LA :: Volume #1

#100: Xiaobai (First Part)

Bang! 砰! Feng Yao pink lips slightly, because Feng Xiao has hit on Li Sansi unexpectedly really ruthlessly. 风瑶粉唇微张,因为风逍居然真的在李三思头上狠狠打了一下。 Even if he is a fool...... Like this hits is not good. 就算他是个笨蛋……这样打也不好吧。 Li Sansi covers is hit the pain head, actually does not dare to have slightly discontentedly, because other side is senior. 李三思捂住被打疼脑袋,却不敢有丝毫不满,因为对方是“前辈”。 Your idiot! Any sense of propriety, nonsense! That type of thing besides letting outside your working hands tied feet tied can also be useful! Works only strives for having one's wish, had with a sense of urgency, the pursue wants, so long as has a clear conscience, why pays attention to these stodgy common customs!” “你个白痴!什么礼义廉耻,狗屁!那种东西除了让你做事束手束脚以外还能有什么用处!做事只求随心所欲,抓紧已经拥有的,追求想要的,只要问心无愧,又何必去理会那些迂腐的世俗!” You should rejoice that really looked for a very good fiancee, wants illegibile followed your five years, obviously loves you to the depth. Trades a reality, it is estimated that less than three years of families ran!” “你真该庆幸找了一个很好的未婚妻,愿意不清不楚的跟了你五年,可见爱你至深。换个现实点的,估计不到三年人家就跑了!” Really is this?” Li Sansi first time hears such opinion, heart has palpitation slightly unexpectedly. “真的是这样吗?”李三思第一次听到这样的言论,心底竟有微微的悸动。 You , to become one generation of chivalrous people , should not be restrained the hands and feet by these common customs, otherwise you can only become a stereotypical stodgy unripe corn. Moreover you do not open the heart with your family/home Feng'er thoroughly, sooner or later she because your stodgy will leave you!” Feng Xiao quite some meaning of expecting too much. “你如果真的想成为一代大侠,就不要被这些世俗约束了手脚,否则你就只能成为一个呆板迂腐的大瞎。而且你再不和你家凤儿彻底敞开心扉,早晚她会因为你的迂腐离开你!”风逍颇有些恨铁不成钢的意味。 Solemnity in immortal sword south robs hero, young time unexpectedly is so stodgy. 仙剑中的堂堂“南盗侠”,年轻的时候居然如此迂腐。 Listened to Feng Xiao instructing earnestly, the Li Sansi look has filled confusedly, because he discovered own heart unexpectedly to this senior the words have produced the intense resonance. 听了风逍的“谆谆教导”,李三思眼神充满了迷茫,因为他发现自己心底竟对这位“前辈”的话产生了强烈的共鸣。 Although Li Sansi by relative stodgy of Jing Tian training, warm-blooded of but in the bone hiding is unable to extinguish. 李三思虽然被景天调教的相当迂腐,但骨子里隐藏的热血是无法熄灭的。 „...... I cannot withstand really...... Feng'er...... The seniors, how I should do.” “……我真的那么不堪吗……凤儿……前辈,我该怎么做。” The Feng Xiao look becomes blurred, he has thought of a person. 风逍眼神变得迷离起来,他想到了一个人。 My father names for oneself is Feng Xiaoyao. He said the life to be alive, should such as the wind free and unfettered generally, makes itself to do the matter as one desires, this matter of doing, only then has no qualms in the world, why must to care about other people's vision and direction. So, does not come the time to walk one chapter white/in vain.” “我父亲为自己取名为风逍遥。他说人生在世,应如风一般逍遥,随心做自己想做之事,该做之事,只有无愧于天地,何须去在意他人的目光和指点。如此,才算不白来时间走一回。” The Feng Yao vision trembles, the look becomes does not have the focal distance to get up similarly. 风瑶目光一颤,眼神同样变得没有焦距起来。 Wind general free and unfettered...... Wind general free and unfettered......” Li Sansi is similar to the sleep talking. “风一般的逍遥……风一般的逍遥……”李三思如同梦呓。 Isn't this boundary that in the dream pursues? 