KW :: Volume #7

#95: Perishing

Augusta is a control, his soul strength is similarly strong, the will prestige can under the amplification, be able to cover a potential surface easily. 奥古斯塔是一位主宰,他的灵魂力量同样强大,意志威能增幅下,能够轻而易举的覆盖一个位面。 Suddenly, he has then realized existence of Qin Yi. 只是瞬息间,他便已经察觉到了秦逸的存在。 Buzz!” “嗡!” Made one tremble with fear, the terrifying aura suddenly swept across to come, the trim world, was covered in this moment. 一股令人惊颤,恐怖的气息蓦然席卷而来,整片天地,在这一刻都是被笼罩其中。 The person of eight great families clan, facing this aura, the back then bent in a twinkling, in the surface is having the panic-stricken look. 八大家族的人,面对这股气息,霎时间腰杆便弯了下去,面上带着惊恐的神色。 Lord God!!” “主神!!” This is the will of Lord God is dignified!” “这是主神的意志威严!” They distinguish the source of this aura immediately, in the heart the fearful and apprehensive, frightened whole body are shivering. 他们立刻就辨别出这股气息的来源,心中胆颤心惊,恐惧的全身都在颤抖。 Augusta!” “奥古斯塔!” The vast sound spreads to the ear of everyone, the person of eight great families clan, has not looked with the naked eye, in the soul sensation, above the sky of outside, a giant face is clear reappearing. 浩瀚的声音传入每个人的耳中,八大家族的人,没有用肉眼看,灵魂感知中,外界的天空之上,一张巨大的面庞已是清晰的浮现而出。 This facial features they are also very familiar, is Expert Horne of that four Divine Beast families. 这张面容他们也无比熟悉,正是那位四神兽家族的强者霍恩。 Horne!” “霍恩!” Everyone stared big eye, their previous quarter just listened to the control saying that the opposite party was Lord God, the next quarter, the opposite party then visited unexpectedly. 每个人都瞪大眼睛了,他们前一刻刚听主宰说对方是主神,下一刻,对方竟然便已经上门来了。 Thump!” “咕咚!” Has swallowed saliva, the head of the clan of eight great families clan somewhat fear. 咽了一口唾沫,八大家族的族长都有些恐惧。 Make them facing greatly complete, somewhat dreads, let alone faced Lord God. 让他们面对大圆满,都有些畏惧,更别说面对主神了。 So under scene, only then Augusta Lord God can start talking. 如此场面下,也就只有奥古斯塔主神能够开口说话。 Controls the Sir!” “主宰大人!” The back lives the Poulin Family head of the clan of both wings, fluttered to call out. 背后生有双翅的波林家族族长,颤声叫道。 Courage is really big, my front leg just arrived at the hell, he dares to walk in unexpectedly.” “胆子还真大,我前脚刚到地狱,他竟然就敢找上门来。” The corners of the mouth reveal one to sneer, the Augusta steps vanish in the face of the eight great families clan. 嘴角露出一丝冷笑,奥古斯塔踏步消失在八大家族面前。 Makes me have a look, the self-confidence where he comes, dares so to face me!” “就让我看看,他到底哪里来的自信,敢如此面对我!” The voice just fell, the Augusta figure arrived at airborne of outside. 话音刚落,奥古斯塔身形已经到了外界的空中。 The eight great families clan head of the clan, at this moment are also gingerly fast going out, is observing the sky of top of the head. 八大家族族长们,这一刻也都是战战兢兢的快速出门,观察着头顶的天空。 Buzz humming sound!” “嗡嗡嗡!” Terrifying pressure strength fluctuates, to all directions, crush all living things, in dignified range, all Spiritual God almost already frightened kneeling above ground. Nobody dares to face so vast Lord God to be dignified, nobody dares in the face of the will of Lord God, but also is standing. 恐怖的威压力量波动,一圈圈的荡向四面八方,碾压着众生,在威严范围之内,所有神灵几乎都已经恐惧的跪在了地面之上。没有人敢面对如此浩瀚的主神威严,也没有人敢在主神的意志面前,还站立着。 Horne, you come out!” “霍恩,你出来!” My Augusta here!” “我奥古斯塔就在这里!” Augusta flies the upper air, usually front that giant face, the sinking sound was shouting to clear the way. 奥古斯塔飞上高空,平时着前方那巨大的脸庞,沉声喝道。 