KMD :: Volume #9

#833: Morii

So-called Nature Source's Well, actually in bog, in firm muddy ground. 所谓的造化源井,其实都在沼泽中,在坚固的淤泥地内。 Nature Source's Well, the size, the distance is not equal. 一口口造化源井,大小不等,相互间的距离也不相当。 Nature Source's Well disperses in that bog area, has the Nature Source's Well place, the land is quite hard, such as the iron stone, resembling can fall the foot, does not need to be worried to sink the bog. 造化源井分散在那片沼泽区,有造化源井的地方,土地较为坚硬,如铁石般,似能够落足,不用担心沉落沼泽。 49 Nature Source's Well, scatter, including six wells, had been wrested away impressively. 49口造化源井,散落开来,其中有六口井,赫然已被人霸占。 That six wells, the top diameter mostly over three meters, a biggest well, leads to the bottom dark gulf likely. 那六口井,井口直径大多超过三米,最大的一口井,像是通往地底的幽暗深坑。 In the well head place of that well, sits a hair to be grayish white, looks that lived had person Clan Elder of years, his realm, was Mysterious Realm late stage. 在那口井的井口处,坐着一位头发灰白,看着就活了有一段岁月的人族老者,他的境界,为玄境后期 The great distance is very far, Chai Longge that Flight Spirit Item, stopped slowly. 相隔还有很远,柴龙歌的那辆飞行灵器,已慢慢停下。 Nie Tian looks from afar to that old man, his Life Bloodline, to the Human Race long-lived age, quite sensitive. 聂天远远看向那位老者,他的生命血脉,对人族的寿龄,相当的敏感。 Only slightly induced, he knows that old man, is the same with his master Wu Ji, has encountered the trouble of long-lived age limit. 只稍稍感应了一下,他就知道那位老者,和他师傅巫寂一样,也遭遇了寿龄限制的麻烦。 The old men, lived many years, but his realm, is still only Mysterious Realm late stage. 老者,已经活了很多年,可他的境界,依然只是玄境后期 If he cannot in a short time, step into Spiritual Realm rapidly, obtains the extra long-lived age, the road of his cultivation, including the road of life, must come to the end. 他如果不能在短时间内,迅速踏入灵境,获得额外的寿龄,他的修行之路,包括生命之路,就要走到尽头了。 The old men close one's eyes, in the vitality failure, fits nicely the Spiritual Power fluctuation, exceptionally is turbulent. 老者闭着眼,气血衰竭,可体内的灵力波动,却异常汹涌。 „A our Spirit Martial Hall elder, infers, this Nature Source's Well soon spout various world energies. Our brother and sister, rush to Nature Source's Well to come, hopes that can draw support from Nature Source's Well, made own realm, raised one section again.” Chai Longge lowers the sound, we come is also early, only has six people, first our one step.” “我们灵武殿的一位长辈,推断出,这次造化源井即将喷涌出各类天地能量。我们兄妹,就是奔着造化源井来的,希望能借助造化源井,令自身的境界,再拔高一截。”柴龙歌压低声音,“我们来的还算是早,只有六个人,先我们一步。” Nie Tian's line of sight, swept in other five people have swept, discovered that remaining five people, realm was also Mysterious Realm. 聂天的视线,又在其余五人身上扫了一扫,发现剩下的五人,境界也都是玄境 Five people of some are not young, has, from the life aura, is quite young, is far from being the long-lived age peak. 五人有的年龄也不小了,也有的,从生命气息来看,还是相当年轻,远远没有达到寿龄的极致 Altogether six people, are wresting away separately, biggest Nature Source's Well. 一共六人,分别霸占着,最大的造化源井 And three people, were on the rise looked at their one eyes from afar, no longer paid attention. 其中有三人,抬头远远看了他们一眼,就不再理会。 „The world energy of Nature Source's Well spout, each is inconstant, Attribute that they practice respective different.” Mu Biqiong is thinking, said in a soft voice: If a person is defending the energy that Nature Source's Well, spout, is inconsistent with their practice Attribute, will be what kind of?” 造化源井喷涌的天地能量,每一口都不是恒定的,他们修炼的属性又各自不同。”穆碧琼思索着,轻声道:“如果一人守着的造化源井,喷涌出来的能量,和他们的修炼属性不一致,会怎样?” Chai Longge smiles bitterly and astringently, has several situations.” 柴龙歌苦涩一笑,“有几种情况。” Nie Tian curiously looks like. 聂天好奇看来。 Either, exchanges with other people. If nearby person, is defending the world energy that Nature Source's Well, spout, is consistent with his situation, two people will be easy to achieve the tacit understanding, mutual exchange.” The Chai Longge sound is smaller, is pointing at that old man, Attribute that for example he, he cultivates is lightning, by him that person, cultivates Attribute is the water.” “要么,和其他人进行交换。如果旁边一人,守着的造化源井,喷涌出来的天地能量,和他情况一致,两人会非常容易达成默契,相互交换。”柴龙歌声音更小,指着那老者,“譬如他,他修炼的属性雷电,他旁边的那人,修炼属性为水。” Cultivation Attribute that Nature Source's Well that if two people defends painstakingly, spout, just the opposite, they will immediately exchange, each other will not conflict.” “如果两人苦守的造化源井,喷涌出来的修炼属性,恰恰相反,他们就会立即交换,彼此不会冲突。” Mu Biqiong asked again: If that old man is defending Nature Source's Well, spout the flame energy, but his side that person, the well head has the thunder lightning to fill the air, should not know what to do?” 穆碧琼再问:“如果那老者守着的造化源井,喷涌出火焰能量,而他身旁那人,井口有雷霆闪电弥漫出来,该如何是好?” Who is formidable, calculation that who said.” Chai Longge sighed one lowly. “谁强大,谁说的算。”柴龙歌低叹一声。 A these words exit|to speak, in the Nie Tian heart is bright as snow immediately, knows that these 49 Nature Source's Well, do not wrest away absolutely first, can forever wrest away. 这句话一出口,聂天心中顿时雪亮,知道这49口造化源井,绝对不是先霸占,就能永远霸占住的。 Nature Source's Well soon spout various energies the news, Spirit Martial Hall can know, other Star Territory Sect, including Alien Race and Ancient Beast, should have to know. 造化源井即将喷涌出各类能量的消息,灵武殿能知晓,别的星域宗门,包括异族古兽,应该也会有知道的。 49 Nature Source's Well, when shows the mystery truly, feared that will have a frigid bloody battle. 49口造化源井,等真正展现奥妙时,怕是会有一番惨烈血战。 Wants from these Nature Source's Well gain good fortunes, has not thought will be so simple, has too many accidents to occur one after another. 想要从那些造化源井获取造化,没有所想的那么简单,有太多的意外会陆陆续续发生。 We come is also early, the remaining empty holes, are more.” Chai Longge hesitates half sound, you can respective choice, be able to defend first, behind look at you. If really cannot defend, neat rejection, but can also save the life, otherwise......” “我们来的还算是早,剩下的空井,还有很多很多。”柴龙歌沉吟半响,“你们先各自挑选吧,能不能守得住,后面就看你们自己了。要是实在守不住,干脆利落的舍弃,还能保全性命,不然……” Needless he related in detail that Nie Tian and the others can also want to understand bad risk. 不消他细说,聂天等人也能想明白其中凶险。 Is good because of three people of each extremely bold, depends to have marvelously, does not dread actually. 好在三人各个胆大包天,又仗着身怀奇妙,倒是并不畏惧。 In Chai Longge Flight Spirit Item, to these Nature Source's Well places, Yin Yanan light snort/hum, departs. 