LHP :: Volume #14

#1344: Zhang Family secret (First Part)

good/Yes, after they use bloodlines strength, has special telepathy to the treasure, even if/considered as has array to hide, can detect!” 不错,他们动用血脉力量后,会对宝物有着特殊感应,就算阵法隐藏,也能察觉!” Luo Xuanqing nods, in the eye reveals to envy: For this reason, Yun Family, although is only the Second Grade family, position is not lower than Shui (Water) Family and Mu (Wood) Family!” 洛玄青点头,眼中露出羡慕:“正因如此,云家虽只是二等家族,地位却不比水家木家低!” Cultivator, wants progressive, the treasure cannot lack absolutely, among Heaven and Earth, contain is not knowing many buried treasures, many vestiges, were used big Technique to cover. By array, has detect, this ability, is worth countless people envying only. 修士,想要进步,宝贝绝对不能缺少,天地之间,蕴含着不知多少宝藏,不少遗迹,都被人用大手法掩盖。透过阵法,有所察觉,单这份能力,就值得无数人羡慕。 „Is this...... special profession?” “这是……特殊职业?” Zhang Xuan is curious. 张悬好奇。 Naturally is not! They seek with the aid of bloodlines strength, is unable to promote!” Luo Xuanqing said with a smile. “自然不是!他们是借助血脉力量寻找,无法推广!”洛玄青笑道。 Oh! Zhang Xuan realized. 哦!张悬恍然 In the past Master Kong set special profession, can achieve two points, some qualifications confirmed, first, can form the system, perfect inheritance. Second can the wide scope promotion, the average person also be able to study. 当年孔师定下特殊职业,能够做到两点,才有资格确认,第一,能够形成体系,完美传承。第二能够大范围推广,普通人也能学习。 The Medicine Cultivating person, meets the second condition, the average person can also study, but the inheritance varies, is unable to form system ; Yun Family, has the system, what however depends upon is the bloodlines, the average person does not have the means to study, therefore, cannot call it special profession. 养药人,符合第二个条件,普通人也能学习,但传承不一,无法形成体系云家,拥有体系,但是依靠的是血脉,普通人没办法学习,所以,都不能称之为特殊职业 It seems like did not have the means to study......” “看来没办法学习了……” Shakes the head, Zhang Xuan is out of control some/somewhat to regret. 摇了摇头,张悬禁不住有些惋惜。 His now/current most lacks is the treasure, if can have this ability, searches the treasure everywhere, definitely will have the enormous discovery......, but, since is not special profession, that did not have the means to study. 现在最缺少的就是宝物,如果能有这种本领,四处探宝,绝对会有极大的发现……不过,既然不是特殊职业,那就没办法学习了。 Library of Heaven's Path condenses the books , because the average person can study, Bloodline's Strength...... is too difficult to learn. 天道图书馆凝聚书籍,是因为普通人能够学习,血脉之力……是学不来的。 Yes, if special profession, definitely the bustling place, countless people want to study!” “是啊,如果是特殊职业,肯定门庭若市,无数人想要学习!” Luo Xuanqing nods. 洛玄青点头。 Also explained a little while, the ability of Zhang Xuan to people knew. 又解释了一会,张悬对众人的能力都知道了一些。 This big brother-in-law, is Saint Domain Seventh Layer Entering Void Realm peak expert, the remaining three people, the Bi Hongyin strength was highest, achieves Entering Void Realm advanced stage, fatty seemingly defended good/Yes, battle strength was actually very weak, possibly Yun Lianhai not necessarily was even victorious, but mortal body strength, wanted to win in addition on considered as Luo Xuanqing, is not easy. 这位大舅哥,是圣域七重入虚境巅峰强者,剩下三人,碧红音实力最高,达到了入虚境后期,胖子看起来防御不错,战斗力却是很弱,可能连云连海都未必打得过,不过加上肉身力量,就算是洛玄青想要胜出,都没那么容易。 Since decided that then on set out!” “既然决定好了,那就出发吧!” Explained, the people did understand what is going on, was not scruple, conducting the back of neat landed/dropped Seven-Colored Heavenly Crane, sharp sounding, Immortal Crane changed to seven color flowing light, flew to the horizon. 解释完,众人都搞明白怎么回事,再不迟疑,齐刷刷落在七彩天鹤的背上,一声尖锐的鸣叫,仙鹤化作七彩流光,向天边飞去。 The Immortal Crane speed is extremely fast, conducts the back not to have the protective construction, the Luo Xuanqing and the rest strength is strong, was not affected by the astral wind, but sees Zhang Xuan to stand above can also steady as Mt. Tai, all the secret heart is startled. 