KMD :: Volume #19

#1820: I came back!

Wisp, extremely pale extremely pale, is mixing with the sad and gratified mood, dissipates. 有一缕,极淡极淡的,夹杂着哀伤、欣慰的情绪,随之消散。 That wisp of mood, is not him. 那一缕情绪,并不属于他。 Belongs, at first, before not Life Ancient Tree fuses, original source. 属于,最初的,未被生命古树融合之前的,原来的本源。 Mood, but non- consciousness. 只是情绪,而非意识。 Also at this moment, Nie Tian stops laughing wildly, is suddenly quiet. 也在此刻,聂天停止狂笑,突沉静下来。 He lowers the head lowly, combs the mentality, realizes from experience carefully. 他低垂着头,梳理思路,仔细体悟。 He knew a fact, this heart, has substituted for by him by Space-Time Blade, that destroys, became the source of life energy. 他知道了一个事实,他这颗心脏,取代了被他以时空之刃,毁去的那一颗,成为了生命能量的源头。 His consciousness, has substituted the beforehand source. 他的意识,替代了之前的本源。 Do all these, how occur? 这一切,是如何发生的? Is original Life Source, creates him in secret, subsequent party who leaves behind. 是原先的生命本源,暗中造就他,就遗留的后手。 This, guards against Life Ancient Tree to step into chaotic, integrates it, substitutes for it, when destroys it, leaves a leeway. 本为了,防备生命古树踏入浑沌,融入它,取代它,摧毁它时,留一条后路。 His heart, with that gigantic heart, had many something in common. 他的心脏,和那颗硕大至极的心脏,本就有诸多共同之处。 He, but also was washed concise by that heart in chaotic again, in builds the Supreme foundation after him, but also made him have substituted that heart, controlled the Life Blood Sea possibility. 他,还被那颗心脏在浑沌中再次洗涤凝炼,在为他打下至尊基础之后,还令他具备了替代那颗心脏,主宰生命血海的可能。 His Life Bloodline Rank explodes falls, that said that scarlet-red blood energy seems like dissipates, but is the concealment in his heart vein. 生命血脉等阶爆跌,那道赤红血气看似消逝,不过是隐匿在他心脏脉络内部罢了。 Then, integrates his heart deep place little, completes the transformation. 然后,一点点地,融入他心脏深处,完成改造。 The new round transformation, to let his to become new source, for blood-color smoke that to make all dissipations exits, was not guarded by Major Source embezzles, refining. 新一轮的改造,是为了让他成新的本源,是为了令所有散逸出去的血色烟雾,被各大本源毫无防备地吞没,炼化 In Soul River, that wipes the scarlet-red blood-color, surges suddenly! 灵魂之河内,那一抹赤红血色,骤然涌动! This azure misty rivers, such as a stepped azure large snake, twisting, trembling. 这条青蒙蒙的河流,如一条被踩住的青色长蛇,扭曲着,颤栗着。 Nie Tian's will, bottom of stream river, in that scarlet-red blood-color appear(ance). 聂天的意志,于溪河底部,那赤红血色内出现 The scarlet-red color, spreads rapidly, by unpreventible stance. 赤红色,迅速地蔓延,以不可阻止的架势。 The scarlet-red blood-color, integrated this stream river, the consciousness of soul source, was embezzled by the blood-color, causing Nie Tian can sensation its all. 赤红血色,已融入这条溪河,其中灵魂本源的意识,被血色吞没在内,使得聂天能感知其一切。 Soul......” “灵魂……” Very lightly very light twittering the sound, resounds from the river bottom. 一个,很轻很轻的呢喃声,从河底响起。 Then, sees in this stream river, the radiant azure light is bright, vanishes unceasingly. 然后,就见这条溪河内,璀璨的青色光烁,不断消失。 stream river is passing the mountain stream, resembles is moving toward dry. 溪河在流逝着溪水,似正在走向干涸。 On the contrary, Nie Tian's Soul Consciousness Sea, is full the azure deep soul water, becomes broad, becomes enormous and powerful, his main soul, is the great soul that such as is indomitable spirit, floats above its Soul Consciousness Sea, is deriving crazily, the Sea of Consciousness soul water of flood, washes the soul again. 相反,聂天的灵魂识海,则是充盈着青冥的魂水,变得广阔,变得浩浩荡荡,他的主魂,则是如顶天立地的巨魂,漂在其灵魂识海之上,疯狂汲取着,满溢的识海魂水,重新去洗涤魂魄。 