KOMI :: Volume #1

#10: thankless wretch

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The Pei Hao spoken language, just like the sharp blade, the blade blade executes the heart, hears in the living room that several pavilion lord that supports Jiang Qing'e is the surface has the anger. 裴昊的言语,宛如利刃,刀刀诛心,听得客厅内那几位支持姜青娥阁主皆是面有怒意。 Going to Li Luo that their vision cannot bear, but is actually astonished saw that the latter complexion had not revealed any being furious, this makes them relax actually, somewhat sighed, although this young mansion lord inborn empty resonance, but at least this temperament, is quite good. 他们的目光忍不住的投向李洛,不过却是惊异的见到后者面色并没有显露出任何的震怒,这倒是让得他们松了一口气,同时也有些感叹,这位少府主虽说天生空相,但最起码这份心性,还是相当不错的。 Pei Hao also discovered Li Luo is aloof to his spoken language, unavoidably some surprise, but then understands clearly at once, wants to come these years accident, has made Li Luo understand these brutal facts. 裴昊同样是发现了李洛对他的言语无动于衷,也不免有些诧异,不过旋即便是了然,想来这几年的变故,早已让得李洛明白了这些残酷的事实。 Said?” Li Luo sound tranquil asking. “说完了吗?”李洛声音平静的问道。 Pei Hao light smiling. 裴昊淡淡的笑了笑。 Actually I am very actually strange, my parents should have obviously the obligation to you, why do you as if instead hate to them are heavier?” Li Luo asked. “其实我倒是挺奇怪,明明我爹娘对你应该算是有大恩,为何你似乎对他们反而怨恨更重一些?”李洛问道。 Pei Hao hears word, silent several breaths, pale sound said: master and master's wife to me indeed also good, but they have known what I want is anything, I want to become their true disciples, rather than so-called honorary disciple.” 裴昊闻言,沉默了数息,淡声道:“师父师娘对我的确还不错,只是他们一直都知道我想要的是什么,我想成为他们真正的弟子,而不是一个所谓的记名弟子。” To achieve this goal, how many painstaking efforts I contributed to for Luolan Mansion, but they actually never open the mouth... you to know how many hopes I have, finally changes into disappointedly?” “为了达成这个目标,我为洛岚府立了多少苦功,但他们却始终不曾开口...你知道我有多少次的期盼,最终化为失望吗?” Li Luo said with a smile: „Is this help a man once gains grace, help the man too much gains hatred? However the present, my parents do actually well, I did not feel, with your thankless wretch character, if they really receive you for the personal inheritance disciple, you will therefore have anything to restrain.” 李洛笑道:“这就是升米恩斗米仇吧?不过现在来看,我爹娘做得倒是不错,我可不觉得,以你这白眼狼的性格,若是他们真的将你收为了亲传弟子,你就会因此有什么收敛。” Gave you status of personal inheritance disciple, but will intensify your ambition, making you more relaxed possesses of Luolan Mansion.” “给了你亲传弟子的身份,只不过会加剧你的野心,让你更轻松的将洛岚府占为己有罢了。” Pei Hao shakes the head, does not pester on this topic with Li Luo many, is only lightly said: It seems like you to my proposition, are not interested.” 裴昊摇摇头,并不与李洛在这个话题上面纠缠过多,只是淡淡道:“看来你对我的提议,并不怎么感兴趣。” Li Luo nods, said: Do not rack one's brain for nothing, the engagement is the I and sister Qing'e matter, not because your any threat will change.” 李洛点点头,道:“你就别白费心思了,婚约是我与青娥姐间的事,不会因为你的任何威胁就会改变的。” Pei Hao hears word, sighed lightly, said: Li Luo, greedy will pay the heavy price, now was not the past, you already not willful capital.” 