KOMI :: Volume #1

#18: Starts to show true colors

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first courtyard and second courtyard are going to compete for five pieces of golden leaf news, almost disseminates in an instant, suddenly, this is fully occupied like tall building Resonance Power Tree on, the students in various Southern Wind Academy institutes are run to join in the fun. 一院二院将要争夺五片金叶的消息,几乎是霎那间传播开来,一时间,这如高楼般的相力树上人满为患,南风学府各院的学员都是跑来凑热闹。 Southern Wind Academy altogether four institutes, first courtyard is an elite, second courtyard is the reserve forces, third courtyard, the fourth courtyard words, said that is to make up the number is too much, but the level relatively speaking is quite indeed bad. 南风学府一共有四个院,其中一院是精英,二院算是预备队,三院,四院的话,说是凑数有点过分,但的确水准相对而言比较差。 Therefore the golden leaf cultivation stage on Resonance Power Tree to them, is the unattainable thing, at present can look at first courtyard, second courtyard competes, pouring is also a rare good play. 所以相力树上的金叶修炼台对于他们来说,算是可望而不可即的东西,眼下能够看着一院,二院去争夺,倒也是一场难得的好戏。 Although few will think that second courtyard really can snatch first courtyard. 虽然几乎没有人会觉得二院真能够抢得过一院 East Resonance Power Tree, the piece sturdy pestered in like the python trunk and branches together, formed a piece of length and breadth roughly dozens meters wooden table finally, past time, after here was used for some students to cultivate to end comparing notes, location of competition. 相力树东侧,有一片粗壮如巨蟒般的枝干纠缠在一起,最后形成了一片长宽约莫数十米的木台,以往的时候,这里被用来一些学员修炼结束后的切磋,比试的场地。 But at this time, all around of platform, is fully occupied. 而此时,台子的四周,人满为患。 first courtyard, second courtyard occupies the east and west respectively, but two sides atmosphere and different, first courtyard, most students teased the happy expression wear a look, obviously has not really watched this competition extremely importantly, but was also normal, this competition also has the limit of resonance power rank, the resonance power rank of sixth seal, this in first courtyard, including first ten could not stand in line. 一院,二院各自占据东西两侧,不过两边气氛则并不一样,一院这边,大多数学员都是面带戏谑笑意,显然并没有真的将这场比试看得太过重要,不过也正常,这场比试还有着相力等级的限制,第六印相力等级,这在一院中,连前十都排不上。 This indicated that first courtyard these truly fierce person, will not act. 这说明一院那些真正厉害的人,都不会出手。 But relative first courtyard teased leisurely and carefree, second courtyard here atmosphere indignant brings disturbedly, after all in any case was the same place academy, they regarding first courtyard tyrannical was also knows the whole story, if this type competes with their second courtyard big probability to win, perhaps they do not believe, at present only hopes, do not lose too ugly/difficult to look at on line. 而相对一院的戏谑悠闲,二院这边的气氛则是激愤中带着忐忑,毕竟好歹是同一座学府,他们对于一院的强横也算是知根知底,所以如果说这种比试他们二院大概率会赢的话,恐怕连他们自己都不太相信,眼下就只希望,不要输的太难看就行了。 Really is bored, this competition, but is no interesting.” On the stand, Difa Qing extended one to stretch, curve that the school uniform outlined, was a reveal admired including nearby some young girls, but some full of vigor youngster, were the complexion feel hot faintly. “真是无聊,这种比试,可没什么意思。”看台上,蒂法晴伸了一个懒腰,校服勾勒出来的曲线,连附近的一些少女都是眼露艳羡,而一些血气方刚的少年,都是面色隐隐发烫。 This Difa Qing can become Southern Wind Academy golden flower, obviously well-founded. 蒂法晴能够成为南风学府的一朵金花,显然还是有理由的。 