LOTGS :: Volume #14 天下无双

#1662: Results in the book

Li Qingshan understands clearly immediately, Un, received Innate Divine Ability meaningfully, overlooks this combustion by the most common field of vision Myriad Forms City. 李青山顿时了然,意味深长地“”了一声,收起天赋神通,以最普通的视野俯瞰这座燃烧的万象城 Bang, air blasting open, swings the smoke and fire, the Li Qingshan form vanishes does not see, has soared to fly to beyond the highest heavens, turned into the boundless blue sky a sunspot. “砰”的一声,空气炸裂,荡开烟火,李青山的身影消失不见,已腾空飞至九霄云外,变成了无垠蓝天中一个黑点。 The terrifying pressure that covers Myriad Forms City vanishes immediately, only leaves behind the light remaining prestige, reverberates in each stretch of ruins. 那股笼罩万象城的恐怖威压顿时消失,只留下淡淡的余威,回荡在每一片废墟中。 But why does not know, Myriad Forms City shivering gets up unexpectedly. 但不知为何,万象城竟“颤抖”起来。 Bang rumble, the ruins collapse, sea boiling! 轰隆隆隆,废墟坍塌,大海沸腾 Myriad Forms City is moving. As if turned into a steamship, reaching a deadlock thousands of years later set sail. 万象城在移动。仿佛变成了一艘大船,在搁浅了千万年之后重新起航。 Also braves all hardships without enough time, actually the in the air that sunspot gradually increases every day/sees the sky, at first seems like gravel, in an instant became Liuxing (Meteor), is coercing fearful howling and terrifying pressure- drops from the clouds! 还来不及乘风破浪,却见天空中那黑点逐渐变大,最初还像是一颗石子,转眼间就成了一颗流星,裹挟着可怕的呼啸、恐怖的威压-从天而降! Bang! 轰! Suddenly, in a Li Qingshan boxing Myriad Forms City, kept off the heavily/one after another stone before his fist front, probably the air water current was dispelled equally layer upon layer, the Turkey and Poland air waves that raise easily breaks off the flaming combustion actually to stand erect Heavenly Book Building not but actually. 瞬息间,李青山一拳击中了万象城,挡在他拳锋前的重重土石,像是空气水流一样被层层排开,掀起的土波气浪轻易折断了熊熊燃烧却屹立不倒的天书楼 However the prestige energy of this fist, has almost not actually divulged the slightest, until running upon together hardly „the earth's crust. 然而这一拳的威能,却几乎没有泄露分毫,直至撞上一道坚硬“地壳”。 The Li Qingshan vision concentrates, Bull Demon Great Strength that in the fist contains, wells up crazily! 李青山目光一凝,拳头中蕴藏的牛魔大力,狂涌而出! In an instant, Myriad Forms City flew, each gravel and each building, all soar, but the carrying/sustaining all these mountain islands, by the Li Qingshan suppression several feet, as if are going to sink to the sea. 刹那间,万象城飞了起来,每一颗石子、每一幢建筑,全都腾空而起,而承载着这一切的山岛,则被李青山打压下了数丈,仿佛将要沉入大海。 Bang! All sea surges, creates the dreadful monstrous waves. 轰!四海翻腾,激起滔天巨浪。 As if Dragon Chant is also depressed sad and shrill long and loud cries, resounds from the deep sea, gigantic Dragon Head breaks through the sea level, looks back to look angrily at Li Qingshan. 一声仿佛龙吟却又沉闷许多的凄厉长啸,从深海中响起,一颗硕大的龙头冲破海面,回首怒视李青山 Originally, this carrying/sustaining the Myriad Forms City thousands of year islands, are Gui Hai Spirit Venerable, Li Qingshan that fights with the fists is not the earth's crust, but is turtle shell. 原来,这座承载了万象城千万年的岛屿,便是归海灵尊所化,李青山那一拳打中的不是地壳,而是龟壳 For a long time was useless this move! Happy!” “好久没用这一招了!