裴昊闻言,一声轻叹,道:“李洛,贪心是会付出惨重代价的,现在不是从前了,你已经没有任性的资本了。” The Li Luo vision is staring at Pei Hao, although he compared the latter weakly is too many on the imposing manner, thing that but in that vision contained, was makes Pei Hao feel that some were uncomfortable. 李洛目光盯着裴昊,虽说在气势上面他比后者弱了太多,但那目光中所蕴含的东西,却是让得裴昊感觉到了一些不舒服。 Pei Hao, these words, I also give to you.” Li Luo when spoke these words, facial expression especially earnest. 裴昊,这句话,我也送给你。”李洛在说这句话的时候,神情格外的认真。 Pei Hao speechless, says with a smile: Li Luo, you really think that little junior sister can protect you? You were too naive.” 裴昊哑然,笑道:“李洛,你真以为小师妹就能一直护住你吗?你还是太天真了。” Since you do not approve to my proposition, that just like I said before, three pavilions that starting today, I have jurisdiction over, will not turn in supplying gold to the prefectural repository again, any instruction that similarly, in the mansion issues... can three pavilions implement, that looks at my mood.” “不过既然你对我的提议并不赞同,那就罢了,正如我之前所说,从今天开始,我所管辖的三阁,将不会再将供金上缴给府库,同样的,府内下发的任何指令...三阁会不会实施,那就看我的心情吧。” In living room other six pavilion lord facial colors gradually becomes must cold austere. 客厅内其他六位阁主的面色渐渐的变得冷肃起来。 Although in six people have two pavilion lord is the independent, but if Pei Hao really must split Luolan Mansion, that will inevitably also affect their benefits. 虽说六人中有两位阁主是属于中立派,但如果裴昊真是要分裂洛岚府的话,那必然也会影响到他们的利益。 Perhaps if so, they also can only obey the order of Jiang Qing'e, conducted to encircle to this three pavilions as well as Pei Hao. 若是如此的话,他们恐怕也只能听从姜青娥的命令,对这三阁以及裴昊进行围剿了。 Once to that step, the fission of Luolan Mansion will expose in the eye of Great Xia Country all parties influence. 只是一旦到了那一步,洛岚府的分裂就将会暴露在大夏国各方势力的眼中。 What's wrong? To make a move to me?” Pei Hao detects the chill in the air in their eye, immediately a chuckle. “怎么?想要对我出手?”裴昊似是察觉到了他们眼中的寒意,当即一声轻笑。 Is looking at the happy expression on Pei Hao face, that Lei Zhang and other in the pavilion lord eyes cannot help but passed over gently and swiftly wipes to dread, previously Pei Hao had a few words is not actually false, in these years that Luolan Mansion rises, he indeed has a big merit, these stop the Luolan Mansion powerful enemy, there are much dies in the hand of Pei Hao. 望着裴昊面庞上的笑意,那雷彰等六位阁主眼中不由得掠过一抹忌惮,先前裴昊有一句话倒是不假,在洛岚府崛起的这些年,他的确是有着不小的功劳,那些阻拦洛岚府的强敌,有不少都是死在了裴昊的手中。 Present Pei Hao, is Earthly Fiend General late stage, but their these pavilion lord, besides Lei Zhang are Earthly Fiend General middle stage, other all are initial stage. 如今的裴昊,乃是地煞将后期,而他们这些阁主,除了雷彰地煞将中期外,其余皆是初期 In people on the scene, perhaps also only then the body has ninth grade light resonance Jiang Qing'e, can contend with it. 在场众人中,恐怕也就只有身具九品光明相姜青娥,能够与其抗衡。 Naturally what is most important, Pei Hao not, he also has to be loyal to his troops, turns to his three pavilion lord incessantly at present. 当然最重要的是,裴昊并非独自一人,他也有着忠于他的人马,不止眼前投靠他的三位阁主 Once both sides tore to pieces the facial skin to begin here, that informs the world without doubt, Luolan Mansion internal split, but this will cause Luolan Mansion to become having one misfortune after another in the Great Xia Country situation. 一旦双方在这里撕破了脸皮动手,那无疑是昭告天下,洛岚府内部分裂,而这将会引得洛岚府大夏国的局势变得更为的雪上加霜。 