Quick, he profound induction, his will, has dominated above the soul source! 很快,他就深刻的感应出,他的意志,已凌驾在灵魂本源之上! His first takes, the control, is Soul River. 他第一个拿下的,主宰的,就是灵魂之河 The soul is most important. 灵魂乃重中之重。 Has abundant Soul Power to transfer, his Soul Consciousness, can be in the Major Source blood-color energy through these, nibbles all. 有充沛魂力调动,他的灵魂意识,能通过那些处于各大本源的血色能量,蚕食一切。 Was robbed by Major Source, was realized to integrate by them, bunches of blood-color energies, the interior suddenly gives birth, belongs to his consciousness! 各大本源强夺的,被它们意识融入的,一簇簇的血色能量,内部都突然生出,属于他的意识! Chaotic, all sources are surging, is trembling. 浑沌中,所有的本源都在涌动着,都在颤栗着。 They are struggling crazily, wants own consciousness, will work loose from these blood-color energies, wants to embezzle refining life essence energy, will strip again. 它们疯狂挣扎着,想要将自己的意识,从那些血色能量挣脱,想要将吞没炼化生命精能,再剥离出去。 They know that does not suit. 它们知道不对劲了。 Formerly also by the blood-color energy of insanely snatching, in them, because of emerging of Nie Tian consciousness, resembled suddenly becomes a terrifying blood-color tumor, spreading, was nibbling their independent consciousness, them, towed toward the blood-color abyss, must by the Nie Tian's consciousness, lead them. 先前还被疯抢的血色能量,在它们之中,因聂天意识的涌入,似突然成为一个恐怖的血色肿瘤,蔓延着,蚕食着它们的自主意识,将它们,朝着血色深渊内拖,要以聂天的意识,主导它们。 Damn Nie Tian!” “该死的聂天!” In Stars Source, the Ji Cang eye violent, eye socket completely is suddenly red, fierce scream. 星辰本源内,季苍眼睛暴突着,目眦尽赤,厉声尖叫。 Numerous small fragments stars light is bright, such as the group star sparkles, the crystal light, is a little most radiant. 众多的碎小星辰光烁,如群星闪耀,有一点晶光,最为璀璨。 That crystal light, is the Stars Source core, is its consciousness coagulum. 那一点晶光,才是星辰本源的核心,是其意识凝聚体。 Now, that crystal light, inside is the scarlet-red color, rays of light that it releases, is the scarlet-red color. 如今,那一点晶光,里面都是赤红色,其释放出来的光芒,也是赤红色。 Ji Cang, the feeling leaves the Stars Source fear, trembles, wails, with calling for help. 季苍,感受出星辰本源的恐惧,颤栗,哀嚎,和呼救。 Both the soul was interlinked, he naturally immediately understands that the consciousness, erupts from the blood-color suddenly, rapid formidable, instead corrosion to Stars Source. 两者本就魂魄相通,他自然立即明白,有一股意识,突然从血色中爆发,迅速强大,反而侵蚀向星辰本源 Good, is I.” “不错,正是我。” A consciousness, resounds from that crystal light. 一股意识,从那一点晶光内响起。 In the crystal light, seems to be the Nie Tian's shadow, appears quietly. 晶光中,似有聂天的影子,悄然浮现。 The boundless blood-color, the scarlet-red blood light formation that is released by before, submerges suddenly. 无边血色,由之前释放的赤红血光形成,突淹没而来。 Ji Cang changes colors with amazement. 季苍骇然失色。 Because, he suddenly discovered that he was spread by the blood-color, but he, cannot transfer here Stars Energy unexpectedly. 因为,他突然发现,他已被血色蔓延,而他,竟不能调用这里的星辰之力 scarlet-red blood-color, such as internal virus, mixed with consciousness of Stars Source. 赤红血色,如内部病毒,其中掺杂星辰本源的意识。 Including Stars Source, was tormented corrosion, how his can Ji Cang? 星辰本源,都被荼毒侵蚀,他季苍又能如何? Combustion flame deep place. 燃烧的火焰深处。 Bunch of orange Divine Fire, alone, is incompatible with other flame. 一簇橘黄色的神火,孤零零的,和别的火焰格格不入。 Dark red flame, beating, suddenly appears the rich blood-color smell, has another consciousness suddenly, forces one's way. 深红火焰,跳动着,忽显出浓郁的血色气味,忽有另外一个意识,强行闯入进来。 Orange Fire Sprout, has had the familiar feeling immediately. 