KW :: Volume #7

#76: Son of Lord God

Just likes is glittering blue ray Sun, Jone at this moment intensely bright. 就恍如一闪烁着蓝色光芒的太阳般,琼恩此刻耀眼夺目。 His rapid rising upper air, then flashes, the person arrived at the front of three respected families. 他迅速的升上高空,然后再是一闪,人已经到了三大家族的面前。 Does not have slightly hesitant, under Jone the hand strength of use in Lord God, greatly complete will prestige can wrap directly, lets him to this supernatural power control does not have the least bit to leak. 丝毫犹豫都没有,琼恩直接将手中的主神之力使用,大圆满意志威能包裹下,让他对这种神力掌控的没有半点外泄。 Kills!” “杀!” Both eyes ice-cold, his direct pointing stands in the front line one of them. 双眼冰冷,他直接瞄准站在最前方的其中一人。 Similar to the flowing light is ordinary, but such one flashes, in the hand Lord God long blade brandishes suddenly. 如同流光一般,只是那么一闪,手中主神器长刀猛然挥舞。 !” “噗!” Three respected family command level, even including response not with enough time, then whole face stunned was cut the head directly. 三大家族其中一名统领级,甚至连反应都没来得及,便满脸愕然的被直接斩掉了头颅。 A red godship falls, has shocked all people instantaneously. 一颗赤色神格掉落,瞬间惊呆了所有人。 Jone turns around, person who over the face cool color, takes a fast look around the surrounding three respected families. His movement to the summit, nobody can respond quickly radically. 琼恩转身,满面冷色,扫视周围三大家族的人。他的动作快到毫巅,现场根本没有人能够反应过来。 Greatly complete! He is greatly complete Expert!” “大圆满!他是大圆满强者!” Realized that to use situation that strength of that slightest Lord God does not reveal, commands level Expert, immediately distinguishes, the startled sound yelled. 察觉到对主神之力那分毫不露的使用情形,统领级强者们,立刻分辨出来,惊声大叫道。 Commanding level Expert that even if survives in the potential surface war, is very clear, oneself are unable to face greatly completely! 纵然是在位面战争中存活下来的统领级强者,也十分清楚,自己根本无法面对大圆满! That is the King in high-rank god, is the keeping aloof Spiritual God! 那是上位神中的王者,是高高在上的神灵! The right hand holds the sword, Jone face ice-cold, after taking a fast look around, he locked distance not far one to command. 右手持剑,琼恩面庞冰冷,扫视一圈后,他锁定了距离不远的一位统领。 Abe Dern! You must die!” “阿布德恩!你必须死!” Stayed also not the short days in the family, Jone regarding the leading members as well as Expert of three respected families, naturally had understood. Especially to killing his father revered the god Clone(s) person, already was in the heart, waits for the opportunity, revenges for the father. 在家族中呆了也有一段不短的日子了,琼恩对于三大家族的主要成员以及强者,自然有所了解。尤其是对杀了他父亲已尊神分身的人,更是早已记在心中,等待机会,为父亲报仇。 Who are you?!” “你到底是谁?!” Abe Dern was locked by Jone, immediately shivers. 阿布德恩被琼恩锁定,顿时颤抖起来。 My name was Jone, was the person of fil family, you have killed my father strongest Clone(s), today, I here have killed you!” “我叫琼恩,是费尔家族的人,你杀了我父亲最强分身,今天,我就在这里杀了你!” Jone cold sound said. 琼恩冷声道。 The blue ray of the week glitters once more, the aura swiftly becomes wild incomparable, surrounding void starts to twist. 其身周的蓝色光芒再次闪烁开来,气息倏然变得狂暴无比,周围的虚空都开始扭曲。 The body leans forward, its figure in the next quarter, changes into together the flowing light slightly swiftly, the instant vanishes. 身躯微微前倾,其身形在下一刻,倏然化为一道流光,霎那间消失。 Rescues, saves me!!” “救,救我!!” Abe Dern's panic-stricken yelling, he realized that oneself by an invisible pressure suppression, the whole body is unable to move unexpectedly. 阿布德恩惊恐的大叫,他察觉到自己被一股无形的压力压制,周身竟然无法动弹了。 