KMD :: Volume #9

#842: Craftily changes

The Mo Qinglei look is dignified, does not have a contempt to Nie Tian again. 莫青雷眼神凝重,对聂天再无一丝轻视。 He thinks, Nie Tian only then Skeleton Blood Monster available, his father for Thunder King Seal that he refines, has the restraint to Skeleton Blood Monster, he thought that Nie Tian non- is his match. 他本以为,聂天只有骸骨血妖可用,他父亲为他炼制的雷王印,对骸骨血妖有着克制,他觉得聂天非是他对手。 Flame Dragon Armor was called by Nie Tian, that Flame Dragon Dragon Soul, departs from the armor, rips when with eight levels of Dark Thunder Beast Beast Soul entangles, he realized that Nie Tian's is maneating. 炎龙铠聂天唤出,那条炎龙龙魂,从铠甲中飞出,和八级雷冥兽兽魂撕缠时,他才意识到聂天的凶悍。 Dark Thunder Beast, is not Desolate Ancient Era Ancient Beast, can only be called the Spirit Beast category. 雷冥兽,并非荒古时代古兽,只能称为灵兽的范畴。 Although was prohibited in Thunder King Seal, refining is Item's Soul Dark Thunder Beast, has eight levels of Bloodlines, wisdom Spirit Wisdom, but Dark Thunder Beast is inferior to Desolate Ancient Flame Dragon this kind of Ancient Beast. 虽然被封禁在雷王印,炼化器魂雷冥兽,有着八级血脉,智慧通灵,可雷冥兽还是不如荒古炎龙这类古兽 In him and Nie Tian top of the head that side world, is separated from armor the soul of Flame Dragon, with Dark Thunder Beast as before bloody battle. 在他和聂天头顶那一方天地,脱离铠甲的炎龙之魂,和雷冥兽依旧在血战。 Mo Qinglei waits and sees for several seconds, looks at that first eight levels of Dark Thunder Beast Beast Soul, cannot have the superiority. 莫青雷观望数秒,瞧出那头八级雷冥兽兽魂,未能取得优势。 Wisp of fierce rays of light, from his corner of the eye brilliantly. 一缕狰狞光芒,从他眼角绚烂而出。 He looks fiercely to that first six levels of Bloodlines Dark Thunder Beast. 他猛地看向那头六级血脉雷冥兽 That Dark Thunder Beast, looked at one by him, trembles, the animal head is swaying unceasingly, instinct resisting anything. 那头雷冥兽,被他看了一眼,瑟瑟发抖,兽头不断摇晃着,本能地抗拒着什么。 Beast Soul enters the body!” 兽魂入体!” Mo Qinglei disregards fearing of that Dark Thunder Beast, loudly severely shouted. 莫青雷无视那头雷冥兽的惧怕,放声厉喝 With eight levels of Dark Thunder Beast Beast Soul that Flame Dragon Dragon Soul slaughters, flies to come suddenly, strangely integrates to the bodies of six levels of Dark Thunder Beast. 炎龙龙魂厮杀的八级雷冥兽兽魂,忽地飞逝而来,诡异地融入到六级雷冥兽的躯体。 Gigantic Beast Soul, rapid restraining, vanishes suddenly. 硕大的兽魂,迅速收敛,眨眼消失。 Was called by Mo Qinglei, that Thunder King Seal, then falls to six levels of Dark Thunder Beast forehead. 莫青雷唤出的,那一枚雷王印,则是落向六级雷冥兽的眉心。 Six levels of Bloodlines Dark Thunder Beast, are eating delicacies suddenly sad and shrill miserably, its beast deep place, eight levels of Dark Thunder Beast soul shades, appear faintly. 六级血脉雷冥兽,陡然凄厉地惨啸着,它的兽目深处,隐隐有八级雷冥兽的魂影,浮现出来。 Six levels of Bloodlines Dark Thunder Beast, obtain eight levels of Dark Thunder Beast moving into body posession, in addition the Thunder King Seal might in addition holds, instantaneously becomes berserk, but bloodthirsty. 