KW :: Volume #8

#26: Becoming aware various Jing

The back appears, making no beginning bell shock. 背影浮现,让无始钟震撼。 He without the beginning is very familiar, naturally is clear about this back, is that certainly generation of Great Emperor back. 他对无始十分熟悉,自然清楚这背影,正是那位绝代大帝的背影。 Lonely, lonely, powerful, invincible. 寂寥,孤独,强大,无敌。 All sorts of aura from this back in enormously and powerful, making in the person heart shock. Nine days ten places, except for not having beginning, who can have such back. 种种气息自这背影中浩荡而出,让人心中震撼。九天十地,除了无始,又有谁能够拥有这样的背影。 Does not have the beginning, taking advantage of you after uses, to help me mount the unparalleled emperor road!” “无始,借你经一用,助我登上无双帝路!” Qin Yi said lightly. 秦逸淡淡说道。 His sacred body shakes, ripples void, sits cross-legged to sit down, ripples spread. 他圣体一震,虚空荡漾,盘膝坐下,道道涟漪扩散而出。 The front back still turns away, its figure also sits cross-legged slowly under. After the moment, scrip­tures appear, forms a series of shake minds the reading aloud sound. 前方的背影依然背对,其身形也是缓缓盘坐而下。片刻后,道道经文浮现而出,形成一连串震荡心灵的念诵声。 No beginning bell was unable to describe that panic-stricken in innermost feelings, this person he has long known is powerful, but still has not thought, the opposite party is unexpectedly powerful to can from the endless years, detains the Great Emperor form, serves for oneself forcefully. 无始钟已经无法形容内心中的惊骇,这个人他早已知道非常强大,但依然没有想到,对方竟然强大到能够自无尽的岁月中,拘禁出大帝的身影,强行为自己服务。 This went against heaven's will, through the ages, who dares in Great Emperor head breaking ground, who dares to use strongly to Great Emperor? 这太逆天了,古往今来,谁敢在大帝头上动土,又有谁敢对大帝用强? Perhaps only present person! 恐怕唯眼前之人了! Qin Yi sits cross-legged to sit there, does not have the beginning after to flow in his heart, was being understood fast. The strict sense, this type of invincible, needs an agreeing with innate sacred body embryo, to cultivation completely, plays the complete might. 秦逸盘膝坐在那里,无始经在他心中流淌,被快速的理解着。严格意义上来讲,这种无敌的经,需要完全契合先天圣体道胎,才能够修炼,发挥出全部的威力。 But he do not practice this Sutra(s), but uses for reference! Reads various Jing, to cause own after is more perfect, the foundation has no time. 但他也并不是要修炼这经书,而是借鉴!阅览诸经,以使自己的经更加完美,基础无暇。 Every skyscraper starts with its foundation, the foundation is more solid, in the future can walk remotely. 万丈高楼平地起,基础越扎实,未来才能够走得更遥远。 Qin Yi is very clear to this truth, he must oneself foundation hardship incomparable concise. Thus, can one step domain that steps into the immortal. 秦逸对这个道理十分明白,他要将自己的基础打熬的无比凝练。这样,才能一步踏入仙的领域。 Great Emperor is not a end, in the most deep place of that entire world, bustling place immortal. 大帝并不是尽头,在那寰宇的最深处,还有红尘仙。 Without the comprehension that the beginning passes through, Qin Yi continued on the 15 th, he this Sutra(s) comprehension very is thorough, and has integrated in the middle of own Dijing. And, the unique skill of no beginning, does not have the beginning also to achieve mastery through a comprehensive study. 无始经的领悟,秦逸持续了十五日,他将这部经书领悟的非常透彻,并已经融入自己的帝经当中。其中,无始的绝招,无始也已经融会贯通。 A move makes without the beginning, the space and time is chaotic, the void chaos, the might is powerful. 一招无始打出,时空混乱,虚空混沌,威力强悍无比。 This is to the high emperor technique, the might is inconceivable. 这是至高的帝术,威力不可思议。 Qin Yi studies diligently this move carefully, finally discovered that the talent of no beginning indeed unparalleled, even he, could not look where this move also has to improve. 秦逸仔细钻研这招,最后发现无始的才情的确无双,即便是他,也看不出来这一招还有哪里可以改进。 