KMD :: Volume #18

#1710: Drooling with envy

Bang! 轰! Sky over dark place, that flowing light overflowing color, brilliant varied channel, suddenly explosion. 幽暗之地上空,那条流光溢彩,绚烂多姿的通道,突然爆炸。 The vault of heaven, resembled by dig open a giant hole. 天穹,似被凿开了一个巨大的窟窿。 Also likely is one, light shining well head. 又像是一个,光灿灿的井口。 Forms, along that hole, crash. 一道道身影,沿着那窟窿,坠落而来。 Has Demon Race, has the Dark Soul Race clansman, has the White Bones Race clansman. 魔族,有冥魂族族人,有白骨族族人。 Human Race powerhouse, Extinguished Star Sea ominous evil, the Spirit World each clans clansman, comes in swarms. 人族强者,灭星海的凶邪,灵界各族族人,蜂拥而至。 kāchā! 喀嚓 The battleship that the Wood Clan clansman takes, explodes suddenly extinguishes. 一艘,木族族人乘坐的战舰,突然爆灭。 On the battleship, dozens Wood Clan Bloodlines soldiers, change to green bloody water. 战舰上,数十个木族血脉战士,蓬地化作绿色血水 Battleship is impassable, only then the flesh and blood life, can descend!” “战舰不能通行,只有血肉生命,才能降落下去!” Some person of loudly and swift cry. 有人大声疾呼 Sees only, when Star River Ancient Battleship that the different race clansmen ride, in must since, hurry to anchor. 只见更多的,不同种族族人乘坐的星河古舰,就在要进入时,赶紧停住。 Then, is form rejection battleships, flies to fall to enter. 然后,就是一道道身影舍弃战舰,飞落而入。 Nie Tian, Nie Tian......” 聂天,聂天……” Dong Li has shouted two, sees Nie Tian not to have the sound, she uses the dark strength, examines carefully with rapt attention once more. 董丽呼喊了两声,见聂天没有动静,她不由动用暗黑之力,凝神再次细看。 Then, she smelled the unusual place. 然后,她就嗅到了不同寻常之处。 Nie Tian's heart, stopped beat unexpectedly! 聂天的心脏,竟然停止了跳动! This startled, making her almost probably bawl. 这一惊,令她差点要哭叫起来。 Black Turtle soul thought, spreads immediately: He, in concise brand-new Bloodlines talent. I can induce, in his heart, Bloodlines is having the transformation.” 黑玄龟魂念,立即传出:“他,在凝炼一个全新的血脉天赋。我能感应出,他的心脏中,血脉在发生着蜕变。” Scared to death me.” Dong Li is covering the chest tastes. “吓死我了。”董丽捂着胸口道。 Ji Cang, but looks with rapt attention to vault of heaven. 季苍,只是凝神望向天穹。 His look, even more dignified, said: From place above crash, resembles by the hauling of some strength is pulled, extreme scattering that divides. Strange, is really strange......” 他的神色,愈发的凝重,道:“从上方坠落者,似受某种力量的牵引拉扯,分的极为散落。奇怪,真是奇怪……” Numerous race powerhouses, in that brilliant channel blasting open, arrives after Cloudy Demon Domain, all of a sudden does not know scatters where. 众多种族强者,在那绚烂通道炸裂,从阴魔域降临之后,一下子不知散落到何处。 Without the powerhouse, void stay, does not have the powerhouse, erupts the terror the strength. 没有强者,虚空逗留,也没有强者,爆发出恐怖的力量。 Their positions, peripheral cannot find crash, is living also well, dying. 他们所处的位置,周边更是瞧不见一位坠落者,活着也好,死着也罢。 Is a little strange.” Dong Li is believing firmly Nie Tian unobstructive, relieves in the threat of Ruins Spirit, has not continued to use the Dark Light Wheel strength, she hesitates half sound, shouted lightly: „The pupil of darkness, shines!” “是有点诡异。”董丽在确信聂天无碍,在墟灵的威胁解除,都没有继续动用黑暗光轮的力量,她沉吟半响,轻呼:“黑暗之瞳,映照!” Hangs in her top of the head, mysterious Dark Light Wheel, gathers to well up the dark energy suddenly crazily, such as changes to a jet black eye. 悬在她头顶的,神秘的黑暗光轮,忽疯狂聚涌黑暗能量,如化作一只漆黑眼睛。 The eye, such as can peep at world all living things, inside has scenes to appear. 眼睛,如能窥视天地众生,里面有一幕幕场景显现。 Only can shine about peripheral thousand li (500 km).” Dong Li has not gone to look at Dark Light Wheel, all scenes that because inside appears, in her Soul Consciousness Sea, the synchronization will appear, she explained to Ji Cang, region that we are, probably, but also really not other any person.” “只能照耀出周边千里左右。”