KOMI :: Volume #3

#241: My heart fearless

„Our time enters Dark Cave, situated in the Dark Cave peripheral region, but in this region, there is academy to consume many energy just now to build, but purification stronghold, after we enter, according toazure wood heart protecting token above number, direct transmission to purification stronghold place of correspondence. ” “我们此次进入暗窟,会处于暗窟的外围地带,而在这片地域中,有学府耗费许多精力方才打造而出的净化据点,我们进入后,会按照“青木护心牌”上面的号码,直接传送到对应的净化据点处。” This foothold, but also has many other teams, then the duties of all our teams, are the peripheral region of purification centered on this foothold.” “这种据点,还会有着其他的许多队伍,然后接下来我们所有队伍的任务,就是净化以这座据点为中心的周边区域。” In square that the ebullition makes noise, when waiting for the free time of academy instruction, Jiang Qing'e also is patient is the Li Luo three people are popularizing some information in Dark Cave. 沸腾喧闹的广场上,在等待着学府指令的空闲之余,姜青娥也是在耐心的为李洛三人普及着暗窟内的一些信息。 The Li Luo three people were to take up the azure wooden sign looked at one, really saw one in the position of corner 13 the digit. 李洛三人则是拿起青色木牌看了一眼,果然是在角落的位置看见了一个“十三”的数字。 However in these peripheral regions, was arranged some purification tower by academy, in purification tower inscribes is purifying rune/symbol writing, just because of the unceasing corrosion of evil thoughts power, these purifies rune/symbol writing to be consumed to dry up, therefore we need to grasp academy to give our purification dust, coats rune/symbol writing in purification tower, activates the purification tower strength.” “而这些周边区域中,也被学府布置了一些净化塔,净化塔中铭刻着净化符文,只不过因为恶念之力的不断侵蚀,这些净化符文都已被消耗枯竭,所以我们需要手持学府交给我们的净化粉尘,将净化塔中的符文重新涂刷,激活净化塔的力量。” Once purification tower were activated, will send out the purification light screen, the evil thoughts pollution of this region is by purification gradually.” “一旦净化塔被激活,将会散发净化光幕,这一片区域的恶念污染则是会被渐渐的净化。” Unusual that the Li Luo three people hear a face, is understands finally after they enter Dark Cave, actually should make anything. 李洛三人听得一脸的稀奇,总算是明白他们进入暗窟后究竟是应该做什么了。 Sounding, as if is not too difficult?” Li Luo said. “听起来,似乎不算太难?”李洛说道。 Nearby Tian Tian smiles, the both arms hold the chest, slightly the somewhat loose clothing was actually extrudes some mammoth, said: When activates purification tower, will have the strength dissipation of purification, this will stimulate to some kinds that this region possibly has, at that time, they will be coming to the purification tower accumulation.” 一旁的田恬笑了笑,双臂抱胸,略有些宽松的衣衫却是挤压出了一些壮阔波澜,道:“在激活净化塔的时候,会有净化的力量散逸,这会刺激到这片区域可能存在的一些类,那个时候,它们将会对着净化塔聚集而来。” In other words, at that time, we might fall into to besieging of Other, once let slip, either the success activated purification tower, purified Other, the opportunity of either... possibly continually escaping did not have, was rolled to extinguish directly.” “也就是说,那个时候,我们有可能会陷入到异类的围攻之中,一旦失手,要么成功激活净化塔,净化掉异类,要么...可能连逃的机会都没有,直接被团灭。” Li Luo smacks the lips. 李洛咂咂嘴。 Since academy arranges such perfectly in Dark Cave, why does not open Dark Cave for a long time, maintains these purification tower energies?” Li Luo is asking of some doubts. “既然学府暗窟里面布置得这么完善,为何不长期打开暗窟,维持住这些净化塔的能量?”