Everyone, I this, is not to flaunt the advantage of argument today, my behavior, can make Luolan Mansion continue to stand erect in Great Xia Country.” “各位,我今日来此,并不是为了逞口舌之利,我所为的,也是能够让得洛岚府继续屹立于大夏国中。” If little junior sister is willing to renounce the engagement with young mansion lord, your I collaborate, future Luolan Mansion definitely a level higher.” Pei Hao looks all around the people, said with a smile pale. “如果小师妹愿意与少府主解除婚约,你我联手,未来的洛岚府必然会更上一层楼。”裴昊环顾众人,淡笑道。 At present arrives this step , can only blame our young mansion lord being greedy some...” “眼下走到这一步,也只能怪咱们这位少府主过于贪心了一些...” I will not give up.” “不过我并不会罢手的。” At this point, Pei Hao pulled out token from the bosom, above inscribes a Mexico character, but when position pavilion lord sees this thing in the presence of everyone, the complexion cannot bear changes. 说到此处,裴昊自怀中掏出了一枚令牌,上面铭刻着一个“墨”字,而当众位阁主见到此物时,面色都是忍不住的一变。 „Is this Elder Mo token?” Lei Zhang hoarsely said. “这是墨长老令牌?”雷彰失声道 In this Luolan Mansion, besides nine pavilion lord, still also has existences of three foreign elder, they are besides Li Taixuan, Tantai Lan, in Luolan Mansion strongest strength. 在这洛岚府中,除了九位阁主外,尚还有着三位供奉长老的存在,他们算是除了李太玄,澹台岚之外,洛岚府中最强的战力。 Three foreign elder, all is a day of ghost the boundary. 三位供奉长老,皆是天煞将境。 But these three consecrate, did not meddle the Luolan Mansion matter in those days, when Luolan Mansion faced with foreign enemy, they will just now act, this was initially Li Taixuan and their agreements. 只不过这三位供奉,往日并不插手洛岚府的事,只是当洛岚府面临外敌时,他们方才会出手,这是当初李太玄与他们的约定。 This Elder Mo, is one of the three consecrate. 这位墨长老,就是三位供奉之一。 But no one has thought, this most should maintain absolutely the neutral person in Luolan Mansion, its personal token will appear in the Pei Hao hand unexpectedly, meaning, is self-evident. 但谁都没想到,这在洛岚府中最应该保持绝对中立的人,其贴身令牌竟然会出现在裴昊手中,其中之意,已经不言而喻了。 „In the past master invited three foreign elder, once had said that they have inspecting authority, when next year mansion festival, if some people obtained two foreign elder as well as four pavilion lord support, then he had the right to compete with the position of Luolan Mansion mansion lord.” “当年师父请来三位供奉长老时,曾说过,他们拥有着监督之权,所以明年府祭时,如果有人获得两位供奉长老以及四位阁主支持,那么他就有权利竞争洛岚府府主之位。” Pei Hao smiles, said: Therefore, you do not need to worry that I will split Luolan Mansion, because I want, is complete Luolan Mansion.” 裴昊轻轻一笑,道:“所以,你们也不必担心我会分裂洛岚府,因为我想要的,是一个完整的洛岚府。” In the living room, Lei Zhang and other pavilion lord facial features startled anger, they have not thought obviously, Pei Hao is having this idea unexpectedly. 客厅内,雷彰阁主面容惊怒,显然他们都没想到,裴昊竟然是打着这个主意。 Moreover looks at the present appearance, he not necessarily did not have the successful possibility, obviously, for today, shortly after when perhaps two mansion lord are missing, this Pei Hao has been making the preparation. 而且看眼下的样子,他还未必没有成功的可能,显然,为了今日,恐怕当两位府主失踪之后不久,这裴昊就已经在做着准备了。 The Pei Hao vision looked at appearance ice-cold Jiang Qing'e, then shifted to nearby Li Luo, indifferently said: Therefore, treasures finally this year time, when mansion festival approaches, perhaps Luolan Mansion with you, did not have to relate many greatly.” 