KMD :: Volume #19

#1815: The race perishes the plan

When three worlds chaos. 三界大乱之际。 In chaotic Nie Tian, Dong Li, has one type to tie up in this's feeling. 处于浑沌中的聂天,还有董丽,都生出一种被捆缚于此的感觉。 Major Source, crazily, greedily, is robbing these blood-color smoke. 各大本源,都在疯狂地、贪婪地,强夺着那些血色烟雾 Dong Li is separated from by Darkness Source, stands side Nie Tian, the jet black eye pupil, is staring at that darkness, said it in a soft voice, is longing for extremely, stemmed from the energy in blood sea.” 董丽黑暗本源脱离,就站在聂天身旁,漆黑的眼瞳,凝视着那片黑暗,轻声道“它,极度渴望着,源于血海内的能量。” Nie Tian nods slowly. 聂天缓缓点头。 In his heart bright as snow, knows chaotic Major Source, reason that snatches food these blood-color smoke, is saving at these energies, taking advantage of Ruins Spirit in the outside , to continue to evolve the new thing life race the thought. 他心中雪亮,知道浑沌中的各大本源,之所以抢食那些血色烟雾,都是存着以那些能量,借墟灵在外界,继续衍化出新生灵种族的念头。 If can succeed, is born also has Bloodlines Alien Race, hundred is corresponding them the percentage. 若能成功,重新诞生的还有血脉异族,将百分百对应着它们。 Powerful, the deterioration, links up with them. 强盛,衰败,都和它们挂钩。 Life Source, because of dissipates thoroughly, will slice again difficultly. 生命本源,因彻底消散开来,将再难从中分一杯羹。 Comparatively speaking, beforehand these Alien Race, after being powerful, their non- percentages hundred profit. 相比较而言,以前的那些异族,强盛之后,它们非百分百受益。 For example Demon Race. 譬如魔族 Accomplishment of Demon Race, relies on flesh and blood energy, has the Life Source brand mark. 魔族的造就,依赖血肉能量,有生命本源的烙印。 The power of Demon Race, except for can back coupling Darkness Source, that piece of boundless blood sea, be able taking the opportunity to spread to proliferate similarly. 魔族的强盛,除了能回馈黑暗本源,那片无垠血海,同样能借机蔓延扩散。 Before, all Alien Race, and Life Blood Sea was closely linked, this caused that piece of blood sea, was chaotic, jumbo who deserved, strongest. 之前的,所有的异族,都和生命血海息息相关,这才导致那片血海,乃浑沌中,当之无愧的巨无霸,至强 blood sea is defeated and dispersed, Major Source finally found the new turning point, naturally must try hard to compete for these blood-color smoke. 血海溃散,各大本源终于找到新的契机,自然要努力争夺那些血色烟雾 Two......” “两位……” Ji Cang of Human Race shape, looks at crazy of Major Source, hesitant, said that two think, how should go out chaotic, returns to the outside.” 人族形态的季苍,看着各大本源的疯狂,犹豫了一下,说“两位想一想,该如何走出浑沌,回归外界吧。” The voice falls, Ji Cang changes to together the meteor, flies to First Star. 话音一落,季苍就化作一道流星,飞逝向第一星 He, moves into First Star, can assist Stars Source, capture more blood-color smoke. 他,入驻第一星,能协助星辰本源,捕获更多的血色烟雾 Because, drifts many years of him in the outside, the wisdom, the experience, waits surpasses compared with First Star. 因为,在外界漂泊多年的他,智慧,见识,等等是比第一星超出的。 That bunch of Divine Fire, with Nie Tian by soul thought, has communicated simply, departs quietly. 那一簇神火,和聂天魂念,简单沟通了一下,也悄然离去。 Divine Fire, the choice helps Flame Source. 神火,选择去帮助火焰本源 Suddenly, in this side world, in this region, only remaining Nie Tian and Dong Li. 突然间,在这方天地,在这片区域,就只剩下聂天董丽 Major Source is increasingly estranged. 各大本源都渐行渐远。 „To go out chaotic, either is the Ruins Spirit soul, such as Ji Cang, such as Divine Fire.” Nie Tian knits the brows, say/way either, reaches the boundary of Supreme.” “想走出浑沌,要么是墟灵的魂魄,如季苍,如神火。”聂天皱眉,道“要么,就是达至尊之境。” On the Dong Li tender and beautiful face, spills over painstakingly intent, „can we, only be stranded chaotic?” 董丽娇艳的脸上,泛出苦意,“我们,难道只能被困浑沌?” Nie Tian say/way „, only if breaks the boundary world's wall rampart, reenters Supreme 聂天道“除非打破境界壁垒,再入至尊 Seat. ” 席位。” Was stranded, good......” “被困,也好……” Dong Li beams into a smile suddenly very naturally, passes to come floating, pulls his arm affectionate, side is looking at him, „the chaotic biggest threat, dissipated because of you in any case. In this side boundless boundless spacious world, if you and I can always in the same place, not exit.” 