LCGIR :: Volume #18

#1707: Yuan less/small

Why two do come?” Eastern Jade Mountain asking with a smile. “两位为何而来?”东方玉山笑吟吟的问道。 Wears immortal armor Immortal, has a look at all around, asked that Female Immortal of storekeeper said: Yuan less/small?” 身着仙甲的仙人,看看四周,问掌柜的女仙道:“袁少呢?” „The today person are few, Yuan less/small may not come!” Storekeeper Female Immortal accompanies to say with a smile, customer , if there is matter, performing can say to the concubine body......” 今元日人少,袁少可能不会过来了!”掌柜女仙陪笑道,“客官若是有事儿,尽可以跟妾身说的……” Yuan less/small told troublesome......” that wears Immortal of Daoist robe to say to storekeeper Female Immortal, I and others brought disintoxicating Immortal Pill to come, Yuan less/small want!” “麻烦跟袁少说一声……”那身着道袍的仙人对掌柜女仙道,“我等带了解毒仙丹过来,正是袁少所要的!” Yes, the concubine body understands!” Storekeeper Female Immortal complies with one, shuts both eyes, after the moment, opens eyes saying that customer waits a bit, some my family Yuan less/small things, cannot come temporarily.” “是,妾身明白!”掌柜女仙答应一声,微闭双目,片刻后睁眼道,“客官稍等,我家袁少有些事情,暂时不能过来。” Un un......” that Immortal said with a nod, we are waiting then!” “嗯嗯……”那仙人点头道,“我们等着即可!” After saying, that Immortal seemed thought of anything, asked: Right, just we came, saw that some people went to the red light district, should they come generally?” 说完之后,那仙人好似想到了什么,问道:“对了,刚刚我们进来的时候,看到有人去了温柔乡,他们一般应该过来吧?” Is good to teach the customer to know that......” storekeeper Female Immortal accompanies to say with a smile, generally has two types of tokens that comes me to worry leisurely this solitary one, had not worried that leisurely made unable to come the money dissolver!” “好教客官知道……”掌柜女仙陪笑道,“来我逍孤愁的一般有两种令牌,没有逍愁令是不能来销金窟的!” Good......” side wore fights armor Immortal to beckon with the hand saying that comes with the liquor.” “行了……”旁边身着战甲的仙人摆手道,“拿酒过来。” Customer waited a bit......” storekeeper Female Immortal to smile. “客官稍等……”掌柜女仙笑笑去了。 „The Eastern little friend......” Xiao Hua said with a smile: Old man heard that worried leisurely this solitary one is looking for Sacred Lotus Seed and Little Sacred Lotus Seed, seemed like the news of old man to contain errors?” “东方小友……”萧华笑道:“老夫闻听逍孤愁在找圣莲子小圣莲子,看起来老夫的消息有误了?” Hehe......” the Eastern Jade Mountain has a look at Zhan Xiu, said with a smile, Zhan brother, looked misled was not only I and other, Sir even/including also made a mistake!” “嘿嘿……”东方玉山看看詹秀,笑道,“詹兄,看起来被误导的不仅仅是我等两个,连大人也搞错了!” What's the matter?” Xiao Hua asked that is it possible that two did Fellow Immortal also come for Sacred Lotus Seed?” “怎么回事儿?”萧华问道,“莫非两位仙友也为了圣莲子而来?” Not!” Zhan Xiu replied, „the East first obtained the news, passed on a message with Junior, said that...... Yuan less/small are looking for Sacred Lotus Seed, if were not convenient, Little Sacred Lotus Seed. At that time Junior said to the East, Sacred Lotus Seed was not perhaps easy to look because of the close by, but the money dissolver definitely had, worst, Yuan less/small with Feather Immortal......” “不是的!”詹秀回答道,“东方是先得到消息的,跟晚辈传讯,说……袁少在找圣莲子,若是不方便,小圣莲子也可以。