WhenLi Luowalks intoSouthern Wind Academyagain, althoughshortis about a week of time, buthehas a feeling of another eradifferencefeeling.
当李洛再次走入到南风学府时,虽说短短不过一周的时间,但他却是有着一种恍若隔世般的异样感觉。Helooks at the stream of people that theseare coming and going, the noisesound of boiling, is revealing the youthvitality of youngsteryoung girl.
他望着那些来来往往的人流,沸腾的喧嚣声,显露着少年少女的青春朝气。HoweverLi Luoalsonotices, in the streams of people of thesecommunications, many unusualvisionare staring athim, is fainthealsoheard the discussion.
不过李洛也注意到,那些来往的人流中,有不少奇特的目光在盯着他,隐隐间他也听见了一些议论。„Isn't thisLi Luo? Hecameacademyfinally.”
“这不是李洛吗?他总算来学府了啊。”„How did hairchange? Wasdyeing?”
“头发怎么变了?是染发了吗?”„Heas ifasked for leave for about a week, the academy's great examinationlastmonth, healsodaresto ask for leaveunexpectedly, was thisabandons something as beyond redemption?”
“他似乎请假了一周左右吧,学府大考最后一个月了,他竟然还敢这么请假,这是破罐子破摔了啊?”„Iheard that perhapsLi Luosoonleft school, perhapswill not participate inacademy's great examination.”
“我听说李洛恐怕快要退学了,说不定都不会参加学府大考。”„Is insufficient?”
“......”Is listening totheselowdiscussions, Li Luo is also somewhatspeechless, butasks for leave for a week, has not thought that will spreadunexpectedlyleaves schoolsuchrumor.
听着那些低低的议论声,李洛也是有些无语,只是请假一周而已,没想到竟会传出退学这样的流言。Howeverhehas no interest inarguinganything, across the stream of people, is goingto the second courtyarddirectionhalf stepdirectly.
不过他也没兴趣辩解什么,径直穿过人流,对着二院的方向快步而去。Butwhenarriving insecond courtyardparade groundentrance, the Li Luofootstepsslowed down, becausehesees the second courtyardteacher, Xu Shanyueis standingthere, visionsomewhatsevereis staring athim.
而在抵达二院教场门口时,李洛脚步变慢了起来,因为他见到二院的导师,徐山岳正站在那里,目光有些严厉的盯着他。On the Li Luofaceshows the awkwardsmile, hurriesto go forwardto greet: „Teacher Xu.”李洛面庞上露出尴尬的笑容,赶紧上前打着招呼:“徐师。”Xu Shanyuestares atLi Luo, in the eyebringssomedisappointedly, said: „Li Luo, Iknow that the empty resonanceissuebrought very tremendous pressure on you, butyoushould notchooseto give upatthis time.”徐山岳盯着李洛,眼中带着一些失望,道:“李洛,我知道空相的问题给你带来了很大的压力,但你不该在这个时候选择放弃。”Li Luosaidhastily: „Ihave not given up.”李洛连忙道:“我没放弃啊。”Xu Shanyuesinkingsound said: „Do youalsodareto ask for leave for a week inthiscrucial point? Others the self-torture of racing against time, youare booing, asked for leaveto restdirectly?”徐山岳沉声道:“那你还敢在这个节骨眼请假一周?别人都在争分夺秒的苦修,你倒好,直接请假回去休息了?”Li Luois helpless, buthealsoknows that Xu Shanyueis goodforhim, thereforehas not arguedanythingagain, is only the honestnod.李洛无奈,不过他也知道徐山岳是为了他好,所以也没有再辩解什么,只是老实的点头。Xu Shanyueafterreprovingone, finallyalso can only sighsecretly, hisdeeplooked atLi Luoone, turns aroundto walk into the parade ground.徐山岳在训斥了一番后,最终也只能暗叹了一口气,他深深的看了李洛一眼,转身走入教场。Li Luocaught upto follow close on, the parade groundwas spacious, the centerwas a platform of sidedozensmeterslength and breadth, all aroundstoneladderassumedring-likeitssurrounding, the levelstack-upfrom near to farwas high.李洛赶紧跟了进去,教场宽敞,中央是一方数十米长宽的平台,四周的石梯呈环形将其包围,由近至远的层层叠高。On the stoneladder, has the stonerush cushions.
