KOMI :: Volume #1

#33: Attacking somebody stronger than oneself

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When Li Luo said these words, as we all know, he does not admit defeat, he chose and Song Yunfeng bumps. 李洛说出这句话的时候,所有人都知道,他不认输了,他选择与宋云峰碰一碰。 But this collision in everyone opinion, attacks somebody stronger than oneself, not little advantage. 可这种碰撞在所有人看来,都是鸡蛋碰石头,并没有一点点的优势。 brother Luo...” 洛哥...” That side second courtyard, many students were looked to worry about the color anxiously, Zhao Kuo hammered the fist, got angry: Song Yunfeng this bastard was really shameless!” 二院那边,不少学员都是面露担忧之色,赵阔更是不安的锤了锤拳头,怒道:“宋云峰这王八蛋真是太无耻了!” Others also deeply have nod of same feeling, this Song Yunfeng to compel Li Luo does not admit defeat, resorts to all means seriously, was shameless. 其他人也是深有同感的点点头,这宋云峰为了逼得李洛不认输,当真是不择手段,过于无耻了。 In the crowd, grasps is acting in a play to make the professional dedication of complete set, therefore lies down on the stretcher, the whole body is also looked by solid Yu Lang that the bandage packages, he whispered: What thing this Li Luo is doing, isn't this looks oppressively?” 在人群中,秉持着做戏做全套的敬业精神,所以躺在担架上面,满身被绷带包裹的严严实实的虞浪也是在看着,他嘀咕道:“这李洛在搞什么东西,这不是上去找虐吗?” Not far away, Lu Qing’er is gazing at the change in field, the willow eyebrows are also tight is pressed, she has thought Song Yunfeng may prod Li Luo, but has not actually thought he can the courage such big attacks the Li Luo that two Duke Realm parents, but obviously, Li Luo has the sentiment to his parents extremely, therefore he can disregard others to his taunt, actually cannot tolerate slight discrediting of Song Yunfeng to his parents. 不远处,吕清儿注视着场中的变化,柳眉也是紧紧的蹙起,她想过宋云峰可能会激将李洛,可却没想到他会胆子这么大的去攻击李洛那两位封侯境的父母,而显然,李洛对他的父母是极有感情的,所以他能够无视其他人对他自身的嘲讽,却不能容忍宋云峰对他父母的丝毫抹黑。 Although, Song Yunfeng also has no qualifications to discredit two Duke expert, but Li Luo, when facing this situation, does not plan to endure. 虽然,宋云峰也根本没什么资格去抹黑两位封侯强者,但李洛,在面对着这种情况时,并不打算忍下去。 The Lu Qing’er pupil lightstream revolutions, stays on the body of Li Luo, because of her faint feeling, Li Luo this act, was really compelled forcefully by Song Yunfeng? 吕清儿光流转,停留在李洛的身上,因为她隐隐的感觉到,李洛此举,真的是被宋云峰强行逼上去的吗? On stage, Song Yunfeng look ice-cold is staring at Li Luo, previously latter that Song family son-of-a-bitch, let his losing one's temper somewhat slightly actually. 台上,宋云峰眼神冰冷的盯着李洛,先前后者那一句宋家狗崽子,倒是让得他微微的有些动怒。 However he does not have the again argument to counter-attack, because of without significance, when begins later, he uses the foot, in Li Luo that face steps on the stage, naturally is the most powerful counter-attack. 不过他没有再口舌反击,因为没有意义,等到待会动手,他用脚在李洛那脸踩在台上时,自然就是最有力的反击。 But the observer on stage after determining both sides does not admit defeat, is the serious announcement competition starts. 而台上的观战员在确定双方都不认输后,便是面色肃然的宣布比试开始。 Bang! 轰! When its sound falls that flickers, Song Yunfeng within the body is has resonance power ascension of slowly scarlet-red, that resonance power flutters, faint seems has to carve the shadow to be partly visible. 当其声音落下的那一瞬,宋云峰体内便是有着赤红色相力缓缓的升腾起来,那相力飘荡间,隐隐的仿佛是有着雕影若隐若现。 That is Song Yunfeng seventh grade scarlet vulture resonance, resonance power is blazing. 那是宋云峰七品赤雕相,相力炽热狂暴。 Song Yunfeng slight retention, eight seal resonance power has not shown all, a constriction takes it to send out as the source, compels the person mind. 宋云峰没有丝毫的保留,八印相力尽数展现,一股压迫感以其为源头散发出来,迫人心神。 But in another side, Li Luo revolves resonance power similarly all, blue water resonance's power just like wave proliferating whole body. 而在另外一边,李洛同样是将自身相力尽数运转,蓝色的水相之力宛如水波般的遍布全身。 However from the resonance power intensity, is only the naked eye can see disparity between him and Song Yunfeng. 不过从相力的强度上来说,光是肉眼就能够看出他与宋云峰之间的差距。 Therefore this made one somewhat wonder, does this disparity, actually need how to hit? 