当时晚辈就跟东方说了,圣莲子在旁处或许不好找,但销金窟肯定有,最不济,袁少跟羽仙……” Zhan Xiu words have not fallen to the ground, some place of people staircase said with a smile: „? Who looks for my Feather Immortal?” 詹秀的话还不曾落地,楼梯之处就有人笑道:“哦?谁找我羽仙?” Zhan Xiuleng, had a look at two Immortal, have not paid attention, then said: Worst Yuan less/small will look for Feather Immortal, although Sacred Lotus Seed precious as gold, but there is crystal coin, cannot be regarded anything......” 詹秀愣了一下,看看走上来的两个仙人,没理会,接着说道:“最不济袁少会找羽仙的,圣莲子虽然金贵,但有钱晶,也算不得什么……” Good......” works as first Immortal young-looking elderly, said with a smile, little friend, if needed anything, performing to look for my Feather Immortal.” “不错……”当先一个仙人童颜鹤发,笑道,“小友如需什么,尽可以找我羽仙。” Yes?” Zhan Xiu looked at that Immortal, hasn't the false smile say/way, consulted the Fellow Immortal given name?” “是嘛?”詹秀看了一眼那仙人,皮笑肉不笑道,“还未请教仙友名号?” Zhan Xiu somewhat feels embarrassed this Feather Immortal Immortal obviously, but this Immortal does not seem angry, said submissively: „Below Feather Immortal yuan arched, has seen Fellow Immortal.” 詹秀显然是有些为难这羽仙仙人的,不过这仙人似乎不恼,拱手道:“在下羽仙魭穹,见过仙友。” yuan arched?” The Xiao Hua brow raises, somewhat accidental/surprised looks at named yuan arched Immortal, does not know that this yuan arched is at what position in Feather Immortal. “魭穹?”萧华眉头一扬,有些意外的看着名叫魭穹的仙人,不知道这魭穹在羽仙中处于什么地位。 Oh, originally is the yuan arched lord?” Zhan Xiu actually appears the accident/surprise, quickly sets out to say submissively, was somewhat disrespectful below, cannot think that is the arched marriage go- to!” “哎哟,原来是魭穹穹主?”詹秀却显得意外,急忙起身拱手道,“在下有些失礼了,想不到是穹主亲至!” Fellow Immortal was polite!” yuan arched said, arrives at the money dissolver, is Fellow Immortal!” 仙友客气了!”魭穹说道,“到得销金窟,都是仙友!” Hehe......” Zhan Xiu awkward smiling, sat. “呵呵……”詹秀尴尬的笑笑,坐了下来。 What arched lord is yuan arched?” Xiao Hua passes message in a low voice asks. “魭穹是什么穹主?”萧华低声传音问道。 Zhan Xiu also passes message to explain: Is good to teach the Sir to know, the Feather Immortal structure is somewhat complex, but is engaged in the transaction mainly, is the arched lord and clouds advocating peace wing lord, arched Exalted Lord surface also three big Heavenly King, according to Junior know the arched lord to have nine, respectively is honored arched, vault of heaven, min arched, high heavens, quiet arched, yuan arched, vermilion Qiong, flame arched and Yang Qiong, under each arched lord nine wing lords, are the scarlet clouds, bluish green clouds, azure clouds, the profound clouds, the deep red clouds, the jin clouds and Zixiao, practice the clouds and red clouds respectively, but under each clouds lord, Also seven wing lords, respectively are the red wing, the orange wing and yellow wing(s), the green wing, the azure wing, the blue wing and purple wing, under each wing lord 360 subordinates......” 