仙鹤的速度极快,背上没有防护性的架构,洛玄青等人实力强劲,不受罡风影响,但看到张悬站在上面也能稳如泰山,全都暗暗心惊。 Even if breakthrough, achieves Leaving Aperture Realm peak temporarily, the true strength still has big gap with the people, can achieve this, the talent and strength, are quite uncommon. 即便临时突破,达到了出窍境巅峰,真正实力也和众人还是有很大差距的,能做到这点,天赋和实力,都极为不凡。 Brother Zhang to array comprehension so brilliant, the strength is not weak, Breakthrough the Mountain Entrance Assessment, should result good/Yes!” 张兄阵法领悟如此高明,实力更是不弱,闯山门考核,应该成绩不错吧!” Short person Yun Lianhai smiling looks. 矮个子云连海笑盈盈的看过来。 Other person very are also curious. 其他人也满是好奇。 Their this strengths, do not pay attention to new life/student Crossing The Threshold, this one, makes the noise before Mountain Entrance, although is big, to them, does not know the circumstances of the matter. 他们这种实力,早已不关注新生入门了,眼前这位,在山门前闹得动静虽大,对他们来说,并不知情。 Ok!” Zhang Xuan nods: Is situated 50 th, just enters the elite class!” “还可以!”张悬点了点头:“排行第五十,刚好进入精英班!” 50?” “五十?” Yun Lianhai stares: This Crossing The Threshold anyone, so formidable?” 云连海一愣:“这届入门的都有谁,这么厉害?” this one, attainments of solely rely/based on on array, according to old times Assessment, entered a Top 3 no issue, how...... 50 th? 眼前这位,单凭阵法上的造诣,按照往年的考核,进个前三名没任何问题,怎么才……第五十名? This position , was possibly brushed even the slightest misstep. 这个名次,稍有不慎,就可能被刷下去。 Their this, indeed have several Natural Talent is not weak!” “他们这届,的确有几个天资不弱的!” Zhang Xuan also did not return back answered, Luo Xuanqing opens the mouth: Zhang Family's Zhang Xu, you should heard of, be their!” 张悬没回答,洛玄青开口:“张家的张栩,你应该听过吧,就是他们这届!” Zhang Xu? That Earthly Level bloodlines? This fellow, I greet/have seen one time, indeed was very once fierce, the time is enough, achievement even not weak by you!” Yun Lianhai cannot help acclaimed. 张栩?那个地级血脉?这家伙,我曾经见过一次,的确很厉害,时间足够,成就甚至不弱以你!”云连海忍不住赞叹。 Snort!” “哼!” Snort, Luo Xuanqing seemed like some/somewhat to be disgruntled. 哼了一声,洛玄青似乎有些不悦。 Other your also pissed off, I know you to Zhang Family's person not happy, but these years, the Zhang Family's bloodlines are one by one pure, the talent pours forth, if Luo Family does not have Little Princess to appear, perhaps really must be inferior!” “你也别生气,我知道你对张家的不爽,但是这些年,张家的血脉一个比一个精纯,天才辈出,洛家如果没有小公主横空出世,恐怕真的要被比下去了!” Yun Lianhai said. 云连海道。 Speaking of Little Princess, in his eye has the worship. 说到小公主,他眼中带着崇拜。 Little Princess that Brother Yun, you said that is...... in the legend, refining/refined Tranquil Spatial Beads, talent unparalleled that?” clenching fists under sleeves, Zhang Xuan pretends asking calmly. 云兄,你说的小公主,可是……传说中,炼化静空珠,天才无双的那位?”衣袖下的拳头捏紧,张悬装作若无其事的问道。 good/Yes, is the Xuanqing blood younger sister!” 不错,正是玄青的亲妹妹!” Smiles, Yun Lianhai does not care Luo Xuanqing pale complexion, very gossip/eight trigrams looks: Right, Xuanqing, heard your younger sister, had not been born betroths to Zhang Family's that Young Genius, does not know that talent, really with legend was same, Natural Talent unparalleled?” 轻轻一笑,云连海不顾洛玄青铁青的脸色,满是八卦的看过来:“对了,玄青,听说你妹妹,还未出生就许配给张家的那个小天才了,不知那位天才,是不是真和传说中的一样,天资无双?” Shut up!” “闭嘴!” narrow the eyes, Luo Xuanqing has the anger: I have said that do not mention this matter, who raises, I killed who!” 眼睛眯起,洛玄青带着怒火:“我说过,不要提这事,谁提,我就杀了谁!” Raises, this is the fact, decision that the family makes, you cannot change!” “提不提,这都是事实,家族做出的决定,你改变不了的!” fatty Yuan Xiao opens the mouth. 胖子袁晓开口。 As being next to Three Great Clans Yuan (Earth) Family descendant, detailed that very this matter knows, knowing this one is favors the younger sister crazy demon, does not want the younger sister and person marriage connections, crosses not happily, actually also knows, as family younger generation, no idea. 