KMD :: Volume #18

#1714: Seeing

Pollution vortex, slowly rotation. 浑浊气旋,缓缓转动。 Internal, the mysterious channels, such as flower bud, splits open slowly. 内部,有一条神秘的通道,如花骨朵儿般,慢慢地绽开。 Channel, is connecting Gloomy Abyss. 通道,也连接着幽暗深渊 For another, is possibly containing the infinite vitality and wonderful paradise, possibly is must die certainly the place burying field! 为另外一个,可能蕴藏着无穷生机和神妙的福地,也可能乃必死绝地的葬场! Nie Tian!” 聂天!” Thousand Souls Great Venerable severe Howl, was staring has been being separated from Soul Absorption Great Venerable, to pollution vortex, Ghost Scepter that passed floating. 千魂大尊厉啸着,瞪着脱离了摄魂大尊,向浑浊气旋之外,飘逝的幽魂权杖 Soul Absorption Great Venerable formerly wielded the scepter that hand, the dripping with blood. 摄魂大尊先前执掌权杖的那只手,鲜血淋漓。 His that skinny withered, appears the face of unusual sinister and vicious, the face hides vibrates suddenly. 他那张枯瘦干瘪,显得异常阴鸷的脸,脸皮子突然抖动。 In the forehead, a new mark, must conclude. 眉心中,一枚新的印记,就要缔结。 He wants, is mysterious by the soul that he perceives through meditation, captures Ghost Scepter. 他要,以他参悟的灵魂奥妙,将幽魂权杖重新夺取。 „The eye of group star!” “群星之眼!” Stands erect proudly in everywhere radiant stars sea Qin Yao, in the palm, suddenly bright star glow, dazzling. 傲然矗立在漫天璀璨星辰海的秦尧,掌心中,忽然熠熠星芒,刺目而出。 An eye, condense in his palm. 一只眼睛,在他掌心内凝结 That eye, is resembled by group star the strength of Star Core, extreme concise. 那只眼,似由群星的星核之力,极度精炼而成。 stars vanishes, universe alternates, space and time fluctuates, four seasons samsara...... 星辰幻灭,宙宇更迭,时空变幻,四季轮回…… All sorts of most profound mysteries, from that eye, obviously melt. 种种玄之又玄的奥妙,就从那只眼睛内,显化出来。 Not only contains the stars secret, three worlds all living things, the sun and moon perishing mourning, wait for unknown mysterious. 不仅仅包含星辰秘密,还有三界众生,日月殒丧,等等未知的神异 Soul Absorption Great Venerable only looked, then loudly greatly shakes. 摄魂大尊只看了一下,便轰然巨震。 Crash-bang! 哗啦! From his top of the head crown, floats trillion Soul Spirit, these Soul Spirit sad and shrill are howling, distributes formation, concludes soul runes Magic Seal, or ghost state. 从他头顶天灵盖,漂浮出亿万魂灵,那些魂灵都在凄厉嘶啸着,排布阵列,缔结出魂文法印,或亡魂国度。 whoosh, whoosh, whoosh! 咻咻咻 In pollution vortex, many stars, such as the crystal block comes. 浑浊气旋中,诸多繁星,如晶块呼啸而来。 Soul Absorption Great Venerable and Qin Yao battle, shortly, intense eruption. 摄魂大尊秦尧的争斗,又在顷刻间,激烈爆发。 Soul Absorption Great Venerable cannot attend to again, by soul thought that fetters Ghost Scepter, that handle scepter control. 摄魂大尊再也顾不得,以灵魂意念,去束缚幽魂权杖,将那柄权杖掌控。 He, looks at that handle scepter helplessly, passes from pollution vortex floating. 他眼睁睁地,看着那柄权杖,从浑浊气旋飘逝而出。 Xiao Tian......” 小天……” On Rainbow Bright Boat, calmly is standing and waiting for a long time Nie Jin, raises head, looks at Ghost Scepter lost, the sleep talking shouts lowly, is you? Do you, have to see me?” 虹彩舟上,静静伫立着的聂瑾,仰着头,出神地看着幽魂权杖,梦呓地低呼,“是你么?你,有没有看到我?” Ghost Scepter appears, is Young Master?” 幽魂权杖浮现的,是少主?” Is Young Master!” “就是少主!” Yes, I in Snow Domain, had looked at his one eyes from afar!” “是的,我曾经在雪域,远远看过他一眼!” Young Master, unexpectedly already formidable to this situation? Can he Ghost Scepter, capture from the Soul Absorption Great Venerable hand?” 少主,竟然已经强大到这个地步?他能够将幽魂权杖,从摄魂大尊手中夺取?” Ghost Scepter, originally by Young Master refining! Hey, Young Master Soul Consciousness, can separate the spatial projection to come, explained that he in Cloudy Demon Domain, at least has the leisure! Can set aside the hand, showed that he is accomplishes a task with ease!” 幽魂权杖,本来就是被少主炼化的啊!