KW :: Volume #7

#90: You are also

The appearance after that four star zupaysaurus, clearly is the bloodlines pure dragon blood soldier. 那四星恶魔龙化后的模样,分明就是血脉纯正的龙血战士。 „A person of Azure Dragon clan!” “青龙一族的人!” The five-star devil leader sees this appearance, is in the heart is startled. 五星恶魔头领看到这幅模样,也是心中一惊。 In recent years, the momenta of four big Divine Beast families were getting bigger and bigger. Did not say two in that family greatly complete, in the later generation also presented many talent characters. Even, has the legend, four Divine Beast families behind, but also has a Lord God to exist. 近些年来,四大神兽家族的声势越来越大了。不说那家族中的两位大圆满,后辈之中也是出现了许多天才人物。甚至,更有传说,四神兽家族身后,还有着一位主神存在。 Many people of hell, are primarily to four Divine Beast families withdrawing, is not willing to provoke. 许多地狱的人,对四神兽家族都是以退避为主,不愿意招惹。 After four star zupaysaurus, mortal body, actually reluctantly can with the five-star devil to fighting powerful. 四星恶魔龙化后,肉身实力强大了许多,竟然勉强能够与五星恶魔对战了。 You are the people of four Divine Beast families, but here is not your orchid mansion!” “就算你是四神兽家族的人,可这里不是你们幽兰府!” The five-star devil loudly shouted, a club broke open a person of Azure Dragon clan. 五星恶魔大喝道,一棒子将青龙一族的人砸开。 Knowing the limitation hurries to leave, otherwise I am impolite to you.” “识相的赶紧离开,否则我对你就不客气了。” The people of four Divine Beast families, have scratched the blood of corners of the mouth. 神兽家族的人,擦了擦嘴角的血。 This caravan, I promised the friend, wants safely delivers to the destination them.” “这支商队,我答应了朋友,一定要平安的将他们送到目的地。” Pays any price, must complete.” “就算付出任何代价,也要完成。” The both eyes under azure dragon scale, fill to strengthen with the determination that does not retrocede. 青色龙鳞下的双眼,充满坚定与绝不后退的决心。 You are courting death, but trivial four star devils, if Elder of your family comes, I turn around to run away, depends on you, cannot block me!” “你在找死,不过区区四星恶魔,若是你们家族的长老来,我转身就逃,就凭你,挡不住我!” The five-star devil anger shouted, a club pounded, pounded the people of four Divine Beast families in the ground. 五星恶魔怒喝道,一棒子砸过去,将四神兽家族的人砸在地面上。 You dare to kill me, the person of family, will not let off you, knows the limitation, hurries to boil.” “你敢杀我,家族的人,可不会放过你,识相点,赶紧滚开。” Four Divine Beast families stand up, are sneering shouting. 神兽家族站起身,冷笑着喝道。 Hateful!” “可恶!” In the five-star devil surface reveals hesitant, compared with the strength, he can absolutely crush boy, just like the opposite party said, he does not dare to kill the people of four Divine Beast families. 五星恶魔面上露出犹豫,比实力,他绝对能够碾压这小子,但是正如对方所说,他不敢杀四神兽家族的人。 Compared with four Divine Beast families that having two has greatly completely, his puzzled group of gangs radically are the mixed fish. Looks at this moment, one hear of opposite party are the people of four Divine Beast families, in many Spiritual God surface has revealed the fear. 比起拥有两位大圆满存在的四神兽家族,他纠结的这伙抢劫团伙根本就是杂鱼。就看此刻,一听对方是四神兽家族的人,许多神灵面上都露出了恐惧。 The person of eight great families clan, hit retreat successively, let alone their these skirmishers. 八大家族的人,都被打的节节后退,更何况他们这些散兵。 Go away, what also depends makes here?” “滚吧,还赖在这里做什么?” The people of four Divine Beast families shouted. 神兽家族的人喝道。 He does not want to expose the status , the status of four Divine Beast families, now to each clansman, are the unsurpassed honors. But this honor, has the pressure. Because goes out of family the person of each family, must be Expert, must firmly maintain in the clan the honor, cannot discredit for the family. 他是真的不想暴露身份,四神兽家族的身份,如今对每个族人来说,都是无上的荣誉。可这荣誉,却也有着压力。因为走出家族的每一位家族之人,都必须是强者,要坚定的维护族中荣誉,不能为家族抹黑。 