裴昊目光看了一眼容颜冰冷的姜青娥,然后转向了一旁的李洛,淡淡的道:“所以,珍惜最后这一年的时间吧,等府祭来临时,洛岚府跟你,恐怕就没多大的关系了。” That time you, can be true not have anything at all.” “那时候的你,才会是真正的一无所有。” When this saying falls, Pei Hao is the turning around stride goes directly, after that three pavilion lord follow closely on. 当这话落下时,裴昊直接是转身大步而去,其后三位阁主紧随而上。 With departure of Pei Hao, in the living room the tight atmosphere became relaxed actually, but on the face of people was some anxious look. 随着裴昊的离去,客厅内紧绷的气氛倒是变得缓和了下来,但众人的面庞上都是有些愁容。 Although somewhat expected regarding this aspect early, when but this appears, makes people feel the extreme headache. 虽然对于这个局面早有些预料,但当这一幕出现时,还是让人感到极为的头疼。 However at this time Jiang Qing'e displayed actually quite calmly, comforting that her voice slowed down next six pavilion lord, confessed finally after something, just now made them draw back. 不过此时姜青娥倒是表现出了相当的冷静,她声音放缓的安抚了一下六位阁主,最后再交代了一些事情后,方才让得他们退下。 After resulting in the people all are draw back next, in the living room becomes peaceful. 待得众人皆是退下后,客厅内变得安静下来。 The Li Luo vision is staring at front floor, appears when until a pair of straight slender jade leg in the front, he just gets back one's composure, raising the head, is saw that Jiang Qing'e is lowering the head, golden eye pupil static looks at him. 李洛的目光盯着面前的地板,直到一双笔直纤细的玉腿出现在面前时,他方才回神,抬起头来,便是见到姜青娥正低着头,金色眼瞳静静的看着他。 It seems like in your surface, although tranquil, but is angry at heart very much.” Jiang Qing'e sound light say/way. “看来你表面上虽然平静,但心里还是很生气啊。”姜青娥声音清淡的道。 Li Luo smiles bitterly, said: How to be angry?” 李洛苦笑一声,道:“怎么可能不生气?” That Pei Hao today, it may be said that regards as does not have him the thing, that so-called request he renounces the engagement, wants according to trample on the ground his face. 裴昊今日,可谓是将他视为无物,那所谓的要求他解除婚约,更是想要将他的脸按在地上践踏。 You display rude also well, not.” The Jiang Qing'e red lip raised gently wipes the happy expression, in the sound had a praise. “不过你表现得还不错,并没有过于的失态。”姜青娥红唇轻轻掀起一抹笑意,声音中带了一丝赞扬。 Li Luo sighed: Actually if possible, I want to hammer dead him directly at the scene, helping the parents clean up the gateway.” 李洛叹道:“其实如果可以的话,我更想直接当场把他锤死,帮爹娘清理门户。” Not rude, more because he really could not make anything. 未曾失态,更多还是因为他真的做不了什么。 At this time, Li Luo again clear feeling the importance of own strength, so-called young mansion lord, after losing parents, actually also anything is not. 这个时候,李洛再度清晰的感觉到自身力量的重要性,所谓的少府主,在失去了爹娘之后,其实也什么都不是。 Naturally, he also understands, what is more important is because of his so-called inborn empty resonance, everyone recognized that he does not have the potential, will naturally despise in him. 当然,他也明白,更重要的还是因为他那所谓的天生空相,所有人都认定他毫无潜力,自然就会轻视于他。 No one can be problem-free, appropriate bearing patiently does not lose face.” Jiang Qing'e elucidates to say. “没有人会是一帆风顺,适当的隐忍并不丢人。”姜青娥开解道。 Li Luo nods, said: After today's matter, I am knows that our Luolan Mansion some troubles now, in the two years, really pressed sister Qing'e.” 李洛点点头,道:“经过今日的事,我算是知道咱们洛岚府如今有多麻烦了,这两年,真是难为青娥姐了。” Initially Luolan Mansion rose was too quick, because of this, foundation just now so impetuous, this causes, once as Li Taixuan of initiator, Tantai Lan is missing, this tall tower becomes no longer stable. 