LA :: Volume #1

#64: Xiruo new home

Big Brother Feng, where can you lead me to go to?” 风大哥,你要带我去哪里?” Goes home!” “回家!” Returns...... Your family/home?” “回……你的家吗?” Un, but also is your family/home.” “嗯,不过也是你的家。” Later...... Is you takes care of me?” “以后……是你来照顾我吗?” Is my Younger Sister.” “是我妹妹。” Big Brother Feng Younger Sister?” In the Yang Xiruo heart relaxed, losing that she has not actually realized. 风大哥妹妹?”杨夕若心中松了一口气,却又有一种她自己都没察觉的失落。 We arrived.” “我们到了。” Hugs Yang Xiruo has been getting down the taxi slowly, Feng Xiao toward own villa walks. 抱着杨夕若下了的士,风逍缓缓的向属于自己的别墅走去。 Some taxi driver blank expression sees two people forms, does not conceal shocking in oneself eye, long time sighed: Genuine young boys and girls!” 的士司机有些愣神的看着两人的身影,毫不掩饰自己眼中的惊艳,良久才叹道:“真正的金童玉女啊!” Feng Xiao is stepping the strange step, before oneself gate sways, this Chaos Confusion Shadow Array is he only may now arranged/laid out formation, by the Chaos Power reversal space rule, will make the person who leads the way turn into the retreat or about, about the good person turns into right left or to retrocede, except for the people of limited several knowledge item(s) body moves, may approach his main house gate without any foreign body. Even if a missile flies, space change flight direction that also twisted. 风逍迈着奇异的步伐,自家门前晃来晃去,这个混沌乱影阵是他现在唯一可布下阵法,以混沌之力逆转空间规则,会让前行的人变成后退或左右,左右行的人变成右左或后退,除了有限的几个知道具体走法的人,没有任何外来物体可靠近他的家门。即使是一颗导弹飞来,也会被扭曲的空间改变飞行的方向。 Feng Xiao quietly counting own step, before several seconds arrived at the gate. Both hands are holding Xiruo, is unable to open the door, has to shout: Yao'er, I came back.” 风逍默数着自己的步数,几秒钟就来到了门前。双手抱着夕若,无法开门,只好喊道:“瑶儿,我回来了。” In the gate hears anxious sound of footsteps, the shutter was opened very much, Feng Yao anxious standing there, sees Feng Xiao is hugging the beautiful woman suddenly, the look obviously changes is strange. 门里传来急急的脚步声,很快门被打开,风瑶略带焦急的站在那里,忽然看到风逍抱着的美女,眼神明显变的怪异起来。 Elder Brother, you came back, is she?” Feng Yao has the profound meaning greatly looks at Feng Xiao eyes. 哥哥,你回来了,她是?”风瑶大有深意的看着风逍眼睛 Hello, Elder Sister Feng, I called Yang Xiruo.” Yang Xiruo slightly raises the head, said with a slight smile. “你好,风姐姐,我叫杨夕若。”杨夕若微微抬头,微笑着说道 The good graceful girl, should...... Can be joined to Elder Brother, but as for has been hugging? That is own bosom. Feng Yao somewhat bitter thought. 好优雅的女孩,应该……配得上哥哥,不过至于一直抱着吗?那本是属于自己的怀抱。风瑶有些酸涩的想到。 Brings back to an elder sister to you...... cough cough, Younger Sister. Goes advanced, has been able to explain with you.” Feng Xiao holds the Feng Yao room Yang Xiruo hastily, places on her her bed gently. “给你带回一个姐……咳咳,妹妹。先进去,过会和你解释。”风逍连忙把杨夕若抱到风瑶房间,将她轻轻的放在她的床上。 „Was Big Brother Feng, a moment ago your Younger Sister? Her sound is very of pleasant to hear, long also is very certainly attractive.” Yang Xiruo softly asked, she likes here light jasmine fragrance very much. 