KMD :: Volume #16

#1540: Turtle Eating Insect

Length and breadth boundless blood sea, life aura is boundless, everywhere. 广袤无际的血海,生命气息磅礴浩瀚,无处不在。 Drops drop glittering and translucent carving blood essence, gathering is the sea, changes to his Life Bloodline source Life Blood Domain. 滴滴晶莹剔透的精血,汇聚为海,化作他生命血脉的源头生命血域 The balloon that his ghost, such as moves with the wind, flutters in blood sea. 他的一道幽魂,如随风而动的气球,飘荡在血海 The blood sea deep place, has to send out purely the life strength magnetic field, is representing Life Source, is representing most peak core life true meaning, is attracting him. 血海深处,有散发着纯粹生命之力的磁场,代表着生命本源,代表着最极致核心的生命真谛,在吸引着他。 His ghost, flies toward the blood sea deep place straightly. 他的幽魂,笔直地,朝着血海深处飞逝。 „! whoosh, whoosh!” “咻!咻咻!” Bunch life flowing light, blooms from that blood sea deep place, arrows, spreads to eight sides. 一束束生命流光,从那血海深处绽放,箭矢般,扩散到八方。 Each bunch of life flowing light, record life strength Grand Dao to be mysterious, brand mark a life secret technique operational mode, or dust-laden in history, passing. 每一束生命流光,都记载着生命力量的大道奥妙,烙印着一种生命秘术的运作方式,亦或者尘封在历史中的,一段段过往。 Nie Tian's that ghost, was often hit by life flowing light, flowing light such as has delimited the air, dodges to pass. 聂天的那道幽魂,每每被生命流光击中,流光如划过空气,一闪而逝。 But in flowing light, brand mark life true meaning and knowledge, then in contact instant that got down by his ghost copy, becomes part that he remembers, and will never obliterate. 流光内,烙印着的生命真谛、知识,则是在接触霎那,就被他的幽魂拓印下来,成为他记忆的一部分,且永不磨灭。 In many flowing light the knowledge of brand mark, is abstrusely difficult to understand. 只是,很多流光内烙印的知识,艰深难懂。 Then is his Life Bloodline, strides in 9-Step, has awakened numerous life talent, has understood clearly all sorts of life secret technique, there are much knowledge , he is unable to induce. 便是他的生命血脉,跨入到九阶,觉醒了众多生命天赋,洞悉了种种生命秘术,有很多知识,他还是云里雾里的,无从感应。 This time, what life secret technique will I harvest?” “这次,我会收获什么生命秘术?” His innermost feelings, has filled with anticipation. 他内心,还是充满了期待。 He as far as possible, is also going to close blood sea deep place, blooms the Life Source strength magnetic field. 他也在尽可能地,去接近血海深处,绽放出生命本源力量的磁场。 He has a feeling, if his ghost, can arrive in the blood sea deep place truly, can gaze at with own eyes, can see that wrapped in a shroud of obscurity Life Source, he can obtain strongest life secret technique. 他有种感觉,若他的这道幽魂,能真正抵达血海深处,能亲眼注视,能看到那神秘莫测的生命本源,他就能得到最强的生命秘术 Also the energy, knows the life strength the deepest secret. 也能,得知生命力量的最深秘密。 Therefore, along the way bunch of places, life flowing light that crosses from this ghost, the memory knowledge that the brand mark comes, he simply has not consumed the thoughts sensibility. 因此,沿途一束束地,从他这道幽魂越过的生命流光,烙印而来的记忆知识,他根本没有耗费心思感悟。 He fully realized that he in the time of endless blood sea stay, will not be long. 他深知,他在无尽血海逗留的时间,绝不会太久。 He must make the best use of the time, goes to have the core of Life Source magnetic field release as far as possible close. 他要抓紧时间,尽可能地,去接近有生命本源磁场释放的核心。 His life blood essence, when outside a little bit burnup, his Soul Power, when he explores Blood Domain, fast passes, he feels more and more urgent. 他的生命精血,在外界一滴滴燃耗着,他的灵魂力量,也在他探索血域时,飞快地流逝,他越来越感到急迫。 Obviously, left the blood sea deep place to be very close obviously, can induce the liveliness of life field obviously, may not be as if able to arrive. 明明,明明离血海深处很接近了,明明能感应出生命磁场的活跃,可仿佛就是无法抵达。 ...... …… Snow Domain. 