KMD :: Volume #9

#836: Frightening

Surplus several Flight Spirit Item that Earth Spirit Sect Qiu Ji and the others, ride, spread out with Mu Biqiong. 地灵宗裘冀等人,乘坐的剩余几辆飞行灵器,和穆碧琼拉开距离。 Qiu Ji shouted, sees Mu Biqiong not to pay attention, filled with anger. 裘冀叫嚷了一番,见穆碧琼都没有理会,满腔怒意。 But he, even if angry, does not dare to continue to approach. 可他即便再愤怒,都没有敢继续靠近。 That black monster flower rhizome that the Mu Biqiong palm departs, making him quite restless, his confidence, no longer inflation. 穆碧琼掌心飞出的那一条黑色妖花根茎,让他极为不安,他的信心,不再膨胀。 Arrives with him together, many Earth Spirit Sect disciples, was scared. 和他一同到来的,很多地灵宗的门人,也被吓破了胆子。 Has many companions obviously, perishes because of Mu Biqiong, Mu Biqiong stands there obviously, they do not dare to act rashly actually. 明明有很多同伴,因穆碧琼而亡,穆碧琼明明就站在那儿,他们硬是不敢妄动。 They cannot look at that black monster flower origin, but has experienced the terrifying might that it has shown, besides Mu Biqiong, Yin Yanan, Nie Tian. 他们瞧不出那条黑色妖花的来历,但已经见识过其展现出来的恐怖威力,除了穆碧琼,还有殷娅楠,还有聂天 When Mu Biqiong, releases that black monster flower, after displaying the far ultra Mortal Realm rank battle strength, they start to suspect that suspected Nie Tian and Yin Yanan, have similar taking advantage similarly. 穆碧琼,释放出那朵黑色妖花,发挥出远超凡境级别的战力以后,他们开始怀疑,怀疑聂天殷娅楠,同样有着类似的依仗。 If Yin Yanan and Nie Tian, and Mu Biqiong is equally maneating... 如果殷娅楠聂天,和穆碧琼一样凶悍… Thinks of here, they are even more discrete, is even more restless. 想到这里,他们愈发谨慎,愈发不安。 That several Flight Spirit Item, will withdraw one section quietly in the future, has been far away from the 49 places of Nature Source's Well scattering. 那几辆飞行灵器,又悄悄往后撤出一截,已经远离49口造化源井散落之地。 Young Sect Master...” 少宗…” A Earth Spirit Sect disciple, puts on a long face, seeks help looks to Qiu Ji. 一名地灵宗的门人,哭丧着脸,求助地看向裘冀 I know that the disciple died.” Qiu Ji knits the brows, does not worry, we wait and see first. The woman, I cannot see her true strength at present, but other wondrous mystery opening of Nature Source's Well, she once more will certainly get rid. Intelligent, we make the waiting slightly, waits for the appropriate turning point.” “我知道门人死了很多。”裘冀皱眉,“不着急,我们先观望观望。那女人,我目前看不出她的真正实力,不过等造化源井玄奇开启,她一定会再次出手。聪明一点,我们稍做等待,等待合适的契机。” The Earth Spirit Sect disciple can only nod to accept. 地灵宗的门人只能点头应承下来。 This thinks the fight that will continue, because of the avoidance of Qiu Ji, ended carelessly. 一场本以为将会持续下去的战斗,因裘冀的退避,草草结束。 Is paying attention to the person of this fight, Alien Race and Spirit Beast, are gradually silent, their lines of sight, fall from time to time to Mu Biqiong, in the heart, they regards as Mu Biqiong the powerful enemy regards. 很多注意着这场战斗的人,异族灵兽,渐渐沉默,他们的视线,时而落向穆碧琼,在心中,他们都将穆碧琼视为劲敌看待。 You, so are unexpectedly formidable.” Chai Longge from the shock, calms down, the look is looking at Mu Biqiong complex, was our brother and sister takes for granted. Originally, in the Stone Golem Race city, extends the aid without our brother and sister, you will be also safe and uneventful.” “你们,竟如此强大。”柴龙歌从震惊中,冷静下来,眼神复杂地望着穆碧琼,“是我们兄妹想当然了。原来,在石人族的城池内,没有我们兄妹伸出援手,你们也会安然无事。” Mu Biqiong indifferently sits in meditation. 穆碧琼无动于衷地静坐下来。 Yin Yanan smiles in a low voice, good, your good of this troublesome solution.” 