风大哥,刚才就是你妹妹吗?她的声音很好听,长的一定也很漂亮吧。”杨夕若柔柔的问道,她很喜欢这里淡淡的茉莉香味。 Yes, Younger Sister Xiruo, you rest first here, I go to and Yao'er confess.” Smooths on her road by the dishevel hair, Feng Xiao is said gently. “是,夕若妹妹,你先在这里休息一下,我去和瑶儿交代一下。”抚平她路上被吹乱的头发,风逍轻轻说道。 Un!” Yang Xiruo clever replied. “嗯!”杨夕若乖巧的答应一声 ...... …… Feng Yao was Elder Brother rubs to pinch the hand of shoulder to stop gradually, in eye already filled tears. 风瑶哥哥揉捏肩膀的手逐渐停了下来,眼中已经盈|满了泪水。 Good pitiful girl, Elder Brother, we must take care of her well, making her have the warmth of family/home.” Listened to the Yang Xiruo bitter experience, innermost feelings soft Feng Yao somewhat to choke with sobs, she thought the heaven owed this girl were too many. “好可怜的女孩,哥哥,我们一定要好好照顾她,让她有家的温暖。”听了杨夕若的遭遇,内心柔软的风瑶已经有些泣不成声,她觉得上天欠这个女孩的实在太多了。 Yes.” Feng Xiao sighed: Yao'er, later asked you to take care of her, my grown man was not convenient. Later I input some Chaos Qi for her every day, the body that most one month, she is in debt can recover completely, is only her leg and eyes...... I can only maintain life force of her leg by Chaos Power, making it be insufficient to wither, the words that must cure, at least now cannot.” “是啊。”风逍叹道:“瑶儿,以后就拜托你照顾她了,我一个大男人不怎么方便。以后我每天为她输入一些混沌之气,最多一个月,她亏空的身体就可以完全复原了,只是她的腿和眼睛……我只能以混沌之力保持她腿的生命力,使其不至于萎缩,要治愈的话,至少现在不能。” I know.” Feng Yao wipes tears gently, suddenly carefully examines looks at Elder Brother saying: Elder Brother, don't you really for her body and security, what idea have other?” “我知道。”风瑶轻轻擦干眼泪,忽然又审视的看着哥哥说道:“哥哥,你真的只是为了她的身体和安全,没有别的什么想法?” cough cough, this issue......” Feng Xiao awkward coughs two, some do not dare to look straight ahead Feng Yao eyes. 咳咳,这个问题……”风逍尴尬的干咳两声,有些不敢直视风瑶眼睛 Good. Was needless to say.” Feng Yao is suddenly charming smiles, holds the Feng Xiao neck saying: Elder Brother, you finally have as if straightened out, three years, had finally found one.” “好了。不用说了。”风瑶忽然妩媚一笑,抱着风逍脖子说道:“哥哥,你似乎终于开窍了,三年了,终于找到了一个。” Yao'er, aren't you jealous?” Feng Xiao somewhat disturbed saying. 瑶儿,你不吃醋吗?”风逍有些忐忑的说道。 A little, but for the Elder Brother the commission of life and Adoptive Father, also our future, I will be confident accept everything, so long as Elder Brother not four years ago throws down me...... Moreover this girl, regardless of look, temperament or disposition, except for Elder Brother, I really cannot find out the also anything person to match on her. By the Elder Brother charm, I think that Younger Sister Xiruo will quickly certainly fall in love with Elder Brother.” Feng Yao muttered said. Really is only a point? Only then she knows, but, she loved him. “有一点吧,不过为了哥哥的性命和义父的嘱托,还有我们的将来,我会坦然接受一切的,只要哥哥不像四年前那样丢下我就可以……而且这个女孩,无论相貌、气质还是性格,除了哥哥,我实在想不出还有什么人可以配的上她。以哥哥的魅力,我想夕若妹妹一定会很快爱上哥哥的。”