KMD :: Volume #18

#1708: Divine Fire arrives

Solitary Star Sea. 寂星海 The Ancient Spirit Clan clansman, the Wood Clan clansman, scatters in the major domain world. 古灵族族人,还有木族的族人,散落于各大域界天地。 And, a clansman of Heaven Holding Djinn clan, in Nie Tian by Flame Dragon Armor, that land that can go. 其中,擎天巨灵一族的族人,就在聂天炎龙铠,能前往的那个陆地。 At this moment, Heaven Holding Djinn of these lands, suddenly discovered that pierces the trunk and branches of this territory, changes to the flying ash to dissipate. 此刻,这些陆地的擎天巨灵,忽然就发现,那一株洞穿此域的枝干,化作飞灰消散。 Other, Giant Dragon Clan and Ancient Beast Clan life domain, similarly so. 别的,巨龙族古兽族生活的域界,同样如此。 Comes from the Spirit World migration, these Ancient Spirit Clan and Wood Clan clansman, suddenly discovered that in this piece of Solitary Star Sea, the tree trunk that first-generation Life Ancient Tree withers, slowly did not have. 灵界迁移而来的,那些古灵族木族族人,忽然就发现在这片寂星海,第一代生命古树枯萎的树身,慢慢就没了。 exist(ence), was prohibiting the strength of Solitary Star Sea this side world, eliminates in light of this. 原本存在的,封禁着寂星海此方天地的力量,就此消泯。 From now henceforth, the Ruins World Three Great Alien Race clansman, can enter Solitary Star Sea, can through Solitary Star Sea, go to Spirit World. 从今以后,墟界三大奇族族人,就能进入寂星海,也能通过寂星海,前往灵界 Meanwhile, in Cloudy Demon Star Territory third-generation Life Ancient Tree, then grows crazily! 与此同时,远在阴魔星域的第三代生命古树,则是疯狂地生长! Third-generation Life Ancient Tree, thick long trunk and branches, as if must puncture Central Province Domain world's wall. 第三代生命古树,粗长的枝干,仿佛要刺破中州域界壁 Sits well in White Bones Throne Penetrating Bones Great Venerable, look is dignified gradually, Spirit World protector, Wood Clan founder, really...... No small matter. No wonder, loses in Solitary Star Sea including Heavenly Soul Great Venerable.” 端坐在白骨王座彻骨大尊,眼神逐渐凝重,“灵界的守护者,木族的缔造者,果然……非同小可。难怪,连天魂大尊都在寂星海铩羽而归。” Shout! 呼! Penetrating Bones Great Venerable is controlling White Bones Throne, suddenly shoots at Central Province Domain. 彻骨大尊驾驭着白骨王座,突然射向中州域 Demon Race Dry Demon Great Venerable, in the rich Demon Qi deep place, narrows the eyes to focus, is looking at Central Province Domain indifferently, said: You who can compel, leave from Spirit World, take the trouble Ruins World, is not easy.” 魔族乾魔大尊,在浓郁的魔气深处,眯着眼,冷漠地望着中州域,道:“能逼的你,从灵界离开,移驾到墟界,也是不容易。” He does not have the meaning of immediately meddling. 他没有立即插手的意思。 Takes back the line of sight, he looks to gradually the bright dark place, looks at numerous Demon Plant and Spirit Plant, died because of third-generation Life Ancient Tree, mutters: Including here Spirit Plant, receives your suppression.” 收回视线,他又看向渐渐明亮的幽暗之地,看着众多的魔植灵植,因第三代生命古树而死亡,喃喃道:“连这里的灵植,都受你的压制。” Under. 下方。 What? Is the Spirit World world energy, reducing rapidly?” Ji Cang one startled, Ancient Spirit Clan, was the Wood Clan clansman, forced to migrate to Extinguished Star Sea?” “什么?灵界的天地能量,正在迅速的消减?”季苍一惊,“古灵族,还有木族族人,都被迫迁移到灭星海了?” He just, obtained this news from Nie Tian there. 他刚刚,从聂天那里得到这个消息。 After shock, Ji Cang awakens suddenly, no wonder, no wonder......” 震惊过后,季苍似突然醒悟,“难怪,难怪了……” No wonder what?” Nie Tian is puzzled. “难怪什么?”聂天不解。 Life Ancient Tree, withered two generations, the third generation just grew.” Ji Cang explained that it wants to restore to the first-generation altitude, achieves the Supreme rank the strength, needs the vast energy support. Spirit World, declining of world energy, has limited its entering step path.” 