六级血脉雷冥兽,得到八级雷冥兽的入驻夺舍,加上雷王印的威力加持,瞬间变得狂暴而嗜血。 Nie Tian gently well. 聂天轻轻“咦”了一声。 He realizes keenly, when eight levels of Dark Thunder Beast Beast Soul, after being hidden that first six levels of Dark Thunder Beast within the body, six levels of Dark Thunder Beast Bloodlines, as if were lit sublimates. 他敏锐的察觉到,当八级雷冥兽兽魂,隐没到那头六级雷冥兽体内以后,六级雷冥兽血脉,仿佛被点燃升华。 „!” “嗤嗤!” Shortly, has the innumerable azure lightnings, the crawling full Dark Thunder Beast beast body. 顷刻间,就有无数的青色闪电,爬满雷冥兽的兽躯。 That Dark Thunder Beast, toward the soul of Flame Dragon, puts out Thunder Ball. 那头雷冥兽,朝着炎龙之魂,吐出一枚雷球 The Thunder Ball deep place, lightning like the rainbow, a thunder crowdedness, runes one after another, implication thunder mystery, multiplies from the spheroid. 雷球深处,电光如虹,雷点密集,一个接着一个的符文,暗含雷霆至理,从球体内滋生出来。 Thunder Ball likely is thunder secret world, flies once more to Flame Dragon Dragon Soul. 雷球像是一个雷霆秘界,再次向炎龙龙魂飞来。 Bang!” “轰!” Thunder Ball blasting open, was formerly more violent than ten times of lightning glow and thunder light incessantly, submerges Flame Dragon. 雷球炸裂,比先前猛烈十倍都不止的电芒雷光,将炎龙淹没。 thunder light and lightning glow, bring to kill to extinguish the life soul, exterminates the destruction aura of all soul body evil thing. 雷光电芒,带着殛灭生灵魂魄,诛灭一切魂体邪物的毁灭气息。 Flame Dragon Armor Item's Soul, in thunder light lightning glow, rapidly changes is small. 炎龙铠器魂,在雷光电芒内,迅速变小。 Composes Flame Dragon illusory shadow bunches of flame, is the Item's Soul soul aura, vanishes gradually. 组成炎龙虚影的一簇簇火焰,其中属于器魂的灵魂气息,渐渐消失。 Item's Soul was roaring, the sound has been full of the pain. 器魂咆哮着,声音充满了痛苦。 Mo Qinglei cloudy and cold said: Thunder lightning, is all soul body difficult adversaries, your Desolate Ancient Flame Dragon soul, departs from Item(s), courts death simply!” 莫青雷阴冷地说道:“雷霆闪电,被就是一切魂体克星,你那荒古炎龙的魂魄,从器物内飞出,简直是找死!” Nie Tian quickly awakens. 聂天幡然醒悟。 The strength of thunder, extermination myriad things soul, this is in world Qi Refinement Warrior recognition mystery. 雷霆之力,诛灭万物魂魄,这本就是世间炼气士公认的至理 Cultivation thunder magic arts, is always the Evil Dark Race difficult adversary, many Evil Dark Race formidable soul technique, Bloodlines Secret Technique, bumps into Mo Qinglei this kind to be skilled in berserk thunder secret technique, the hands tied feet tied, is unable the real strength and Bloodlines talent, the release erupts heartily. 修炼雷霆法决者,向来都是邪冥族的克星,很多邪冥族的强大魂术,血脉秘法,碰到莫青雷这类精通狂暴雷霆秘术者,都会束手束脚,无法将真实的力量和血脉天赋,尽情释放爆发。 That first eight levels of Dark Thunder Beast, because of itself are Item's Soul, resembling is unable the strongest might display of lightning. 那头八级的雷冥兽,因本身也是器魂,似无法将雷电至强威力发挥。 When integrates flesh and blood to it, Dark Thunder Beast within the body of real survival, with the aid of Thunder King Seal, it as if finally frightens the ominous prestige of all soul bodies building the thunder. 