这不是正是自己梦中追求的境界吗? Why oneself do not study master profound Immortal Technique, but is studies these seems like the useless bandits and thieves technique and shade technique, because of own original intention, wants to make Heroic Thief that a able to move unhindered mainland and free and unfettered world, rob the rich and help the poor. 自己为什么不去学习师傅高深的仙术,而是去学那些看似无用的盗贼技和影技,因为自己的初衷,是想做一个纵横大陆、逍遥天地、劫富济贫的侠盗啊。 But since several years, since was taught to give shelter after by master teacher's wife, oneself cultivation base progresses by leaps and bounds, simultaneously changes knew that the book reaches the principle, the personality becomes the temperate scholarly. Because usually contacts is the great people in major schools, therefore cultivates the behavior and works also slowly becomes cautiously, and starts the to learn to look at the person complexion, sharp water, slowly was hidden, makes he gradual thinking make the humanities unexpectedly slowly this so. 可是数年以来,自从被师傅师母教收留后,自己修为突飞猛进,同时变得知书达理,性情变得温和儒雅。而由于平时接触都是各大门派的大人物,所以做人、做事也慢慢变得小心翼翼,并开始学会看人脸色,锋利的菱角,也慢慢的被隐藏,竟让他慢慢逐渐的觉得做人本该如此。 A Feng Xiao feeling, lets him as if awakening from a dream. 风逍无意间的一番感慨,让他如梦方醒。 Li Sansi deeply does obeisance to Feng Xiao, grateful saying: Thank senior's guidance, the words of senior such as were filled with wisdom, making this humble one be repentant of quickly. Just like the senior said that was similar to the wind general free and unfettered, was a man lifetime pursue. Another day if my Li Sansi has the child, must name Li Xiaoyao, making him remember the pursue of man.” 李三思风逍深深一拜,感激的说道:“感谢前辈的教导,前辈的一席话如醍醐灌顶,令在下翻然悔悟。正如前辈所言,只有如同风一般的逍遥,才是一个男人毕生追求的。他日若我李三思有子,必为之取名李逍遥,让他牢记男人的追求。” Thump. 扑通 Feng Xiao staggers, the head almost hits on the front tree. 风逍一个踉跄,脑袋差点撞到前面的树上。 Indeed famous Li Xiaoyao name because of me. 敢情鼎鼎大名的李逍遥名字还是因我而起。 Senior, the this humble one time not many, must turn back immediately, takes one's leave in light of this. Another day three think to decide however visits to thank politely!” The Li Sansi gratitude does obeisance, must depart, simultaneously has remembered at present this firmly truly-- big God. “前辈,在下时间无多,需马上折返,就此拜别。他日三思定然登门拜谢!”李三思感激一拜,就要离去,同时牢牢记住了眼前这位真正的——大神。 Ah...... Brother Li, first wait a moment.” Saw with own eyes To dupe with great difficulty comes fat must fly, Feng Xiao stopped by calling out him hastily. 啊…李兄,先等一下。”眼见好不容易忽悠来的“肥肉”就要飞了,风逍连忙叫住他。 Li Sansi anchors the footsteps hastily, respectful saying: Does not know that senior also what grants instruction.” 李三思连忙停住脚步,恭敬的说道:“不知前辈还有何赐教。” Is this.” Feng Xiao two saying of shining: I have an issue unclear, when Brother Li held my brother and sister to run the speed really extremely to shock everybody a moment ago. Does not know how Brother Li is promotes speed to this boundary.” “是这样。”风逍两眼放光的说道:“我有一个问题不明白,刚才李兄抓住我兄妹二人奔跑时的速度实在太过惊世骇俗。不知李兄是如何将速度提升到这种境界的。” Carves the insect small technique!” A Li Sansi face is hastily humble: this humble one just had displayed a moment ago unusual acceleration Skills, moreover can only use 1 minute of the ability by this humble one ability every day.” “雕虫小技而已!”李三思连忙一脸谦逊:“刚才在下只不过是施展了奇特的加速技能,而且以在下能力每天只能使用1分钟的这种能力。” 1 minute? Feng Xiao balanced at heart slightly, if otherwise engaged in guerrilla warfare at this speed, the strong person did not have the means. 1分钟?风逍心里稍微平衡了点,否则如果以这种速度打游击,再强的人也是毫无办法。 