风瑶喃喃说道。真的只是一点吗?只有她自己知道,但,她太爱他了。 Yao'er......” thinks four years of first, Feng Xiao heavily grasped Feng Yao. 瑶儿……”想到四年前一幕幕,风逍重重的抱住了风瑶 Is around 8 : 00 pm, Feng Xiao sits in the bedside, gently feeds Yang Xiruo to eat the eight precious ingredients gruel, he knows gets sick greatly beginning person to eat anything. Although Xiruo recovered the strength, but Feng Xiao still overbearing must feed her to eat meal, huala in her affected thin, Feng Yao in one side, was describing this family/home and this family's amusing thing for her with the Fairy Maiden-like sound. 已经是晚上八点多,风逍坐在床边,轻轻的喂杨夕若吃八宝粥,他知道大病初愈的人该吃什么。虽然夕若的身体已经恢复了力气,但风逍依然霸道的要喂她吃饭,把她感动的稀里哗啦,风瑶则在一边,用仙子般的声音为她描述着这个家和这个家里的趣事。 Yang Xiruo is controlling the tears, opens vermilion lips to eat Feng Xiao to deliver the thin rice gruel in import lightly, while is listening attentively to the description of Feng Yao. The feeling of this family/home, she too for a long time too long has not experienced. 杨夕若控制着眼泪,一边轻启朱唇吃着风逍送进口里的稀粥,一边倾听着风瑶的描述。这种家的感觉,她已经太久太久没有体验到了。 Had the dinner, Feng Xiao has transmitted some Chaos Qi toward the Xiruo body, walked, closed gently, leaves behind Feng Yao and Xiruo in inside. 吃过晚饭,风逍又往夕若身体里传输了一些混沌之气,就走了出去,轻轻关上了门,留下风瑶夕若在里面。 Among women should be easier to exchange.” Feng Xiao lightly smiled, lies down on the sofa, slightly somewhat bored turned on the television. “女人之间应该更容易交流吧。”风逍轻轻一笑,躺倒在沙发上,略有些无聊的打开了电视。 «Rebirth» beta-test is less than one week, the maximum online population has surpassed 500 million, this is an appalling digit......” “《轮回公测不到一周,最高在线人数就已经超过了500000000,这是一个令人毛骨悚然的数字……” «Rebirth» is a part of the life of people slowly, is changing the habits and customs of people, before the people conference asked that you did eat?’, But how many levels now did most parts branch ask your?’......” “《轮回》正慢慢的融入人们的生活,改变着人们的生活习惯,以前人们见面会问‘你吃了吗?’,而现在大部分会问‘你几级了?’……” Rebirth Rebirth I love you, thinks that the mouse loves the rice......” 轮回轮回我爱你,就想老鼠爱大米……” ...... …… Turned several channels continuously, almost about «Rebirth». The «Rebirth» irritable degree makes the Feng Xiao somewhat dizzy feeling, the "Pa" closing television, Feng Xiao arrive in the balcony slowly, the probe head is waiting and seeing the half a month of space. 连续翻了好几个频道,几乎都是关于《轮回》的。《轮回》的火爆程度让风逍有些眩晕感,“啪”的关上电视,风逍缓缓走到阳台上,探头观望着天上的半月。 Tomorrow, was 7 th.” “明天,就是7号了。” The Feng Yao room spread two girls' laughter sounds, Feng Xiao could not bear finally curiously, secretly Chaos Power has transported on the ear, inclined the head and listened attentively. 风瑶的房间传出了两个女孩子的嬉笑声,风逍终于忍不住好奇,偷偷的将混沌之力运于耳朵上,侧耳倾听。 Younger Sister Xiruo, does Elder Brother have to you raises a rumpus?” 夕若妹妹,哥哥有没有对你动手动脚?” Does not have...... No, the Big Brother Feng that good person, how can......” the Yang Xiruo charming sound. “没……没有啦,风大哥那么好的人,怎么会……”杨夕若娇羞的声音。 