and cultivation base, Tranquil Spatial Beads, although by my refining/refined, had not actually been contacted a deeper level the mystery. Therefore, but also some/somewhat strength, is unable to control completely, after by seal, not only the strength tumbles Transcendent Mortal, some memories also got up by the seal! What is most essential, needs strength slowly breakthrough, achieves certain realm, can break open...... this is also the mausoleum chamber, clear(ly) knows that you encounter the danger, is actually not able make a move to rescue the reason......” “为了不让族人找到,我借用静空珠力量,封印了血脉和修为,静空珠虽被我炼化,却没接触到更深层次的奥秘。因此,还有些力量,无法完全掌控,被封印后,不光实力跌倒化凡,一些记忆也被封印起来!最关键的是,需要实力慢慢突破,达到一定境界,才能破开……这也是地宫,明知道你遇到危险,却无法出手相救原因……” Does not have the direct reaction his words, Luo Qiqi to mutter. 没直接回答他的话,洛七七喃喃道。 Zhang Xuan nods. 张悬点头。 Seeing this one is the opposite party, guessed correctly much. 看到眼前这位是对方,也猜出了不少。 On continent indeed some/somewhat secret technique, can cultivation base and bloodlines of seal person, but pecking and sipping, has the fate, the might is so big, must have the injury, on seem like the Zhao Ya's mother, the seal the bloodlines, hid ancient place initially, married the Zhao Ya's father, the latter day and night is together for many years, similarly is unable detect. 大陆上的确有些秘法,能够封印人的修为和血脉,但一饮一啄,自有定数,威力这么大,必然要有伤害,就好像当初赵雅的母亲,封印了血脉,隐藏古地,嫁给了赵雅的父亲,后者日夜相处多年,同样无法察觉 Why as for her is the student of Famed Master academy second grade, actually, she leaves the Saint Child Hall time is not long, less than one year, but Hongyuan Famed Master academy, so long as the strength and Famed Master rank enough, can be promoted, not routinely, according to age limit promotion. 至于她为何是名师学院二年级的学员,其实,她离开圣子殿的时间不长,不足一年,但鸿远名师学院,只要实力和名师级别够,就可以晋级,并非按部就班,按年限晋升。 These can understand, but, but also the some/somewhat question, does not make clear. 这些可以理解,只不过,还有些疑问,搞不清楚。 That is...... Luo Family Little Princess is Divination Discarnate Constitute, is unable to investigate with the library, but he once searched cross examine Luo Qiqi, the demonstration status, Is it possible that ...... this physique, can't the library even conceal? Even gives back to the wrong answer? 那就是……洛家小公主衍虚体质,无法用图书馆探查,但他曾探查过洛七七,并未显示身份,难不成……这种体质,连图书馆都能隐瞒?甚至还给出错误的答案? Really must, that too be so fearful! 真要如此,那就太可怕了! However, involves the library, this matter, cannot inquire, only after can, slowly looks for the answer. 不过,牵扯到图书馆,这件事,不能询问,只能以后慢慢寻找答案。 In the Luo Family's time, I once had the graciousness in the Baiyuan Empire imperial family, the although seal cultivation base, but makes him introduce, enters Hongyuan Famed Master academy, disguise becomes 4-Star Famed Master, is very simple, has this status, can make clansman detect not arrive...... . Moreover, what is most essential, was dazzling from a birth, looked like in outsider, was forever glorious, but to me, really only wants to be a ordinary person! What no need/not using thinks, simple, joyful live life......” “在洛家的时候,我曾有恩于白远帝国皇室,尽管封印了修为,但让其介绍一下,进入鸿远名师学院,伪装成一位四星名师,还是很简单的,有这种身份,才能让族人察觉不到……而且,最关键的是,从一出生就耀眼,在外人看来,光芒万丈,但对于我来说,真的只想做个平凡人!什么都不用想,简简单单,快快乐乐的活一生……” Luo Qiqi expression is low-spirited. 洛七七神色黯然。 The although seal cultivation base and bloodlines, letting the clansman are unable to seek, but in her ability and method, lets Baiyuan Empire to the faith token, writes an introduction letter, is very simple, the princess who pretends to be the opposite party, will not definitely mind. 尽管封印了修为和血脉,让族人无法找寻,但以她的能力和手段,让白远帝国给点信物,写一封介绍信,还是很简单的,冒充对方的公主,肯定也不会介意。 Because had this false status, can in Hongyuan academy, when was so long, no one discovered, even good friend Yu Fei'er, does not know the circumstances of the matter. 正因为有了这个假身份,才能在鸿远学院,待了这么久,都没人发现,甚至好友玉飞儿,都不知情。 Zhang Xuan then understood. 张悬这才明白过来 The opposite party is the character of Luo Family most talent, really or wants to make the opposite party find, certainly must to a ownself most appropriate status, pretend to be the Master Yang's student to be the same on seem like ownself, had this thing, others will not naturally minutely examine. 对方是洛家最天才的人物,真要不想让对方找到,肯定要给自己一个最合适的身份,就好像自己冒充杨师的学生一样,有了这东西,别人自然就不会细查。 