KW :: Volume #8

#23: Visits the forbidden area

Perhaps ancestor has, but has been lost now.” “先祖或许有,但如今已经失传。” The old man sinking sound said that in the eye was a pity. 老者沉声说道,眼中不无可惜。 If there are in the method in the starry sky crossing, then to Qin clan, without doubt was also a mastery. 若是有在星空中横渡的方法,那对秦族来说,无疑也是一种底蕴。 Afterward, and Qin martial were also discussed that intersection after some time, was the evacuation goes. 随后,叶凡与秦武又是相谈,相交一段时间后,便是撤离而去。 The present situation, not much is good, but the matter that Qin martial then must handle, was unable to involve to at present. 如今的局势,对叶凡来说也并不是多好,而秦武接下来要做的事情,对叶凡来说目前还无法涉及。 We prepare the spirit ruins dwelling place of Buddhist immortals, had a look at that Qin senior whether was in my clan the person.” “我们准备去灵墟洞天,看看那位秦前辈是否是我族中人。” Then, then wants to invite the eastern desolate Son of God to fight, whets oneself body.” “然后,便是想邀东荒圣子一战,磨砺己身。” These words language, making in worldly desire sigh with emotion, sees under this Qin clan Son of God surface temperate background, has a heart of expedition world. 这番话语,让叶凡心中感慨,看出这位秦族圣子表面温和的背景下,却是有着一颗征战天下的心。 After several days, both sides said goodbye, turned toward Wei to go. 几日后,双方告别,叶凡向着魏地而去。 In the journey, he seeks for lonesome and quiet place, takes out that page of golden scroll sutras that Qin martial presented as a gift from the bosom. 路途中,他寻找一处幽静之地,从怀中取出秦武所赠的那页金色经卷。 Said that cultivation Secret Art of palace mystical place, has the method now, the following road smooth words, must be able to sing loudly.” “道宫秘境的修炼秘诀,如今也有了门路了,接下来的路顺利的话,应当能一路高歌。” In leaf Fanxin is relaxes. 叶凡心中算是松了口气。 He according to the use Daoist scripture secret scroll method, uses this volume of Sutra(s), quick, Sutra(s) changes into a ray directly to enter in his sea of bitterness. 他依照使用道经秘卷的方法,使用这卷经书,很快,经书化为一道光芒直接进入他的苦海中。 Crash-bang!” “哗啦啦!” The golden sea of bitterness the golden light ten thousand zhang (3.33 m), surge up immediately, 34 breath later generations every shocking seeing, sky over his sea of bitterness, that page of Sutra(s) emit the ray, outlined the form that sat cross-legged together quickly. 金色的苦海顿时金光万丈,波澜起伏,三四个呼吸后叶凡震惊的看到,他的苦海上空,那页经书放射出光芒,很快勾勒成一道盘坐的身影。 Above the body all over the body purple gold colored light glow sparkle, strong incomparable, overlooks the heaven the aura enormously and powerful, suppresses all. 其身躯之上通体紫金色光芒闪耀,一股浓重无比,俯瞰苍天的气息浩荡而出,镇压一切。 The aura of this form, feels, looks like nine Heavenly Emperor general that keeps aloof, the noble air is threatening, grasps the world weight, all live to kill the power. 这道身影的气息,给人的感觉,就像是高高在上的九天帝尊一般,贵气逼人,掌握天地权重,一切生杀大权。 Dijing!” “帝经!” Two characters that the weight is without doubt the estimate, press in chest, making his over the face serious. 重量达到无疑估算的两个字,压在叶凡心口,让他满面严重。 This is not absolutely inferior in Daoist scripture one volume of secret Jing!” “这绝对是丝毫不逊色于道经的一卷秘经!” Actually is who can found such Sutra(s)?” “究竟是何人能够开创出这样的经书?” In leaf Fanxin guessed. 叶凡心中猜测。 Quick, Zijin's color character flowing, that sits cross-legged the form above sea of bitterness, also exhibits different movements, corresponds these Sutra(s). 很快,一个个紫金色的字符流动而出,那盘坐在苦海之上的身影,随之也摆出一个个不同的动作,对应这些经书 This refining up Secret Art of body? rune/symbol writing and movement matching, as if can also strengthen the mortal body, tows the potential of physical body deep place!” “这是炼体的秘诀?符文与动作搭配,似乎还能够强化肉身,牵引出肉体深处的潜能!” Is shocked. 叶凡震惊。 