石梯上,有着一个个的石蒲团。On the stonerush cushion, is sitting cross-leggedrespectively a youngsteryoung girl.
石蒲团上,各自盘坐着一位少年少女。WhenLi Luowalks, without doubtbrought in the attention of numerousvision, subsequentlyhassometalking in whisperssoundsto erupt.
而当李洛走进来的时候,无疑是引来了众多目光的关注,继而有着一些窃窃私语声爆发。Vanishesoneweek of Li Luo, obviouslybecomes a topicinSouthern Wind Academy.
消失一周的李洛,显然在南风学府中又成为了一个话题。Li Luois welcomingthesevisionactuallyquitecalmly, directly the stonerush cushion that goes tohimto be, initsside, is staturetallrobusttall and strongZhao Kuo, the latterseeshim, someasking of being astonished: „Yourthishairwhat's the matter?”李洛迎着那些目光倒是颇为的平静,直接是去了他所在的石蒲团,在其旁边,便是身材高壮魁梧的赵阔,后者见到他,有些讶异的问道:“你这头发怎么回事?”Li Luolooked athisoneeyes, along withtastes: „Justdyed, seems like called the paternal grandmotherash, isverymoist?”李洛看了他一眼,随口道:“刚染的,似乎是叫做奶奶灰,是不是挺潮的?”Zhao Kuo: „...”赵阔:“...”Li Luoseeson the Zhao Kuofaceto seem likesomesiltto be bluesuddenly, justwantedto askanything, in that Xu Shanyuesoundair/Qifulltransmittingfromfield: „every student, is getting more and more nearfromacademy's great examination, Ihopeyouto be ableinfinaltimediligently, ifcanenterhigh-levelacademy, in the futurewill naturally havemanyadvantage.”李洛突然见到赵阔面庞上似乎是有些淤青,刚想要问些什么,在那场中,徐山岳的声音就从场中中气十足的传来:“各位同学,距离学府大考越来越近,我希望你们都能够在最后的时刻努力一把,若是能够进一座高级学府,未来自然有诸多好处。”„HerealsopraisedZhao Kuoas well asSchoolmateYuan Qiu, nowthey, resonance powerhas achieved the sixth sealboundary, iftried harderagain, not necessarilycannotattackseventh sealbefore the term examination.”
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(本章未完,请翻页)In the fieldsomewhatsighed the soundto get up, Li Luoalsolooked around Zhao Kuoonesurprisedly, it seems like that this week, has progressedmayincessantlybehe.
场内有些感叹声响起,李洛同样是惊讶的看了一旁的赵阔一眼,看来这一周,有所进步的可不止是他啊。Xu ShanyueafterpraisingZhao Kuo, thenno longersaid,startedtoday'steaching.徐山岳在赞扬了一下赵阔后,便是不再多说,开始了今日的授课。Li Luoconcentrating onis staring, whatXu Shanyueteachesisthreeresonance technique, togethertwolow rank, the middle rank, hetakes great painsis concisetheseresonance techniquevariousplaces, explanationback and forth, pouring is also appearspatientfull.李洛则是全神贯注的盯着,徐山岳所教授的是三道相术,两道低阶,一道中阶,他不厌其烦的将这些相术各处精要,来回的讲解,倒也是显得耐心十足。
The gradation of resonance technique, is actually same as guiding technique, basic rankguiding technique, was just changed intolowly, highthird-order.相术的分级,其实也跟引导术相同,只不过入门级的引导术,被换成了低,中,高三阶而已。
After thisthird-order, is same, period of five days, king3rd rankresonance technique.
这三阶之后,便是相同的将,候,王三级相术。Naturally, resonance technique of thatdegreetheirtheseis in the Ten Seals Realmbeginnertooto be remoteregarding the present, evenlearned, was very still difficultto displaydepending ononeselfthatresonance power.