所以这就更让人有些纳闷了,这种差距,究竟要怎么打? In that many vision, the Li Luo double palm showed the stance faintly, body surface blue resonance power ripples, who can look, he nine-layered blue waves ran high rank resonance technique. 在那诸多目光中,李洛双掌摆出了架势,身体表面的蓝色相力隐隐的荡漾起来,谁都看得出来,他将高阶相术九重碧浪”运行了起来。 But nine-layered blue waves once, although drags the might constantly to strengthen, but under the Song Yunfeng absolute suppression, this perhaps and has no function... 可“九重碧浪”虽说一旦拖下去威力会不断的增强,但在宋云峰绝对的压制下面,这恐怕并没有什么作用... „...” “呵...” Really, when Song Yunfeng sees this, cold, next one flickers, in his body scarlet resonance power surges, figure suddenly violently shoots. 果然,当宋云峰见到这一幕时,冷呵了一声,下一瞬,他身躯上赤红相力涌动,身影陡然暴射而出。 Only passed over gently and swiftly together scarlet platform center, that speed like the shell, is coercing the blazing strong winds, together leg shadow such as hot hammer, directly on ruthlessly to Li Luo, in dividing to cut under. 一道赤光掠过台中,那速度如炮弹般,裹挟着炽热狂风,一道腿影如火锤,直接就狠狠的对着李洛所在劈斩而下。 Song Yunfeng does not have the thoughts that the least bit must play jokes upon, comes up to open the full power, must by the potential of thunder, trample directly Li Luo. 宋云峰没有半点要戏耍的心思,上来就开全力,显然是要以雷霆之势,直接将李洛践踏下去。 Faces the Song Yunfeng aggressive offensive, the Li Luo double palm is brandishing, water resonance's power just like the light water curtain, formed the defense. 面对着宋云峰的凶悍攻势,李洛双掌挥舞,水相之力宛如淡淡水幕,形成了防御。 Scoff! 嗤! However his these defenses under Song Yunfeng that scarlet resonance power, actually just like the flimsy frailty, merely are only a contact, is disintegration all, that nine-layered blue waves, has not been starting to ferment, to the arbitrary strength be destroyed by Song Yunfeng absolutely cleanly. 然而他这些防御在宋云峰那赤红相力之下,却是宛如薄纸般的脆弱,仅仅只是一个接触,便是尽数的崩碎,连带着那“九重碧浪”,尚未开始酝酿,就被宋云峰以绝对蛮横的力量破坏得干干净净。 The low and deep sound resounds on the stage, the air wave is billowing, but Li Luo figure in the instance of that contact, projects ten several meters directly, danger was shaken the battle platform edge, almost must be eliminated. 低沉之声于台上响起,气浪滚滚,而李洛身影则是在那接触的瞬间,直接倒射出十数米,险险的被震到了战台边缘,差点就要出局了。 Whish! 哗! The surroundings resounded sound in an uproar, this first contact, power gap of both sides appeared, the suppression in Song Yunfeng entire aspect Li Luo, but Li Luo is skilled in many resonance technique, may before this strength falls ten meetings, as if has no too major role. 周围响起了连片的哗然声,这第一个接触,双方的实力差距就显现了出来,宋云峰全方面的压制了李洛,而李洛虽说精通诸多相术,可在这种一力降十会面前,似乎并没有什么太大的作用。 The Lu Qing’er elegant face is dignified, this aspect, she does not know how to turn. 吕清儿俏脸凝重,这个局面,连她都不知道怎么来翻。 brother Song keep it up, hits to lie he!” In that direction, Bei Kun, Difa Qing wait/etc. were intimate with the Song Yunfeng person to stand shouting that Bei Kun excited exerts at this time. 宋哥加油,打趴他!”在那一个方向,贝锟,蒂法晴等一些亲近宋云峰的人站在一起,此时那贝锟正兴奋的大喊。 Difa Qing has not made noise actually, but shakes the head gently, this disparity was too big, has no way to hit. 蒂法晴倒是未曾出声,但还是轻轻摇头,这种差距太大了,没法打。 On the stage, above the Li Luo fist a redness, icy cold blue resonance power wells up, immediately on the fist has the smog to ascend, he feels the scalding hot stabbing pain on the fist transmitting, understood the Song Yunfeng strength strongly. 台上,李洛拳头之上一片赤红,冰凉的蓝色相力涌来,顿时拳头上有烟雾升腾起来,他感受着拳头上传来的灼热刺痛,也是明白了宋云峰的实力有多强。 This intensity...” His look flashes slightly. “这个强度...”他眼神微微一闪。 ! 呼! But in the meantime, the front has blazing roaring wind again, that Song Yunfeng did not plan obviously to opportunity that the Li Luo least bit pants for breath, a swifter and fiercer vicious offensive throws, just like wicked vulture surprise attack. 而就在此时,前方再度有炽热破风声袭来,那宋云峰显然不打算给李洛半点喘息的机会,更加凌厉凶狠的攻势扑来,宛如恶雕突袭。 