Always can kill some time.” Has the gentle laughter to resound from side together, Difa Qing first looked, sees that to have the floating long hair, the appearance is quite movingly simple and beautiful, Lu Qing’er of snow-white skin. “总能打发一些时间吧。”有一道轻柔笑声从旁响起,蒂法晴偏头一看,就见到那有着飘飘长发,模样极为清丽动人,冰肌玉骨的吕清儿 sister Qing’er.” Difa Qing beautiful eye one bright, is greeting hastily, Lu Qing’er in the Southern Wind Academy fame may compared with her even better . Moreover, she is not only the most important thing is relying on the appearance, her strength, steady suppressed first courtyard many outstanding. 清儿姐。”蒂法晴美目一亮,连忙打着招呼,吕清儿南风学府的名气可比她更胜一筹,而且最重要的是,她不仅是凭借着外貌,她的实力,更是稳稳的压住了一院诸多出类拔萃者。 Just like at the same time Southern Wind Academy gold-charactered signboard. 活脱脱一面南风学府金字招牌 If no Jiang Qing'e pearls and jade before extremely radiantly, everyone felt that Lu Qing’er will become the Southern Wind Academy legend. 如果不是有着姜青娥珠玉在前太过的璀璨,所有人都觉得,吕清儿会成为南风学府的传说。 Therefore Difa Qing first worships the object is the Jiang Qing'e words, then Lu Qing’er ranked second. 所以蒂法晴第一崇拜对象是姜青娥的话,那么吕清儿就排第二。 Two female achievement in Southern Wind Academy the appearance makings most outstanding person, stands now now, immediately becomes a pretty scenery line, then slowly attracted others. 两女作为如今南风学府中容颜气质最出众的人,现在站在一起,顿时成为了一道靓丽的风景线,然后就慢慢的将其他人都是吸引了过来。 „Isn't sister Qing’er usually does not like collecting lively these?” Difa Qing somewhat curious asking. 清儿姐平常不是不喜欢凑这些热闹么?”蒂法晴有些好奇的问道。 Lu Qing’er smiled faintly: Has a look casually.” 吕清儿浅笑道:“随便看看。” Her beautiful eye is staring at second courtyard that side direction, said: You said that which three second courtyard will send to come out?” 她美目盯着二院那边的方向,道:“你们说二院会派哪三位出来?” Difa Qing carelessly said: second courtyard present to the sixth seal boundary, only then Zhao Kuo as well as Yuan Qiu, just rose shortly.” 蒂法晴满不在乎的道:“二院现在到六印境的,也就只有赵阔以及一个袁秋,都是刚升上来不久。” Third?” Lu Qing’er said. “第三位呢?”吕清儿道。 Difa Qing, one side people said to say with a smile: Can be Li Luo mostly, although he empty resonance, is extremely but talented on practicing of resonance technique, is can hand over to fight with the person of fifth seal boundary reluctantly.” 蒂法晴顿了顿,一旁有人接话笑道:“多半会是李洛吧,他虽然空相,但在相术的修行上还是极有天赋的,也勉强算是能够跟五印境的人交交手。” As Lu Qing’er observes, first courtyard these had no interest top student to this competition, collected, at this time spoke, was a stature is then tall and straight, face handsome youngster. 随着吕清儿来观战,原本一院那些对这种比试没有什么兴趣的顶尖学员,也是凑了过来,此时说话的,便是一名身材挺拔,面庞英俊的少年。 Difa Qing looked at his one eyes, teased: Song Yunfeng, did you also run to come to see unexpectedly lively? Really has ulterior motives.” 蒂法晴看了他一眼,戏谑道:“宋云峰,你竟然也跑来看热闹了?真是醉翁之意不在酒啊。” Similar fame of this Song Yunfeng in Southern Wind Academy extremely loud, by having strength, he is next to Lu Qing’er . Moreover, he also stems from Song family, the background is not weak. 宋云峰南风学府中同样名气极响,论起实力,他仅次于吕清儿,另外,他还出自宋家,背景也不弱。 But Song Yunfeng likes the Lu Qing’er matter, in Southern Wind Academy is not considered as that what secret, after all he also not concealment specially. 宋云峰喜欢吕清儿的事情,在南风学府也不算是什么秘密,毕竟他也并没有特意的隐瞒。 Faces teasing of Difa Qing, Song Yunfeng is showing the temperate smile, has not refuted, instead stays the vision on the Lu Qing’er simple and beautiful cheeks. 面对着蒂法晴的调侃,宋云峰露出温和的笑容,也没有反驳,反而是将目光停留在吕清儿清丽的脸颊上。 