LOTGS :: Volume #14 天下无双

#1660: All parties

After Li Qingshan walks, Dai Mengfan then brings surrounded by water waterside pavilion of Yang Miaozhen in around one to observe, by the thick smoke and raging fire surrounding, swallowing this waterside pavilion is also the time issue. 李青山走后,戴梦凡便带着杨妙真在一座四面环水的水榭上观战,被浓烟与烈火包围,吞噬这座水榭也不过是时间问题。 she naturally does not care about this smoke and fire, is very clear, decided truly their masters and disciples Life and Death, is that men's bountiful victory or defeat! Yes, Yang Miaozhen has complied to request her to be the master.   她自然不在乎这点烟火,无比清楚,真正决定她们师徒生死的,是那个男饶胜败!是的,杨妙真已答应拜她为师。 saw with own eyes that Li Qingshan was blown to fly by the gale, her heartstrings also follow to tighten, sees him to brandish Wind God Wings to return the book building immediately, just now breathes a sigh of relief, but along with even lost his trail.   眼见李青山被大风吹飞,她的心弦也跟着绷紧,又见他立刻挥舞风神羽翼杀回书楼,方才舒了一口气,但随即便失去了他的踪迹。 The east entrance of book building turns into one piece smoothly such as black water of mirror, but the sunlight according to above ray counter- shining, did not seem to attracted all rays slightly.   书楼的东大门变成一片平滑如镜的黑水,但阳光照在上面都没有丝毫光芒反耀,仿佛把所有光芒都吸了进去。 Li Qingshan then disappearance in, also has no sound again.   李青山便消失其中,再也没有任何声息。 The heart of Dai Mengfan sank gradually, the beautiful facial features flicker in the flame. She also thinks fleeing, Gui Hai Spirit Venerable has been resisting Li Qingshan full power, has no free time to pay attention to her mostly.   戴梦凡的心又渐渐沉了下来,美丽的面容在火光中忽明忽暗。她也想过遁逃,归海灵尊正在全力对抗李青山,多半没空理会她。 „, but can escape?”   “但又能逃去哪呢?” Li Qingshan and Gui Hai Spirit Venerable, one is the Demon God incarnation, to Spirit Immortal, two's sparring exceptionally is intense, moreover from the beginning then uses the full power, victory or defeat also only shortly!   李青山归海灵尊,一个是魔神化身,一个是至灵仙,二者的斗法异常激烈,而且从一开始便倾尽全力,胜败也只在顷刻之间! If Li Qingshan wins, she does not need to escape ; If Li Qingshan losses, she could not escape.   若是李青山了,她不必逃;若是李青山了,她也逃不掉。 this time the treachery, is absolutely impossible to be forgiven. If were not wanted the palace to grasp, perhaps before soul destroyed/terror-stricken, must first arrive at Infernal Path to walk one time, tastes all sort of torture.   此番临阵倒戈,绝无可能被宽恕。若是被无欲宫拿住,在魂飞魄散之前,恐怕要先到地狱道走一遭,尝遍诸般酷刑。 If really arrived that step, direct self-detonation Yang Spirit comes happy, but she is the person who that type is not willing dead absolutely, therefore can only the dying brace suffer hardships.   如果真到了那一步,还是直接自爆阳神来的痛快一点,但她又是那种绝对不肯死的人,所以只能死撑受苦。 „, that may really live to might as well die!”   “唉,那可就真是生不如死了!” Dai Mengfan from overwhelmed with sorrow, element gripped her hand gently.   戴梦凡正自愁肠百结,一只素手轻轻握住了她的手。 master, can he win?” Yang Miaozhen sees the Dai Mengfan complexion to be ugly, knows own this master fears death, wants to give her to select the comfort.   “师傅,他能赢吗?”杨妙真戴梦凡脸色难看,知道自己这位师傅十分怕死,不禁想要给她点安慰。 „do you feel?” Dai Mengfan asked.   “你觉得呢?”戴梦凡反问道。 disciple cultivation base is superficial, how can know? However......”   “弟子修为浅薄,如何能知?不过……” what?”   “不过什么?” I have not seen him to lose!”   “我没见他输过!” In the Dai Mengfan heart moves, looking pensive, smiles, is wanting anything, suddenly turns the head to go to book building Wang, mutters: Gate opened......”   戴梦凡心中一动、若有所思,又笑了一笑,正欲些什么,忽然转头又向书楼望去,喃喃道:“门开了……” Li Qingshan steps into the gate, a moment later, a white light beam to the publishing books building, passes through, ten thousand li (0.5 km) obviously!   李青山踏入门内,片刻之后,一道白色光柱冲出书楼,贯穿地,万里可见! „, broken!” In Dai Mengfan heart shock, a both hands racket: This child really fierce!”   “阵,破了!”戴梦凡心中剧震,双手一拍:“这子果然厉害!” Li Qingshan wins, this life, even if steady preserved, having no need for Infernal Path walking one time.   李青山了,她这条性命就算是稳稳的保住了,用不着到地狱道走一遭。 