当然,那种程度的相术对于现在他们这些处于十印境的初学者来说还太遥远,就算是学会了,恐怕凭自身那一点相力也很难施展出来。In the resonance techniqueabovecultivation, the Li Luoperceptionis not no needto saymuch, ifcomparesresonance techniquepurely, hehasself-confidently, inSouthern Wind Academycancompared withhemore outstandingstudent, should not be able to discoverseveral.
在相术上面的修炼,李洛的悟性自是不必多说,如果只是单纯比较相术的话,他有着自信,南风学府中能够比他更优秀的学员,应该是找不出几个。WhenXu Shanyuethreeresonance techniqueexplanationsshortly, he is the preliminarycomprehension, grasps.
所以当徐山岳将三道相术讲解没多久,他便是初步的领悟,掌握。„Ok, today'sresonance techniqueclassfirst arrived here, in the afternoon was the resonance powerclass, youmustcultivationquite.” After twohours, Xu Shanyuestoppedteaching, was making the urgingto the people, thisannounced the rest.
“好了,今日的相术课先到这里吧,下午便是相力课,你们可得好生修炼。”两个小时后,徐山岳停止了授课,然后对着众人做了一些叮嘱,这才宣布休息。Li Luositsin the home position, extendedoneto stretch, nearbyZhao Kuocollected, said with a smile: „Smallbrother Luo, thatthree did resonance technique, waitto helpmedirecta moment ago?”李洛坐在原位,伸展了一个懒腰,一旁的赵阔凑过来,笑道:“小洛哥,刚才那三道相术,等会帮我指点一下?”Regarding the Li Luoresonance techniqueperception, Zhao Kuoisquiteclear, before hemetresonance technique that was hardto be basic, the place that did not understandwill consultLi Luo.
对于李洛的相术悟性,赵阔是相当清楚的,以前他遇见一些难以入门的相术时,不懂的地方都会请教李洛。Li Luoridiculesone: „Musthelpknow that calledsmallbrother Luo?”李洛笑骂一声:“要帮忙了就知道叫小洛哥了?”Zhao Kuois happy, butsmilesto pullonsiltazuretoface , the painresults in the clamormouth.赵阔一脸憨笑,不过笑起来扯到脸上的淤青,又痛得咧咧嘴巴。„Yourthiswhat's the matter?”Li Luoasked.
A Zhao Kuobrowwrinkle, said: „Isfirst courtyardBei Kunthatfellow, hedoes not know that for these daysloseswhattemper, has been looking for the persontrouble of oursecond courtyard, Icould not toleratefinallyalsofoughtseveralhim.”赵阔眉头一皱,道:“都是一院贝锟那家伙,他这几天不知道发什么神经,一直在找我们二院的人麻烦,我最后看不过去还跟他打了几场。”Hereferred tosiltazure on face, somewhatfavoritesay/way: „The fellowstarts is very heavy, butIhave not madehimask, almostgave the hammerto be rotten his pretty boy.”
他指了指脸庞上的淤青,有些得意的道:“那家伙下手还挺重的,不过我也没让他讨到好,差点把他那小白脸给锤烂了。”At this timeperipheryalso some second courtyardpeoplesurround, say/way of being filled with righteous indignation: „ThatBei Kunis simply hateful, wehave not provokedhimobviously, he actually comesto stir up trouble.”
此时周围也有一些二院的人围拢过来,义愤填膺的道:“那贝锟简直可恶,我们明明没招惹他,他却总是过来挑事。”„HasZhao Kuofortunately, otherwisealsoreallyno onemadehim.”
“还好有赵阔,不然还真没人制得了他。”Zhao Kuobeckons with the hand, expelsthesepeople, thenaskedin a low voice: „Did youannoyBei Kunthatfellowrecently? Heseems liketoyoucomes.”赵阔摆了摆手,将这些人都赶开,然后低声问道:“你最近是不是惹到贝锟那家伙了?他好像是冲着你来的。”Hearsthissaying, Li Luorememberssuddenly, before leftacademy, thatBei Kunseemed likethroughDifa Qingconveys a messagetohim, himto go toClear Wind Buildingto arrange a banquetto treat, butthissayingheworked certainly as the joke, was difficultto be inadequatethisidiotalsoreallyto go toClear Wind Buildingto wait forday of inadequate?