李洛又是有些疑惑的问道。 Listened to Jiang Qing'e they saying that installments of these purification tower obviously extremely useful, if so, why must close Dark Cave, gave these time of evil thoughts energy staging a comeback? 姜青娥她们说起来,这些净化塔的装置显然极为的有用,若是这样,何必还要关闭暗窟,给予这些恶念能量卷土重来的时间呢? Jiang Qing'e calmly said: Because of black tide.” 姜青娥平静的道:“因为黑潮。” Once in a while, the Dark Cave deep place has black tide to erupt, so-called black tide, is the pinnacle compression of evil thoughts energy, this is by Dark World erupts, but strength, extreme terrifying.” “每隔一段时间,暗窟深处将会有着黑潮爆发,所谓黑潮,便是恶念能量的极致压缩,这是由暗世界所喷发而出的力量,极为的恐怖。” Under sweeping across of black tide, Duke expert must be cautious even, therefore the purification of Dark Cave, is always maintaining the return trip, when black tide approaches, we need to withdraw from Dark Cave, but then, purifying power in purification tower, will be wiped to extinguish by black tide, we can only when black tide removes, comes to start these purification tower again, purifies by the evil thoughts energy pollution region, without doing so, then the evil thoughts energy will be getting more and more rich, is born many Other, finally, they will try to run out of the blockade, arrives at our world.” Jiang Qing'e said slowly. “在黑潮的席卷下,就算是封侯强者都得小心翼翼,所以暗窟的净化,始终维持着一来一往,当黑潮来临时,我们需要退出暗窟,可如此一来,净化塔中的净化之力,就会被黑潮所抹灭,我们只能等到黑潮褪去时,再来将这些净化塔启动,净化被恶念能量污染的区域,如果不这么做,那么恶念能量就会越来越浓郁,诞生出更多的异类,最后,它们就会试图冲出封锁,来到我们的世界。”姜青娥缓缓说道。 The Li Luo complexion fluctuates slightly, this Dark World seriously is fearful, obviously is only a crack, actually gave to constrain the entire Sacred Profound Star Academy strength. 李洛面色微微变幻,这暗世界当真是可怕,明明只是一道裂缝而已,却是将整个圣玄星学府的力量都给拖住了。 He had not asked actually again why does not think the means thorough solution, obviously... should not have this ability. 他倒是没有再问为什么不想办法彻底的解决,显然...应该是没这个能力吧。 Nearby Qiu Bai, Tian Tian looks patiently is being Jiang Qing'e that Li Luo they explained that the look was a little unusual, wants to come Jiang Qing'e of this side, they also were really very little met before. 一旁的裘白,田恬望着耐心为李洛他们讲解的姜青娥,眼神都是有点奇特,想来这一面的姜青娥,他们以前还真是挺少遇见。 The Jiang Qing'e character does not like with the person lengthy speech, if trades to be others here, her big probability was silent a few words is disinclined to say. 姜青娥的性格可不是喜欢与人长篇大论的,如果换做旁人在这里,她大概率是闭口一句话都懒得说的。 But from this can also look, Jiang Qing'e to Li Luo good. 而由此也能够看得出来,姜青娥李洛有多好。 This a little makes two people feel inconceivable, will be difficult to be inadequate Jiang Qing'e will also regard the Li Luo fiancee? 这让得两人感到有点不可思议,难不成姜青娥还真是将自己当成了李洛的未婚妻吗? This Li Luo, what virtue what can? 李洛,何德何能啊? In their complex moods, the time quietly, in an instant is the time of big half day, at this time the setting sun of sky, starts to fall slantingly, the blazing sunlight becomes some cool feeling to get up. 在他们复杂的心情间,时间悄然而过,转眼就是大半日的时间,此时天空的夕阳,都开始斜落,炽热的阳光变得有些凉意起来。 Thump! 咚! Suddenly, has the low and deep sound to resound through together, is startled in the square many students. 