So long as makes, the might is powerful unequalled, can sweep away all monsters and freaks. 只要打出,威力便是强大的无与伦比,能够横扫一切牛鬼蛇神。 Finally, he stands up, salutes to the back of no beginning distantly. 最终,他站起身来,对无始的背影遥遥行礼。 But the latter, unexpectedly turning around of slowly, deals by the upfront at this point. A light shadow dim, can see an appearance dignified man, the body aura is vigorous., Its imposing manner is gradually getting more and more powerful, trend that the unexpectedly one type must live. 而后者,在此时,竟然缓缓的转过身来,以正面应对。一片光影朦胧中,能够看到一个面目威严的男子,身上气息雄浑。渐渐地,其气势越来越强大,竟有一种要活过来的趋势。 This was too astonishing, no beginning bell shocked! 这太惊人了,无始钟都震撼了! Does not have the beginning!” “无始!” His being startled sound called out, in the eye reveals inconceivable. 他惊声叫道,眼中露出不可思议。 Actually no beginning Great Emperor whether is also living, he does not know. But at this time the action of this back, annoys the person to shock, daydream. 无始大帝究竟是否还活着,就连他都不知道。但此时这道背影的举动,惹人震撼,遐思。 Qin Yi tranquil with positive/direct looking at each other of no beginning, does not have the mighty waves. 秦逸平静的与无始的正面对视,毫无波澜。 After long time, the empty shadow dissipation of no beginning. 半晌后,无始的虚影消散。 No beginning bell did not speak for a very long time, at this time in heart complex. 无始钟久久不语,此时心中复杂。 „Did you really comprehend thoroughly no beginning?” “你真的领悟透了无始经?” In a minute, no beginning bell to the Qin Yi opens the mouth, some does not believe that is also somewhat shocking. 片刻,无始钟对秦逸开口,有些不相信,也有些震惊。 Sutra(s), is not hard to understand.” “一部经书,并不难理解。” Qin Yi replied. 秦逸答道。 No beginning bell shocks: You compared without beginning, perhaps is not inferior!” 无始钟震撼:“你比起无始,恐怕也丝毫不逊色!” I will exceed him, in the road ahead, can meet by chance with him finally.” “我会超越他,在前路上,终会与他相逢。” Qin Yi said lightly. 秦逸淡淡说道。 Such a few words, making no beginning bell for a very long time silent, does not know how should reply. In its heart , without the beginning is existence of most peak, is no one can exceed, but facing this person, in any event, could not mention the confidence again. 这样的一句话,让无始钟久久沉默,不知该如何回答。它的心中,无始是最巅峰的存在,是无人能够超越的,但面对此人,却无论如何,都再也提不起信心来。 This man was too powerful, the talent is outstanding. 这个男人太强大了,天赋超群。 Although the people have not entered the emperor boundary, but its say/way, has actually stepped into the emperor saying that evolves own Sutra(s), founds own no God technique, the fearfulness of powerful force. What is more shivery, he can also read extensively various Jing, takes its essence, goes to its rice dregs, becomes own say/way. 人虽然还未进入帝境,但其道,却已经踏入帝道,演化出自己的经书,开创出属于自己的无上帝术,威力强大的可怕。更令人悚然的是,他还能够博览诸经,取其精华,去其槽粕,变为自己的道。 Raises hundred by oneself, such character, only unceasing exceeds, goes forward, no one can prevent its footsteps. 以自身养百经,这样的人物,只会不断的去超越,去前进,根本无人能够阻挡其脚步。 Saw that Qin Yi will soon go out of here, no beginning bell remembers the incident suddenly, exits Asking (the Dao) hastily. 眼看着秦逸即将走出这里,无始钟忽然想起一事,连忙出口问道 You can use the years the strength, you may know no beginning Great Emperor whether is also living?” “你能使用岁月的力量,那你可知无始大帝是否还活着?” Qin Yi footsteps, the facial color is tranquil. 秦逸脚步一顿,面色平静。 I can meet with him, leading him to enter the immortal territory!” “我会与他相遇,带他入仙域!” No beginning bell trembles, the bell body expresses buzz the cry, does not know at once unexpectedly should say anything. 无始钟震颤,钟体发出嗡鸣,一时之间竟不知该说什么。 These words made the person daydream! 这句话太令人遐思了! Until the Qin Yi back vanishes thoroughly, no beginning bell just now muttered. 