詹秀也传音解释道:“好教大人知晓,羽仙的构架有些复杂,但主要从事交易的,是穹主、霄主和翼主,穹主上面还有三大天王,据晚辈所知穹主有九个,分别是钧穹,苍穹,旻穹,玄穹,幽穹,魭穹,朱穹,炎穹和阳穹,每个穹主之下又有九个翼主,分别是赤霄、碧霄、青霄、玄霄、绛霄、黅霄、紫霄、练霄和缙霄,而每个霄主之下,也有七个翼主,分别是红翼、橙翼、黄翼、绿翼、青翼、蓝翼和紫翼,每个翼主之下三百六十个手下……” „Is this merely the structure that Feather Immortal reveals?” Xiao Hua passes on the sound said: Is it possible that does Feather Immortal have construction in secret??” “这仅仅是羽仙显露的构架?”萧华传音道:“莫非羽仙还有暗中的架构??” Yes!” Zhan Xiu said with a nod, Feather Immortal is known as omnipotently, besides transaction outwardly, naturally also has transaction in secret, some of their also many secrets or others do not know.” “是啊!”詹秀点头道,“羽仙号称无所不能,除了明面的交易,自然还有很多暗中的交易,他们还有很多隐秘还是旁人不知道的。” This arched lord probably what strength?” “这个穹主大概什么实力?” Should be True Immortal High Rank?” “应该是真仙高阶吧?” Old man sees one saying that clouds main, only has the Five Elements Immortal strength?” Xiao Hua strange say/way, among this disparity is big!” “老夫见过一个自称霄主的,只有五行仙实力啊?”萧华奇道,“这中间差距不小啊!” Zhan Xiu explained: Feather Immortal is merchant union, naturally is primarily the transaction method high, strength and boundary actually next! Sometimes, a wing lord a transaction profit to be giant, can promote the vice- clouds directly main.” 詹秀解释道:“羽仙商盟,自然以交易手段高下为主,实力和境界倒是其次了!有时候,一个翼主一次交易获利巨大,直接可以晋升副霄主的。” Two customers good......” storekeeper Female Immortal quickly to come, puts down immortal wine in hand, giving regards with a smile. “两位客官好……”掌柜女仙急忙过来,把手里的仙酒放下,笑吟吟的问好。 Yuan less/small?” After yuan arched sits down, has a look at all around, spoke thoughtlessly to ask, „were the person so how few?” “袁少呢?”魭穹坐下后,看看四周,随口问道,“怎么人这么少?” dragon tide erupts, Dragon Race in full vigour, the corps are running about to deal with......” another Immortal light saying, where does Fellow Immortal of corps have the time to come?” 龙汐爆发,龙族精力旺盛,战队正疲于应对呢……”另外一个仙人淡淡的说道,“战队的仙友哪里有时间过来?” „?” yuan arched gawked, suddenly laughs saying that „, the place of entire Realm passage is a red light district?” “啊?”魭穹愣了一下,忽然大笑道,“哈哈,原来整个界冲之地就是一个温柔乡啊?” yuan arched opposite Immortal also awakens, claps hands to say with a smile: Haha, haha, good, good!” 魭穹对面的仙人也醒悟过来,抚掌笑道:“哈哈,哈哈,不错,不错!” Although Xiao Hua has not gone to the red light district, but also knows that the red light district is anything, hearing yuan arched to insult the corps, being able to bear will stand, will scold, will actually hear a gentle sound to resound: yuan arched, your courage was fat, unexpectedly dares here saying that this teased the words of corps, did not fear that shot the sound king to shear your head?” 萧华虽然没去温柔乡,但也知道温柔乡是什么,听得魭穹如此侮辱战队,忍不住站将起来,正要呵斥,却听到一个轻柔的声音响起:“魭穹,你胆子肥了啊,居然敢在我这里说这等调侃战队的话,不怕射声王把你的脑袋割下来么?” Yuan less/small?” yuan arched in great surprise, quickly sets out, but, has not waited for him to open the mouth to explain, „......” a pale golden big hand appears suddenly, hits quickly on the yuan arched face! “袁少?”魭穹大惊,急忙起身,但是,还不等他开口解释,“啪……”一个淡金色大手骤然出现,以迅雷不及掩耳之势打在魭穹脸上! The yuan arched figure tumbles in the midair, pū pū......” bumps into several tables one after another, on the table exudes gold light, and does not have any movement. 魭穹身形在半空翻滚,“噗噗……”接连碰到几个桌子,桌子上泛起金光,并没有任何移动。 