Oh, does not know that is any Skills, is so mysterious, can teach me!” Feng Xiao was thick the facial skin, coming straight to the point was saying own goal. ,不知是什么技能,这么神奇,可不可以教给我!”风逍厚着脸皮,开门见山的说出了自己的目的。 If there is this Skills, oneself can crash in the stalactite cave directly, manages his anything Immortal Beast. 如果有了这个技能,自己就可以直接冲进钟乳洞,管他什么仙兽仙兽 This......” Li Sansi looks the embarrassment, said: This Skills can enter the senior discernment is being honored of this humble one, but this Skills is Flying Dragon Thief exclusive Skills, only has the Profession Change Flying Dragon Thief person to study.” “这个……”李三思面露难色,说道:“这个技能能入前辈法眼是在下的荣幸,只是这个技能飞龙盗贼的专属技能,只有转职飞龙盗贼的人才能学习。” You gave me Profession Change Flying Dragon Thief to be good.” Feng Xiao simply agile reply. “那你给我转职飞龙盗贼好了。”风逍干脆利索的回答。 What...... But the senior, transferred Flying Dragon Thief beforehand Profession to disappear, moreover this Profession almost did not have any Attack Skills, was steal, maintains life and escapes completely......” Li Sansi very prompt receiving to be quiet, because he discovers at present senior, not only not slightly disappointed, instead more listened more is two shines. “什么……可是前辈,转了飞龙盗贼以前的职业都会消失,而且这个职业几乎没有任何攻击技能,全部是偷窃、保命和逃跑……”李三思很及时的收住了嘴,因为他发现眼前的“前辈”不但没有丝毫失望,反而越听越是两眼放光。 Maintains life, escapes. 保命,逃跑。 What oneself lacks is what? Attack? The Asura additional Attack condition and Demon Warrior formidable Skills lets this aspect by far ordinary Player. But oneself lack, maintains life Skills that and escapes. 自己缺的是什么?攻击修罗附加的攻击状态和魔武强大的技能让他这方面远胜普通玩家。而自己缺的,正是保命和逃跑的技能啊。 And Hidden Profession. «Rebirth» from beta-test to the present, several hundreds of millions Player Profession Change Hidden Profession, only then his, obviously rarity of Hidden Profession. Since has met, how can let off. 而且还是隐藏职业。《轮回》从公测到现在,数亿玩家转职隐藏职业的只有他一个,可见隐藏职业的难得。既然遇到了,怎么能放过。 Frankly, actually I am same as Brother Li, wholeheartedly wants to be a good hero to uphold justice, able to move unhindered rivers and lakes (Jiang hu) Heroic Thief. If Brother Li has ability, please for my Profession Change Flying Dragon Thief. Is our together free and unfettered mainland, how could it not be when the time comes quick?” “实不相瞒,其实我和李兄一样,一心都想做一个行侠仗义、纵横江湖侠盗。所以如果李兄能力的话,请为我转职飞龙盗贼吧。到时候我们二人一起逍遥大陆,岂不快哉?” Hears Elder Brother in that mouthful To dupe, Feng Yao is even more funny. Moreover these two person names Brother Li, a name senior, strange incomparable, serious that said. 听到哥哥又在那满嘴忽悠,风瑶越发好笑。而且这两个人一个称呼“李兄”,一个称呼“前辈”,怪异无比,却偏偏都叫的一本正经。 Li Sansi eyes one bright, but was whispering at heart: He actually knows that I want to make Heroic Thief, the Deity is the Deity, coming out that this looks. 李三思眼睛一亮,不过心里却在嘀咕:他竟然知道我想做侠盗,神人就是神人,这都看的出来。 Good, after this humble one goes back, explained this matter to the family/home Masters surely, let the family/home Masters for senior Profession Change.” Li Sansi respectful saying. “好,在下回去后必定向家师说明此事,让家师为前辈转职。”李三思恭敬的说道。 Feng Xiao crazy corona. 风逍狂晕。 Can transfer this Profession for others unexpectedly is Jing Tian...... If Li Sansi went back a saying, to have leaked how could it not be all, but also transferred P. 可以为别人转这个职业居然是景天……李三思要是回去一说,岂不全漏了,还转个P。 Li Sansi pulls out Scroll to give Feng Xiao, said: This was can transmit proficient Master constantly Yuzhou motion Scroll, senior leisure time teleport in the past then, the this humble one natures and family/home Masters confessed good all.” 