LA :: Volume #8

#702: One the sword extinguishes the city

„Is Dugu Clan what kind of family?” 独孤家族是一个怎样的家族?” „...... Existed did not know many years Ancient Martial Aritocratic Family. In Ancient Martial Aritocratic Family gradually forgotten age, only then their Dugu Family still stands erect not but actually, but Heavenly Fiend Feng Yun, is Dugu Feng Yun is this generation of only sons, inherited previous generation of cruel and merciless, works only strives for accomplishing to resort to all means. At present the Dugu Clan surface is on the China biggest underground organization, but regulations hand/subordinate experts as common as the clouds, the influence is found in the nation, the financial resource surpass any commercial Aristocratic Family actually-- including our Duanmu.” He looked at Feng Xiao, then said: Your Long Family wants to eliminate it not to dare to begin.” “……一个存在了不知多少年的古武世家。在古武世家逐渐被遗忘的年代,只有他们独孤家依然屹立不倒,而天煞风云,也就是独孤风云是这一代的独子,继承了上一辈的心狠手辣,做事只求成事而不择手段。目前独孤家族表面是上华夏最大的地下组织,但实则手下高手如云,势力遍布全国,财力其实超过任何一个商业世家——包括我们端木。”他看了一眼风逍,接着说道:“就连你们龙家想除之都一直未敢动手。” I understood. You left Absolute Heaven City afterward my Wind Spirit City, I can free provide the station for you.” Feng Xiao earnestly said. The Gods Domain helps the numerous up and down hundreds of thousands, is huge Player Strength. Since was unable to be the enemy, that transfers the use. But he also believes that Hand of God will not reject. “我明白了。你离开天极城后来我风魂城吧,我可以免费为你们提供驻地。”风逍认真的说道众神领域上下帮众数十万,是一股庞大的玩家力量。既然已经无法为敌,那就转为利用。而他也相信上帝之手不会拒绝。 Hand of God said with a laugh: Has Wind Spirit City main these words, I completely felt relieved. Our Duanmu Family and Xuanyuan Family barrier for a long time, could turn swords into plowshares in light of this also perhaps.” 上帝之手呵呵笑道:“有风魂城主这句话,我就完全放心了。我们端木家轩辕家隔阂已久,或许可以就此化干戈为玉帛也说不定。” Feng Xiao nods, turns around to be about to leave. 风逍点点头,转身准备离开。 Wait/Etc..” Hand of God stopped by calling out him, was silent a meeting, asked in a low voice: She...... Ok?” “等等。”上帝之手叫住了他,然后沉默了一会,低声问道:“她……好吗?” Feng Xiao has turned around to come to see him, tranquilly said: She is my woman, the present is, this for a lifetime is, I naturally can make her very good, I think my woman should not the cares of other requirement men.” 风逍转过身来看着他,平静的说道:“她是我的女人,现在是,这一辈子都是,我自然会让她很好,我想我的女人应该并不需要其他男人的关心。” The Hand of God complexion stiffens, his weak hangs to start, bitter and astringent saying: I understood, later, I will not mention her again.” 上帝之手的脸色僵住,他无力的垂下手来,苦涩的说道:“我明白了,以后,我不会再提起她。” Feng Xiao a slight nod, returned to Wind City. 风逍微一点头,回到了风城 Hand of God sits down exhausted on the chair silent long time, then takes up Communication Tool: Eagle, helping me relate Heavenly Fiend Feng Yun, told him, my Duanmu bitter experience disaster, finding out let Absolute Heaven City, gave him three hours to think the good price...... After three hours, I will look for him personally.” 上帝之手瘫坐在椅子上沉默良久,然后拿起通话器:“飞鹰,帮我联系一下天煞风云,告诉他,我端木遭遇大难,想出让天极城,给他三个小时想好价格……三个小时后我会亲自去找他。” ................................................................................................ …………………………………………………………………………………… All such as in Feng Xiao expectation equally smooth, ten days later, extremely luxurious resting palace completes in the position that he assigns, the Dazu of its space to occupy hundred people. But on the same day of completion, this resting palace worked as unexpectedly is surrounding city people disappears without a trace of surface disappearance, making them thoroughly scared. 