听到这话,李洛突然想起,之前离开学府时,那贝锟似乎是通过蒂法晴给他传了话,是要他去清风楼摆宴请客,不过这话他当然只是当笑话,难不成这蠢货还真去清风楼等了一天不成?Butthisweekhehas not comeacademy, thereforeBei Kunvents anger the second courtyardperson, does thislook for trouble?
而这一周他又没来学府,于是贝锟就迁怒二院的人,这才来找麻烦?Li Luosmiles, patted the shoulder of Zhao Kuo, said: „Possiblyalso is really, it seems likeyousufferedseveralforme.”李洛笑了笑,拍了拍赵阔的肩膀,道:“可能还真是,看来你替我挨了几顿。”„Ipourindifferently, if not fighthimthatseveral, perhapsIdid not have the meansto break throughtosixth seal.”
“我倒无所谓,如果不是跟他打那几场,说不定我还没办法突破到第六印呢。”Zhao Kuoshrugs the shoulders, at oncesays: „Youcomeacademynow, perhapsin the afternoon the resonance powerclass, he can also look foryou.”赵阔耸耸肩膀,旋即道:“不过你现在来了学府,下午相力课,他恐怕还会来找你。”Hethinks,is patting the chesttastes: „ When the time comesmakesmeact, has a lookto hitagainseveraltimes, canmakemebreak throughtodirectlyseventh
( This chapterhas not ended, pleaseturnpage)
(本章未完,请翻页)seal? ”
印?”Li Luosmiles, Zhao Kuothisperson, the charactersuffices the loyaltyfrank, indeedis a rarefriend, butmakeshimhideinbehindlooks that the friendgoesto withstand/top the vatforhim, thisis nothischaracter.李洛笑笑,赵阔这人,性格爽直又够义气,的确是个不可多得的朋友,不过让他躲在后面看着朋友去为他顶缸,这也不是他的性格。Thereforehesaid with a smile: „Let's discuss it later.”
...In the afternoon, resonance powerclass.
下午时分,相力课。NorthSouthern Wind Academy, vastjungle, the jungleis green, having the windswaysto be obsolete, just likeraisedgreenwavelayer upon layer.
在南风学府北面,有一片辽阔的密林,密林葱郁,有风吹拂而过时,犹如是掀起了层层的绿浪。Butin the junglecentralposition, the greattreesstandsgorgeously, the greattreelusteris shading yellow, the highapproximately more than 200meters, the trunk and branches of coverextends, just like a giantincomparabletreenetto be the same.
The trunk and branches of greattreeis sturdy, butwhatis most unusual, aboveeachleaf, a roughlytwometerslength and breadth, the ruler the thickness, resemblingis a platformis ordinary.
巨树的枝干粗壮,而最奇特的是,上面每一片树叶,都约莫两米长宽,尺许厚度,似是一个台子一般。ThisisResonance Power Tree.
这是相力树。Resonance Power Treeis notgrowsnaturally, butis builtbymanyunusualmaterials, like gold but not gold, like wood but not wood.相力树并非是天然生长出来的,而是由诸多奇特材料打造而成,似金非金,似木非木。In the Resonance Power Treeinterior, hasenergy core, thatenergy corecanabsorbas well asstore upextremelyhugeworld's energy.
在相力树的内部,存在着一座能量核心,那能量核心能够吸取以及储存极为庞大的天地能量。Butthesespaciousleaves of Resonance Power Tree, thenjust likecultivationstages, eachleaf, cansupply a studentto cultivate.
而相力树的那些宽大叶子,则是宛如一座座的修炼台,每一片叶子,都能够供给一名学员修炼。ThisResonance Power Tree, iseachacademynecessarything, but the scale has weakly.