身为仅次于三大家族袁家后人,这件事知道的很详细,知道眼前这位是个宠妹狂魔,不愿意妹妹与人联姻,过得不幸福,却也知道,身为家族后辈,没有任何办法。 Makes this decision, inevitably was pass through the Elder bill, in this case, on considered as Patriarch, is unable easily to change. 做出这个决定,必然是通过长老议案,这种情况下,就算是家主,也无法轻易更改的。 I cannot change, but the younger generation compares notes, if the fellow, meets to me, he who I hit, breaks an engagement on own initiative!” “我是改变不了,但晚辈切磋还是可以的,如果那家伙,给我遇上,我就打的他,主动退婚!” quick glance, Luo Xuanqing clenches teeth. 目光一闪,洛玄青咬牙。 Why bother this is!” Yun Lianhai forced smile: That Young Genius, really must with the legend is same, bloodlines pure can compare with your younger sister, you thought that can be a match/opponent?” “这是何苦!”云连海苦笑:“那位小天才,真要和传说中的一样,血脉精纯的与你妹妹都可以一比,你觉得能是对手?” I......” “我……” Luo Xuanqing face turn red. 洛玄青脸色涨红 His strength although is very strong, but with younger sister compared with...... difference is not little bit! 他的实力尽管很强,但是和妹妹比……差的不是一星半点 Younger sister although was smaller than over ten years old him, but regardless of cultivation base or the strength, is not he can compare. 妹妹尽管比他小了十多岁,但无论修为还是实力,都不是他能够比拟的。 That Young Genius, really with it same...... indeed is not a match/opponent. 那位小天才,真的与之一样……的确不是对手 Right, Zhang Family that Young Genius, “对了,张家那个小天才,我倒是听过一个秘闻,你们要不要听一下?” Bi Hongyin opens the mouth that had not spoken. 一直没说话的碧红音开口。 Secret?” “秘闻?” The people look together, Luo Xuanqing also raises up the ear. 众人一起看过来,洛玄青也竖起耳朵。 20 years ago, my teacher, was once invited Zhang Family to be a guest, one night, was invited to save others by Zhang Family Patriarch suddenly in the past!” “二十年前,我老师,曾被邀请去张家做客,一天晚上,突然被张家家主请过去救人!” The delicate eyebrows are pressed, Bi Hongyin seems like the recollection the teacher before the words that and she spoke. 秀眉蹙起,碧红音像是在回忆之前老师和她说的话。 Zhang Family Patriarch? You said should be that Happy Dream Sword Saint!” Manner solemn, Yuan Xiao has profound respect. 张家家主?你说的应该是那位【兴梦剑圣】吧!”神态凝重,袁晓肃然起敬。 good/Yes, is he!” Bi Hongyin nods: At that time, the teacher thought that ownself is only Demonic Sound Master, is not good at saving others, why must invite her make a move, sees the patient time, finally understand!” 不错,正是他!”碧红音点头:“当时,老师觉得自己只是魔音师,不擅长救人,为何要请她出手,见到病人的时候,终于明白了!” What falling ill is a baby, does not know that is poisoned or what is going on, Soul is very weak, at any time will disappear! Happy Dream Sword Saint, hopes that she can display Demonic Sound , helping the stable soul, is insufficient to be defeated and dispersed!” “生病的是个婴孩,不知是中了毒还是怎么回事,灵魂十分虚弱,随时都会泯灭!兴梦剑圣,希望她能施展魔音,帮忙稳固魂魄,不至于溃散!” People nod. 众人点头。 Demonic Sound can bewitch to absorb the mortal form, making person Spiritual collapse, can consolidate the soul, making the person breakthrough shackles, cultivation base increase. 魔音能够勾魂摄魄,让人精神崩溃,也能稳固魂魄,让人突破桎梏,修为大增。 The babies, without cultivation, the body are small and weak, in addition Soul is hard to control, takes the medicine, is not quite appropriate, this situation, Demonic Sound Master is indeed more suitable than Medicine Master. 婴孩,没修炼过,身体弱小,再加上灵魂难以掌控,服用药物,不太合适,这种情况,魔音师的确比医师更加适合。 Teacher knows saving a life is more meritorious than building a seven-floor pagoda, then make a move, but, the effect is not very tangible, even so, Sword Saint gave a big expense, thanked the help of teacher, afterward, the teacher sent off by that night, following matter, known not many......” Bi Hongyin then said. “老师知道救人一命胜造七级浮屠,便出手了,不过,效果不是很明显,即便如此,剑圣还是给了一大笔费用,感谢老师的帮助,后来,老师被当夜送走,后面的事,知道的不多……”碧红音接着道。 You meant that child who...... the past years the teacher treated and cured, could be...... Zhang Family's that Young Genius?” “你的意思是说……当年你老师救治的那个孩子,极有可能是……张家的那位小天才?” understood, Yuan Xiao cannot help said. 