But is facing his direct and fiery line of sight, Lu Qing’er is the look does not have the mighty waves, just like has not heard, but returns with the politeness but has the slight smile of distance. 而面对着他那种直接而火热的视线,吕清儿则是神色没有波澜,犹如未闻,只是回以礼貌而带着距离的细微笑容。 Difa Qing sees Lu Qing’er this appearance, is immediately the topic pulling back: If second courtyard really sends Li Luo also to enter the stage, that may bring contempt upon oneself, three sixth seal that after all our first courtyard sends, can definitely be the outstanding person in sixth seal.” 蒂法晴见到吕清儿这模样,便是立刻将话题给拉了回来:“如果二院真的派李洛也出场,那可就是自取其辱了,毕竟我们一院这边派出去的三名六印,必然会是六印中的佼佼者。” Song Yunfeng smiles, pertinent say/way: You also really think that second courtyard is holding the thoughts of winning? Nothing but walks a field.” 宋云峰笑了笑,一针见血的道:“你还真以为二院是抱着赢的心思吗?无非是走个场而已。” Pouring is also.” Difa Qing said with a smile. “倒也是。”蒂法晴笑道。 The Lu Qing’er pupil light is staring in the field, she is looking at Li Luo figure, why does not know, she felt that today's Li Luo, seeming like some were not quite same. 吕清儿眸光凝视着场中,她望着李洛身影,不知为何,她感觉今日的李洛,似乎是有些不太一样了。 Therefore her smiling of slightly, said: I thought that... is uncertain.” 于是她微微的笑了笑,道:“我觉得...倒不一定呢。” Her opens the mouth, causes Difa Qing immediately, Song Yunfeng as well as other first courtyard outstanding students are somewhat astonished. 她这一开口,顿时引得蒂法晴,宋云峰以及其他一院的优秀学员们有些惊愕。 Song Yunfeng following the line of sight of Lu Qing’er, saw Li Luo, but on the Lu Qing’er cheeks that light happy expression, making his some uncomfortable. 宋云峰顺着吕清儿的视线,也看见了李洛,而吕清儿脸颊上那种淡淡笑意,让得他心里有些不舒服。 Qing’er, before now is not .” Pale saying with a smile that the Song Yunfeng intent has referred. 清儿,现在可不是以前了。”宋云峰意有所指的淡笑道。 Lu Qing’er hears word, had not replied, but showing neither approval nor disapproval smiles, but regarding this smile, why Song Yunfeng does not know, in the heart somewhat gets angry, simultaneously goes to the Li Luo vision , became quiet colder. 吕清儿闻言,并未回答,只是不置可否的一笑,而对于她这笑容,宋云峰不知为何,心中有些冒火,同时投向李洛的目光,也变得幽冷了一些。 This bastard, has fallen into the mud to pile obviously, why is being haunted by the ghost such. 这个混蛋,明明已经跌进烂泥堆了,为何还是这么的阴魂不散。 ... ... In atmosphere unceasing surging upward with the field, that side second courtyard had three person's shadows to walk finally, was not out of the anticipation Li Luo, Zhao Kuo, Yuan Qiu. 随着场中气氛不断的高涨,最后二院那边有三道人影走了出来,不出意料的正是李洛,赵阔,袁秋 But first courtyard, three people walked. 一院这边,也有三人走了出来。 Comes between a person, Bei Kun that had met a moment ago, other two, is in first courtyard quite famous two sixth seal boundaries. 居中一人,正是刚才才见过面的贝锟,另外两人,也是一院中比较出名的两位六印境。 Li Luo, how do this you plan to do time? Continued with the threat?” The Bei Kun vision locked Li Luo, the corners of the mouth showed the smile of ridicule. 李洛,这一次你又打算怎么做?继续用刚才的威胁吗?”贝锟目光锁定李洛,嘴角露出了讥讽的笑容。 Previously was he leads the person to look for the trouble of Li Luo intentionally, Li Luo draws on the counter-attack with the plate outside, this actually cannot say that he did not have the custom, but the present is the official competition, if Li Luo also wants to use the way of that threat, then the meeting important person was really laughed by knowledgeable people, even academy will punish in him. 先前是他带人故意找李洛的麻烦,李洛用盘外招来反击,这其实也不能说他没规矩,可如今是正式的比试,如果李洛还想用那种威胁的方式,那么就真的会要人贻笑大方了,甚至连学府这边都会惩罚于他。 Li Luo has not responded him, but to Zhao Kuo, Yuan Qiu is waving, said: I first got up.” 