He looks at steadily these characters, the mortal body movement in the hearts, then changes into own knowledge it. 他目不转睛的将这些字符,肉身动作记在心间,然后将其化为自己的知识。 And finally, that sits cross-legged to sit the person in sea of bitterness, the eye pupil emits the golden light, looks straight ahead to him, resembled unexpectedly lived. 到了最后,那盘膝坐在苦海上的人,眼眸放射出金光,直视向他,竟似是活了般。 Person who creates this volume of scrip­tures? Also living?!” “难道创造这卷经文的人?还活着?!” Shocks incomparably. 叶凡震撼无比。 He sits cross-legged from that in the sea of bitterness empty shadow, felt different kind aura. 他从那盘坐在苦海上空的虚影中,感受到了一股别样的气息。 This golden page and Daoist scripture are different, as if is not only only one volume of pages, affected attention that creates after it person? 这金色书页与道经不同,似乎不仅仅只是一卷书页,更是牵动了创经之人的关注? But that purple gold colored light glow body, looks after him then did not have the sound again. 但那紫金色光芒身躯,看向他后便再没了动静。 After clearly becomes aware this palace volume scrip­tures thoroughly, grows the one breath, looks again to the form on that sea of bitterness. 当叶凡彻底明悟这道宫卷经文后,长出一口气,再次看向那苦海上的身影。 But at this time, that sat cross-legged the form that made, was the purple gold colored light glow goes gradually pale, revealed its illusory facial features. 而这时候,那盘膝而做的身影,也是渐渐紫金色光芒淡去,露出其虚幻的面容。 „Is this?!” “这是?!” After seeing clearly, the shocking whole body shook shaking. 当看清后,叶凡震惊的浑身都抖了抖。 The face of this form, really had 78 phase splitting shapes with Qin Senior! Definitely can say, is a mold carves. 这具身影的面庞,竟然与秦前辈有七八分相像!完全可以说,就是一个模子刻出来的。 „Have you seen the main body?” “你见过本尊?” Suddenly, that illusory form opened the mouth, this may frighten one. 忽然,那虚幻的身影开口了,这可吓了叶凡一条。 This empty shadow, actually lives seriously! 这道虚影,竟然当真是活的! Feels helpless for a while, but is quick, opens the mouth that he then awes. 叶凡一时不知所措,但很快,他便敬畏的开口。 Has with your similar senior, once travelled together with the younger generation.” “有与您相似的一位前辈,曾与晚辈同行。” That empty shadow overlooks, in the foreheads were many for several points to think, after long time, he also said. 那虚影俯视而下,眉宇间似多了几分思索,半晌后,他又道。 My one volume of Sutra(s), can calculate my recording a name disciple.” “既得吾一卷经书,便可算吾记名弟子。” Practices well, came to pay a visit finally on the 1st.” “好好修行,终有一日,前来拜见。” Is frightened, can found so the scrip­tures can the person, actually really live greatly, but also said such words. 叶凡惊悚无比,能开创出如此经文的大能人士,竟然真的活着,还说出了这样一番话。 His serious nod. 他郑重的点点头。 Afterward, the golden light diverges, the form dissipates, one volume appears after the page again in his hands, making his expression fluctuate erratically. 随后,金光散去,身影消散开来,一卷经页再次出现在他的手中,让他表情变幻不定。 This may really be too strange, one volume of scrip­tures, melt and sea of bitterness obviously, the turned into empty shadow can open the mouth unexpectedly. 这可真是太诡异了,一卷经文,显化与苦海,化成的虚影竟然能开口。 This founds the person of Dijing, is actually what Xiuwei? Already Emperor to become?” “这开创帝经的人,究竟是何修为?难道已经成帝了?” Whispered secretly. 叶凡暗自嘀咕。 But he also relaxes, this empty shadow obviously to him and without any malicious intent, otherwise an opposite party vision, feared that can penetrate his sea of bitterness, making him assign/life the mourning in this. 但他也松了口气,这虚影显然对他并没有恶意,否则对方一个目光,怕是就能击穿他的苦海,让他命丧于此。 At the same time, among Qin clan. 同一时刻,秦族当中。 Qin Yi opens the pupil slowly: Emperor road is difficult, but I cultivate/repair to restore quick, once re-enters the Saint boundary, from, when strikes the table across the sky, on straight nine days.” 