When the yuan arched figure stops, strove to set out, wore yellow golden armor, wore emaciated Male Immortal of purple gold crown from tread slowly void! 待得魭穹身形停下,勉力起身了,一个身穿黄金甲,头戴紫金冠的瘦弱男仙缓缓从虚空踏出! Male Immortal does not have in silver light to obstruct the body, reveals the delicate and pretty look, at this time his eyes stare at yuan arched coldly said: This slap in the face is I for shooting the sound king hits, if you are discontented, performing to return!” 男仙没有银光中遮体,显露俊美相貌,此时他一双眼睛盯着魭穹冷冷道:“这一耳光是我代射声王打的,你若是不满,尽可以打回来!” Xiao Hua thinks that the yuan arched meeting violent anger, must fling the gate to go badly. Who would have guessed that yuan arched sets out, the forced smile said: Yuan less/small misunderstood!” 萧华以为魭穹会暴怒而起,最不济也得甩门而去。哪知道魭穹起身,苦笑道:“袁少误会了!” Misunderstanding?” That delicate and pretty Immortal gawked, strange did say/way, how I misunderstand?” “误会?”那俊美仙人愣了,奇道,“我怎么误会了?” What said below is our corps treats as the red light district Realm passage, treats as dragon lady of red light district Dragon Race!” yuan arched answered, Yuan do less/small may want instead?” “在下说的是咱们战队把界冲当做温柔乡,把龙族当做温柔乡的龙女啊!”魭穹解释道,“袁少可能想反了吧?” Yes?” Yuan less/small meaningful look that another Immortal said that this...... also does think?” “是么?”袁少意味深长的看着另外一个仙人说道,“这位……也是这么认为的?” Yes, is......” another Immortal quickly sets out, obsequious reply. “是,是……”另外一个仙人急忙起身,点头哈腰的回答了。 Haha, if that is right, I apologized to you!” Yuan less/small laughed, turns the head to say to storekeeper Female Immortal, fragrant, takes the liquor!” “哈哈,若如此,我给你们道歉!”袁少大笑了,转头对掌柜女仙道,“馨儿,取酒来!” Yes, master!” Storekeeper Female Immortal complied with one, turned around, Yuan Shaozhan on the restaurant, had a look at three seven Immortal, said with a smile: Yuan thanked to support, a while one and proposed a toast!” “是,主人!”掌柜女仙应了一声,转身去了,袁少站在酒楼上,看看三座七个仙人,笑道:“袁某感谢诸位过来捧场,一会儿一并敬酒!” Yuan less/small were polite!” Zhan Xiu sets out to bow with a smile said, for a long time does not see, Yuan are less/small good?” “袁少客气了!”詹秀笑着起身稽首道,“许久不见,袁少还好?” You are......” Yuan Shaoding Zhan Xiu moment, said suddenly, originally is Zhan young friend, for a long time does not see, are you also good?” “你是……”袁少盯着詹秀片刻,恍然道,“原来是詹小友啊,许久不见,你也好?” Holds Yuan Shaofu, fortunately!” Zhan Xiu was extremely happy, said hastily, look also brings Fellow Immortal to come below, hopes that can also harvest!” “托袁少福,还好!”詹秀极其高兴,连忙说道,“这不,在下又带着仙友过来,希望还能有所收获!” today feared that was inadequate......” Yuan less/small had a look at the forced smile saying that recently the place of Realm passage was not peaceful, just like the yuan arched lord said that various wars, my Human Race was tired out from the press facing the Dragon Race attack, the business that I worried leisurely this solitary one was also dreary!” 今元日怕是不成了……”袁少看看苦笑道,“最近界冲之地不太平,正如魭穹穹主所言,各处大战,我人族面对龙族攻击疲于奔命,我逍孤愁的生意也惨淡啊!” Yuan Shaopa does have not to know?” Another table of two Immortal had not spoken, at this time that wore fights armor Immortal to open the mouth, just obtained the news below, various wars the draw has gradually rested......” “袁少怕是有所不知吧?”