KW :: Volume #6

#10: Law of the land

? When immortal sword world, he fuses Mount Shu Cultivation Method, Comprehending the Dao forgets kindnesses, own Jin-Qi-Shen (Essence, Energy, Soul), conducted the sublimation perfectly. ?仙剑世界时,他融合蜀山功法,悟道忘情,将自己的精气神,都完美的进行了升华。 The experience of that world, can say that made him obtain a big promotion, experienced for the following all sorts of the world, built the good foundation. 那一次世界的经历,可以说让他得到了不小的提升,也为接下来的种种世界经历,打了良好的基础。 Immortal Hero (xianxia) Cultivation, has all sorts of outstanding special characteristics, after is Qin Yi experience so many world, realizes that most comprehensive, most powerful, most perfect practice system. 仙侠修真,也具备着种种优秀的特质,是秦逸经历如此多世界后,所体会到,最全面,最强大,也最完美的修炼体系。 Now, enters this compared with the immortal sword world vaster Journey to the West world, he naturally must regarding this more thorough understanding, the study. 如今,进入这比仙剑世界更加浩瀚的西游世界中,他自然对此要更深入的了解,钻研。 Lotus throne treasure immortal Secret Art!” “莲台宝仙诀!” Nine chief ministers of state flying immortal merit.” “九品飞仙功。” Three.” “三才经。” Nonstop main roads, casual can cause the person of crazy Immortals ancient book of the world of mortals Cultivation, Qin Yi here, actually reads at will, has everything expected to find. Generous and magnanimous of jade emperor, stemmed from unexpected of Qin Yi. Currently speaking, these nine days of supreme characters, are not in the previous generation television deduction like that timid person. 一部部直通大道,随便一部都能引起凡间修真之人疯狂的仙家典籍,在秦逸这里,却是随意阅览,应有尽有。玉帝的慷慨以及大度,也是出乎了秦逸的意料之外。从这一点来看,这九天至尊般的人物,便不是前世电视演绎中的那般胆怯之人。 Is glancing through, in the Qin Yi eye the ray twinkle, surreptitious rune/symbol writing also flashes before. 一部部的翻阅着,秦逸眼中光芒闪烁,一个个诡秘的符文也闪现而出。 Intelligent bead in his mind, bloomed at this moment the unequalled brilliance, is shaking intensely, is perceiving through meditation the essence in this all sorts of ancient books. 他脑海中的智慧之珠,这一刻绽放出了无与伦比的光彩,正在激烈的震荡着,参悟着这种种典籍中的精华。 The different Immortals ancient books, naturally have the respective different emphasis point, but Qin Yi this time goal, then these diversities, the common ground seeks, unifies itself by this, builds one to agree with perfectly he, can ascending a height to get a broad view peak Cultivation Method. 不同的仙家典籍,自然有着各自不同的侧重点,而秦逸此时的目标,便是将这些不同点,共同点都寻找出来,以此来结合自身,打造出一本完美契合他本人,能够登临巅峰的功法 This Cultivation Method, must have powerful, the lower limit is low, the upper limit is high, and also wants the intensive characteristics. 这部功法,必须具备强大,下限低,上限高,并且还要速成的特性。 Because his strength is then big, even in the Journey to the West world, is still located in existence of apex. Now cultivates Senpō (Immortal Method), wants to develop to have a road, develops upper limit that oneself hold. 因为他本身力量便不小,即便在西游世界中,也是位于顶点的存在。如今修炼仙法,也只是想要开拓出有一条路,开拓自身所容纳的上限。 This practice, brings only benefit , and no harm whatsoever, naturally can feel relieved to display. 这种修炼,有百利而无一害,自然能够放心施展。 The bloodlines that the God demon fusion produces, making the essential bloodlines of Qin Yi change, in addition his unique King bloodlines, this type cultivated Cultivation Method and so on thing, to him seriously was easy. 神魔融合所产生的血脉,让秦逸的本质血脉都得到了改变,再加上他特有的国王血脉,这种修炼功法之类的事情,对他来说当真是轻而易举。 However the short three days of time, in his eye is glitters the light of bright becoming aware, had a general outline frame. 不过短短三天时间,他的眼中便已是闪烁出明悟之光,有了一个大概的轮廓框架。 After seven days, in the Qin Yi surface is appears the smiling face. 七日之后,秦逸的面上已是浮现出了笑容。 