雪域 Dong Li, Human Race all parties God Domain, Wood Clan Raw Wood Great Venerable, Ancient Spirit Clan three Great Venerable, in Crystal Snow Domain, the matter of discussion altogether anti- Ruins World Alien Race. 董丽,人族各方神域,木族原木大尊,还有古灵族三位大尊,在晶雪域,洽谈共抗墟界异族之事。 Tearing Giant Beast in Floating Land, not with them together. 浮陆中的撕裂巨兽,并没有和他们一道儿。 Floating Land is flying in Snow Domain, is illegal some intentions, shrinks in the domain Alien Race clansman, such as the capture reptile clutches. 浮陆雪域飞逝着,将部分心怀不轨,缩在域界异族族人,一个个如捕捉爬虫般揪出来。 Several 9-Step Demon and Evil Dark Race Great Lord, was pulled Floating Land by Tearing Giant Beast, degenerates into delicacy that it has a full stomach. 数位九阶妖魔邪冥族大君,被撕裂巨兽拉扯到浮陆,沦为它果腹的美味。 After a while, big Snow Domain, indeed again does not have the Alien Race clansman to stop over. 一阵子后,偌大一个雪域,的的确确再没有异族族人逗留。 !” “呼!” The grey white aura, spreads from Floating Land gradually, covers Snow Domain each border end leisurely. 灰白色的气息,渐渐从浮陆蔓延,慢悠悠地覆盖到雪域的每一个边沿尽头。 If the vault, resembles barrier light barrier, has sealed up entire Snow Domain. 如穹顶,似结界光幕,封闭了整个雪域 That is covering of Tearing Giant Beast to Snow Domain. 那是撕裂巨兽雪域的笼罩。 As the matter stands, even if Ruins World Alien Race, has to be skilled in Space Power, wants to enter Snow Domain, must break the Tearing Giant Beast vitality to prohibit. 这样一来,就算是墟界异族,有精通空间之力者,想要进入雪域,都必须破掉撕裂巨兽的气血封禁。 On the contrary, Human Race Ji Yuanquan, Zhao Shanling and the others, pass and out Snow Domain to be unzoned. 相反,人族姬元泉,还有赵山陵等人,进出雪域都不受限制。 Tearing Giant Beast has enough wisdom, has enough consciousness, can make it in breaths, distinguishes to penetrate space, is Human Race here clansman, is Ruins World Alien Race. 撕裂巨兽有足够的智慧,有足够的意识,能够令它在一息间,分辨出要穿透空间的,是人族这边的族人,还是墟界异族 Completes these, Floating Land is fluttering, arrived at the place of Flying Snow Domain Nie Tian self-torture. 将这些做完,浮陆飘动着,又到了飞雪域聂天苦修之地。 He entered, source of his Bloodlines correspondence.......” “他进入了,他血脉对应的源头……。” The Tearing Giant Beast vitality and soul thought, can prohibit entire Snow Domain, naturally can also, seep Flying Snow Domain easily, can see Nie Tian to sit in meditation, by the blood membrane is binding special shape. 撕裂巨兽的气血和魂念,能封禁整个雪域,自然也能轻而易举地,渗透到飞雪域,能看到聂天静坐着,被血膜裹着的特殊形态。 What thing?” “什么东西?” The Tearing Giant Beast everywhere vitality and thought that smell suddenly exceptionally. 撕裂巨兽无处不在的气血和念头,突嗅到异常。 A Snow Domain border corner/horn, trillion strange insects, are howling sharply. 雪域边沿一角,有亿万怪异的虫豸,尖利地嘶啸着。 These insects change to a piece of brown insect sea, each insect like housefly, in its eye small can ignore. 那些虫豸化作一片褐色虫海,每一只虫豸都如蚊蝇,在它眼中小的可以忽略不计。 But trillion insects gather in together, the aura that transmits, made a Tearing Giant Beast threat feeling. 可亿万虫豸汇聚在一块儿,传来的气息,却令撕裂巨兽都有一种威胁感。 It felt that the insect of that everywhere, can have the influence. 它感觉,那漫天的虫豸,能对它造成影响。 Hey, is really Starry Sky Giant Beast vitality strength, is prohibiting Snow Domain!” “嘿,果然是星空巨兽气血之力,封禁着雪域!” In the countless brown insects, emits Ruins World Alien Race Great Venerable suddenly, Demon Race Agatha, White Bones Race Descendant Bones Great Venerable, Dark Soul Race, Thousand Souls Great Venerable separate soul. 数不尽的褐色虫豸中,忽冒出一位位墟界异族大尊,魔族阿加莎,白骨族胤骨大尊,还有冥魂族,千魂大尊的一道分魂 The strange insect, is dancing in the air in the woods bones of the dead body of Descendant Bones Great Venerable, was shouting in Thousand Souls Great Venerable separate soul, the group reunited to well up in the under foot of Agatha, used for them. 