痛快!” This move of dropping from the clouds palm law, is he presses the bottom the unique skill, easily does not use, one sees the merit with the necessity! 这一招从天而降的掌法,乃是他压箱底的绝技,轻易不用,一用必要见功! Gui Hai Spirit Venerable that ten thousand years cold profound general turtle shell, was made the fissure of spreading across by him, spreads to not the obvious deep place, this is Spirit Turtle Clan final taking advantage, looks like the ordinary turtle class to be the same. 就连归海灵尊那万载寒玄一般的龟壳,也被他打出了纵横交错的裂痕,蔓延至不可见的深处,这是灵龟一族最后的依仗,就像是普通的龟类一样。 Li Qingshan looks with a smile to Gui Hai Spirit Venerable: Hands over «Myriad Forms Heavenly Book», or falls from the sky.” 李青山笑着望向归海灵尊:“交出《万象天书》,或者陨落。” Gui Hai Spirit Venerable dried well without a ripple mind, trembled trembled, he has not seen any happy expression from the Li Qingshan jet black double pupil, limitless painful and desperate, Violent Rage and resentment hatred...... that is not Li Qingshan, but was Lord of the Demon Domain! 归海灵尊古井不波的心神,也不由颤了一颤,他没有从李青山漆黑的双眸中看到任何一丝笑意,只有无边无际的痛苦、绝望、狂怒、怨憎……那已经不是李青山了,而是魔域之主 The Lord of the Demon Domain patience has exhausted, killing intent boiling to the extreme, if Gui Hai Spirit Venerable dares to have the tiny bit resistance again, he will not attend to Heavenly Book, ignores the love and hate, only then slaughters! 魔域之主的耐心已然耗尽,杀意沸腾到了极点,若是归海灵尊再敢有一丝一毫的抗拒,他将不顾天书,不顾恩仇,只有杀戮! Gui Hai Spirit Venerable submitted, hung the gigantic head, avoided that jet black line of sight. 归海灵尊屈服了,垂了硕大的头颅,避开了那漆黑的视线。 Even if knows that this was Heart's Devil causes trouble, received the threat and pressure, but after losing Myriad Forms included Great Formation, how can also resist an incarnation of gods! 纵然知道这是心魔作祟,受到了恐吓与威压,但在失去了“万象包罗大阵”之后,又怎能对抗一尊神明的化身呢! Bang rumble! Myriad Forms City falls returns to Gui Hai Spirit Venerable to conduct the back, thorough torn to pieces, leaps everywhere mist and dust, but Gui Hai Spirit Venerable or Li Qingshan, have not cared about these small sounds. 轰隆隆隆!万象城又落回到归海灵尊背上,彻底支离破碎,腾起漫天烟尘,但无论是归海灵尊还是李青山,都没有在意这些小小的动静。 Gui Hai Spirit Venerable sinks to the sea, to retract disheartened turtle shell the head, sets firm resolve, Li Qingshan walks, immediately sneaks Return to the Ruins, avoids this time Heaven and Earth Great Tribulation. 归海灵尊灰心丧气地将头颅沉入海中、缩回龟壳,同时下定决心,李青山一走,马上潜入归墟,避开此番天地大劫 Compares in the fist of Li Qingshan, Myriad Forms City seems like the floating dust lithely, but Li Qingshan completely immerses in «Myriad Forms Heavenly Book». 相比于李青山的拳头,万象城轻盈地像是浮尘,而李青山则完全沉浸于《万象天书》之中。 «Myriad Forms Heavenly Book» naturally is not books, unusual jade slip can hold, that is almost assembling in world all cultivation paths, information that contains, is complete the books to add Heavenly Book Building more , can only transmit through Divine Consciousness. 万象天书》自然不是一本书册,亦非寻常玉简所能容纳,那几乎是世间一切修行道路的总合,其中蕴藏的信息,比天书楼全部书册加起来还要多,只能通过神识传输。 Li Qingshan relaxes, killing intent to dissipate slightly. So long as attains this, Demon Domain all living things the road of cultivation can restart, does not need to study Demon Art, to sink the evil ways again. 