李三思掏出一张卷轴交给风逍,说道:“这是可以传送到家师常住地‘渝州’的移动卷轴,前辈闲暇的时间瞬移过去即可,在下自然和家师交代好一切。” So, this humble one in light of this takes one's leave, expected that can soon once more see the senior...... also this Fairy...... Seniors.” “如此,在下就此拜别,期望可以早日再次见到前辈……还有这位仙女……前辈。” The Li Sansi arch cups one hand in the other across the chest, the use transmits Scroll to vanish instantaneously on the spot, leaves behind being in a daze some Feng Xiao. 李三思拱拱手,使用传送卷轴瞬间消失在原地,留下有些发呆的风逍 pffft......” 扑哧……” Sees Elder Brother to admit defeat rarely, Feng Yao could not bear smile finally, smiled while said: Elder Brother, this time may misjudge.” 难得见到哥哥吃瘪,风瑶终于忍不住笑了出来,一边笑一边说道:“哥哥,这次可失算了吧。” Talks irresponsibly talks nonsense long time/half of the day in addition, unexpectedly anything has not gained, Feng Xiao also somewhat blushes shamelessly. 信口雌黄外加瞎扯淡半天,居然什么都没赚到,风逍老脸也不禁有些发红。 Takes Scroll that Li Sansi is giving, Feng Xiao unconsciousness has read a meeting, suddenly said: Waits to look at Yao'er, I can certainly transfer this Profession.” 拿着李三思给的卷轴,风逍无意识的翻看了一会,忽然说道:“等着看吧瑶儿,我一定能转这个职业。” Un, I believe Elder Brother.” “嗯,我相信哥哥。” Feng Xiao thinks suddenly: In immortal sword, if Li Sansi is only a youth, that Jing Tian is one stays simply a goose. To dupe has the youth also feared To dupe the dull goose? 风逍忽然想到:仙剑中,如果李三思只是个愣头青的话,那景天简直就是一只呆头鹅。忽悠的了愣头青还怕忽悠不了呆头鹅? Moreover, as if a also chess can walk. 而且,似乎还有一步棋可以走。 Elder Brother...... I want to go back.” Feng Yao closes tightly the lower lip to say. 哥哥……我想回去了。”风瑶咬紧下唇说道。 Feng Xiao is startled, immediately understood her meaning. 风逍一怔,随即明白了她的意思。 Has held Feng Yao, saying that Feng Xiao loves dearly: Yao'er, you do not need to rebuke oneself anything. If not you, I alone am unable to pass through the terrifying forest.” 一把抱过风瑶,风逍心疼的说道:“瑶儿,你没必要自责什么。如果不是你,我一个人根本无法穿过恐怖森林。” Feng Yao shaking the head of gently, said: My Level was too low, here can only implicate Elder Brother. Therefore, I think after Level is higher , helping Elder Brother take risk again together.” 风瑶轻轻的摇了摇头,说道:“我的等级太低了,在这里只能拖累哥哥。所以,我想等级高一些之后再来帮助哥哥一起冒险。” Hears the Feng Yao gentle and firm sound, Feng Xiao had not insisted, he also truly worried oneself treasure Yao'er will encounter any danger here, when a moment ago was facing Extreme Lightning Thunder Devourer Beast, oneself have not protected her means. 听到风瑶温柔而坚定的声音,风逍没有坚持,他也确实担心自己的宝贝瑶儿会在这里遇到什么危险,就在刚才面对极电吞雷兽时,自己就没有保护她的办法。 Feng Xiao feels attached to looks at Feng Yao, said: I had completed this Quest, we marry.” 风逍爱怜的看着风瑶,说道:“等我做完了这个任务,我们就结婚吧。” The Feng Yao whole body shakes, in autumn waters bright eyes blooms the intoxicant color, immediately color dim several points, but still intoxicant. 风瑶全身一震,秋水明眸中绽放出醉人的色彩,随即色彩黯淡几分,但依然醉人。 In the church wedding of Heavenly Dragon Imperial City?” “是在天龙皇城的教堂结婚吗?” Un! Like this I can lead you to practice the level.” “嗯!这样我就可以带你练级了。” Un, I knew Elder Brother, is good to anticipate Oh...... That...... Elder Brother, I have returned to the city first, then offline prepares food, has met Elder Brother to remember that offline eats meal Oh.” “嗯,我知道了哥哥,好期待哦……那……哥哥,我先回城了,然后下线去做饭,过会哥哥要记得下线吃饭。” Feng Xiao nods, looks that the Feng Yao turning white light slowly vanishes. 风逍点头,看着风瑶慢慢的变成白光消失。 Feng Xiao according to sitting near a dead tree, suffers his brain cell. 