待到它融入一头有血有肉的,真实存活的雷冥兽体内,借助雷王印,它似乎终于将雷霆震慑一切魂体的凶威给营造出来。 !” “呼!” The Giant Dragon hot shade that Flame Dragon Armor Item's Soul, evolves, runs out of the thunder lightning the prohibiting area. 炎龙铠器魂,衍变出来的巨龙火影,冲出雷霆闪电的封禁区。 Flamings the raging fire shade, a drill to that Nature Source's Well that Earth Flame Beast and Human Race Qi Refinement Warrior competes. 炽烈火影,一头钻向地炎兽人族炼气士争夺的那口造化源井 That Nature Source's Well, but also spout blazing flame, such as to/clashes the Heavenly Fire column together. 那口造化源井,还在喷涌着炽烈火焰,如一道冲天火柱。 Flame Dragon Armor Item's Soul, the drill to that Nature Source's Well, the column of flame that soars to the heavens together, suddenly starts to reduce, includes Nature's Power Flame Energy, gradually vanishes. 炎龙铠器魂,钻向那口造化源井,那一道冲天的火柱,突然开始缩小,含有造化之力炎能,逐渐消失。 That Earth Flame Beast, that cultivates flame magic arts Human Race Qi Refinement Warrior, instantaneous scared. 那头地炎兽,还有那位修炼火焰法决人族炼气士,瞬间傻眼。 A person of beast, the dull half sound, simultaneously rushes to that Nature Source's Well. 一人一兽,呆愣半响,同时奔向那口造化源井 Spirit Wisdom Supreme Treasure, did not have Item's Soul to assume personal command, did you and I fight with what?” 通灵至宝,没了器魂坐镇,你拿什么和我一战?” The Mo Qinglei look proudly, hints to that first six levels of Dark Thunder Beast, that puts out Thunder Ball, Dark Thunder Beast that Flame Dragon Armor Item's Soul that then forces flees, sends out painful low and deep roaring, fires into that Nature Source's Well. 莫青雷神色傲然,向那头六级雷冥兽示意,那头吐出一个雷球,便逼迫的炎龙铠器魂逃离的雷冥兽,发出一声痛苦低沉的咆哮,也冲向那口造化源井 It clearly prepares to extinguish thoroughly kills the soul of Flame Dragon. 它分明准备彻底灭杀炎龙之魂。 Prepares to drive away the soul of Flame Dragon, tumbles out that Nature Source's Well Earth Flame Beast, Human Race Qi Refinement Warrior, excitedly changes countenance. 准备驱赶炎龙之魂,滚出那口造化源井地炎兽,还有人族炼气士,勃然变色 Desolate Ancient Flame Dragon Item's Soul, made their headache, in addition Mo Qinglei that by eight levels of Dark Thunder Beast Item's Soul, after body posession, wrests away short, but also has Thunder King Seal Dark Thunder Beast to clash, a person of beast, the heart lives the fear, hurries to discard that well, obediently avoiding comes. 一头荒古炎龙器魂,已经令他们头痛了,再加上莫青雷那头被八级雷冥兽器魂,夺舍后,短暂霸占,还持有雷王印雷冥兽冲来,一人一兽,心生恐惧,赶紧舍弃那口井,乖乖避让开来。 Nie Tian does not make the response. 聂天不作回应。 That sets in his Flame Dragon Armor armor, is separated from him fiercely, falls into that Nature Source's Well instantaneously. 那件套在他身上的炎龙铠的铠甲,猛地从他身上脱离,也瞬间落入那口造化源井 Since Item's Soul is separated from the armor, by the thunder lightning restraint, he on own initiative will be discarded the armor, lets Dragon Soul return, was hit hard by the thunder in order to avoid the soul body. 既然器魂脱离铠甲,会被雷霆闪电克制,他就主动舍弃铠甲,让龙魂归位,以免魂体被雷霆重击。 He did not have Flame Dragon Armor, Skeleton Blood Monster available. 