殷娅楠低声一笑,“不错,你这次麻烦解决的挺好。” Mu Biqiong light snort/hum. 穆碧琼轻哼一声。 Two females both have not paid attention to Chai Longge. 两女都没有理睬柴龙歌 Chai Longge comes in Qiu Ji, when by Earth Spirit Sect Young Sect Master and Mysterious Realm late stage status, to he carries on the suppression, he chooses did not meddle. 柴龙歌裘冀过来,以地灵宗少宗玄境后期的身份,对他进行压制时,他选择了不插手。 Both sides meet by chance, Chai Longge clearly knows is not the Qiu Ji match, makes such choice, is wise. 双方萍水相逢,柴龙歌明知道不是裘冀的对手,做出这样的选择,也算明智。 But Yin Yanan and Mu Biqiong a little are hard to get over an emotion. 殷娅楠穆碧琼还是有点难以释怀。 Nie Tian smiled, did not mind actually that said: In any event, you inform our Nature Source's Well, leading us to come this place, we will read this favor.” 聂天笑了笑,倒是不介意,开口说:“不论如何,你告知我们造化源井,带我们来此地,我们还是会念这个人情。” Chai Longge said awkwardly: Sorry, we... Cannot give helps.” 柴龙歌尴尬地说道:“抱歉,我们…没有能给予更多帮助。” Might as well.” Nie Tian beckons with the hand, hints him do not care, and other unusual starts of Nature Source's Well, we are defending Nature Source's Well, the strength that if spout, with your opposite, exchanges for everybody is favorable, we can exchange with your brother and sister.” “无妨。”聂天摆摆手,示意他不要放在心上,“等造化源井的奇特开始,我们守着的造化源井,如果喷涌出来的力量,和你们的相反,交换对大家都有利的话,我们还是会和你们兄妹进行交换。” Many thanks.” Chai Longge sighed. “多谢了。”柴龙歌叹道。 Their brother and sister's strengths, might as well Earth Spirit Sect Qiu Ji and the others, are only Mu Biqiong one, makes entire Earth Spirit Sect not dare to act rashly, waits for unusual opening of Nature Source's Well, their brother and sister are defending, if emerges strength of Wood, flame and cold ice, the Nie Tian three people rob directly do not have the issue. 他们兄妹的实力,还不如地灵宗裘冀等人,只是穆碧琼一个,就让整个地灵宗不敢轻举妄动,等造化源井的奇特开启,他们兄妹守着的,如果涌现草木火焰寒冰之力,聂天三人直接抢夺都没问题。 Nie Tian is also willing to exchange, explained the heart of hearts, truly did not haggle over their brother and sister's regressing to Qiu Ji. 聂天还愿意交换,说明内心深处,确实不太计较他们兄妹对裘冀的退步。 Sees with own eyes the Earth Spirit Sect disciple, has yielded and withdrawn, Nie Tian and the others practice once more peacefully. 眼见地灵宗的门人,已经退避三舍,聂天等人再次安静修炼。 But their peace, have not continued to be too long, was broken. 可他们的安静,并没有持续太久,便被打破。 Also there are Human Race and Demon and other Alien Race, arrives one after another, the newly arrived person, is controlling unusual Flight Spirit Item respectively, anchors above Nature Source's Well, but looked at several slightly, then recognized that Nie Tian and Mu Biqiong and the others, soft persimmon that is easiest to pursue. 又有人族妖魔异族,陆续到达,新来的人,各自驾驭着奇特飞行灵器,停泊在造化源井上方,只是稍稍看了几眼,便认定聂天穆碧琼等人,是最容易驱逐的软柿子。 Yin Yanan sits well motionless, said: „The following trouble, is solved by you.” 殷娅楠端坐不动,道:“后面的麻烦,都由你来解决吧。” Mu Biqiong shows neither approval nor disapproval, when approaches to these people, just when revealed the evil intention, she then calls that black monster flower rhizome, slaughters. 穆碧琼不置可否,待到那些人临近,刚刚显露出恶意时,她便唤出那朵黑色妖花根茎,大开杀戒。 Flight Spirit Item in her peripheral, in abundance the scrap, Human Race and two Demon, pulled out by the black monster flower rhizome strike, drops to the bog, rapid does not see. 飞行灵器在她周边,又纷纷炸碎,人族和两个妖魔,都被黑色妖花根茎抽击正着,跌落向沼泽,迅速不见。 In the Mu Biqiong eye is somewhat agitated. 