董丽突灿然一笑,很自然地,飘逝而来,亲昵地挽住他的臂膀,侧头望着他,“反正浑沌中最大的威胁,已因你而消逝。在这方无垠无际的空旷天地,如果你和我能始终在一起,不出去也罢。” How many years? 多少年了? She and Nie Tian is acquainted, adores after Nie Tian, is at the distinction condition for a long time. 她和聂天相识,倾心于聂天之后,长期处于分别状态。 Most time, Nie Tian is in all directions is going on an expedition, but she assumes personal command in Place of Meteor, Heavenly Wild Star Territory and Wall Heavenly Star Territory , helping Nie Tian host the general situation. 绝大多数的时光,聂天都是在四处征战,而她坐镇于陨星之地天莽星域垣天星域,帮聂天主持大局。 She also needs to worry that the relations of Nie Tian and Pei Qiqi, were worried Nie Tian will die in battle outside. 她还需要担忧,聂天裴琦琦的关系,担心聂天会在外战死。 Belongs to their two people, the time of living alone, is really very few. 属于他们两人的,独处的时光,实在是少之又少。 If the energy, inaugurates chaotic that in this side world forms, day and night accompanies, is the fine deeds to be how could it not be quick? 若能,于这方天地初开形成的浑沌,日夜相伴,岂非是美事快哉? So is thinking, her corners of the mouth counter- transgression delightful smiling face, pastes by own initiative in the Nie Tian's shoulder, by the sleep talking sound said that manages its flood to be dreadful, I have you, was enough.” 这般想着,她嘴角反逸出甜美的笑容,主动贴靠在聂天的肩膀,以梦呓般的声音说道“管它洪水滔天,我有你,就足够了。” „!” “哧哧!” After that handle reduces, crystal light shining Space-Time Blade, suddenly obviously brilliant rays of light. 那柄缩小之后,晶光灿灿的时空之刃,骤显绚烂光芒 The Dong Li complexion, flickered the intercool, snort/hum, say/way Pei Girl, you integrated Item(s) voluntarily, changed to Item's Soul, what also there are discontentedly?” 董丽的脸色,瞬间冷了下来,哼了一声,道“裴丫头,你都自愿融入器物,化作器魂了,还有什么不满的?” The Nie Tian expression is awkward. 聂天表情尴尬。 Grabs Space-Time Blade him, after this handle sharp knife blade rays of light sparkles, he first, induced not being feeling well of Pei Qiqi. 抓着时空之刃的他,在这柄利刃光芒闪耀后,他第一时间,就感应出了裴琦琦的不爽。 As if deliberately/meticulously to destroy, he and Dong Li living alone, in Space-Time Blade blade surface, appears suddenly quietly the picture. 仿佛是刻意为了破坏,他和董丽的独处,在时空之刃刀面中,忽悄悄浮现出画面。 The picture fluctuates unceasingly, from time to time in Ruins World, from time to time in Human World, from time to time in Spirit World. 画面不断变幻,时而在墟界,时而在人界,时而在灵界 Each picture, slaughters, or...... Slaughters. 每一幕画面,都是杀戮,或者说……是屠戮。 Human Race, to Spirit World each clans, to slaughtering of Ruins World each clans, the suppression, writes off! 人族,对灵界各族,对墟界各族的屠戮,镇压,抹杀! Arrives at Solitary Star Sea including conceal, these Nie Tian once Heaven Holding Djinn of place of ascertainment, Giant Dragon and Ancient Beast, were found by Human Race various Big Sect Qi Refinement Warrior. 潜隐寂星海,那些聂天曾探知之地的擎天巨灵,巨龙古兽,都被人族的各大宗门炼气士找到。 In these pictures, there is Giant Dragon to be cramped dragon corner/horn, has Ancient Beast to be skinned shears the meat. 在那些画面中,有巨龙被抽筋断龙角,有古兽被剥皮割肉。 Loses the Bloodlines Ancient Spirit Clan clansman, is facing these Saint Domain and Human Race Qi Refinement Warrior of Void Domain rank, the strength that the bombardments of various Spirit Item, resist radically continually does not have. 失去血脉古灵族族人,面对着那些圣域虚域级别的人族炼气士,各类灵器的轰击,根本连抵挡的力量都没有。 Solitary Star Sea deep place, many domain stars, rivers of blood. 寂星海深处,许多域界星辰,血流成河。 Ruins World, many Sea Clan, Moon Clan and Light Clan territory, is so. 墟界,很多海族月族光族的领地,也是如此。 Some, the small and weak Ruins World race, directly exterminated the clan. 有一些,弱小的墟界种族,直接就被灭族。 