他没了炎龙铠,还有骸骨血妖可用。 Mo Qinglei Dark Thunder Beast, Thunder King Seal, eight levels of Beast Soul, the three unite, arrived in that Nature Source's Well, fights with soul body return Flame Dragon Armor once more. 莫青雷雷冥兽,雷王印,八级兽魂,三者合一,已抵达那口造化源井,和魂体归位炎龙铠再次战斗。 You think that your Flesh and Blood Puppet, can block me really?” “你以为,你的这具血肉傀儡,真的就能挡得住我?” Mo Qinglei disdain shook the head, from Storage Ring, pulls out a handle lightning long blade, said aggressively imposingly: Fellow of not knowing the immensity of heaven and earth, must cross from my top of the head side sky. So long as you originally retreat, can avoid this war, must court death.” 莫青雷不屑地摇了摇头,从储物戒内,抽出一柄雷电长刀,霸气凛然地说道:“不知天高地厚的家伙,非要从我头顶这方天空越过。你本来只要退去,是可以避免这一战的,偏偏要找死。” You should be the same to him, intelligent, yields and withdraws to me.” “你就应该向他一样,聪明一点,对我退避三舍。” He, put out a hand to refer to the speech by far, that long-lived age, will practice the lightning magic arts old man similarly. 他在讲话时,伸手远远指了一下,那个寿龄将至,同样修炼雷电法决的老者。 That old man, under his vision gaze, smiled awkwardly. 那位老者,在他的目光注视下,尴尬地笑了笑。 The old men have Mysterious Realm late stage cultivation level obviously, but in this place, the luck is unsatisfactory. 老者明明有着玄境后期修为,但在此地,却运气不佳。 He was pursued by Mo Qinglei first, Nature Source's Well that he chooses newly, spurts to be thin Flame Strength, was pursued again, now he is standing, third Nature Source's Well, then did not flash before the good fortune. 他先被莫青雷驱逐,他新挑选的一口造化源井,又喷薄出火焰之力,再次被人驱逐,如今他站着的,第三个造化源井,再没有闪现出造化来。 Saw that Mo Qinglei extracts a handle to twine Nie Tian of lightning long blade, knits the brows secretly, in the heart is considering, must use Star Boat. 看到莫青雷抽出一柄缠绕着雷电长刀的聂天,暗自皱眉,心中思量着,要不要动用星舟 Star Boat is not pure Flight Spirit Item, can regard as attacks Item(s), can the lasing leave radiant star glow, the might is considerable. 星舟不是单纯的飞行灵器,可以视为一件攻击器物,能激射出璀璨星芒,威力可观。 Skeleton Blood Monster loses massive Death Strength, battle strength only has the Spiritual Realm initial stage rank, that Mo Qinglei long blade, Nie Tian, extraordinary thing. 骸骨血妖失去大量死亡之力,战力只有灵境初期级别,那莫青雷的长刀,在聂天来看,也非凡物。 He does not believe that Skeleton Blood Monster can cut killing weapon thing numerous Mo Qinglei. 他也不认为,骸骨血妖就能斩杀器物众多的莫青雷 However, when he hesitates, the mutation breaks out. 然而,就在他犹豫之际,异变突起。 That Nature Source's Well that Chai Fengwu is, emerges the strange soul to surge suddenly, continuously concise such as the grey soul glow of silk, quietly flashes before from the well head. 祡凤舞所在的那口造化源井,忽涌现出诡异的灵魂波荡,有一缕缕精炼如丝的灰黑色魂芒,从井口悄悄闪现。 Chai Fengwu is bewildered, looks dull to that Nature Source's Well. 祡凤舞一脸茫然,呆呆看向那口造化源井 Spout purest Soul Power, to all intelligent lives, all races has that well of profit!” But also side, is pulling out to Water's Spiritual Power Xie Yunhai, shakes suddenly, shouted to clear the way loudly: I and you exchange!” “喷涌出最精纯魂力,对所有智慧生命,所有种族都有益处的那口井!”