Real? My will bad Elder Brother be well-mannered to so a big beautiful woman?” Sound that Feng Yao suspects. “真的吗?我那个坏哥哥会对这么一个大美女规规矩矩?”风瑶怀疑的声音。 Does not have.” “真的没有啦。” doesn't matter, later we rest a bed and ensure bad Elder Brother does not dare to act unreasonably. You do not know, he may go bad, perhaps now is listening secretly......” 没关系,以后我们睡一张床,保证坏哥哥不敢乱来。你不知道,他可坏了,说不定现在就在偷听呢……” The Feng Xiao cold sweat braves, fled from the balcony hastily, had deliberately considered long time/half of the day had not found the matter to do, has to start to watch the television. 风逍冷汗直冒,连忙逃离了阳台,寻思了半天也没找到事情做,只好又开始看电视。 „Am I so bad?” Feng Xiao does not control self touches own face. “我有那么坏吗?”风逍不自禁的摸了摸自己的脸。 Watched a half hour of bored television, the Feng Xiao somewhat drowsy feeling, the Feng Yao room has heard two Fairy Maiden laughter sounds indistinctly. 看了半小时的无聊电视,风逍有些昏昏欲睡之感,风瑶房间隐约传来两个仙子的嬉笑声。 Elder Brother!” The gate of room was opened, the Feng Yao chuckle is shouting to him: Help me.” 哥哥!”房间的门被打开,风瑶轻笑着向他喊道:“来帮我个忙。” Feng Xiao stands up rapidly, to rush to front of Feng Yao as swift as lightning. An appearance of face modest and self-demanding gentleman said: Beautiful Miss Fairy Maiden, has something to work.” 风逍迅速起立,以迅雷不及掩耳盗铃之势冲到风瑶面前。一脸谦谦君子的模样说道:“美丽的仙子小姐,有什么可以效劳的。” Feng Yao and Xiruo smile with one voice, Feng Yao has hit Elder Brother gently, said: Elder Brother, helping me hold the bathroom to go Younger Sister Xiruo, I must help her take a bath.” 风瑶夕若齐声一笑,风瑶轻轻打了哥哥一下,说道:“哥哥,帮我把夕若妹妹抱到浴室去,我要帮她洗澡。” Oh!” Feng Xiao rubbish is not surprised not fantasy, immediately holds already Xiruo that shames blushes, several turned around to hug the bathroom her, placed on her the chair of bathroom gently. !”风逍也不废话也不惊讶也不YY,立即抱起已经羞红脸的夕若,几个转身将她抱到了浴室,把她轻轻放在浴室的椅子上。 Was good, Elder Brother, looks at anything to look, is about to exit!” “好了,哥哥,看什么看,快出去了!” „, Did not use up has thrown, the good and evil must make me make contribution......” the Feng Xiao complaint words not saying that already by Feng Yao pushing out of gently, pa has locked the gate. “不是吧,用完了就扔啊,好歹也要让我尽一分力……”风逍抱怨的话还没说完,就已经被风瑶轻轻的推了出去,的锁上了门。 Yearns for looked at a gate of bathroom, discontented mumbled: Before took a bath not only let look that and let touch, now has locked including the gate......” 留恋的看了一眼浴室的门,不满的嘟囔道:“以前洗澡的时候既让看又让摸,现在连门都锁上了……” Bathroom hualala splashing sound and vague laughter sound makes the Feng Xiao heart itchy difficult to scratch with the finger, Feng Xiao cannot bear finally entire universe most mysterious Chaos Qi uses once more, in listened secretly on. 浴室哗啦啦水声和若有若无的嬉笑声让风逍心痒难搔,风逍终于忍不住再次把全宇宙最最玄妙的混沌之气用在了偷听上。 Younger Sister Xiruo, your chest is big, moreover good soft Oh......” 