also made an indiscreet remark voluntarily, from now on, Li Qingshan is her maintaining life symbol, how also dares to call him child, turned the head to say to the Yang Miaozhen confession: You don't with him!”   又自觉失言,从今往后,李青山便是她的保命符,怎么还敢叫他“子”,转头对杨妙真交代道:“你可别跟他!” Yang Miaozhen is enduring the happy expression: Yes, Master.”   杨妙真忍着笑意:“是,师傅。” ......   …… above nine, the silver light speeds along, Ma Xingkong.   九之上,银光飞驰,马行空 A silver armor heroic woman forehand according to the hilt, the powerful end is built on above carriage, was Myriad Forms Sect past Eldest Senior Sister, present six Ding Divine General- Chao Jiao.   一位银甲女将正手按刀柄,威风凛凛的端立于马车之上,正是万象宗昔日的大师姐,如今的六丁神将-晁骄。 horse four hoof mist ascend, silver long neck hair to dance in the air, does not have the reins, cannot control. And its intelligence is not higher than most mortals, this is to also run to chat.   马四蹄云气升腾、身上银鬃飞舞,却没有缰绳,不需驾驭。且不它智力比大部分凡人都高,这条道也是跑惯聊。 this is only not wants routine patrolling of palace, showing not wants the palace regarding the Human World Path guard, not many practical significance.   这只是无欲宫的例行巡察,彰显无欲宫对于人间道的守卫,并没有多少实际意义。 except for must deal with the Demonic People invasion, Human World Path always is well, is not like that chaotic like Monster Beast Path and Hungry Ghost Path. Asura Path keeps playing actually, but also is special is well. As for and Infernal Path, is run by the Buddhism, is not one's turn this palace Divine General to patrol.   除了要应对魔民入侵,人间道一向太平无事,不像妖兽道饿鬼道那般混乱。阿修罗道倒是打个没完,但也算是一种特殊的太平无事。至于道与地狱道,都由佛门掌管,轮不到她这个宫神将来巡察。 „, even if under has the matter to happen, on is impossible to see!”   “就算下面有事发生,上也不可能看到嘛!” Chao Jiao is drooping the eyelid takes a look downward: These reach to the sky, the mountain range of be continuous thousand li (500 km), but is in the land some folds ; Does not have the limit, to gallop horizontally ten thousand li (0.5 km) rivers and streams, but is some curving fine laces. If not she builds Human Immortal and eyesight to be astonishing, is unable to see clearly simply.   晁骄耷拉着眼皮的向下瞅去:那些高耸入云、绵延千里的山脉,不过是大地上些许褶皱;横无际涯、奔腾万里的江河,不过是一些弯弯曲曲的细线。若非她修成人仙、目力惊人,简直无法看清。 Scenery that is worth mentioning only, is the cloud cluster of changing. Because the Human World Path time speed of flow is quicker, therefore clouds the speed that qi flow moves is also extremely quick, she in an inspection process, then can witness living of storm to extinguish frequently.   唯一值得一提的景色,是变幻万千的云团。因为人间道的时间流速更快,所以云气流动的速度也是极快,她常常在一次巡视过程中,便能见证一场风暴的生灭。 first time time of seeing so the scene, simply she shocks does not have/leave the words to come, in the heart has the innumerable sensibility, disposition cultivation base entered a stride.   第一次看到这般景象的时候,她简直震撼的不出话来,心中生出无数感悟,心性修为又进了一大步。 but after looking at so many times, nothing but is says.   但在看了这么多次之后,也无非就是云而已。 On the life may compared with bored that she imagines, bewilders the Misfortune Star present world and place obviously Great Tribulation already , this palace Divine General does not have the opportunity unexpectedly, is really wonderful also strange.   上生活可比她想象的无聊多了,明明荧惑妖星现世、地大劫已至,她这个宫神将竟没有用武之地,实在是奇也怪哉。 one had only known, might as well oversee Dark Clouds City, even if Demonic People retreated, can still bully Li Qingshan that! Gets up, probably for a long time has not gone to love he.”   “早知如此,还不如坐镇黑云城,就算魔民都退走了,也能欺负欺负李青山那子!起来,好像好久没去‘宠爱’他了。” Chao Jiao chuckled, was deliberately considering next time will rest bathe day, walks to Human World Path again one time, sees the white line to raise from the sea suddenly together, charges into the clouds.   晁骄嘿然一笑,正寻思着下次休沐日,再到人间道走一遭,忽见一道白线从海上升起,冲向云霄。 The scene is so uncommon, she turns serious, fixes one's gaze on to look. Sees only the bottom of white line to have wisp of black smoke to ascend, but also is passing the ignition light faintly.   这般景象可不常见,她神色一正,凝眸望去。只见白线的底端有一缕黑烟升腾,还隐隐透着点点火光。 