旁边,还在抽离水之灵力谢云海,霍然一震,放声喝道:“我和你交换!” Pure Soul Power, is having the mysterious good fortune aura similarly, to the soul of all living things, the wondrous use is infinite. 精纯魂力,同样带着神秘的造化气息,对众生之魂,妙用无穷。 Xie Yunhai also cultivates Spirit Secret Art of water, may when that well, had the unusual soul aura, he actually decisively wants to discard that Nature Source's Well, with the Chai Fengwu exchange. 谢云海也修炼水之灵诀,可在那口井,有了异常的灵魂气息时,他竟然果断地想要舍弃那口造化源井,和祡凤舞交换。 Does not trade!” Chai Longge shouted to clear the way. “不换!”柴龙歌喝道。 He listened to the person saying that Nature Source's Well was most mystical, was most special, can spout Soul Power one. 他听人说过,造化源井最为神秘,最为特别的,就是能喷涌出魂力的一口。 Moreover, each time good fortune emerges, can spout Soul Power, is finally is appearing. 而且,每一次的造化涌现,能喷涌出魂力的,都是在最后显现。 Spout Soul Power Nature Source's Well appear(ance), representing, will not be having new Nature Source's Well to show again marvelously, means the closures of Nature Source's Well all wondrous mystery. 喷涌魂力造化源井出现,代表着,不会再有新的造化源井展现奇妙,意味着造化源井所有玄奇的截止。 Soul Power!” 魂力!” Is raising the lightning long blade, the preparation and Nie Tian preying Mo Qinglei, shakes suddenly greatly. 提着雷电长刀,准备和聂天搏杀的莫青雷,霍然巨震。 He only slightly hesitates for several seconds, sends out a long and loud cry, that Dark Thunder Beast, Nature Source's Well that sinks from Flame Dragon Armor, flew instantaneously. 他只稍稍迟疑数秒,就发出一声长啸,那头雷冥兽,从炎龙铠沉落的造化源井,瞬间飞了回来。 Your my fight, ended temporarily.” Mo Qinglei coldly snorted, to me, that Nature Source's Well that has Soul Power to emerge, is more important than any matter.” “你我的战斗,暂时结束了。”莫青雷冷哼一声,“对我而言,那口有魂力涌现的造化源井,比任何事都重要。” Nie Tian wants to speak, that long-lived age to the old man, sighed, suddenly opened the mouth: Mo Qinglei, do you also want to bribe that to spurt thin Soul Power Nature Source's Well?” 聂天才想讲话,那名寿龄将至的老者,叹息一声,忽然开口:“莫青雷,你也想染指那口喷薄魂力造化源井?” Mo Qinglei looks stunned to him, old thing, you asked these words, was what meaning?” 莫青雷错愕地看向他,“老东西,你问这句话,是什么意思?” Not any meaning.” Old man rickets the body, is gradually stiff, the imposing manner far changes, sinking sound track: That Nature Source's Well, similarly is my goal. I come this place, to not condense the strength of thunder, but for that Nature Source's Well, includes Soul Power of world good fortune.” “没什么意思。”老者本佝偻着的身子,渐渐挺直,气势迥然一变,沉声道:“那口造化源井,同样是我的目标。我来此地,并非是为了凝聚雷霆之力,而是为了那口造化源井内,含有天地造化的魂力。” You?” Mo Qinglei laughs wildly, in the eye full is despises and disdains, you why?” “你?”莫青雷狂笑,眼中满是轻蔑和不屑,“你凭什么?” The old man corners of the mouth, had one to tease meaning. 老者嘴角,有了一丝戏谑意味。 He lifts the hand suddenly, grasps in the Mo Qinglei direction. 他突然抬手,朝着莫青雷的方向一抓。 In his palm, has mysterious lightning runes, emerges densely and numerously. 