李青山稍稍松了一口气、杀意消散。只要拿到这个,魔域众生的修行之路便可重启,不必再修习魔功、沉落恶道。 The happiness of this flash, even has covered a Demon Domain all living things trillion years of pain, probably one bunch of sunlight photos enter in the abyss, is so bright and makes one be infatuated. 这一瞬间的欢愉,甚至盖过了魔域众生亿万年的苦痛,像是一束阳光照进深渊之中,如此明亮、令人陶醉。 In another World, above the boundless Demon Domain high point, the Li Qingshan main body stopped the manual labor on hand, the corners of the mouth appeared wipes the happy expression, that was the real smile, did not come from past recalling, but is hugging to the future hope. 远在另一个世界,无边魔域的最高峰之上,李青山的本尊停下了手上的活计,嘴角浮现一抹笑意,那是真实的笑容,并非来自于对过去的缅怀,而是抱着对未来的希望。 Meanwhile, in palatial temples, trillion followers are conducting the pilgrimage activities, toward that keeping aloof black idol, that man who brought golden Sun, offers frantically the sincerest belief, in the broad palace does not have the blood sacrifice with wailing again, boundless silent and profound sadness. 与此同时,一座座巍峨的神庙中,亿万信徒们正在进行朝拜活动,向着那尊高高在上的黑色神像,那个带来了金色太阳的男人,奉上最狂热最诚挚的信仰,恢弘的殿堂中再没有血祭与哀嚎,只有无边的静默与深邃的忧伤。 Suddenly, the probably warm current flooded into the palace, each follower feels a strange happiness. 忽然间,像是有一股暖流涌进了殿堂,每一位信徒都感受到一阵奇异的欢愉。 Demon Domain not deficient cruel the revelry of happy, indulging in sensual pleasure, has never had the so marvelous feeling, so warm tranquil, and hopeful. 魔域并不缺乏残暴的欢愉、纵欲的狂欢,却从未有过如此奇妙的感受,如此温暖平静、而又充满希望。 That is the happiness of god! 那是神的欢愉! Many followers are moved to tears, even to cry, full of admiration prostrating oneself before the idol. 许多信徒热泪盈眶,甚至失声痛哭,五体投地的拜倒在神像前。 Gods and person, person and god, each other relation, mutual influence. 神与人,人与神,彼此联系,相互影响。 Li Qingshan is understanding these feeling, while continues own work. Legend Demon among Demons Maheśvara Demon, conducts the ascetic practices in Great Snow Mountain year to year. 李青山一边体会着这些感受,一边继续自己的工作。传说魔中之魔大自在天魔,常年在大雪山上进行苦行。 But Li Qingshan under foot Demon Domain high point, then became a great volcano, the unceasing emitting magma roaring flame and billowing thick smoke, constantly stimulate the blazing lightning. 李青山脚下这座魔域最高峰,则成了一座大火山,不断喷吐岩浆烈焰与滚滚浓烟,不断激发出炽烈的闪电。 Demon Domain all living things saw golden Sun, on the contrary is his Lord of the Demon Domain supreme headquarters, dense all year long suffers injustice. 魔域众生都见到了金色太阳,反倒是他这个魔域之主的大本营,黑压压的终年不见天日。 Li Qingshan also sighed, oneself seems like big villains in various stories more and more, but he turns into a volcano, has the reason. 李青山也不禁感叹,自己越来越像是各种故事里的大反派,但他把此间变成一座火山,却不是没有缘由。 The volcano deep place turns unceasingly gushes out Earthly Fiend Primal Magnetism, he will collect completely, on then directs Heavenly Thunder, under to meet Earth Fire, to inject the strength of belief to cast again to refine, had an embryonic form gradually, probably a long spear/gun or lance. 火山深处不断翻涌出地煞元磁,他将之全部收集起来,然后上引天雷、下接地火、再注入信仰之力进行铸炼,渐渐有了一个雏形,像是一支长枪或者长矛。 