KW :: Volume #8

#30: Waits for the Manchurian crane

This extremely astonishing, not as everyone expected, the expression that even on the previous quarter many faces taunted has not transformed with enough time, then had coagulated. 这一幕太过惊人,出乎所有人的意料,甚至前一刻许多人脸上嘲讽的表情都没来得及变换,便已经凝固了起来。 How is this possible?” “这怎么可能?” My son king Teng!” “吾儿王腾!” The prince head of household is bewildered, some are unable to accept this scene. 王家家主一脸茫然,有些无法接受这一幕场景。 Commencing of action, is only one round, is called youngster Great Emperor king Teng, was patted by a palm of the hand in the ground. 战斗开始,只是一个回合,被称为少年大帝的王腾,便被一巴掌拍在了地面上。 Ground starts to collapse, the dust flies upwards, scene for a while especially silent strange. 地面崩开,尘土飞扬,场面一时格外的寂静诡异。 Everyone thinks is the illusion, but in the next quarter, they sobered. Sees only that to say the young people who no beginning Great Emperor successor, before several steps step . 所有人都以为是幻觉,但在下一刻,他们都清醒了过来。只见那自称无始大帝传人的年轻人,几步跨上前。 The right foot lifts, steps on suddenly to the tread. 右脚抬起,猛然向着地面踩去。 Was hit ignorant king Teng, falls contracts in the eyes of ground suddenly, the whole body goosebumps is braves. An show/unfolds body, wants to soar hastily, avoids this to strike. 被打懵的王腾,陷在地面的双眼猛然收缩,全身鸡皮疙瘩都是冒起。连忙一个展身,就想腾空而起,躲避这一击。 But the Qin Yi speed is faster, he cracks into a smile: Youngster does Great Emperor, where want to run goes?” 秦逸速度更快,他咧嘴一笑:“少年大帝,想跑哪里去?” A foot steps on ruthlessly, then steps on the abdomen that the king leaps directly, making his eyeball almost stare, can the clear hearing skeleton break ka fricative. 一脚狠狠踩下,直接便是将王腾的腹部踩中,让其眼珠子都差点瞪出来,能够清晰的听到骨骼断裂的咔擦声。 You!” “你!” king Tengnu sound said. 王腾怒声道。 He wants to revolt, however, the man in top of the head, both hands is in charge lays out again. 他想要反抗,然而,头顶的男子,双手一式掌印再次拍出。 Does not have the beginning!” “无始!” The front void instant chaos, king Teng the facial color changes suddenly, was hit by the overhead, the whole person is throws over to scatter immediately sends, a piece is vacant. 前方虚空霎时混沌,王腾面色骤变,被当头击中,整个人立刻便是披头撒发,一片茫然起来。 „Is this youngster Great Emperor of prince? Weak made me make a move the desire that not to have.” “这就是王家的少年大帝吗?弱的让我连出手的欲望都没有了。” Qin Yi shakes the head to say with a smile. 秦逸摇头笑道。 He bends the waist, a palm direct fan in the past. 他弯腰,一把掌直接扇过去。 You disappointed me, you why so incompetent.” “你太让我失望了,你为何如此无能。” king Teng the opens the mouth wants to say anything, but actually discovered own whole body by an inexplicable mighty force imprisonment, is not definitely able to move unexpectedly. 王腾张口想说什么,可是却发现自己浑身居然被一股莫名的伟力禁锢,完全无法动弹。 How is this possible?!” “这怎么可能?!” Nearby, the prince head of household also detected the fishy. king Teng is called youngster Great Emperor, its strength is mother Yong doubted absolutely, even has caught up, in the elder some clans must be stronger. 一旁,王家家主也察觉到了蹊跷。王腾被称为少年大帝,其实力绝对是母庸置疑的,甚至已经后来居上,比一些族中长辈还要更强。 May today, actually the inexplicable strangeness. Detected why not completely does not take the post right, then to lose to the present this year light man. 可在今天,却莫名的诡异。完全察觉不出任何不对劲,便输给了眼前的这年轻男子。 Back, has the giant secret inevitably. 这其中的背后,必然有着巨大的隐秘。 They as observer, even cannot understand joint to be. Only can explain an issue, that is the strength of this person, is as deep as a well, even might surpass as head of household's him. 