怪异的虫豸,在胤骨大尊的森白骨身飞舞着,在千魂大尊分魂叫嚷着,团团聚涌在阿加莎的脚下,为他们所用。 Behind insect sea horizon, Bloodthirsty Great Venerable, Netherspan Great Venerable and Grey Bones Great Venerable impressively in row. 虫海后方天际,嗜血大尊通幽大尊灰骨大尊赫然在列。 Spirit World Alien Race Great Venerable, in extremely in a short time, with the Alien Race Great Venerable convergence of Ruins World, and achieved tacitly, regards as place of key Snow Domain. 灵界异族大尊,在极短时间内,和墟界异族大尊汇合,并达成了默契般,将雪域视为一个关键之地。 Or will make Tearing Giant Beast of their rout again and again, regards as the most important killing goal! 或者说,将连连令他们溃败的撕裂巨兽,视为最重要的袭杀目标! Our Ruins World three clans, from starting start in Spirit World and Starry Sky Giant Beast fight unfavorable situation, how is studying diligently to cope with these terrifying giant beasts.” The Thousand Souls Great Venerable soul shade, hangs in the insect sea, said to Spirit World Bloodthirsty Great Venerable and Netherspan Great Venerable: After the innumerable year of explorations, we had found some methods, these were cultivated by us, the named Turtle Eating Insect different insect, can cope with them.” “我们墟界三族,从开始在灵界星空巨兽战斗失利开始,就在钻研如何对付这些恐怖巨兽。”千魂大尊的魂影,高悬在虫海上,向灵界嗜血大尊通幽大尊说道:“经过无数年的探索,我们找到了一些方法,这些被我们培育出来,名为鳌食虫的异虫,就能对付它们。” Turtle Eating Insect, includes Bone Devouring Leech, Gold-Devouring Insect, a day of sea turtle, waits for 19 different insect Bloodlines. These different insects, have Spirit World, Human World, there is our Ruins World.” 鳌食虫,含有噬骨蛭,噬金虫,还有天鳌,等等19种异虫血脉。那些异虫,有灵界的,也人界的,也有我们墟界的。” But is main, is one type not well-known, originates from the different insect of Starry Sky Giant Beast within the body!” “但最最主要的,还是一种不知名的,来源于星空巨兽体内的异虫!” That different insect, looks like the toxin of Starry Sky Giant Beast within the body is the same, can destroy and gnaw to eat the Starry Sky Giant Beast flesh and blood, making it be incapable weakly, making its vitality be defeated and dispersed.” “那异虫,就像是星空巨兽体内的毒素一样,能破坏、啃食星空巨兽的血肉,令其虚弱无力,令其气血溃散。” We are primarily that different insect, combines various three worlds kind of strange insect, helping it become more formidable, is more suitable to cope with Starry Sky Giant Beast.” “我们就是以那种异虫为主,混杂三界各类奇虫,帮助它变得更强大,更适合对付星空巨兽。” We rear in a pen it in a Ruins World restricted area, but also in blood muscle with the Starry Sky Giant Beast stump residual limb, feeds them, making them be enchanted by the Starry Sky Giant Beast vitality, made their evolutions, became can seep finally prohibits to the Starry Sky Giant Beast vitality, can drill into its flesh pore different insect Turtle Eating Insect.” “我们将其圈养在墟界一禁地,还以星空巨兽的残肢内血筋,来喂食它们,令它们迷醉星空巨兽的气血,令它们一次次进化,终成为能渗透到星空巨兽气血封禁,能钻入其肌肤毛孔的异虫鳌食虫。” Turtle Eating Insect insect sea, so long as enters the Starry Sky Giant Beast body, can gnaw food its flesh and blood unceasingly, the short time multiplies the massive insects, gives to consume livingly Starry Sky Giant Beast.” 鳌食虫的虫海,只要进入星空巨兽身体,就能不断啃食其血肉,短时间繁衍出大量虫豸,将星空巨兽都给活生生耗死。” Thousand Souls Great Venerable explained methodically. 千魂大尊有条不紊地解释。 Because of the great strength of Tearing Giant Beast, the clansman loses deeply grieved Bloodthirsty Great Venerable, Netherspan Great Venerable and Grey Bones Great Venerable, hears his these words, in the pupil is full immediately the turbulent murderous intention. 