KMD :: Volume #19

#1813: The three worlds pattern great changes!

Because the consciousness of Life Source dissipates, that piece of boundless blood sea, cannot maintain the condensation. 生命本源的意识消散,那片无垠的血海,再也不能保持凝聚。 blood sea, changes to bunches of blood-color smoke, the dissipation in chaotic comes. 血海,化作一簇簇血色烟雾,于浑沌中散逸开来。 The Life Blood Sea mutation, is defeated and dispersed, was the Nie Tian sacrifice, discarded the position of Supreme, was willing Life Bloodline to cut off from the physical strength. 生命血海的异变,溃散,是聂天牺牲自我,舍弃至尊之位,甘愿生命血脉从体力断绝。 He for the medium, chaotic Major Source, has given Life Source this jumbo hand in hand, ruinous attack. 他为媒介,携手浑沌中的各大本源,给予了生命本源这个巨无霸,毁灭性的打击。 Finally, the Life Source trace annihilated. 终于,生命本源的痕迹湮灭了。 Suddenly, chaotic all sources, as if all of a sudden become are greedy and crazy, is flying in abundance, pursues these elegant blood-color smoke, nibbles these, gathers the energy in blood sea. 突然间,浑沌中所有的本源,都似乎一下子变得贪婪而又疯狂,纷纷飞逝着,去追逐那些飘逸的血色烟雾,去蚕食那些,汇聚在血海内的能量。 Reviews Nie Tian, restores is the Human Race shape. 反观聂天,恢复为人族的形态。 Again no longer in the past hugeness. 再不复往昔的巨大。 He is raising that handle Space-Time Blade, same reduces with him, only has a reach, the flowing light overflowing color, the crystal light is shining. 他提着的那柄时空之刃,和他一样缩小,仅有一臂长,流光溢彩,晶光灿灿。 May after Life Bloodline vanishes, this handle Space-Time Blade shakes hand, made him have the strange feeling. 可在生命血脉消失之后,这柄时空之刃握着手中,却令他生出陌生感。 He, is difficult to communicate the time and Space Source. 他,再难沟通时间和空间本源 The body of Human Race, cannot the load bearing, the irrigation of time and space energy. 人族之身,也不能承载,时间、空间能量的灌注。 Relation between he and Pei Qiqi, somewhat was unreal...... 他和裴琦琦之间的联系,都有些虚幻了…… Can be called as, in world strongest Divine Item Space-Time Blade, because of losing of its Life Bloodline, because of it by striking back primary form, because he became pure Human Race, but cannot restore its terrifying might. 能称作,天地间至强神器时空之刃,因其生命血脉的遗失,因其被打回原形,因他成为了纯粹的人族,而再也不能恢复其恐怖威力。 Again then, he discovered that he and Evil God, with Black Turtle, with Blood Spirit Child, did not have the induction. 再然后,他发现他和邪神,和黑玄龟,和血灵子,都没了感应。 All, because of losing of Bloodlines. 一切,皆因血脉的遗失。 His introspection heart, cannot see drop of life blood essence again, could not find that wisp again, contains the innumerable Bloodlines Crystal Chains life vitality. 他内观心脏,再也看不到一滴生命精血,再也找不到那一缕,内含无数血脉晶链的生命气血。 Nature, does not have the darkness, lightning, cold ice and gold/metal Rui and other Bloodlines exist(ence). 自然,也没黑暗、雷电寒冰、金锐等血脉存在 However, his body of this being repeatedly tempered, is still formidable and firm. 不过,他这具千锤百炼的躯身,依然强大而坚固。 All sorts of Bloodlines talent and magical powers secret technique, is difficult to display. 只是,种种血脉天赋和神通秘术,再难施展罢了。 He is unable by Life Source's Body, transient to be a ten thousand meters giant, releases turbulent vitality sea to come out. 他也无法以源生之体,瞬变为万米巨人,释放出汹涌的气血海出来。 His speechless forced smile, there is a thick sense of being lost and lonely, does not control self flood. 他哑然苦笑,还是有浓浓失落感,不自禁地泛起。 Nie Tian!” 聂天!” The static time and space, were already broken, Dong Li falls from the day, shouts to clear the way: These escape dispersing, the rich life energy, how don't you attempt to buy in?” 静止的时间、空间,早就被打破,董丽从天而落,喝道:“那些飞逸散开的,浓郁的生命能量,你怎么不去尝试吸纳?” In upper air, Ji Cang and Divine Fire, astonished looks to him. 