突然间,有一道低沉声音响彻起来,惊起广场上诸多学员。 Their vision looks, saw only that giant Qingmu gateway fiercely to vibrate in this time, in that gateway crack, seemed has the wailing sound to get up, the cold wind was intermittent. 他们目光看去,只见得那座巨大的青木门户在此时剧烈的震动了一下,那门户裂缝中,仿佛是有着尖啸声响起,阴风阵阵。 As if has anything to hit general after that. 仿佛有什么东西在那门后撞击一般。 In the square some high-star courtyard students are good, but 1-star courtyard these new students, was frightened some complexion blanches, in the eye has the meaning of fear. 广场上一些高星院的学员还好,而一星院的那些新生,则是被吓得面色有些发白,眼中有恐惧之意。 However also in this time, on that Qingmu gateway, has one after another ancient, but the mysterious trace blooms the ray, the one after another halo blooms, subsequently gradually smooths that vibration. 不过也就是在此时,那青木门户上,有着一道道古老而神秘的纹路绽放出光芒,一道道光晕绽放,继而渐渐的将那种震动所抚平下来。 This is purple-shining teacher gradual thorough in academy, subsequently causes with the fight that some powerful Other erupt.” The Jiang Qing'e look is actually very tranquil, speaks thoughtlessly is answering to Li Luo. “这是学府内的紫辉导师逐渐的深入,继而与一些强大异类爆发的战斗所引起。”姜青娥神色倒是很平静,随口对着李洛解释道。 Generally to this kind of time, we should also start to enter.” “不过一般到这种时候,我们也该开始进入了。” But as if to echo her words is ordinary, when shortly after her sound falls behind, then has a purple-shining teacher bright sound said that remains behind academy: All students prepare.” 而仿佛是为了呼应她的话一般,当她音落后不久,便是有着一名留守学府紫辉导师朗声道:“所有学员准备。” „The 4-star courtyard student as well as gold-shining teacher, enter Dark Cave in advance!” 四星院学员以及金辉导师,先行进入暗窟!” His voice fell, sees only these to prepare appropriate gold-shining teacher and 4-star courtyard squad, was ready and waiting in the silence, then everyone grips tightly the weapon, fierce stamping place, at this moment, the ground as if vibrated. 他声音落下,只见得那些早已准备妥当的金辉导师以及四星院的小队,都是在沉默间整装待发,然后所有人都是紧握武器,猛的跺地,这一刻,地面仿佛都是震动了一下。 My heart fearless.” “吾心无惧。” We exist forever.” “吾辈长存。” The low and deep neat sound resounds, in that sound as if contains the intense faith, finally they open just like the army dial general, floods into the giant Qingmu gateway. 低沉整齐的声音响起,那声音之中仿佛是蕴含着强烈的信念,最后他们宛如大军开拨一般,涌入巨大的青木门户之中。 Many new students were deterred by this type of weaponry are elinguid, to at this time, them is clear, they have the big disparity with these 4-star courtyard students. 许多新生都被这种阵仗震慑得不能言语,到得此时,他们才明白,他们与这些四星院的学员之间有着多大的差距。 Not only this is the strength, but also has the disparity on temperament. 这不仅是实力,还有着心性上的差距。 In Sacred Profound Star Academy four years of practicing, they have been used to the Dark Cave bad risk, regarding Other, there is the strength of preliminary resistance. 圣玄星学府四年的修行中,他们早已习惯了暗窟的凶险,对于异类,也有了初步的抵抗之力。 When usually meets these 4-star courtyard students no wonder, the opposite party looks at their looks, brings permits some teasing as well as overlooking, after all, they experience, at all is not their these new students can the imagination. 也难怪平常遇见这些四星院学员时,对方看他们的眼神,都是带着许些的戏谑以及俯视,毕竟,他们所经历的,根本不是他们这些新生所能够想象。 