这种相力树,是每一座学府的必备之物,只是规模有强有弱而已。Fromsomesignificance, theseleavesare similar togolden room in Li Luoold residenceto be the same, naturally, by a delivery ordereffect, decideshowevergolden room in old residenceto be better, butis notallstudentshasthiscultivationconditionafter all.
从某种意义而言,这些树叶就如同李洛老宅中的金屋一般,当然,论起单一的效果,定然还是老宅中的金屋更好一些,但毕竟不是所有学员都有这种修炼条件。OnResonance Power Tree, the Resonance Power Treeleafwas divided into3rd rank, bygolden leaf, silver leaf, copper leafdifferentiates.相力树上,相力树叶被分为三级,以金叶,银叶,铜叶来区分。Butwordsfromdistant place, will then discover,Resonance Power Treeexceeds60%scopesis the copper leafcolor, remainingin40%, the silverleafaccounts for30%, the goldenleafonly has about 10%.
The goldenleaf, centralizedin the position of Resonance Power Treetop of the tree, the quantityis scarce.
金色叶子,都集中于相力树树顶的位置,数量稀少。Naturally, does not need to know,cultivateson the goldenleaf, thateffectnatureis stronger than othertwoleaves.
当然,不用想都知道,在金色树叶上面修炼,那效果自然比其他两种树叶更强。However the goldenleaf, overwhelming majoritywere occupiedbyfirst courtyard, this is also the indisputablematter, after allfirst courtyardisSouthern Wind Academysignboard.
不过金色树叶,绝大部分都被一院所占据,这也是无可厚非的事情,毕竟一院是南风学府的牌面。Entiresecond courtyard, several hundredpeople, are divided the goldenleaf, only hastenpiecesmerely, as forfollowingthird courtyard, fourth courtyard, thatdoes not have the qualificationsto enjoy... thus it can be seenthisgoldenleafcherishinghow.
整个二院,几百号人,分到手中的金色树叶,仅仅只有十片,而至于更后面的三院,四院,那更是没有资格享受到...由此可见这金色树叶是多么的稀罕。Resonance Power Treeonlyopensfor quite a whileevery day, when the bell of top of the treesounds, thenblooms the treetimearrived, butat this moment, isallstudentsmosthopes.相力树每日只开启半天,当树顶的大钟敲响时,便是开树的时候到了,而这一刻,是所有学员最为期盼的。Butat this time, inthatdingreverberates, many studentsare the whole faceare excited, like surging tidesfloods intothisjungle, finallyalong the wooden ladder that such as the bigpythonwindsgenerally, mounts the greattree.
而此时,在那钟声回荡间,众多学员已是满脸兴奋,如潮水般的涌入这片密林,最后沿着那如大蟒一般蜿蜒的木梯,登上巨树。Li Luo is also as the stream of people, arrived above Resonance Power Tree, thenheis looking above tenpieces of golden leaf, is a little suddenly awkward, second courtyardthesetenpieces of golden leaf, hadonepiecebeforeisto also belonghis, after allaccording to the words of strengthdivision, he is also next toZhao Kuoinsecond courtyard.李洛也是随着人流,来到了相力树之上,然后他望着上方的十片金叶,一时间有点尴尬,二院这十片金叶,以前有一片也是属于他的,毕竟按照实力划分的话,他在二院也就仅次于赵阔。Afterwardbecause of the empty resonancereason, hewill belong to his piece of golden leaflettingon own initiative, thiscausespresenthim, as ifdid not have the position, after all before he will also be embarrassedagain, golden leaf that deliveredmustcome backagain.
只是后来因为空相的原因,他主动将属于他的那一片金叶给让了出去,这就导致现在的他,似乎没位置了,毕竟他也不好意思再将之前送出去的金叶再要回来。„Ok, firstusespassable.”
“算了,先凑合用吧。”Li Luothinks,moved towardsecond courtyardpiece of silver leaf.李洛想了想,就走向了二院的一片银叶。WhenLi Luomoves towardsilver leaf, inthatResonance Power Treeaboveregion , has someeye of bands of lightstopping of variousmoodonhisbody.
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