穆碧琼眼中有些烦躁。 Her realm, is only Mortal Realm late stage, new arrival, wants to rob Nature Source's Well, thinks that is she and Nie Tian. 她的境界,只是凡境后期,初来乍到者,想要抢夺造化源井,率先想到的,就是她和聂天 She cannot, put frequently the black monster flower rhizome, shocked to the newcomer. 她又不能,时时刻刻将黑色妖花根茎放出来,给不了新来者震撼。 Nie Tian sees her worry, the good intention suggestion: The fellow who behind kills again, do not get so far as in the bog, piles the corpse in side. Newcomer, so long as sees numerous corpses, knows that your fierce, naturally cannot start easily.” 聂天看出她的苦恼,好心地建议:“后面再杀的家伙,别弄到沼泽里,将尸体堆在旁边。新来者,只要看到众多尸体,就知道你的厉害,自然不会轻易下手。” Mu Biqiong eye one bright, reasonable!” 穆碧琼眼睛一亮,“有道理!” She according to saying. 她依言施法。 Following dares to approach again, she uses that black monster flower rhizome, cuts after the opposite party kills, if really by the black monster flower rhizome, is twining the corpse, piles in Nature Source's Well. 后续再敢靠近的,她动用那朵黑色妖花根茎,将对方斩杀后,果真以黑色妖花根茎,缠绕着尸体,一具具堆在身旁的造化源井 Quick, in her side, are many several corpses, has Human Race, has Demon, is Mysterious Realm, with six levels of Bloodlines. 很快,在她的身旁,就多出几具尸体,有人族,有妖魔,都是玄境,和六级的血脉 When her side corpse are gradually many, Human Race and Alien Race that catches up with once more, have a liking for one by far, reveals to fear intent, no longer regards as the goal her. 当她那边尸体渐多,再次赶来的人族异族,远远看上一眼,都流露出惧意,不再将她视为目标。 But Nie Tian, is disinclined to deal with these not to stop completely following, the method that he adopts is very simple. 聂天,也懒得应付那些无止尽的后续者,他采取的方法很简单。 He summoned directly Skeleton Blood Monster. 他将骸骨血妖直接召唤出来。 When the Skeleton Blood Monster huge skeleton, is defending him when Nature Source's Well, gives covers up . Moreover the many people in Nature Source's Well place, eyes shows is astonished. 骸骨血妖庞大的骨骸,将他守着的造化源井,都给遮掩时,另外造化源井处的很多人,都目露惊异。 Even if by Pagson by Skeleton Race Ultimate Treasure, pulled out to some Death Strength, the Skeleton Blood Monster real strength, still endures to compare Spiritual Realm. 即便被帕格森骸骨族重宝,抽离了部分死亡之力,骸骨血妖的真实力量,依然堪比灵境 That bone body, impact is full, each newcomer, so long as looked at one from afar, can eyes shows dread that avoids by far. 那具骨身,震撼力十足,每一个新来者,只要远远看了一眼,都会目露忌惮,远远避开。 If so.” “果真如此。” Looks at Skeleton Blood Monster to appear, on Chai Longge face bitter and astringent thicker, understands that Nie Tian is the same with Mu Biqiong, is the hard to deal with ruthless roles. 看着骸骨血妖显现,柴龙歌脸上苦涩更浓,明白聂天穆碧琼一样,都是难缠的狠角色。 Mysterious Realm initial stage, compared with Nie Tian and Mu Biqiong realm higher Yin Yanan, although has not used eight levels of Ice Blood Python, but two brother and sister look to her expression, becomes different. 玄境初期,比聂天穆碧琼境界更高的殷娅楠,虽没动用八级冰血蟒,但两兄妹看向她的表情,也都变得不同。 Strength that they very natural believing, Yin Yanan, can display, absolutely far ultra real realm. 他们很自然的认为,殷娅楠,能发挥出来的实力,绝对远超真实的境界 Nie Tian this, when Skeleton Blood Monster appears, when Mu Biqiong peripheral corpse stack, will not be regarded as the breach, the newly arrived fellow, is tactful, moves away in the block from them, for fear that alarms them. 聂天这一块,当骸骨血妖浮现,穆碧琼周边尸体堆积时,再也不会被人视作突破口,新来的家伙,都很识趣地,从他们所在片区移走,生怕惊动他们。 Chai Longge brother and sister, because Nie Tian and Mu Biqiong profit. 