李洛没搭理他,而是对着赵阔,袁秋挥了挥手,道:“那我就先上了。” Zhao Kuo said hastily: Careful, could not shoulder to hurry to admit defeat to leave the stage, you such graceful face, was destroyed may be big on the loss.” 赵阔连忙道:“小心点,扛不住了就赶紧认输退场,你这么帅的脸,被打坏了可就损失大了。” Li Luo gives the thumbs-up: Good brothers, insightful.” 李洛竖起大拇指:“好兄弟,有眼光。” Yuan Qiu is sighing of gently, the listless appearance also has no confidence to the following competition obviously. 袁秋则是轻轻的叹了一口气,无精打采的模样显然对接下来的比试同样没有什么信心。 Under that is in the glare of the public eye, in the Li Luo step admission, was then convenient from the arms rack pulls out an iron rod to come out, his optional is dragging, the iron rod and surface friction made the grating sound. 在那众目睽睽下,李洛步入场中,然后顺手从武器架上面抽了一根铁棍出来,他随意的拖着,铁棍与地面摩擦发出了刺耳的声响。 But outside, numerous vision saw Li Luo takes the lead to enter the stage, is some faint tumult sounds. 而场外,众多目光见到李洛的率先出场,也是隐隐的有些骚动声。 second courtyard makes Li Luo take the lead unexpectedly...” 二院竟然让李洛打头阵...” This works as the meaning of cannon fodder.” “这是当炮灰的意思啊。” Haha, is interesting, was kicked Li Luo that from first courtyard, now hits first courtyard..., if won, that may really be interesting.” “哈哈,也是有趣,从一院被踢走的李洛,现在又来打一院...如果打赢了,那可就真是有意思了。” Thinks that anything... his inborn empty resonance, even resonance technique again how exquisite, is still very difficult to win the sixth seal boundary.” “想什么呢...他天生空相,就算相术再怎么精湛,也很难打赢六印境的。” Haha, cracks a joke, active atmosphere.” “哈哈,开个玩笑,活跃一下气氛嘛。” „......” “......” The appearance of Li Luo, making many students raise some interests, after all in this Southern Wind Academy, Li Luo was also equivalent to an alternative legend... 李洛的出现,让得许多学员都是提起了一些兴趣,毕竟在这南风学府中,李洛也相当于一个另类的传说... Moreover the most important thing is, on one week of Jiang Qing'e senior sister also returned to Southern Wind City it is said that moreover came the academy entrance to meet Li Luo, this simply was enviable the envy to hate. 而且最重要的是,据说上一周姜青娥学姐也回了南风城,而且还来学府门口接了李洛,这简直让人羡慕嫉妒恨。 Under this mentality, many people want to see Li Luo to be punched one today... 在这种心态之下,很多人还是想要看见今天李洛被揍一顿的... The Bei Kun both arms hold the chest, the vision ponders is looking at Li Luo, then looks to the other two, said: Liu Yang, you go to play with him.” 贝锟双臂抱胸,目光玩味的望着李洛,然后偏头看向另外两人,道:“刘阳,你去跟他玩玩吧。” Although he wants to punch Li Luo directly, but he felt that this presence is not very a little charming, therefore plans first to make others go to hot atmosphere. 虽然他很想直接揍李洛一顿,但他感觉这种出场有点不够帅气,所以打算先让旁人去热一下气氛。 Was called the Liu Yang youngster to be somewhat big by him, he hears the Bei Kun words, is somewhat discontented, at present so many people look, hits a showing off time well, making him take the lead to hit a cannon fodder, is really somewhat disgraced. 被他称为刘阳的少年有些高大,他听到贝锟的话,有些不满,眼下这么多人看着,正是好好打一场出风头的时候,让他率先打一个炮灰,实在是有些跌份。 You two solved Li Luo, can't hit the following person? If you ability enough, defeat their three directly.” Bei Kun said. “你两下将李洛解决了,不就能够打后面的人吗?你如果能耐够,就把他们三个都直接打败。”贝锟说道。 Also yes.” “也是。” Liu Yang then nods, he took iron spear, then step sloppy walked into:, to Li Luo said with a smile Li Luo, you may probably show mercy.” 刘阳这才点点头,他取了一柄铁枪,然后步伐散漫的走入了场中,冲着李洛笑道:“李洛,你可要手下留情啊。” During the spoken languages brings the point to tease obviously. 言语间显然是带着点戏谑。 Li Luo grips the iron rod, the look shows neither approval nor disapproval. 