高空中,季苍神火,也诧异地看向他。 Ji Cang, but also 季苍,还 Was same as before. 是和之前一样。 But Divine Fire...... 神火…… Flesh and blood body that Divine Fire, that careful construction, carves carefully, already not. 神火,那具精心构筑,细致雕琢的血肉躯体,已然不在。 Divine Fire, changes to bunch of red-orange Fire Sprout, but is unsubstantial. 神火,又化作一簇橘红色火苗,而无实体。 „.” “呃。” Nie Tian raised the head, looked at Divine Fire, was well aware the flesh and blood body of Divine Fire, came from grants him, a little bit life blood essence. 聂天抬头,看了神火一下,心知肚明神火的血肉躯体,来自于他赐予的,一滴滴生命精血 Because his Life Bloodline cuts off, causes that flesh and blood body of Divine Fire, is therefore defeated and dispersed. 由于他的生命血脉断绝,导致神火的那具血肉躯体,也因此溃散。 Sorry.” “抱歉。” He said in a soft voice. 他轻声道。 Does not blame you, you are right, you can make the so huge sacrifice, how will I also complain about you?” Divine Fire spreads exceptionally clear soul thought. “不怪你,你是对的,你都能做出如此巨大的牺牲,我又岂会埋怨你呢?”神火传出异常清晰的魂念 Nie Tian!” Dong Li is somewhat anxious, why don't you pursue these flesh and blood energies?” 聂天!”董丽有些急切,“你为何不去追逐那些血肉能量?” Did not have Life Bloodline, the flesh and blood energies of these derelictions, I am unable to buy in once more.” The Nie Tian whole face is bitter and astringent, said: In the past, I embezzled these flesh and blood energies, passes Life Bloodline deriving talent. Now, I again how diligently, impossible these abilities, changed into oneself to use.” “没了生命血脉,那些无主的血肉能量,我无法再次吸纳。”聂天满脸苦涩,说道:“往常,我吞没那些血肉能量,乃是通过生命血脉的汲取天赋。如今,我再如何努力,都不可能将那些能力,化为己用了。” Good.” Ji Cang also opens the mouth, these did not have the Life Source consciousness leadership, the pure life energy, I also can only feel powerless and frustrated. Only has to have Life Bloodline, or once Bloodlines formidable Alien Race, had the possibility, these life energy refining, inspiration within the body.” “不错。”季苍也开口,“这些没了生命本源意识主导的,纯粹的生命能量,我也只能望洋兴叹了。唯有具备生命血脉者,或曾经血脉强大的异族,方有可能,将那些生命能量炼化,吸入体内。” Was only a pity, let alone is chaotic, is in three worlds, various Bloodlines cut off.” “只可惜,别说是浑沌之中,就是三界之内,各类血脉都断绝了。” Dong Li has gawked, suddenly said: That, why will Major Source, snatch food these life energies?” 董丽愣了一下,突然道:“那,为什么各大本源,会抢食那些生命能量?” The Ji Cang silent half sound, guessed: Perhaps, hopes to condense flesh and blood light ball once more, in the later years, incites the arrangement like I Ruins Spirit, in three worlds, evolves, corresponds to their lives. Such life, for newborn, possibly Innate has Bloodlines, is possible, no longer has unique Bloodlines.” 季苍沉默半响,猜测道:“或许,希望再次凝聚血肉光团,在以后的岁月中,指使安排如我般的墟灵,于三界内,重新衍化出,对应于他们的生灵吧。那样的生灵,为新生的,可能天生具备血脉,也可能,不再有独特血脉。” His brow deep lock, resembles does not look clearly. 他眉头深锁,似也看不真切。 After Life Source dissipates, all are unknown. No one is clear, even if concise leaves flesh and blood light ball, really can make the brand-new life race again.” “在生命本源消逝之后,一切都是未知。谁也不清楚,就算凝炼出血肉光团,是不是就真能再造出全新的生命种族。” , He looked to Nie Tian. 顿了顿,他又看向聂天 His facial expression, becomes somewhat strange, resembles the admiration, thinks Nie Tian to be silly, I really have not thought that you unexpectedly...... Can make such decision. Discards Life Bloodline, to accomplishing own source operates, then personally, destroyed made oneself achievement Supreme source, destroyed all that had.” 他的神情,变得有些怪异,似钦佩,又似觉得聂天傻,“我真是没有想到,你竟然……能做出这样的决定。