他们作为旁观者,甚至都看不懂其中的关节所在。只能说明一个问题,那就是此人的实力,高深莫测,甚至有可能超过了作为家主的他。 This was too simply inconceivable! Moreover, is actually this man who? 这简直太不可思议了!而且,这个男人究竟是谁? „Does your such strength, how live the present? Also dares to claim without justification youngster Great Emperor?” “你这样的实力,是怎样活到现在的?也敢妄称少年大帝?” Youngster Great Emperor, if your such strength, feared that isn't ashamed lethal?” “少年大帝,若是你这样的实力,怕不是得羞愧致死?” In the Qin Yi mouth brings teasing, taunt. 秦逸口中带着戏谑,句句嘲讽。 king Tengqi seething with rage, in his mouth sends out angrily roars again and again, has no alternative, saw with own eyes that the opposite party is a palm pats, is actually not able to avoid. 王腾气的七窍生烟,他嘴中发出连连怒吼,却无可奈何,眼见对方又是一掌拍来,却无法躲避。 „!” “啪!” This palm of the hand sound is clear, the person eardrum is really shivering. 这一巴掌声音清脆,真的人耳膜都在颤动。 AAAAH!” 啊啊啊啊!” king Teng wants ashamed and resentfully, yelled. 王腾羞愤欲死,大叫起来。 Where is your excellency a person of high skill? Why comes my Wang Jia to look for a job?” “阁下是何方高人?为何来我王家找事?” Does not know where my son king Teng did offend you?” “不知我儿王腾哪里得罪了您?” The prince head of household realized at this time finally is not right, deeply inspires, stands to say. 王家家主这时终于意识到了不对劲,深吸一口气,站出来说道。 king Teng is called youngster Great Emperor, I come to see youngster Great Emperor am what kind of elegant demeanor.” “王腾被称为少年大帝,我只是来看看少年大帝是何等风采。” Result disappoints me!” “结果让我失望!” Qin Yi shakes the head says with a smile pale. 秦逸摇头淡笑道。 Youngster Great Emperor that this is unworthy of the name, I carried off, if you are interested to him, making behind him the person come to seek me is.” “这名不副实的少年大帝,我就带走了,若是你们对他还有兴趣,让他背后之人前来寻我便是。” Puts out a hand to fish, king Teng was then grasped in the hand, he makes an effort to struggle, was actually imprisoned in the Qin Yi palm. 伸手一捞,王腾便被抓在了手中,他使劲挣扎,却始终被禁锢在秦逸的手心。 Do not try acting rashly, you will regret.” “不要试着轻举妄动,你们会后悔的。” According to me said does.” “按我所说的去做。” Afterward, Qin Yi turns around then to walk, is only three steps, the person has disappeared before Wangjiamen. 随后,秦逸转身便走,只是三步,人已经消失在了王家门前。 The prince head of household complexion continually changes, finally actually does not dare to have any action. The goal of opposite party, at present it seems like, is not king Teng, is not the prince, but seems like behind king Teng that person. 王家家主脸色连变,最终却还是不敢有任何举动。对方的目标,目前看来,并不是王腾,也不是王家,而似乎是王腾背后的那人。 But who is this person? Actually also to have what goal? 可这人到底是谁?又究竟有什么目的? „Who are you? Your such strength, is not the people of our peer.” “你到底是什么人?你这样的实力,绝不是我们同辈之人。” Acts to me, losing your as the facial skin of older generation Expert!” “向我出手,丢了你这身为老一辈强者的脸皮!” king Teng gets angry the sound to say. 王腾怒声说道。 Concerns the age the words, we indeed are the same generations.” “论及年龄的话,我们的确算同一辈。” Is only, is not the same time.” “只是,不是同一时代罢了。” Qin Yi said lightly. 秦逸淡淡说道。 His white clothing folding fan, the elegant bearing, sits in king Teng stone, static waiting. 他白衣折扇,风度翩翩,就坐在王腾身边的石头上,静静的等待着。 Present king Teng, is really big with his disparity, cannot compare his strength by far. In his eye, without this lets youngster Great Emperor that the world awes. 如今的王腾,与他差距甚大,远远比不上他的实力。他的眼中,也没有这让世人敬畏的少年大帝 „Who are you?” “你到底是什么人?” king Teng slightly one startled, look transformation. 