嘿嘿,少主灵魂意识,能隔空投影而来,说明他在阴魔域,至少有闲暇!能腾出手来,就证明他是游刃有余的!” Is very good! Good cannot be good!” “很好!好的不能再好了!” Many practice Evil Technique Qi Refinement Warrior, looks is being separated from pollution vortex Ghost Scepter, is excited. 诸多修炼邪术炼气士,望着脱离浑浊气旋幽魂权杖,都兴奋不已。 Ghost Scepter in the Soul Absorption Great Venerable hand, at least can increase the Soul Absorption Great Venerable 20% strengths, this is because of the Soul Absorption Great Venerable not completely refining scepter. 幽魂权杖摄魂大尊手中,至少能增加摄魂大尊两成力量,这还是因为摄魂大尊并没有完全炼化权杖。 Otherwise, is relying on Ghost Scepter, Soul Absorption Great Venerable battle strength, can promote 40%, even 50%! 不然,凭借着幽魂权杖,摄魂大尊战力,能提升四成,甚至五成! Such Soul Absorption Great Venerable, battle strength, could surmount Dry Demon Great Venerable, becomes the Ruins World first person! 那样的摄魂大尊,战力,或许能超越乾魔大尊,成为墟界第一人! Through Qin Yao beforehand rephrasing in own words, people know that present Soul Absorption Great Venerable, is in the Spirit World history, that reputation is next to conceal Life Ancient Tree, incomparably powerful Dark Soul Great Venerable. 通过秦尧之前的转述,众人都知道眼前的摄魂大尊,就是灵界历史上,那位名声仅次于潜隐生命古树,无比强悍的冥魂大尊 They also see, grasp Ghost Scepter Soul Absorption Great Venerable, with the fight of Qin Yao, evenly matched, is quite deeply worried. 他们也看到,手持幽魂权杖摄魂大尊,和秦尧的战斗,势均力敌,极为焦灼。 But now...... 可现在…… After losing Ghost Scepter, they believe that the following fight, Qin Yao can obtain the superiority surely! 失去幽魂权杖以后,他们相信接下来的战斗,秦尧定能获得优势! They are therefore encouraged! 他们因此而振奋! ......” “唔……” Nie Tian's soul shade, in Ghost Scepter that azure gem, little congealing present. 聂天的魂影,在幽魂权杖的那块青色宝石中,一点点的凝现。 Until, is separated from that pollution vortex, his wipes the soul shade, truly congealing reality. 直到,从那浑浊气旋脱离,他的那一抹魂影,才真正凝实。 He thus completes truly, soul separates the spatial projection, can through that soul shade, see that under the scepter has giant pollution vortex, can see includes the each clans skeleton surely, the fragment of battleship, with is still having the fight. 他从而完成真正的,灵魂隔空投影,能通过那魂影,看到权杖底下有一巨大的浑浊气旋,能看到千万囊括各族的尸骨,还有战舰的碎片,和依然在发生着的战斗。 Suddenly, he noticed that divine light is enormous and powerful, resembles by Star River Ancient Battleship of all colors god stone casting on, is standing erect a petite and delicate form. 忽然,他看到一艘神光浩荡,似以五彩神石铸造的星河古舰上,矗立着一个娇小柔弱的身影。 That form, crazy is looking at him, in the eye is rich not being able to melt thinks of fondly...... 那道身影,痴痴的望着他,眼中乃浓郁的化不开的思恋…… In his main body of dark place, through that soul shade gaze, the chest is suddenly suffocated, sad that could not say, the soul fiercely is shaking, I, I......” 远在幽暗之地的他本体,通过那道魂影的注视,胸口突然堵得慌,说不出的难过,灵魂都在剧烈震荡,“我,我……” !” “呼!” After Ghost Scepter flies from, suddenly blows out, rays of light that the bright making person eye pupil must blast open. 幽魂权杖飞离之后,突然爆出,明亮的令人眼瞳都要炸裂的光芒 The space and time is confused, space reverses, star reverses! 时空错乱,空间扭转,星斗倒转! The instant, space boundary layer upon layer, heartlessly was torn into shreds. 霎那间,空间的层层界限,就被无情撕碎。 That handle, on the moment also in Ghost Scepter of another place, suddenly, then in the dark place that the Nie Tian main body stops over, floats in his forehead. 那柄,上一刻还在另一地的幽魂权杖,突然间,便在聂天本体逗留的幽暗之地,漂浮在他眉心处。 He stares the big eye, looks in that azure gem, wipes his soul projection to dissipate. 他瞪大眼,看着那块青色宝石内,一抹他的灵魂投影消逝。 His chest is sad, he cannot help but, is covering the chest, said: I, I see in another place, is erupting the similarly frigid fight. I also see, the woman, stands on all colors sparkling Star River Ancient Battleship, has visited me, is shouting my name.” 