夕若妹妹,你的胸部好大,而且好软哦……” Which...... Where has, the chest of Elder Sister Yao'er is also very big, and very very...... Slides......” “哪……哪有,瑶儿姐姐的胸部也很大,而且很很……滑……” Eh? How your chest will have two bruises . Moreover the time is not long, and...... Moreover probably was pinched......” ?你的胸部怎么会有两道淤青,而且时间不长,而且……而且好像是被人捏出来的……” „? I...... I do not know, should not be......” “啊?我……我不知道,应该不是的……” Younger Sister Xiruo, today when do you have fainted......” 夕若妹妹,你今天有没有什么时候昏倒过……” No, only then...... Only then...... Big Brother Feng treats an illness for me......” “没有啊,只有……只有……风大哥为我治病的时候……” In the Feng Xiao cold sweat is thin huala, switched off the television to enter in oneself room to pretend rapidly already to go to sleep. 风逍的冷汗稀里哗啦,迅速关掉电视钻进自己房间里装作早已入睡。 Has not known how long, the Feng Xiao gate had been knocked gently two, simultaneously broadcasts the Yao'er sound: „Did Elder Brother, rest? Helps me hug to go to room Younger Sister Xiruo.” 不知过了多久,风逍的门被轻轻敲了两下,同时传来瑶儿的声音:“哥哥,睡了吗?帮我把夕若妹妹抱回房间。” Feng Xiao opens the door, instantaneously grace and bearing shocking having a dizzy spell after by Feng Yao bath, but she somewhat strange and funny vision to, Feng Xiao immediately with being a thief the little darling runs into the bathroom, hugs to set out on tiny moisture Yang Xiruo to return to room her-- was a pity that on her has put on pajamas. 风逍打开门,瞬间被风瑶浴后的风情惊艳的头晕目眩,不过对上她有些怪异和好笑的目光,风逍马上跟做贼似的乖乖冲进浴室,抱起身上微带湿气的杨夕若将她送回房间——可惜她身上已经穿上了睡衣 After Yang Xiruo Feng Xiao grasps, just like directly by his hand is contacted the body, making her shame cannot damp. On her only puts on Feng Yao light pajamas, internal hollow, because the chest is too plentiful, several wants to support the crack pajamas, the shapes of two buds are clearly discernible. 杨夕若风逍抱住后,犹如直接被他的手接触到身体,让她羞不可抑。她身上只穿着一层风瑶的薄薄睡衣,内部中空,而且由于胸部太丰满,把睡衣几欲撑裂,两颗蓓蕾的形状清晰可见。 The Feng Xiao whole body is dry and hot, thought that own nosebleed is about to have spurted, after Xiruo puts on the bed, finally cannot endure, two hands held two snow breasts of Feng Yao ruthlessly, rubbing ruthlessly has made long time/half of the day, stays behind closely covers mouth face crimson Feng Yao to return to the room. 风逍全身燥热,觉得自己的鼻血都快喷了出来,把夕若放到床上后,终于忍受不住,两只手狠狠的抓住了风瑶的两只雪乳,狠狠的揉弄了半天,才留下紧紧捂着嘴一脸绯红的风瑶逃回房间。 Elder Brother good night!” Caresses lightly is rubbed the painful chest, Feng Yao pastes in the Feng Xiao gate, softly said. 哥哥晚安!”轻抚着被揉痛的胸部,风瑶贴在风逍的门上,柔柔的说道 At home, sleeps before every night, she first and Elder Brother good night, otherwise, she will unable to fall asleep all night, as if lost any precious thing. 在家的时候,每天晚上睡觉前她都会先和哥哥道晚安,否则,她会彻夜睡不着,仿佛遗失了什么珍贵的东西。 Tomorrow, was 7 th......” “明天,又是7号了……” That night, Yang Xiruo under Feng Yao comforting of gently, rests calmly and steadily, has not had the nightmare very much again. 这一夜,杨夕若风瑶的轻轻安抚下,睡得很安稳,再也没有做噩梦。
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