Runs! We could not save him, with greatly complete Expert, is unable to contend!” “跑!我们救不了他,跟大圆满强者,根本无法抗衡!” Walks, retreats!” “走,撤退!” Other three command level Expert, the facial color big change, decisive has gotten down the decision rapidly, the figure flies to remove backward. 其他三名统领级强者,面色大变,果断的下了决定,身形迅速的向后飞撤。 Facing greatly complete Expert, their frail looks like the chicken young, is unable to revolt. 面对大圆满强者,他们脆弱的就像是鸡仔,根本无法反抗。 Today this was too surprising, no one has thought that the fil family will present the greatly complete level unexpectedly Expert. 今天这一幕太意外了,谁也没想到费尔家族竟然会出现大圆满级的强者 Jone speed rapidness how, is almost the instance that the thought moves, its figure arrived at Abe Dern at present. 琼恩速度何其之快,几乎是意念一动的瞬间,其身形已经到了阿布德恩的眼前。 Death!” “死!” Pupil light ice-cold, in the mouth jumps a character, the long blade wields instantaneously. 眸光冰冷,嘴中蹦出一个字,长刀瞬间挥出。 No, you cannot kill me, my father is Ablon Lord God!” “不,你不能杀我,我的父亲是阿布隆主神!” You cannot kill me!” “你不能杀我!” Jone look one cold, long blade not slightly hesitant. 琼恩眼神一冷,长刀没有丝毫犹豫。 Scoffs!” “嗤!” The bloody water sprinkles, Abe Dern head was cut directly, the blood rain of big piece tosses , a red godship falls under. 血水洒出,阿布德恩头颅直接被斩下,大片的血雨抛洒而下,一颗赤色神格掉落而下。 Abe Dern who commands the level was locked by Jone, with the aid of strength of will prestige Lord God can under the extrusion, not be definitely able to move, the twinkling took the life. Lord God Abe Dern naturally also has, but he has attacks Lord God, is unmatchable facing such attack. 统领级的阿布德恩被琼恩锁定,借助主神之力意志威能挤压下,完全无法动弹,瞬息就取了性命。主神器阿布德恩自然也是有的,只是他拥有的是攻击主神器,面对这样的攻击根本无法对抗。 !” “呼!” Put out the one breath slowly, the ice in Jone look has scattered coldly. 缓缓吐出一口气,琼恩眼神中的冰寒驱散了些。 Father's hatred/enemy report! 父亲的仇报了! But at this moment, the people of fil family also rapidly responded, Feehan bellows. 而就在这时,费尔家族的人也迅速反应了过来,费恩一声大吼。 Kills!! Kills them!” “杀!!干掉他们!” „The opposite party died two to command, three mansion basic shell Expert escaped, we killed!” “对方死了两个统领,三个府主级强者逃跑,我们杀!” Victory at present!” “胜利就在眼前!” Has greatly complete Expert to assist, we do not need to dread!” “有大圆满强者相助,我们不需要畏惧!” Fil family Expert of big piece ran out of the Heavenly Fire mountain range, 大片的费尔家族强者冲出了天火山脉, Plunges airborne. Jone quick-moving, with long hurried strides, one step surmounts several hundred several thousand li (0.5 km), the long blade brandishes unceasingly, Expert of Big Dipper devil level, falls from the sky immediately, the falling down mountain range, plays a war casualty song. The people of three respected families see this, was all frightened the ghost to brave. 扑向空中。琼恩动作迅速,大步流星,一步跨越数百数千里,长刀不断挥舞,一个个七星恶魔级的强者,立刻陨落,掉下山脉,奏响一曲殇歌。三大家族的人看到这一幕,被吓得亡魂皆冒。 Greatly complete Expert destructive power, was too terrifying! 大圆满强者的破坏力,太恐怖了! They saw, Jone brandishes a sword conveniently, the space really has the broken sign, the terrifying letting person fears. 他们看到,琼恩随手挥刀之间,空间竟然都有被破开的迹象,恐怖的让人惧怕。 Nobody can also start the heart of fight, all Spiritual God suddenly are only thinking escaping. 没有人还能够兴起战斗之心,所有神灵一时间只想着逃跑。 But Jone goal at this moment, then falls on the rear, the cultivation is one of the principle commands level Expert. 而琼恩此刻的目标,则是落在最后面,修炼地系法则的一名统领级强者 Where do you want to run up to go?” “你要跑到哪里去?” In an instant, Jone wields a blade forward. 