But he only has the strengths of four star devils, walks outside, is the low key is the Lord. 而他只有四星恶魔的实力,在外行走,一直都是低调为主。 This time, promised the friend, protects this caravan, has not actually thought that met the strength to surpass his robber. 这一次,也是答应了朋友,保护这支商队,却没想到遇到了实力超过他的强盗。 You work as four Divine Beast families, can protect you?” “你真当四神兽家族,能护得了你?” The five-star devil leader got angry. 五星恶魔头领怒了。 Has killed you, I walk immediately, does not believe the person of your family, can take me to be what kind of!” “杀了你,我马上就走,就不信你们家族的人,能拿我怎样!” Four Divine Beast families have enemy!” “四神兽家族也不是没有敌人!” Loudly shouted repeatedly, on five-star devil killing intent was getting more and more heavy, his steps forwarded, the expression was cold and gloomy. 连声大喝道,五星恶魔身上的杀意越来越重,他踏步向前,表情森冷。 Small, surrounds here, do not let off any person to leave!” “小的们,将这里包围,不要放过任何一人离开!” All people change color, this was gets down has killed the heart, must eliminate a potential informant in the people. So long as nobody passes on, nobody knows that homicide the people of four Divine Beast families, he will not have the matter. 所有人都是变色,这是下了杀心了,要将在现场地人都灭口。只要没有人传出去,没人知道他杀了四神兽家族的人,他就不会有事情。 Edge position, continuously silently low-key, observed person of Azure Dragon clan forest thunder and the others to stare. 边缘位置,一直默默低调,观察青龙一族之人的林雷等人愣了。 They have surrounded here, includes us.” “他们将这里包围了,也包括我们。” Then troubled!” “这下麻烦了!” Worton said in a low voice. 沃顿低声道。 One if opens, first suppresses the strength, confuses them, finds the accurate opportunity, erupts the complete strength, can run away runs away!” “一会如果打开,先压制实力,迷惑他们,找准机会,爆发全部实力,能逃就逃!” The forest thunder lowers the sound. 林雷压低声音。 The people nod, are ready. 众人都是点点头,做好准备。 Quick commencing of action, forest thunder deals with the present enemy, while observes a battle of that Azure Dragon clan and five-star devil with the split vision. 很快战斗开始,林雷一边应付眼前的敌人,一边用余光观察那青龙一族与五星恶魔的交战。 Even if after dragon, a person of Azure Dragon clan is still not the match of five-star devil, was almost being pressed hitting, injury are getting more and more. 即便龙化之后,青龙一族的人依然不是五星恶魔的对手,几乎是被压着打,身上的伤势越来越多。 Killed you to be what kind of?” “杀了你又能怎样?” „ Is a Azure Dragon clan extraordinary? You look at your this appearance, “青龙一族了不起吗?你看你这幅样子, Also wants to retreat in fear I? ” Really is laughable!” 也想吓退我?”“真是可笑!” The five-star devil taunted again and again. 五星恶魔连连嘲讽。 A person of Azure Dragon clan, is getting more and more angry, finally his body withdraws, spreads out. 青龙一族的人,越来越愤怒,最终他身子后撤,拉开距离。 I do not want to waste, is you compels my!” “我本来不想浪费的,是你逼我的!” The five-star devil is startled, but the next quarter, his pair of eyes pupil then contracted. 五星恶魔一怔,但下一刻,他的双眼瞳孔便收缩了。 „Is that?!” “那是?!” A drop flood blue ray, glittering and translucent carving, such as the water-drop object appeared in a hand of Azure Dragon clan. And in quick, melts, seeps into a body of person of Azure Dragon clan. 一滴泛着蓝色光芒,晶莹剔透,如水滴般的物体出现在了青龙一族的手里。并在很快,融化开来,渗透入青龙一族之人的身体中。 „!” “啊!” The person of Azure Dragon clan face upwards to bellow. 青龙一族之人仰天大吼。 The wild strength, suddenly is erupting, the terrifying pressure sweeps across the four directions, making nobody on the scene change color. 狂暴的力量,在瞬息间爆发开来,恐怖的威压席卷四方,让在场的没一个人变色。 „The strength of Lord God, you really have the strength of Lord God!” “主神之力,你竟然有主神之力!” Damn!” “该死!” The five-star devil a little shakes. 五星恶魔有点晃。 This type of thing, in the hell is also the extremely precious treasure, the drop of words, can save a life in the crisis important pass. 