生命古树,枯萎了两代,第三代才刚刚成长。”季苍解释,“它想要恢复到第一代的高度,达到至尊级别的力量,需要浩瀚的能量支撑。灵界,天地能量的败落,限制了它的进阶道路。” It, should know that such Spirit World, does not have too to hope, can help it to restore to the most flourishing condition.” “它,应该是知道,那样的灵界,是没有太多希望,能助它恢复到全盛状态了。” Therefore, it chooses to take root to mysterious Central Province Domain, because Central Province Domain that side world, resembles to bury the secret. But now, induces to opening of Gloomy Abyss, does not hesitate trillion miles, catches up from Spirit World, restores the peak that asks.” “所以,它选择扎根到神秘的中州域,因为中州域内部的那一方世界,似埋藏着秘密。而现在,感应到幽暗深渊的开启,又不惜亿万里,从灵界赶来,所求的,也是恢复到巅峰。” Ji Cang frowns, does not know that actually it restored many strengths now......” 季苍皱着眉头,“就是不知道,它现在究竟恢复了多少力量……” Along with Life Ancient Tree and Penetrating Bones Great Venerable, fights in Central Province Domain, the dark place has many Demon Plant and Spirit Plant, perishes because of Life Ancient Tree. 随着生命古树彻骨大尊,在中州域内部战斗,幽暗之地有更多的魔植灵植,因生命古树而亡。 Most formidable, Demon Eyes Monster Flower, Symbiotic Flower and Ghost Tree , etc., hides completely. 最强大的,魔眼妖花共生花幽魂树等,全部潜藏起来。 The danger of dark place, but therefore greatly reduces. 幽暗之地的危险,因此而大大减小。 „!” “啊!” At once, Dong Li calls out in alarm once again. 旋即,董丽又一次惊叫。 The Ruins Spirit offensive, comes suddenly again, is attacking her dark light shield crazily. 墟灵的攻势,突然再来,疯狂冲击着她的黑暗光盾。 Ruins Spirit, Ruins Spirit......” Nie Tian inspired, immediately offers a sacrifice to Flame God Domain, that mysterious and unpredictable flame formation, slowly is also changing. 墟灵,墟灵……”聂天吸了一口气,立即将火焰神域祭出,那玄奥莫测火焰法阵,也在缓缓变动着。 His innermost feelings exude one to shout. 他内心发出一声呼喊。 The next quarter, he induces the response of Divine Fire unexpectedly! 下一刻,他竟然感应出神火的回应! Made him think what was unthinkable, in the dark place, as if had some strength, was responding Divine Fire! 更令他觉得匪夷所思的是,幽暗之地中,仿佛有某种力量,响应着神火 In his Flame God Domain, that copy to Flame Land, that ultra-large flame formation, in the lineup key position, on is suddenly elegant bunch of red-orange flame. 他的火焰神域中,那拓印炎陆的,那超大型的火焰法阵,阵形枢纽内,突然就飘逸出一簇橘红色的火焰 Extremely Flame Star Territory Divine Fire! 极炎星域神火 Divine Fire, disregards the infinite space hindrance of Ruins World and Human World, emits from his Flame God Domain fiercely. 神火,无视墟界人界的无穷空间阻碍,从他的火焰神域中猛地冒出。 Goes directly to this side unusual place! 直达这方异地 Divine Fire!” Dong Li calls out in alarm. 神火!”董丽惊叫。 Divine Fire, originates from Gloomy Abyss, one type is more formidable, more mystical Ruins Spirit!” Ji Cang also loudly shakes, said: This bunch of Divine Fire, stemmed from this! Why it will leave, in Extremely Flame Star Territory appear(ance), throughout is a riddle, I cannot untie!” 神火,来源于幽暗深渊的,一种更强大,更神秘的墟灵!”季苍也轰然一震,道:“这一簇神火,本就出自于此!它因何会离开,会在极炎星域出现,始终都是一个谜,我都解不开!” Whether, to help me?” Nie Tian through the thought of soul, to that bunch of Divine Fire, has sent out the request. “能否,帮我一个忙?”聂天通过魂之念头,向那一簇神火,发出了请求。 He requested Divine Fire, solves the trouble of Dong Li. 他请求神火,去解决董丽的麻烦。 He can see, Dark Light Wheel that Dong Li wields, soon cannot protect itself. 他能看出,董丽执掌的黑暗光轮,也快要护不住自己。 But attack Dong Li Ruins Spirit, he cannot see, cannot induce, does not know how to start. 而攻击董丽墟灵,他看不到,感应不出,不知如何下手。 „......” “呃……” His request, but sends out, then dull is shocked. 