就连柴龙歌兄妹,都因为聂天穆碧琼受益。 Many people thought that their brother and sister can treat with Nie Tian and Mu Biqiong in the same place, decides however also has marvelously, does not allow to look down upon. 很多人都觉得,他们兄妹能够和聂天穆碧琼待在一起,定然也身怀奇妙,不容小视。 After Nie Tian and the others did not have was troublesome, other Nature Source's Well positions, erupts the conflict one after another, the powerhouse who following comes, will choose thinks that was inferior own beginning, compelling them to leave. 聂天等人没了麻烦后,造化源井其它方位,也接连爆发冲突,后续过来的强者,会挑选自认为不如自己的动手,逼他们离开。 Fight, repeatedly occurrence. 战斗,频频发生。 Has occupies Nature Source's Well first, was expelled or the bang by the newcomer kills, there is a newcomer, has misplaced the strength, was fallen foot to give to defeat by these ahead of time, sinks in the bog death. 有先占据造化源井者,被新来者逼走或轰杀,也有新来者,错估了实力,被那些提前落足者给击败,沉落于沼泽死亡。 Time in a hurry, was on the several th passes. 时间匆匆,又是几日过去。 Past, other Nature Source's Well, several degrees exchanged ownerships on the several th, the bloody battle has every day, every day some people died. 过去的几日,另外的一些造化源井,几度易主,血战每日都在发生,每天都有人死亡。 Newcomer that arrives in one after another, one robs Nature Source's Well, has, will linger in the, does not worry, resembles after waiting for Nature Source's Well appears to be marvelous, starts again. 陆续抵达的新来者,有的一来就抢夺造化源井,也有的,会徘徊在附近,并不着急,似在等待造化源井显现出奇妙以后,再行下手。 In outside these people, several, in the Nie Tian's feeling, are unfathomable. 外面那些人中,有几位,在聂天的感觉中,都莫测高深。 One time, will not have had so many people, gathers Nature Source's Well to rob the chance.” Chai Longge is heavyhearted. “从来没有一次,会有如此多的人,汇聚造化源井抢夺机缘。”柴龙歌忧心忡忡。 Also is one day. 又是一天。 Is sitting in meditation silently, self-torture for a long time Nie Tian, the eye opens suddenly. 默然静坐着,苦修许久的聂天,眼睛霍然睁开。 He knits the brows to look to the bog. 他皱眉看向沼泽。 In the silt bog, such as seethes with excitement, emits the pollution dark gray blister. 淤泥沼泽中,如沸腾般,冒出浑浊灰黑的水泡。 The bottom deep place, has vibration to spread faintly, vibrates initial is quite slight, but actually gradually fierce! 地底深处,隐隐有震动传开,震动初始极为细微,但却渐渐剧烈! Many people one after another realize exceptionally, in abundance the awaking extension from the practice, side also in fight region, battle, receives the hand on own initiative. 很多人都相继察觉出异常,纷纷从修炼中醒转,有一方还在战斗的区域,交战者,也主动收手。 The people line of sight, often is glittering in the bog and Nature Source's Well place, the hope in eye and excited is gradually thick. 众人视线,不时在沼泽和造化源井处闪烁着,眼中的期盼和兴奋渐浓。 Started.” “开始了。” Heavenly Thunder Sect Mo Qinglei, smiles, suddenly, is eager to try. 天雷宗莫青雷,嘿嘿一笑,霍然而起,跃跃欲试。 Nature Source's Well will soon show marvelously!” The Chai Longge brother and sister, arrive at well head inspired, is waiting and seeing inquisitively, is excited and restless. 造化源井即将展现出奇妙!”柴龙歌兄妹,振奋地来到井口,探头探脑地观望着,激动而又不安。 ... ps: Today a chapter, bright Acquired has made up owes, was sorry. The distortion diamond has screened, small city, only booked 3 : 00 pm IMAX tickets, other numbers have filled, complied to accompany the wife to look that did not do right by everybody ~ ps:今天就一章了,明后天补欠,抱歉了。变形金刚上映了,小城市,只订到了下午三点的IMAX票,其它场次都满了,答应陪老婆看的,对不住各位了~
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