舍弃生命血脉,向造就自己的本源开刀,然后亲手,毁了令自己成就至尊的本源,也毁了拥有的一切。” Before, I have suspected you, I apologied to you.” “之前,我怀疑过你,我向你致歉。” Moreover, I represent me again, represents behind me that star, thanked you.” “另外,我再代表我,代表我背后的那颗星,感谢你。” Without you, this chaotic all sources, will crawl in its under foot. It, you by God Clan Supreme, as God Clan first ancestor, can outside, command three worlds all living things.” “没有你,这片浑沌中的所有本源,都将匍匐在它的脚下。它在内,你以神族至尊,以神族始祖的身份,能够在外,统领三界众生。” Such Era, once opens, in the world, only has a sound its sound.” “那样的时代一旦开启,天地间,就只有一个声音它的声音。” Other many sources, or are unable to recover, either slowly quiet, will lose with it for the qualifications of enemy.” “其余的诸多本源,或一蹶不振,或慢慢沉寂,将丧失和它为敌的资格。” Is you, has prevented all these occurrences.” “是你,阻止了这一切的发生。” The Ji Cang words arrive at behind, looks solemn, the eye contains the respect. 季苍话到后面,神情肃穆,眼含敬意。 Nie Tian is stunned, all Alien Race, does Bloodlines, cut off now?” 聂天愕然,“所有的异族,血脉,如今都断绝了?” Cut off.” Ji Cang gives the affirmation to answer that Heaven Holding Djinn, Starry Sky Giant Beast, Ruins World each clans, Spirit World each clans, again does not have Bloodlines exist(ence). Compared with Human Race, they are body slightly are more formidable, is bigger. However, after Human Race use dantian Spirit Sea, they are doomed to degenerate into treats butchers the lamb.” “都断绝了。”季苍给予肯定答复,“擎天巨灵,星空巨兽,墟界各族,灵界各族,都再没有血脉存在。和人族相比,他们不过是躯身稍稍强大一些,高大一些罢了。然而,在人族动用丹田灵海之后,他们注定沦为待宰羔羊。” Belongs to their Era, ended in light of this, you help Human Race, became the three worlds overlord.” “属于他们的时代,就此落幕了,你帮人族,成为了三界霸主。” Nie Tian shakes: Human Race, three worlds overlord?” 聂天一震:“人族,三界霸主?” Present world, only has Human Race to be not affected, God Domain and Saint Domain, still exist(ence). Other races, after Bloodlines cuts off, in the Human Race eye, but is having spiritual wisdom, formidable point Spirit Beast.” Ji Cang asked back that you thought that under this situation, Human Race hasn't been able to dominate three worlds?” “如今的天地,唯有人族不受影响,神域圣域,依然存在着。其余所有种族,血脉断绝之后,在人族眼中,不过是有灵智的,强大一点的灵兽罢了。”季苍反问,“你觉得,在这种局势下,人族还不能称霸三界?” Unexpectedly, turns into this unexpectedly.” Nie Tian lowers the head to think deeply. “居然,居然变成这样。”聂天垂头深思。 At this time, chaotic Major Source, still diligently, competed for these dissipations to come, bunches of blood-color smoke. 这个时候,浑沌中的各大本源,依然孜孜不倦地,争夺着那些散逸开来的,一簇簇的血色烟雾 In the Nie Tian under foot, already spacious nihility. 聂天脚下,已空旷虚无。 Once, limitless scarlet-red blood sea, in light of this vanished. 曾经的,无边无际的赤红血海,就此消失。 Instead is, the dark deep place that piece passes floating, gradually has the scarlet-red color to emerge. 反而是,那片飘逝的黑暗深处,渐有赤红色浮出。 That radiant stars, interior, are many to wipe the blood-color. 那颗璀璨的星辰,内部,也多出一抹血色。 Combustion Flame Source, deep place, there is a life energy to gather to well up. 燃烧的火焰本源,深处,也有生命能量聚涌。 With the previous difference, this moment appear(ance) in Major Source internal blood-color scarlet-red, was being controlled by them, but does not have the consciousness to corrode revolts against them, making them uncomfortable extremely. 和上一次不同,此刻出现各大本源内部的血色赤红,都被它们掌控着,而非有意识地侵蚀反抗它们,令它们难受万分。 Human Race, will reach overlord seat!” Dong Li said inspired. 人族,将荣登霸主席位!”董丽振奋道。 Nie Tian is bewildered. 聂天则一脸茫然。 ...... …… :.: :。:
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