Other source feels the opposite party main body, is coming fast, now this present giant face, is only opposite party Lord God Clone(s) turns into. 他方才就感受到对方的本尊,正在快速前来,如今这眼前的巨大脸庞,也不过只是对方的主神分身所化成的而已。 To cope with Lord God, only then Lord God is useful, trivial Clone(s), he does not place in the eye. 想要对付主神,也只有主神才有用,区区一具分身,他并不放在眼中。 „Haven't I in your front, you discovered?” “我就在你的面前,难道你没有发现吗?” The smiling face that giant face corners of the mouth pull a taunt, follows, the giant face distorts fast, changes into together the person body, is Qin Yi. 那巨大的面庞嘴角扯出一丝嘲讽的笑容,紧随其后,巨大的脸快速变形,化为一道人躯,正是秦逸 Horne!” “霍恩!” The Augusta pupil contraction, in the heart shakes slightly. 奥古斯塔瞳孔收缩,心中微微一震。 He suddenly had not discovered, the opposite party is the main body transforms, or is the main body hidden in one side. 他竟然没有发现,对方是本尊变换的,或者说是本尊隐藏在一边。 This makes him dignified, it seems like that this Horne's strength, but must surpass his estimate. 这让他凝重起来,看来这霍恩的实力,还要超出他的预估。 This comes, I must ask your matter.” “此来,我是要问你一件事情。” Qin Yi tranquil standing there, making noise light Asking (the Dao). 秦逸平静的站在那里,出声淡淡问道 What matter?” “什么事情?” Augusta sinking sound said. 奥古斯塔沉声道。 In his eye holds ice-cold, four Divine Beast families, the itself is his eye-sore thorn in the side, at present does this person also need to ask him unexpectedly? 他的眼中含着冰冷,四神兽家族,本就是他的眼中钉肉中刺,眼前这人竟然还要问他? Really big courage! 真是好大的胆子! Past four Divine Beast, whether is you kills?” “当年的四神兽,是否是你杀的?” The Qin Yi sound is very cold. 秦逸声音很冷。 Among two people the atmosphere is swiftly tight, an enormous and powerful dignity hits suddenly, aura edge collides rapidly, presents a series of lightnings, makes noise loudly. 两人之间气氛倏然紧张,一股浩荡的威严猛然撞击,气息的边缘处迅速碰撞,出现一连串的闪电,轰然作响。 This formidable pressure affects , the innumerable Spiritual God tremble, wants to flee from here. 这股强大的威压影响到下方,无数神灵瑟瑟发抖,都想逃离这里。 Four Divine Beast?” “四神兽?” The Augusta look shrinks, afterward he unfolded the face to smile one suddenly. 奥古斯塔眼神一缩,随后他忽然展颜笑了一声。 How is? Do you want to revenge for them?” “是又如何?你想为他们报仇?” Qin Yi look ice-colder, right hand according to above the sword shadow of waist. 秦逸眼神更加冰冷,右手按在了腰间的剑影之上。 The next second, the Divine Sword comes out of sheath, the jet black ray rises suddenly suddenly, its figure is suddenly is also changing into together the flowing light, plunges the opposite party directly. 下一秒,神剑出鞘,漆黑的光芒猛然暴涨,其身形也是在瞬息间化为一道流光,直接扑向对方。 You die!” “那你就死吧!” In the ice-cold sound, is mixing with the terrifying incomparable aura. 冰冷的声音中,夹杂着恐怖无比的气息。 The tricolor supernatural powers gather in this moment in the Qin Yi body week surface completely, then fuses rapidly, the rule in blends at this moment rapidly, changes into completely, an air wave appears loudly. 三色神力在这一刻全部汇聚在秦逸的身周表面,然后迅速融合,规则在此刻更是迅速交融,化为圆满,一圈气浪轰然出现。 Augusta is almost instantaneous, the pupil then contraction is a point, the heart fiercely beats. 奥古斯塔几乎是瞬间,瞳孔便收缩为一个点,心脏更是剧烈跳动起来。 He felt that sharp incomparable, the terrifying is incomparable, strength that is unable to be a worthy opponent. 他感觉到了一股犀利无比,恐怖无比,无法匹敌的力量。 This Horne, unexpectedly such?!” “这霍恩,竟然如此之强?!” But quick, his both eyes stared in a big way. 但很快,他的双眼已经瞪大。 Kills!” “杀!” The Divine Sword of waist also suddenly drew out by him, then wields to strike. 腰间的神剑也被他猛然拔出,然后挥击而出。 