Li Luo similarly is silent is looking at this somewhat magnificent one, this similarly is the Sacred Profound Star Academy background, not only has the outstanding powerful teacher, but also has these is almost in Great Xia Country most outstanding young one generation. 李洛同样是沉默的望着这有些壮观的一幕,这同样是圣玄星学府的底蕴,不仅有着出色强大的导师,还有着这些几乎算是大夏国中最为优秀的年青一代。 Luolan Mansion in comparison gets up, indeed is huge difference. 洛岚府与其相比起来,的确是天壤之别。 It is said this is from the war language that Academic Federation hands down from generation to generation, is the continuation, but faith.” “据说这是自学府联盟传下来的战语,代代相传,可强自身之信念。” Jiang Qing'e said that then said: gold-shining teacher as well as these 4-star courtyard students, will enter to the connection region of Dark Cave deep place and surrounding, processes some fish slip through, simultaneously they will also take the fluid support, in the event of the emergency case, will send out everywhere.” 姜青娥说了一声,然后道:“金辉导师以及这些四星院的学员,将会进入到暗窟深处与外围的交接地带,处理一些漏网之鱼,同时他们也会作为流动性的支援,一旦出现紧急情况,将会四处出动。” Setting out of this wave of stream of people, continued half double-hour. 这一波人流的进发,持续了半个时辰。 After half double-hour, when last 4-star courtyard student figure vanishes in the Qingmu gateway, Jiang Qing'e takes the lead to stand up, she begins slightly supinely, is looking at that Qingmu gateway that stands erect in the Resonance Power Tree tree bottom, in the beautiful fine appearance, is exuding the light gloss, her tender body is tall, fights the both legs under skirt to be slender, on the foot is stepping on the boots. 半个时辰后,当最后一名四星院的学员身影消失在青木门户中时,姜青娥率先站起身来,她微微仰起头,望着那座屹立于相力树树底的青木门户,绝美精致的容颜上,泛着淡淡的光泽,她娇躯颀长,战裙下的双腿修长笔直,脚上踩着长靴。 deep-blue that accompanies her many years throws over short flutters gently, the whole person appears swift and fierce valiant, is only the stand here, she has become 3-star courtyard the most radiant person. 那件陪伴她许多年的湛蓝色短披轻轻飘动,整个人显得凌厉飒爽,光是站在这里,她就已经成为了三星院这边最璀璨的人。 She grasps the heavy sword, pokes the place gently. 她手持重剑,轻轻杵地。 Clang. 锵。 My heart fearless.” “吾心无惧。” We exist forever.” “吾辈长存。” She limpid and cold voice resounds, subsequently all 3-star courtyard students, set out with deep veneration, in the hand the weapon pestle place, makes the low and deep sound. 她清澈而冷冽的声音响起,继而所有三星院的学员,都是肃然起身,手中武器杵地,发出低沉声响。 My heart fearless.” Different “吾心无惧。”异 We exist forever.” “吾辈长存。” Deep blue throws over short flutters, Jiang Qing'e takes the lead to lead the way, Qiu Bai, Tian Tian and Li Luo three people are to all hurry to follow. 湛蓝短披轻扬,姜青娥率先前行,裘白,田恬以及李洛三人皆是赶紧跟上。 Behind that is 3-star courtyard, 2-star courtyard like the tidal current person's shadow. 在那后面,便是三星院,二星院如潮流般的人影。 The giant Qingmu gateway is close at hand, in the slit of that opening, does not have the light darkly, does not know to where. 巨大的青木门户近在眼前,那开启的缝隙中,幽暗无光,不知通往何处。 But in since, the Jiang Qing'e leaning head, will soon look slightly is following closely behind Li Luo, two people vision looks at each other one, has not said a word, then takes a step. 而在即将进入时,姜青娥微微偏头,望着紧随着身后的李洛,两人目光对视一眼,未发一言,然后迈步而出。 Dark light/only surges, has embezzled their figure. 幽暗之光涌动间,就已将他们的身影所吞没。
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