他的请求,不过才发出,便呆愣住。 Hollow of Dong Li that darkness light shield, when Divine Fire appear(ance), immediately stopped. 董丽那黑暗光盾的凹陷,在神火出现之时,立即就止住了。 ! 嗤嗤! In Dong Li peripheral, has the thing of not being able to see, suddenly was bound by bunches of small Fire Sprout of Divine Fire release, has burnt. 董丽周边,有看不见的东西,突然被神火释放的一簇簇小火苗裹住,燃烧了起来。 He can listen faintly, seems to be Ruins Spirit, exudes psst pitiful yell sound. 他隐隐能听出,似有墟灵,发出“吱吱”的惨叫声。 What is mysterious, combustion small Fire Sprout, has not changed is unexpectedly small, instead is increasing little. 神奇的是,燃烧的小火苗,竟没有变小,反而在一点点变大。 Separates from Divine Fire, that bunches of small Fire Sprout, when combustion Ruins Spirit, as if in refining these Ruins Spirit strengths, is used for formidable. 神火分离出去的,那一簇簇小火苗,在燃烧墟灵时,仿佛在炼化着那些墟灵的力量,用来强大自己。 hū hū hū! 呼呼呼 Many small Fire Sprout, separate from Divine Fire, flip-flop is burning in the nearby. 更多的小火苗,从神火分离出去,就在附近噼啪地燃烧着。 Is burning small Fire Sprout, is expanding! 燃烧着的小火苗,都在壮大! Has strong small Fire Sprout, separates other Fire Sprout once more, in peripheral is burning, expands little. 有壮大的小火苗,再次分离出别的火苗,也在周边燃烧着,一点点壮大。 In secret, as if many Ruins Spirit, in peripheral are pacing back and forth. 暗中,似乎许多的墟灵,就在周边徘徊着。 These Ruins Spirit, in Divine Fire appear(ance) that instant, became the Divine Fire strong strengths, preyed on by Divine Fire! 这些墟灵,在神火出现的那一霎,成为了神火壮大的力量,被神火捕食! Divine Fire, in this way, is clearly strengthening own strength through these Ruins Spirit! 神火,分明在通过这种方式,通过那些墟灵增强着自身的力量! It, but also has sent out joyously, as if returns to here very much happily, at this time. 它,还发出了欢悦,仿佛很高兴回归这里,在这个时候。 It, waits for this moment, as if waited for a long time is very very long.” Broken Star Ancient Temple Palace Master Ji Cang, is looking at that bunch of red-orange Fire Sprout, it, the aura of flesh and blood. This aura......” “它,等候这一刻,似乎等候了很久很久。”碎星古殿殿主季苍,望着那一簇橘红色的火苗,“它,还有了血肉的气息。这股气息……” Ji Cang looks to Nie Tian, the look was inquiring. 季苍看向聂天,眼神在询问。 I, had a transaction with it, it presents my fire seed, I give it three drops of blood essence.” Nie Tian said. “我,曾经和它有过一次交易,它馈赠我一枚火种,我给予它三滴精血。”聂天说。 Ji Cang surprisedly. 季苍惊奇不已。 Outside Cloudy Demon Domain, Demon Race Dry Demon Great Venerable, is looking under that brightens gradually throughout, resembles has been waiting. 阴魔域外,魔族乾魔大尊,始终在看着渐渐变亮的下方,似一直在等等。 Waited for that bunch of Divine Fire, departs from Nie Tian's Flame God Domain, his eye, suddenly likely is the purple color hot sun, is suddenly dazzling bright, blooms to absorb rays of light of person. 等待那一簇神火,从聂天的火焰神域飞出,他的眼睛,突然像是紫色烈日,骤然明耀,绽放出摄人的光芒 Including you, can't trace?” He grinned, hey laughs, I early should know that you meet appear(ance), but has not thought that you are in this manner.” “连你,都摸不过来么?”他咧开嘴,嘿嘿大笑起来,“我早该知道,你一定会出现,只是没有想到,你是以这种方式。” The arrival of Divine Fire, made him, instead excited excited. 神火的到来,令他,反而激动兴奋了起来。 Bang! 轰! He whips again and again, numerous Extinguished Star Sea hybrid, evil way Qi Refinement Warrior, completely likely is the gravel, was patted by him falls to that brilliant channel. 他连连拍打,众多灭星海的混血者,邪道炼气士,全部像是石子,被他拍落到那绚烂通道。 Dry Demon Great Venerable slaughters suddenly, resembles because of Divine Fire appear(ance), may not treat urgently. 乾魔大尊突然大开杀戒,似因神火出现,亟不可待了。 ...... ……
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