董丽没有去看黑暗光轮,因为里面浮现的所有场景,都会在她的灵魂识海内,同步地显现,她只是向季苍解释,“我们所在的区域,好像,还真的没有什么别的人。” The Ji Cang earnest observation, sees Dark Light Wheel to shine, has Spirit Plant and Demon Plant to lose the vitality the residual to dry out, sections, do not know deathly stillness many years the skeletons, bunches of red-orange Fire Sprout, but also is capturing and killing Ruins Spirit in all directions, slowly expands. 季苍认真观察,就见黑暗光轮映照出来的,有灵植魔植失去生机的残渣枯干,有一截截,不知道死寂多少年的骸骨,有一簇簇的橘红色火苗,还在四处捕杀着墟灵,慢慢壮大。 Well!” “咦!” Finally, Ji Cang and Dong Li two people, calls out in alarm with one voice. 最后,季苍董丽两人,齐声惊呼。 They also saw that Dark Light Wheel shines a piece of grey brown color swampy ground bottom, on that bog, is floating the multi-colored cloud. 他们同时看到,黑暗光轮照耀出一片灰褐色沼泽地底,在那沼泽上,漂浮着彩色的云。 That is violent poison miasma condense. 那是剧毒瘴气凝结 The bog deep place, there is one to be naked the body, the monster different and beautiful female. 沼泽深处,有一赤裸着身子,妖异而绝美的女子。 This female, the lower part immerse in bog, the exposed upper part outside, has the exceptionally beautiful pattern. 此女,下半身浸没在沼泽,裸露在外的上半身,有着异常美丽的花纹。 The pattern, has by his two sides cheeks, along the snow white nape of the neck, to the twin peaks of standing tall and erect, extends to the smooth waist abdomen again...... 花纹,由其两边脸颊起,沿着雪白脖颈,到高耸的双峰,再延伸到平滑的腰腹…… Mu Biqiong!” 穆碧琼!” Dong Li one startled, she looks at that to be full of the enticement, the inhuman perfect torso and body, thought that shocks and envies, is not right, this Bliss Mountain woman, should......” 董丽一惊,她看着那充满了诱惑,非人般完美的胴、体,都觉得震撼且羡慕,“不对,这个极乐山的女人,应该是被……” Elder sister, is you are visiting me?” “姐姐,是你在看着我么?” In strange scene that Dark Light Wheel shines upon, Mu Biqiong smiles, the smiling face is genial, an eye, made Ji Cang and Dong Li, was surprised. 黑暗光轮映照的奇异场景中,穆碧琼嫣然一笑,笑容和煦温柔,一双眼睛,却令季苍董丽,都为之惊奇。 An eye, the deep place appears two monster flower. 一双眼睛,深处浮现两朵妖花 The flowers, just like the pupil, made her eye, attracted the enthusiasm, cold heartless. 花朵,宛如瞳仁,令她的眼睛,一只魅惑热情,一只冷冽无情。 Likely is two people, two souls, two lives merge into one organic whole. 像是两个人,两个灵魂,两个生命融为一体。 Wrapped in a shroud of obscurity. 神秘莫测。 The bog of her lower part immerse, two beautiful legs of not being able to find, resemble the rhizomes of two monster flower, deeply implants the bog, is deriving the nutrient. 她下半身浸没的沼泽,两条瞧不见的美腿,似两株妖花的根茎,深深地植入沼泽,汲取着养分。 The water of bog, little dry, violent poison miasma of her top of the head, the desalination is slowly thin. 沼泽的水,一点点干涸,她头顶的剧毒瘴气,慢慢淡化稀薄。 Elder sister, how to speak?” “姐姐,怎么不说话?” She smiles supply, stretches out clear such as the section of finger of jade, resembled to select mischievously. 她柔柔地笑着,伸出晶莹如玉的一截指头,调皮地,似点了过来。 ! 蓬! Her fingertip, by dark lightning glow tearing and biting, she was called a pain, the fingertip fair skin to split suddenly gently, departs the thin as hair flowering branch, layer on layer punctures. 她的指尖,突被黑暗电芒撕咬,她轻轻叫了一声痛,指尖白皙的皮裂开,从中飞出纤细如发的花枝,重重地刺来。 The tranquil puddle, resembled is pounded a giant stone, the inverted image dissipated suddenly. 平静的水潭,似被砸了一块巨石,倒影突然消散。 A Dong Li mind pain, stuffy snort/hum, slightly changes countenance. 董丽脑海一痛,闷哼了一声,微微变色 Dark Light Wheel cannot shine again, that Mu Biqiong appearance comes out, she, should by that Symbiotic Flower, to perfectly body posession. Moreover, that Symbiotic Flower, is quite satisfied her body, the complete strength, will transplant to her within the body directly.” On the Dong Li face is dignified. 