洛岚府当初崛起的太快了,但正因为如此,根基方才会这般的浮躁,这就导致一旦作为创始者的李太玄,澹台岚失踪,这座高塔就变得不再稳固。 If not the stable will of the people that Jiang Qing'e does utmost in the two years, perhaps now has the thoughts, not only a Pei Hao person. 如果不是姜青娥这两年竭尽全力的稳固人心,恐怕如今生出心思的,就不只是裴昊一人了。 Jiang Qing'e sits down in the one side, slender fair both legs graceful folding in the same place, said: Words that Pei Hao previously spoke, you do not need to care, I will tidy up his, but requires some time.” 姜青娥在一旁坐下,修长白皙的双腿优雅的叠在一起,道:“裴昊先前说的话,你不用太放在心上,我会收拾他的,只是需要一些时间。” When is speaking, in that pair of pure golden eye pupil, passed over gently and swiftly light killing intent. 说着话时,那一对纯粹的金色眼瞳中,掠过淡淡的杀意。 Since you and I have had the agreement, I naturally in the agreement achieves, gives you this Luolan Mansion completely.” “既然你和我有过约定,那我自然会在约定达成时,将这洛岚府完完整整的交给你。” Therefore the Luolan Mansion matter, you do not need a headache temporarily, now you should think... next month Southern Wind Academy term examination, if you cannot enter Sacred Profound Star Academy, all agreements may lose the potency.” Saying that the Jiang Qing'e red lip opens. “所以洛岚府的事,你暂时不必头疼,你现在更应该想的...还是下个月南风学府的大考,若是你进不了圣玄星学府,一切的约定可就失了效力。”姜青娥红唇微启的说道。 At once her voice, the leaning head, said with a smile to Li Luo slightly pale: If you thought that less likely, now says one with me, I can be regarded as your word of temporary impulsion that agreement.” 旋即她话音顿了顿,微微偏头,冲着李洛淡笑道:“不过如果你觉得可能性不大的话,现在就和我说一声,我可以把那份约定当做是你的一时冲动之言。” Li Luo blinks, then stretches out the palm, said: Gives me your hand.” 李洛眨了眨眼,然后伸出手掌,道:“把你的手给我。” Jiang Qing'e looks is extending arrives at front hand, gawked slightly staring, if others to her so, perhaps her big probability meet a sword to cut, but... two people relates to Li Luo is very after all special. 姜青娥瞧着伸到面前的手,微微愣了愣,若是旁人这么对她如此的话,或许她大概率会一剑斩过去,不过对李洛么...两人关系毕竟很是特殊。 Therefore, finally her look motionless extends a small hand, placed in the palm of Li Luo. 于是,最终她神色不动的伸出一只小手,放在了李洛的掌心中。 Li Luo slowly grips that small hand, that tender and delicate feeling, lets be popular, moreover perhaps is reason that because the Jiang Qing'e body has light resonance, her flesh, appears especially clear snow white, just like the beautiful jade, making one be unable to put down. 李洛缓缓的握住那只小手,那股娇嫩之感,让得人心中一荡,而且或许是因为姜青娥身具光明相的原因,她的肌肤,显得尤为的晶莹雪白,宛如美玉,让人爱不释手。 However Li Luo bore forcefully the impulsion that wants to rub suo that small hand, is then urging together extremely weak resonance power, welled up among the palms. 不过李洛强行忍住了想要磨挲那小手的冲动,然后驱使着一道极为微弱的相力,自掌心间涌了出来。 Jiang Qing'e look originally quite tranquil, when may work as that say/way weak resonance power wells up, her complexion instantaneously becomes dignified. 姜青娥的神色原本是颇为的平静,可当那道微弱相力涌来时,她的面色瞬间变得凝重了起来。 The slender five fingers counter- buckle, held the Li Luo palm directly, the sensation flooded into Li Luo within the body together, finally, she discovered Li Luo that completely empty resonance's palace, is actually sending out the sky-blue brilliance now. 修长五指反扣,直接是抓住了李洛手掌,一道感知涌入到了李洛体内,最后,她就发现了李洛那一道原本空空如也的相宫,如今却是散发着蔚蓝色的光彩。 