这种东西,在地狱中也是极为珍贵的宝物,有一滴的话,是能够在危机关口救命的。 He has not thought, the opposite party gives up with the strength of Lord God unexpectedly. 他没想到,对方竟然舍得用主神之力。 Dies!” “去死!” A person of Azure Dragon clan, at this time dignity formidable very much, suddenly then arrives at his front, a sword brandishes. 青龙一族的人,此时身上的威严强大的很,瞬息间便来到他的面前,一剑挥舞。 Bang!” “砰!” The five-star devil lifts the sword to prevent, but the boundless strength surges to come, making him then be collapsed to fly instantaneously, hits in the ground, the big mouth spits blood. 五星恶魔举剑阻挡,但磅礴的力量涌动而来,让他瞬间便被崩飞出去,撞击在地面上,大口吐血。 Has used strength of Lord God the person of Azure Dragon clan, at all is not he can resist. 使用了主神之力的青龙一族之人,根本不是他能够对抗的。 Hateful!” “可恶!” The five-star devil hates greatly. 五星恶魔大恨。 If I have the strength of Lord God, kills you only to use one move. The person of Azure Dragon clan arrives at his front, a foot kicks him, coldly opens the mouthto be a pity that you do not have!” “如果我有主神之力,杀你只用一招。青龙一族之人来到他的面前,一脚将他踢飞,冷冷开口“可惜你没有!” The five-star devil the regret intestines were blue at this time, already heard that the people of these four Divine Beast families, the strength of Lord God is almost the standing-by strength, the body many. He has not actually thought of this point, causes this failure. 五星恶魔此时悔的肠子都青了,早就听说这四神兽家族之人,主神之力几乎是常备力量,身上多的很。他却没有想到这一点,导致此次的失败。 Death!” “死!” Finally, the five-star devil was ripped the head by a person of sword Azure Dragon clan. 最终,五星恶魔被青龙一族之人一剑割掉头颅。 All robbers see this, is scatters in all directions to escape, the leader died, lets them facing the people of four Divine Beast families, may not have courage. 所有强盗看到这一幕,都是四散逃跑,首领死亡,让他们面对四神兽家族之人,可没有这个胆子。 The scene is quickly tranquil, near forest thunder and other man radical enemies, voluntarily retreats, making them relax. 场面很快平静下来,林雷等人旁边的敌人,也都是自行退去,让他们松了口气。 That has used strength of Lord God the person of Azure Dragon clan, diverges the strength of Lord God quickly, in the surface still has the anger. 那使用了主神之力的青龙一族之人,很快散去主神之力,面上依然有着愤怒。 He is angry probably very much.” “他好像很生气。” Worton said in a low voice. 沃顿低声道。 Has used strength of the drop of Lord God, it is estimated that loves dearly very much.” “使用了一滴主神之力,估计很心疼吧。” Beibei said with a smile. 贝贝笑道。 forest thunder also smiles, the strength of Lord God indeed is the precious thing, but in his ring, is actually putting one bottle, is Horne gives him, enough he uses many times. 林雷也是莞尔,主神之力的确是珍贵的东西,但他的戒指中,却放着一瓶,都是霍恩给他的,足够他使用很多次。 I go to chat with him, you wait for me here.” “我去跟他聊聊,你们在这里等我。” I also go.” “我也去。” Worton with coming up. 沃顿跟上去。 Two people are the dragon blood soldiers, to four Divine Beast families, is curious. 两人都是龙血战士,对四神兽家族,也非常好奇。 Before long, forest thunder and Worton arrived at the front of that four star devils. 不一会儿,林雷与沃顿来到了那四星恶魔的面前。 Hello.” “你好。” forest thunder puts out a hand, be with smile on the face. 林雷伸出手,面带微笑。 A person of Azure Dragon clan stares, is sad, has not paid attention. 青龙一族的人一愣,心情不好,没有理会。 forest thunder the hand moves, immediately covers dragon scale. 林雷手一动,立刻覆盖上了龙鳞。 Was a person of Azure Dragon clan surprised you is also four Divine Beast families?” 青龙一族的人惊讶了“你也是四神兽家族的?” forest thunder nods, Worton smiles, instantaneous dragon change/transform. 林雷点点头,沃顿嘿嘿一笑,瞬间龙化。 I am also!” “我也是!” Please remember this book first round domain name: Wind and cloud novel reading network cell phone version reading website: 请记住本书首发域名:风云小说阅读网手机版阅读网址:
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