Bang!” “轰!” Suddenly, two rays, one black one white, collided swiftly in together, the fierce radiance fluctuation sparkle, the light wave of rushing is dazzling, all camouflages all lines of sight. 眨眼之间,两道光芒,一黑一白,已经倏然碰撞在一起,剧烈的光华波动闪耀而出,澎湃的光波刺眼无比,将所有视线都尽数遮蔽。 The fearful dignity, the pressure sweeps across, under not far away, twenty mountains, are almost then dissipated instantaneously. 可怕的威严,压力席卷而出,下方不远处,二十几座大山,几乎是瞬间便已经消散掉。 Runs away!!” “逃!!” Innumerable Spiritual God startled running away, change into Daoist believers light, flees from this place is apt to get into trouble. 无数神灵惊慌的逃窜,化为道道流光,逃离这片是非之地。 But in the middle of the battlefield, in the Augusta heart vibrates, his back space, the twinkling has then disrupted, has surfaced dusky space and time. 而战场当中,奥古斯塔心中震动,他的背后空间,瞬息便已经碎裂,露出了灰蒙蒙的时空乱流。 This sword, has crushed space, calculated the stable hell space, under their attack collisions, unexpectedly so frail. 这一剑,粉碎了空间,本来还算稳固的地狱空间,在他们两人的攻击碰撞下,竟是如此的脆弱。 Shakes again, his front, Horne's facial features appeared. 再是一震之间,他的前方,霍恩的面容已经浮现而出。 The ice-cold double pupil, the dense aura, making in the Augusta heart tremble. 冰冷的双眸,森然的气息,让奥古斯塔心中颤栗。 This fellow, very powerful big!” “这个家伙,好强大!” The pupil contraction, Augusta puts forth full power, revolves the whole body rule, wields a sword to prevent. 瞳孔收缩,奥古斯塔使出全力,运转全身规则,挥剑阻挡。 But is one loudly crack, his body was exploded directly flies, flies toward the space and time turbulent flow. 但又是一声轰然炸响,他的身躯直接被炸飞,向着时空乱流飞去。 !” “噗!” Because the body receives the shake that this strikes, Augusta put out a blood palely, the complexion many. 因为身体受到这一击的震荡,奥古斯塔吐出一口血,脸色都苍白了不少。 However, this is only starts. 然而,这只是开始。 The Qin Yi moving quickly pursues, speed quick inconceivable, changes into together the flowing light, suddenly then again arrives his at present, wields a sword. 秦逸飞身追击,速度快的不可思议,化为一道流光,眨眼便再次来到他的眼前,又是挥出一剑。 Scoffs!” “嗤!” The sword glittering, this time strength more formidable Augusta meets hardly, his arm explodes directly, the facial skin shakes crazily. 剑光闪烁,这一次的力道更加强大奥古斯塔硬接,其手臂直接爆开,脸皮狂抖。 Cannot block!” “根本挡不住!” Damn, so to be how strong!” “该死,怎么会这么强!” He has gone far beyond the strength of control!” “他已经远远超过了主宰的实力!” A Qin Yi sword sword chops, the strength of each sword, the might was struck by is stronger, the space and time turbulent flow was divided to make a debut a fissure by him. 秦逸一剑剑劈下,每一剑的力道,威力都被上一击更强,就连时空乱流都被他劈出道道裂痕来。 But the Augusta facial color first is startled, finally was completely frightened. 而奥古斯塔面色先是惊慌,最后便是完全恐惧了。 Strength that he controls, unexpectedly completely is not the match of opposite party, is this possible? 他主宰的实力,竟然完全不是对方的对手,这怎么可能? The shock, is incredible, the frightened all sorts of mood 11 appear in the surface, making the Augusta whole body tremble. 震惊,不可置信,恐惧种种情绪11在面上浮现,让奥古斯塔全身颤栗。 Your these strengths?” “你就这些实力吗?” Makes Ohff come, you disappointed me!” “让奥夫前来吧,你太让我失望了!” Finally, the Qin Yi sigh one breath, the sword shadow holds up, above the sword blade is glittering three radiance, wields suddenly. 最终,秦逸叹息一口气,剑影举起,剑身之上闪烁着三道光华,猛然挥下。 Augusta stares the big eye, frightened bellowing, but the sound actually stops suddenly. 奥古斯塔瞪大眼睛,恐惧的大吼,但声音却是戛然而止。 This sword, cuts open his body directly, a sword cut to break to pieces the soul. 这一剑,直接割开他的身躯,一剑斩碎了灵魂。 Augusta, perishes! 奥古斯塔,亡! ( ( = = …… ……
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