直到秦逸的背影彻底消失,无始钟方才喃喃自语。 Actually did you see what in the years? Does not have the beginning, hasn't really died? That, he where?” “你究竟在岁月中看到了什么?无始,真的还没死吗?那,他又在哪里?” Immortal territory! Doesn't have the beginning above the immortal road?” “仙域!难道无始在仙路之上?” Has saying that the guess of no beginning bell had been close to the true answer. 不得不说,无始钟的猜测已经接近了真正的答案。 But another side, understands clearly without the beginning after complete Qin Yi, in this stretch of forbidden area, could not have bumped into any hindrance. 而另一边,洞悉无始经全部的秦逸,在这片禁区中,已经碰不到任何阻碍。 He the line, went to the place that the sacred body is buried in stride in an instant. 他大步而行,转眼已经来到圣体葬身的地方。 The deva-eye opens, looks to that coffin, Qin Yi understands thoroughly all, saw line character secret, in his eye rune/symbol writing fluctuates, was standing same place enough three days. 天眼开启,望向那棺材当中,秦逸洞彻一切,也见到了行字秘,他眼中符文变幻,在原地站了足足三日。 After three days, he turns around to depart, has not carried off here every bit of property. 三日后,他转身离去,并未带走这里的一草一木。 Among, the figure is confused, twinkling thousand li (500 km), speed quickly to pinnacle. 一步之间,身形错乱,瞬息千里,速度快到极致。 By this time, any strategy, tied, cannot prevent his footsteps. Even, if line character secret operates the pinnacle, but can also affect the time. 到了此时,任何的阵法,结界,都已经不能阻挡他的脚步。甚至,如果行字秘运行到极致,还能够影响到时间。 Nine secret, has the difference respectively, is founded by nine ancient Tianzun, has own feature.” “九秘,各有不同,由九位古天尊开创,都有着自己的特殊点。” After Qin Yi grasps line character secret, has all sorts of sensibility to it, realized that the great strength of this secret, he is not willing to let off such Secret Technique, decides other Secret Technique 11 collections, learns completely. 秦逸掌握行字秘后,对其产生种种感悟,认识到这种秘的强大,他不愿意放过这样的秘术,决定将其他秘术一一收集,全部学会。 Naturally, nine secret dispersions, want to complete this task, not different is very difficult. But he also has the self-confidence, so long as can collect the simultaneous/uniform several types, by passes through even/including chose/point, he can definitely infer several other Secret Art. 当然,九秘分散,想要完成这个任务,无异是很难的。但他却也有自信,只要能够收集齐几种,以其中的贯连点,他完全可以推导出其他几种的秘诀 Leaves this stretch of forbidden area, Qin Yi goes to the desolate ancient forbidden area in an instant. 离开这片禁区,秦逸转眼向荒古禁区而去。 In the desolate ancient forbidden area, has all sorts of surreptitiousness, is most famous, was the Undead medicine. Naturally, Qin Yi to these efficacious medicines, is uninteresting. 荒古禁区之内,有着种种诡秘,其中最著名的,便是不死药了。当然,秦逸对这些灵药,并无兴趣。 This big medicine, Horne for the world that in he founds, bred much, does not lack. 这种大药,霍恩为他开创的世界内,孕育了不少,根本就不缺。 What he cares, regular strength that all sorts of Secret Technique that in this world founds, its behind hide. These Secret Technique, the rule, can very good assistance he ascend a height to get a broad view to subvert, is the Horne same degree. 他更在意的是,这个世界内开创的种种秘术,其背后所隐藏的规则之力。这些秘术,规则,能够很好的辅助他登临颠覆,达到霍恩同等的程度。 After three days, he one step enters into the desolate ancient forbidden area, causes calling out in alarm of peripheral many. 三日后,他一步迈入荒古禁区内,引起外围很多人的惊呼。 But flickers, the Qin Yi form then disappears, almost makes them think that is an illusory image. 但只是一瞬,秦逸的身影便消失,几乎让他们以为是一个幻影。 In this forbidden area, as if also has an accomplishment sacred body!” “这处禁区内,似乎也有一位大成圣体!” Thinks slightly, before body of Qin Yi, forms flash before suddenly. 只是微微一想间,秦逸的身前,一道道身影忽然闪现而出。 Wild slave! 荒奴!
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