柴龙歌飞行灵器,到了那些造化源井处时,殷娅楠轻哼一声,率先飞出。 She falls to big Nature Source's Well, sits, forestalls opponent by a show of strength. 她落向一口较大的造化源井,一屁股坐下来,先声夺人。 Mu Biqiong follows, has chosen big Nature Source's Well, similarly holds. 穆碧琼紧随其后,也挑选了一口较大的造化源井,同样占有。 Nie Tian by them, searched Nature Source's Well at will, takes advantage of opportunity to fall. 聂天在他们旁边,随意寻觅了一口造化源井,也顺势落下。 Chai Longge brother and sister, has chosen Nature Source's Well separately, Nature Source's Well of two people choice, is not far with their three great distances. 柴龙歌兄妹,也分别挑选了造化源井,两人挑选的造化源井,和他们三个相隔不远。 Our brother and sister two, practice Attribute one for Spiritual Power of gold/metal, one is Water's Spiritual Power.” After Chai Longge falls, said to the Nie Tian three people: Shows marvelously when Nature Source's Well, spout the world energy, if several of us have to suit, how exchanges on the earliest possible time?” “我们兄妹两个,修炼属性一个为金之灵力,一个为水之灵力。”柴龙歌落下以后,向聂天三人说道:“在造化源井展现奇妙,喷涌出天地能量时,我们几个要是有适合的,就第一时间交换如何?” The Nie Tian three people nod in abundance. 聂天三人纷纷点头。 Until now, Nie Tian already understands that Spirit Secret Art of Mu Biqiong practice, is related with Wood, this possibly with her within the body, has Two Colors Monster Flower to be related. 时至今日,聂天早就明白,穆碧琼修炼的灵诀,和草木有关,这可能和她体内,有着一株双色妖花有关。 But Yin Yanan, because of Ice Blood Python Bloodlines, has Thick Ice Python and Blood Mark Python, therefore her practice Attribute is the strength of cold ice. 殷娅楠,因为冰血蟒血脉,有玄冰巨蟒血纹蟒,所以她的修炼属性寒冰之力。 Her practice other Body Technique, is tallies Blood Mark Python talent, integrates hundred beast blood essence, conceal in oneself. 她另外修炼的体术,则是吻合血纹蟒天赋,纳入百兽精血,藏于自身。 In three people, only then his cultivation level heterogeneous, flame, Wood and Stars Energy simultaneous cultivates. 三人中,只有他的修为驳杂,火焰草木星辰之力兼修 Perhaps Chai Longge from him, can see his flame and Wood two types of aura, Stars Energy, is not necessarily able to distinguish. 柴龙歌从他身上,兴许能看出他的火焰草木两种气息,星辰之力,未必能辨别出来。 Chai Longge invited their three, coming Nature Source's Well to seek the chance, besides did not go bad on the thoughts, should also think that they did not have the danger to brother and sister two. 柴龙歌邀请他们三个,来造化源井寻求机缘,除了本来就心思不坏外,应该也是觉得,他们三人对兄妹两个没有危险。 Gold/Metal that they practice sharp with Water's Spiritual Power, three people have not practiced, when Nature Source's Well opens is mystical, both sides can exchange, obtain the Nature Source's Well mysterious possibility, will promote significantly. 他们修炼的金锐和水之灵力,三人都没有修炼,等造化源井开启神秘时,双方可以互换,获得造化源井奥妙的可能性,也会大幅度提升。 Naturally, all these, establish at a premise. 当然,这一切,都建立在一个前提上。 They must be able to defend Nature Source's Well that wrests away to be good. 他们要能守得住霸占的造化源井才行。 Nature Source's Well that Nie Tian and the others chose, to several other people that arrives , the great distance is really far. 聂天等人选择的造化源井,离率先抵达的另外几人,相隔甚远。 After Nie Tian falls, sizes up Nature Source's Well that he is choosing, collects downward waits and sees in the well head, discovered that well head to the earth deep place, does not have the light darkly, does not know deeply. 