KW :: Volume #7

#70: Kills

You must compare notes with, I do not stop you, other Lord God will not manage.” “你要与曼鲁切磋,我不阻拦你,其他主神也不会管。” But, Horne, must pay attention to the discretion, I know that your strength is strong, can easily beat him.” “但是,霍恩,要注意分寸,我知道你实力强劲,能够轻易击败他。” After all, our Lord God can have absolutely the annual years, has a lot of time for that stirred up to suppress him, was very troublesome.” “毕竟,我们主神是能够存在万万年岁月的,来日方长,将他惹得狠了,也很麻烦。” On the road, blood peak Lord God said by the Qin Yi ear. 路上,血峰主神在秦逸耳旁说道。 In the Qin Yi surface brings the light smile: Relax, the blood peak, I know how should do.” 秦逸面上带着淡淡的微笑:“放心吧,血峰,我知道该怎么去做。” Queers? A sword hacks to death him, will not naturally offend! 得罪人?一剑砍死他,自然就不会得罪了! That is good.” “那就好。” Blood peak Lord God relaxes. 血峰主神松了口气。 Two people rip open the hell space, drills into the space turbulent flow, according to the direction of blood peak Lord God, they are shuttling back and forth rapidly. The surroundings dusky aura, seems somewhat chaos, chaotic, even here all make people feel viscous, the body week has very tremendous pressure. 两人撕开地狱空间,钻入空间乱流中,按照血峰主神的指引,他们在其中飞速的穿梭着。周围灰蒙蒙的气息,显得有些混沌,纷乱,甚至这里的一切都让人感觉到粘稠,身周有很大压力。 This is also reason that even greatly complete Expert is unable to survive here, because in which pressure was too big, if the ordinary Spiritual God enters, will be extruded to explode instantaneously. 这也是即便大圆满强者都无法在这里生存的原因,因为其中的压力太大了,普通的神灵若是进入其中,瞬间就会被挤压爆开。 A dense air current flees from two person bank, they promote to arrive at quickly the speed. 道道氤氲气流从两人身侧飞窜而过,他们将速度提升到最快。 „Is the potential surface, the controller of mountain range, mountain range is huge, does not miss many with the blood peak mainland, I obtained the news before, he first returned to oneself seat of honor surface, Langton potential surface.” “曼鲁是地系位面,曼鲁山脉的掌控者,曼鲁山脉庞大,与血峰大陆并不差多少,我之前得到消息,他先是回了自己的主位面,兰顿位面一趟。” Then to the fire is the potential surface, collects some material, must build Lord God for the Lord God envoy.” “然后前往火系位面,搜集某种材料,要为主神使者打造一件主神器。” However now, is returning to is the potential surface on the way, we circle from here, happen to can interrupt him.” “而如今,正在回地系位面的途中,我们从这里绕过去,正好可以截断他。” Blood peak Lord God hurries along, while said. 血峰主神一边赶路,一边说道。 Qin Yi nods silently, he is also sitting the preparation secretly. 秦逸默默点头,他也在暗暗坐着准备。 The river system, the department is greatly complete, making his strength the control to Lord God be able to achieve in peak condition, achieves the perfect control, by such condition, facing, has the percentage hundred assurances. 水系,地系大圆满,让他对主神之力的控制能够达到一个巅峰状态,做到完美无缺的控制,以这样的状态,面对曼鲁,有百分百把握。 Two people went forward roughly quite a while the time, blood peak Lord God stopped the figure. 两人一路前进了约莫半天时间,血峰主神停下了身形。 We wait for him here, here is leads to is the potential surface inevitable location.” “我们就在这里等他,这里是通往地系位面的必经之地。” Qin Yi smiles: Under that here rest.” 秦逸笑了笑:“那就在这里休息下。” The waiting is not long, in the blood peak Lord God heart is curious he to make anything, asked exports. 等待并不漫长,血峰主神心中好奇他到底要做什么,也就问出了口。 Horne, what do you want to make?” “霍恩,你到底要做什么?” Hehe, the blood peak, meets you do not meddle, calmly looks well.” “呵呵,血峰,一会你不要插手,静静看着就好。” I must make anything, you will also know quickly.” “我要做什么,你很快也会知晓的。” Qin Yi said with a smile, he resembled thinks of anything, said. 秦逸笑道,顿了顿,他似是想到什么,又是道。 „, Right, the blood peak you should avoid, should not be detected by him.” “哦,对了,血峰你最好避开,不要被他察觉。” Blood peak Lord God does not understand how Qin Yi planned, but in his subconscious thought that at present this fellow, at this moment is very dangerous, therefore decides to obey opposite party's advice, after nodding, is evacuates. In an instant, has vanished in the Qin Yi front. 血峰主神不明白秦逸到底如何打算,但他潜意识里觉得眼前这个家伙,这一刻十分危险,于是决定听从对方的建议,点点头后,便是撤离开来。转眼,已经消失在秦逸的面前。 He hides in the one side, can place all of position the sensation to Qin Yi, but will actually not be detected by here person. 他就躲在一旁,能够感知到秦逸身处位置的一切,但却不会被这里的人发觉。 Horne definitely has any terrible plan, perhaps, I had been dragged down by him!” “霍恩肯定有什么可怕的打算,或许,我已经被他拉下水了!” Feels troublesome incomparable, blood peak Lord God is somewhat worried. 心里觉得麻烦无比,血峰主神有些苦恼。 But he did not have the means that matter to do, without the road back, he decided that on conceals here, having a look at this friend to make anything. 但他也没办法,事情已经做了,没有回头路,他决定就藏在这里,看看这朋友到底要做什么。 Time one minute one second of past, blood peak Lord God calmly is waiting, in his heart guessed carelessly, the answer of but obtaining, actually one by one frightened, making his forehead slowly give birth to the perspiration. 时间一分一秒的过去,血峰主神静静地等待着,他心中胡乱猜测,但得出的答案,却一个比一个惊悚,让他慢慢的额头都生出了汗。 „Can't this fellow?” “这家伙,不会吧?” Blood peak Lord God stares the big eye suddenly, he thought of a terrifying guess. 血峰主神忽然瞪大眼睛,他想到了一个恐怖的猜测。 No, should not , he although is powerful, but is also not enough to achieve.” “不,应该不会,他虽然强大,但是还不足以做到。” Touched perspiration of forehead quietly, blood peak Lord God had a lingering fear, but he felt to restless. 悄悄摸了一把额头的汗,血峰主神心有余悸,但他却还是觉得心神不宁。 , The front space turbulent flow buzz however shakes suddenly, together the whole body with binding the body of brown ray is fleeing rapidly. 忽的,前方空间乱流嗡然一震,一道周身携裹着土黄色光芒的身躯飞速窜来。 Is, he came.” “是曼鲁,他来了。” Is such that I guessed, looked following!” “到底是不是我所猜测的那样,就看接下来了!” Horne, hopes that so should not be really bold!” “霍恩,希望你不要真的那么大胆啊!” At the same time, 同一时刻, The Qin Yi brow lifts, in the eye blooms the ray, he smiles. Finally came?” 秦逸眉头一抬,眼中绽放出光芒,他笑了笑。“终于来了吗?” The jet black sword shadow drew out the scabbard by it, the aura of whole body also starts to shake in the flash, ascension. 漆黑的剑影被其拔出剑鞘,周身的气息也是在一瞬间开始震荡,升腾而起。 Is low-rank Lord God approaches quickly, naturally discovered in front Qin Yi. 地系下位主神很快靠近,也自然发现了在前方的秦逸 „Who are you? Why in Lord God hasn't seen you?” “你是什么人?为何主神中从没有见过你的?” Say/Way that has doubts. 曼鲁疑惑的道。 I assign Horne, Lord God, has not seen me to be very normal, because I promoted Lord God recently.” “我命霍恩,曼鲁主神,没有见过我很正常,因为我是最近才晋升主神的。” Qin Yi said with a smile. 秦逸笑道。 His steps the line, approaches toward, the latter feels the somewhat strange danger, therefore the vision concentrates. 他踏步而行,向着曼鲁逼近,后者感觉有些怪异的危险,因此目光微凝。 Horne Lord God, meets here is really predestined friends, but I have the urgent matter to return am the potential surface, we will continue next time again!” “霍恩主神,在这里相遇实在有缘,只是我有急事回地系位面,我们下次再续吧!” Mann shot a look at Qin Yi one, under the heart alerted, thought that the look of opposite party harbored evil intentions. 曼恩瞥了秦逸一眼,心下戒备,觉得对方的眼神不怀好意。 Why to worry? Mann Lord God, I have waited for you to be very long here.” “何必着急呢?曼恩主神,我在这里已经等你很久了。” Qin Yi said with a smile pale. 秦逸淡笑道。 I?” “等我?” Mann is startled, then facial color cold, the opposite party shoulder weapon, waits for him specially here, he naturally cannot think any good deed. 曼恩一怔,然后面色冷了下来,对方手持兵器,专程在这里等他,他自然不会认为有什么好事。 