在他掌心,有神秘的雷电符文,密密麻麻涌现。 His palm, resembles shortly, fluctuates to embezzle all lightning black holes. 他的掌心,似在顷刻间,变幻为吞没一切雷电的黑洞。 Mo Qinglei is raising that handle lightning long blade, Dark Thunder Beast, occurred to call out in grief immediately. 莫青雷提着的那柄雷电长刀,还有雷冥兽,顿时发生悲鸣。 Lightnings, thunder light, from that handle long blade, Dark Thunder Beast within the body departs, such as Yan Guichao, is hidden unexpectedly in his palm does not see. 一道道闪电,雷光,从那柄长刀,还有雷冥兽体内飞出,如燕归巢般,竟然隐没在他掌心不见。 Six levels of Dark Thunder Beast, wailing, are flying into his palm uncontrolled. 六级的雷冥兽,哀嚎着,不受控制地,飞入他手心。 That by the Mo Qinglei father, had Heavenly Thunder Sect Sect Master refinement Thunder King Seal that thunder King called in Through Thunder Star Territory, first one step departed from the Dark Thunder Beast forehead. 那枚被莫青雷的父亲,在亘雷星域有雷王称呼的天雷宗宗主炼制的雷王印,先一步从雷冥兽的眉心飞出。 Eight levels of Dark Thunder Beast Beast Soul, were stripped forcefully, sinks in Thunder King Seal. 八级雷冥兽兽魂,被强行剥离出来,重新沉落在雷王印 Thunder King Seal vanishes in the old man palm instantaneously. 雷王印瞬间消失在老者手心。 That was just separated from eight levels of Dark Thunder Beast Beast Soul body posession Dark Thunder Beast, was calling out pitifully dismal, contained the Bloodlines strength of lightning, one by one vanishes in the old man palm. 那头刚刚脱离八级雷冥兽兽魂夺舍雷冥兽,悲凉惨叫着,蕴藏血脉内的雷电之力,一一消失在老者手心。 Six levels of Dark Thunder Beast, in short time, direct tragic death. 六级雷冥兽,在短短时间内,直接惨死。 Thunder King Seal is also good, as for your handle blade, was a little barely satisfactory.” The old men give a calm smile, not to look at Mo Qinglei one again, suddenly flies to Chai Fengwu. 雷王印还算是不错,至于你那柄刀,就有点差强人意了。”老者淡然一笑,再没有多看莫青雷一眼,突然飞向祡凤舞 Spiritless that he formerly displayed, submitting to exercise forbearance, cleanness of disappearance. 他先前表现出来的懦弱,一次次的屈从忍让,消失的干干净净。 He at this moment, looking disdainfully all living things, resemble have not placed in the eye anybody again. 此刻的他,睥睨众生,似没有再将任何人放在眼中。 Old thing! Gives back to me our Thunder King Seal!” Mo Qinglei rave. “老东西!将我们的雷王印还给我!”莫青雷狂吼。 Wisp of lightning glow, departs from old man fingertip, lightning glow just likes Spirit Wisdom, stretches across space, vanishes in Mo Qinglei within the body. 一缕电芒,从老者指尖飞出,电芒犹如通灵,横跨空间,在莫青雷体内消失。 Mo Qinglei such as was hit hard, suddenly starts to tremble, a continuously blood, overflows from his corner of the eye. 莫青雷如遭重击,突然开始颤栗,一缕缕鲜血,从他眼角流溢出来。 He crashes in that Nature Source's Well place loudly, the aura is weak, resembles lost again the strength of war. 他轰然坠落在那口造化源井处,气息微弱,似已经失去再战之力。 Dumbfoundedness that Nie Tian looks. 聂天看的目瞪口呆。 Almost meanwhile, numerous Human Race and Alien Race, including Spirit Beast, rush to Chai Fengwu to go. 几乎同时,众多人族异族,包括灵兽,都奔着祡凤舞而去。 ...... ……
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