橘黄色的火苗,立即生出了熟悉感。 By you, substitutes it......” “由你,替代它……” A sound, resounds in the Divine Fire innermost soul, then the blood-color submerges, there are countless memory light, the brand mark Flame Source all, has hit fiercely. 一个声音,在神火的灵魂深处响起,然后血色淹没过来,有数不尽的记忆光烁,烙印着火焰本源的所有,猛地撞了过来。 Bangs into Divine Fire, becomes the Divine Fire memory, integrates marvelously. 撞入神火,成为神火的记忆,奇妙地融入其中。 If Life Ancient Tree, has substituted for the original source, Divine Fire has substituted for original Flame Source...... 生命古树,取代了原来的本源,神火取代了原来的火焰本源…… A darkness. 一片黑暗。 Is sending out thick sad Dong Li, flies involuntary toward that darkness. 散发着浓浓哀伤的董丽,身不由己地,朝着那片黑暗飞去。 By promotion and fetter of her within the body dark energy. 受,她体内黑暗能量的推动和束缚。 Her eye, empty atheistic, is looking at the departure direction. 她的眼睛,空洞无神的,望着离去的方向。 There, is the place of Nie Tian float. 那里,乃聂天漂浮之地。 Hmm? 嗯? When her, will soon integrate darkness, she suddenly discovered that calmed down. 就在她,即将融入黑暗时,她突然发现静下来了。 She static, no longer is forced, flies toward that darkness. 她静止了,不再被迫地,往那片黑暗飞逝。 But that darkness, is moves turbulently, disturbs the destruction, cruelly, Bloodthirsty, crazy, all sorts by to multiply dark, terrifying tide that evolves. 而那片黑暗,则是汹涌而动,翻搅出毁灭、暴戾、嗜杀、疯狂、种种由黑暗滋生的,演变出来的恐怖浪潮。 But she, clearly induces, the source of dark deep place, by another familiar strength and will, stubbornly suppression. 可她,分明感应出,黑暗深处的本源,被另外一股熟悉的力量和意志,死死压制。 Darkness Source, frightened restlessly, raises the difficult situation hot tempered. 黑暗本源,恐惧不安,暴躁地掀起惊涛骇浪。 scarlet-red blood light, from that dark deep place, often blooms. 赤红血光,从那片黑暗深处,不时地绽放。 The scarlet-red blood-color spreads in the dark deep place gradually, the spread, is embezzling anything. 赤红血色渐渐在黑暗深处扩散,蔓延,吞没着什么。 But Darkness Source, resembled to accept fate slowly generally, has no longer struggled. 黑暗本源,慢慢地,似认命了一般,不再挣扎。 Dong Li is vacant, what had?” 董丽茫然,“发生了什么?” She, has concentrated soul thought, escape into within the body that dark Spiritual Dan, communicates Darkness Source. 她,集中了魂念,逸入体内那枚黑暗灵丹,去沟通黑暗本源 A Darkness Source deathly stillness. 黑暗本源一片死寂。 In a while, Darkness Source responded finally, a thought that from her dark Spiritual Dan, resounded leisurely, was I......” 过了一阵子,黑暗本源终于回应,一个念头,从她那枚黑暗灵丹内,悠悠地响起,“是我……” Nie Tian!” 聂天!” Dong Li screamed. 董丽尖叫。 ...... …… Chaotic, that handle Space-Time Blade, such as one bunch of meteors are flying. 浑沌中,那柄时空之刃,如一束流星飞逝着。 Item(s), there is one brilliantly, small space. 器物内部,有一绚烂的,小小的空间 The Pei Qiqi soul, was imprisoned in this. 裴琦琦魂魄,就被禁锢于此。 This small space, has isolated all, independence in chaotic, independence in three worlds, time eternal static. 这小小空间,隔绝了一切,独立于浑沌,独立于三界,时间永恒静止。 Static, the Pei Qiqi soul, all trains of thought that fluctuate including the mood. 静止的,还有裴琦琦的魂魄,一切思绪,包括情绪波动。 Suddenly, there is densely and numerously a blood-color lightning, such as python Heavenly Dragon, loudly appear(ance). 突然,有密密麻麻地血色闪电,如巨蟒天龙般,轰然出现 Mysterious space, the avalanche disintegrates immediately. 神奇的空间,顿时崩塌瓦解。 Pei Qiqi soul thought, surges suddenly. 裴琦琦魂念,突然涌动起来。 Then, she first, induced Nie Tian's, listened respectfully to the Nie Tian's sound. 然后,她第一时间,就感应出了聂天的,聆听到了聂天的声音。 Do not fear that I came back.” “别怕,我回来了。” ...... ……
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