My previous and you said that have had the person of liking, actually...... was Master Luo! Before, has thought, she is the Luo Family's person, had this misunderstanding......” “我上次和你说过,已经有了喜欢的人,其实……就是洛师!之前,一直以为,她是洛家的人,才有了这种误会……” Puzzled abandoning in heart, clenches teeth, Zhang Xuan said. 将心中的不解抛开,一咬牙,张悬道。 Today's matter, must explain clearly, otherwise, injury is not only this one, that side Luo Ruoxi, similarly not good handover instruction/explain. 今天的事,必须解释清楚,不然,伤害的不仅仅是眼前这位,洛若曦那边,也同样不好交代 I guessed correctly......” “我猜到了……” Nods, the eyes of Luo Qiqi beforehand bright eyes, were fully occupied by the tears, seem like at any time will drip down. 点了点头,洛七七之前明眸的双眼,被泪水占满,好像随时都会滴下来。 Qiqi, is unfair to......” Zhang Xuan once more hands clasped together politely. 七七,对不起……”张悬再次抱拳 Knowing the opposite party is Princess Luo Family, why finally understand, can put out initially so many millennium spirit medicine, understand why, Luo Chengxin after she will leave, suddenly appear, looking for ownself will be troublesome. 知道对方是洛家公主,终于明白当初为何,能拿出那么多千年灵药了,也明白为何,洛乘辛会在她离开后,突然出现,找自己麻烦。 now/current looks like, should be Luo Chengxin found her in Azure Origin City, but she will know will soon leave, ownself will lack the goods that will be promoted, by pill concocting will be the name, the goal is to give ownself gives some gifts. 现在看来,应该是洛乘辛青源城找到了她,而她知道即将离开,自己缺少晋级的物品,才假借炼丹为名,目的是为了给自己送些礼物。 Before Luo Xuanqing has said that quick that his sister, any profession, studied, but was ordinary on the technique of pill concocting, at that time had not paid attention, at this moment recalled understand...... 之前洛玄青说过,他妹妹,任何职业,都学的很快,可就炼丹之术一般,当时没怎么注意,此刻回忆起来才明白…… this one! 正是眼前这位 Also understand, why the contain Wu Yangzi mortal body mausoleum chamber, Illusory Feather Empire, Hongyuan Famed Master academy, is not even able finally detect, but her small 5-Star Famed Master, actually according to the specialness of refining Technique, easily found...... 也终于明白,为何蕴含吴阳子肉身的地宫,幻羽帝国、甚至鸿远名师学院,都无从察觉,而她一个小小五星名师,却根据炼器手法的特殊,就轻易找到…… Little Princess Natural Talent, the world is rare, even the seal some memories, still be keener than the average person. 小公主天资,天下罕见,即便封印了些许记忆,也要比一般人更加敏锐。 Why this is also, similarly teaching, her progressive speed, far surpass Yu Fei'er and the rest, compared with Zheng Yang and other direct disciple, is not any less/weaker. 这也是为什么,同样授课,她的进步速度,远超玉飞儿等人,比起郑阳亲传,都丝毫不弱 After Azure Origin Empire, cultivation base breakthrough Saint Domain...... the seal unties, Bloodline's Strength cannot cover up again, this was found...... had the following many things. 到了青源帝国后,修为突破圣域……封印解开,血脉之力再也遮掩不住,这才被找到……才有了后面的诸多事情。 You...... walk!” “你……走吧!” Does not know that his train of thought that looks at this one to let its attachment youth, the Luo Qiqi look is dim, bites the lip, beckons with the hand. 不知道他的思绪,看着眼前这位让其眷恋的青年,洛七七眼神朦胧,一咬嘴唇,摆了摆手。 many thanks!” 多谢!” Bows exactly/actually, Zhang Xuan knows said are more, the brought injury is bigger, took a deep breath, turns around to walk outward. 躬身到底,张悬知道说的越多,带来的伤害越大,深吸一口气,转身向外走去。 Where walks......” “哪里走……” hūa lā! 哗啦 Just walked two steps, cold glow on standing erect around, injured many Luo Family Elder and Luo Xuanqing one after another drew out Long Sword before, all glower. 刚走了两步,一道道寒芒就矗立四周,之前受伤的诸多洛家长老洛玄青纷纷拔出长剑,一个个怒目而视。 Zhang Xuan, you dare to walk today, forever is the Luo Family's enemy, Zhang, Luo two families, is difficult to adjust!” 张悬,你今天敢走,就永远是洛家的敌人,张、洛两家,再难调节!” Luo Family Patriarch cannot help shouts out. 洛家家主忍不住大喝 good/Yes, Zhang Xuan, you dare to leave here today, is my Luo Xuanqing enemy, my Luo Xuanqing pledged, poor its life, must your kill/execute!” 不错,张悬,你今天敢离开这里,就是我洛玄青的敌人,我洛玄青发誓,穷其一生,也要将你斩杀!” Luo Xuanqing clenches teeth. 洛玄青咬牙。 stopped for a while, Zhang Xuan as before stand forth. 停顿了一下,张悬依旧向前走去。 Death!” “死!” Also cannot help, Luo Xuanqing palm tumbles again, once more patted to Zhang Xuan. 再也忍不住,洛玄青手掌翻滚,再次张悬拍了过来。 Stop!” “住手!” Zheng Yang long spear selects, punctures his palm strength, Wang Ying and Lu Chong and the rest stands neatly behind. 郑阳长枪一挑,将他的掌力刺破,王颖路冲等人齐刷刷站在身后。
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