黑暗光轮再也映照不出,那穆碧琼的样子出来,“她,应该被那一株共生花,给完美地夺舍了。而且,那株共生花,极为满意她的这具躯壳,直接就将全部的力量,移植到她的体内了。”董丽脸上都是凝重。 Scatters to three worlds Symbiotic Flower, is seed germinations, chooses the appropriate host growth. 散落到三界共生花,都是种子发芽,挑选合适的宿主生长。 After waiting to grow, then misleads host, comes the Gloomy Abyss entrance, integrates that Symbiotic Flower main body. 等成长之后,便蛊惑宿主,来幽暗深渊入口,融入那一株共生花主体。 Mu Biqiong within the body that is only seed germination, but the Symbiotic Flower main body, is extremely satisfied to this body, the main force, has poured into unexpectedly. 穆碧琼体内那一株,只是一枚种子发芽而成,可共生花的主体,对她这具躯体极其满意,竟然将主体力量,灌入了进来。 Symbiotic Flower, in the Mu Biqiong shape, presents in this. 共生花,以穆碧琼的形态,呈现在此。 Mu Biqiong memory, life experience and remnant soul, becomes Symbiotic Flower part...... 穆碧琼的记忆、人生经历、残魂,也成为共生花的一部分…… Shout! 呼! In place that Dong Li and Ji Cang cannot see, the bog that Symbiotic Flower takes root, the unexpectedly rapid traverse, is rushing to Dong Li and Ji Cang. 董丽季苍看不到的地方,那株共生花扎根的沼泽,竟然快速移动,奔着董丽季苍而来。 ! whoosh, whoosh! 咻!咻咻 At this moment, Demon Race Great Lord, with 9-Step Thunder Dragon, simultaneously crashes from the upper air. 就在此刻,一个魔族大君,和一头九阶雷龙,同时从高空坠落。 They still fought in Cloudy Demon Domain before, discovers the channel to open, arrives hurriedly. 他们之前还在阴魔域战斗,发现通道开启,又急匆匆降临。 They have not fought on the way again, after the plan came, does to haggle over again. 他们途中没有再战,本打算进来以后,再做计较。 Two Alien Race, see a monster different beautiful woman together, the immerse in the bog. 两个异族,一起看到一位妖异绝美的女人,浸没在沼泽。 Demon Race, Thunder Dragon, looks at that clearly is the female of Human Race appearance, is unexpectedly dazzling and intoxicating, resembles completely immerses under her charm, somewhat is absentminded. 一个魔族,一头雷龙,看着那个分明是人族模样的女子,竟然目眩神迷,似完全沉浸在她的魅力之下,都有些失魂落魄。 Hehe.” “呵呵。” The Mu Biqiong chuckle, the bog under body is still moving, her two hands, palm distant to approaching Demon Race and Thunder Dragon. 穆碧琼轻笑,身下的沼泽还在移动,她两只手,掌心遥遥对向魔族雷龙 The thick long fierce strange rhizome, comes out from her palm hurricane suddenly, the instantaneous winding in Bloodlines Ancestral Transformation, several kilometers high Demon Race Great Lord, is blooming on thunder lightning giant thunder dragon body with that. 粗长狰狞的诡异根茎,陡然从她掌心狂飙出来,瞬间缠绕在血脉返祖,数千米高的魔族大君,和那绽放着雷霆闪电的巨大雷龙身上。 Gets down.” “下来。” Mu Biqiong pulls, twined Demon Race Great Lord and Thunder Dragon, were dragged into the bog stiffly. 穆碧琼一扯,被缠绕的魔族大君雷龙,硬生生被拉入沼泽。 Demon Race Great Lord and Thunder Dragon, send out the appalling pain to shout the pitiful yell, is only a pity under the bog, there is a more terrorist rhizome, the trunk and branches pricks their flesh and blood, is nibbling their vitality, making them not have living quickly. 魔族大君雷龙,发出令人毛骨悚然的痛呼惨叫,只可惜沼泽底下,有更恐怖的根茎,枝干刺入他们的血肉,蚕食着他们的生机,令他们很快就没了生息。 Mu Biqiong eye pupil deep place, reappearing two monster flower, is even more clear, a brightness, a coldness. 穆碧琼眼瞳深处,浮现的两朵妖花,则是愈发清晰,一朵鲜艳,一朵冷冽。 Nie Tian within the body, includes Life Source, I drool your flesh and blood, for a long time was very very long.” She has licked the tongue, on the beautiful face, has written all over the hope, but also recalled that initially in Fragmentary Destroyed Battlefield, several times started to Nie Tian's, actually flies back without any results, this time, should not be defeated.” 聂天体内,含有生命本源,我垂涎你的血肉,已经很久很久了。”她舔了舔舌头,绝美的脸上,写满了渴望,还回想起当初在碎灭战场,对聂天的几次下手,却无功而返,“这次,该不会失败了。” ...... ……
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