秦逸缓缓睁开眸子:“帝路艰辛,但我修为恢复的很快,一旦重回圣人境,自当横空拍案,直上九天。” Person clan has the emperor road, may whet with it.” “人族有帝路,可与其磨砺。” However I, naturally cannot mount the emperor road, my tempering field, in the forbidden area of ancient, when with supreme of war ancient!” “而我,自然不会登上帝路,我的磨炼场,在古之禁区,当与古之至尊一战!” His vision looks to the remote deep place, these life-forbidden zones are his goal. 他的目光看向遥远的深处,那些生命禁区就是他的目标。 Dijing is, from the childhood period that he creates, the view reads hundred, by his outstanding talent, has then established one is not inferior in others 's Dijing. It can be said that from the beginning he went out of oneself say/way. 帝经是他所创造的,从幼年时期,观阅百经,以他超群的天赋,便已经创立出一部丝毫不逊色于他人的帝经。可以说,从一开始他就走出了自己的道。 But this, is the accomplishment sacred body is extremely self-confident about him, holds the reason of enormous expectation. 而这,也是大成圣体对他极其自信,抱有极大期望的原因。 Did not say the physique, was the talent, Qin Yi has then flung others outstandingly is too many merely, such natural talent, may be called outstandingly. 不说体质,仅仅是天赋,秦逸便已甩出其他人杰太多了,这样的天资,可称为超群。 My, only then cultivates, does not have the technique, Great Emperor of method, when can raise!” “我的经只有修炼,却无技法,古之大帝的手段,当能养经!” Puts out such a few words, the Qin Yi ambition is obvious. 吐出这样一句话,秦逸的野心已经昭然若揭。 His goal, is various powerful lives in life-forbidden zone. 他的目的,就是生命禁区中的各种强悍生灵。 Closes the eye, Qin Yi continues to cultivate. 闭上眼睛,秦逸继续修炼。 2-3 years later, on his cultivating position heavy Saint boundary, after the immortal three cut, one leaps on, achievement Sendai's fourth heavy. 2-3年后,他的修位重上圣人境,仙三斩道之后一跃而上,成就仙台第四重。 But when this time, above Qin Yi strength ratio a time is more intrepid. 而这一次,秦逸的实力比之上一次时更加强悍。 Also is the day, he sets out to take a step, in the pupil contains Sun, Moon and Stars Chen, the back great world appears. 也是这一日,他起身迈步,眸中蕴含日月星辰,背后一片宏大的世界浮现而出。 The mountain fluctuates, the wild animal calls out, sits carves the orchid garret to flash through rapidly, this is his Saint domain. 山岳起伏,野兽嚎叫,一坐坐雕兰阁楼飞速闪过,这便是属于他的圣域空间。 Qin Yi its concise for own, reveres for the king alone, passes through the four directions. 秦逸将其凝练为自己的界,独尊为王,贯穿四方。 This side domain, the All Heavens principle malfunctions, is unrivaled! 此方界域一出,诸天法则失灵,无人可敌! Faint, can see in the middle of this world, the god dormancy forbidden area also appears, that stretch of huge forbidden area, was also controlled by him, integrates in the middle of the domain, can transfer its strength frequently. 隐隐中,能够看到这片世界当中,神眠禁区也浮现而出,那片庞大的禁区,同样被他所掌控,融入界域当中,能够时刻调用其力量。 A flake gold light rushes to raise, the radiant boundless courage vigor shock and awe entire north territory, enables innumerable greatly to raise the head frightened. 一片金光澎湃升起,璀璨磅礴的血气震慑整个北域,让无数大能惊悚抬头。 When Qin Yi re-enters the peak, the aura of divulging made one shock. 秦逸重回巅峰时,泄露的气息令人震撼。 But quick, this aura was then restrained by him. 但很快,这股气息便被他收敛了。 He goes out closes up the institute, was seeing Qin that the shock goes out of vertically and horizontally/able to move unhindered. 他走出闭关所,正看到了震惊走出的秦纵横。 I go to major forbidden area, you defended Qin clan.” “我去各大禁区一趟,你守好秦族。” Qin Zongheng was stunned: Major forbidden areas?” 秦纵横愕然:“各大禁区?” Encounters with Great Emperor of ancient, reads various Jing, I have anticipated to be very long!” “与古之大帝交锋,阅览诸经,我已经期待很久了!” Qin Yi one step treads, the form disappears does not see, only keeps the sound to linger. 秦逸一步踏出,身影消失不见,只留声音萦绕。 ( ( = = …… ……
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