All rivers run into sea, greatness out of generosity!” “海纳百川,有容乃大!” „The law of this king, includes All Heavens and Myriad Realms, when naturally also contains all.” “本王之法,囊括诸天万界,自然也当包容一切。” His right hand stretches out, in a twinkling is the golden light sparkle, first even/including Chuan rune/symbol writing jumps to leap, changes into the colorful ray, the gathering is one revolves slowly like galaxy bright Uzumaki (vortex). After 13 breaths, Uzumaki (vortex) vanishes, in myriad symbol anthology, thin Ce appears in his hands. 他右手伸出,霎时间便是金光闪耀,一连船的符文蹦跳着跃出,化为五颜六色的光芒,汇聚为一个如星河般灿烂的漩涡缓缓旋转起来。十三息后,漩涡消失,万千符文集中下,一本薄册出现在他手中。 The eyes sweep the time, thin Ce the name was also seen clearly, sees only in its cover, the fountain pen nominates, engraves two to hollow out the large character. 双眸扫时间,薄册的名字也被看清,只见其封面上,金笔提名,刻印着两个镂空大字。 Law of the land!” “王法!” Qin Yi blooms the bead of wisdom, studies this Journey to the West world myriad magic arts magical powers, the conformity, but one step, most agrees with his Cultivation Method, its given name law of the land! 秦逸将智慧之珠绽放,研究这西游世界万千道法神通,整合而出一步,最契合他的功法,其名讳正是王法! I am nine days ten places, All Heavens and Myriad Realms Lord, the law of cultivating, considers law of the land!” “朕乃九天十地,诸天万界的共主,所修之法,自当是王法!” Law of the land in the day, this is supreme, crush all laws, after practicing makes into, when sweeps away all, crush all living things!” “王法在天,这就是至高无上,碾压一切之法,修行打成之后,当横扫一切,碾压众生!” In his facial features has a smile, to oneself establishes, but law of the land, is extremely satisfied. 他眉眼中含笑,对自己所创立而出的王法,极其满意。 This Cultivation Method, contains the myriad things, the characteristics are quite obvious. Has both the law of the land overbearing, the breadth as one! After practicing this law, with the promotion of boundary, the body will awaken unique magical powers, excavates the talent of human body deep place, becomes stronger and stronger, finally achievement one generation of King! 功法,包容万物,特性极为明显。兼具王法的霸道,广度为一体!修行此法之后,随着境界的提升,身体内部自会觉醒一个个独特的神通,发掘人体深处的天赋,变得越来越强,最后成就一代王者! Did not say politely that this is the law of king! Inborn, is the King cultivates. 不客气的说,这是王的法!天生,就是王者修炼的。 Qin Yi sits cross-legged to do immediately, puts out a hand finger/refers of this thin Ce, the latter sends out immediately all over the sky brilliance, during the golden light inflation, in his behind, forms a grand empty shade. 秦逸当即盘腿做下,伸手一指这薄册,后者顿时散发出满天光辉,金光膨胀间,在他的身后,形成一道宏伟的虚影。 The whole body shining golden king robe, the bead curtain is obstructing the surface, indistinct can only see his swift and fierce cold and gloomy eyes, the overbearing side leaks. This empty shade sits cross-legged to float in airborne, as high as 99 ten feets, the whole body is spreading the thick dignity. 周身着明晃晃的金色王袍,珠帘遮面,隐约只能见其凌厉森冷的双眼,霸道侧漏。这虚影盘膝浮于空中,高达99丈,周身蔓延着浓浓的威严。 Among the knees, is putting a sword hilt day round place, among the emperors who the sword blade edge carves the All Heavens and Myriad Realms miniature. The back is conducting the arm slantingly, a handle twists, is sending out the dense ray scepter. 其双膝间,放着一把剑柄天圆地方,剑刃雕刻诸天万界缩影的天子之间。背部更是斜挎着,一柄扭曲,散发着氤氲光芒的权杖。 This was the Qin Yi method! When law of the land accomplishment, he is moved, then can display the law the boundless strength, destroys all. 这就是秦逸的法相了!当王法大成之时,他动念之间,便能发挥出法相的磅礴力量,毁灭一切。 Naturally, now he just starts to practice, the background has , is only cultivating of immortal sword world is, is not anything. 当然,如今他刚刚开始修炼,所拥有的底子,也只是仙剑世界的修为,并不算什么。 Sits cross-legged to sit in the ground, Qin Yi closes one's eyes to enter during the practice, back king law, slowly dissipation. 盘膝坐于地上,秦逸闭眼进入修炼当中,背后的帝王法相,缓缓消散。 