Li Luo raised the head, he is looking at that rapidly the enlargement in the eye pupil scarlet light/only, at present he already in the battle platform edge, even the slightest misstep, is the fate of being eliminated. 李洛抬头,他望着那在眼瞳中急速放大的赤光,眼下他已是在战台边缘,稍有不慎,就是出局的下场。 However on his face, has not presented the panic look, instead deeply inspires, then water resonance's power surges, the fingerprint fluctuates, resonance technique also displays together. 不过他的面庞上,却并没有出现惊慌失措的神色,反而是深吸了一口气,然后水相之力涌动,指印变幻,一道相术随之施展。 The light blue water curtain forms in his front, is indistinct, seems a light mirror. 淡淡的蓝色水幕于他的面前成形,隐约间,仿佛是一面薄薄的镜子般。 But this water curtain emergence, was seen through by the people immediately: High Rank resonance technique, water mirror technique?” 而这水幕一出现,就立即被众人所识破:“高阶相术,水镜术?” The Lu Qing’er pupil light flashes lightly, water mirror technique is defensive resonance technique in water resonance technique, but its defensive power does not calculate that extremely outstanding, its characteristics can rebound the strength of attacking, then counter-balances by this. 吕清儿眸光轻闪,水镜术算是水相术中的一道防御相术,不过其防御力并不算太过的出众,其特性是能够反弹一些攻来的力量,然后再以此抵消。 But if is only dependence together water mirror technique, is impossible to reduce and solve the Song Yunfeng like that swift and fierce vicious attack. 可如果只是依靠一道水镜术,根本不可能化解宋云峰那般凌厉凶狠的攻击啊。 In that people call out in alarm, Song Yunfeng has thrown to the Li Luo front, he looked at that say/way light water curtain, in the eye has the meaning of sneering to pass over gently and swiftly, although Li Luo was skilled in many resonance technique, but if thinks that water mirror technique can defend him together, that also was really naive. 在那众人惊呼间,宋云峰已是扑至李洛前方,他望着那道薄薄水幕,眼中有冷笑之意掠过,虽然李洛精通诸多相术,但如果以为一道水镜术就能够防住他,那也真是太天真了。 The intention flashes through, Song Yunfeng strengthened one point of strength again, the fist shadow howls, just like scarlet vulture at sharp cry. 心念闪过,宋云峰再度加强了一分力量,拳影呼啸而出,宛如赤雕在尖鸣。 However, when will soon hit that matter light water curtain, Song Yunfeng is indistinct sight, in that glassy surface water curtain, as if has together the fuzzy scarlet optical refraction, but presently, that seems like together the person's shadow, similarly is shakes the fist, finally with his fist simultaneous bang in water curtain outside. 不过,就在即将击中那层薄薄水幕的时候,宋云峰似是隐约的见到,在那如镜面般的水幕中,仿佛是有一道模糊的赤光折射而现,那似乎是一道人影,同样是挥拳而出,最后与他的拳头同时的轰在了水幕的内外面。 Bang! 轰! At that moment, has remains silent to resound low and deep. 那一刻,有低沉闷声响起。 The resonance power impact curls up the dust, four sides disperses. 相力冲击卷起灰尘,四面飞散。 The Li Luo body shakes, backed up again two steps, half foot hung outside battle platform, but no one paid attention to this point, because everyone was astonished sight, Song Yunfeng figure just like suffered a counter-attack of mysterious enormous strength in this time, his figure somewhat distressed but actually shot standing firm that but dozens steps, just now staggered. 李洛身躯一震,再度倒退了两步,半只脚都悬在了战台外,但没有人关注这一点,因为所有人都是惊愕的见到,宋云峰身影在此时宛如是遭受到了一股神秘巨力的反击,他的身影有些狼狈的倒射而出数十步,方才踉跄的稳住。 When raised the head, on the face full is shocking. 抬起头来时,面庞上满是震惊。 Was he, repelled unexpectedly?! 他,竟然被击退了?! Strength why, Li Luo that water mirror technique rebounds, unexpectedly such? 为什么,李洛水镜术反弹回来的力量,竟然会这么的强? The strength that previously that rebound came, was almost about 70% strengths that Song Yunfeng attacked! 先前那反弹而来的力量,几乎达到了宋云峰攻出去的将近70%力道! This possibly is not the degree that ordinary water mirror technique can achieve! 这根本就不可能是普通的水镜术能够做到的程度! Whish. 哗。 When around that resounds the continuous not, shocking sound in an uproar, Song Yunfeng complexion gloomy and uncertain, vision ruthlessly is staring at Li Luo. 在那四周响起连绵不尽的哗然,震惊声音时,宋云峰面色阴晴不定,目光狠狠的盯着李洛 Li Luo that water mirror technique, damn has the strangeness! 李洛水镜术,他妈的有古怪!
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