Good, I and others you for a long time, since came, do not worry to leave.” “不错,我等你许久了,既然来了,就不要着急离开了。” Qin Yi said. 秦逸道。 The long sword lifts, points to the opposite party sharp, the sword buzz the cry shivers, ripple from blooms, the surrounding space turbulent flow is completely all broken out. 长剑抬起,直指对方,剑尖嗡鸣颤抖,一道道波纹从其中绽放而出,周围的空间乱流尽皆被劈开。 What do you want to make?” “你要做什么?” Mann complexion changes, pulled out the long blade of waist, cold sound shouted. 曼恩脸色一变,也是抽出了腰间的长刀,冷声喝道。 My new promote was Lord God, has not compared notes with others, now sees Mann Lord God, under the heart is hard to take.” “我新晋为主神,还未与其他人切磋过,如今见到曼恩主神,心下难耐。” Today.” “今日。” , The Qin Yi facial color swiftly was cold and gloomy, aura also inflates suddenly. 顿了顿,秦逸面色倏然森冷起来,一身气息也是骤然膨胀。 Four soul variations, the double Clone(s) greatly complete will completely all attaches on, the powerful imposing manner lets in Mann heart suddenly in great surprise. 四灵魂变异,双分身大圆满的意志尽皆附加而上,强悍的气势瞬息间让曼恩心中大惊。 „Are you position Lord God?” “你是中位主神?” His long blade holds up rapidly, under must prevent this strikes, then the intention contacts with other friends, supports him. 他长刀迅速举起,就要阻挡下这一击,然后心念联系其他朋友,来支援他。 We compete, minute life and death!” “我们既决高下,也分生死!” This faint a few words pass on the exit|to speak, the powerful aura inflates instantaneously again. 这淡漠的一句话传出口,强大的气息瞬间再次膨胀。 The great-circle gets everything wrong a rule to fuse instantaneously, the front space turbulent flow, bang blasts out, is thousand points an instance of breath, the strength of river system Lord God flees in all directions again, at the same time, Qin Yi place is the strength of Lord God is also controlled, fuses in the twinkling and river system together, changes into the dark green long line, roared, shouting. 大圆满拧成一股的规则瞬间融合,前方的空间乱流,轰的一声炸开,再是千分一息的瞬间,水系主神之力流窜而出,同一时刻,秦逸身上的地系主神之力也被控制而出,在瞬息与水系融合在一起,化为墨绿色的长龙,咆哮,嘶吼着。 Sword two!” “剑二!” A Qin Yi sword pokes toward the front. 秦逸一剑向着前方戳出。 bo!” “啵!” The air was pierced, in the space turbulent flow, this resounds suddenly, ripples shake. 空气被刺穿,空间乱流之中,这一声忽然响起,一圈圈涟漪震荡开来。 Whole body shakes, in the eye the pupil contraction, in the heart felt the endless fear, this strikes him unable to prevent. 曼鲁全身一震,眼中瞳孔收缩,心中感到了无尽的恐惧,这一击他根本无法阻挡。 That hazy color, the strength of enormous and powerful soul attacks instantaneously, making the information that he sends out to request reinforcements separate directly. But the terrifying attack power and influence, covers his whole body, is unable to evade. 那迷蒙的色彩,浩荡的灵魂之力瞬间冲击,让他发出求援的信息直接断开。而恐怖的攻击威势,更是将他周身笼罩,无法逃避。 Buzz!” “嗡!” The crazy dragon howled to pass over gently and swiftly, suddenly embezzled him, let area a space turbulent flow is empties. 狂龙呼啸掠过,眨眼将他吞没,让一片空间乱流一带都是清空掉。 !” “呼!” A sword punctures, Qin Yi grows the one breath, he can feel, the aura of front that form, gets down quickly gloomily, vanishes in me. 一剑刺出,秦逸长出一口气,他能感觉到,前方那道身影的气息,很快暗淡下去,消失于我。 This sword, killed his Lord God main body, pierced his other god Clone(s).” “这一剑,杀了他的主神本尊,也洞穿了他其他的神分身。” The steps forward, after several, before is arrives at body, will crash, but the Lord God standard takes in the hand. 踏步向前,几步之后,已经是来到曼鲁身前,将坠落而出的主神格拿在手中。 Not hesitant, Qin Yi department greatly complete Clone(s) refining up directly. 没有犹豫,秦逸地系大圆满分身直接炼化。 Please remember this book first round domain name: Wind and cloud novel reading network cell phone version reading website: 请记住本书首发域名:风云小说阅读网手机版阅读网址:
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