聂天落下后,打量着他挑选的造化源井,凑在井口往下观望,发现井口似通往大地深处,幽暗无光,不知多深。 His wisp of Soul Consciousness, extends toward within the well, to sensation limit, cannot look marvelously. 他的一缕灵魂意识,朝着井内延伸,到了感知极限,也未能瞧出奇妙。 He took back soul thought, shot a look at Mu Biqiong and Yin Yanan, discovered that two maneating woman, was also observing Nature Source's Well, similarly had achieved nothing. 他将魂念收回,瞥了一眼穆碧琼殷娅楠,发现那两个凶悍的女人,也在观察着造化源井,同样一无所获。 Nie Tian is peaceful, sits in his well head, takes out spirit stones to start to practice. 聂天安静下来,就在他的井口坐着,取出灵石开始修炼。 Time in a hurry, after several days dates, has the new outsider gradually, arrives one after another. 时间匆匆,数日后,渐渐有新的外来人,陆陆续续抵达。 Newly arrived, has Human Race, there is Demon and Nether Race, Spirit Beast, came one. 新来的,有人族,也有妖魔幽族,就连灵兽,都来了一个。 That Ancient Beast, impressively is first six levels of Earth Flame Beast. 那头古兽,赫然是一头六级的地炎兽 In the past when Crack Space Domain Scarlet Flames Mountain Range, Nie Tian has seen that Earth Flame Beast, is six levels, gave him to shock enormously. 当年在裂空域赤炎山脉时,聂天见过的那头地炎兽,也是六级,给了他极大震撼。 Six levels of Earth Flame Beast, the strength endures compared with Human Race Mysterious Realm, until now, Earth Flame Beast of this rank, is not already fearful in the Nie Tian eye. 六级地炎兽,实力堪比人族玄境,时至今日,这种级别的地炎兽,在聂天眼中早就没那么可怕了。 After Earth Flame Beast arrival, three hot tails are moving, the huge beast body, sinks in a Nature Source's Well well head, no longer moves. 地炎兽到来后,三条火尾甩动着,庞大的兽身,沉落在一口造化源井的井口,就不再活动。 Human Race, is Alien Race Demon and Nether Race, is unalarmed by strange sights, has not paid attention to its meaning. 不论是人族,还是异族妖魔幽族,都见怪不怪,没有理睬它的意思。 Pagson, Frost also has second Demon Domain Gutus, does not have appear(ance). 帕格森,弗罗斯特还有第二魔域古塔斯,并没有出现 Also after is several day, is riding the 6-Step Dark Thunder Beast youth, wears a flowing light overflowing color clothing, arrives carelessly. 又是几日后,一名骑着六阶雷冥兽的青年,身穿一件流光溢彩的衣衫,大大咧咧抵达。 The youth, the clothing chest place, five Thunder Ball, resemble the crustification in the clothes, unceasingly is actually rotating, is marvelous. 那青年,衣衫胸口处,有五个雷球,似镶嵌在衣服内,却在不断转动着,非常奇妙。 A youth face is unruly, after he comes, is sizing up on Dark Thunder Beast in all directions, notes that to defend biggest Nature Source's Well quickly, realm in the Mysterious Realm late stage old man. 青年一脸桀骜不驯,他过来后,在雷冥兽身上四处打量着,很快注意到那个守着最大的造化源井,境界玄境后期的老者。 He has patted Dark Thunder Beast, flies to the old man top of the head, order expression, shouts to clear the way: Old fogy, you let that Nature Source's Well.” 他拍了拍雷冥兽,就飞逝到老者头顶,以命令般的语气,喝道:“老家伙,你将那口造化源井让出来吧。” His realm, only then Mysterious Realm middle stage, was obviously weaker than the old man planned. 他的境界,只有玄境中期,比老者明明弱了一筹。 The old men open eyes, look to his chest five rocking Thunder Ball, the complexion changes. 老者睁开眼,看向他胸口五个晃动的雷球,脸色微变。 In the old man eyes the anger dodges to pass, has stood at once, has chosen far Nature Source's Well, sits down. 