Numerously in Human World 众多在人界 , Is only the second-class Sect influence, in these world, method cruel cruel, treats the Alien Race method, looks bitterly disappointingly. ,只是二流的宗门势力,在那些天地,手段都残忍暴戾,对待异族的方法,看着都令人心寒。 Compared with long ago, Alien Race treated Human Race, went beyond. 比早些年,异族对待人族,有过之而无不及。 In the picture, cannot hear the sound, but can see slight fluctuation of lip, thus distinguishes the meaning. 画面中,听不到声音,但能看到唇的细微变幻,从而分辩出含义。 Dong Li and Nie Tian two people, thus understands that emerges Human Race of Alien Race territory, reason that the conduct is so cruel crazily , because they do not know, Bloodlines that Alien Race loses, can once more concise. 董丽聂天两人,从而明白,涌入异族领地的人族,之所以行事如此残忍疯狂,是因为他们并不知道,异族失去的血脉,会不会再次凝炼 They were worried, Bloodlines that cuts off, is only temporary. 他们担心,断绝的血脉,只是暂时性的。 If such, naturally must while this golden opportunity, slaughter the Alien Race powerhouse as far as possible, does not give their tiny bit opportunities, this can in the future, guarantee status that Human Race Venerable alone. 若是那样,自然要趁着这个绝佳的机会,尽可能屠戮异族的强者,不给他们一丝一毫的机会,这样才能在将来,确保人族独尊的地位。 Four big ancient Sect, the interior has also tacitly consented to their procedure, thinks this so. 四大古老宗门,内部也默许了他们的做法,也认为就该如此。 The Nie Tian's complexion, becomes ices slowly gloomy coldly, way of the world, an inversion, has not expected their countenance, is so ugly.” 聂天的脸色,慢慢变得阴沉冰寒,“世道,一颠倒,未料到他们的嘴脸,如此丑陋。” Ruins World each clans, Spirit World Heaven Holding Djinn, Ancient Beast and Giant Dragon, Wood Clan clansman, some time ago in Human World, but also fights side-by-side with Human Race. 墟界各族就算了,灵界擎天巨灵古兽巨龙,还有木族族人,不久前在人界,还和人族并肩作战的。 Also under he is a go-, with the Human Race joint effort, Demon, Evil Dark and Nether Race that clansman the pursuit invades one's territory. 还在他牵线下,和人族合力,驱逐来犯的妖魔邪冥幽族族人的。 Gets angry, can really such rapidness? 翻脸,真能如此之快? Even if must suppress, is insufficient to be ruthless? 就算要打压,也不至于赶尽杀绝吧? If so, cannot enter along with him together chaotic, Berserk Giant Beast, Evil God, Flame Dragon Agassi, Black Turtle, after losing Bloodlines, should not be rumbled to kill? 若这样,不能随他一道儿进入浑沌的,狂暴巨兽,邪神,炎龙阿加斯,黑玄龟,失去血脉之后,不也要被轰杀? Thinks of here, his mood is even more depressing. 想到这里,他心情愈发压抑。 It seems like, we must do everything possible to leave.” “看来,我们要想方设法离开。” Partly after making a sound, he deeply inspired, is looking in the pollution, but also in robbing blood-color smoke Major Source, in their hearts, these lost Bloodlines, with each clans that they echoed, is what? These because of Life Blood Sea, but concludes the Bloodlines life, but was discarded by them?” 半响后,他深吸了一口气,望着浑浊中,还在强夺血色烟雾各大本源,“在它们心中,那些失去了血脉的,和它们本来呼应的各族,算什么?那些因生命血海,而缔结血脉的生灵,可是被它们舍弃了?” They, this is for later, is the newborn race prepares?” “它们,这是为以后,为新生的种族做准备?” If cannot, in Human Race, fight for the relier.” Dong Li gives the response, Darkness Source is this plan, if cannot make again, new dark race. Then, is large-scale, in Human Race interior dissemination dark deep meaning. I, am Human Race that side disseminator, the executor.” “如果不能,就在人族内部,争抢依赖者。”董丽给出回应,“黑暗本源是这个打算,若不能够再造出,新的黑暗种族。那么,就大规模的,在人族内部传播黑暗奥义。我,将是人族那边的传播者,实施者。” If I can exit.” “如果我能出去的话。” ...... …… ps: Sorry, today one chapter, one is the mentality is a little not suitable, one is to come across the family trivial matters, greeted ~ that today is any Thanksgiving Day resembles, I felt grateful very much everybody's containing ~ real soul talk ~. ps:抱歉,今天一章,一个是思路有点不顺,一个是遇到点家庭琐事,打个招呼~那个,今天是什么感恩节好像,我很感恩大家的包容~真心话~。 ( https:) (https:)
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