王腾微微一惊,眼神变换。 Such No. 1 character, they have not heard. 这样一号人物,他们从没听说过。 Qin Yi has not opened the mouth again, he looks at the distant place, in the heart is continue ponder over oneself emperor. From most starts, is only the law of simple cultivation, as he experiences various Jing, fuses mysteriously various Jing, laws of the magical powers, was opened by him. 秦逸没有再开口,他望着远方,心中继续琢磨自己的帝经。从最开始,只是简单的修炼之法,随着他见识诸经,将诸经玄奥融合进去,一个个神通之法,也被他开辟了出来。 His Life Experience Knowledge, is more and more complex, in the meantime, this is more and more to also become clear. 他的一身所学,越来越是复杂起来,同时,这一条道也是变得越来越清晰。 The tribulation that wanted to pass the Saint king, the day tribulation of mahatma, to him at this moment, was not the hindrance. 想要度过圣人王的劫,大圣的天劫,对他此刻来说,不是什么阻碍。 In an instant, at night. 转眼间,夜晚将至。 Dusk solar brilliance, incarnadine half sky, making clouds and mist of distant place one piece to be red. 黄昏的太阳光辉,染红了半边天空,让远处的烟霞都变得一片通红起来。 Came.” “来了。” Qin Yi raised the head suddenly, looks to the horizon, said in a soft voice. 秦逸忽然抬头,看向天边,轻声说道。 king Teng stares, then also looks at the vision to the distant place. In scarlet red clouds and mist, a Manchurian crane soars to come, is fast, forms a radiant flowing light, like wipes the flying sword of rapid shuttle. 王腾一愣,然后将目光也是看向远方。赤红色的烟霞中,一只仙鹤腾空而来,速度飞快,形成一道璀璨的流光,如同一抹飞速穿梭的飞剑。 Suddenly, before this flowing light has then arrived at two people bodies . 只是瞬息间,这流光便已经来到两人的身前。 The flying sword falls, changes into a man, this man first looked at the one-eyed person to leap, relaxes slightly, just now vision gaze to Qin Yi. 飞剑落下,化为一男子,这男子先是看了一眼王腾,微微松了口气,方才将目光注视向秦逸 , His pupil then contracts, the complexion is also dignified. 只是一眼,他的瞳孔便是收缩,脸色也是凝重起来。 Like this to a junior, your excellency has to lose the style?” “这样对一个小辈,阁下有失风范吧?” Qin Yi smiles, later his face transformed, restored the original design. 秦逸笑了笑,随后他面部变换,恢复了原样。 If concerns the age, I could not miss his many, was the people of same stage.” “若是论及年龄,我也差不了他多少,都是同一个阶段的人罢了。” Naturally, if by cultivating is, his whole life is not perhaps able to catch up with me.” “当然,若论修为,他这辈子恐怕都无法追上我了。” Such a few words, let king Teng anger racing wells up. 这样的一句话,让王腾怒气奔涌。 Gives me the time, I make you regret.” “给我时间,我让你后悔。” However, such a few words, have not made that Manchurian crane man commend, instead seriously incomparable. 然而,这样的一句话,却并没有让那仙鹤男子赞许,反而面色凝重无比。 Perhaps, what he said is real.” “或许,他说的是真的。” In look from dignified, gradually becomes more and more shocking. 眼神中从凝重,渐渐变得越来越震惊。 You, you had gone out of your say/way unexpectedly, is going Emperor to become?” “你,你竟然已经走出了自己的道,将要成帝?” Such a few words, making king Teng the whole body shake, then is incredible looks to Qin Yi. 这样的一句话,让王腾全身一震,然后便是不可置信的看向秦逸 Also not Emperor to become, but is not far.” “还未成帝,不过也不远矣。” Qin Yi nods, does not conceal. 秦逸点点头,也并不隐瞒。 His aura is mysterious, boundless actually light, the average person cannot feel. Also true Expert, will understand this feeling. 他身上的气息玄而又玄,磅礴却又有一丝平淡,普通人根本感觉不出来。也只有真正的强者,才会懂得这种感觉。 This comes, before I must ask you, character secret!” “此来,我要问你前字秘!” https:// https:// Please remember this book first round domain name:. Cell phone version reading website: 请记住本书首发域名:。手机版阅读网址:
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