老者眼中怒意一闪而逝,旋即就站了起来,重新挑选了一口较远的造化源井,重新坐下。 From beginning to end, an old man word has not sent. 从始至终,老者一言未发。 Calculates that you know the limitation.” The youth crack into a smile, is controlling 6-Step Dark Thunder Beast, falls in that biggest Nature Source's Well, and coldly looks to the old man, said: If can spout the thunder lightning Nature Source's Well, three, I put your horse, bestows your one.” “算你识相。”青年咧嘴一笑,驾驭着六阶雷冥兽,在那口最大的造化源井落下,并冷冷看向老者,道:“如果能喷涌雷霆闪电的造化源井,有三口,我就放你一马,赐你一个。” Otherwise, the this time chance, had nothing to do with you. I and my Dark Thunder Beast, needs two, can spout the thunder lightning Nature Source's Well.” “否则,这趟的机缘,就和你无关了。我和我的雷冥兽,需要两口,能喷涌雷霆闪电的造化源井。” The long-lived age will soon arrive at the end, longs for that through old man who Nature Source's Well breaks the life limit, listened to his such saying, the look was low-spirited. 寿龄即将到尽头,渴望通过造化源井打破寿命极限的老者,听他这么一说,神色黯然。 Through Thunder Star Territory, Heavenly Thunder Sect Young Sect Master, Mo Qinglei!” 亘雷星域,天雷宗少宗,莫青雷!” Chai Longge frowns, is taking a look at that youth quietly, left the origin to Nie Tian and other humanity, and urged: Nature Source's Well that if you defend, has the strength of thunder lightning to gush out, best initiative to evacuate, do not provoke that person. He is Heavenly Thunder Sect Young Sect Master, this Heavenly Thunder Sect Sect Master, in Saint Domain late stage!” 柴龙歌皱着眉头,悄然打量着那名青年,向聂天等人道出来历,并叮嘱道:“如果你们守住的造化源井,有雷霆闪电之力涌出,最好主动撤离,不要招惹那人。他是天雷宗少宗,这个天雷宗宗主,在圣域后期!” Do not look that his realm is not high, but in his hand has Heavenly Thunder Sect Ultimate Treasure, he dares to be so unscrupulous , because he can draw support from that Ultimate Treasure, displays far ultra Mysterious Realm battle strength!” “别看他境界不高,可他手中持有天雷宗重宝,他敢这么肆无忌惮,是因为他能借助那重宝,发挥出远超玄境战力!” Far ultra Mysterious Realm......” Yin Yanan smiles in a soft voice. “远超玄境……”殷娅楠轻声一笑。 The Mu Biqiong look does not have similarly exceptionally. 穆碧琼神色同样没有异常。 Nie Tian hehe smiles, only said: Many thanks reminder.” 聂天呵呵一笑,只道:“多谢提醒。” Chai Longge sees these three people, is the indifferent stance, the look is strange. 柴龙歌见这三人,都是无所谓的架势,眼神古怪。 He cannot see that has eight levels of Ice Blood Python in Yin Yanan within the body, cannot see Mu Biqiong within the body, is hiding strange Two Colors Monster Flower. 他并不能看出,在殷娅楠的体内有八级冰血蟒,也看不出穆碧琼体内,藏着一株诡异的双色妖花 Wall Heavenly Star Territory, is only primary Star Territory, he does not think the youth who at present three people of meeting by chance, can contend with Heavenly Thunder Sect Mo Qinglei. 垣天星域,又只是初级星域,他不认为眼前三人萍水相逢的青年,能够和天雷宗莫青雷抗衡。 After the half day. 半日后。 Heavenly Witch Sect Luo Hui, is riding that golden spider, unexpectedly also flies. 天巫宗罗辉,骑着那金色蜘蛛,居然也飞逝过来。 Luo Hui appear(ance), Nie Tian and the others regard one mutually, the chuckle makes noise. 罗辉出现,聂天等人互视一眼,都轻笑出声。 Luo Hui rushes to here, when sees the Nie Tian three people, suddenly changes countenance. 罗辉赶到这里,看到聂天三人时,猛然变色 ...... ……
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