转眼间,琼恩向前挥出一刀。 Billows water shackles!” “澜水牢笼!” Water element of blotting out the sky interweaves immediately, is commands the overhead to cover toward that place , the twinkling was then stranded it in same place. 铺天盖地的水元素立刻交织,向着那名地系统领当头笼罩而下,瞬息便将其困在了原地。 No!!” “不!!” Is commands to see with own eyes in Jone comes, panic-stricken yelling. 地系统领眼见着琼恩上前来,惊恐的大叫。 However this cry also stops suddenly, defends commanding level Expert of Lord God without the material, is unable to resist this to strike, in an instant was cut to massacre. 但是这叫声也只是戛然而止,没有物质防御主神器的统领级强者,根本无法抵挡这一击,转眼就被斩杀掉。 Jone makes a move, then cut opposite party three most Expert instantaneously. 琼恩一人出手,瞬间便斩掉了对方三名最强者 Five mansion basic shells, command level Expert, only remaining two people flee. 五名府主级,统领级强者,只剩下两人逃离。 The fil family wins total victories, in the final pursuit warfare, pursues several tens of thousands li (0.5 km) remote the opposite party, three respected families were routed. 费尔家族大获全胜,最后的追击战中,将对方驱逐出数万里之遥,三大家族被击溃。 After half quarter, Jone returns to the family, in the hand is raising three godship. 半刻钟后,琼恩回到家族中,手中提着三个神格。 Father, I have revenged for you, Abe Dern's head had also been picked by me!” “父亲,我为你报仇了,阿布德恩的头颅也被我摘了下来!” Is very excited, loud say/way: Good! I who you are saw.” 费罗无比激动,大声的道:“好!你做的我都看到了。” Our family has you, did not need to dread them again, the people of family, starting today, can go out of the Heavenly Fire mountain range!” “我们家族有你,再也无需畏惧他们了,家族的人们,从今天起,也能走出天火山脉!” Feels proud and elated!” “扬眉吐气啊!” Feehan is also excitedly said. 费恩也是激动地道。 In the entire family, floods in jubilant atmosphere, a war, making them feel in heart aggrieved with resentment, obtained expressing. But Jone is the greatly complete news, spreads instantaneously, causes a fil family piece of vibration. 整个家族中,都充斥在一片喜气洋洋的气氛中,一场大战,让他们感觉心中的憋屈与怨气,全部得到了抒发。而琼恩是大圆满的消息,也是瞬间传开,引得费尔家族一片震动。 Existence of greatly complete Expert, to the family, is the sea calming god needle rank. 大圆满强者的存在,对家族来说,就是定海神针级别。 But another side, in three respected families. 而另一边,三大家族中。 Abe Dern died! Hateful, how does that boy dare?” “阿布德恩死了!可恶,那个小子怎么敢?” He has massacred the child of Lord God unexpectedly, he did not fear that withstands the anger of Lord God?” “他竟然杀掉了主神的孩子,他就不怕承受主神的怒火吗?” My this told Ablon Lord God!” “我这就告诉阿布隆主神!” Other two commands to have a lingering fear at the same time, is angry. 剩余的两名统领心有余悸的同时,也是愤怒的很。 That completely was too greatly bold, does not give Lord God unexpectedly the face. 那位大圆满太大胆了,竟然丝毫不给主神面子。 Ablon Lord God will not let off their, I will also inform ancestor one of our family.” “阿布隆主神不会放过他们的,我也会告知我们家族的老祖宗一声。” If two Lord God collaborates, even if Fermont!” “如果两位主神联手,就算费尔蒙,也受不起!” Was compelled to draw back by greatly complete Expert, moreover three respected families lose seriously, this makes two command, feels angry aggrieved. 被一位大圆满强者逼退,而且三大家族损失惨重,这让两位统领,都感到愤怒憋屈的很。 They cannot swallow this tone, decided that seeks for Lord God. 他们咽不下这口气,决定去寻找主神。 Such situation, only then Lord God makes a move to deal with. 这样的情况,也只有主神出手才能应付。 Please remember this book first round domain name: Wind and cloud novel reading network cell phone version reading website: 请记住本书首发域名:风云小说阅读网手机版阅读网址:
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