他胸口沉闷无比,他不由自主地,捂着胸口,道:“我,我看到在另外一地,也爆发着同样惨烈的战斗。我还看到,有一个女人,站在一艘五彩耀目的星河古舰上,一直看着我,呼喊着我的名字。” You saw, should know that who she is.” Ji Cang said in a soft voice. “你看到了,就应该知道她是谁。”季苍轻声道。 The Dong Li facial expression rouses, Nie Tian, you know, she...... Is that woman who gives me the thing.” 董丽神情振奋,“聂天,你知道,她……就是送我东西的那个女人。” I, I know, I know......” lowers the head, Nie Tian muttered whispers, the facial features have overturned the cruet at heart, various taste, welled up all of a sudden completely, this made him somewhat feel helpless, many years, I have been thinking that one side can see, this good.” “我,我知道,我知道的……”低着头,聂天喃喃低语,心里面像是打翻了五味瓶,各种滋味,一下子全部涌出来,这令他有些不知所措,“多少年了,我一直都在想,能见一面,该多好。” Saw, I, actually a little fear, a little fear.” “真看到了,我,竟然有点恐惧,有点害怕。” Already the fear, all these are illusory, is not real. Also thought that she, they should not, not throw down me, was concerned with that in secret, silently is actually visiting me.” “既害怕,这一切都是虚幻,是不真实的。又觉得,她,他们不该的,不该丢下我,不闻不问,却又在暗中,默默地看着我。” „Am I, what I worried about?” “我,我在担心什么?” „......” “……” He, has been thinking aloud in a soft voice. 他一直在轻声地,自言自语。 Rip! 哧啦! That bunch of red-orange Divine Fire, dissipation in various places, but also is burning turbulently. 那一簇橘红色的神火,散逸在各处,还在汹涌燃烧。 Many small Fire Sprout, refining is embezzling Ruins Spirit, expands little. 更多的小火苗,炼化吞没着墟灵,一点点地壮大起来。 For a long time, all Ruins Spirit that moves in the, should be swallowed by Divine Fire, Divine Fire has given a news to Nie Tian. 许久后,所有在附近活动的墟灵,应该都被神火吞食掉,神火聂天传递了一个讯息。 Comes with me. 跟我来。 „?” “啊?” Nie Tian awakes to turn around suddenly, bewildered, looked to that bunch of Divine Fire, opened the mouth said: With you? Goes?” 聂天猛然醒转过来,一脸茫然地,看向了那一簇神火,张口道:“跟着你?去哪?” Such remarks, the Ji Cang facial expression surges, responded instantaneously that urgently shouted to clear the way: Walks! Follows it! It, comes out from inside, it decides however knows how should go in!” 此言一出,季苍神情激荡,瞬间就反应过来,急喝道:“走!跟它走!它,是从里面出来的,它定然知道该怎样进去!” Nie Tian also responded, Gloomy Abyss!” 聂天也反应过来了,“幽暗深渊!” Comes with me.” Divine Fire subpoenaed once again, at once light, toward somewhere goes. “跟我来。”神火又一次传讯,旋即就轻飘飘地,朝着某处而去。 Its speed, is not quick. 它的速度,并不是很快。 Nie Tian follows hurriedly, Dong Li hesitant, refers to calling Black Turtle, is carrying on the back Ji Cang, goes into action immediately. 聂天急忙跟上,董丽犹豫了一下,指唤着黑玄龟,将季苍驮着,也立即行动起来。 Divine Fire flutters, not anxiously not slow, does not have any Demon Plant and Spirit Plant appear(ance) on the way again, does not have so-called Ruins Spirit again, launches the attack to Dong Li. 神火飘飘荡荡,不急不缓,途中再没有任何魔植灵植出现,也再没有所谓的墟灵,向董丽发动攻击。 Nie Tian raised the head from time to time, can see still to have numerous powerhouses, hū hū hū crashes. 聂天时而抬头,能看到依然有众多的强者,呼呼呼地坠落下来。 Falls, these formidable lives, do not know that disperses to dark place where. He by the Life Bloodline sensation, searches to observe by the soul again, cannot smell the sound. 只是,一落下来,那些强大的生灵,就不知道分散到幽暗之地的何处。他再以生命血脉感知,以灵魂探察,都嗅不到动静。 Divine Fire guides, their this time exceptionally smooth, has not suffered any danger again. 神火带路,他们这次异常的顺利,没再遭受什么危险。 In this process, the Nie Tian's imposing manner, the strength, the mortal body intensity, the Life Source's Body altitude, suddenly is rising! 在这个过程中,聂天的气势,力量,肉身强度,源生之体的高度,都在急剧攀升着! ...... …… ( https:) (https:)
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