李洛握住铁棍,神色不置可否。 But at this time, stage, old principal nods, therefore Xu Shanyue and heads in Lin Feng two two institutes, drink to announce simultaneously greatly: Starts!” 而此时,高台处,老院长点了点头,于是徐山岳林风两位两院的负责人,同时大喝宣布:“开始!” Drinks the same time that the sound drops, Li Luo and Liu Yang almost shot simultaneously. 喝声落下的同时间,李洛刘阳几乎是同时射了出去。 Liu Yang looks at opposite that to say figure, been able to bear smiles, said: Your speed... a little...” 刘阳望着对面那道身影,忍不住的一笑,道:“你的速度...有点...” Bang! 砰! On that flickers, front Li Luo that his voice just fell, the tip of the toe sudden ground, the whole person like the eagle acceleration, that suddenly, has sharp roaring wind to resound faintly. 就在他声音刚落的那一瞬,前方的李洛,脚尖突然一点地面,整个人如飞鹰般加速,那瞬息间,隐隐有尖锐破风声响起。 The laughter in Liu Yang that mouth, the complete biography, he then has not been a flower, Li Luo figure appears in his front at present unexpectedly directly. 刘阳那嘴中的笑声,尚未完全的传出来,他眼前便是一花,李洛身影竟然直接是出现在了他的面前。 But follows closely Li Luo figure, but, but also has the that air-splitting stick shadow, the stick shadow exudes the wailing sound, the rapidness of that speed, making Liu Yang absolutely continually response time not have, but the critical moment, he was the conditioned reflex revolution some resonance power, protected above the chest. 但紧随李洛身影而至的,还有着那一道破空棍影,棍影发出尖啸声,那速度之快,让得刘阳根本连一丝反应的时间都没有,不过关键时刻,他还是条件反射般的运转了一些相力,护在了胸膛之上。 Li Luo that speed suddenly, although is dismayful, but he does not have resonance power after all, the striking power is limited, so long as he defends it by resonance power, then can make Li Luo pay the price. 李洛那突然间的速度,虽然让人惊愕,但他毕竟没有相力,攻击力有限,只要他以相力将其防御下来,接下来就能够让李洛付出代价。 In the Liu Yang heart is so thinking, that stick shadow such as the black python selects, fell on his chest. 刘阳心中这般想着的时候,那棍影如黑蟒般点来,落在了其胸膛上。 Bang! 砰! Low and deep remains silent to resound, then, the severe pain transmits from the Liu Yang chest place again, this flash, in his heart has panic-stricken surging, because he covers in resonance power of chest place, unexpectedly with Li Luo stick shadow contact that flickers, directly by easily accomplished tearing. 低沉的闷声响起,再然后,剧痛自刘阳胸膛处传来,这一霎那,他的心中有惊骇涌起,因为他覆盖在胸膛处的相力,竟然在与李洛棍影接触的那一瞬,直接被摧枯拉朽般的撕裂了。 At the same time, body flying upside down of Liu Yang, numerous pounding outside, but also delimited several meters trace in the ground. 同一时间,刘阳的身躯倒飞而出,重重的砸在了场外,还在地面上划出了几米的痕迹。 But at this time, the outside many students, many merriment sound complete falling, sound this had not then stopped suddenly suddenly. 而此时,场外的众多学员,诸多的笑闹声还未完全的落下,然后声音就这样突然间的戛然而止了下来。 first courtyard these students, looks is flying to enter the stage, then painful Liu Yang that sways back and forth everywhere, in the eye full is the vacant meaning. 一院那些学员,愣愣的望着飞出场,然后痛的满地打滚的刘阳,眼中满是茫然之意。 A moment ago, what had? 刚才,发生了什么? How to fly, isn't Li Luo? 怎么飞出去的,不是李洛 Vision that they somewhat have doubts, went., this time Li Luo, the iron rod in hand is maintaining even to strike, but posture, he is welcoming these vision, looks to that Liu Yang, that graceful lets on the face that the opposite party feels inferior sufficiently, reveals wipes bright smile 他们有些疑惑的目光,投向了场中,此时的李洛,手中的铁棍保持着平击而出的姿势,他迎着那些目光,看向那刘阳,那帅得足以让对方自惭形秽的面庞上,露出一抹灿烂的笑容。 What did you say... a little?” “你说...有点什么?”
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