there...... seems like...... Myriad Forms City!?”   “那里……好像是……万象城!?” ......   …… Myriad Forms City south 3000 miles away, volcanic island, but is different from Mysterious Dark Immortal Cave, this is an active volcano. At this time is braving the billowing black smoke, in the crater magma boiling.   万象城南方3000里外,有一座火山岛,但不同于玄冥洞府,这是一座活火山。此时正冒着滚滚黑烟,火山口中岩浆沸腾 facial features are unadorned, the manner dignified man, is sitting cross-legged to sit in the magma sea of fire, was Myriad Forms Sect past Eldest Senior Brother Li Liehuo.   一个面容古拙、神态威严的男子,正盘膝坐在岩浆火海之中,正是万象宗昔日的大师兄-李烈火 Post-war of Dark Clouds City, he then started the close Life and Death pass/test, in order to crossed the Sixth tribulation, to break through separation of Human Immortal.   黑云城之战后,他便开始闭生死关,以求渡过六次劫、突破人仙之隔。 , he also received the Gui Hai Spirit Venerable call-up in the morning , has not actually rushed to Myriad Forms City immediately responding to a call.   清晨时分,他也收到了归海灵尊的召集令,却并未立即应召、赶往万象城 Dark Clouds City fights him to profit quite a lot, before several months, has then broken the price record, but, builds Human Immortal. Now is not considered as that Myriad Forms Sect true inheritance disciple, moreover is restoring the physical strength and stable cultivation base, is not naturally willing responding to a call.   黑云城一战他受益颇多,早在数月之前,便已破关而出、修成人仙。如今已不算是万象宗真传弟子,而且正在恢复气力、稳固修为,自然不肯应召。 , Myriad Forms Sect is his main family, in the heart somewhat misses after all unavoidably.   不过,万象宗毕竟是他的本家,心中难免有些挂念。 does not know Myriad Forms Sect to have an accident, Spirit Venerable will easily not convene disciple, is it possible that did Demonic People attack Dark Clouds City?”   “不知万象宗出了什么事,灵尊轻易不会召集弟子,莫非魔民又来攻打黑云城了?” Li Liehuo thinks it over, UU reads   李烈火思来想去,UU看书 www.uukanshu.com always somewhat restlesses, in this time, he is feeling suddenly Spiritual Power fluctuates, although is not really intense, but actually rouses the heartstrings inexplicably. www.uukanshu.com总有些心神不宁,正在这时,他忽然感到一股灵力波动,虽然不甚强烈,但却莫名勾动心弦。 he runs out of the volcano and soaring immediately, looks to the north in the upper air, sees only in the seas, spacious distant, were only many a careful white line.   他立刻冲出火山、腾空而起,于高空向北方望去,只见海之间,空旷辽远,只多了一条细细的白线。 ......   …… at the same time, in Human World Path does not know that many cultivator, look out in the Myriad Forms Sect direction.   与此同时,人间道中不知有多少修行者,向着万象宗的方向遥望。 is also one of them happily, as Myriad Forms Sect true inheritance disciple, he also received the Gui Hai Spirit Venerable call-up.   乐也在其中,作为万象宗真传弟子,他也收到了归海灵尊的召集令。 , he has not rushed to Myriad Forms City responding to a call, has not remained behind Immortal Cave, but arrives at outside the city hundred li (0.5 km), ambushes, to watch changes quietly.   不过,他既未应召赶到万象城,也没有留守洞府,而是来到城外百里,潜伏下来、静观其变。 In the city has the greatly ominous trillion and death qi full of something in the whole family, that if not know good from bad rushes, feared that is the bureau of a narrow escape. Moreover he can guess faintly, the reason of this ill omen.   城中有大凶之兆、死气盈门,若是不知好歹的一头闯进去,怕是九死一生之局。而且他隐隐猜得出来,这股凶兆的来由。 on Infernal Path sickness road to the Netherworld, he routed to lose with bull head A'Pang that gambling house in years past, actually bewildered lived. After that he then sneaked a peek at a machine.   昔年在地狱道黄泉路上,与牛头阿旁那一场赌局他大败亏输,却莫名其妙的活了下来。从那之后,他便窥见了一线机。 receives on the face happily the careless smiling face, said to Three Legged Golden Toad of under foot:   乐收起脸上漫不经心的笑容,对脚下的三足金蟾道: my dark horse won, now, was one's turn us to bet!” Also reveals wipes the forced smile: He linked simply probably in a big way dozens ‚’, I was really the heart movement, am flustered!”   “我的黑马又赢了,现在,轮到我们下注了!”又露出一抹苦笑:“他简直像是连开了几十把‘大’,我真是又心动、又心慌!” Legend of the Great Saint ww.15218 /   大圣传 ww.15218/
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