Jiang Qing'e somewhat shocking looks at Li Luo to bring a happy expression face, after the moment, just now said: „Is this... water resonance?” 姜青娥有些震惊的看着李洛带着一丝笑意的面庞,片刻后,方才道:“这是...水相?” „Did you have?!” “你有相了?!” Jiang Qing'e good after long time, just now the loosening palm slowly, said: Is the thing that master and master's wife leaves behind solves for you?” 姜青娥好半晌后,方才缓缓的松开手掌,道:“是师父师娘留下的东西为你解决的?” Li Luo nods. 李洛点点头。 Jiang Qing'e aspirates lightly, said in a soft voice: This was really the today's best news.” 姜青娥轻吐了一口气,轻声道:“这真是今天最好的消息了。” Your water resonance, rank does not seem high, but actually special pure feelings, perhaps are because master and master's wife leaves your certain heavenly materials and earthly treasures to cause.” “你的这道水相,品阶似乎并不高,可却有一种特殊的纯净感,或许是因为师父师娘留给你的某些天材地宝所导致。” No matter what, this is a good start.” “不过不管怎样,这是一个好的开始。” Can look, Jiang Qing'e this time is happy, slightly reveals Ling very cold the slender frown, unfolding slightly. 看得出来,姜青娥此时的心情不错,略显凌冽的纤细双眉,都是微微的展了开来。 Finally, but also played a joke with Li Luo: Congratulates you, from wanting to renounce the engagement the goal also to be nearer a half step with me.” 最后,还跟李洛开了一个玩笑:“恭喜你,距离想要跟我解除婚约的目标又更近了一小步。” Li Luo helpless smiles, at once is silent the moment, said: You felt that some words how many credibility that related to my parents previously he said?” 李洛无奈的一笑,旋即沉默了片刻,道:“你觉得先前他说的那句有关我爹娘的话有多少可信度?” The Jiang Qing'e slender eyelash winked gently winking, calmly said: Although I do not know where he must come some news, but I felt, his short shallow generation, how may know the great strength of master and master's wife.” 姜青娥修长睫毛轻轻眨了眨,平静的道:“虽然我不知道他是从哪里得来了一些消息,不过我只是觉得,他这种短浅之辈,怎么可能会知晓师父师娘的强大。” Even if their two were surrounded the hands and feet for some reasons temporarily, but I believe that their definitely is well.” “即便他们两位因为某些原因被暂时困住了手脚,但我相信,他们必然会平安无事。” Li Luo hears word, nod of also makes an effort slowly. 李洛闻言,也是缓慢而用力的点了点头。 I also thought so.” “我也这么觉得。” Jiang Qing'e stands up, arrives at the window, at this time has the sunlight to fall, falls, in her has to exquisite on tender body, the ray moves following the graceful curve, making one palpitate with excitement. 姜青娥站起身来,来到窗边,此时有阳光倾洒而下,落在她那玲珑有致的娇躯上,光线顺着曼妙曲线而动,让人怦然心动。 I will return to royal city tomorrow, if you have any need, can say with the Cai Wei elder sister directly, she will stay some time in Heavenly Shu County , helping handle Luolan Mansion here all industry.” “我明天就会回王城了,如果你有任何需要,都可以直接和蔡薇姐说,她会在天蜀郡停留一段时间,帮忙打理洛岚府在此处的各方产业。” After confessing some, Jiang Qing'e is excessive, she looks at Li Luo by the side face, the sunlight is shining the perfect outline. 交代了一些之后,姜青娥偏过头,她以侧颜望着李洛,阳光照射着完美的轮廓。 That pair of golden eye pupil, is shining shining lives the splendor under the vision, making the person vision be involved, was hard to dismiss from mind. 那一对金色眼瞳,在眼光下也是耀耀生辉,令人目光深陷其中,难以忘怀。 Therefore... Li Luo, wants to see you next time, in Sacred Profound Star Academy.” “所以...李洛,希望下次见到你,是在圣玄星学府。” She shows a faint smile, whispered. 她微微一笑,轻声低语。
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