Li Qingshan is good at with the blade, sword art is also good, when new has used the rifle, must pick the past craftsmanship. 李青山善于用刀,剑法也不错,只有在刚出道的时候用过大枪,如今似是要捡回当年的手艺。 Meanwhile, the Myriad Forms City sky passed over gently and swiftly the silver light, Chao Tianjiao harnesses the Pegasus to catch up together, cannot believe is looking at changing beyond all recognition Myriad Forms City, succeeds in giving up two sections as Heavenly Book Building of landmark, but also in flaming burns. 与此同时,万象城上空掠过一道银光,晁天骄驾着天马赶来,不能置信的望着面目全非的万象城,作为标志性建筑的天书楼断成两截,还在熊熊燃烧。 Had what!?” “发生了什么!?” Chao Tianjiao was unreadable, actually to see in Myriad Forms City to be many suddenly a giant sinkhole, a depth of the number hundred zhang (333 m), the pit bottom is standing a familiar and strange form. 晁天骄一时间难以理解,却见万象城中还多了一个巨大天坑,深达数百丈,坑底站着一个熟悉而又陌生的身影。 Qingshan!?” 青山!?” Li Qingshan is concentrating on to receive «Myriad Forms Heavenly Book», branches out a thought to come, shows a faint smile to Chao Tianjiao in sky. 李青山正在专注接收《万象天书》,分出一丝意念来,向天空中的晁天骄微微一笑。 Heaven's Chosen, does not see for a long time!” “天骄,好久不见!” „Did Qingshan, what here have?” 青山,这里发生了什么?” Perhaps is the Li Qingshan expression is extremely gentle, although Chao Tianjiao is filled with the suspicion, actually does not dare to believe firmly that he is all these chief criminals. 也许是李青山的表情太过平和,晁天骄虽然满心疑窦,却不敢确信他是这一切的罪魁祸首。 Eldest Senior Sister, couldn't you have looked? He already to become demon! All these all are his writing skill!” 大师姐,你还看不出来吗?他已成魔了!这一切全都是他的手笔!” Blazing and cold proud the voice resounds, the scarlet light flies together from the south, in the midair, changes into the Li Liehuo appearance, is looking Li Qingshan in Myriad Forms City as well as sinkhole that changes into the ruins, on the face also filled shock, as well as watchful. 一个炽烈而又冷傲的声音响起,一道赤光从南方飞来,顿在半空,化为李烈火的模样,望着化为废墟的万象城以及天坑中的李青山,脸上同样是充满了震撼,以及戒惧。 What did you say? Depending on his boy! Eldest Senior Brother, your Transcending Tribulation time, the brain was struck by lightning badly!” “你说什么?就凭他小子!大师兄,你渡劫的时候,脑子被雷劈坏了吧!” Chao Tianjiao is pointing at Li Qingshan, unthinkable of face, does not certainly forget to retaliate Li Liehuo Eldest Senior Sister. 晁天骄指着李青山,一脸的匪夷所思,当然不忘回敬李烈火的“大师姐”。 Even if Li Qingshan really drops is Evil God- this point she has somewhat worried- has not possibly been broken through Myriad Forms City that suppresses by Gui Hai Spirit Venerable! 就算李青山真的堕为邪神-这一点她一直有些担心-也没可能攻破由归海灵尊镇压的万象城 Right, where Gui Hai Spirit Venerable? The old man willing does not work as the mount maybe, destroyed Myriad Forms City simply, ran up to Monster Beast Path. This most impossible possibility, seems like the only possibility. 对了,归海灵尊哪去了?别是那老头儿不甘心当坐骑,索性毁了万象城,跑到妖兽道去了。这个最不可能的可能,似乎是唯一的可能。 Li Qingshan smiles as before, did not argue, did not acknowledge. 李青山依旧微笑,不辩解,不承认。 Li Liehuo said: Snort, is really the color makes the wisdom dark, aren't you clear? He is that Misfortune Star!” 李烈火道:“哼,真是色令智昏,你还不明白吗?他就是那颗妖星!”
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