明白过来,袁晓忍不住道。 In particular, the teacher does not know, but time some/somewhat tallies, moreover is Happy Dream Sword Saint invites personally. However, according to the normal condition, Zhang Family this talent, in mother 's womb, examines the bloodlines to be pure, completeness that very should protect, no one can injure to arrive is!” “具体是不是,老师也不知道,只是时间段有些吻合,而且又是兴梦剑圣亲自邀请。不过,按照正常情况,张家这位天才,在母胎中,就检测出血脉精纯至极,应该保护的十分周全,没人能够伤到才是!” Bi Hongyin said: At that time the teacher has not thought that afterward, heard that Zhang Family this Young Genius did not have appear, had some suspect/doubt!” 碧红音道:“当时老师没有多想,后来,听说张家这位小天才一直没出现过,才有了些怀疑!” If really the healthy safe/without matter, such a super talent, how is this possible does conceal for 20 years who not to have greet/have seen? 如果真的健康无事,这样一位超级天才,怎么可能隐瞒二十年谁都没见过 Even doesn't come Saint Child Hall? 甚至连圣子殿都不过来? Said that does not let person baffled/strange, that is fake. 说不让人奇怪,那是假的 If is really that Young Genius, 20 years ago, should be just born shortly,...... even Soul must disappear the severe wound, this injury indeed is very serious......” Yuan Xiao frown. “如果真是那位小天才的话,二十年前,应该是刚出生没多久,就被人重伤……连灵魂都要泯灭,这伤势的确很重……”袁晓皱眉 They are the family juniors, knows that the younger generation of family's to having pure bloodlines, protection is complete, the Zhang Family tens of thousands years appear such bloodlines endure to compare the Old Ancestor talent, how can a birth encounter the violent treachery? 他们都是家族子弟,知道家族对拥有精纯血脉的后辈,保护的有多么周全,张家几万年才出现这样一位血脉堪比老祖的天才,怎么会一出生就遭到毒手? Can be family internal struggle?” “会不会是家族内部争斗?” Zhang Xuan cannot help interrupt. 张悬忍不住插话 What if the opposite party said is real, what is seriously ill was Zhang Family Young Genius is too good...... became such, was naturally impossible to marry Luo Ruoxi, he is not so passive. 如果对方说的是真的,病重的是张家小天才就太好了……都成那样了,自然也不可能娶洛若曦,他也就没这么被动了。 Is impossible! Zhang Family this Saint descendants, pays great attention to face extremely, is impossible matter that has the internal strife happened!” “不可能!张家这种圣人门阀,极为注重颜面,绝不可能有内讧的事发生!” What speech is Luo Xuanqing. 说话的是洛玄青 As the Luo Family talent, knows Saint descendants many inside stories. 身为洛家天才,知道圣人门阀的不少内幕。 Does not permit, does not represent is impossible to have, if which Elder, covets the Patriarch position, wants to capture, intentionally sneak attack that Young Genius?” The Zhang Xuan brain hole opens greatly. “不允许,不代表不可能有啊,万一哪位长老,觊觎家主的位置,想要夺取,故意偷袭那位小天才呢?”张悬脑洞大开。 No matter how said, his previous life is the librarian, has looked at many books and stories. 不管怎么说,他前世都是图书馆管理员,看过不少书籍和故事。 The battles in many clan, write like this. 很多族内的争斗,都是这样写的。 You are not the family juniors, did not understand that Saint descendants rules and regulations...... I can say explicitly, situation that you just said that is simply is unlikely!” “你不是家族子弟,不懂得圣人门阀规矩……我可以明确的说,你刚说的情况,是根本不可能发生的!” Luo Xuanqing has not opened the mouth, Yuan Xiao shakes the head. 洛玄青还没开口,袁晓就摇了摇头。 Is impossible to happen?” Zhang Xuan blinks the eye. “不可能发生?”张悬眨巴眼睛。 power and benefits makes one lose, 9-Star Famed Master, cannot be unconventional, let alone some families' are Elder, why more impossible to happen? 权利让人迷失,九星名师,也不能免俗,更何况一些家族的长老,为何不可能发生? this considered as was very classical bridge section good! 这算是很经典的桥段了好不好! Said the family, your possibly not too understand, I asked you......” “说家族,你可能不太明白,那我问你……” Seeing his face is ignorant, Yuan Xiao looked towards this side: As the Saint Child Hall student, do you know Saint Child Hall Hallmaster?” 见他一脸懵懂,袁晓看了过来:“身为圣子殿的学员,你知道圣子殿殿主吗?”
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