He revolved the law of the land, the body immediately like changing into Uzumaki (vortex), is attracting the float in the air, that inexhaustible Spiritual Qi granule. 他运转王法,身体内部顿时就像化为了一个漩涡般,吸引着漂浮在空气中,那无穷无尽的灵气粒子。 In the middle of the forehead, most does not lack is Spiritual Qi, most condenses the geomancy confounded nuisance as nine days above the place, here is almost the Spiritual Qi center of entire Journey to the West world, in the cloud layers, is the mist that Spiritual Qi condenses forms, the ordinary mortal breathes the one breath, can the long life. 天庭当中,最不缺的就是灵气,作为九天之上最凝聚风水宝气的地方,这里几乎是整个西游世界的灵气中心,云层之间,都是灵气凝聚形成的雾气,普通凡人呼吸一口气,都能够长命百岁。 At this time, Qin Yi once was transported the merit, around Qin Royal Palace that in a twinkling, its is , is the fog surges, Divine Dragon Jinfeng roams through void, sounds unceasingly, sends out the endless power and influence. 此时,秦逸一经运功,霎时间,其所在的秦王宫周围,便是云雾翻腾,神龙金凤遨游虚空,鸣叫不断,散发出无尽的威势。 In the peak of Qin Royal Palace construction, presented huge Spiritual Qi Uzumaki (vortex), is revolving rapidly, is absorbing surrounding all Spiritual Qi. In an instant, this Uzumaki (vortex) then forms funnel-shaped, goes nonstop to hundred meets the hole to the Qin Yi top of the head. 在秦王宫建筑的顶端,更是出现了一庞大的灵气漩涡,迅速的旋转着,吸收着周围的一切灵气。转眼间,这漩涡便是形成漏斗状,直通向秦逸的头顶百会穴。 Hissing hissing!” “嘶嘶嘶!” Myriad Spiritual Qi are almost galloping, roaring, was breaking in the body of Qin Yi, making him chant in a low voice comfortably, feels in the entire body, originally empty Spiritual Qi, True Qi, instantaneously then by fast filling. 万千灵气几乎是奔腾着,怒吼着,冲入了秦逸的身体中,让他舒爽的低吟一声,感觉整个身体中,原本空荡的灵气,真气,瞬间便被快速填充着。 His cultivating is the boundary, is almost growing in the according to visible speed. 他的修为境界,几乎是在以肉眼可见的速度增长着。 Quickly! Too quick! 快!太快了! After three breaths, he had entered boundary that practices the gasified God. After ten breaths, boundless Spiritual Qi, making him dash the bottleneck, enters Soul Refining to return empty. 三息后,他已经进入了练气化神的境界。十息后,磅礴的灵气,让他撞破瓶颈,进入炼神返虚。 Again is in a flash, after 30 breaths, it cultivated for had entered the boundary of immortal, the whole body Spiritual Qi full, was faint, did not make any movement, had the feeling of impractical. 再是一晃眼,三十息后,其修为已经进入了地仙之境,周身灵气充盈,隐隐间,不做任何动作,都有虚浮起来的感觉。 He is exceeds cultivating of immortal sword world thoroughly is, entered the boundary of immortal! 他已是彻彻底底超越仙剑世界的修为,进入了仙的境界! But this had not finished, the attraction of Spiritual Qi is still in progress. 但这还没有结束,灵气的吸引还在进行。 Buzz humming sound!” “嗡嗡嗡!” True Qi in body, becomes at the extremely quick speed belongs to Immortal (Sennin) to have the aura of immortal, his cultivating is, in rapid is closing up toward the angel from the place immortal. 身体中的真气,以极快的速度变为属于仙人才有的仙之气息,他的修为,也在迅速的从地仙向着天仙靠拢着。 After half quarter, sky over Qin Royal Hall, the startling thunderclap, shook together awoke in the forehead, was numerous Immortal (Sennin) that closed up submarines repair, making countless people look up to here. 半刻钟后,秦王殿上空,一道惊雷,震醒了天庭中,众多正在闭关潜修的仙人们,让无数人抬头看向这里。 Who is, is crossing the tribulation?” “是谁,在渡劫?” In forehead, how will some people also cross the tribulation?” “天庭之中,怎还会有人渡劫?” Very powerful thunder tribulation aura!” “好强的雷劫气息!” In nearby war Royal Hall, Qin battle also looks place that stunned his son is. 旁边的战王殿中,秦战也是愕然看着他自己儿子所在的地方。 Yi is cultivating Cultivation Method of this side world unexpectedly?” “逸儿竟然在修炼这方世界的功法?” First decides a small target, for example 1 second remembers: The book lives in a strange or foreign place the cell phone version reading website: 先定个小目标,比如一秒记住:书客居手机版阅读网址:
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