风逍依坐在一棵枯树边,折磨起他的脑细胞来。 This copes with that only Immortal Beast? 该怎么对付那只仙兽呢? Leads away? Is impossible, let alone also two. 引开?一只都不可能,更何况还有两只。 Sneaks secretly? What a pity does not have the Invisibility Technique, consecutively two Time Domain also affirmed that insufficiently looks. Space Gate also can only move to already went to the place. 偷偷潜入?可惜自己没有隐身术,连续两个时间领域也肯定不够看。空间门也只能移动到已经去过的地方。 Seeks for other entrances? Did this invite can become also with sending oneself comes? Moreover another side of stalactite cave deeply does not see the bottom the cliff. 寻找其他的入口?这招要是能成还用派自己来么?而且钟乳洞的另一边还是深不见底的断崖。 Extinguished two Immortal Beast? This did not talk nonsense! 把两只仙兽灭了?这不扯淡么! A half hour, died the innumerable brain cells not to find out any useful drawing on. 半个小时,死了无数脑细胞还是没想出什么有用的招来。 At the worst I defend here, I do not believe this draft animal to be able to endure to look for the female draft animal to do the matter that a draft animal should do lonely.” “大不了我守在这里,我就不信这牲口能一直耐得住寂寞不出去找雌性牲口干点牲口该干的事情。” Big Brother Feng, prepared offline to eat meal.” Conveys a message broadcasts the Yang Xiruo gentle sound. 风大哥,准备下线吃饭了。”传话器传来杨夕若的柔和的声音。 Feng Xiao rapid replied, stands up, prepares offline. 风逍迅速答应一声,站起身来,准备下线 Wait/Etc.. 等等。 Feng Xiao has been thinking a moment ago the Extreme Lightning Thunder Devourer Beast matter, has not kept the accident/surprise situation. Now the astonished detection, rescues to come here from Li Sansi them continuously to the present, passed for a half hour, but has not discovered Monster unexpectedly. 刚才风逍一直在想极电吞雷兽的事,没有留意外界的情况。现在才惊异的察觉到,从李三思将他们救来这里一直到现在,已经过去了半个多小时,可是居然没有发现一只怪物 Here can the peripheral zone of death forest, the fierce Monster crowded place. Initially he and Feng Yao also here encountered the wild boar group Attack, using Yama's Wave to escape. 这里可以死亡森林的边缘地带,凶猛的怪物密集的地方。当初他和风瑶还在这里遭到野猪群的攻击,用了冥王波才逃脱。 Strange, was I entered a not strange region exactly? So is not accidental.” “奇怪,难道是我恰好进了一个没怪的区域?没这么偶然吧。” Has exceptionally must nose slightly outcome, this is the criterion that Feng Xiao works. 有丝毫异常就要查探究竟,这是风逍做事的准则。 The matter leaves must have the monster unusual, Feng Xiao grasps Xuanyuan, the careful start noses all around. 事出反常必有妖,风逍手持轩辕,小心的开始查探起四周。 Those who make him somewhat terrified is, his tune and straight walked nearly five points of type, any Monster has not seen, even, he can hear, only then own sound of footsteps. 让他有些悚然的是,他又曲又直的走了将近五分种,还是什么怪物都没有看到,甚至,他能听到的,只有自己的脚步声。 Actually what's the matter, dead? 究竟是怎么回事,难道都死光了? May really die, will brush immediately. Feng Xiao relaxation mood diligently. 可就算是真的死光了,也会马上刷出来吧。风逍努力的放松心情。 Jungle, gloomy, silent, a person. Such situation makes him somewhat terrified, what are more is excited. 密林,阴暗,寂静,一人。这样的情境让他有些悚然,但更多的是兴奋。 He inborn is likes the exciting Lord. 他天生就是个喜欢刺激的主。 Suddenly the Feng Xiao ear moves slightly, a slight sound passes to his ear, faint seems the sound of sobbing. 忽然风逍耳朵微动,一丝轻微的声音传到他的耳朵,隐隐的似乎是呜咽之声。 Feng Xiao rapid tight nerve, slowly walks toward the sound direction. 风逍迅速的绷紧神经,缓缓的向声音的方向走去。 Wuuu the cry is getting more and more near, Feng Xiao has anchored the footsteps, because he clearly realizes, Master of cry is walking to this direction. 呜呜”的叫声越来越近,风逍停住了脚步,因为他分明察觉到,叫声的主人正在向他这个方向走来。
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