一切都如风逍预想中的一样顺利,十天之后,一座极其奢华的寝宫在他指定的位置建成,其空间之大足以居住百人之多。而在建成的当天,这座寝宫竟然当着所有围观城民的面消失的无影无踪,让他们彻底傻眼。 But it reappears the place is in 99999 Novice Village mysterious maps. Completes all these naturally is dependence Monster Refining Pot takes in own scene ability. If, he even wants to bring it to the real world, the stir Effect estimate that but such doing causes can make them not probably be peaceful. But this new resting palace was also named as Long Feng Pavilion by Feng Xiao. 而它重新出现的地点是99999新手村的神秘地图之中。完成这一切自然是依靠的炼妖壶吸纳属于自己的场景的能力。如果可以,他甚至想将它带到现实世界,但那样做的话引起的轰动效果估计会让他们不得安宁。而这个新的寝宫也被风逍命名为龙风阁 Slaughter God Elder Sister, discarded oneself past gentle Mei Yu on the same day by Feng Xiao that Long Feng Pavilion completes to be in front of all her Sisters to hold finally completely. In order to calculate does is before her Xiao Xiao (little) penalty that always frightened escapes. 杀神姐姐,已经丢掉自己过去的温柔魅雨终于在龙风阁建成的当天被风逍当着她所有姐妹的面完全占有。以算做是对她以前老是受惊逃开的小小惩罚。 But The Gods Domain finally amazingly quick withdrawing Absolute Heaven City, Absolute Heaven City also from now on will also turn over to Heavenly Fiend Feng Yun one person, when he wins the City Host throne finally, the entire city high and low almost can hear he wild self-satisfied laughter. 众神领域也终于神速的撤出天极城,天极城也自此归天煞风云一人所有,当他终于登上城主宝座时,全城上下都几乎可以听到他猖狂得意的笑声。 But his self-satisfaction has only continued for day. 但他的得意只持续了一天。 Next morning, when he also in sleep has not woken up, the Absolute Heaven City sky suddenly golden yellow piece, innumerably the golden great sword such as the disaster generally drops from the clouds...... Shortly, all died in the Absolute Heaven City people completely, entire Absolute Heaven City also vanishes in a puff of smoke. Was destroyed to undercut dozens meters ultra-large range ground not to leave any city had had the trace. 第二天清晨,当他还在睡梦中没有醒来时,天极城的上空忽然金黄一片,无数把金色巨剑如灾难一般从天而降……顷刻间,所有在天极城的人都死亡殆尽,整个天极城也灰飞烟灭。被摧毁下陷了几十米的超大范围地面没有留下任何一座城曾经存在过的痕迹。 Regards to look at own masterpiece in the sky, sneering of Feng Xiao face. The connected accident makes him not have patience to play tricks on Absolute Heaven City again, makes him such destroy. Not only destroys the city, is their lands for building to give to destroy continually. 当空视下看下自己的杰作,风逍一脸的冷笑。连串的变故让他没有耐心再去戏弄天极城,就让他这么毁灭吧。不但毁城,连属于他们的地皮都给毁去。 Arrives at Rebirth World by Heavenly Fiend Feng Yun gloomy expression that the panic-stricken call awakens, the place that however he presents is actually not City Lord Mansion, but is above ruined lands. Here should belong to his Absolute Heaven City, now actually looks like the nightmare could not find to have generally again the trace. On the face of Heavenly Fiend Feng Yun appeared finally biggest the panic since the birth, then such as insane general roared crazily. 被惊恐的呼声叫醒的天煞风云阴着脸来到轮回世界,然而他出现的地方却不是城主府,而是一片破败的土地之上。这里原本应该属于他的天极城,如今却像噩梦一般再也找不到存在过的痕迹。天煞风云的脸上终于出现了自出生以来最大的恐慌,然后如疯了一般疯狂咆哮起来。 He can hoodwink the public in Rebirth World, but he thousand should not ten thousand not annoy the person who he could not stir up. 他原来可以在轮回世界一手遮天,但他千不该万不该惹了一个他惹不起的人。 In the upper air, is listening to Heavenly Fiend Feng Yun nearly desperate roaring, smiling that Feng Xiao disdains: You will then make the action that anything act out of desperation, really makes the person anticipate.” 