另外一桌两个仙人一直没吭声,这时候那个身着战甲的仙人开口了,“在下刚刚得到消息,各处大战已经逐渐平歇……” How possibly?” yuan arched opposite Immortal, shouted lowly, dragon tide initiated nearby Dragon Territory Realm passage Dragon Race to lose control, broke in Realm passage, the corps possibly were not these Dragon Race rivals!” “怎么可能?”魭穹对面的仙人,低呼道,“龙汐引发龙域界冲附近龙族失控,多冲入界冲,战队不可能是这些龙族敌手啊!” Fellow Immortal......” yuan arched urgently said, what news can have? My Feather Immortal may take the crystal coin purchase!” 仙友……”魭穹急道,“可有什么消息?我羽仙可拿钱晶收购!” Hehe......” Yuan less/small sneered, said that what news, if has, Yuan can not know?” “嘿嘿……”袁少冷笑了,说道,“若有什么消息,袁某能不知道么?” Shooting sound king where that this matter should not arrive at......” that wears fights armor Immortal to answer, „, therefore Yuan less/small have not known!” “此事应该还没到的射声王哪里……”那身着战甲的仙人解释道,“所以袁少还不知道吧!” What price does Fellow Immortal want?” yuan arched quickly asked. Hehe...... ” wears fights armor Immortal to smile, gives yuan arched ink immortal disc saying that arched lord can first have a look!” 仙友要什么代价?”魭穹急忙问道。呵呵……”身着战甲的仙人笑笑,递给魭穹一个墨仙瞳道,“穹主可以先看看!” Somewhat high!” yuan arched received ink immortal disc, Amplified Sense swept, knits the brows saying that is a news, is unworthy so many......” “有些高啊!”魭穹接过墨仙瞳,衍念扫了一下,皱眉道,“不过是一个消息,不值这么多……” This news, will be blocked if as expected!” The combat generals smile to say with a smile, arrived at Yuan less/small there, did the price that the arched lord must pay continue these?” “这消息若不出意外,会被封锁的!”战将笑笑道,“而到得袁少那里了,穹主所要付出的代价不止这些吧?” Fierce, you two......” Yuan less/small clap hands saying that is in front of Yuan unexpectedly, removes Yuan's stage?” “厉害啊,你们两个……”袁少抚掌道,“竟然当着袁某的面,拆袁某的台?” Does not dare, does not dare......” yuan arched to accompany to say with a smile, wants one step to become famous for the corps below early!” “不敢,不敢……”魭穹陪笑道,“在下不过是想早一步替战队扬名罢了!” Might as well, might as well!” Beckoning with the hand that Yuan less/small disdain said that Yuan is not petty......” “无妨,无妨!”袁少不屑的摆手道,“袁某不是小家子气的……” Many thanks, many thanks!” yuan arched smiles, what wrote in ink immortal disc, the backhand gives to fight armor Immortal saying that how Fellow Immortal does have a look at this price?” “多谢,多谢!”魭穹笑笑,在墨仙瞳内写了些什么,反手又递给战甲仙人道,“仙友看看这个价格如何?” Looks that yuan arched with fighting armor Immortal bargained back and forth, Xiao Hua somewhat did not know whether to laugh or cry, pondered over at heart secretly were oneself this/should section of reckless. 看着魭穹跟战甲仙人讨价还价,萧华有些哭笑不得了,心里暗自思忖自己是不是该截胡一把。 This clearly is own news, not only this news could not gain crystal coin, instead was in front of own to trade! 这分明就是自己的消息嘛,不仅这消息自己赚不了钱晶,反而被人当着自己的面贩卖! That......” Xiao Hua opened the mouth, but he said merely two characters, that war armor Immortal said that good, so!” “那个……”萧华开口了,不过他仅仅说了两个字,那战甲仙人道,“好,就如此吧!” Fellow Immortal......” Yuan less/small have a look at Xiao Hua saying that what matter you do have?” 仙友……”袁少看看萧华道,“你有什么事情?”
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