撕裂巨兽的强大,族人损失惨痛的嗜血大尊通幽大尊灰骨大尊,听闻他这番话,眸中立即充溢着汹涌杀机。 If that Tearing Giant Beast can solve, Human World, then does not have the strength of again war.” Grey Bones Great Venerable said. “要是那头撕裂巨兽能解决,人界这边,便没有再战之力。”灰骨大尊道。 Bloodthirsty Great Venerable came from Seven Stars World Sea, he by the Ruins World same race strength, deeply was shocked. 嗜血大尊七星界海而来,他被墟界同族的实力,给深深震撼。 At present, several Demon Race, Dark Soul Race and White Bones Race Great Venerable, although the leader, is only Initial-Rank Agatha, Middle-Rank Descendant Bones Great Venerable, but Demon Race and White Bones Race Great Venerable base number is numerous. 目前,就有十几位魔族冥魂族白骨族大尊,虽领头者,只是初阶阿加莎,还有中阶胤骨大尊,可魔族白骨族大尊基数众多。 Moreover, High-Rank Great Venerable, will soon arrive. 而且,高阶大尊,也即将抵达。 This strength, in addition they, sweep away Human World to be easy as pie. 这股力量,再加上他们,横扫人界易如反掌。 Goes.” “去吧。” Thousand Souls Great Venerable waved, has filled star vault Turtle Eating Insect, approached Snow Domain enormously and powerful. 千魂大尊一挥手,充满了星穹鳌食虫,浩浩荡荡地,就向雪域而来。 Squeek psst!” “吱吱吱!” Smells the Starry Sky Giant Beast aura Turtle Eating Insect, only sends out the excited scream, they contacted immediately, is released vitality barrier that by Tearing Giant Beast. 嗅到星空巨兽气息的鳌食虫,一只只发出兴奋的尖叫,它们顿时接触了,由撕裂巨兽释放出来的气血结界 grey white, includes barrier of Tearing Giant Beast vitality, was gnawed to nip by Turtle Eating Insect. 灰白色的,含有撕裂巨兽气血的结界,被鳌食虫啃咬。 Turtle Eating Insect within the body, extremely evil and cruel strange, specifically aims at Starry Sky Giant Beast Bloodlines, erupts one after another. 鳌食虫体内,极其歹毒诡异的,专门针对星空巨兽血脉,接连爆发开来。 Sees only the Tearing Giant Beast vitality to prohibit to assume, under gnawing of Turtle Eating Insect, such as was corroded by the sulphuric acid, immediately broke large cave. 只见撕裂巨兽的气血封禁呈,就在鳌食虫的啃噬下,如被硫酸腐蚀,马上就破了大洞。 Turtle Eating Insect gnawed these vitalities, the small body, such as has gotten drunk sway, was flying, while left behind the ovum, the ovum in a short time, will turn into newborn Turtle Eating Insect. 鳌食虫啃噬那些气血,小小的身躯,如喝醉了般摇摇晃晃地,一边飞逝着,一边留下虫卵,虫卵会在很短时间内,变成新生的鳌食虫 Quick, Turtle Eating Insect quantity, were many 20%. 很快,鳌食虫的数量,就多了两成。 Newborn Turtle Eating Insect, excited Turtle Eating Insect, has not worried to impact the Snow Domain deep place, has the place of Tearing Giant Beast vitality in the border, gnawed these vitality barrier, was multiplying more insects. 新生的鳌食虫,还有兴奋的鳌食虫,一点不着急冲击雪域深处,就在边沿有撕裂巨兽气血的地方,啃噬那些气血结界,繁衍着更多虫豸。 Effective! Really effective!” “有效!果真有效!” Bloodthirsty Great Venerable grinned, smiles fiercely strangely. 嗜血大尊咧开嘴,狰狞地怪笑。 Other Spirit World Alien Race clansmen , the coordinate place, laughs wildly. 其余灵界异族族人,也配合地,猖狂地大笑。 They were scared by Tearing Giant Beast, by the Tearing Giant Beast arrogance, was oppressed for a long time was too too long. 他们被撕裂巨兽吓破了胆,被撕裂巨兽的气焰,压迫了太久太久。 The unfavorable situation of Through Heavens Star Territory, suffering defeat of Snow Domain, Tearing Giant Beast plays the important role. 通天星域的失利,雪域的败北,撕裂巨兽都起到至关重要的作用。 Them, so long as Tearing Giant Beast can cope, Human Race already the rout, already degenerated into their enslaving. 在他们来看,只要撕裂巨兽能对付,人族早已溃败,早就沦为他们的奴役。 Worthily is the Ruins World clansman, comes, shows Ruins Energy Transformation Wheel, releases Turtle Eating Insect, fundamentally, has solved the big trouble.” “不愧是墟界的族人,一过来,就展现出墟能转化轮,就释放出鳌食虫,从根本上,解决了大麻烦。” ...... ……
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