高空之中,听着天煞风云近乎绝望的咆哮,风逍不屑的笑着:“你接下来会做些什么狗急跳墙的举动呢,真是让人期待啊。” He just wants to return to Wind City, Communication Tool has resounded suddenly, he hidden goes to the figure, takes up Communication Tool saying: „Does father, have the matter?” 他刚想回风城,通话器忽然响起了起来,他隐去身形,拿起通话器道:“爸,有事吗?” Xiao'er, do you have free time now? I now in you residence situated in Imperial City.” Long Wei said that in Communication Tool then broadcasts the Baobao sound: Elder Brother, I and Father you, quickly come Oh here.” 逍儿,你现在有空没?我现在就在你位于皇城的居所。”龙威说道,通话器里又接着传来宝宝的声音:“哥哥,我和爸爸在这里等你,快来。” „...... I pass immediately.” Feng Xiao hangs up Communication Tool, has not looked at one again downward, returns to Feng House directly. “……我马上过去。”风逍挂断通话器,没有再向下看一眼,直接返回风楼 Feng Xiao just appeared in the hall, was grasped by the Baobao soft body in the delightful light call. Long Wei smiling nods to him, at this time he is still that most common Novice clothes, but actually cannot conceal him for a long time to occupy the invisible pressure that the high-rank the nature forms. 风逍刚刚出现在大厅,就在悦耳的轻呼声中被宝宝软软的身体抱住。龙威一脸微笑的向他点点头,此时他依然是那身最普通的新手衣,但却掩饰不住他久居上位所自然形成的无形威压。 Father, asks me to come any matter, I just......” “爸,找我来什么事,我刚刚……” Has destroyed Absolute Heaven City is right?” Long Wei said with a smile. “毁了天极城对吗?”龙威笑着说道 Un.” The Feng Xiao light nod, then holds Baobao to sit in the Long Wei opposite. Baobao does not evade Father in side, with usually is still same Youngster to hug the neck of Feng Xiao to hang likely on him. “嗯。”风逍轻一点头,然后抱起宝宝坐在龙威对面。宝宝一点都不避讳爸爸在旁边,依然和平时一样像个小娃娃般勾着风逍的脖子挂在他身上。 This time makes Dugu Family lose sufficiently seriously in financial resource, at least in the short-term will be unable to recover. Therefore, to strike this family, now perhaps is a good opportunity.” “这次足以让独孤家在财力方面损失惨重,至少短期内会一蹶不振。所以,如果想要敲打一下这个家族的话,现在或许是个好时机。” Long Wei nods, has not actually continued this topic, but looks at Baobao saying: „Under Xiao'er, my this time comes to solicit your suggestions. Baobao this year 14 years old, but her story...... Actually and young child is similar, therefore I want to send her to school, allowing her to understand outside world.” 龙威点点头,却没有继续这个话题,而是看着宝宝说道:“逍儿,我这次来是想征求下你的意见。宝宝今年已经14岁,但她的阅历……却和几岁的孩童差不多,所以我想送她去上学,让她了解一下外面的世界。” Feng Xiao slight nod, waiting as follows. 风逍轻微点头,等待下文。 Although that is a privately established aristocrat girl's school, the security field does very well, but still cannot make us feel relieved completely. Xiao'er, what means do you have?” Long Wei said, looks at Feng Xiao by the vision of hope. “虽然那是一个私立的贵族女子学校,安全方面做得很好,但依然不能让我们完全放心。逍儿,你有没有什么办法?”龙威说完,以期盼的目光看着风逍 Feng Xiao thinks slightly, immediately corners of the mouth show the smile, he lowers the head to Baobao said: Baobao, do you want to go to school?” 风逍稍稍一想,随即嘴角露出微笑,他低头对宝宝说道:“宝宝,你想去上学吗?” Baobao nods hastily: I have been good to think. However Mother did not make me go.” 宝宝连忙点头:“我一直都好想的。但是妈妈一直都不让我去。” That, Father also agreed that now you went, Elder Brother also agreed that you went, does Elder Brother make Die'er accompany again hello/you good?” “那,现在爸爸也同意你去了,哥哥也同意你去了,哥哥再让蝶儿陪着你好不好?” eyes bright, pleasantly surprised saying of Baobao: Real? Can Elder Brother let Die'er really and I goes to school together?” 宝宝眼睛一亮,惊喜的说道:“是真的吗?哥哥真的可以让蝶儿和我一起去上学吗?” Naturally, when I have deceived Baobao.” “当然了,我什么时候骗过宝宝。” Wu...... Good, has been able to go to school with Die'er, I really quite happy.” Baobao once more happy cheers one, then affectionate has bit several on the Feng Xiao face, often exudes the delightful tender laughter. 唔……太好了,能和蝶儿一起去上学,我真的好高兴。”宝宝再次高兴的欢呼一声,然后亲昵的在风逍脸上咬了好几下,不时发出悦耳的娇笑声。 Long Wei hear of being confused, cannot bear ask finally: „Is Die'er?” 龙威听的一头雾水,终于忍不住问道:“蝶儿是?” Un, is Baobao in the good partner of this world understanding, has her, even if will throw a Baobao person to overseas goes to school will not have any danger.” Feng Xiao said with a smile. “嗯,是宝宝在这个世界认识的好伙伴,有她在,即使把宝宝一个人丢到国外去上学都不会有任何危险。”风逍笑着说道 Long Wei appears to understand but not really understand, just wants to question in detail. Actually listens to Feng Xiao to ask suddenly: Father, you had mentioned a while ago the plan in view of Japan is?” 龙威似懂非懂,刚想细问一遍。却听风逍忽然问道:“爸,你前段时间提到过的针对东瀛的计划是?” Long Wei has thought a meeting, then this 20 years ago starts to plan and carry out, the middle left the plan of variable to say several times simply to the Feng Xiao hear. Feng Xiao the face presently startled accommodates immediately, said surprised: Originally Tokugawa Clan has permeated the people of so many Long Family unexpectedly, moreover almost seized their life.” 龙威想了一会,然后把这个从20年前开始策划和执行,中间出过数次变数的计划简单的说给风逍听。风逍顿时脸现惊容,吃惊道:“原来德川家族内部竟然渗入了如此多的龙家之人,而且还差一点就掐住了他们的命脉。” But Feng Xiao shook the head saying: Cancels this plan, although is very successful, but could not use.” 风逍又摇了摇头道:“取消这个计划吧,虽然很成功,但已经用不到了。” The Long Wei complexion changes, solemnly asked: Presented what to change?” 龙威脸色一变,沉声问道:“难道又出现了什么变化?” No!” Feng Xiao shakes the head: Because of not requirement this plan. Tomorrow, I can be even the entire Tokugawa Clan direct shovel.” “不!”风逍摇头:“因为并不需要这个计划。明天,我就可以把整个德川家族直接铲平。” Long Wei one startled under stands up, then slowly sat: By the strength that you show, you can indeed achieve. However, Tokugawa Clan extinguished, Japan will present immediately second Tokugawa Clan, simultaneously will point to China the spearhead of this matter with various methods. This is also one of our scruples. Therefore, we afterward changed plan, prepares through controlling Tokugawa controls the entire Japan. The benefit that since like this, my China has gained with destroying Tokugawa will be the difference of heaven and earth.” 龙威一惊之下站起身来,然后又缓缓的坐了回去:“以你所表现出来的实力,你的确可以做到。但是,德川家族灭了,东瀛马上就会出现第二个‘德川家族’,同时会用各种方法将这件事的矛头直指华夏。这也是我们的顾忌之一。于是,我们后来改变了计划,准备通过控制德川来控制整个东瀛。这样以来,我华夏所得到的利益与毁灭德川将是天壤之别。” Controls Tokugawa to control the entire Japan? If these words are not say by Long Wei, he can only appraise for absurdly two characters. He has pondered, shook the head: Tokugawa hates goes all the way to the bone to my Long Family, I cannot find out to be able with any method to control them.” 控制德川来控制整个东瀛?如果这句话不是由龙威说出,他只能评价为“荒谬”二字。他细想了一下,还是摇了摇头:“德川对我龙家恨之入骨,我想不出能用什么方法控制他们。” Long Wei straight watched his meeting, then sighed, said to Baobao: Baobao, first exiting hobby?” 龙威直直的看了他一会,然后叹了一口气,对宝宝说道:“宝宝,先出去玩好吗?” „? Why?” Is shrinking in the Feng Xiao bosom, delimits Baobao discontented pursing the lips of circle circle to say in his chest front with the finger. “啊?为什么啊?”正缩在风逍怀中,用手指在他胸前划圈圈的宝宝不满的撅嘴道。 Feng Xiao moves at heart, said to Baobao with a smile: Baobao you go to the courtyard first Die'er call out, then waits for me to exit to be good? Then I immediately can make Die'er accompany you to go to school together.” 风逍心里一动,笑着对宝宝说道:“宝宝你先去院子里把蝶儿叫出来,然后等我出去好不好?然后我就马上可以让蝶儿陪你一起上学去了。” Hee hee, good Oh.” Baobao happy jumps down from Feng Xiao, jumps for joy to run the hall. “嘻嘻,好。”宝宝一脸开心的从风逍身上跳下,雀跃着跑出大厅。
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